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      • 중국 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션 혁신저항에 관한 연구

        WEI JIA 경희대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        중국에서 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 사용자가 지속적으로 늘어나고 있는 것은 사실이지만 아직까지 스마트폰과 태블릿PC 등 휴대용 스마트기기 동영상 애플리케이션에 비해 사용자 수가 많이 적으며 시장 활성화가 다소 지연되고 있다. 이에 따라, 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 효율적 확산 및 활성화와 관련된 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 스마트TV 애플리케이션이 확산되는 과정 중 사용자의 혁신저항으로 인해 확산이 지연될 수 있다고 판단하여 혁신확산보다 혁신저항에 초점을 맞추어 사용자들이 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션을 수용하는 과정에서 혁신저항요인이 무엇인지를 고찰하였다. 본 연구에서는 혁신적 특성, 개인적 특성, 그리고 사회적 영향 요인들이 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 사용의도에 영향을 미치는지 고찰하고 연구대상을 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션을 사용해본 경험이 있는 사용자와 사용해본 경험이 없는 비사용자 집단으로 구분하여 사용자 집단에 따라 혁신저항에 미치는 요인이 차이가 있는지를 알아보았다. 연구결과, 먼저 지각된 혁신특성요인 중 상대적 이점, 적합성, 관찰가능성은 혁신저항에 부정적 영향을 미쳤으며 복잡성과 지각된 위험은 혁신저항에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 혁신특성요인 중 시험가능성은 혁신저항에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 개인적 특성요인 혁신성향은 혁신저항에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 밝혀졌으며 사회적 영향요인 주관적 규범은 혁신저항에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 수용과 확산을 촉진하기 위해서는 혁신저항에 영향을 미치는 요인을 개선하거나 보완하여 혁신저항을 감소시켜야 한다는 점을 시사한다. 또한, 적합성과 복잡성, 관찰가능성 변인들도 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션 사용의도에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 적합성과 관찰가능성은 사용의도에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤으며 복잡성은 사용의도에 부정적 영향을 미쳤다. 마지막으로 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션 혁신저항에 영향을 미치는 요인은 혁신 사용자와 비사용자 집단별 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 지각된 혁신특성 요인 중 상대적 이점과 적합성, 복잡성, 지각된 위험은 사용자 집단에 상관없이 모두 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션 혁신저항에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으며 시험가능성은 혁신저항에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 사용자의 경우 관찰가능성, 혁신성향, 주관적 규범은 혁신저항에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지만 비사용자의 경우 이들이 혁신저항에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 혁신저항 모형을 기반으로 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 수용과 확산을 지연하게 하는 저항요인이 무엇인지를 고찰하였다는 점에서 기존 혁신확산을 중심으로 진행한 연구들과 차별화되는 학술적 의의가 있다. 혁신저항에 미치는 요인을 검증했다는 점은 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 수용과 확산과정 중 저항 요인을 완화하는데 함의를 제공할 수 있다. 또한 본 연구에서 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 사용자와 비사용자 집단별로 혁신저항에 미치는 영향은 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 고찰하였다. 이를 토대로 사용자와 비사용자 타켓별 전략을 세워 스마트TV 동영상 애플리케이션의 시장 활성화에 실무적 함의도 제공한다. In this study, the innovation resistance model was used for smart TV video application and examine the factors of innovation resistance of consumers on smart TV video application. Innovation resistance factors is divided into three major dimensions: perceived innovation characteristics, consumer characteristics and social characteristics. The relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability, trialability and perceived risk of innovation characteristics were used in this study. Consumer characteristic consisted of one factor: innovation personality. Social characteristic consisted of one factor: subjective norm. The results, consumer perceived relative advantage, compatibility, observability and subjective norm have negative impact on innovation resistance. Complexity and perceived risk have positive impact on innovation resistance. In addition, compatibility and observability have positive affect on smart TV video application use intentions. Furthermore, the factors affecting the innovation resistance of smart TV video application were found to be different between the innovative user and the non-user group.


        WEI JIA 수원대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 231999

        This paper investigates the effect of family size and structure on household assets allocation in China. We use China Household Financial Survey (CHFS) from 2011 to 2017 as a four years’ panel dataset which was conducted every two years. In this study, households’ assets are classified into four categories: house, second house, deposits and stocks. What’s the difference with previous studies is that house and second house are considered as asset categories. We test the probability of four types of household asset holdings with Probit regression and the proportion of each asset category with Tobit regression. The results show that family size increases the probability of a family holding house and second house; decreases the probability of holding deposits and stocks in China. A few related studies (see e.g. Coile and Milligan (2006), Keister (2003), Lugauera et al. (2017), Pierret (2006)) show the similar results only in developed countries and don’t include house and second house. It is confirmed that the family size has a significant effect. Family size decrease the proportion of deposits and stocks holding in China. With consideration of elderly number and children number, family size increases the proportion of second house.This means that if a family own a house or a second house in the property category, the family size increases the proportion of the second house. Households with elderly have a lower probability of own house, second house and stocks. Bogan (2015) find that obligation of old family members caretaking markedly decreases high risk asset holding which is similar with our results on financial assets analysis. An increase in elderly number have a negative (-) effect on the proportion of house, second house and a positive (+) effect on deposits. Households with children increase the proportion of deposits and second house and decrease the proportion of stocks. This is different from Bogan (2015), where the number of children reduced stock holdings but had no significant effect on deposits. In addition, we analyze the regional difference of the effect on household portfolio choice. In urban area, as family size increases, the probability of holding a second house increases. Whereas in rural area, family size increase house holding. More children in a family increase second house and deposits’ holding. Furthermore, we also analyze the income effect on household assets allocation. Family size has similar effect in high and middle-income groups that has a negative effect on stocks holding. It is found that the larger the family size is, the more favored the possession of the second house in low-income families. At last, we analyzed the changes in household assets allocation according to the abolition of the policy of single-children. Previous studies mainly concentrated on children number and family size before the two-child policy (see e.g. (Lu and Liu,(2017); Wu (2018); Qian( 2016)). As a result of this study, we find that after the implementation of the two-child policy, family size increases the house shares which was negative before the policy. The increasing children number decrease stock shares after the two-child policy. 본 논문은 중국 내 가족규모와 구성이 가계의 자산배분에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 연구하였다. 2011년부터 2017년까지 2년마다 실시되는 중국 가계 금융 조사(CHFS)로 부터 얻은 자료를 사용하였으며, 가계의 자산 범주를 주택, 두 번째 주택, 예금, 주식 등 네가지로 분류하였다. 기존 연구와 달리 주택과 두 번째 주택을 자산 범주로 고려한다는 점이 선행 연구들과의 주요 차이점이라 할 수 있다. Probit 분석을 통해 가계의 네가지 유형에 대한 자산 보유 확률을 분석하였고 Tobit 분석을 통해 가계의 각 자산 비율을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 가족규모는 주택과 두 번째 주택의 보유 확률을 높이는 반면, 예금과 주식 보유 확률을 낮추는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기존의 선진국 대상의 선행연구(예: Coile and Milligan (2006), Keister (2003), Lugauera et al. (2017), Pierret (2006))와 유사한 결과로, 본 연구에서는 두 번째 주택 보유에 대해서도 가족규모가 유의한 영향을 미침을 확인하였다. 또한, 가족 규모의 증가는 중국 가계의 예금과 주식 보유 비중을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 반며, 고령자와 아동 수를 고려하면, 가계 규모 증가가 둘째 주택의 비율을 증가시킨다. 이는 첫 번째 주택과 두 번째 주택을 자산 범주에 포함하면 가족 규모가 두 번재 주택의 자산 비중을 증가시킨다는 것을 의미한다. 한편, 고령자 있는 가계는 첫 번째 주택, 두 번째 주택, 그리고 주식의 보유 확률이 낮은것으로 나타났다. Bogan (2015)는 노인가족 보호의무가 가계의 고위험자산 보유를 현저히 감소시킨다는 것을 발견했는데 본 연구에서도 이와 일치하는 결과를 얻었다. 그리고 가계 내 고령자 수 증가는 첫 번째 주택과 두 번째 주택의 보유 비율에 음의(-) 영향을 미치고 예금에는 양의(+) 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 자녀가 있는 가계의 자산 배분도 유의미한 차이가 존재하였다. 자녀가 있는 가계는 예금과 두 번째 주택의 자산 비중을 높이는 반면, 주식의 비중을 줄이는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 자녀 수가 주식 보유를 감소시키지만 예금과는 큰 관계가 없었던 Bogan (2015)의 결과와는 다른 결과이다. 본 연구에서는 중국 내 가계의 자산 배분 결정이 지역적 차이에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지도 분석하였다. 도시 지역에서는 가족 수가 증가할수록 두 번째 주택의 보유 확률을 증가시키는 반면, 농촌에서는 가족 수 증가는 첫 번째 주택의 보유 확률을 늘리는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 농촌에서는 자녀수 증가는 두 번째 주택과 예금의 보유 확률을 늘리는 것으로 나타났다. 소득의 차이에 따른 중국 내 가계의 자산배분에 대한 차이도 분석하였다 가족의 규모는 주식 보유에 부의(-) 영향을 미치는데 이는 고소득층과 중산층에서 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 그리고 저소득층에서는 가족 규모가 클수록 두 번째 집의 보유를 더욱 선호한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 한자녀 정책 폐지에 따른 가계의 자산배분의 변화를 분석하였다. 기존의 연구에서는 주로 둘째 아이 정책(two-child policy) 이전의 자녀 수와 가족 규모에 주로 초점을 맞추고 있다(Lu & Liu (2017), Wu (2018), Qian(2016)). 본 연구에서는 둘째 아이 정책 시행 후, 정책 시행 이전에 비해 가족 규모 증가는 집의 보유비율을 더욱 증가시키며, 두 번째 아동 정책이 자유화 된 후, 아동 수의 증가는 주식의비율을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다.

      • Interplay between reactive oxygen species and transition metal ions: Lessons from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

        Wei, Jia-Perng Jennifer University of California, Los Angeles 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Characterizations of mutant <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic> deficient in the SOD1 locus (encoding copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, or CuZnSOD) have provided invaluable insight into processes involved in cellular metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Interestingly, these scientific endeavors have also uncovered an intimate connection between transition metal homeostasis and cellular redox status. The <italic>LYS7</italic> gene in <italic> S. cerevisiae</italic> encodes a protein that mediates copper incorporation into CuZnSOD. In yeast lacking <italic>LYS7</italic> (<italic>lys7</italic>Δ), the SOD1 polypeptide is present but inactive; thus, yeast cells with a null mutation at either the <italic>LYS7</italic> or <italic>SOD1</italic> locus (i.e. <italic>lys7</italic>Δ or <italic>sod1</italic>Δ) display similar phenotypes, with a few exceptions. The most striking difference is their capacity to tolerate zinc. While <italic>lys7</italic>Δ yeast can withstand highly elevated zinc concentrations in the growth medium, <italic> sod1</italic>Δ mutants are exquisitely sensitive to excess zinc. Overexpression of a bacterial Mn-SOD in the cytoplasm of <italic>sod1</italic>Δ yeast restored its resistance to paraquat, a superoxide-generating chemical, but not to zinc. Conversely, expression of a mutant CuZnSOD that binds zinc but has no SOD activity (H46C) restored zinc resistance but remained sensitive to paraquat. Collectively, these results suggest that CuZnSOD plays a role in zinc homeostasis, probably serving as a temporary depot for zinc. Further studies into the effect of excess zinc on wild-type, <italic>lys7</italic>Δ, and <italic>sod1</italic>Δ yeast strains have implicated mitochondrial dysfunction and general disruption to cellular metal metabolism as putative mechanisms of zinc toxicity in this organism. Under physiological conditions, zinc is oxidatively inactive, and a significant portion of the published literature has focused on the role of CuZnSOD in the cellular metabolism of copper and other redox active metal ions. However, according to the results depicted in these studies, CuZnSOD appears to participate in the regulation of zinc homeostasis inside the cells, and zinc overload can impose strains on certain cellular processes.

      • A Precious-Metal-Free Regenerative Fuel Cell for Storing Renewable Electricity: Fundamental Catalysis Studies and Device Development

        Ng, Jia Wei Desmond ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Stanford Universit 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231982

        The ever-increasing global demand for energy coupled with a growing awareness of the deleterious effects of fossil fuels have led to an explosive growth in the development of renewable energy technologies. Solar photovoltaics and wind turbines are attractive options; however, they are intermittent and localized in nature, which necessitates the use of energy storage devices to achieve energy time-shifting and allow for maximum market penetration of renewables into the grid. Unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs), based on H2O-H2-O2 interconversion chemistries, are an interesting class of energy storage devices that could potentially enable such a future. However, commercial URFCs typically utilize expensive platinum group metals as catalysts or operate at extremely high temperatures. The development of an alkaline anion exchange membrane (AEM) coupled with earth-abundant catalysts could enable a pathway towards a low-temperature, cost-effective URFC. In order to demonstrate the viability of the AEM-URFC concept, we first developed catalysts for each of the four reactions involved, namely the hydrogen evolution and oxidation reactions (HER, HOR) and the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions (ORR, OER). We adapted a synthesis procedure from the literature to produce a carbon-supported Ni catalyst that displays high activities for the HER, the HOR and the OER. Also, we modified the synthesis procedure of an O2-bifunctional MnOx catalyst previously developed in our lab such that the catalyst retained its high activity yet can be readily integrated into commercial URFC setups. Next, we integrated the Ni and MnOx catalysts with a commercial AEM into an existing cell setup, and the resultant prototype device obtained round trip efficiencies of 34-40 % at 10 mA/cm2. This first report of a precious-metal free AEM-URFC opens up new possibilities for enabling cost-effective and widespread deployment of renewable electricity. We pinpointed the degradation of carbon on the O2 electrode as one of the factors leading to a loss of device performance upon repeated cycling. Therefore, we developed a carbon-free, precious-metal-free O2 electrode by electrodepositing MnOx onto a stainless steel substrate followed by high-temperature calcination to achieve the desired MnOx phase. Fundamental electrochemical testing in addition to device testing reveal that this electrode exhibits superior stability compared to a carbon-containing O2 electrode, thereby revealing a pathway towards longer-lasting AEM-URFCs. Next, the knowledge gained from developing the AEM-URFC prototype was extended to polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Precious-metal Pt is typically used at the cathode to drive the HER; however, molybdenum sulfides have shown promise as an active and stable class of non-precious HER catalysts. Despite recent efforts to develop high-performance molybdenum sulfides, there has been limited work showing the effectiveness of these catalysts in operating devices. Hence, we synthesized three distinct molybdenum sulfides via facile routes specially designed for catalyst-device compatibility and demonstrated that these catalysts might potentially replace Pt as the cathode catalyst in commercial electrolyzers. The AEM-URFC device can serve as a platform for incorporating catalysts that display even better performance for any of the four reactions mentioned above. To that end, we investigated two distinct classes of catalysts, namely heteroatom-doped carbons and Ni-based mixed oxides. Heteroatom-doped carbon-based catalysts have received enormous attention due to their low costs and high activities for the ORR. However, there has been limited work on their performance for the OER and their compatibility with existing commercial setups. Therefore, we developed an NH3-activated N-doped carbon catalyst via a facile synthesis route and showed that this catalyst displays high performance both in a three-electrode electrochemical cell and also in an operating RFC device, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of N-doped carbon replacing Pt and Ir as the O2 catalysts in commercial RFCs. Also, literature reports have shown that substrates play a crucial role in the OER activity of Co and Mn oxides. We looked at the case of NiCeOx, which displays low activity for the OER when supported on a typical glassy carbon substrate. However, we discovered that the presence of a thin film of Au results in a significant boost in the OER performance of NiCeOx. The resultant geometric and specific activities are superior to those of the best catalysts reported in the literature, and is an interesting potential candidate to drive the OER in an AEM-URFC. Metal alloys typically deliver higher performance oxygen catalysis compared to their pure metal counterparts. However, metal alloys are typically more complicated and a fundamental understanding of how these catalysts operate in-situ is critical in the development of nextgeneration catalysts that deliver better performance. As such, we developed a bifunctional MnNiOx catalyst and utilized a newly-developed synchrotron technique to simultaneously detect changes in the Mn and Ni electronic structures via in-situ via X-ray emission spectroscopy. The obtained data highlights the effects of adding a second element to the chemical state and the resultant catalytic activity of the original catalyst. In summary, this dissertation discusses a broad spectrum of issues with AEM-URFCs, from fundamental catalysis to actual device operation. This work provides an important step towards a potentially commercial-level, precious-metal-free URFC for cost-effective energy storage to help scale the use of intermittent renewable energy. .

      • 중국 손자녀 양육 조부모의 생활만족도에 관한 연구 -양육 스트레스 및 양육 효능감을 중심으로-

        He Wei Jia 충북대학교 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 231982

        A Study to Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and Grandparents’ Life Satisfaction in China: -Parenting Pressure and Parenting Efficacy- He, WeiJia Department of Electrical Business Graduate School, Chungbuk National University Cheongju, Korea Supervised by Professor Park, Sang Soo Abstract With the rapid development of China’s economy, young parents under heavy work stress do not have sufficient time to look after their children who tend to be raised by elderly grandparents. In this respect, the grandparents who are supposed to be cared for by their children are bound to get additional parenting pressure, which has a great impact on their life satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of grandparents raising their grandchildren on grandparents’ life satisfaction in China. The author used specialized statistics analysis systems, SPSS 21 and Amos 24 to execute the data analysis work in this study. According to the research purposes, the author performed Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Path Analysis. Results: The results are presented as follows: 1) the results of the survey analysis based on the difference analysis of demographic characteristics show that * A thesis for the degree of Master in February 2021. women pay more attention to fulfilling moral education responsibilities to grandchildren, grandparents with high education pay more attention to fulfilling responsibilities of intellectual and spiritual assistance to grandchildren. Grandparents who like playing together with their grandchildren and receive raising fee of their grandparents are having a better relationship with their children; 2) according to the results of the path analysis, only the paths among the main factors of grandparents (self-perceived health status, the quality of the parent-child relationship), the factors of grandparents performing responsibilities (physical support duties), nurturing efficacy and the level of life satisfaction show a positive impact. Conclusion: It is expected that the government will improve parenting health care consulting services, meet the needs of grandparents for scientific parenting and health care knowledge in inter-generational parenting, reduce conflicts in solving parenting problems, improve the quality of parent-child relationship, bring up the grandparents’ nurturing efficiency, complete the medical system, protect the middle-aged and elderly groups, and let the grandparents pay attention to their own health while looking after their grandchildren. Key words: parenting pressure, parenting efficacy, life satisfaction.

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