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      • (A) study on performance of economics graduate students, Korea University : who is a good human capital in graduate school?

        김경현 Graduate School, Korea University 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 232287

        The purpose of this investigation is to do determine a prediction model for selecting graduate students in economics area. Although economic graduate course in South Korea is similar to the one in Britain and the United States, little attention has been given to examine a student performance. Athey, Katz, Krueger, Levitt and Poterba(2007), who studied a research on economics graduate school of the United States, even said that economists devote considerable effort to graduate students education but have conducted relatively little research on the determinants of student performance or placement in the job market. As the authors' opinion, a study on performance of graduate students should be an important and urgent problem. But this paper is not concerned here with the determinants of student performance in labor market, the study will be supplemented by previous studied in section Ⅱ. The main objectives of this study were : firstly, to do a study on human capital in economics, secondly, to do a study on a group of the highest education level, and thirdly, to do a prediction on graduate students performance using pre-admission data of applicants. By analyzing this paper, we examine the sequentiality between economics required subjects of undergraduate and graduate course. And the paper can be concerned with what factors have an effect on economic graduate performance. It is important for selection process of pre-admission to cultivate outstanding scholars in graduate school. Hence, the results are expected to help screening graduate students in admissions committee.

      • Impact of school factor-realated incentives on Pupil's absenteeism in Ugandan public primary schools

        이재익 Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        ABSTRACT The study is analyzing the impact of school factor-related incentives on pupil’s absenteeism in Ugandan public primary schools. Were it not for the proper understanding of the education system in Uganda, our endeavor to make progress in the quality of education in the country would be easily blocked. Even if pupil’s absenteeism in Uganda has been a critical problem with regard to the quality of public primary education, especially from the perspective of school factor-related incentives, only few studies have systematically examined its associated determinants in conjunction with school factor-related incentives. The one of the main objectives of the study is to examine the impact of school factor-related incentives; and to investigate the adequate solutions to the pupil absenteeism problem as the base of operations by utilizing dataset which is amassed by an international Non–Governmental Organization UWEZO 2012. School factor-related incentives are divided into four categories: School feeding, whether each of the sample schools has a school library, electricity, and safe-water source. By applying OLS regression using the dataset which includes randomly chosen 81,650 children and 2,279 public primary schools, this study examines how those incentives are correlated with pupil’s absenteeism in Ugandan public primary schools. As a result of estimation, the biggest and most effective way of boosting pupil’s attendance is school feeding. It is because that although Uganda has enjoyed one of the highest rates of economic growth over the last decade, 35 percent of the total Ugandan population is living below the poverty line still. Through participating in school, students also can get benefit such as improving their nourishment and a caloric intake per each day, not to mention that they more frequently come to school. Until now, the Government of Uganda haven’t implemented policy regarding providing school feeding system in their public primary schools. The Ugandan government has the tasks of implementing the policy regarding such incentives which have been shown the negative impact on pupil’s absenteeism and progressing guidelines and standards for fulfilment yet; of course, school feeding should be a top priority. Further research is required to investigate this issues in more detail. Through continued advocacy endeavour and support from communities, better education of all school children in the country can be achieved

      • Challenges facing the effective implementation of inclusive education program for children with disabilities in public primary schools in Limuru sub-county, Kiambu county in Kenya

        Gitau Thomas Njoroge Graduate School of Government, Business, and Entre 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        케냐에서 장애가 있는 어린이는 초창기부터 특수 학교에 등록되어 있습니다. 이로 인해 일반 학교와 분리되어 있습니다. 이러한 사실을 깨닫고 정부와 핵심 교육 관계자들은 정규 학생과 함께 배울 주류 학교에 이러한 학습자를 포함시키는 것이 중요하다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 정부와 이해 관계자들의 많은 노력이 현실화되었습니다. 그러나 특수 교육을 필요로 하는 아동을 대상으로 하는 과정이 국가의 모든 주류 초등학교에서 성공하지 못했기 때문에 이는 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 있습니다. 이를 위해 케냐의 키암부 주에 있는 장애 아동을 위한 포괄적인 교육 프로그램의 효과적인 실행에 직면 한 어려움을 발견하기 위한 연구의 기초를 형성했습니다. 이 연구는 교육 기획자 및 기타 이해 관계자에게 제기된 문제에 대한 중요한 정보를 제공하고 문제에 대한 가능한 조치와 권장 사항을 제안했습니다. 이 연구는 셔먼과 우드 (Sherman and Wood, 1982)에 의해 발전된 평등 기회의 고전 이론에 기초를 두고 있습니다. 이 연구의 목적은 다음과 같습니다. Limuru Sub 주의 공립 초등학교에서 장애 아동을 위한 포괄적인 교육의 실시 상태를 탐색하고, 장애 아동을 위한 포함 과정의 효과적인 시행을 방해하는 요인을 파악하고, 직면한 과제에 대한 그럴듯한 제안 및 응답을 수립합니다. 이 연구는 설명 된 목표와 연구 질문에 대답하기 위해 데이터를 수집 할 때 서술적인 설문 조사 디자인을 채택했습니다. 이 연구는 교사 및학부모들 사이에서 진행되었습니다. 대상 인구에는 그 지역에 있는 40 개의 공립 초등학교, 40 명의 선생님, 546 명의 초등 교사 및 약 5,000 명의 부모가 포함되었습니다. 이 연구 샘플에는 포괄적인 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 14 개의 모든 공립 초등학교가 포함되었습니다. 14 개 학교의 교사 중 14 명이 선발되었으며, 56 명의 교사, 각 4 명의 샘플링 학교에서 4 명, 각 학교의 56 명의 학부모 4 명이 포함되었습니다. 총 126 명의 응답자가 응답했습니다. 조사 도구에는 설문지, 관찰 체크리스트, 인터뷰 일정 및 문서 분석이 포함되었습니다. 분석에는 질적 및 양적 분석이 모두 포함되었습니다. 질적 분석은 기존 문헌의 결론을 고려한 반면 정량적 분석은 빈도수 및 평균 분포, 표, 합계 및 수집 된 데이터를 의미있는 그룹 및 추후 분석을 위한 표로 응축하기 위한 백분율 계산에 나타난 응답자의 의견에 대한 결론과 관련되어 있습니다. 수집 된 데이터는 SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences)를 사용하여 분석되었으며 빈도 테이블 및 비율의 형태로 제공되었습니다. 이 연구는 포괄적 인 교육의 실행 상태가 육체 및 보조 시설, 교사의 교육 및 교육 자원, 부모의 요인 및 아동의 참여 과정을 가로막는 장벽으로 작용한 사회적 문화적 측면에서 수많은 도전에 직면했다는 것을 발견할 수 있었습니다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 학교 시설 및 커리큘럼의 수정을 보다 포괄적이고 조정 가능하게 만들고 포괄적인 교육을 처리하기 위해 더 많은 교사를 양성하기 위한 노력을 강화해야 합니다. 장애 문제에 대한 인식 창출과 포괄적인 교육의 필요성에 있어 주요 교육 이해 관계자 들간의 공동 노력이 있어야 합니다. 또한 포괄적인 교육을 지원하기 위해 자금이 증가해야 합니다. 케냐의 주 정부는 또한 포괄적인 교육 프로그램을 시행함에 있어 주요 이해 관계자로서 인정 받고 참여해야 합니다. Children with disabilities have in Kenya have been enrolled in special schools since the early years of independence. This led to their segregation from the regular schools. On realizing this, the government and the key education stakeholders realized the importance of having these learners included in the mainstream schools where they would learn with the regular pupils. A great deal of effort from the government and the stakeholders have been made to make this a reality. However, this has not been successful since the inclusion process for children with special learning needs have not been successful in all the mainstream primary schools in the country. This formed the basis of the study in trying to find out the challenges faced in the effective implementation of the inclusive education program for children with disabilities in Limuru Sub County of Kiambu County in Kenya. The study sought to provide valuable information on the challenges to educational planners and other stakeholders and suggest possible measures and recommendations to the problem. The study was based on the on the Classical Theory of Equal Opportunities advanced by Sherman and Wood (1982). The objectives of the study were; To explore the status of implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities in public primary schools in Limuru Sub County, to determine the factors hindering the effective implementation of the inclusion process for children with disabilities and to establish the plausible suggestions and responses to the challenges facing the implementation of an inclusive education program for children with disabilities. The study adopted a descriptive survey design in collecting data in order to answer the outlined objectives and the research questions. The study was carried out among teachers, head teachers and parents. The target population included 40 public primary schools in the area, 40 head teachers, 546 primary school teachers and about 5000 parents. The study sample included all the 14 public primary schools offering inclusive education program. From the 14 schools, all the 14 head teachers were selected, 56 teachers, four from each sampled school and 56 parents 4 from each school were also included. This gave a total of 126 respondents. The research instruments included questionnaires, observation checklists, interview schedules and document analysis. The analysis included both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative analysis considered the conclusions from the existing literature while Quantitative analysis involved the conclusions on the respondents' opinions presented in frequency counts and mean distributions, tabulation, totals and calculation of percentages aimed at condensing the data collected into meaningful groups and tables for further analysis. Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented in form of frequency tables and percentages. The study found out that the status of implementation of inclusive education was faced with numerous challenges in terms of physical and aiding facilities, teachers’ training and teaching resources, parental factors and social cultural factors which acted as barriers to the process of inclusion of children with disabilities. In addressing the challenges, more efforts need to be enhanced in the modification of school facilities and curriculum to become more inclusive and accommodative and to train more teachers to handle the inclusive education. There should be concerted efforts among the key educational stakeholders in awareness creation on the disability issues and the need for inclusive education. There should be increased funding to support inclusive education. The County governments in Kenya should also be recognized and involved as major stakeholders in the implementation of inclusive education programs in the country.

      • Political socialization of middle school students in North Korea : a focus on the personality cult of leaders

        Lee, Sharllen O Graduate School, Korea University 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        This thesis analyzes the political socialization of North Korean middle school students, including the middle school education system and its curriculum, based on the personality cult (or idolization) of North Korean leaders. This study is the first to examine political socialization at the North Korean middle school level. The thesis assumes that the personality cult in middle schools is important, as the middle school education of North Korean teens becomes the basis for their political orientations as adults. The personality cult of North Korean leaders is analyzed through political socialization and a curriculum designed to control everything being taught at the schools in all grades. Specific daily activities and curricula are designed to idolize the leader who dominates society and to induce complete loyalty in the youngsters. The majority of previous studies on North Korean middle school idolization analyzed only North Korean textbooks. Unlike previous studies, this study includes students’ idolization activities along with textbook analysis to examine the subject in a broader manner. Thus, idolization within regular school curricula and extracurricular activities is explained. This thesis is divided into three major parts: analysis view, idolization education content and idolization activities. The analysis view discusses the point of view used to analyze idolization education in middle schools. It is deemed that North Korean idolization education (in which students learn leaders’ legendary achievements and participate in diverse idolization activities)is the core of political socialization. The portion on middle school idolization education includes a detailed examination of textbook content and in-depth face-to-face interviews with North Korean defectors.

      • Determinants of school dropout in the rural areas from Honduras : implications for government policies

        Thuman, Samir Guillermo Flores Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        The school dropout issue is present at all educational stages and in all countries, however the issue is more complex and significant in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) or Developing Countries where the economic conditions are not entirely favorable. In Honduras more than half of the population is located in the rural areas; setting on which most of the people are living under extreme poverty. The conditions of basic education in the rural areas are unstable; more than 70 per cent of schools are managed by one or two professors. In Honduras the educational systems share the following features: insufficient coverage of primary education, increased access to basic education, and little capacity to retain both the primary and secondary levels. Consequently, the school dropout phenomena is linked to low levels of learning the basic content taught by professors, limited access to schools, school material, qualified teachers, as well as issues like poverty and school distance; which slows the development of the skilled children´s at their early age. Its negative effects are gathered throughout the school year, affecting disproportionately the opportunities of improving their welfare and wellbeing, especially among the poorest sectors slowing the economic development of the society and the country as a whole. School dropout have a direct impact on the society which suffer consequences when students drop out from school, the costs to society in terms of lost tax revenue and the expense of government assistance programs for employment, housing, medical care, and imprisonment represent a significant percentage of the countries budget. The document focal point is the analysis of the main causes of school dropout that take place in the rural areas of Honduras; the analysis aims to identify the factors that forced students to take the decision of dropping out from school. Identifying these causes will allow the implementation of strategies that will reduce school dropout, making children’s continue and finish school; give them higher levels of education, better employment generation which symbolize higher future earnings to keep their families out of poverty and improving their living standards. The most relevant findings based on the analysis done and the data collected were that identifying and understanding the causes of school dropout and the factors that influence children to dropout from school in the rural areas from Honduras is a complex but not an unfeasible assignment; mainly because many other areas of the education system in Honduras, school dropout is subjective to and affected by a variety of personal and organizational factors. However with the theoretical review made to identify the main factors that influence on school dropout gave some valuable approach to identify the starting point of the school dropout phenomenon in the rural areas from Honduras and at the same time it gave a possible explanation which determine what will be the best solution to reduce and control school dropout.

      • Confucianism and its cultural impacts : a comparative study on middle school bullying between China and Japan

        Yunbo Bai Graduate School, Yonsei University 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        School bullying has become a social problem all over the world. In recent years, the problem of bullying in middle schools in China has become more and more serious, and the severity of its consequences has attracted the attention of the Chinese government. In the 21st century, Japan is also one of the countries with serious school bullying problems. According to the theory of social ecological system, we can infer that the participants of school bullying are affected by various surrounding environmental factors. As a macro environmental factor, the culture in society has a subtle influence on students' cognition. As we all know, China and Japan are very close geographically and have conducted many cultural exchanges since ancient times. There are cultural similarities between the two countries, especially, the Confucian culture. So does this mean that the reason for the similar behavior of middle school’s bullying in China and Japan is that they are influenced by the similar Confucian culture? Therefore, this paper will take the participants of bullying on middle schools in China and Japan as the research objects, and mainly analyze the cultural reasons of middle school’s bullying in both countries. Comparative research methods, case analysis methods, literature research methods and qualitative research methods are the main research methods used in this article. The second chapter of the thesis first introduces the differences between Chinese and Japanese Confucian cultures, especially in four aspects: shame culture, harmonious culture, collectivism and family culture. At the same time, it introduces the new development of these four cultures in the two countries and the impacts on the current Chinese and Japanese society. The third chapter of the thesis lists cases of bullying in middle schools in China and Japan, and carefully analyzes the psychology of the participants. It is found that although the behaviors of bullying participants in Chinese and Japanese schools are similar, they have different starting points. Therefore, the fourth chapter further analyzes the psychological factors of the three roles in the phenomenon of school bullying in China and Japan, as well as the social and cultural reasons that affect the psychological factors. Through comparative research methods, it is found that the different Confucian cultures in Chinese and Japanese societies have different impacts on the psychology. Although these factors are derived from traditional Confucian culture, they already have had special new developments in China and Japan. Therefore, this article concludes that although the phenomenon of school bullying in China and Japan seems to be the same, the Confucian culture of China and Japan has had impacts on school bullying in China and Japan respectively. Exploring the cultural background of school bullying in China and Japan can enable us to better understand the causes of school bullying and provide some ideas for the future countermeasures of school bullying in the two countries. It has important reference value for the further prevention of school bullying. At the same time, although Confucian culture has its meaning as a traditional culture, it still requires us that in the future China and Japan should constantly reflect on traditional culture, adjusting the traditional culture to new social needs, and better guide people's lives at the level of consciousness.

      • Essays on the effects of early school enrollment and legal drinking age on risky behaviors and health outcomes

        신유식 Graduate School, Korea University 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 232271

        본 논문은 취학 시기의 효과에 대한 연구와 청소년 음주 규제의 효과에 대한 연구로 구성되어 있다. 1장에서는 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 2장에서는 자녀의 취학 시기가 어머니의 정신 건강에 미치는 전이 효과에 대해 분석한다. 3장에서는 한국의 청소년 음주 정책이 개인의 음주 행위에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 세계의 여러 나라들은 아동이 태어난 이후 몇 개월이 되었는지에 따라 학교에 입학할 수 있는 자격을 부여한다. 새 학기가 시작하는 시점에 최소 입학 연령을 가까스로 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 경우, 반에서 나이가 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 이로 인한 불이익을 피하고자, 일부 부모는 해당 아동의 입학 시기를 1년 연기하는 선택을 한다. 이 경우, 해당 아동은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 위와 같은 입학 시기의 선택이 아동에게 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 파악하기 위해 현재까지 다수의 실증 연구들이 실시되어 왔다. 1장은 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 구체적으로, 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 입학을 미루지 않고 바로 입학하는 선택이 음주, 흡연, 성관계 행위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 분석을 위해, 우리나라 12월 출생자들이 1월 출생자들에 비해 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 점을 이용한다. 12월 출생자들은 1월 출생자들에 비해 1년 빠르게 입학하지만, 반에서 상대적으로 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 반면에, 1월 출생자들은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 두 집단은 비슷한 시기에 출생했음에도, 외생적인 상황으로 인해 입학 시기에 차이가 발생하기 때문에 위의 효과를 추정하는 데 이용될 수 있다. 회귀불연속 방법론을 사용하여 추정한 결과, 학교를 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 음주, 흡연 시작 시기를 앞당기는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 최근 30일 동안 음주, 흡연했을 확률을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 남학생과 여학생 모두에게 나타났다. 2장은 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 선택을 하는 것이 어머니의 정신 건강에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 다수의 문헌에 따르면, 해당 아동은 정서적, 신체적 발달 상태에 이점이 있는 급우들과 경쟁하기 때문에, 학업 성취도와 학교 적응에 있어 어려움을 겪는 가능성이 높은 것으로 보고되어 왔다. 이러한 부정적인 영향은 아동에게 국한되는 것이 아니라 가족 구성원에게도 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 특히, 대부분의 가정의 주양육자인 어머니의 정신 건강에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있다. 본 연구는 이를 분석하는 위해 호주의 학교 입학 규정에 따라 발생되는 외생적인 상황을 이용하였다. 분석 결과, 자녀의 1년 빠른 입학은 어머니의 불안감을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이질성 분석 결과, 이러한 영향은 여학생의 어머니와 소득이 낮은 가구의 어머니에게 두드러지는 것으로 나타났다. 자녀의 응답을 통해 분석한 결과, 여학생과 소득이 낮은 가구의 학생인 경우, 실제로 학교 적응에 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것이 아동에게 부정적인 영향을 미치고, 어머니의 정신 건강에도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사한다. 3장은 한국의 청소년 음주 규제의 효과성에 대해 분석한다. 한국의 청소년 보호법에 따르면, 만 19세가 되는 해의 1월 1일을 맞이하기 전까지는 청소년으로 규정되며, 주류 구입과 주류 판매 업소 출입이 제한된다. 이 정책의 효과성을 분석하기 위해 소위 빠른 년생 제도가 시행되던 시기의 1, 2월 출생자를 이용한다. 3월~12월생과 이듬해 1, 2월생은 같은 해에 초등학교에 입학하여 같은 해에 고등학교를 졸업한다. 3월~12월생은 대학교 1학년이 되는 해의 1월 1일부터 청소년 음주 규제의 적용을 받지 않는다. 반면에, 이듬해 1, 2월생은 해당 연도에 여전히 음주 규제를 적용 받게 된다. 따라서, 해당 연도의 3월~12월생과 1, 2월생의 음주 행위를 비교하여 청소년 보호법의 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 1, 2월생이 음주 규제의 적용을 받음에도 불구하고, 음주 참여 여부와 횟수에 대해서 3~12월생과 크게 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. In the first chapter, I investigate the impacts of early school enrollment on students’ risky health behaviors. In South Korea, those born in December begin school almost one year earlier than those born in January. Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design which exploits the school entry rule in South Korea, I find that early school entry leads students to begin drinking and smoking earlier. In addition, it increases the likelihood of drinking and smoking participation over the previous 30 days. However, early school entry has little impact on lifetime sexual intercourse experience. The results of subgroup analysis indicate that my main findings are driven by both girls and boys. The robustness of my results is supported by the use of data from earlier years and various specifications. The second chapter examines the spillover effects of a child’s early school enrollment on their mother’s nervousness. Research has shown that early schooling may have an adverse impact on child development in the short run. If there is such an impact, it may spill over onto mothers, especially in relation to the mother’s mental well-being. To investigate the spillover effects, we utilize the data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. A fuzzy regression discontinuity design is exploited to explore the spillover impacts of a child’s early schooling. We find that a child’s early enrollment increases the level of their mother’s nervousness in the year their child becomes seven. The impact is primarily detected among mothers of girls and mothers from low-income households. Using the responses of the children, we provide suggestive evidence that girls and children from low-income households were suffering from early schooling, and that the impacts might spill over into their mothers. In the last chapter, I analyze the effects of the legal drinking age laws in South Korea on alcohol consumption. In South Korea, an individual is legally allowed access to alcohol from January 1st of the year they turn 19. To investigate whether the regulation effectively restricts alcohol consumption, I compare those who were born around January, but who vary in terms of their status with regard to legal access to alcohol during one specific year. I find no impacts of the regulation on participation in and frequency of alcohol consumption. The findings indicate that strict enforcement and sanctions need to accompany the policy to prevent youth from accessing alcohol.

      • Factors affecting absenteeism of female students in public secondary school in province-2 of Nepal

        Raju Prasad Sah Graduate School of Government, Business, and Entre 2019 국내석사

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        본 연구의 목적은 네팔 province-2 지역에 소재하는 공립중등학교 여학생들의 부등교(결석)에 영향을 미치는 원인에 대하여 조사연구 방법을 통하여 분석하고, 드러난 문제점을 해결하기 위한 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 개발도상국의 학교에서 학생들, 특히 여학생들의 부등교 및 중도탈락은 학교교육 정책에 관련된 중요한 이슈다. 네팔의 경우 다양한 원인에 의하여 여학생들의 학교출석 비율이 낮은 수준에 머물고 있으며, 이를 해결하기 위한 중앙정부 차원의 다각적인 노력이 이루어지고 있으나 실효성이 떨어지고 있다. 따라서 지역사회 및 학교, 학생 특성에 기인하는 학생결석 원인을 면밀히 분석하여 교육정책 수립 및 집행에 반영하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다. 본 연구는 네팔 province-2의 Bara 와 Parsa 지역에 소재는 3개 공립중등학교에 재학 중인 여학생 120명(9-10학년, 나이는 11-19세, 생활가족수는 4-32명)을 대상으로 설문조사를 통하여 설정한 연구문제를 해결하고자 하였다. 설문조사는 현지에서 직접 조사형태로 이루어졌고, 수집된 데이터는 SPSS프로그램을 통해 기술통계 결과를 분석하였다. 조사결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 월경, 계절적 영향, 가족구조, 과제수행 등의 어려움이 여학생들의 결석률에 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그 외에도 다양한 변인들이 학교결석률에 영향을 미치고 있지만 앞의 변인들에서 특히 유의한 차이가 발견되었다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 네팔에서 지방교육의 교육환경 및 복지시스템 개선에 필요한 시사점을 제공할 것이다. There are several factors which affect regular presence of female students in school in developing countries. Lower attendance rate is seen as one of the vital hindrance in academic achievement; therefore it is suggested that the female students’ regularity is the direct indicator for the better academic result.The federal government has launched many programs to increase student’s enrollment and keep them regular at school. Some special programs are launched for economically weak and Dalit girls to maintain their regularity to school. The provincial government of province-2 is focusing on “Save girls and Educate girls” special program for female students’ empowerment, but the status of female students are not as better as expected. The female students in public secondary school are found more frequently being absent in comparison to male students. To find out what are the responsible factors causing frequent absenteeism in female students in public secondary school in province-2 of Nepal, a survey was conducted in Bara and Parsa districts out of eight districts of province-2. Data for this study was collected via personal interview of 120 students from the 9th-10th grades of 3 different schools from Bara and Parsa districts of province-2. As the focus point of this study was female students’ absenteeism, all the respondents, i.e. 69 and 51 girl students were from grade 9 and 10 respectively. The questionnaire including quantitative and qualitative questions were given to respondents and discussed to collect their response on demographic factors which had included number of siblings, education level and occupation of parents; physiological factor included menstruation; family and school related factors included parental dispute, household works, family functions, misbehavior of classmates and teachers, perception about school and incomplete homework and natural and geographical factors included seasonal effect and distance of school from residence of students. A descriptive analytical study of data collected by the survey showed that menstruation; seasonal effect; functions at home and incomplete homework had significant relation with absenteeism as they were responsible to increase absenteeism, Whereas, number of siblings, parents’ education and occupation, parental dispute, household activities and distance of school from residence, misbehavior by classmates and teachers had no relation with absenteeism. Female students’ absenteeism is seen as a critical problem in the public secondary school ofprovince-2 of Nepal which has direct relation to one’s academic performance. The students, who miss their classes often, are becoming poor performer which is causing not to attend school again as a vicious cycle.

      • (The) effects of school-related gender-based violence on students' absenteeism in primary schools in Southern and Eastern Africa

        이소라 Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        This study examines the relationship between school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) and students’ absenteeism in primary schools in 14 Southern and Eastern African countries. Gender-based violence (GBV) in school severely jeopardizes the student’s health and reduces educational outcomes. In sub-Saharan Africa, gender-based violence in school is more problematic due to the deeply ingrained gender inequality. To investigate the relationship between SRGBV and absenteeism, this study employs multivariate regression and a large cross-country dataset, the third round of Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) data. Results indicate that school-related gender-based violence with teachers as perpetrators increases student absence rates in primary schools, especially for sexual harassment, while there is no correlation between pupils’ violence and students’ absenteeism. GBV adversely affects the whole school environment by inhibiting direct and indirect victims’ learning. Furthermore, GBV is rooted in power relation, which is more powerful for teacher-to-pupil relation than pupil-to-pupil relation, and punishment for the teacher’s perpetration in too light in sub-Saharan Africa. Although this research is not without limitations, it does imply that stronger law enforcement on perpetrators, protection of victims, and enhanced teacher training are needed in order to ensure safe school environments.

      • Detecting the changes of latent profiles in academic burnout of middle school students

        신효정 Graduate School, Korea University 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 232271

        This study used latent transition analysis (LTA) to examine changes in academic burnout profiles during middle school times (grade 7th-2, 8th-1 and 8th-2). In addition, this study was to examine the effects of the covariates (i.e., gender, parent education, and coping strategy) in LTA model. To do so, the first goal was to identify profile of academic burnout for middle school students at each time point based on Maslach Burnout Inventory ? Student Survey (MBI-SS). For first aim, the following research question was presented: What kinds of burnout profiles would be identified among middle school students? The second goal was to describe developmental pattern of academic burnout throughout middle school using the LTA model. For the second aim, the following research question was presented: How do those profiles change over time? Finally, the third goal was to confirm effects of covariates for modeling change in academic profiles in LTA model. For last aim, the following research question was presented: What are the effects of covariate variables (i.e., gender, parent education, and coping strategy) on changes of academic burnout profiles over time? Total of 413 middle school students (TI: N=381, T2: N=375, T3: N=388) in Seoul, Korea participated in this study. The data was collected from one middle school of Seoul region of South Korea during three waves. Korean version of MBI-SS and Ways of Coping Checklist (WCC) were used to measure the levels of students? academic burnout and coping strategy. All instruments in the present study measured in the final of the semester. Mplus 5.0 and SPSS 18.0 were used to analyze the data. The results of the present study showed that the middle school students could be best described by three latent profiles representing degree of academic burnout across three times: ?distressed (DS)?, ?intermediate (IM)?, and ?well-functioning (WF)?. DS is high scores on all subscales although cynicism was slightly higher score than emotional exhaustion and inefficacy. IM is maintaining medium score on all subscales. WF is low scores on all subscales although emotional exhaustion and inefficacy was slightly higher score than cynicism. The result of the current study proved evidence that academic burnout profiles are understood according to the degree, rather than type of profiles, of academic burnout during the middle school years. In the next, results indicated that as student developed throughout middle school they were likely to transition out of the WF group and into the DS and IM group. Specially, non burned-out group, that is WF group, transited to IM group and even DS group. In addition, distressed group of the academic burnout showed stability, that is, less movement to another groups than the IM and WF groups. Further, the result showed that both active coping and passive coping consistently differentiated the academic burnout profiles throughout the course of middle school. Active coping was associated with higher percentage being in the WF versus DS. Conversely, passive coping was associated with decreased odds of being in the WF. Based on the results of the present study, there are several implications. Specifically, the present study can be utilized for designing prevention and intervention programs for middle school students as well as teacher and parents? training program for student discipline in school and counseling settings. First, helping professionals such as school counselors, teacher could understand the diverse types of academic burnout as well as conduct academic burnout interventions (e.g., preventing or decreasing students? academic burnout). Second, school counselors, teachers and parents should keen attention to WF group during middle school period. Because WF group students transited intermediate group very much over middle school time. These results imply that although students are adapting easily at the moment helping professional need to conduct prevention program for general students. To do so, helping professionals could plan prevention strategies through classroom guidance focusing on WF group students. In addition, since DS group of the academic burnout showed stability, professionals have to provide intensive treatment for being DS group students. Third, this result implies that helping professionals and parents should help to prompt active coping and refrain from passive coping. How to instruct effective coping strategy to manage academic burnout for students is very important. The study implies that teachers and parents? training to support students, as resources, could be good way to prompt active coping for middle school students. Moreover, it is crucial to implement prevention program to learn active coping and passive coping through the classroom guidance regularly. There are several limitations associated with the present study. First, it is important to note that academic profiles were different with previous study in this study. Thus, further research is needed in order to identify the academic profiles with other populations for middle school student. Second, in the present study, the results were obtained for predominantly one middle school students in an urban community. These results may differ for other samples with different characteristics (e.g., gender, grade, academic pressure). Thus, it would be useful to replicate the results in larger samples. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore the special samples of chronic academic burnout groups having high academic demanding for middle school students (e.g., international middle school) in longitudinal designs. Third, the time interval of the study was relatively short (six months). These reason resulted in little changes of levels of each burnout profiles in this study. Thus, future study need to extended periods. The lastly, all instruments in the present research were self-reported questionnaires. In the case of self-reported questionnaires, students who experience high level of academic burnout may report low levels of burnout symptoms to minimize or maximize their symptoms. Therefore, future studies should also consider including biological indicators (e.g., blood pressure, cortisol levels) of burnout and stress to help offset the use of self-reported instruments.

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