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      • 鐵筋콘크리트 建物의 經濟的인 構造設計에 關한 硏究

        朱京在,李好璡,尹弘澤,서치호 건국대학교 1982 學術誌 Vol.26 No.2

        In general most of structure in our country, has steel of SBD 24 combining 180kg/cm2 or 210kg/cm2 of standard compressive strength of concrete. When we consider economical design in structural and practical operation, this paper has estimated steel quantities by combining the design standard strength of steel with those of concrete in reinforced concrete building which has four stories for office and then compared each other. As a result of comparing the quantities of steel according to their combination, it has searched for which combination has consumed less steel and become economic.

      • 復合 肥料의 穗肥水準이 水稻의 發熟 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        崔周浩,金鎭雨 진주산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        本硏究는 晉州農林傳門大學 學生實習團場에서 1992년 4월부터 同年 10月 까지 東律벼 (Dong Jlin)을 供試品種으로 하여, 18-0-18 複合穗料의 穗肥 水準을 窒素, 0.39㎏, 1.39㎏區 2.39㎏, 3.3㎏, 4.3㎏과 標準區 3㎏區로하여 水準 差異에 따라 收量을 調査하였던 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 稈長 및 穗長은 4.3㎏區에서 가장 길었다. 2. 出穗 및 成熟期는 穗肥水準에 따라 差異가 없었다. 3. 登熟率은 施服水準이 높을수록 낮았으며 粒數는 穗肥水準이 높을수록 많은 傾向이었다. 4. 枇重 및 層米重은 穗肥水準이 높을수록 많았으며 有意性이 認定되었다. 5. 正玄比率은 0.39㎏區에서 가장 높았다. 6. 正租收量은 4.39㎏區에서 가장 많았다. The purpose of this study is to examine the growth process and yield of the new rice variety Dongjin by a fertilizing experimentation. The levels of supplementary nitrogen were 0.391㎏, 1.391㎏, 2.391㎏, 4.391㎏ and in the control plot 3㎏ per 10a respectively. The results of experiment are as follows ; 1. The culm length and the panicle length were longest in the 4.3㎏ subplot respectively. 2. The Heading date and the Ripening period were independent of the fertilizing level. 3. The percentage of ripeness was lower and the number of grains per spikelet was larger in the higher fertilizing level. 4. The Empty grains and the Rice screenings increased respectively as the fertilizing level increased. 5. The percentage of hulled and unhulled rice and the Winnowed were highest in the 0.39㎏ and 439㎏ sub-plot respectively.

      • 木花 收量形質의 組合能力 分析

        崔周鎬 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2000 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.13 No.-

        For this study 45 cbination of F_1 and F_2 generations were bred from 10×10 diallel cross cotton during the period from April to December, 1998. The combining abilities of their yield. character were analyzed with the following result ; 1. In the variance of combining ability GCA and SCA were significant in all the characters, both the additative effect and the non-additative were shown in the combining ability, but the difference between characters was significant. 2. In the effect analysis of GCA, Quall and Cheju showed a positive effect in number of ball per plant regard of generations boll weight Suncheon, Cheju showed negative effect regardless of generation, Length of seed and width of seed showed a positive effect in imsung fiber length showed a positived effect in Tomcat and Seosan. 3. In SCA effect, number of ball per plant showed a highly effect an F_1 of Tackson×Staneville and F_2 of Seosan×Tamcot combination. Lint weight per boll showed highly effect in F_1 of Soonchun×Imsung and F_2 of Tackson×Stoneville combination. Length of seed, showed highly effect in F_1 of Jackson×Seungju and F_2 of Muan×Tomcot combination, width of seed showed a positive effect in F_1 of Stoneville×Imsung and F_2 of Muam×Cheju and according of denier showed negative effect in F_1 of Qually×Seosan and F_2 of Tamcot×Imsung. Fiber length stowed a positived effect in F_1 of Jackson×stoneville and F_2 of Jackson×seosan combination.

      • 木花 品質形質의 組合能力分析

        崔周鎬 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2002 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.15 No.-

        1999年 4月부터 2001年 12月까지 晋州産業大學校 學生實習圃場에서 木花 10개 品種을 二面 交配하여 얻은 F_(1), F_(2), 45개 組合을 材料로 하여 品質形質의 組合能力을 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 組合能力의 分散量은 GCA 및 SCA는 全 形質에서 有意하여 組合能力은 相加的, 非相加的 效果가 함께 작용하였으나 形質에 따라 差異가 있었다. 2. GCA의 效果는 100립중. 朔當實綿重 에서는 世代에 關係없이 임성 및 Tamcot이 正의 效果를, 삭당조면증, 조면비율은 世代에 關係없이 Tamcot과 Stoneville이 正의 效果를 나타내었다. 摘採綿은 世代에 關係없이 Ouall와 제주에서 正의 效果를, 木採綿은 世代에 關係없이 임성이 높은 正의 效果를 나타내었다. 收量은 世代에 關係없이 Ouall와 제주에서 높은 正의 效果를 나타내었다. 3. SCA의 效果의 100립중에서 F_(1)은 Jackson×승주, Stoneville×제주, F_(2) 世代에서는 무안×임성 組合과 朔當實綿重의 F_(1)은 Steneville×승주, F_(2) 世代에서는 Tamcot×임성 組合과, 朔當繰綿重의 F_(1)은 Tamcot×서산·제주, F_(2) 世代에서는 Stoneville×무안, Ouall×승주의 組合에서 正의 效果가 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 繰綿比率의 F_(1)은 Stoneville×Tamcot·승주, F_(2) 世代에서는 Stoneville×무안의 組合에서 正의 效果가 있는 것으로 높게 평가되었다. 摘採綿은 F_(1)은 Jackson×Ouall, F_(2) 世代에서는 Ouall×승주의 組合에서 正의 效果가 있는 것으로 높게 평가되었다. 木採綿에서 F_(1)은 Tamcot×임성, F_(2) 世代에서는 Stoneville×무안의 組合에서 負의 效果가 있는 것으로 높게 평가되었다. 收量에서 F_(1), F_(2) 兩世代에서 Ouall ×승주 組合에서 正으로 높게 평가되었다. For this study, 45 combinations of F_(1) and F_(2) generations were bred from 10 varieties of cotton through diallel cross during the period from April to December, 1997. The combining abilities of their growth character were analyzed with the following results: 1. In the variance of combining ability, GCA and SCA were significant in all the characters. Both the additive effect and the non-additive effect were shown in the combining ability, but the difference between characters was significant. 2. In the effect analysis of GCA, Imsung and Tamcot showed a negative effect in 100-seed weight and seed cotton weight regardless of generations. In Lint weight and Lint percentag Tamcot and Stoneville showed a positive effect regardless of generations. The Picked cotton Ouall and Cheju showed negative effect regardless of generations. Stiak-cut cotton showed a positive effect in Imsung. Yield showed a highly positive effect in Oull and Cheju. 3. In SCA effect, 1000-seed weight showed a highly negative effect in F_(1) of Jackson×Imsung, Stoneville×Cheju and F_(2) Muan×Imsung combination, Seed cotton weight highly negative effect in F_(1) of stoneville×Sungju and F_(2) of Tamcot×Imsung combination, Lint weight showed a highly effect in F_(1) of Tamcot×Seosan·Cheju and F_(2) of Stoneville×Muan, Ouall×Sungju combination, Lint percentage effect height in of F_(1) of Stoneville×Tamct·Sungju and F_(2) of Stoneville×Muan Combination. width of Picked cotton showed a positive effect in F_(1) of Jackson×Ouall and F_(2) of Ouall×Sungju and according of Stalk-cut cotton shown n egative effect in F_(1) of Tamct×Imsung and F_(2) of Stoneville×Muan, Yield stowed apositved affect in F_(1) and F_(2) of Ouall×Sungju Combination.

      • 목화(Gossypium spp) 생육형질의 유전분석

        최주호,이신우,이철호 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2003 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.16 No.-

        2000년 4월부터 2002년 12월까지 진주산업대학교 학생실습포장에서 목화 10개 품종을 이면교배하여 얻은 F_(1), F_(2) 45개 조합을 재료로 생육형질의 교배집단에 따른 유전분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 각 형질에 대한 분산분석 결과는 전형질에서 고도의 유의성을 나타내었다. 2. 상가적효과, 유전효과는 개서일수, 결과지수를 제외한 전 형질에서 고도의 유의성을 나타내었다. 3. Vr-Wr graph분석에 의한 F_(1)의 형질별 우성정도는 개서일수, 주당개화수, 결과지수, 삭장, 삭폭, 전경중, 근중을 제외한 전형질에서 완전우성으로 유전되었으나, F_(2)의 우성정도 및 유전자 분포상태로 F_(1)과 다소 다른 경향이었다. 4. 유전분산 성분비에서 삭장, 삭폭은 상가적효과가 우성효과 보다 크게 나타났으며, 개화일수, 개서일수, 주당개화수, 초장, 절간장, 결과지수, 경직경, 전경중, 근중은 우성효과가 상가적 효과 보다 크게 나타났다 8. 유전력은 F_(1)보다 F_(2)에서 높았으며, F_(1)의 경직경을 제외한 전형질에서 0.54이상으로 높았다. In this study, 45 combinations of F_(1) and F_(2) through 10-variety diallel cross population of cotton (Gossypium spp) were obtained at the experimental field in JinJu National University from April, 2000 to Dec. 2002. The results on the genetic analysis of 45 combinations were as follow: The high significance was observed from the genetic variance analysis of all the examined characters. In the analysis of additive effect and genetic effect, all the examined characters showed a high significance except days to maturity and number of fruiting branches. Based on the Vr-Wr graphical analysis, all of the examined characters were assumed to be inherited over dominance except days to maturity, number of flowering, number of fruiting branches, boll length, boll width, fresh weight and root weight. In the component of genetic variance analysis, dominant effects were higher than additive effects for days to flowering, days to maturity number of flowering, plant height, length of stem internode, number of fruiting branches, stalk diameter, fresh weigh and root weight while for boll length and boll width, additive effects were higher than dominant effects. The higher heritability was observed in the progeny of F_(1) than in those of F_(2) and the heritability of F_(1) was 0.54 in all of the examined characters except stalk diameter

      • 목화생육형질의 잡종강세효과

        崔周鎬,李喆浩,高永玉 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1999 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.12 No.-

        1997년 4월부터 12월까지 진주산업대학교 학생실습포장에서 목화 0개 품종을 이면교배하여 얻은 F_1, F_2 45개 조합을 재료로 생육형질의 교배집단에 따른 잡종강세정도를 산출한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 개화일수에서 F_1은 5.12%, F2세대에서는 0.67%, 개면일수에서는 F_1은 0.29%로 강세를 보였으나, F_2에서는 -0.43%로 낮았으며, 개화수는 F_1은 -1.64% F_2는 -0.98%로 부의 강세를 나타냈다. 2. 초장의 F_1은 1.58%, F_2세대에는 5.12%, 절간장에서는 F_1은 10.14%, F_2세대에서는 3.05%의 강세를 보였으나, 결과지수에서는 F_1은 -0.69%, F_2세대에서는 2.22%로 상반된 강세를 나타내었으며, 경직경은 F_1은 3.39%, F_2세대에서는 2.28%로 높은 강세를 보였다. 3. 삭장에서는 F_1은 1.15%, F_2세대에서는 1.96%로 유의한 강세를 보였으며, 삭폭의 F_1은 1.3%, F_2에서는 -2.00%로 상반된 강세를 보였다. 4. 주당전경중에서는 F_1은 -0.50%, F_에서는 -1.13%, 주당근중의 F_1은 -2.53%, F_에서는 -6.76%로 부의 유사한 강세를 나타내었다. For this study, 45 combinations of F1 and F2 generations were bred from 10 varieties of cotton through diallel cross during the period from April to December, 1997. The heterosis effects were analyzed with the following results: 1. Days to flowering showed 5.12% heterosis in F1 generation, and 0.67% in F2; days to maturity, 0.29% in F1, but -043% in F2; number of flowerings per plant, -1.64% in F1 and -0.98% in F2. 2. Plant height showed 1.58% heterosis in F1 and 5.12% in F2; internode length, 10.14% in F1 and 3.05% in F2; number of fruiting branches, -0.69% in F1, but 2.22% in F2; stalk diameter, 3.39% in F1 and 2.28% in F2. 3. Boll length showed 1.15% heterosis in F1 and 1.96% in F2; boll width, 1.3% in F1, but -2.00% in F2. 4. Total weight per plant showed -0.50% heterosis in F1 and -1.13% in F2; root weight per plant, -2.53% in F1 and -6.76% in F2.

      • 新品種 "耽津"벼의 窒素 施肥水準에 關한 硏究

        崔周鎬 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1991 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.4 No.-

        本 硏究는 晋州農林專門大學 學生實習 圃場에서 1990年 4月부터 同年 10月까지 耽津(Tam Jin)벼를 供試品種으로 하여 施肥水準을 窒素 9kg, 12kg, 15kg, 18kg, 21kg으로 달리 栽培하여 各 施肥 水準에 따라 生育 및 收量을 調査한 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 分蘗數는 施肥水準이 높을수록 增加하는 傾向이었다. 2) 桿長과 穗長은 施肥水準이 높을수록 긴 편이었으며 穗數는 21kg區에서 약간 많았다. 3) 千粒重 및 登熟律은 9kg區에서 높았으며 21kg區에 가장 났았다. 4) 有效莖比率은 施肥水準이 增加 할수록 낮아졌다. 5) 粒數, 批重, 屑米重 및 稿重은 施肥水肥水準이 增加할수록 많았다. 6) 正租重 및 玄米重은 9kg區에서 낮았으며 15kg, 18kg, 21kg區에서는 비슷한 傾向이었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate into the effects of suppl ementary manuring upon the yield and growth and development of paddy rice The experiment for this study was carried out during the tillering stage, from April to October, 1990 at the experiment farm of Chin-ju National Agricultural and Forestry Junior College. The levels of supplementary nitrogen were, 9kg, 12kg, 15kg, 18kg, 21kg/10a. The results obtained were as follws: 1. The number of tillers increased as the fertilizing level increased. 2. The culm length and panicle length became longer as the fertilizing level went hrgher. The number of panicles per plant was slightly larger at the sub-plot of 21kg. 3. The 1,000g grain weight and percentage of ripemess were highest in the 9kg sub-plot and was lowest in the 21kg sub-plot. 4. The percentage of effective tillers showed a tendency of becoming lower as the fertilizing level increased. 5. The grain number, empty graing rice screenings and weight of dry straw increased as the fertilizing level increased. 6. The number of winnowed rice and brown rice were smallest in the 9kg sub-plot. It was similar in the sub-plots of 15kg, 18kg and 21kg.

      • 追肥 水準이 水稻의 收量및 登熟에 미치는 影響

        崔周鎬,金鎭雨,李喆浩 진주산업대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        本硏究는 晋州農林專門大學 學生實習 圃場에서 1989年 4月부터 同年 10月까지 東律벼(DongJin)를 供試品種으로 하여 追肥水準을 窒素 1.5㎏, 3.0㎏, 4.5㎏으로 달리 栽培하여 각 施肥 水準에 따라 收量 및 登熟率을 調査한 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 分蘗數는 追肥 水準이 높을 수록 增加하는 傾向이었다. 2) 稈長과 穗長은 追肥水準에 따른 差異가 없었으며, 穗數는 4.5㎏區에서 약간 많았다. 3) 有效莖比率은 追肥水準의 增加에 따라 낮아졌다(P<0.05) 4) 登熟率 및 千粒重은 1.5㎏區에서 높았으며 4.5㎏區에서 가장낮았다(P<0.05) 5) 粒數, 枇重, 屑米重 및 正租重은 4.5㎏區가 다른구에 비하여 많았으며 玄米重은 비숫한 傾向이었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate into the effects of supplementary manuring upon the yield and ripeness of paddy rice. The experiment for this study was carried out during the tillering stage, from april till october, 1989 at the experiment farm of chin-ju national agricultural and forestry junior college. The levels of supplementary nitrogen were 1.5㎏, 3㎏ and 4.5㎏/10a. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The number of tillers was increased more as the fertilizing level increased 2. The culm length and panicle length showed no significant difference according to the supplementary manuring. The panicle per plant was slightly increased at the sub-plot of 4.5㎏. 3. The percentage of effective tillers showed a tendency of becoming lower as the fertilizing lever increased(P<0.05) 4. The percentage of ripeness and 1000grain weight were highest in the 1.5㎏ sub-plot and was lowest of 4.5㎏ sub-plot(P<0.05) 5. The grain number, empty grains, rice screenings and winnowed rice was all most in the sub-plots of N 4.5㎏. Only brown rice was similar in the all sub-plot.

      • KCI등재

        유치열과 혼합치열기 어린이의 상악 절치부 외상

        정주현,이제호,김성오,최병재 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        현대인의 생활양식과 환경이 도시화 및 인공화되고 취미활동이 다양화됨에 따라 외상을 받을 수 있는 요인들을 증가하고, 특히 어린이 활동량이 많아져 외상의 기회가 잦아지고 있다. 어린이에서 외상이 발생하는 경우, 어린이의 일상적인 활동 뿐 아니라, 사회성 및 정서 발달에도 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 그 보호자에게도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있기에 외상의 발생 빈도를 줄이고 예방하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구는 유지열과 혼합치열기에 발생하는 치아 외상을 예방하기 위한 기초 자료를 얻기 위하여, 특히 구강악안면부의 외상시 치아 외상을 가장 많이 받는 상악 유절치와 영구절치를 연구하기 위하여, 2002년 6월부터 2003년 5월까지 연세대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원한 유치열과 혼합치열기의 신환 8.799명중 상악 절치부 외상을 주소로 내원한 어린이 487명(남자 316명, 여자 171명)의 상악 절치 955개(유절치543개, 영구절치 412개)를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 상악 절치부 외상이 호발하는 나이는 유절치에서 1~3세, 영구절치에서 7세였으며 남자대 여자의 비율은 1.85:1이었다. 2. 상악 절치부 외상은 유절치와 영구절치 모두 오후 시간에 많이 발생하였으며, 유절치는 외상 장소로 집이 가장 많았고 (44.1%), 영구절치는 길에서 다치는 경우가 가장 많았다(17.5%). 3. 외상의 원인으로 유절치와 영구절치 모두 넘어져 다치는 경우가 가장 많았으며(39.8%, 12.9%), 다음으로 부딪히는 경우가 많았다(22.2%, 6.0%). 유절치에서는 다음으로 떨어져 다치는 경우, 교통사고, 폭력과 운동에 의한 외상 순이었으며, 영구절치에서는 폭력, 운동, 교통사고, 떨어져 다치는 순이었다. 4. 조사대상 어린이 1명당 유절치는 1.6개, 영구절치는 2.8개에 외상을 입었다. 5. 유절치와 영구절치 모두에서, 치관 파절 양상은 치수미노출 치관 파절이 많았고, 치주조직 외상 양상은 아탈구가 가장 많았다. 최근 어린이의 단체 생활이나 운동과 취미 활동에 참여하는 나이가 예전에 비하여 점차 낮아지고 있어, 이번 연구 결과와 같이, 외상이 발생하는 나이 역시 지속적으로 낮아질 수 있다. 나이에 따른 어린이의 외상을 받는 장소는 특별한 곳이 아닌, 집이나 학교와 같은 일상의 생활공간이기 때문에 단순한 주의만으로도 외상의 발생을 예방할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. In children, change in lifestyles such as an increase in participation of physical activities has increased the chance of receiving an injury, harming the child and their parents. This study was carried out to give basic information of traumatic injuries to the upper anterior teeth which can be used in prevention of future complications that may arise. From June, 2002 to May, 2003, of the 8,799 children in their primary and mixed dentition visiting Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University. 955 upper anterior teeth(primary 543, permanent 412) of 487 children(ma1e 316, female 171) with traumatic injures to the upper incisors were studied. The results were as follows: 1. Trauma to the primary teeth prevailed at the age of 1-3 and to the permanent teeth at the age of 7. The male to female ratio was 1.851. 2. Trauma to the upper incisors for both the primary and permanent teeth occurred in the afternoon. Primary teeth were injured most frequently in the home(44.1%) and the permanent teeth outdoors, in the street(l7.5%). 3. Both the primary and permanent teeth were most injured by fall-down injuries(39.8%, 12.9%), and next were collisions(22.2%, 6.0%) :For the primary teeth, high fall, traffic accident, violence and sports are next in order, and for the permanent teeth, violence, sorts, traffic accidents were next. 4. Average number of 1.6 primary teeth and 2.8 permanent teeth were injured with the right central incisor most prevailing. 5. Crown fracture without pulpal exposure and subluxation injures were highest in frequency in both the primary and permanent teeth.

      • 施肥量 Yacon의 生育 및 收量에 미치는 效果

        李喆浩,崔周鎬,송인규 진주산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the amount of fertilizer on the growth and yield characters of yacon(Polymnia sonchifolia POEPP) and to establish the cultivation method. An introduced variety of yacon was used. Seeding dates were from April 5 to April 7, and seedlings were transplanted on May 25. Planting density was 80㎝(width)×45㎝(distance). The minimal amounts of fertilizers of N-P-K were 3.5-5.0-3.5㎏/10a. And twice, three times and four times as much as the minimal amounts were applicated. The results were summarized as follows. 1. As the amounts of fertilizer were increased, plant height, leaf width, no. of leavesm no. of nodes, stem diameter and fresh weight of top part increased but leaf length was not different among treatments. 2. Tuber yield was highest in the 10.5-15.0-10.5㎏/10a treatment, whose total yield increased because of the heavy amount of fertilizer, and yield of commercial goods was highest in 7.0-10.0-7.0㎏/10a treatment(36.9%). 3. Plant height(r=0.973^**), leaf width(r=0.968^**), no. of leaves(r=0.994^**), and no. of nodes(r=0.949^**) had higher positive correlation with tuber yield, respectively.

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