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      • Designing effective animations for computer science instruction

        Grillmeyer, Oliver University of California, Berkeley 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        This study investigated the potential for animations of Scheme functions to help novice computer science students understand difficult programming concepts. These animations used an instructional framework inspired by theories of constructivism and knowledge integration. The framework had students make predictions, reflect, and specify examples to animate to promote autonomous learning and result in more integrated knowledge. The framework used animated pivotal cases to help integrate disconnected ideas and restructure students' incomplete ideas by illustrating weaknesses in their existing models. The animations scaffolded learners, making the thought processes of experts more visible by modeling complex and tacit information. The animation design was guided by prior research and a methodology of design and refinement. Analysis of pilot studies led to the development of four design concerns to aid animation designers: clearly illustrate the mapping between objects in animations with the actual objects they represent, show causal connections between elements, draw attention to the salient features of the modeled system, and create animations that reduce complexity. Refined animations based on these design concerns were compared to computer-based tools, text-based instruction, and simpler animations that do not embody the design concerns. Four studies comprised this dissertation work. Two sets of animated presentations of list creation functions were compared to control groups. No significant differences were found in support of animations. Three different animated models of traces of recursive functions ranging from concrete were found between the three models in test performance. Three models of animations of applicative operators were compared with students using the replacement modeler and the Scheme interpreter. Significant differences were found favoring animations that addressed causality and salience in their design. Lastly, two binary tree search algorithm animations designed to reduce complexity were compared with hand-tracing of calls. Students made fewer mistakes in predicting the tree traversal when guided by the animations. However, the posttest findings were inconsistent. In summary, animations designed based on the design concerns did not consistently add value to instruction in the form investigated in this research.

      • 디자인 의사결정에서 렌더링과 3D프린팅의 역할 : 휴대용 기기를 중심으로

        이주희 서울과학기술대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        제품개발 프로세스에서 디자인 의사결정 과정은 제품의 외형과 대략적인 구조를 결정하는 가장 핵심적인 과정이며, 이에 의해 디자인, 사용성, 제조원가 등 제품의 상품성이 많은 부분 결정된다. 일반적으로 제품개발에서 제품디자인 프로세스는 성공적인 제품결과물을 도출하기 위해 디자인 문제를 순차적으로 해결하는 과정을 의미하며, 프로세스 상의 디자인 의사결정 단계는 최종디자인 선택을 위해 각각의 디자인 속성이 미리 설정한 기준에 적합한가를 검토하고, 외형 및 기능적 측면에서 효율적인 디자인을 선택하는 과정을 의미한다. 현재 디자인 의사결정 과정은 대부분 평가자들의 경험과 직관에 상당부분 의존하여 최종디자인을 선택하고 있으며, 디자인 의사결정 요소에 정해진 원칙과 정형화된 도구는 실제로 적용하기 힘든 실정으로 대부분 디자이너, 엔지니어, 클라이언트, 개발 책임자의 의견을 정성적으로 종합하여 결정하고 있다. 본 연구는 주로 경험과 직관에 의해 수행되는 디자인 의사결정 과정의 세부적인 속성을 파악하고자 하였다. 문헌을 바탕으로 제품개발 프로세스와 디자인 의사결정의 속성을 살펴보고, 현직 디자이너를 대상으로 문헌에서 조사한 프로세스가 실무에서 어떻게 적용되고 있는지 파악하였다. 그 결과 디자인 의사결정 과정에서 가장 중요한 평가요소로 작용하고 있는 항목은 외형적 측면에서 심미성, 독창성, 상징성, 조화성으로, 기능적 측면에서 성능, 사용성, 안전성, 내구성으로 나타났으며 이를 바탕으로 디자인 의사결정에서 디자인 선택을 도와줄 수 있는 세부 평가지표를 개발하였다. 다양한 제품의 유형 중에서 디자인의 외형적 측면과 기능적 측면을 함께 살펴볼 수 있는 휴대용 기기의 ‘다목적 휴대단말기’를 중심으로 디자인 의사결정 과정에서 평가지표를 활용할 때 구체적인 평가기준이 최종디자인 선택에 도움이 되는지 확인하고, 디자인 전공자와 엔지니어링 전공자가 제품디자인의 외형적·기능적 측면에서 시안을 선택할 때 우선적으로 중요하게 생각하는 평가요소를 확인하였다. 이상으로 앞서 제조회사의 전문가 인터뷰 및 렌더링과 3D프로토타입을 사용한 실험을 통해 제품디자인의 의사결정 단계에서 렌더링 이미지와 3D프로토타입의 역할을 도출하였다. In product development process, Design decision process is the most corest attributes concluding appearance of product and approximate frame, given that design, usability, manufacturing costs are determined by it. Among product developments, generally product design process means process of solving design problems progressively in order to induce successful product’s outcome and in process, design decision stage includes reviewing in advance suitability of criteria subjected by respective design attributes and in surface & functional phase, process of selecting effective design. Currently, Many design decisions is considerably depending on experience and intuition of evaluators and because applying formal principles and tools into business is hard, they are carried by integrated opinions of designers, engineers, clients, development officers(D.O). This study primarily has endeavored to know detailed elements of design dragged by experience and intuition. Based on literature, I has searched attributes of product development process and design decision and Of present designers, facts for which, in business, how process investigated in literature is applied. As a result, clauses that are informativer than any other element in design decision were aesthetic aspects, creativity, symbolism and harmony on surface phase and performance, usability, safety and durability on functional phase and on account of that, I developed detailed evaluation index helping to select designs in design decision. Among various product types, I have examined it is helpful that concrete evaluation criteria is existing on when people is facilitating index of design decision in final design’s selection on coring ‘multipurpose mobile terminal’ of mobile device when it comes to considering both aspects of surface design and those of functional design and when design major as well as engineering major selects drafts related product design in aspects of surface and functionality, they believe, priority of evaluation elements. Prior to overing study, I deduced roles of rendering images and 3D prototypes in stage of product design decision attributed to experiments using rendering, 3D prototypes and interview of manufacturing company’s professionals.

      • Design strategies based on creative imitation

        이경수 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        Generally, design problems do not provide enough information, and mostly they are ill-structured and have unclear characteristics. These problems prominently appear, especially in conceptual design phase, which makes designer hard to understand and solve them. This article proposes creative imitation design methodology which makes the designer capable of understanding and solving these problems in a simple way. In addition, based on the proposed methodology, using this procedure, following results were obtained.Creative imitation design process is the finding of ways to obtain the “desired thing” by looking for suitable object (biological system, natural object, nature’s phenomenon and theories and the artifacts), and after setting the strategy “how to imitate the thing?”, there comes the process of searching for the answer to “how to get it?”.This design process consists of 3 phases. Phase 1 is related to problem representation and includes 10 steps. Problem representation and extraction of keywords are focused by using ‘What’ and ‘Constraints’ in the phase 1. Phase 2 is related with selection and analysis of creative imitation objects and consists of 6 steps. In the phase 2, finding and analyzing of creative imitation objects through keywords is carried out and finally, creative imitation part for realization of product is chosen. Phase 3 is related with design strategies for creative imitation and consists of 7 steps. Establishment of strategies for design to materialize mimic object is performed to achieve definition of problem and intention of designer in the phase.New concept mobile phone, the modular phone is developed by applying the design process model which is based on creative imitation to mobile phone conceptual design. And the system is constructed for designer to make easy to access of creative design process.

      • Two mixture Combined Design 분석을 이용한 몰로키아 떡 최적 제조 연구

        장혜민 경기대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        본 연구는 우리나라의 아열대 채소 중 건강 기능을 함유한 몰로키아 분말을 거피팥고물과 함께 Two mixture Combined design 분석을 활용하여 몰로키아 떡을 제조하였다. Two mixture Combined design은 두 개의 simplex mixture의 교집으로 결과를 도출하는 것으로, 서로 다른 식품 제조가 결합됐을 때 최적의 레시피를 도출하는 분석방법이다. 이 분석으로 도출된 편의 관능검사를 시행하고 그 결과를 기준으로 최적의 배합 비율을 산출하였다. 최적화된 몰로키아 떡의 이화학적 분석, 일반성분분석과 항산화능을 검증하였다. 몰로키아 떡의 관능검사에 필요한 실험계획을 설계하고자 몰로키아 분말, 막걸리, 설탕, 간장의 배합 비를 반응변수로 하여 짠맛(Saltiness), 단맛(Sweetness), 색(Color), 향미(Flavor), 질감(Texture), 쓴맛(Bitterness), 고소한 맛(Savory), 그리고 전체적인 선호도(Overall preference)를 종속변수로 설정하였고, Design Expert 10(Stat-Easy Co. Minneapolis, MIN, USA)Program을 이용하여 17개의 몰로키아 떡 제조 배합 비를 도출하였다. 선호도를 최대로 만족하는 최적 수치점을 설정하여 측정한 결과, 몰로키아 분말 : 막걸리의 비율은 0.21 : 0.79로 나왔으며, 설탕 : 간장의 비율은 1.00 : 0.00 이었다. 관능검사 결과 짠맛 4.38, 단맛 4.56, 색 4.50, 향미 4.14, 질감 4.60, 쓴맛 4.35, 고소한 맛 4.39, 전체적인 선호도 4.69로 나타났다. 최적화된 몰로키아 떡의 품질특성을 예측한 결과는 pH 6.19, 당도 1.14, 염도는 0.96, 명도 57.74, 적색도 0.88, 황색도 5.04로 나타났다. Two mixture Combined design을 이용하여 관능검사와 품질특성을 분석하여 최적화한 배합비로 제조된 몰로키아 떡과 몰로키아를 첨가하지 않은 떡(대조군)의 일반성분을 분석한 결과, 최적화된 몰로키아 떡은 수분함량이 39.29%로 나타났고, 회분 0.63%, 조지방 함량 7.16%, 조단백 4.68%, 탄수화물 47.74%, 열량은 215.35kcal/g으로 나타났으며, 대조군의 성분검사로는 수분함량 39.79%, 회분 1.99%, 조지방 함량 8.27%, 조단백 5.05%, 탄수화물 45.40%, 열량은 219.71kcal/g이었다. 최적 배합비의 몰로키아 떡은 대조군에 비해 회분, 조지방, 조단백, 열량이 높았고, 탄수화물의 함량은 낮게 나타났다. 몰로키아 분말을 첨가한 떡의 DPPH radical 소거능을 측정한 결과 최적의 몰로키아 떡은 86.56mg/g, 대조군은 8.80mg/g로 몰로키아를 첨가한 비교군과 약 9배의 차이가 있었음을 알 수 있었고, Total polyphenol 함량 실험 결과는 몰로키아 떡은 1.21mg GAE/g, 대조군은 0.58mg GAE/g으로 나타나 대조군에 비해 몰로키아가 19배 이상의 항산화 능력을 지닌 것으로 확인되었다. 이 연구는 Two mixture Combined design을 활용한 떡의 제조로, 국내 연구가 없는 연구방법을 활용한 기초자료로써의 의의가 있다. 또한 아열대 채소인 몰로키아의 항산화활성을 검증하고, 기후 변화로 우리나라에서 항산화활성이 뛰어난 작물로 이를 이용하여 전통 디저트의 제조연구로써 의미가 있다. In this study, molokhia(Corchorus olitorius L.) rice cakes were produced for the purpose of the study using a two-mixture combined analysis with molokhia powder, which is a subtropical vegetable found in Korea that contains red bean powder and is known for its healthy. Through the production of various rice cakes with the two mixture contained molokhia powder and peeled red bean powder, this study examines mainly antioxidant function and nutritional excellence of molokhia as it known as healthy food. The Two Mixture Combined design refers to deriving results from the intersection of two simplex mixes, which is an analysis method that derives the optimal recipe upon combining different food manufactures. This study performed a sensory evaluation derived from this analysis and calculated the optimal mixing ratio based on the results. Furthermore, this study performed a chemical analysis and general component analysis, and the antioxidant ability of optimized molokhia rice cake was also verified. The mixture ratio of molokhia powder, makgeolli, sugar, and soy sauce were used as response variables, and Saltiness, Color, Flavor, Texture, Bitterness, Savoriness, and Overall Preference were set as dependent variables. Additionally, this study derived 17 molokhia rice cakes manufacturing mixing ratios using the Design Expert 10 (Stat-Easy Co.Minneapolis, Min, USA) program in order to design an experimental plan for the sensory evaluation of molokhia rice cakes. As a result of using measurements by setting an optimal numerical point satisfying the preference as much as possible, the ratio of molokhia powder to, makgeolli was set at 0.21 :0.79, and the ratio of sugar : soy sauce was 1.00 : 0.00. Consequently, the result of the sensory evaluation, saltiness indicated a score of 4.38, sweetness 4.56, color 4.50, flavor 4.14, texture 4.60, bitterness 4.35, savory 4.39, and overall preference 4.69. The results of predicting the quality characteristics of optimized molokhia rice cakes were a pH of 6.19, a sugar content of 1.14, salinity of 0.96, brightness of 57.74, redness of 0.88, and yellowness of 5.04. Regarding the analysis of the general ingredients of molokhia rice cakes and rice cakes without molokhia (control group), both prepared by analyzing the functional test and quality characteristics using the Two-Mixture Combined design, the optimized molokhia rice cake was discovered to have a moisture content of 39.29%. it was found to be 0.63% ash, 7.16% crude fat content, 4.68% crude protein, 47.74% carbohydrates, and 215.35 kcal/g calorific value, and according to the composition test of the control group, the moisture content was determined to be 39.79%, ash was 1.99%, crude fat was 8.27%, crude protein 5.05%, carbohydrate 45.40%, and calories were 219.71 kcal/g. Molokhia rice cakes with an optimal mixing ratio had a higher ratio of ash, crude fat, crude protein, and calories than the control group, and the content of carbohydrates was low. Upon measuring the DPPH radical scavenging ability of rice cakes with molokhia powder, it was confirmed that optimal molokhia rice cakes were 86.56 mg/g while the control group was 8.80 mg/g, which was a difference of about 9 times. In regard to the total polyphenol content text results, molokhia rice cakes were determined to be at 1.21 mg GAE/g while the control group was only at 0.58 mg GAE/g, indicating that molokhia contains 19 times more antioxidant capacity than the control group. This study implies as basic data being used for a research method, of which there is currently no similar research has not been done before in Korea that investigates the manufacture of rice cakes using the Two Mixture Combined design. Furthermore, it is meaningful in that the antioxidant activity of molokhia, a subtropical vegetable, was verified, and molokhia, which has been able to grow naturally in Korea due to climate change, is a crop that displays significant antioxidant activities and is used to manufacture traditional desserts.

      • Reflective Practice in Engineering Design

        Currano, Rebecca Maria ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Stanford Universit 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        Engineering design researchers tend to study design processes and methodology from one of two primary approaches. The first, and more traditional approach, is the positivist treatment of design as rational problem solving, exemplified by Herbert Simon. A second, somewhat less prevalent approach is illustrated in Donald Schon's constructivist theory of design as reflective practice. Schon's study of reflective practice in design centers on the concept of "reflection-in-action", referring to intentional and conscious reflection by the designer. This perspective serves as the starting point and foundation for this dissertation research. Our focus remains primarily on the individual designer, whose mind serves as the locus of reflection, but with attention to the physical, social, and mental context, which form the setting for reflective practice.The current work was driven by the following questions:1. What kinds of activities do designers engage in when they get ideas?2. Can we identify common characteristics of these activities and their context?3. Do some activities and/or characteristics of activities correlate better than others with the generation of creative ideas?4. Are reflective practices outside of the work tasks of design a frequent source of creative ideation and insight for designers?The initial phase was largely exploratory in nature and grounded in observation, examining design artifacts for evidence of reflective practice, and surveying designers on the context surrounding their recent ideas. Analysis reveals that idealogs, as artifacts of design work, show evidence of many different reflective practices engaged by student designers in an ME design course. It also leads us to an expanded view and refined understanding of what might be considered a reflective practice and a catalyst for ideation.In the second phase, designers talked through and sketched out the design process they used for a recent project, yielding rich descriptions of novice and intermediate designers' design processes and reflective practices. Some common trends in descriptions of the characteristics of participants' reflective practices include: reference to "mindless" activities, exercise and physical activities, conversation/social activities, and prototyping.Phase three consisted of two surveys aimed at identifying characteristics of reflective practices. The first was geared toward discovering what general activities designers engage in when they get ideas and differentiating between most and least helpful activities through a series of bipolar attributes. The second asked participants to focus on a particular idea or insight they had, and then to describe the contextual setting in which they had gotten it.We find that designers use a variety of reflective practices. Some activities, such as conversations with friends and family and thinking before going to bed, are not traditionally thought of as productive work activities, and yet respondents often reported them as helpful to creative ideation. A second survey asked respondents about their reflective practices in light of an actual experience of an "Aha!" moment. An exploratory factor analysis conducted on the Likert section of this survey reveals four factors, including engagement, attention, stress, and enthusiasm.


        안원기 Univ. of Texas at Arlington 2004 해외박사

        RANK : 247807

        The purpose of this study is to develop of a compact design tool that would be use to assist during layout/layup design to minimize warpage of a PWB during fabrication and reflow solder processes for electrical engineers. These results would enhance the quality and reliability of real product by minimizing PWB warpage and would reduce production cost because of minimizing repair needs on the production line. Also help in prediction of the parameters impacting warpage and assist the board designer as well as the board fabricator and assembler with minimizing warpage. The developed design guide distinguishes itself from the existing design guide in that the developed tool is not only compact but also efficient. This study has two main tasks. The first one is a thermo mechanical analysis, verification and parameterization of bare multilayer board design and their impact on board warpage in board fabrication process and through reflow solder process. The second one is design-analysis integration methodology for an effective thermo mechanical analysis of PWB. This thermo mechanical analysis includes the real model as well as the simplified model. These two stepwise tasks will be a guideline to develop a design tool. During fabrication and due to reflow solder process, this research describes how layup and layout design data is mapped into an intermediate analyzable representation which supports the information requirement of several thermo-mechanical analyses including product optimization. This research describes other issues encountered such as how to integrate product data that spans more than one tool, how to modify and add analysis data that is necessary during analysis, and how to use data stored in the analysis module from different programming environments. This analysis integration technique is necessary as a general link to design tools and commercial analysis tools in order to harmonize diverse data and add optimization /simplification and missing/modifying data.

      • Designing a multicultural teacher education curriculum based on understanding by design model : Focusing on the Chinese context

        Wang, Ziyuan Sungkyunkwan University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        In China, multicultural teacher education has become a focus of research in recent years. However, most research has focused on goals and strategies of, and not on curricula and teaching in, multicultural teacher education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design a multicultural teacher education curriculum based on the Understanding by Design (UbD) model. The multicultural teacher education curriculum was designed based on the three stages of the UbD model, with the target group being students of Korean-language elementary education in Yanbian University Normal College. In stage 1, the desired results were identified and the three big ideas—multicultural education knowledge, multicultural education competencies, and multicultural education attitudes—were derived. Stage 2 involved determining the learning evidence and to examined student teachers’ mastery of the desired results in stage 1 using authentic performance tasks and some other evidence. Stage 3 involved designing a learning plan that logically arranged 28 courses in five subject areas per semester: pedagogy, literature, folklore, linguistics, and educational practices. A comparative analysis was conducted, which showed three strengths of the proposed curriculum compared to the previous multicultural teacher education curriculum. First, the use of backward design allows student teachers to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary in multicultural education. Second, the curriculum emphasizes understanding and transferability to facilitate student teachers’ deeper learning. Last, the spiral sequence of the curriculum can assist student teachers’ effective learning of knowledge and skills of multicultural teacher education curriculum. By linking the UbD model with the multicultural teacher education curriculum, this study provides a curriculum model for the field of multicultural teacher education in China and expands the application area of the UbD model in the Chinese educational context. 다문화 교사교육은 중국에서 많은 관심을 받고 있는 연구주제다. 그러나 대부분의 선행연구는 다문화 교사교육의 거시적인 목표와 전략에 중점을 둔 까닭에, 이를 위한 실제적인 교육과정과 교과목을 설계하고자 하는 노력이 미흡하다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 Wiggins & McTighe가 제시한 이해중심 교육과정 모델에 따라 중국에서 다문화 교육을 위한 교사 교육과정을 설계하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 구체적으로 이해중심 교육과정의 세 단계에 따라 연변대학교 사범대학의 초등교육학과 예비교사들을 대상으로 한 교육과정을 제안했다. 1단계에서는 해당 교육과정을 통해 도달하길 바라는 결과를 규명하여 다문화교육 지식, 다문화교육 역량, 다문화교육 태도 등 세 가지 빅 아이디어를 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로 2단계에서는 예비교사들의 구체적인 수행과제와 배움의 정도를 측정할 수 있는 여러 평가과제를 제시하였다. 마지막으로 3단계에서는 교육학·문학·민속학·언어학·교육실천 등 5개 학문 분야의 28개 과정을 학기마다 논리적으로 배치하는 다문화 교사 교육과정을 설계하였다. 또한 본 연구는 이 교육과정을 기존에 존재하는 중국 다문화교사 교육과정의 사례와 비교함으로써 본 연구에서 설계한 교육과정의 세 가지 장점을 논의했다. 첫째, 이해중심 교육과정 모델을 활용함으로써 예비교사들이 다문화교육의 필수적인 지식과 기능을 심도 있게 학습할 수 있다. 둘째, 해당 교육과정은 예비교사들의 이해와 전이를 촉진할 수 있다. 마지막으로, 나선형 구조를 따른 교과목 조직을 통해 예비교사들이 효과적으로 필수적인 지식과 기능을 학습할 수 있다. 이처럼 본 연구는 다문화 교사교육과 이해중심 교육과정을 연계함으로써, 중국 다문화 교사교육을 위한 실제적인 교원양성 교육과정을 제시하고, 중국 교육에서 이해중심 교육과정이 적용될 수 있는 분야를 확장한 의의가 있다.

      • Coordination Strategies and Individual Behavior in Complex Engineered Systems Design

        Collopy, Arianne Xaviera ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Mich 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        Coordination – ensuring interfacing groups are working with consistent data, interpretations of that data, and consistent goals – becomes necessary when design work is distributed or partitioned among different individuals or teams. System design optimization algorithms are well-established for the coordination of analytical design problems. However, in actual system design, individuals are unlikely to coordinate by following algorithmic procedures. In a design organization, distributed tasks must be first partitioned so that they can be worked in parallel, and then coordinated so that the results can be joined together to effect the overall project goal. In this organizational context, coordination is primarily a communicative process focused on information sharing among parallel tasks. This research focuses on these individual communication behaviors and demonstrates their impact on system-level coordination. This dissertation addresses two research questions. First, what approaches and behaviors do individuals use to facilitate system-level coordination of distributed design work? This is answered with a pair of exploratory studies. A qualitative study based on interviews of industry experts found that proactive, empathetic leadership-based behaviors and more passive, authority-based behaviors are complementary approaches to facilitating coordination. A quantitative study based on a survey of novice designers resulted in identification of coordination roles within teams. Text analysis and network analysis of survey data identified five roles: some are more communicative and focused on integrative tasks and leadership, whereas others are less communicative and focused on documentation and detailed engineering tasks. The findings suggest a parallel to the active and passive behaviors identified in the qualitative study. The second research question asks what is the quantitative impact of these behaviors on system-level performance. A descriptive agent-based model was developed that simulates the impact of individual behaviors on the system-level performance of a distributed design task requiring coordination. Results from this model indicate a correlation between more active agent behaviors and higher performance, but at the cost of increased peer-to-peer interactions. This dissertation illustrates the importance of a balance between proactive, empathetic-leadership-based and more passive, authority-based processes and behaviors for the effective coordination of decomposition-based design work. There are three primary contributions of this work. This dissertation highlights that coordination is a central task of systems engineering personnel in engineering design organizations. This work uniquely shows how theory pertaining to coordination applies to and describes systems engineering activities, particularly in relation to engineering design. The second contribution of this work is the development of quantitative approaches to describe and evaluate coordination practice in decomposition-based system design. This is shown through an agent-based simulation model to assess the impact of communicative and information-seeking behavior on coordination and design task outcomes. This model also serves as a platform that allows extensive parametric analysis, permitting exploration of a variety of design tasks, organizational structures, and agent behaviors. Finally, this work illustrates the importance of coordinator roles in effective distributed design tasks. Frequently, managerial and integrative roles are not included in measures of coordination effectiveness, which we argue is not representative of true systems engineering practice. This dissertation is a step towards the inclusion of systems engineering and management roles in models of coordination effectiveness.

      • Comparing designer’s problem-solving behavior in virtual reality environment and traditional 2D WIMP environment

        Yan Jin Graduate School, Yonsei University 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        The virtual reality environment allows us to recognize the direct operation method and the spatial sense in accordance with the physical environment. As the possibility of the new work environment continues to be discussed, the research has been continued as a method for strengthening spatial perception in the field of design. The potential for design tools in the virtual environment is also positively evaluated, while discussing the impact of creativity on spatial awareness. Although there are discussions about design behavior in a traditional way and the virtual environment, there is still a lack of discussion about design problem solving behavior in the WIMP and the virtual environment. Therefore, this study presents the possibility of the role of the virtual room environment in deducing reasonable solutions through experimental research on design problem solving behavior in the VR environment and the design problem solving behavior in the WIMP environment, discussing characteristics of design behavior in the VR environment. This study first investigated the main theories of the preceding research through the literature survey on the study of design problem solving behavior. In order to create a virtual reality environment for comparing design problem solving behavior in the virtual room environment and the WIMP environment, the study went through the following process to find the most efficient combination of layout and window types related to navigation and selection, which are important factors in the virtual environment interface. FBS ontology model was used then to collect data through protocol analysis method and the design problem solving behavior was analyzed in terms of both problem and solution driven styles. The main results of the study are as follows. 1) In the virtual reality environment, participants showed the problem solving process in a more solution-driven style. In the WIMP environment, subjects showed problem solving process almost close to a problem-driven style. 2) In the virtual reality environment, many changes occur in the structure and the original structure changes due to the influence of the new structure. In the WIMP environment, participants concentrate on the process of visualizing a clear solution after careful consideration and do not easily change the structure. 3) In the virtual reality environment, the anxieties about problems are dispersed throughout the process. In the WIMP environment, the problem is much concerned at the initial stage. 4) The output in the virtual reality environment was evaluated well in terms of the Variety of the structure and the degree of satisfaction with the demands on the problem within the small scale. In the Wimp environment, the results were satisfactory in terms of Precision and degree of satisfaction with problem demands at large scales. In order to maximize the effect as a design tool in the virtual reality environment, it is proposed to establish a device that induces sufficient amount of consideration at the initial stage and make visual scales change freely. This suggests that the possibility of a creative design tool will increase when combined with the advantage that attempting behavior is connected to various solutions in the virtual environment. 가상현실 환경은 우리에게 직접적인 조작 방식과 물리적 환경과 일치한 공간 인지를 하도록 한다. 새로운 작업 환경으로서 가능성에 대한 논의가 계속 되면서 디자인 영역에서도 공간 인지가 강화를 위한 방법으로 연구가 진행되고 있다. 공간 인지 향상으로 인한 창의력에 주는 영향을 논하면서 가상환경에서의 디자인 툴의 가능성도 긍정적인 평가를 받고 있다. 전통 방식과 가상환경에서의 디자인 행위에 대한 논의는 있긴 하나 아직 WIMP 환경과 가상환경에서의 디자인 문제 해결 행위에 대한 논의가 부족한 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 VR 환경에서의 디자인 문제 해결 행위와 WIMP 환경에서의 디자인 문제 해결 행위에 대한 실험적인 연구를 통하여 가상현실 환경이 합리적인 문제 도출에 대한 역할의 가능성을 제시하고, 가상현실 환경에서의 디자인 행위 특징을 논하고자 한다. 본 연구는 먼저 디자인 문제 해결 행위 관찰 연구에 대한 문헌 조사를 통하여 선행연구의 주요 이론에 대해 조사를 하였다. 다음 가상현실 환경과 WIMP 환경에서의 디자인 문제해결 행위를 비교하기 위한 가상 현실 환경을 마련하고자 가상환경 인터페이스에서 중요한 요인인 네이비게이션 및 selection과 연관된 여러 레이아웃과 window 타입에서 가장 효율적인 조합에 대해 찾아내는 과정을 거쳤다. 다음 FBS ontology model을 응용한 프로토콜 분석 방법을 통해 데이터를 수집하고 디자인 문제 해결 행위를 problem driven style과 solution driven style 측면에서 결과를 분석하였다. 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 가상현실 환경에서 실험 참여자는 더 solution driven style 로 문제 해결과정을 보여주었다. WIMP 환경에서 피험자는 거이 problem driven 에 가까운 문제 해결과정을 보여 주었다. 2. 가상현실 환경에서 구조에 대한 변화가 많이 발생하고 새로운 구조의 영향으로 인한 원래의 구조의 변화도 많이 발생한다. WIMP 환경에서는 문제에 대한 충분한 고민을 하고 명확한 해결안을 시각화 하는 과정에 집중하며 쉽게 구조변화를 하지 않는다. 3. 가상현실 환경에서는 문제에 대한 고민은 전 과정에 분산되어 나타난다. WIMP 환경에서는 초기단계에서 문제에 대한 고민을 많이 한다. 4. 가상현실 환경에서 결과물은 구조의 다양성과 작은 스케일내에서의 문제 요구에 대한 만족 정도 측면에서 좋은 결과를 받았다. Wimp 환경에서는 정밀도 측면과 큰 스케일에서의 문제 요구에 대한 만족 정도 측면에서 좋은 결과를 받았다. 가상현실 환경에서 디자인 툴로서의 작용을 최대화 하기 위해서는 초기 단계의 충분한 문제 고민을 유도하는 장치와 자유로운 시각적 스케일의 변화를 가능하도록 할 것을 제안한다. 이는 가상환경에서 시도 적인 행위가 다양한 solution 으로 연결된다는 장점과 결합될 때 창의적인 디자인을 위한 툴로서의 가능성이 높아질 것이라고 추측한다.

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