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      • Achievement of development goals, foreign aid, political participation and political competition : case of sub-national governments of Cambodia

        Salem, Pouv 이화여자대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        The purpose of this thesis is to study the effectiveness of foreign aid, political participation, and political competition in promoting development goals at the sub-national governments in Cambodia. Cambodia is known as a heavily aid dependent country. In this study the following research questions are asked: (1) is there any effect of foreign aid on sub-national governments’ achievement of development goals? Undoubtedly, foreign aid has promoted social and economic development up to now. Many important developments have already been accomplished in Cambodia. Decreasing child mortality, raising primary education and diminishing maternal mortality have been rapidly progressing as well. Second research question is: (2) is there any effect of political participation and political competition on sub-national governments’ achievement of development goals? Foreign aid also brought in the democratic governance by which the decentralization system has been implemented. However, democratic governance is too broad to study in this thesis. Therefore, this study chooses political participation and political competition which are the critical parts within the democratic governance to study instead. Having been theoretically defined as the sub-national development mechanisms, both political participation and political competition are playing very significant roles directly and indirectly in the acceleration of local development. Third research question is: (3) is there any interaction effect between foreign aid and political participation and also between foreign aid and political competition on sub-national governments’ achievement of development goals? To go further beyond relationships of three variables (foreign aid, political participation and political competition) and the achievement of development goals, the aim of this question is looking into the possible interaction effect of three variables over the achievement of development goals. This study found that there is evidence to suggest the relationship between foreign aid and achievement of development goals at the sub-national government of Cambodia. Political participation also affects the achievement of development goals, as the significant correlation between political participation and achievement of development goals are statistically detected. However, No correlation result is found in relations between political competition and the achievement of development goals. As for 2×2 matrixes of interaction effects, interaction effects show mixed results. 본 연구는 캄보디아 지방정부의 개발목표를 달성함에 있어 대외원조, 정치 참여, 정치적 경쟁의 효과성을 탐구하고자 하였다. 캄보디아는 제 3 세계의 다른 개발 도상국 중의 하나로 주로 외국원조에 의존한 국가로 알려져있다. 의심 할 여지없이, 원조가 지금까지 캄보디아의 사회 및 경제 발전을 촉진하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 구체적인 연구문제가 다루어졌다. 캄보디아 지방정부의 개발목표를 달성함에 대한 대외원조의 효과가 있는가? 많은 중요한 발전들이 이미 캄보디아에서 이루어졌다. 다른 중요한 발전 지표는 예를 들어 아동 사망률 감소, 초등 교육율 증가, 모성 사망률 감소가 빠른 속도로 진행되었다. 정치 참여 및 정치적 경쟁이 지방정부의 개발목표 달성에 미치는 영향이 있는가? 대외원조는 민주적인 거버넌스를 캄보디아에 도입함으로 지방분권 시스템이 구현되었다. 그러나 민주적인 거버넌스는 이 논문에서 다루기에는 너무 광범위하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 민주적인 거버넌스 대신 민주적인 거버넌스의 중요한 부분인 정치 참여와 정치적 경쟁을 중점적으로 연구하였다. 지방정부의 발전을 이루는 메커니즘으로 정치 참여와 정치적 경쟁 모두가 지역발전의 가속에 직간접적으로 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 대외원조와 정치 참여가 캄보디아 지방정부의 개발목표를 달성함에 상호작용 효과가 있는가? 그리고 대외원조와 정치적 경쟁이 캄보디아 지방정부의 개발목표를 달성함에 상호작용 효과가 있는가? 이상과 같은 연구문제에 따른 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 캄보디아 지방정부의 원조 및 개발 목표의 달성 사이에 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 정치 참여와 개발 목표의 달성 사이에 유의한 상관 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 캄보디아 지방정부에서의 정치 경쟁과 개발목표의 달성 사이의 유의한 상관 관계는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 2×2메트릭스의 상호작용 효과는 혼합된 결과를 보여줬다.

      • (The) Impact of Push and Pull Factors and Attitudes Towards Religion on Korean Travelers Intention to Visit Saudi Arabia

        Alkurashi Bashaer Salem O 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247357

        The Korean travel market is one of the most important international markets for many countries around the world. Millions of Koreans travel abroad each year either for business, leisure, or holiday. However, many Saudi researchers are yet to shine the light and further investigate this. In order to increase the number of Korean travelers who are visiting Saudi Arabia, it is important to learn and understand what are the push and pull factors that will influence their travel-related intention for developing appropriate marketing strategies to attract them. Also, to find out if their attitudes towards religion had an impact on their travel intention to visit Saudi Arabia, is it a positive impact or a negative impact? This study was aiming to examine travel intention of Korean travelers to Saudi Arabia by using the push and pull motivational factor. The main objective of this research paper was to determine the impact of push and pull factors on travel intentions among Korean travelers. Next, the research paper analyzed how did push and pull factors impacted Korean travelers Intention to visit Saudi Arabia and how did the effect of attitudes towards religion motivated travelers and transformed their motivation into action (travel intention). To test the hypotheses and relationship between the variables, the survey data was analyzed through a factor analysis, reliability test, correlation test, as well as hierarchical multi-regression. A total of 254 valid Korean participants in and outside of Korea took part in the questionnaire survey, for which a snowball sampling technique was used. From the results, it was found that there was a significant relationship between push factors and Korean travel intention. It was also found that there was a significant relationship between their attitudes towards religion and their travel intention. The results of this study help to provide insight into which push and pull factors the Saudi Arabia tourism and marketing industry should focus on to better reach, attract, and stimulate the travel intentions of Korean tourists to Saudi Arabia. Keywords: Traveler, Travel, Travel Motivation, Travel Intention, Push and Pull Factors, Tourism, Tourist, Attitudes Towards Religion, Saudi Arabia, South Korea.

      • Cloud computing adoption for government organizations in Yemen

        Mubarkoot, Mohammed Salem Soongsil University 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247357

        This study investigated the factors that affect the adoption of cloud computing in government organizations in Yemen in a way towards a better adoption strategy. The research model is a combination of DOI and TOE frameworks with slight amendments to fit the context of government organizations. Eight hypotheses were proposed and 118 respondents were surveyed to assess the current status of Yemen with regard to cloud computing and discover the potentials of using cloud computing in government organizations in Yemen. Data analysis results indicated that Yemen is not ready in terms of technological readiness and regulations. Other factors which are relative advantages, compatibility, security concern, government support and perception of benefits are accepted; perception of benefits, in particular, is on the top of those factors to have a great influence on adoption decision from both government leaders and employees, and among the factors that would impede the decision of the adoption is security concern which is one of the biggest issues of cloud technology.

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