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        민간공원특례사업의 추진에 따른 사업특성에 관한 연구

        권영달,박현빈,김동필,Gweon, Young-Dal,Park, Hyun-Bin,Kim, Dong-Pil 한국조경학회 2021 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.49 No.5

        본 연구는 도시공원 일몰의 대응수단으로 추진 중인 전국의 민간공원특례사업을 대상으로 지자체 및 공원현황, 사업특성과 시행 등에 관련된 내용을 세부적으로 분류 후 비교·분석하여 제도시행 후 진행되어진 지자체별 사업을 점검하고, 그 가운데 제도의 의미와 보완점을 구축하고자 실시하였다. 분석결과로서 첫째, 전국에서 시행 중인 민간공원특례사업은 주로 인구 10만명 이상의 도시에서 시행되어 군 지역이나 지방소도시의 적용에는 한계성이 있었다. 이에 특례제도를 일괄적으로 적용하기보다 지자체의 특성과 규모를 고려한 제도 적용의 유연성이 필요할 것으로 판단되어졌다. 둘째, 공원조성 기부채납 방식에 의한 현재의 특례사업은 공동주택 위주의 단조로운 개발유형을 나타내고 있어, 이의 개선을 위해 공원부지만 매입하여 기부 채납하는 공원 보전형 방식 등을 도입하여 개발의 다양화를 도모할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 공원의 유형과 면적이 한정되어 사업대상에 한계를 보이고 있어, 대도시 도심지내 이용도가 높고 접근성이 좋은 공원들까지 포함할 수 있도록 면적기준을 5만m<sup>2</sup> 이하까지 완화할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 특례사업의 대상지가 대부분 산지형 공원으로 자연지형 및 스카이라인의 훼손 우려가 있어 공원별 입지특성을 고려한 건폐율과 용적률을 별도 조례를 설정하여 적용하는 것과 비공원시설 유형별 건축 가이드라인을 세부적으로 설정하여 공원과 공존할 수 있는 개발접근이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 향후 과제로는 첫째, 전국의 민간공원특례사업이 완료된 후, 각 사업별 수익률을 데이터화 하여 향후 유사사업의 적정수익률에 대한 기준을 설정하고, 초과이익분의 환수 등 제도적 기준을 마련하며, 둘째, 사업기간의 단축을 위해 지자체별 TF팀 구성, 통합심의 전환, 제안단계에서 환경성 검토 도입 등이 검토되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 지자체는 민간협의체를 구성을 제도화하여 협치시스템을 통한 사업의 효율적 관리를 도모하고, 넷째, 특례공원의 기부채납 이후 유지관리에 대한 로드맵을 수립하여, 시민이 함께 하는 시민 참여형 공원 운영·관리방안 모델의 도입을 검토하여야 할 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to examine and analyze local governments, park status, project characteristics, and the implementation in detail for private park special projects across the country as a means of responding to the sunsetting of urban parks. As a result of the analysis, first, the private park special project, was found to be mainly implemented in cities with a population of more than 100,000, so there was a limit to the application on military installations or in local small cities. Therefore, rather than applying the special system collectively, it was judged that institutional flexibility, considering the characteristics and size of local government, was needed. Second, the current special projects by the park creation donation collection method shows monotonous development centered on apartment houses, so it is necessary to diversify the development by introducing a park preservation method that purchases and donates park sites. Third, it was found that the area standard needs to be eased to less than 50,000m<sup>2</sup> to include parks with high utilization and good accessibility in urban areas of large cities, as the type and area of parks are limited. Fourth, most special projects are mountain parks, which are feared to damage the natural terrain and skyline, so separate ordinances should be established and applied, and development approaches should be made to allow nature and parks to coexist with the setting of detailed building guidelines for each type of facility. The guidelines should include, first, after the nationwide private park special projects are completed, standards for appropriate returns for similar projects should be established, institutional standards such as the recovery of excess profits should be established, and environmental reviews should be conducted. Second, it was found that local governments should institutionalize the composition of private consultations to promote the efficient management of projects through a cooperative system, and third, a roadmap for maintenance after the donation of special parks should be established.

      • KCI등재

        홍삼류의 섭취가 비만과 혈중 지질의 상호관계에 미치는 영향

        박화진,이정희,이소진,함혜선,조현정,임창률,유영빈,박기현 대한의생명과학회 2000 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.6 No.4

        비만은 동맥경화의 위험인자로서 혈중에 triglyceride의 농도를 종가시키고, 상대적으로 HDL-Cholesterol의 농도를 감소시킴과 동시에 수축기 혈압을 상승시킨다. 본 연구에서 홍삼제품류를 4년 또는 5년 동안 복용해 온 건강한 사람 (ginseng군)과 홍삼제품을 복용하지 않은 건강한 사람 (control군)을 대상으로 하여 신체 계측치로부터 비만지수를 구하고 이것과 혈중의 triglyceride (TG)농도, TG/HDL-Cholesterol ratio 및 수축기 혈압과의 상호관계를 연구한 바, ginseng군에서는 대조군에 비해 혈중의 TG 농도가 일정하게 유지되었고, TG/HDL-Cholesterol ratio 및 수축기 혈압도 일정하게 유지되었다. 이러한 현상은 ginseng군에서 기호품으로 alcohol을 섭취하거나, 흡연을 한 경우에도 상관없이 일정하게 유지 되었다. 이 결과는 홍삼제품류를 장기 복용하면 비만의 저하 및 고혈압 또는 동맥경화의 위험인자가 억제될 수 있고, 결론적으로 비만, 고혈압 및 동맥경화를 예방할 수 있을 것으로 추정한다. Obesity is the risk fcactor of atherosclerosis and not only increases triglyceride concentration in blood but also decreases relatively the ratio of TG to HDL-Cholesterol in blood. In case of obesity, systolic blood pressure is also increased in responding the increase of TG in blood. Index of obesity in red ginseng-taking group (ginseng group) was lower as compared with non-red ginseng-taking group (control group). The TG concentration, the ratio of triglyceride to HDL-cholesterol in blood and systolic blood pressure were decreased in the subjects of ginseng group compared with that in control group. It is inferred that long-term intake of ginseng products may help to prevent the risk of atherosclerosis and obesity.

      • 성인남자에서 등척성 근력과 등속성 근력에 관한 비교 연구

        박수연,최현희,박철빈 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1999 體育學論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference of isometric and isokinetic muscular strength in collegiate athletes and general students. Sixty players(15 basketball players, 15 icehockey players, 15 baseball players, 15 soccer players) and fifteen volunteered male students were measured using versatile muscle power measuring system and Cybex 770 dynamometer. Grip strength, arm strength and leg strength were measured for isometric muscular strength. And flexion and extension of shoulder, elbow and knee at 60deg/sec(5 repetitions), 180deg/sec(5 repetitions) were measured for isokinetic muscular strength. The results were as follows : 1.Among isometric muscular strength, the highest grip strength was 47.8kg in baseball players, the highest arm strength(flexion and extension) were 18.4kg, 33.4kf in icehockey players, the highest leg flexion strength was 29.2kg in icehockey players and leg extension strength was 69.0kg in baseball players. 2.Among isokinetic muscular strength, the highest peak torque at 60deg/sec among groups were as follows : shoulder flexion in icehockey players(72.6Nm), extension in baseball players(82.4Nm) : elbow flexion and extension in icehockey players(60.1Nm, 76.7Nm) players(82.4Nm) : knee flexion in basketball players(147.0Nm) extension in icehockey players(239.3Nm). 3.The highest average power at 180deg/sec among groups were as follows : shoulder flexion and extension in baseball players(106.0watt, 121.5watt) : elbow flexion and extension in basketball players(69.1watt, 99.7watt) : knee flexion and extension In basketball players(197.7watt, 321.7watt). 4.There were significant in coefficiency correlationship(r=0.468) between isometric arm flexion strength and isokinetic peak torque of elbow. And the coefficiency correlationship between isometric arm flexion strength and isokinetic peak torque of shoulder was 0.344. The coefficiency correlationship between isometric left leg flexion and extension strength and isokinetic peak torque of knee flexion and extension were 0.460, 0.562 respectively.

      • 흡연에 의한 급성 호산구성 폐렴 2예

        박종빈,김학렬,주현준,유태양,신성남,신정현,송정섭,황기은,김소영,양세훈,정은택 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 흡연을 시작한 젊은 성언에서 급성 호산구성 폐렴의 발생에 대한 증례가 보고되고 있다. 급성 호산구성 폐렴은 대개 발열을 동반하기 때문에 초기에는 감염성 폐렴으로 잘못 진단, 치료되는 경우가 많다. 아직 정확한 병태 생리 및 조직학적 소견은 밝혀져 있지 않지만 병력 청취 및 임상 양상, 방사선 소견의 관찰을 통해 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 의심하고, 진단을 위해 기관지 폐포 세척액 검사를 시행한다면 좀 더 쉽게 진단 내릴 수 있을 것이다. 본 저자들은 최근 처음 시작한 흡연에 의해 발생한 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 진단하고, 스테로이드를 투여하여 성공적으로 치료한 환자 2예를 경험하였기에 이를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia(AEP) is characterized by acute febrile respiratory illness associated with diffuse pulmonary infiltration and pulmonary eosinophilia. The specific etiology for acute eosinophilic pneumonia is elusive. By some investigators, cigarette smoking is suggested as a causative substance which can cause AEP. In recent, the authors experienced two cases of AEP following cigarette smoking. Both cases had characteristic features including age around 20 years, new onset smoking before occurance of AEP, diffuse infiltration on chest radiography, pulmonary eosinophilia based on bronchoalveolar lavage and acute improvement after steroid therapy. These clinical features are resemble with previous smoking induced AEP case reports. Base on these clinical features, cigarette smoking associated AEP could be diagnosed more easily.


        Effect of Graphene on Growth of Neuroblastoma Cells

        ( Park,Hye Bin ),( Hyo Geun Nam ),( Hong Gi Oh ),( Jung Hyun Kim ),( Chang Man Kim ),( Kwang Soup Song ),( Kwang Hwan Jhee ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2013 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.23 No.2

        The unique properties of graphene have earned much interest in the fields of materials science and condensedmatter physics in recent years. However, the biological applications of graphene remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the conditions and viability of a cell culture exposed to graphene onto glass and SiO2/Si, using a human nerve cell line, SH-SY5Y. Cell viability was 84% when cultured on glass and SiO2/Si coated with graphene as compared with culturing on polystyrene surface. Fluorescence data showed that the presence of graphene did not influence cell morphology. These findings suggest that graphene may be used for biological applications.

      • 간호대학생이 지각하는 임상실습지도자의 교수효율성과 임상실습만족도의 관계

        황현아,김희진,김예지,이규희,이영롱,박성희,손수빈 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2012 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.46

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between teaching effectiveness and clinical practice satisfaction among nursing students. Method: The subjects of this study were 107 junior and senior nursing students in E university. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaire including general and practicum related characteristics, teaching effectiveness of clinical instructors and clinical practice satisfaction from September 12 to September 21, 2011. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 19 program using t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe test, and Pearson`s correlation coefficients. Result: The mean score of teaching effectiveness was 3.35(±.51), and mean of clinical practice satisfaction was 3.19±.47. There were significant differences of teaching effectiveness of clinical instrutor by satisfaction of overall clinical practicum(F=8.332, p<.001), satisfaction of practice hour(F=3.230, p=.044), and satisfaction of major(F=9.883, p<.001). There were significant differences of clinical practice satisfaction by grade(t=2.274, p=.025), motive of choosing nursing science as a major(F=3.329, p=.007), satisfaction of overall clinical practicum(F=17.437, p<.001), satisfaction of practice hours(F=9.925, p<.001), and satisfaction of nursing major(F=12.748, p<.001). Relationship between teaching effectiveness of clinical instructor and clinical practice satisfaction showed positive correlation(r=.704, p<.001). Conclusion: In this study, teaching effectiveness of clinical instructor was related with clinical practice satisfaction. Therefore, we should consider improving teaching effectiveness of clinical instructor to improve clinical practice satisfaction.

      • 에어로빅 運動이 肥滿 女性의 血淸脂質과 身體構成에 미치는 影響

        김현주,박철빈 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1995 體育學論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        We investigated eight wemen, who is from forty to fifty to fifty-five year old, to identify the effect of aerobic exercise on plasma- lipid and Body composition. They did not reqularly exercise for three months. And also their body fat rate was over thirty percent. After then, they exercise aerobic dance for sixty minutes fourth per week for twelve weeks at H sports complex which located on Kun- Po City. By those investigation, we compared data on aerobic exercise, which acquired before and after play. Clinical medical research center analyzed the collected blood. We applied those resulting rata on T- verification at five percent of reasonability. Then, we concluded as below about change of plasma lipid-level. First, plasma T-C level was decreased statistically by aerobic exercise. Second, plasma HDL- C level was not increased statistically by that exercise. Third, plasma LDL-C level was not decreased statistically by aerobic exercise. Fourth, plasma TC/HDL-C level shotwed reasonable result which decreased statistically. Fifth, plasma TG- level did not show statistical decrease. And also, we reached a conclusion on body composition change. First, body weight was statistically decreased, which showed reasonable result by aerobic exercise. Second, body density was statistically decreased after that exercise. Third, body fat rate was decreased statistically after that exercise. Fourth, aerobic exercise decreased the amount of body fat statistically. Fifth, Lean Body Mass rate was increased statistically after that exercise. Sixth, Lean Body Mass weight was not increased statistically after that exercise Then, we also concluded that aerobic exercise did not affect on blood pressure and pulse rate in calming state.

      • 濟州地域 市販市乳의 成分에 關한 硏究

        李賢鐘,朴喜錫,梁昇柱,尹瑛斌 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        濟州地域에서 販賣되고 있는 國內産 市乳 7個製品을 1986年 3月부터 1987年 2月까지의 매월 2회씩 총 138점에 대하여 組成分을 分析한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 市乳의 乳脂肪, 乳蛋白質,乳糖,總固形分 및 無脂固形分의 含量은 各各 3.71%, 3.11%, 4.59%, 12.17% 및 8.48%였다. 2. 各 組成分 含量은 季節에 따라 變化하여 대체로 봄과 겨울철이 여름과 가울철에서 보다 높았다. 3. 各 組成分 含量間에는 高度의 正의 相關이 있었다. 4. 各 製品間의 組成分 分析結果는 乳脂肪 含量은 B제품이 3.86%로서 가장 높았고, E제품이 3.55%로써 가장 낮았으며 乳蛋白質은 B제품 및 D제품이 3.17%로 가장 높았고, F제품이 3.02%로 가장 낮았으며 乳糖과 總固形分 및 無脂固形分은 各各 4.57%, 12.44%,8.65%로써 D제품 市乳가 가장 높았고, E제품은 4.34%, 11.83%, 8.28%로써 가장 낮은 수준을 보여 주었다. This study was carried out to find the chemical properties of the market milk produced in Korea. Market milk from 7 dairy companies was analyzed for their gross composition, twice a month from Mar. in 1986 to Feb. in 1987. MULTI-SPEC. M was used to determine fat, protein, lactose, solids-not-fat and total solids in samples collected from retail stories in Che-ju area. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The average contents of fat ,protein, lactose, total solids and solids-not-fat were 3.71, 3.11, 4.59, 12.17% and 8.48%. 2. Average compositions of market milks have shown large a variation with the seasons and was generally higher in spring and winter. 3. There were highly positive correlations among the components. 4. B prouct gave the highest fat content, 3.86% but E product gave the lowest, 3.55% and D product gave the highest protein content, 3.17% but F product gave the lowset, 3.02% and D product gave the highest value of lactose, total solids and solids-not-fat contents (4.57, 12.44 and 8.65) but D product gave the lower 4.34, 11.83 and 8.28%, respectively.

      • 생체분해성 망막압정을 이용한 망막고정에 대한 실험적 연구

        김용백,민병무,김창식,박근성,김승영,길숙종,조항진,이성복,노승무,송규상,강대영,조준식,양준묵,정경수,최선웅,이진호,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Biodegradable retinal fixation devices obtain mechnical fixation of the retina with desirable chorioretinal scarring and with the potential for local, sustained release of antimetabolites and steroids to inhibit proliferative vitreoretinopathy. We manufactured a biodegradable retinal tack with barb that was designed in order to prevent intrusion from implantation of retinal tacks. This study was carried to evaluate the efficacy for retinal fixation and the capability for sustained release of drugs with a newly designed biodegradable retinal tack Biodegradable retinal tacks were made of polymers of glycolic acids and were designed with barbs in a shape to prevent the disinsertion. Biodegradale retinal tacks are divided into 3 parts, a conical portion that is inserted into the sclera, a cylinder portion that remains in the vitreous, and a neck portion between the pin and the cylinder. The tapered conical end was manufactured to allow easy insertion through the retina and choroid into the sclera. A cylinder portion was manufactured with a tapered angle that fixes firmly into the orifice of 19 gauge spinal needle. A neck portion, 0.4 mm in diameter, was designed to prevent disinsertion from following implantation of retinal tack. The applicator was a 19 gauge spinal needle and its orifice was prepared to 15°angle to accept the tapered cylinder portion of the retinal tack. The retinal tacks, secured in the needles, were passed through the formed vitreous and inserted into the retina, choroid, and sclera and were released by pushing the internal needle, usually within 2-3mm of the medullary ray of the posterior rabbit retina A retinal tack was placed in each of 8 pigmented rabbit eyes. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy and fundus photography were performed periodically from 1 day to 8 weeks after surgery. Eight eyes were enucleated and studied by light microscopy at 8 weeks. Biomicroscopic evaluation of the animals revealed edemas adjacent to the retinal surfaces immediately after insertion of the biodegradable retinal tacks in all the animals. These edemas disappeared after 1 week. The first noticeable change in the size of retinal tacks was shown after 2weeks. The size of the retinal tacks gradually got smaller, decreasing to about one-half at 4 weeks and about one-third at 8 weeks. All retinal tacks remained in inserted places without any movement for an 8 week period. On light microscopy, epiretinal proliferations were seen to extend into the vitreous cavity. Cellular capsules that lined the inner aspect of the scleral defect caused by tack insertion were found. However the adjacent retina had a normal cytologic appearance and architecture in all specimens. We manufactured a biodegradable retinal tack that is designed to prevent intrusion from implantation of retinal tacks. All biodegradable retinal tacks reduce in size with time, but no retinal tacks extruded from the inserted place. The newly designed biodegradable retinal tack can be used for retinal fixation and may be used as a vehicle for the introduction of pharmacologic agents to prevent the cellular events that promote proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

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