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      • 계획된 행동이론을 활용한 베트남 식당 예약 애플리케이션에 관한 연구

        Nguyen, Hoang Anh 세종대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 233279

        Abstract A Study on Vietnamese Restaurant Reservation Application Using Theory of Planned Behavior Nguyen Hoang Anh Department of Culinary and food service management The Graduate School Sejong University When the covid-19 epidemic occurred, it caused many crises in all aspects of society globally. The recovery of the economy in general and the hotel, restaurant and tourism service industry in particular is a big challenge. Changing the way of operating is necessary to create newness to attract customers' return and is considered one of the marketing strategies. Booking a table at a restaurant is not a new thing, but the method needs to be improved. Since then, restaurant table booking applications in Vietnam have been born and brought into the market. However, the use of restaurant reservation applications is only really popular in big cities. This study was conducted to evaluate user awareness of restaurant table reservation applications in Vietnam. The study was conducted on people currently living in Vietnam for 1 month and a total of 630 copies were obtained. Research results were performed using SPSS software. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and information quality of the restaurant reservation application have a positive impact on users' usage attitude. In addition, usage attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a positive impact on users' intention to use. This study will be a premise for future studies aimed at more in-depth evaluation of other aspects of a mobile application or social influences on users' intention to use. user. Keywords: restaurant reservation application, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, information quality, theory of planned behavior (TPB).

      • Supplementing Hongjam recovered behavioral and biochemical defects in APOE-/- mice

        Hoang, Nguyen Minh Anh 한림대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 233023

        홍잠 섭취에 의한APOE -/- 마우스의 행동 및 생화학적 결함 회복 2023. 석사학위논문 호앙 유엔 민 안 노화생명과학과 지도교수 고 영 호 일반적으로 경도인지장애(MCI)는 노화과정 중에 나타나는 정상적 기억력 감퇴와 기억력이 과도하게 손상되면서 나타나는 질병인 치매(dementia) 사이의 과도기 단계이다. 현재 치매 치료에 허가된 의약품들은 원치 않는 심각한 부작용이 보고 돼서, 아직도 치매를 대처하는 최선의 방법은 노화에 따른 기억력 저하로 인한 MCI로 진행을 억제하거나, 다시 정상으로 회복 시킬 수 있는 방법의 개발이 필요하다. 누에의 숙잠을 쪄서 제조하는 홍잠(HJ)은 최근의 연구결과에 따르면 기억력 개선 효과와 간 기능개선 효과와 건강수명 증대 효과가 있음이 밝혀졌다. HJ의 영양성분은 70% 이상의 단백질과 15%의 지질과 다양한 종류의 식물 유래 화합물들과 미네랄 등이 다량으로 함유되어 있다. 하지만, HJ이 유전적인 문제에 의하여 발병하는 고 지혈증과 혈관성 치매의 발병에 영향을 줄 수 있는지 여부는 연구되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 APOE Knock Out (APOE-/-)마우스 모델을 이용하여 다양한 기억력 및 운동 능력 비교 연구와 생화학적인 연구를 진행하여 HJ가 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지에 대한 연구를 진행했다. 이전의 연구에 따르면, APOE-/- 암컷 쥐는 정상 대조군에 비해 유의하게 높은 치매 발병 위험과 고지혈증을 가지고 있다. 하지만, 본 연구에서 HJ를 섭취한 암컷 APOE-/- 쥐는 운동 능력과 공간 기억력과 사교성 및 새로운 자극에 대한 호기심이 일반 사료 섭취 암컷 APOE-/- 쥐와 비교하면 통계적으로 유의하게 향상됐다. 또한 HJ 섭취는 콜레스테롤, 젖산, 중성지방 수치에도 긍정적인 영향을 주었다. 그리고, HJ를 섭취한 실험동물 뇌 조직은 미토콘드리아 활성이 증가되어 있었다. 이 결과는 HJ의 섭취가 뇌를 포함한 다양한 조직과 기관의 마이토콘드리아의 활성을 증진시켜서 기능을 활성화 시킴으로 달성되는 것으로 추측된다. 본 논문의 연구 결과를 보면, HJ 섭취에 따른 효과는 단일 성분에 의해 발생하는 것이 아니라 단백질, 지방산, 미네랄, 식물 유래 화합물들의 상호작용에 의한 것으로 사료된다. 본 논문은 APOE의 유전적 결함에 의하여 발병하는 고지혈증과 혈관성 치매는 HJ을 섭취함으로써 질환의 발병을 억제하고 진전을 늦출 수 있음을 보여주므로 이에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다. 키워드 : 알츠하이머병, APOE-/- 마우스 모델, HongJam, 행동검사, 효소분석, 미토콘드리아 복합체, ATP Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), in general, increases the risk of developing dementia and is often considered a transitional phase from healthy cognitive aging to unhealthy dementia. Due to unwanted side effects of commercial medicines, developing new treatments that can suppress memory deterioration during MCI is not only of high interest but a crucial necessity for a healthy aging. HongJam (HJ) contains a remarkable amount of nutrients and phytochemicals which are not only necessary for the nervous system function but also control blood cholesterol and glucose levels. However, it is not still clear whether HJ can influence the late-onset of AD as well as high triglycerides level. In order to determine the effectiveness of HJ food on cognition in the APOE-/- mice, several behavioral tasks and enzyme assays are used, which differ in sensitivity to detect cognitive impairments for this strain. Such rigorous assessments give insights into the most sensitive influence on the subject’s cognitive deficits based on the effect of HJ food concentration. Although female mice exhibited significantly greater risk of developing AD and greater dementia compared to normal controls, this study observed an improvement in female APOE-/-mice fed with HJ on better spatial memory, sociability and curiosity for new stimulations along with improved motor function. Moreover, HJ food also showed the positive effects on cholesterol, lactate and triglycerides level. In addition, it is possible that HJ proteins might increase mitochondrial activity to improve lifespan of the test subjects. Although the precise underlying mechanism and the details of the active substances in HJ food remained elusive, this herbal medicine might offer a novel approach for the prevention of dementia disease. The enhancing effects of HJ food are not caused by a single component, but by the combination of proteins, fatty acids, minerals, and phytochemicals interaction together which activate various signaling mechanisms including the mitochondrial activity increase in brain tissues. As a whole, in the future, it is necessary to study whether HJ may have precise mechanism in therapeutic effect of APOE-/- mice with clear AD symptoms and high triglycerides levels.

      • 베트남 도시에서의 태양 굴뚝과 통풍 벽돌벽을 이용한 실내 환경 개선

        Nguyen Hoang Anh 전남대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 233007

        Urban development with high-density in Vietnam is a great challenge in environment context. Result of the urban densification leads to an indoor environment with unhealthily ventilation and low natural light for occupants in households. As the response to sustainability, the original contribution of this thesis is to develop passive strategies by the effect of combination between solar chimney and screen brick wall to improve indoor environment without using active strategies which cause to urban heat island and carbon dioxide to environment. The study initiated with the field measurement located in Ho Chi Minh City which has tropical climate for software simulation. Validation studies from computational fluid dynamics by DesignBuilder software were done to find out weakness of current statement. Measurement data was also recorded and compared with the simulation result to find out the deviation between two data since the effect of solar irradiation takes an important role to the indoor air movement and the indoor temperature. Based on the slightly differences between the CFD data and the measured data set, the CFD simulation can reproduces similar environment of the field measurement. The use of CFD model is validated to optimize the solar chimney and the screen brick wall that could improve indoor air velocity and thermal performance. The result of 60m3 bedroom show that the optimizations of solar chimney width from 0.6m to 1.5m and length from 1.0m to 3.0m leads to increase of the indoor air velocity from 0.13m/s to 0.35m/s. In experiment of the screen brick wall, maximum value of the air velocity happens at bigger opening and significantly reduces from the bigger opening to the smaller. The combination between the screen brick wall and the parameter varies of the solar chimney brings spectacular results in air velocity as well as area of air movement. The combination between 70% of opening ratio with 1.5W x 3L of solar chimney parameter leads to the ideal environment for occupants with permanent velocity from 0.24m/s to 0.27m/s in 70% total area of the indoor test room.

      • Direct laser lithographic fabrication for diffractive and hybrid optical elements

        Anh Nu Hoang Nguyen UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 200239

        Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are optical components altering light into almost desired shape by using micro structure patterns to implement various optical functions that are challenging to implement with general refractive or reflective optical elements. Recently, because of industrial requirements, optical systems need to be made light and compact by replacing conventional lenses with diffractive optical elements. To address this demand, new diffraction pattern designs need to be researched and fabricated. To date, the concept of hybrid optics is commonly mentioned as it refers to the combination of numerous different optical components, frequently with the intention of enhancing performance or correcting optical aberrations. Regarding to the diffraction pattern on a planar surface, three designs of diffractive optical element: elliptical zone plate array, high fill factor zone plate array and off-axis elliptical zone plate used for the compact focusing system are proposed and fabricated by direct laser lithographic technique. An Elliptical zone plate (EZP) is used to replace a Fresnel zone plate to focus a light beam when the optical axes of the incident and diffracted beams are not in a straight line. An effective fabrication method for an EZP array using a direct laser lithographic technique in an XY stage system was investigated. To enhance the image performance, a densely packed hexagonal EZP array with a high fill factor was designed. An off-axis EZP, which is utilized to focus monochromatic light with a large grazing incident angle and has the ability to divide the first order from the zeroth order, was proposed. In order to manufacture a hybrid optical device with wide field of view, an auto-focus and rotation system were combined in previous direct laser lithographic system. On a cylindrical lens, a linear zone plate array pattern was designed and fabricated. Additionally, a grating pattern and a Fresnel zone plate array are etched on a plano-convex spherical lens to demonstrate the ability of the prosed system to fabricate diffractive patterns on the convex lens in particular distinct directions.


        NGUYEN THI HOANG ANH 한국항공대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 200239

        Aviation law covers the entire domain of air travel, including cargo and passenger transportation, recreational flying, and airspace protocol. This type of law often shares some ground with international law and even civil law. Airlines and airports are increasingly adopting new technologies and relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to improve customer service. Customer service is one of the most important aspects of air travel. Smart Technologies will play a major role to support airlines and airports to overcome the crisis, which is likely to accelerate the adoption of automation and artificial intelligence in the aviation sector. Artificial intelligence (AI) will gradually replace experts in the legal field. Even with the current technological situation, based on current legal content and customer input queries, AI systems have been able to provide relatively accurate and useful responses. This research focuses on leveraging information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI) in managing compensation for damages resulting from air transport breaches in accordance with aviation law, with a specific focus on Vietnam's aviation industry. The study aims to assess existing compensation procedures and challenges, explore the potential benefits of IT and AI solutions, propose a framework for their implementation, and evaluate the feasibility and impacts of such a framework in Vietnam's aviation sector. The research adopts a mixed-methods approach, involving literature reviews, surveys, interviews, case studies, and the development of an IT and AI framework. The anticipated outcomes include a thorough understanding of current compensation processes in Vietnam, a proposed IT and AI framework, a feasibility assessment, and recommendations for policymakers and industry stakeholders. The research aims to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and compliance of the compensation process, potentially leading to the adoption of IT and AI solutions in Vietnam's aviation industry for quicker resolution of claims and increased stakeholder satisfaction. Keywords: compensation, damages, breaches, air transport, aviation law, information technology, artificial intelligence, Vietnam, efficiency.

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