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      • 천연물이 간대사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)

        최기환,김순선,박윤주,안미령,서수경,신윤용,김동섭,장영섭 식품의약품안전청 1997 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.1 No.-

        천연물이 간대사에 미치는 영향페 대한 연구의 일환으로 세계 전 지역에서 널리 사용되고 잇으며 우리나라에서도 사용빈도가 높으나 간염등 간질환 유발사레가 보고되고 있는 마황, 황금 및 샐제 임상에서 이들 생약과 복합해서 자주 사용죄고 있는 대황을 선정하여, 띠들 천연물의 투여가 간 대사에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 대황,마황, 황금 수침액을 1.09/kg의 용량으로 럿드에 7일간 경구 투여하고,최종투여 24시간 후 랫드의 간을 적출하였다. 간 대사에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위한 모질약뿔인 7-etliokycournarin을 적출간에 과관류하면서 2시간동안 일정시간 간격으로 관류액을 채취하여 생성된 7-ethoxycoumarin의 대사체인 7-hydroxycoin, glucuronide 포합체, sulfate포합체를 대조군과 배교 관찰하였다. 또한 긴독성 지표로서 혈청 ALT, AST를 측정하였으며 적출관류간에 대해 lipid peronidation 정도를 살펴보고 ÷t직병리검사를 실시하였다. 대촹 투여군에서는 7-ethoxycoumarin의 gulcuronidation이 갛소하였고fP<0.01), 마황투여군에서는 7-ethoxycoumarin의 o-deethylation이 증가하였다(P<0.01). 이러한 7-ethoxycoumariu 대사의 변화가 대황, 마황에 의한 관련 효소의 생합성 증가/감소에 의한 것인지 여부를 살펴보고자 일착로 CYPIAI, Ct'P2Bl CDHA primer를 사용하여 적출관류간 소포체에서 mRNA level을 측정하였다.마황투옥군에서 CVPIAI mRNA level의 증가가 관찰되었지만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 나타내지는 않았다. 또한 이들 천연물에 의한 간독성 유발여부를 비교 평가한 결과 혈청 ALT 및 AST는 대조군에 비하여 유의한 차이가 없었다. 그러나 만성 간염정도를 나타내는 지표인 ALT/AST ratio는 마황 투여군에ㅓ 대조군에 비하여 유으한 차이를 나타내었고 대황투여군에서 간소포체내 lipid Peroxidation(MDA production)이 대조군에 비해 증가하였다.반면 조직학적 관찰결과는 대조군에 비하여 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 요약하면 랫드에서 대황 투여에 의해 7-ethoxycoumarin gtucuronidation이 감소되었으며, 마황 투여에 의해서 7-ethoxycoumarin의 o-deethylation은 증가되었고 마창 투여군의 경우 이러한 효소의 활성증가는 CYPIA1 induction에 의한 것일 수도 있다는 가능성을 제시하고 있다. In recent 3rears, hepatotoxicity concerned with Ephedrae herba or Scutellariae radixadmiBistration was case reported and Rhei rhizoma is commonly used with them. Tn order to study theeffect of Rhei rhizoma, Ep]ledrae herba and Scutellariae radix on hepatic metabolism, we exalnined theeffect of those pretreatment on the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin(EC). Water extracts(Ig/fg) ofRhei rhiaoma, Ephedrae tterba and Scutetlariae radix were admi3tistered orally to rats for T days,respectively. Livers were t:ten isolated and perfused with 100uM EC for 2 hours. The metabolites of EC,7-hydroxycoernarin, sulfate conjugate and glucuronide conjugate, were measured in the perfusates dur-ing perfusion. The amount of glucuronide conjvgates was decreased iB ahei rhizoma pretreated rats (p <0.01) and 7-bfdroxycournarin was increased in Ephedrae herba pretreated rats(p < 0.01). To examineTrhether the change of enByme activity is related to the induction ,or inhibition of enzymes concerned,we measured the change oif CYPIAt and CYPaBl mRNA level in the perfused rat liver, which are con-sidered to be EC specifie. However, CYPIAI and CYPEBI rnRNA ilevel were not found to be changedwith Rhei rhizoma nor I]3hedrae herba pretreatmen·t. We also assessed the hepatic toxicity of Rheirhizoma,.:phedrae herba and Scutellariae radix. The activity of ALT and AST was assayed at 34hrsafter 7 dfyt ndrninistratiofl and it was not found to be changed- Only the ratio of ALT over AST was in-creased in Epedrae herbs. pretreated rats(p < 0.05), which implies possible chronic hepatitis. Lipidperoxidation was increased in Rhei rhizoma treatment(p <0.05) , while histopathological examinationperformed after liver perfusion did not show any difference compared with vehicle treatmeut. Theseresutts suggest that Ephedrae herba pretreatment increases the o-deethylation of 7- ethoxrcoumariB inrats, which Inay be mediated by CYPIAI mRNA induction.

      • 공동주택 재건축 초기사업단계에서 개선방안 : PM 및 CM Process 적용을 중심으로

        안경환,김창교,전재열 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1

        Recently, various problems have been occurred in Apartment reconstruction process. Such as, delaying schedule, additional cost increasing, etc. Those were caused by decision making which is lack of professionality in early phase of reconstruction process. Therefore, in this study proposed improvement plan by application of project management and construction management process in Apartment reconstruction project.

      • KCI등재후보

        웹문서의 텍스트 제시 유형에 따른 독해력의 비교

        안영식,김영환,문창민 한국교육정보미디어학회 2003 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.9 No.3

        학습의 기본적인 활동인 '읽기(Reading)'는 최근 인터넷의 확산으로 웹문서를 통해서 이루어지는 경우가 많다. 하지만 웹문서는 매우 다양하기 때문에 어떠한 웹문서가 '읽기'에 가장 적합한가를 고려해볼 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 웹문서에 따라 학습의 기본 능력인 '읽기'가 어떻게 다른가를 살펴봄으로써 '읽기'에 효과적인 웹문서 디자인의 지침을 제공하고자 한다. 먼저 다양한 웹문서를 유형화하기 위해 텍스트 위주로 운영되는 30개의 웹문서를 조사하여 웹문서 유형을 결정짓는 변인을 줄 길이와 글자 크기, 화면 밀도로 정하였고 이 변인들을 조합하여 9개의 웹문서 유형을 만들었다. 그 후 9개의 유형에 따라 독해력(Readability) 검사를 실시하여 '읽기'에 어떤 차이가 나는지 알아보았다. 연구를 통해서 웹문서(15인치 기준)에 있는 텍스트의 줄 길이와 글자 크기간에 독해력에 대한 교호작용은 일단 없는 것으로 나타났다. 텍스트의 줄 길이만을 변인으로 하였을 때, 17∼18cm, 21∼22cm, 26∼27cm 중 가장 짧은 17∼18cm에서의 독해력 점수가 가장 높았다. 텍스트의 글자 크기는 9p, 10p, 12p 중 어떤 크기를 사용하더라도 독해력에는 관계가 없었다. 화면 밀도는 기존의 분류를 바탕으로 16%이하(저밀도), 16∼32%(중), 32% 이상(고)으로 나누어 독해력을 알아본 결과 중밀도에서 가장 독해력이 높았다. This study was aimed to find the correlation between web-text presentation patterns and readability. The investigation into several variables determining web-text presentation patterns was made. Of several variables, line length and font size were major variables. Line length as the first variable could be classified into three types(17.4cm, 21.3cm, 26.4cm) and font size as the second variable could be classified into three types(9p, 10p, 12p). The 9 web-text presentation patterns were made by 3(1st variable)×3(2nd variable). CRT density was added as the third variable and was applied to the 9 web-text. How these three variables influence the readablity was found by Two-way ANOVA. Reading result test and reading process test went abreast to measure the readablity influenced by these three variables. Major findings from this study were as follows. 1. There was no interaction effect between line length and font size in web-text. It meaned that any combinations of specific line length with specific font size in web-tex could not influence improving readability. 2. Readability improved when the line length in web-text was 17∼18cm(17.4cm as average). It meaned that designing line length in web-text to be 60∼64% could enhance readablity. 3. Any font size among 9p, 10p, 12p could not influence improving readability. 4. When the level of web-text density in web-text was presented in moderate density, significant result was produced statistically. Moderate density means 16.0%∼ 32%(26.6%∼28.0% in this study) of a full web-text. A ccording to the results of this study, it is suggested that to design line length to be 60∼64% in full width of web-text and to design density to be 16.0%∼32%(26.6%∼ 28.0% in this study) can enhance readablity in web-text.

      • KCI등재

        Fluoroacetate(Platol)중독 증상 연구 : 자살기도자를 중심으로

        한창환,황주연,김경식,안석철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1984 신경정신의학 Vol.23 No.1

        This study was designed to evaluate the clinical problems of fluoroacetate intoxication. The total number of the fluoroacetate intoxication patients who came to the emergency room of Han Gang Sacred Heart Hospital from Jan. 1, 1983 to Aug. 31, 1983 were 96 cases. Among them, 41 attempters who were consulted to the psychiatrist were evaluated and observed in detail. The following results were obtained. 1. The rodenticide poisoning accounts for 37.2% of all toxic substance intoxication(total 266 cases) at Han Gang Sacred Heart Hospital from Jan. 1983 to Aug. 1983. Among them, 96 cases(36.1%) of fluorcacetate intoxication were observed. 2. Female was affected 2.4 times more frequently than male. 35.5% of total cases belonged to age group 21∼30years, when incidence was most prevalent 3. As the route of drug obtainment, supplement were commonest(63.3%), purchase in 29.4%. 4. CNS disturbances such as drowsiness, stupor, semicoma and irritability were observed in 75.6% of the cases. Speech disturbances such as dysarthria, childish speech was observed in 9.8%of the cases. Convulsion(29.3%), tremor(12.2%) spasm and twitching(4.9%) were also frequently observed. Tachycardia was found in 43.8% of the cases and other frequent symptoms were nausea and vomiting(53.7%), abdominal pain(34.2%), mild or high fever(26.8%). Lower calcium(below 9mg) was found in 29.3% of the cases and lower potassium(below 3.5mEq) was found in 22.0% of the cases. EKG findings revealed QT prolongation(22.0%), ST-T change(22.0%) and u-wave, RBBB, and PVC(14.6%). 5. 92 cases(95.8%) recovered without sequelae and 4 cases(4.2%) expired.

      • 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 조절계에 대한 하올리브 수준의 복측 연수의 관여

        이배환,홍승길,안창일,손진훈,김기석 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 인한 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 하올리브 수준의 복측 연수가 관여하는가를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 펜토바비탈로 마취된 쥐의 꼬리튀기 반사를 사용하여 전측 시개전핵을 전기자극하고 복측 연수를 전기손상시키거나 리도카인을 주입한 결과 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 유발된 무통 효과가 억제되었다. 반대로 복측 연수를 전기자극하거나 글루타메이트를 주입하여 세포체를 활성화시키면 마찬가지로 무통이 발생하였다. 이 결과는 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 하올리브 수준의 복측 연수가 관여한다는 것을 시사한다. The present study was conducted to determine whether the ventral medulla (VM) at the level of the inferior olive (IO) is involved in descending pain inhibition system including the anterior pretectal nucleus (APTN). Pain sensitivity was assessed using tail-flick test to radiant heat in the rat anaesthetized with pentobarbital. Electrolytic lesions of the VM or microinjections of lidocaine into the VM inhibited the analgesic effects of stimulating the APTN. Electrical stimulation of the VM or microinjections of glutamate into the VM produced analgesic effects similar to those of stimulating the APTN. These results suggest that the VM including the IO is involved in a descending antinociceptive pathway originating in the APTN.

      • 再開發地區指定의 設定基準에 관한 硏究

        崔昌煥,吳錫氣,安相哲 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1982 硏究報告 Vol.6 No.1

        This study is for the establishment standard on the blighted degree in urban renewal area. The factors of establishment standard is population density, ratio of a building site, size of a building site, diffusion ratio of road, ground coverage, volume ratio of building, dwelling space of a person, total floor space per building, and others. As a result of this study, the standard of renewal area appointment is as follows. 1) Population density … over 300 person per hectare. 2) Ratio of a building site … over 70 percent. 3) Size of a building site … under 120㎡ 4) Diffusion ratio of the road … under 25 percent. 5) Ground coverage of a building … over 55 percent. 6) Volume ratio of a building … over 120 percent. 7) Dwelling space of a person … under 20㎡ 8) Total floor space per a building … under 80㎡ 9) Age of building … over 40 years.

      • 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 조절계에 대한 중뇌수도주변회백질의 관여

        이배환,김현,서영석,홍승길,안창일,김기석 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 인한 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 중뇌수도주변회백질이 관여하는가를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 펜토바비탈로 마취된 쥐의 꼬리튀기 반사를 사용하여 전측 시개전핵을 전기자극하고 중뇌수도주변회백질에 리도카인을 주입한 결과 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 유발된 무통 효과가 억제되었다. 하올리브 수준의 복측 연수에 WGA-HRP를 주입하였을 때 중뇌수도주변회백질의 복외측 부위에 표지된(labeled) 뉴론이 집중적으로 관찰되었으며, 전측 시개전핵에서도 표지된 뉴론이 발견되었다. 이러한 결과는 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 최소한 부분적으로 중뇌수도주변회백질이 관여한다는 것을 시사한다. This study was conducted to determine whether the periaqueductal gray (PAG) is involved in descending pain inhibition system mediated by the anterior pretectal nucleus (APTN). Pain sensitivity was assessed using tail-flick test to radiant heat in the rat anaesthetized with pentobarbital. Microinjections of lidocaine into the PAG inhibited the analgesic effects of stimulating the APTN. After WGA-HRP was injected into the ventral medulla at the level of the inferior olivary nuclei, the labeled neurons were detected in the ventrolateral PAG and in the APTN. The results suggest that the PAG is at least partially involved in a descending antinociceptive pathway originating in the APTN.

      • 기능성 소화불량증환자에서 Winstal® 투여에 관한 임상경험

        이창형,김영탁,금민수,권중구,안병철,윤영미,권영오,김성국,최용환,정준모 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1994 慶北醫大誌 Vol.35 No.3

        목적 : 기능성 소화불량증은 소화, 흡수등 장관의 기능적인 이상과 관련되어 있을 것으로 생각되며 복합소화효소제(Winstal®)를 투여하여 그 임상효과를 평가하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 1994년 3월 부터 6월까지 경북대학교병원 내과를 방문한 기능성 소화불량증을 호소하는 환자 20명을 대상으로 Winstal®을 1회 1정씩, 1일 3회 식후 30분내에 경구로 2주간 투여하였다. 결과 : 소화불량증의 증상은 복부불쾌감, 복부팽만감, 식욕부진 및 오심, 복부동통, 공기연하증, 고창 및 구토순이었으며, 증상의 개선은 복부불쾌감이 76.4%(13/17)로 가장 높았으며, 그 다음으로 복부팽만감 및 공기연하증이 66.5%(10/15, 6/9)이었고, 오심 61.5%(8/13), 식욕부진 53.8%(7/13), 복부동통 41.6%(5/12), 고창 37.5%(3/8)이었다. 각 환자별 종합적인 증상의 개선도는 현저한 개선이 2예(10%), 중등도 개선이 3예(15%), 약간개선이 11예(55%), 불변이 4예(20%)이었으며 종합적인 유효율은 80%(16/20)이었다. 부작용은 한 예에서도 관찰되지 않았다. 결론 : 본 제제는 기능성 소화불량증 환자의 증상개선에 추천할 만한 유효한 약제로 생각된다. Dyspepsia is a common symptom in gastroenterologic practice and trigger for numerous consultations with physician. The treatment of chronic functional dyspesia is unsatisfactory. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of the digestive compound (Winstal®) on 20 functional dyspepsia patients. On open trial, all patients were given 6 tablets daily for 2 weeks and we evaluated the efficacy of this preparation according to the degree of the improvement. The improvement of symptoms was 76.4%(13/17) in abdominal discomfort, 66.5%(10/15, 6/9) in abdominal distension and aerophagia, 61.5%(8/13) in nausea, 53.8%(7/13) in abdominal pain, and 37.5% (5/12) in flatulence, respectively. Overall effectiveness of subjective symptoms was 80% (16/20) and there were no untoward effects of the preparations during this study. As a result, We think that this preparation is an effective one to relieve symptoms of functional dyspepsia.

      • 각막형태검사법을 이용한 각막양상과 눈의 굴절력과의 관계

        최시환,민병무,김용백,김창식,안승일 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        We evaluated the topography of 200 normal cornea of Korean. The mean age was 37 years and mean refractive astigmatism was 0.82±0.69D. The corneal patterns were classified by Dr. Bogan such as round, oval, symmetric bow tie, asymmetric bow tie, and irregular pattern. Its incidence was 14.0%, 11.0%, 16.0%, 30.0% and 29.0%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of topographic pattern in male and female and among age groups. The symmetric bow tie type had the greatest spherical equivalent and astigmatism and there was no statistically significant difference in those two values between round and oval group. Two bow-tie groups were not also statistically significantly different from each other in spherical equivalent and astigmatism. However, two bow tie groups were significantly different from round and oval group. So, it was possible to divide corneal topographic pattern into three groups such as round and oval, two bow tie, and irregualr group. We could understand normal corneal status related to corneal pattern and refractive power through this qualitative system for classifying corneal topography.

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