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      • 忠州湖 周邊의 觀光資源開發에 관한 硏究

        권오극 建國大學校 地域開發大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        Since the 1980, that is tourist has become too familiar and friendly language of our everyday life. The moderns make every effort to make the most of suitable rest, recreation, picnic, education, trainning, practice, etc, the increase leisure hours, ― a sunday, a vacation, a holiday - in accordance with economic ability. Tourist are composed of tourist-resources, tourist facilities, tourist managemental profession, a tourist and tourist developer. But this thesis study in priority about tourist-resources and tourist facilities. The tourist-resources could be the subject of tourist what kind of resources by desire of tourist. But the more they have on important effect upon tourist, tourist developer, a nation and society, the more they have an increasing in value. The other way, we keep in mind that tourist has worng-gambling, ruin, natural damage, etc. The tourist-resources development takes as much more weight at regional development. Also it develops the resources of undeveloped field which don't develop at the other industry, therefore, it is smoothly that increasing of regional income, acceleration of employment, improvement of traffic, and the circulation of a product. And it can have an important offect upon conditions of location at the other industry. The establishment of tourist zoning will be effective that, if possible, it correspond with local development and administrative area. Since Chung-Ju Dam had been completed at 1984, every field has been taked a growing interest in the tourist-resources development around Chung-Ju Lake. Befor the Dam, it had been alienated from the governmental policy and plan in all cases. But since then the Dam, there had maken up of favorable condition at the tourist-resources development by the government, eight points of recreation center, two points of the tourist resort, on point of model camping ground, two points of national park, and three points of hot spring area. In 1983, Government had been established the whole nation of the eight large exploitable zoning and the twenty-six small development zoning. For the first time, the area around Chung-Ju Lake gains recognition the necessity of tourist development and there was separated the Chung-Ju zoning into the middle part of expoitable area. And in 1989, there was isolated the Chung-Ju Lake small-zoning. The North Chung Cherng was divising a plan that the tourist development program for circulation of inIand and for each living area, and is propelling them now. That is installation of a road for natural inquiries, the tourist-development program of Chung-Ju Lake side, the development program of Chung-won cultural area, and the development program of the Mt. Wolak & So-baik national park. There are lying here and there the natural tourist-resoureces around Chung-Ju Lake, ― the Mt. Wol-ak & So-baik national park, the Suanbo springs, the Gosu cave, lots of mountain and valley, and plenty of natural view, Here is belong to the Jung-won cultural area, and there are many of cultural properties which is designated by a nation and province, ― seventy-four pieces of tangible cultural properties, a variety of intangible cultural properties, four place of historical spot, and seven kind of natural movement. And there are handed down much custom peculiar to the this part of the country. There are various kind of local festival as the social tourist-resources, ― the Uruik cultural festival, the Uirim cultural festival, the Suanbo hot-spring festival, the Chungtoong cultural festival, and the Mt, So-baik royal azalea festival, etc. But we rarely look for the social public services, the industrial facilities and the complex tourist-resources, etc. The railroad around Chung-Ju Lake has made progress a little early round Je-Chun dity, ― the Jungang Line, the Chung-buk Line, the Tae-baek Line. But the road make progress late compare with the other regions. There are five lines of state road, twelve lines of local road, adn fifty-five lines of city-county road But they are unsatisfactory for making the best of tourist. It go on increasing in sightseer gradually that gets aboard the excursion ship into Chung-Ju Lake. It is the high demend season at August and October round the Mt. Wol-ak national park, and at April and May round the Mt. So-baik national park. In conclusion, I make on laternative measure with futures for tourist-resources development around the Chung-Ju Lake, ― ① re-election of the tourist route, ② consideration of the local trait, ③ development of the complex tourist-resources, etc. How to re-elect of the tourist route is as follows. First, tourist-road that is use at present is enforced to widen a street, to pave, to make straight. So We ought to be shortened distance as soon as we can takes time for tourist. Secondly, we ought to open the new road for tourist on the north of Chung-Ju Lake. The third, there is run an excursion ship one way, but we ought to return from a cruise for considering tourist's advantage. The rural community consist mainly of farm, rice field and highlands. So that we must develop to agree with liking of tourist, those are the upbringing of singhtseeing farming and the construction of the recreation woods for tourist, of the general tourist resort that is used a woodland, of the rural park, and of the fruit-tree complex, etc. And we are demend the reappearance of the folk recreation, the making customs at times and seasons into tourist-resources, and the building of the folk museum. We are desirable to develop the tourist-resources that is include the public welfare for the poor, the disabled person, the city labourer, and the aged. If we will be construct the bublic services and industrial facilities around Chung-Ju Lake, it is desirable to construction be a good match they and the natural view. In that case, we will be able to make the most of tourist-resources them. Lastly, on the resources development for tourist industry around Chung-Ju Lake, it is requisite for active support of the Government and the self-govening authorities.

      • 관광자원 개발의 경제적 효과에 관한 연구

        심군보 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 실업교육전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        The tourism in Korea has been greatly grown due to the result of the success of economic planning followed by rapid increase income of the citizen, increase of leisure time, development of transportation, the change of attitude of citizen tourism, increase of population and the high standard of education of the citizen. Becuase of the constant development of economy, the up-grading of the educational standard and enhancement of income of the citizen have caused the pattern of life and the people have come to seek for the variety of life pattern, which stimulates the people's feeling for their moving around from place to place. Therefore the number of foreign vistors to Korea has become one million. This trend also has greatly contributed to the increase of the number of people making tour and to the development of industry of Korea as well. This is the reason that the Korean government has decide tour industry as a stratigic industry, giving a lot of support. The main effects of tourism of the people are as follows; quality of tour industry. Expecially the increase of the number of the foreign visitors have caused a favorable impact on the economy, society, and culture of Korea, and therefore the effects of tourism should be expanded a grat deal. With this situation in mind, I have examined the important cause that made the development of tourism importantant. 1) Many nations of the world have succeeded in the development of tourism through a through planning for attracting tourists. 2) Unique tourism resources and items should be absolutely developed. 3) Over-all planning for the development of tourism should be made. 4) The problems to develop tourism items for 1986 Asian Game and International Olympic Game and to utilize manpower resources effectively should be solved. This study, therefore, aim at the analysis of geographical situation and present condition thereof, based on the observation of the present situation of tourism resources development and problems involved in it. In this study I have presented a few effective development plans of tourism for inducing foreign visitors to Korea. In other words, I have tried to concentrate my study in identifying effective and over-all plans for the tourism resources. 1) It can contribute to the solution of the feeling of incredibility, the guidance of youth, enhancement of morale of the workers by providing opportunities for recreation, and to the construction of pleasant society by up-grading the morale of the citizen. 2) It can contribute to the establishment of spiritual basis for national harmony through formation of interdependent feeling by various class of people. 3) It can contribute to the solution of the feeling of discrimination among different regional people by promoting regional development program based on tourism among different regions. 4) It can contribute to the enhancement of the people's attitude to love the nature and the national culture by providing an opportunity to reappraise the nation. 5) When tour resources and attractive places for tourism have been developed and favorable climate for receiving tourist have been established we can expect many foreign vistors coming to Korea. Because of the result the domestic and foreign tourists have become increased in number and therefor it has contributed to the increase of tourism income, causing up-grading the

      • 비무장지대의 관광자원개발 방안에 관한 연구

        심양식 경희대학교 경영대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        관광산업은 2000년대 가장 유망한 미래산업으로 부각되고 있다. 2000년대에는 자본 흐름의 우선 순위에서 관광달러가 제 1순위가 될 것이라는 전망이다. 이미 서구 각국은 역사적 유물과 선진문명으로 관광산업에 있어서도 선진화된 모습으로 앞서가고 있다. 우리나라도 최근 대외 관광홍보에 대통령까지 광고에 나오실 정도로 관광산업의 육성에 힘쓰고 있지만 우리나라는 지리적으로 교통여건이 열악하고 한국하면 자신있게 말할 수 있는 세계적인 관광자원이 부족한 형편이다. 그래서 우리나라에서 대외적으로 부각시킬 수 있는 관광자원으로 세계적으로 희소가치가 있는 비무장지대와 인접지역을 개발하는 방안을 살펴보았다. 비무장지대와 인접지역은 군사안보상의 이유로 출입이 자유롭지 않으나 그 영향으로 자연생태 보존상태가 우수하여 안보관광과 더불어 생태관광 차원의 관광자원 개발이 가능하다. 비무장지대는 북한과 대치한 특수한 상황에서 시계 확보를 위한 화공작전으로 숲은 거의 소실되고 늪 상태로 남아 있으나 비무장지대와 남방한계선 사이인 민통선 지역은 자연생태보전이 거의 완벽한 상태로 남아 있어 생태관광 차원의 관광자원 개발이 가능하다. 판문점은 우리나라를 방 문한 외국 관광객들이 가장 인상에 남는 곳으로 제주도 다음으로 알려져 있어 분단국가로서 차별화된 관광자원으로서 개발이 가능성이 높은 곳이다. 1998년 11월 20일 비록 바다를 통해 이루어졌으나 금강산관광의 실현은 막연하기만 했던 비무장지대 관광자원 개발의 가능성을 열어주었다. 비무장지대의 관광자원 개발을 위하여는 이 지역을 실질적인 평화의 장으로 만들기 위하여 유엔군사령부와 북한의 공감대를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 정부의 외교적인 노력이 필요하다. 비무장지대의 관광자원 개발은 단순한 관광의 차원을 넘어 선 통일에 대한 염원이 담겨져 있다. 이 지역의 관광자원 개발은 남북교류의 밑걸음이 되고 통일을 한 걸음 앞당길 수 있다는 확신이 있다. 더 나아가 중국과 러시아 대륙으로 뻗어 나갈 수 있는 국제관광루트의 발판이 될 수 있을 것이다. A Tourism business is highlighted as the most promising future business in coming 2000. The tourism dollar is predicted to be No.1 in the priority order of money current in 2000. Many western countries have already been advanced in a tourism business with historic relics and advanced culture. Korea also tries to rear the business so hard that even president appeared in overseas tourism publicity recently. But Korea has poor traffic conditions in geographical features and lacks in world-famous tourism resources. For this reason, this study looks into a development plan of DMZ(a demilitarized zone) and its vicinity that have world scarcity value of a highlighted tourism resource overseas.. The admission into DMZ and its vicinity is restricted due to security reasons, but the state of natural ecology is so well-preserved that it is possible to develop tourism resource in both ecology tourism and security tourism level. DMZ, in specific confronting situation with North Korea, lost almost all forest due to attacking with fire for securing a visual field and remained a swamp, but the civilian-prohibited area between DMZ and southern limit is so well-preserved that it is possible to develop tourism resources in ecological tourism level. Panmunjom is the place which can be developed as a differentiated tourism place of the divided country because foreign tourists have strong impression on the place next to Che-ju island. The Kumkang mountain tour opened the possibility of developing DMZ although the tour was conducted through seas. The government's diplomatic efforts to draw sympathy between the headquarter of UN and North Korea is needed to develop tourism resource of DMZ. The development of DMZ has long for unification besides mere tourism. The development of this place will be a foundation stone and a help to improve unification. In addition, it will be a basis of international tourism route to China and Russia.

      • 國民觀光性向 變化에 따른 觀光資源開發에 關한 硏究

        반해송 경기대학교 경영대학원 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        Entering the 20th century, the era of mechanical civilization, the increase of incone, reduction in working hours, and development of transportation & information made tourism prosper rapidly. As the concept of tourism, which was considered to be enjoyed oniy by some socity class, changes into social tourism, the improvement of tourism in the aspect of quality and quantity came along. Considering the phenomenan of serious environmental pollution, tourism is not only a concept of simple play but also a characteristic of modern people seeking the physical & mental health and quality of life. As the demand for tourism increases like this, the development of unsufficient tourist potential must be implemented. For a country like korea with a small land and poor tourist potential, the necessity of effective development and use of tourist potential is becoming very strong. Therefore, the purposes of this study are as follow ; 1. Predict the tourist demand by analyzing the change of social tourist trend for the needs of the times of massive tourism. 2. Set forth the measures for tourist promotion, and the positive development direction so that the public can easily enjoy tours. This study focuses on the demestic tourist potential which occupies the most social tourism, and its analysis on tourist trend is based on the statistics of the residents in seoul and pusan in 1984 and 1988. This study is composed of 6 chapters, the first chapter describes the purpose, pange and method of this study. The second chapter describes the theoretical base on tourist potential and its development. The thiro chapter analyses the change of social tourist trend, and the real situation of tourist potential development. The fourth chapter focuses on the effective development direction of social tourist potential. The fifth chapter studies the measures to protect and preserve the tourist potential. The final chapter has the conclusion of this study. Better and more comfortable tourism by utilizing the natural scenes effectively also, the development of tourist potential is implemented as a way of longterm land development, and should be planned to bring balance on land development. Especially, one thing to keep in mind in developing tourist potential, is not to harm the nature and cause environmental pollution in the name of good cause. For the massive tourist era in the 21st century, the tourist porential should have effective supply and demand by developing and managing the unsufficient tourist potential effectively.

      • 국민관광자원개발에 관한 연구 : 충주호주변자원을 중심으로

        왕연대 단국대학교 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        The conception of leisure has been changed with the progress of science and technology, raised income, shortened working hours, Paid vacation, and popularized owning cars. In the past sightseeing is censured as wasting but nowadays it is accepted as an essential part of life like foods, clothing and housing. A tendency trying to enjoy one's own life being prevailed upon society, the demand of sightseeing and recreation activities are increasing rapidly. So the development of tourist potential is required in the view of satisfying the demand. To satisfy the demand of sightseeing, the development of tourist potential has been done all over Korea in 1980s. The Chungju Dam constructed under the comprehensive development plan of Namhan River is the largest multiple purpose dam in South Korea, which has industrial and sightseeing use. The dam has a total storage of thirty three billion eighty million cubic feet of water and forty million KW of electric power supply, furthermore the lake has such wonderful scenery that it will go far toward gathering tourists. The construction of this dam enables this area to be a tourist attraction. Especially the route connecting Chugju with Danyang proves its merits and also Mt.Soback an Mt.Wolak, both are National Parks, have merits and potentiality as sightseeing resources. Chungju Lake is located at the center of South Korea and there are many beautiful sceneries, historic vestiges and sightseeing facilities around the lake. Seeing the map of this area roughly, we can be able to look at Eight Great Scenehes of Danyang, Suanbo hot springs, Mt. Wolak and Soback, which can satisfy the demand of diverse tourists all the year round. So this area can be said to be 'sightseeing treasury'. The Government and the provincial authorities of Chungchongbuckdo established the Comprehensive Development Plan of Sightseeing Resources of Chungju lake area on those ground in order to make this area as a overall tourist attraction and resort place. Today, the demand of sightseeing are increased in proportion to the rise of sightseeing acts but the development of sightseeing resources and plans are not equal to the demand. As reviewed above, Chungju dam area has many advantages in which beautiful sceneries, cultural remains, administrative support are contained. If these area is developed systemically and practically on these advantageous ground, it will be more attractive sightseeing area. These area can be divided as follows : Mt.Soback, caves in Danyang, Mt.Wolak, hot springs of Suanbo and the lake itself used as a base for water sightseeing. But there are some spots uneasy to be reached because of lack of transportation, and sightseeing facilities are not sufficient for total tourist attraction in this area. If the comprehensive development of this area are done and the high way which will connect Chunchon with Daegu are constructed and further railway and air traffic are established, this area will be full of tourists all the year round.

      • 慶州地域의 觀光資源開發 方案에 관한 硏究 : 文化財 觀光資源開發 活性化를 中心으로

        민덕기 京畿大學校 經營大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        With the history of Buddhist culture transmitted for a thousand years of the Shilla, the Kyongju area had seen the golden age of the Buddhist culture in the fields of architecture, sculpture, paintings, artistic handicraft, folk customs, etc. In Korea, therefore, the Kyongju area having graceful cultural assets has been considered not only as the most historic place where national consciousness can be inspired and the national long and glorious history can be taught but also as the most preferable tourist attraction. In a tend of social changes, however, the number of tourists to the place of historic interest has decreased year by year. This paper is intended to study the problems facing the Kyongju area through a fact-finding analysis and to suggest the methods for efficient use a culture assets in Kyongju for tourist resources the Specific purposes of this paper are : 1. To stress the need to renew our appreciation of the value of cultural assets as tourist resources, 2. To find problems facing the Kyongju area through a fact, finding analysis of tourists to the historic place, and 3. To suggest the methods for efficient use of cultural assets in Kyongju for tourist resources on the basis of analysis There will be many reason for yealy decrease in number of tourists visiting the Kyongju area, this paper, however, on the basis of important evidencing materials and interviews with the working level of the authorities concerned, suggests 10 methods for efficient use of its cultural assets for tourist resources as follows : use of its cultural assets for tourist resources as follows 1. Harmony beteween projects for making a city and for preserving cultural assets. 2. Efficient use of cultural heritages for tourist resources 3. Development of sight-seeing course (rute) to place of historic interest by national park districts in Kyongju. 4. Promotion of sisterhood beetween Kyongju and other cities home and abroad. 5. Expansion of the administrative organization of culture and tourism in Kyongju and supplement of executive experts. 6. Diversified promotion of cultural assets as tourist resources. 7. Training of professional tourist guiders to cultural assets in Kyongju. 8. Preparation of measures for overcomming the chronic financial difficulties in preservation and management of historic relics. 9. Preparation Promotion of cultural assets as tourist resources. In order to fuefil the 9 suggestions above-mentioned, all the parties including the government authorities concerned, the city of Kyongju, the organizations concerned with sight-seeing to cultural assets and local residents should be in an active cooperative system with political and administrative supports. In addition, not only the value of cultural assets as tourist resources should be newly appreciated but also a right national conscioueness and historical view should be inspired through preservation and thansmission of national traditions and cultral assets. Such multilateral efforts will result in a new change our cultural history on the verge of 2000.

      • 地域觀光資源開發 方案에 관한 硏究

        이익수 京畿大學校 大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        본 논문의 개요는 다음과 같다. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 1. 問題의 提起 및 硏究의 目的 : 지금까지의 地域觀光資源開發의 문제점은 불균형 현상, 지역단위 특성 배제, 무질서한 개발 등이다. 이러한 문제의 출발점은 토지이용계획을 바탕으로 하지 않은 결과이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서 주안점을 둔 것은 地域觀光資源開發과 토지이용계획과의 조화이다. 본 논문의 연구의 목적은 地域觀光資源開發을 위하여 토지이용계획에 바탕을 둔 상호 관련성에 의거하여 인간을 중심으로 한 지연자원과 인공자원과의 보완관계를 이용하여 종합적인 地域觀光資源開發의 방향을 제시함에 있다. 2. 硏究의 方法 및 範圍 : 연구의 방법은 문헌을 통한 합리적 연구 방법을 실시하였고 연구의 공간적 범위는 충청북도를 중심으로 하였다. 3. 理論的 背景 : 이론적 배경은 地域觀光資源開發과 토지이용 계획에 관한 고찰을 통하여 양자간의 상관성을 규명하였다. 1) 地域 觀光資源 開發 : 지역의 단위는 행정구역 단위인 도를 중심으로 설정하였고, 地域觀光資源의 분류는 도시형관광자원, 중간형관광자원, 자원중심형관광자원으로 구분하고 도시형관광자원에는 도시공원, 체육시설, 사회형태, 산업시설, 유원지, 위생접객업 등을 포함하였고, 중간형 관광자원에는 호텔, 모텔, 음식점, 주제공원, 관광휴양지, 관광지, 관광단지 등을, 자원중심형관광자원에는 자연자원, 자연공원, 문화재, 농어촌자원, 산림자원을 포함하였다. 이들 觀光資源의 特性을 살펴보면 도시형은 근거리에 위치, 도시계획의 적용, 도시민의 생활공간, 생활관련 觀光資源의 특성을 보이고, 중간형은 중간적 위치, 가교의 역할, 지원의 기능, 거점지역, 국토이용관리법 적용(도시지역제외), 觀光振興法 적용 등의 특성이 있으며 자원중심형관광자원은 원거리에 위치, 보존과 보호의 필요성, 직접적인 관련시설 위치, 자연공원법, 문화재보호법, 적용 등의 특성이 있다. 2) 土地利用計劃 : 토지의 특성으로는 자연적 조건, 유한성, 개성, 연속성, 사회적 기능 등이 있으며 토지이용계획의 의의는 이러한 토지의 합리적이고 호율적인 이용 및 개발, 보전을 위한 계획으로 토지의 이용에 대한 규제의 한 수단이다. 토지이용계획의 종류로서 본 논문에서는 국토계획, 국토이용계획, 도시계획을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 3) 相關性 : 地域觀光資源開發과 土地利用計劃의 상관성은 이념적 상관성, 규모단위로서의 상관성, 계획의 상관성, 법적 상관성 등으로 구분하여 논하였다. 4. 現況 및 問題點 1) 現況 : 地域觀光資源開發과 토지이용계획의 현황은 충정북도를 중심으로 분석하였다. 地域觀光資源開發의 현황은 도시형, 중간형, 자원중심형의 3가지로 구분하여 고찰하였다. 2) 問題點 : 이를 토대로 문제점을 도출하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 都市型觀光資源의 문제점은 도시형관광자원에 대한 인식 부족, 소프트웨어의 부족, 도시의 特性 미반영, 도시생활권 관광자원 不在, 정보제공의 부족 등이 나타났다. 둘째, 中間型觀光資源의 문제점은 열악한 시설, 무질서한 개발, 人工과 自然에 대한 인식부족, 타자원과의 차별성 문제, 環境變化에 대처 능력 부족 등으로 나타났다. 셋째, 資源中心型觀光資源의 문제점은 人工施設의 난입, 지나친 개발, 문화자원개발 미흡 등으로 나타났다. 또한 운영상의 문제점으로는 관리감독의 소홀, 주민참여 부족, 특성 배제 등이 나타났다. 토지이용계획의 문제점으로는 용도지역문제, 법제적 문제, 계획기준문제, 지역공간 분화문제 등이 나타났다. 이상의 결과에 대한 상호간의 문제점으로는 유형별 地域觀光資源開發을 위한 토지이용계획의 미비, 도시형관광자원개발시 용도지역 활용미비, 도시건설계획과의 연관관계 미흡, 자원중심형관광자원개발상의 환경문제 등이 대두되었다. 5. 地域觀光資源開發 方案 : 상기의 문제점을 개선하기 위한 방안으로는 地域觀光資源開發과 土地利用計劃간의 조화가 요구되는데 이들의 목표는 地域觀光資源자원과 토지이용계획간의 조화, 인간과 자연과의 조화, 지역관광자연의 기능적 분화 및 연계, 전 지역의 관광자원화 등이다. 이러한 목표를 실현하기위한 방안으로서는 첫째, 도시형관광자원개발을 위하여 情報體系의 확립, 용도지역의 기능부여, 도시지역내 각종시설의 활용, 도시공원과 遊園地의 정비 등이 필요하며 둘째, 중간형관광자원개발을 위하여 도시지역의 팽창요소 분산, 緩衝 作用, 종합적 시설의 설치, 관광의 전진기지 마련 등이 필요하고 셋째, 자원중심형관광자원개발을 위하여 開發의 價値重視, 환경오염의 탈피, 적정수용력의 고려 등이 요구된다. 이러한 개선방안을 바탕으로 결과를 살펴볼 때 결론적으로 地域觀光資源의 개발방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 土地利用計劃을 통한 자원의 유형별 구분이 요구된다. 둘째, 교통체계의 구축에 의한 地域觀光資源의 연계가 필요하다. 셋째, 觀光資源의 활용을 위한 소프트웨어의 개발이 요구된다. 넷째, 地域觀光資源의 개발과 지역개발과의 연관성을 고려해야 한다. 다섯째, 地域住民의 참여를 적극 유도해야 한다. 여섯째, 지역 全般의 衡平을 고려해야 한다. 이상과 같이 본 논문을 요약할 수 있는데 역시 地域觀光資源開發은 토지이용계획을 바탕으로 이루어져야 하며 앞으로의 연구는 이들 地域觀光資源에 대한 구체적이고 세부적인 指針을 마련하는데 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다. It is known that regional tourism resources development in Korea have been imbalanced, unplanned, and single faceted. These problems mainly result from insufficient consideration of land use plan. In this study, regional tourism resources involve three major categories: urban, intermediary, and resource-centered tourism resources. And land use plan comprises physical plan of national territory, use plan of national territory and urban planning This study has been performed to solve above mentioned problems in scope of Choongchungbookdo province, Korea. Thus the purpose of this study is to find ways to achieve harmony between regional resources development and land use plan. To achieve above mentioned research objective, the correlation between regional tourism resources development and land use on the point of conceptual, unit-concerned, planning, and legal aspects has been explored. Findings about problems with regional tourism resources development in Choongchungbookdo province in Korea can be summarized as follows: (1) Problems with urban tourism resources lack of recognition and interest, lack of software, lack of consideration for urban characteristics, and lack of information provision (2) Problems with inter mediary tourism resources-unplanned development, insufficient facilities, lack of recognition for nature and artifact, positioning problems from other resources, and lack of capability to cope with environmental changes. (3) Problems with resources-centered tourism resources-overbuilding of artificial facilities, over-development, and insufficient cultural resources development. And Problems with land use plan in Choongchungbookdo province in Korea can be summarized as utilization legal, planning standard, and segmenting regional space problems. To solve above mentioned problems, following suggestions should be considered when there are tourism resources developments in Choongchungbookdo do province, Korea. (1) Types of tourism resources in consideration of land use plan should be identified. (2) Linkage among regional tourism resources through transportation structure is essential. (3) A software for the utilization of tourism resources should be developed. (4) A linkage between regional tourism resources development and regional development should be considered. (5) A participation of local residents should be encouraged. (6) A balanced growth of region should be considered.

      • 觀光資源 敎育性의 測定尺度 開發 및 觀光者 滿足과의 關聯性 分析

        이명진 京畿大學院 1998 국내박사

        RANK : 249727

        최근 국내외 학자들에 의해 관광지 매력속성을 분석하고자 하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으나 관광지 매력속성을 측정하기 위한 척도개발에 관한 연구는 찾아보기 힘들다. 본 연구에서는 선행연구에서 제시된 관광지 매력속성 중 관광자원의 교육성을 측정하기 위한 척도를 개발하고 개발된 교육성 측정척도를 대표적인 문화관광지인 불국사에 적용시켜 교육성과 관광자 만족과의 관계와 자원해설방법에 따른 교육성 지각정도의 차이를 분석하였다. 본 연구를 수행하기 위하여 불국사 관광지에서 1999년 4월에 2회에 걸쳐 설문조사를 실시하였으며 유효 표본 수는 729매였다. 실증분석을 위해서 SAS프로그램을 이용하여 요인분석, 회귀분석, 분산분석 등을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 예비조사와 본 조사의 교육성 구성요인을 비교해 보면, 예비조사 때는 문화재에 관련된 구성요인이 문화재감상1, 문화재감상2로 2개로 나타났는데 본 조사 때는 문화재감상으로 통합되어졌으며, 예비조사 때의 심리적 전환 요인이 본 조사에서는 심리적 전환과 가치관변화 요인으로 분리되어졌다. 또 자연감상 요인의 경우 예비조사에서는 별도의 요인으로 추출되었으나 본 조사에서는 나타나지 않았으며, 자연감상 요인의 세부항목인 자연생태계 관찰은 본 조사의 색다른 경험으로, 자연의 중요성인식은 자원가치인식 요인으로 포함되어졌다. 둘째, 불국사 관광지에서 개발된 관광자원의 교육성 측정척도는 지식증진, 문화재감상, 색다른 경험, 자원가치인식, 심리적 전환, 가치관변화 등 6개 구성요인과 24개 세부항목이다. 이들 요인 가운데 지식증진 요인이 전체 설명력 55.16% 중 24.6%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 이 결과로 볼 때 관광지 내에서 관광자들이 관광자원의 교육성을 지각하여 만족을 얻게 하기 위해서는 지식증진을 높일 수 있는 방안을 강구해야 할 것으로 보인다. 관광자들의 지식증진을 향상시키기 위해서는 관광지에 관한 새로운 정보를 제공해 주는 해설프로그램을 개발하는 것이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 셋째, 교육성 구성요인과 관광자 만족과의 관계에서 색다른 경험 요인이 역함수관계로 나타났으며, 감정적 만족 및 인지적 만족과의 관계에서는 심리적 전환 요인이 관광자 만족을 가장 잘 설명해 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이런 결과로 볼 때 관광자들이 관광지 내에서 마음이 편안하고 자유로움을 느낄 수 있는 분위기를 연출하는 것이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 또한 관광자 만족을 감소시키는 요인으로 나타난 색다른 경험은 향후 후속연구에서 명확한 원인 규명이 있어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 넷째, 관광지 내에서 관광자들이 교육성을 지각하는 수준과 만족수준을 높이기 위해서는 다양한 자원해설방법을 제공하여야 할 것이다. 관광자들의 지식증진을 높이기 위해서는 해설 브로셔를 제작하여 나누어주고, 문화재에 관한 내용은 전문적인 지식을 가진 자원해설자가 해설을 해주고, 자원가치를 인식시키기 위해서는 해설판을 제공하는 것이 효과적일 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구는 관광지 교육성의 측정척도를 개발하여 우리 나라 여러 관광지를 비교 측정하지 않고 불국사 한곳만 적용하였다는 점에서 객관성에 대한 문제를 배제할 수 없는 한계를 가지고 있다. 마지막으로 본 연구에서 개발된 교육성 측정척도의 일반화를 위하여 다양한 관광지에 적용시켜보는 연구와 관광자의 특성에 따라 차별화 된 해설내용과 해설방법을 제시할 수 있는 후속연구가 앞으로 지속적으로 이루어지기를 기대한다. Domestic and international researchers have recently analyzed the attraction attributes of destination but they have neglected to develop the measurement scale of attraction attributes of the destination. Of the previous researches on the attractions of tourism resource, this paper concentrates on the development of scale to measure educational attributes of tourism resource. Also, as I apply the measurement scale that has been invented, to Bulguk-sa, I will show the relationship of its educational attributes and tourist satisfaction and the perceptual level differences based on various resource interpretation methods. For the research, we carried out a field survey at Bulguk-sa, which is a famous destination in Korea, two times in April of 1999 and 729 pieces of data were available. We used the SAS program to demonstratively analyze its factor, regression and variance. The results of the analysis are as follow: First, we can divide the educational attributes of Bulguk-sa into six main factors and twenty four specific subfactors: the knowledge development, the cultural heritage tour, an unusual experience, the understanding of resource value, a psychological diversion and the change of values. Of the factors, the knowledge development was ranked as the highest at 24.6% of the whole figure of 55.16%. Considering this result, we need to make plans that can grow the understanding of tourist on the destination, perceiving the educational attributes of the destination. To improve their understanding, we need to develop an interpretive program to provide new information about the destination where tourist visit. Second, in the survey of the relationship between educational factors and tourist satisfaction, an unusual experience was considered to be a negative factor. And in the relationship of emotional satisfaction and perceivable satisfaction, psychological diversion is the main factor that many tourists choose. Considering this result, we need to design the destination so those tourists feel comfortable and peaceful. Also, an unusual experience is surveyed as a main factor that reduces tourists' satisfaction. Therefore, we must find out what is the unusual experience that tourists feel together hereafter. Third, we can provide various resource interpretation methods to elevate the levels that tourists perceive the educational attributes of the destination and satisfy it. To grow the understanding of tourists, it may be effective to provide the brochure that introduces the destination. It may also be successful that professional resource interpreters provide information of the destination in details and the destination authority produces guidebooks to perceive the values of resource. Last, I expect that the measure scales of educational attributes that have been developed be applied to various destinations, making a standard method in this area. And I wish the related research is continuously followed so that it can provide various interpretation and interpretation methods upon tourist peculiarity.

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