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      • (A) study on performance of economics graduate students, Korea University : who is a good human capital in graduate school?

        김경현 Graduate School, Korea University 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 232287

        The purpose of this investigation is to do determine a prediction model for selecting graduate students in economics area. Although economic graduate course in South Korea is similar to the one in Britain and the United States, little attention has been given to examine a student performance. Athey, Katz, Krueger, Levitt and Poterba(2007), who studied a research on economics graduate school of the United States, even said that economists devote considerable effort to graduate students education but have conducted relatively little research on the determinants of student performance or placement in the job market. As the authors' opinion, a study on performance of graduate students should be an important and urgent problem. But this paper is not concerned here with the determinants of student performance in labor market, the study will be supplemented by previous studied in section Ⅱ. The main objectives of this study were : firstly, to do a study on human capital in economics, secondly, to do a study on a group of the highest education level, and thirdly, to do a prediction on graduate students performance using pre-admission data of applicants. By analyzing this paper, we examine the sequentiality between economics required subjects of undergraduate and graduate course. And the paper can be concerned with what factors have an effect on economic graduate performance. It is important for selection process of pre-admission to cultivate outstanding scholars in graduate school. Hence, the results are expected to help screening graduate students in admissions committee.

      • Political socialization of middle school students in North Korea : a focus on the personality cult of leaders

        Lee, Sharllen O Graduate School, Korea University 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        This thesis analyzes the political socialization of North Korean middle school students, including the middle school education system and its curriculum, based on the personality cult (or idolization) of North Korean leaders. This study is the first to examine political socialization at the North Korean middle school level. The thesis assumes that the personality cult in middle schools is important, as the middle school education of North Korean teens becomes the basis for their political orientations as adults. The personality cult of North Korean leaders is analyzed through political socialization and a curriculum designed to control everything being taught at the schools in all grades. Specific daily activities and curricula are designed to idolize the leader who dominates society and to induce complete loyalty in the youngsters. The majority of previous studies on North Korean middle school idolization analyzed only North Korean textbooks. Unlike previous studies, this study includes students’ idolization activities along with textbook analysis to examine the subject in a broader manner. Thus, idolization within regular school curricula and extracurricular activities is explained. This thesis is divided into three major parts: analysis view, idolization education content and idolization activities. The analysis view discusses the point of view used to analyze idolization education in middle schools. It is deemed that North Korean idolization education (in which students learn leaders’ legendary achievements and participate in diverse idolization activities)is the core of political socialization. The portion on middle school idolization education includes a detailed examination of textbook content and in-depth face-to-face interviews with North Korean defectors.

      • Improving indoor air quality in schools using mechanical systems : focused on particulate matter and carbon dioxide

        나후승 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 232271

        Recently, fine dust was classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, so global interest in the danger it poses is increasing. Fine dust is more dangerous to the health of children whose respiratory systems are still developing than to healthy adults, so national efforts are being made to reduce fine dust levels in schools. The Ministry of Education implemented air quality management standards in the School Health Act of 2006, suggested countermeasures against high concentrations of fine dust in schools, and provided air purifiers for each classroom nationwide. Recently, academics and parents are increasingly calling for improvements to the overall air quality in schools, including not only fine dust but also carbon dioxide. In this study, I present a mechanical system that can improve schools’ air quality. This dissertation makes three major contributions. The first contribution is that it presents the efficacy of using air curtains to block the inflow of fine dust into schools both in the laboratory and in three schools over a long period of time. The second contribution is that it discusses air quality improvement methods for different places in schools. First, the airtightness of classrooms in schools was analyzed. Air quality improved in both general classrooms and special rooms. With regard to special classrooms, science classrooms’ air quality was affected by the use of chemicals, technology and housework management classrooms’ air quality was affected by fine dust generated during cooking, and food service classrooms’ air quality was affected by fine dust inflows due to doors to the outside always being open. The third contribution is that it presents a plan for how classroom equipment can be operated. It discusses why ventilation should be prioritized over using air purifiers in existing schools and how to improve air quality without excessive noise, which has become an issue recently. The effectiveness of this plan was tested in schools. This dissertation presents a plan for how to mechanically improve school air quality. Its key contents are how to block the inflow of fine dust, how to improve the air quality of different types of rooms in schools, and a plan for operating mechanical air quality improvement systems. I hope that this thesis will be used by schools across the country to improve their air quality for their students’ benefit.

      • Creating and applying process writing activity using multimedia and digital device for elementary school overachievers

        정해나 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        세계화, 국제화 같은 현상을 거점으로 입시와 취업에서 영어점수를 빼놓을 수 없기에 한국교육에서 영어교육은 매우 중요하게 여겨진다. 특히, 대학수학능력시험에서의 영어영역은 대학입시에서 등급의 반영 비율이 높은 과목으로 수험생들의 부담이 크다고 한다. 이러한 현상은 학생들 사이의 경쟁심을 초래하였으며, 교육과정의 범위와 수준을 넘는 과잉학습을 유발시키고, 나아가 학생들간의 영어실력의 격차를 더 별러 놓는 문제점들을 야기시켰다. 초등학교에서부터 영어실력의 격차가 벌어짐으로써 각각의 학생들의 영어실력과 영어학습에 대한 동기와 흥미를 향상 시키기에 적합한 정규영어수업을 운영하기가 어려워졌다. 이러한 문제는 학생들이 더욱더 영어사교육에 의존하게 만들고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 교육부에서 지정한 영어교과과정보다 영어실력이 월등한 초등학교 학습과진아들을 위한 영어쓰기 활동을 개발하고 적용하여, 이러한 영어쓰기활동이 학습과진아들의 학습동기, 자기효능감에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는지를 알아보는데 있다. 또한 쓰기 활동에 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기의 활용하여 정규영어수업 안에서도 개인별 학습이 가능하였는지를 알아보았다. 본 연구에 참여한 연구대상은 서울의 한 사립초등학교에 재학 중이었던 45명의 4학년 학생들이었으며, 이들은 학교에서 실행된 영어시험에서 교육부에서 지정한 영어교과과정보다 영어실력이 월등하다고 평가된 학생들이었다. 정규 영어교과서에 있는 내용을 토대로 태블릿 컴퓨터, 구글문서, 에드모도, 그리고 인터넷을 사용한 과정중심쓰기 활동을 만들고 이를 정규 영어수업시간에 시행하였다. 연구도구로서는 쓰기활동 사전, 사후 설문지, 학생들과의 인터뷰, 교사활동일지, 그리고 학생들의 쓰기활동내용이 사용되었다. 본 연구의 결과, 첫 번째, 학생들에게 익숙한 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기를 활용한 쓰기활동이 학습과진아들의 영어학습동기를 향상 시켰음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 두 번째로, 과정중심쓰기활동과 긍정적인 동료평가로 인해 학생들의 영어 자기효능감이 향상됨을 볼 수 있었다. 세 번째로, 학생들이 직접 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기를 사용하는 쓰기활동이 학생들의 수업참여도를 높이는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 네번째로, 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기의 활용은 평소 교과서에서는 접할 수 없는 다양한 방법들로 학생들이 필요로 하는 자료와 정보를 보는 것을 가능하게 하며, 즉각적으로 원하는 답을 직접 찾아낼 수 있게 하였다. 나아가 학생들이 자신에게 적합한 속도로 쓰기 활동을 진행할 수 있게 해주는 점등이 정규수업 활동 안에서도 개별학습을 가능하게 하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 다섯번째로, 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기를 활용한 수업에서 기계의 기능에 문제가 생겨 학생들의 학습에 방해가 되지 않도록 수업 전 기계들을 확인하고, 문제가 일어날 시에 신속하게 문제를 해결해야 한다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 교육부에서 지정한 영어교과과정보다 영어실력이 월등한 초등학교 학습과진아들을 위해 정규영어수업을 통해 보다 더 영어학습에 대한 동기와 자기 효능감을 높여주고, 학생들의 영어실력의 격차가 큰 학급 안에서 조금 더 개별적인 영어학습의 기회를 높여주기 위하여 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 교사는 학생들에게 친숙하고 흥미로운 멀티미디어와 디지털 기기를 학생들이 직접 사용할 수 있는, 정규 영어교과서의 내용과 연결 된 영어쓰기 활동을 만들어 수업에 적용시켜 볼 가치가 있다. 또한 멀티미디어, 디지털 기기 그리고 과정중심쓰기활동은 개개인의 학생이 본인에게 적합한 속도로 활동을 진행하여 정규영어수업 안에서도 개별학습을 유발시킴으로 영어실력의 차이가 나는 학생들을 대상으로 수업을 설계하고 진행할 경우, 이러한 지도 방법을 고려해볼 필요가 있다. The present study attempted to create and apply process writing activity using multimedia and digital device for elementary school overachievers, which can be used in regular English classes in schools. Forty-five fourth grade overachievers from a private school participated in this study. The study was conducted during the regular English classes. Many students’ English proficiency level proved to be more advanced than the national English curriculum standard which is set by the Korean Ministry of Education. This is namely caused by the prerequisite English education that students receive before starting official English classes in elementary schools. This caused problem for elementary school teachers to design and conduct English lessons for overachievers whose English proficiency level is higher than the national English curriculum standard. Thus, elementary school overachievers and parents feel that elementary school English class is not sufficient, and feel more needs for private English education to improve English skills and motivation for learning English. Moreover, elementary school teachers and researchers pointed out the importance of English writing skills and argued that national English curriculum and textbooks lack writing practice in comparison to other areas of English. Thus, the current study attempted to create and apply the process writing activity based on the national English textbook which can be conducted in regular English class in elementary schools for overachievers. Furthermore, as many studies showed the effectiveness of individualized learning and a rise in motivation when multimedia and digital devices are used in education, the tablet computers, Google Docs, Edmodo and internet were integrated into the process writing activity so the students could complete the activity according to their own learning pace. The study employed pre-writing activity and post-writing activity surveys, student interviews, teacher’s log, and students’ in-class work to observe the result of the writing activity. The researcher focused especially on affective domain such as motivation, self-efficacy, and students’ individualized learning experience. The study’s result showed positive outcomes of the rise in motivation and self-efficacy, and participation among the participants. In addition, the students’ work displayed the individualized learning experience due to the use of tablet computers, Google Docs and internet. The result of the current study showed that a process writing activity using the tablet computers, Google Docs, Edmodo and internet should be recommended for elementary school overachievers whose English abilities are superior to the national curriculum standards and find regular English class not motivating. Moreover, the study can be served as a practical guideline for designing and applying English lessons that can be more suitable for overachievers in a regular school class where students’ English proficiency level all varies.

      • (An) analysis on student's satisfaction and improvement strategies for credit-based spaces : focusing on the high schools with the high-school-credit-system in Seoul

        장시영 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        2025년부터 전국의 중고등학교에 본격적으로 새로운 교육 체제인 고교학점제가 도입될 예정이며 이는 현재 선도 학교 및 연구 학교에서 부분적으로 시행 중에 있다. 고교학점제는 학생이 스스로 진로와 적성에 맞게 수강하고자 하는 과목을 선택하고 일정한 학점 이수 기준에 도달하면 졸업이 가능한 제도로 변화된 교육과정을 수용할 수 있도록 재구조화된 교내 공간을 학점제형 공간이라 일컬으며 학습 공간, 지원 공간, 공용 공간으로 구성되어 있다. 기존 고교학점제에 관한 연구는 2020년 이전인 고교학점제 도입 초기에 진행되었다는 시기적 한계점을 가지며, 고교학점제가 본격적으로 시행되기 전 고교학점제 도입에 따른 학교 공간의 변화에 대한 관심은 높음에도 불구하고 고교학점제 시행으로 인한 학교 교내 공간 변화에 대하여 세부적으로 논의된 연구는 부족하다고 언급하였다. 이러한 이유로 본 연구는 고교학점제 도입으로 인하여 조성된 서울특별시 고등학교의 학점제형 공간에 대해 분석하고, 이 공간의 사용자인 학생을 대상으로 새롭게 조성된 학점제형 학교 공간에 대한 만족도 및 요구 사항을 알아보고자 한다. 더불어 학생이 개선을 요구하는 교내 학점제형 공간에 대한 계획 요소에 대한 개선 방안을 파악하고 적용 방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 본 연구는 추후 고교학점제가 전국적으로 확대되어 적용되었을 때 학점제형 공간에 대한 디자인 지침이 될 수 있을 것으로 사료되며 학점제형 공간을 계획할 때 사용될 수 있을 것으로 예상한다. 본 연구는 서울특별시에 위치한 고등학교 중 연구 협조에 응해준 고교학점제를 시행하고 있는 3개의 고등학교를 선정하여 해당 학교의 학점제형 공간에 대하여 연구를 진행하였다. 연구를 수행하기 위하여 설정한 연구 방법은 (1) 선행 연구 및 사례 조사를 진행한 후, 온라인 홈페이지를 통해 고교학점제 시행 고등학교의 교내 학점제형공간에 대한 이미지 분석을 실시하였다. (2) 고교학점제 시행 고등학교의 학점제형 공간에 대한 현장 답사 사례 조사를 진행하여 온라인 사례 조사에서 조사 및 분석한 내용을 기반으로 현장 답사 사례 조사를 진행하였다. (3) 기술형 설문조사를 시행하여 교내 학점제형 공간에 대한 공간 사용자(학생)의 만족도 및 희망 개선 사항을 조사하였다. (4) Photovoice 연구 방법을 통하여 학점제형 공간에 대한 공간 사용자(학생)에 의하여 제안된 공간 개선 방안을 파악하였다. 위 네 가지 연구 방법을 바탕으로 도출한 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 만족도 조사 결과에서 학점제형 공간에서 학습 공간의 만족도가 가장 높게 나왔으며, 공용 공간에 대한 만족도가 가장 낮게 도출되었다. 각 공간 마다 교과 교실, 다목적실, 홈베이스에서 가장 높은 만족도를 보였으며, 일반 교실, 도서실, 휴게실에서 가장 낮은 만족도를 나타냈다. 학습 공간 중 일반 교실의‘자연적 요소가 주는 효과’, ‘교실 표찰에 대한 정보성’, 교과 교실의 ‘학습 교구 부족’, ‘책상 배치’, ‘책상의 디자인’, 지원 공간 중 자기주도 학습 공간 및 스터디 카페의 ‘소음 및 방음 문제’, ‘학습 공간의 단일화’, 다목적실의 ‘책상의 배치와 디자인’, 도서실의 ‘작은 규모’, 회의실 및 상담실의 ‘규모’, 공용 공간 중 홈베이스의‘공간 사용 목적’, ‘사물함 크기 및 배치’, 휴게실의 ‘수면 공간’, ‘규모,’ ‘휴식 지원 수단’에 대하여 평균 이하의 만족도 결과가 도출되어 개선이 필요할 것으로 파악되었다. 또한 세 개의 고등학교에 대한 학점제형 공간의 만족도를 비교해보았을 때 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않아 학점제형 공간을 도입한 고등학교의 학생들의 교내 공간에 대한 만족도는 비슷한 것임을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 교내 학점제형 공간에 대한 희망 개선점과 공간 사용자(학생)가 직접 제안한 개선 방안을 조사한 결과, 학습 공간에서는 ‘협소한 책상’, ‘의자의 크기와 높이’, 지원 공간에서는 자기주도 학습 공간 및 스터디 카페의 ‘바퀴 부착 및 딱딱한 재질의 불편한 의자’, ‘소음 및 방음 문제’, ‘공간 유형의 단일화’에 대한 개선 사항과 도서실의 ‘비효율적인 좌석 배치’, ‘좌식 공간의 부족’과 같은 희망 개선 방안이 제시되었다. 공용 공간에서는 ‘협소한 규모’, ‘푹신한 좌석의 부재’, ‘수면 공간의 부재’, ‘놀거리나 먹을거리의 부재’가 희망 개선점으로 언급되었다. 이에 따라 제안된 개선 방안으로 학습 공간에서는 깔끔하고 산뜻한 색상으로의 벽 색상 교체, 커튼의 설치, 오랜 시간 착석해도 불편함이 없는 재질로의 의자 교체, 미끄럽지 않고 단조로운 패턴의 바닥재가 적용되어야 한다. 지원 공간에서는 좌석 간 간격의 확장 및 소음에 따른 공간 마련, 편안한 의자의 도입, 화분 비치, 개인 조명 마련이 사료되어야 한다. 공용 공간에서는 휴게실 개수 및 규모에 대한 확장이 가장 우선적으로 필요하며, 누워서 휴식을 취할 수 있는 공간의 구획, 푹신한 좌석 증가, 화분 비치가 적용되어야 한다. 본 연구는 2025년부터 본격적으로 도입될 중, 고등학교의 고교학점제에 대한 학점제형 공간 구성 방향을 제안할 수 있으며 고교학점제에 따른 학점제형 공간에 대한 사용자의 반응 및 구체적인 공간 요구 사항과 개선 방안을 살펴볼 수 있다. 더불어 학생 수 감소로 늘어나는 유휴 공간을 활용하거나 기존의 교내 공간을 공간 사용자의 개선 방안을 기반으로 학점제형 공간에서 학생의 웰빙을 증진시킬 수 있는 교내 학점제형 공간의 적용 방안을 모색할 수 있다. Starting in 2025, a new education system called the High-School-Credit-System is scheduled to be officially implemented in middle and high schools throughout South Korea. Currently, this system has already been implemented in some leading schools and research schools. The High-School-Credit-System allows students to choose courses aligned with their career goals and aptitude and graduate once they meet specific credit completion criteria. To accommodate this new educational approach, internal school spaces have been restructured (referred to as credit-based spaces) and categorized into learning spaces, supporting spaces, and sharing spaces. Most of the research on the High-School-Credit-System was carried out before 2020, during the initial stages of its introduction. Despite a high level of interest in these changes to school spaces, there is a lack of detailed studies specifically discussing the transformations in school spaces resulting from the implementation of the High-School-Credit-System. Such a study is prudent prior to the system’s widespread adoption. This study analyzed credit-based spaces in Seoul high schools that have introduced the High-School-Credit-System, seeking to understand the needs and opinions of students, the primary users of these newly created credit-based spaces. In addition, this research identifies student-recommended improvement strategies for aspects of school spaces and proposes practical applications for these enhancements. The outcomes of this study provide valuable planning and design guidelines for new credit-based spaces as the High-School-Credit-System is expanded nationwide. This study selected three high schools located in Seoul that have implemented the High-School-Credit-System and agreed to cooperate with an investigation into their credit-based spaces. The research methodology involved the following steps: (1) a review of existing studies and case studies, followed by image analysis of credit-based spaces within high schools implementing the High-School-Credit-System online platforms; (2) on-site case studies of credit-based spaces within high schools implementing the High-School-Credit-System, based on the findings and analyses obtained from online case studies; (3) a questionnaire survey to assess the satisfaction levels of space users (students) with credit-based spaces and to explore their desired improvements; (4) a Photovoice survey to identify suggestions for credit-based space improvements proposed by space users (students). The primary findings are as follows: First, satisfaction survey results indicated that among the three types of credit-based spaces, students were most satisfied with learning spaces and least satisfied with sharing spaces. The highest satisfaction was reported for subject-specific classrooms, multipurpose rooms, and home-bases, while regular classrooms, libraries, and common rooms garnered the lowest satisfaction levels. Specifically, within learning spaces, regular classrooms had lower satisfaction in categories such as the effectiveness of natural elements and informativeness of classroom tags. For subject-specific classrooms, students expressed dissatisfaction with a lack of learning materials, desk arrangement, and desk design. For supporting spaces, students identified issues like noise and soundproofing problems and homogenization of learning spaces in self-directed learning spaces and study cafes, desk arrangement and design in multipurpose rooms, the small scale of libraries and meeting rooms and counseling rooms. For sharing spaces, dissatisfaction was noted in the space utilization and the size and arrangement of lockers in home-bases, and sleeping spaces, scale, and relaxation support facilities in common rooms. The average satisfaction level for these aspects was below average, indicating a need for improvement. Furthermore, when comparing student satisfaction with credit-based spaces among three high schools, no significant differences were observed. This suggests systemic challenges and successes among schools that have implemented the High-School-Credit-System. Second, the results of the investigation into desired improvements and suggested enhancements directly proposed by space users (students) for credit-based spaces revealed the following: In learning spaces, improvement points included “cramped desks” and “size and height of chairs”. In supporting spaces, such as self-directed learning spaces and study cafés, suggestions for improvement encompassed issues like “uncomfortable chairs with attached wheels and rigid materials”, “noise and soundproofing problems”, and “homogenization of space types”. For libraries, desired improvements included “inefficient seat arrangement” and “lack of sitting spaces”. In sharing spaces, highlighted improvement points were “cramped size”, “absence of plush seating”, “lack of sleeping spaces”, and “absence of entertainment or food options”. Proposed improvement measures included replacing wall colors with clean and refreshing tones, installing curtains, replacing chairs with comfortable materials suitable for prolonged sitting, and applying non-slip and simple- patterned flooring in learning spaces. In supporting spaces, recommended enhancements included expanding seating distances and creating spaces to address noise issues, introducing comfortable chairs, placing potted plants, and providing personal lighting. For sharing spaces, prioritized improvements involve expanding the number and size of common rooms, creating zones for reclining, and introducing plush seating, and incorporating potted plants. This study can propose directions for the design of credit-based spaces in middle and high schools, which will be officially implemented from 2025. It can also examine users’ responses to credit-based spaces and identify specific spatial requirements and improvement measures associated with the introduction of the High-School-Credit-System in middle and high schools. Additionally, the study can explore ways to utilize the increasing unused space due to decrease in the number of students or reconfigure existing school spaces based on user suggestions to enhance student well-being in credit- based spaces.

      • Essays on the effects of early school enrollment and legal drinking age on risky behaviors and health outcomes

        신유식 Graduate School, Korea University 2022 국내박사

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        본 논문은 취학 시기의 효과에 대한 연구와 청소년 음주 규제의 효과에 대한 연구로 구성되어 있다. 1장에서는 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 2장에서는 자녀의 취학 시기가 어머니의 정신 건강에 미치는 전이 효과에 대해 분석한다. 3장에서는 한국의 청소년 음주 정책이 개인의 음주 행위에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 세계의 여러 나라들은 아동이 태어난 이후 몇 개월이 되었는지에 따라 학교에 입학할 수 있는 자격을 부여한다. 새 학기가 시작하는 시점에 최소 입학 연령을 가까스로 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 경우, 반에서 나이가 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 이로 인한 불이익을 피하고자, 일부 부모는 해당 아동의 입학 시기를 1년 연기하는 선택을 한다. 이 경우, 해당 아동은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 위와 같은 입학 시기의 선택이 아동에게 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 파악하기 위해 현재까지 다수의 실증 연구들이 실시되어 왔다. 1장은 취학 시기가 학생들의 건강위험행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 구체적으로, 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 입학을 미루지 않고 바로 입학하는 선택이 음주, 흡연, 성관계 행위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 분석을 위해, 우리나라 12월 출생자들이 1월 출생자들에 비해 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 점을 이용한다. 12월 출생자들은 1월 출생자들에 비해 1년 빠르게 입학하지만, 반에서 상대적으로 가장 어린 상태가 된다. 반면에, 1월 출생자들은 반에서 나이가 가장 많은 상태가 된다. 두 집단은 비슷한 시기에 출생했음에도, 외생적인 상황으로 인해 입학 시기에 차이가 발생하기 때문에 위의 효과를 추정하는 데 이용될 수 있다. 회귀불연속 방법론을 사용하여 추정한 결과, 학교를 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 음주, 흡연 시작 시기를 앞당기는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것은 최근 30일 동안 음주, 흡연했을 확률을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 남학생과 여학생 모두에게 나타났다. 2장은 최소 입학 연령을 넘긴 아동이 바로 입학하는 선택을 하는 것이 어머니의 정신 건강에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석한다. 다수의 문헌에 따르면, 해당 아동은 정서적, 신체적 발달 상태에 이점이 있는 급우들과 경쟁하기 때문에, 학업 성취도와 학교 적응에 있어 어려움을 겪는 가능성이 높은 것으로 보고되어 왔다. 이러한 부정적인 영향은 아동에게 국한되는 것이 아니라 가족 구성원에게도 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 특히, 대부분의 가정의 주양육자인 어머니의 정신 건강에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있다. 본 연구는 이를 분석하는 위해 호주의 학교 입학 규정에 따라 발생되는 외생적인 상황을 이용하였다. 분석 결과, 자녀의 1년 빠른 입학은 어머니의 불안감을 상승시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이질성 분석 결과, 이러한 영향은 여학생의 어머니와 소득이 낮은 가구의 어머니에게 두드러지는 것으로 나타났다. 자녀의 응답을 통해 분석한 결과, 여학생과 소득이 낮은 가구의 학생인 경우, 실제로 학교 적응에 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 학교에 1년 빠르게 입학하는 것이 아동에게 부정적인 영향을 미치고, 어머니의 정신 건강에도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사한다. 3장은 한국의 청소년 음주 규제의 효과성에 대해 분석한다. 한국의 청소년 보호법에 따르면, 만 19세가 되는 해의 1월 1일을 맞이하기 전까지는 청소년으로 규정되며, 주류 구입과 주류 판매 업소 출입이 제한된다. 이 정책의 효과성을 분석하기 위해 소위 빠른 년생 제도가 시행되던 시기의 1, 2월 출생자를 이용한다. 3월~12월생과 이듬해 1, 2월생은 같은 해에 초등학교에 입학하여 같은 해에 고등학교를 졸업한다. 3월~12월생은 대학교 1학년이 되는 해의 1월 1일부터 청소년 음주 규제의 적용을 받지 않는다. 반면에, 이듬해 1, 2월생은 해당 연도에 여전히 음주 규제를 적용 받게 된다. 따라서, 해당 연도의 3월~12월생과 1, 2월생의 음주 행위를 비교하여 청소년 보호법의 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 1, 2월생이 음주 규제의 적용을 받음에도 불구하고, 음주 참여 여부와 횟수에 대해서 3~12월생과 크게 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. In the first chapter, I investigate the impacts of early school enrollment on students’ risky health behaviors. In South Korea, those born in December begin school almost one year earlier than those born in January. Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design which exploits the school entry rule in South Korea, I find that early school entry leads students to begin drinking and smoking earlier. In addition, it increases the likelihood of drinking and smoking participation over the previous 30 days. However, early school entry has little impact on lifetime sexual intercourse experience. The results of subgroup analysis indicate that my main findings are driven by both girls and boys. The robustness of my results is supported by the use of data from earlier years and various specifications. The second chapter examines the spillover effects of a child’s early school enrollment on their mother’s nervousness. Research has shown that early schooling may have an adverse impact on child development in the short run. If there is such an impact, it may spill over onto mothers, especially in relation to the mother’s mental well-being. To investigate the spillover effects, we utilize the data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. A fuzzy regression discontinuity design is exploited to explore the spillover impacts of a child’s early schooling. We find that a child’s early enrollment increases the level of their mother’s nervousness in the year their child becomes seven. The impact is primarily detected among mothers of girls and mothers from low-income households. Using the responses of the children, we provide suggestive evidence that girls and children from low-income households were suffering from early schooling, and that the impacts might spill over into their mothers. In the last chapter, I analyze the effects of the legal drinking age laws in South Korea on alcohol consumption. In South Korea, an individual is legally allowed access to alcohol from January 1st of the year they turn 19. To investigate whether the regulation effectively restricts alcohol consumption, I compare those who were born around January, but who vary in terms of their status with regard to legal access to alcohol during one specific year. I find no impacts of the regulation on participation in and frequency of alcohol consumption. The findings indicate that strict enforcement and sanctions need to accompany the policy to prevent youth from accessing alcohol.

      • Detecting the changes of latent profiles in academic burnout of middle school students

        신효정 Graduate School, Korea University 2012 국내박사

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        This study used latent transition analysis (LTA) to examine changes in academic burnout profiles during middle school times (grade 7th-2, 8th-1 and 8th-2). In addition, this study was to examine the effects of the covariates (i.e., gender, parent education, and coping strategy) in LTA model. To do so, the first goal was to identify profile of academic burnout for middle school students at each time point based on Maslach Burnout Inventory ? Student Survey (MBI-SS). For first aim, the following research question was presented: What kinds of burnout profiles would be identified among middle school students? The second goal was to describe developmental pattern of academic burnout throughout middle school using the LTA model. For the second aim, the following research question was presented: How do those profiles change over time? Finally, the third goal was to confirm effects of covariates for modeling change in academic profiles in LTA model. For last aim, the following research question was presented: What are the effects of covariate variables (i.e., gender, parent education, and coping strategy) on changes of academic burnout profiles over time? Total of 413 middle school students (TI: N=381, T2: N=375, T3: N=388) in Seoul, Korea participated in this study. The data was collected from one middle school of Seoul region of South Korea during three waves. Korean version of MBI-SS and Ways of Coping Checklist (WCC) were used to measure the levels of students? academic burnout and coping strategy. All instruments in the present study measured in the final of the semester. Mplus 5.0 and SPSS 18.0 were used to analyze the data. The results of the present study showed that the middle school students could be best described by three latent profiles representing degree of academic burnout across three times: ?distressed (DS)?, ?intermediate (IM)?, and ?well-functioning (WF)?. DS is high scores on all subscales although cynicism was slightly higher score than emotional exhaustion and inefficacy. IM is maintaining medium score on all subscales. WF is low scores on all subscales although emotional exhaustion and inefficacy was slightly higher score than cynicism. The result of the current study proved evidence that academic burnout profiles are understood according to the degree, rather than type of profiles, of academic burnout during the middle school years. In the next, results indicated that as student developed throughout middle school they were likely to transition out of the WF group and into the DS and IM group. Specially, non burned-out group, that is WF group, transited to IM group and even DS group. In addition, distressed group of the academic burnout showed stability, that is, less movement to another groups than the IM and WF groups. Further, the result showed that both active coping and passive coping consistently differentiated the academic burnout profiles throughout the course of middle school. Active coping was associated with higher percentage being in the WF versus DS. Conversely, passive coping was associated with decreased odds of being in the WF. Based on the results of the present study, there are several implications. Specifically, the present study can be utilized for designing prevention and intervention programs for middle school students as well as teacher and parents? training program for student discipline in school and counseling settings. First, helping professionals such as school counselors, teacher could understand the diverse types of academic burnout as well as conduct academic burnout interventions (e.g., preventing or decreasing students? academic burnout). Second, school counselors, teachers and parents should keen attention to WF group during middle school period. Because WF group students transited intermediate group very much over middle school time. These results imply that although students are adapting easily at the moment helping professional need to conduct prevention program for general students. To do so, helping professionals could plan prevention strategies through classroom guidance focusing on WF group students. In addition, since DS group of the academic burnout showed stability, professionals have to provide intensive treatment for being DS group students. Third, this result implies that helping professionals and parents should help to prompt active coping and refrain from passive coping. How to instruct effective coping strategy to manage academic burnout for students is very important. The study implies that teachers and parents? training to support students, as resources, could be good way to prompt active coping for middle school students. Moreover, it is crucial to implement prevention program to learn active coping and passive coping through the classroom guidance regularly. There are several limitations associated with the present study. First, it is important to note that academic profiles were different with previous study in this study. Thus, further research is needed in order to identify the academic profiles with other populations for middle school student. Second, in the present study, the results were obtained for predominantly one middle school students in an urban community. These results may differ for other samples with different characteristics (e.g., gender, grade, academic pressure). Thus, it would be useful to replicate the results in larger samples. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore the special samples of chronic academic burnout groups having high academic demanding for middle school students (e.g., international middle school) in longitudinal designs. Third, the time interval of the study was relatively short (six months). These reason resulted in little changes of levels of each burnout profiles in this study. Thus, future study need to extended periods. The lastly, all instruments in the present research were self-reported questionnaires. In the case of self-reported questionnaires, students who experience high level of academic burnout may report low levels of burnout symptoms to minimize or maximize their symptoms. Therefore, future studies should also consider including biological indicators (e.g., blood pressure, cortisol levels) of burnout and stress to help offset the use of self-reported instruments.

      • (The) effects of school-related gender-based violence on students' absenteeism in primary schools in Southern and Eastern Africa

        이소라 Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2019 국내석사

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        This study examines the relationship between school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) and students’ absenteeism in primary schools in 14 Southern and Eastern African countries. Gender-based violence (GBV) in school severely jeopardizes the student’s health and reduces educational outcomes. In sub-Saharan Africa, gender-based violence in school is more problematic due to the deeply ingrained gender inequality. To investigate the relationship between SRGBV and absenteeism, this study employs multivariate regression and a large cross-country dataset, the third round of Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) data. Results indicate that school-related gender-based violence with teachers as perpetrators increases student absence rates in primary schools, especially for sexual harassment, while there is no correlation between pupils’ violence and students’ absenteeism. GBV adversely affects the whole school environment by inhibiting direct and indirect victims’ learning. Furthermore, GBV is rooted in power relation, which is more powerful for teacher-to-pupil relation than pupil-to-pupil relation, and punishment for the teacher’s perpetration in too light in sub-Saharan Africa. Although this research is not without limitations, it does imply that stronger law enforcement on perpetrators, protection of victims, and enhanced teacher training are needed in order to ensure safe school environments.

      • Effects of parent involvement on students' academic performance in Fiji

        Vuniani Nakatabula Vasu Graduate School of Government, Business, and Entre 2021 국내석사

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        연구는 피지의 Vanuabalavu에 있는 Adi Maopa 중학교에서 중학생들의 학업성취에 부모의 개임이 미치는 영향을 탐구했다. 연령, 형제 자매 수, 학력, 가계 소득, 부모의 취업 상태와 같은 부모의 사회경제적 요인과 학생의 학업 성취도 사이의 관계를 연구하였다. 또한 성별 및 영어 능력과 같은 학생 요소에 중점을 두었다. 이와 함께 부모의 관여(양육, 학교와의 소통, 가정에서의 학습, 지역사회와의 협업)의 일부 측면과 학생들의 학업성취도와의 관계에도 초점을 맞췄다. 연구 샘플은 Adi Maopa 중학교에 재학 중인 학생 100명으로 구성되었으며, 이 학생들을 관찰하기 위해 학생과 학부모 100명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시했다. 데이터 수집을 위해 학생과 학부모 모두에게 두 세트의 서로 다른 설문지가 제공되었으며, 데이터는 빈도, 카이-제곱, 상관 관계 및 로지스틱 회귀를 통해 분석되었다. 이 연구는 부모 연령, 교육 수준, 고용 상태와 같은 요인이 부모에게 영향을 미치는 것처럼 보였더라도 모든 부모의 사회학적 요소와 학생 요소가 더 나은 학업 성취도를 예측한다는 것을 밝혀내지 못했다. 하지만, 이 연구는 부모들의 참여와 학생들의 학업 성취 사이의 강한 연관성을 보여주었다. 이 연구는 정부가 정책 개혁을 통해 부모들의 참여를 강화하고 부모들의 개입을 개선하기 위한 워크숍을 구성할 것을 권고하고 있다. 학부모들에게, 야간 통행금지를 설정하고, 밖에서 노는 아이들의 시간, TV 시청 시간, 휴대전화 사용 시간, 컴퓨터 사용 시간을 감시하고, 출석률을 감시하고, 취침시간을 통제하고, 학교 규율과 규칙을 지원하는 것이 적극 권장된다. 이와 함께 학교 행정부는 학부모 참여를 막는 장벽(근무 시간에 학부모-교사 회의를 조직하고, 학부모에게 충분한 신뢰를 주지 않는 등)을 제거하고 투명하게 학교 자금을 관리하고 교내 문제에 대해 우려를 표하는 학부모를 따뜻하게 환영해야 한다. 이것은 부모들이 그들의 자녀 교육에 관여할 모든 권리를 가지고 있다는 것을 알게 할 것이다. 다른 하나는 학교장이 학교 프로그램과 진도에 대해 학교-가정 간, 가정-학교 간 의사소통 방법의 질적이고 효과적 활용을 보장해야 한다는 점이다. 또한 지방정부는 학교, 학부모, 지역사회가 긍정적인 소통의 기회를 더 많이 만들어야 한다. 대부분의 권고안은 학부모와의 워크숍 실시를 요구하기 때문에, 중앙정부는 각 학년 내에 학교장이 학부모에게 제공해야 하는 학부모 참여 형식에 대한 커리큘럼을 설계해야 한다는 의견이 높다. 이를 통해 학부모 대다수가 자녀 학업성취도에서 자신의 역할과 책임을 이해할 수 있게 된다. This research explored the effects of parental involvement on secondary school students’ academic achievement at Adi Maopa Secondary School in Vanuabalavu, Fiji. The relationship between parents’ socio-economic factors such as age, number of siblings, education level, household income and parent’s employment status and students’ academic achievement has been studied. Also it focused on student factors such as gender, English proficiency, attitude and term 1 exam result. Together with this, the study also concentrated on the relationship between some aspects of parental involvement (parenting, communicating with the school, learning at home, collaborating with the community) and students’ academic performance. The study sample consisted of 100 students attending Adi Maopa Secondary school and to observe these students, the survey was carried out to the 100 students themselves and their parents. Two sets of different questionnaire were given to both students and parents for the collection of data which were then analyzed through frequencies, chi-square, correlations and Logistic regression. This study did not reveal that all parents’ socio-demographic factors and student factors predict better academic achievement even if a factor like parent’s age, education level employment status, student’s attitude and student’s early exam result seemed to have an impact on them. However, the study revealed a strong connection between parental involvement and students’ academic achievement. The study recommends that the government strengthens parents’ involvement through policy reforms and organizes workshops to improve parental involvement. For parents, it is highly suggested to set curfews, monitor the children time of playing outside, TV watching hours, phones, computer; monitor attendance; control children bedtime and support the school discipline plan and rules. Together with this, schools’ administrations must try to eliminate barriers that prevent parental involvement, (organizing parents-teachers’ meetings at working hours, not giving enough credit or consideration to parents…), manage transparently the schools’ funds and warmly welcome parents who show concerns about the school matters. This will let parents know that they have all the rights to be involved the education of their children. The other one is that school heads must ensure to utilise quality and effective communication methods from school-to-home and from home-to-school about school programs and progress.Also the local government, must create more opportunities for positive communication among the school, parents, and community. Since most recommendations requires workshops to parents, therefore it is highly suggested that the central government must design a curriculum on parent involvement types that needs to be addressed by school heads to parents within each academic year. This will allow majority of the parents to understand their roles and responsibilities in their children academic performance.

      • Determinants of school dropout in the rural areas from Honduras : implications for government policies

        Thuman, Samir Guillermo Flores Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Un 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        The school dropout issue is present at all educational stages and in all countries, however the issue is more complex and significant in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) or Developing Countries where the economic conditions are not entirely favorable. In Honduras more than half of the population is located in the rural areas; setting on which most of the people are living under extreme poverty. The conditions of basic education in the rural areas are unstable; more than 70 per cent of schools are managed by one or two professors. In Honduras the educational systems share the following features: insufficient coverage of primary education, increased access to basic education, and little capacity to retain both the primary and secondary levels. Consequently, the school dropout phenomena is linked to low levels of learning the basic content taught by professors, limited access to schools, school material, qualified teachers, as well as issues like poverty and school distance; which slows the development of the skilled children´s at their early age. Its negative effects are gathered throughout the school year, affecting disproportionately the opportunities of improving their welfare and wellbeing, especially among the poorest sectors slowing the economic development of the society and the country as a whole. School dropout have a direct impact on the society which suffer consequences when students drop out from school, the costs to society in terms of lost tax revenue and the expense of government assistance programs for employment, housing, medical care, and imprisonment represent a significant percentage of the countries budget. The document focal point is the analysis of the main causes of school dropout that take place in the rural areas of Honduras; the analysis aims to identify the factors that forced students to take the decision of dropping out from school. Identifying these causes will allow the implementation of strategies that will reduce school dropout, making children’s continue and finish school; give them higher levels of education, better employment generation which symbolize higher future earnings to keep their families out of poverty and improving their living standards. The most relevant findings based on the analysis done and the data collected were that identifying and understanding the causes of school dropout and the factors that influence children to dropout from school in the rural areas from Honduras is a complex but not an unfeasible assignment; mainly because many other areas of the education system in Honduras, school dropout is subjective to and affected by a variety of personal and organizational factors. However with the theoretical review made to identify the main factors that influence on school dropout gave some valuable approach to identify the starting point of the school dropout phenomenon in the rural areas from Honduras and at the same time it gave a possible explanation which determine what will be the best solution to reduce and control school dropout.

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