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      • 한국어 시제와 크메르어 시제 대조 분석

        Hour Leng 숙명여자대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247614

        국 문 초 록 본 연구는 한국어 시제와 크메르어 시제에 대한 비교 연구이다. 크메르어는 고립어이고 한국어는 첨가어이기에 두 언어 간의 가장 큰 차이점은 문법론에서 찾아볼 수 있으며, 따라서 시제 체계의 차이점이 클 것으로 예상되었다. 이에 본 연구는 두 언어 간의 시제를 대조하여, 그 유사점과 차이점을 밝힘으로써 크메르어를 사용하는 한국어 학습자뿐만 아니라, 한국어 사용자의 크메르어 학습자들이 효율적으로 각 언어를 학습할 수 있도록 돕는 데 목적을 두었다. 이와 더불어 양 언어 교사에게도 좋은 자료로 제공하는 부수적인 목적도 지닌다. 본 연구에서 한국어와 크메르어 시제 체계의 특징을 우선적으로 각각 살펴본 다음에, 대조 가능한 대상을 선정하여 대조 분석했다. 다만 시제에 대한 연구 범위가 광범위한 연유로 본 연구에서는 두 언어의 단문 시제로 연구 범위를 축소했다. 이 분석 결과를 가지고 한국어 교육을 위한 활용점을 마지막에 간략하게 논의했다. 본 연구는 4장으로 구성되었다. 제1장에서는 연구 목적과 필요성, 선행연구, 대조 분석 이론과 시제의 개념을 서술했다. 제2장에서는 한국어 시제 체계와 크메르어 시제 체계를 각각 과거∙현재∙미래로 나누어 논의했다. 한국어 과거 시제를 선어말어미 '-었-', '-었었-', '-더-'로 나타내고, 현재 시제를 '-는/ㄴ, Ø', 미래 시제를 '-겠-'으로 나타냈다. 크메르어는 단순 과거 'បាន/ba:n/', 가까운 과거 'ទើប/təːb/', 과거 경험 'ធ្លាប់/tʰla:b/', 과거 완료 'ហើយ/ha:əj/'와 과거 시간 표현으로 과거 시제를 나타냈다. 현재 시제는 무표(Ø)혹은 진행형 'កំពុង/kam ponŋ/'으로 나타냈다. 미래 시제는 의지와 추측을 나타낸 'នឹង/nəŋ/'로 표시했다. 제3장에서는 제2장에서 논의한 한국어의 시제 선어말어미의 의미 기능을 기준으로 양 언어의 시제 대조를 본격적으로 논의 했다. 과거 시제 경우에는 의미 기능에 따라 '-었-'은 단순 과거 'បាន/ba:n/', 가까운 과거 'ទើប/təːb/', 과거 완료 'ហើយ/ha:əj/'와 대조했다. '-었었-'은 단순 과거 'បាន/ba:n/', 과거 경험 'ធ្លាប់/tʰla:b/'와 대조하고 '-더-'는 대조할 대상이 없었다. 그러나 '-더-'의 의미 기능을 크메르어로 어떻게 나타내는지 논의했다. 현재 시제 경우에는 '-는/ㄴ, Ø'와 'Ø, កំពុង/kam ponŋ/'를 대조하고, 미래 시제는 '-겠-'과 'នឹង/nəŋ/'을 대조했다. 마지막으로 대조 분석의 결과를 정리하면서 교육에 어떻게 적용하는지 제시했다. 제4장은 전체적인 논의의 결론을 내어 후속 연구를 기대해본다. 본 연구는 크메르어를 모국어로 한 한국어 학습자와 한국어를 모국어로 한 크메르어 학습자, 또한 양 언어의 교사에게 좋은 자료를 제공할 수 있는 논문이라고 본다. ABSTRACT A ComparativeStudy of Tense Expressions in Korean and Khmer Hour Leng Department of Korean Language and Literature The Graduate School Sookmyung Women’s University This thesis is a comparative study of tense expressions in Korean and Khmer. Since the Khmer language is an isolated languageand Korean is an agglutinative language, the biggest difference between the two languages can be found in grammar, also in tense expressions. This thesis aims to analyze the similarities and differences between the two languagesto help Korean language learners who speak Khmer and Khmer language learners who speak Korean. it has also an additional purpose of providing good data to both language teachers. This thesis is divided into four chapters.Chapter One describes the concept of research purpose and necessity, precedent study, contrastive analysis theory and tense. Chapter Two discusses the Korean tense system and the Khmer tense system into the past, present, and future.Chapter Three discusses the tense contrast between the two languages on the basis of the focuses on the comparison between pre-final endings(-었-, -었었-, -더-, -는/ㄴ-, -겠-)’, and tense morpheme(បាន/ba:n/, ទើប/təːb/, ធ្លាប់/tʰla:b/, ហើយ/ha:əj/, កំពុង/kam ponŋ/, នឹង/nəŋ/) in Khmer. The last chapter summarizes and concludes the discussion and analysis of tense expression in Korean and Khmer. This comparative study is expected to provide a more nuance understanding of language differences and help Khmer and Korean learners to be able to choose the right and appropriate way to express tenses when translating Khmer into Korean and vice versa. It is also hoped that this research study to lead to a more effective method in teaching and learning Korean or Khmer as a second language.

      • Study on the crosstalk of MAPK pathways for cell wall integrity and high osmolarity glycerol in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

        Gang, Leng Graduate School, Yonsei University 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 신호전달계는 모든 진핵세포에 보존되어 있는 외부 자극에 반응하여 다양한 세포반응을 일으킨다. 세포에는 여러 개의 MAPK 신호전달계가 존재하지만 이들이 crosstalk을 통해 서로 상호작용하면서 또 다양한 외부 자극에 대한 특이성을 결정하는 기전에 대해서는 아직 잘 알려지지 않았다. 효모세포에는 크게 다섯 개의 MAPK 신호전달계가 알려져 있으며 그 중 Cell Wall Integrity (CWI) 신호전달계의 구성단백질인 Pkc1, Bck1, Mkk1/Mkk2 그리고 Slt2는 온도 변화에 의해 활성화 된다. 하지만 Pkc1 또는 Bck1 없이도 온도 변화에 따라 Slt2 단백질이 활성화 될 수 있다고 알려진 바, 이는 Slt2 단백질을 활성화하는 다른 신호전달계가 있음을 제시한다. 본 연구는 온도변화에 반응하고 CWI 신호전달계에 관여하는 새로운 단백질인 Nst1을 발견하였다. 또한 온도 변화와 페로몬 신호에 반응하고 Nst1 단백질에 의해 매개되는 Ste11-Mkk1의 새로운 상호작용을 확인하였고, 이를 통하여 기존에 알려진 두 개의 MAPK 신호전달계인 고삼투압 글리세롤 및 페로몬 신호전달계가 CWI 신호전달계와 직접 연결되어 조절됨을 보였다. 또한 Ste11 단백질에 의해 직접적으로 인산화되는 Mkk1 단백질의 새로운 아미노산 Ser407과 Thr411 발견하였고, 이 두 개의 아미노산이 CWI 신호전달계에 의한 생리 활성에 극히 중요함을 확인하였다. 또한 본 연구에 의해 밝혀진 Nst1 단백질에 의해 매개되는 새로운 Ste11-Mkk1/2-Slt2의 MAPK 신호전달계가 기존의 온도 변화 및 페로몬 신호전달 이외에도 DNA 손상에 반응할 수 있음을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 또한 새로이 발견된 Nst1 단백질이 MAPK 신호전달을 매개하는 기능 외에도 세포주기 조절에 중요한 기능을 수행할 수 있음을 보였다. Various environmental stresses may cause diverse cellular responses in eukaryotes through a limited number of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. The MAPK pathways are signaling transduction pathways that couple intracellular responses to the sensing of environmental stresses or signals. Budding yeast is a well-established model system to study cellular responses to different growth signals or environmental stresses. In previous studies, five MAPK pathways have been well-characterized in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and were determined to specifically respond to changes in mating pheromones, invasive growth, high osmolarity, cell wall integrity, and sporulation. The coordination and cross-talk of different MAPK pathways enhance the capacity and specificity of responses to numerous signals, but their mechanisms are not well understood. The cell wall integrity (CWI) MAPK pathway, comprised of Wsc1-3, Mid2, Pkc1, Bck1, Mkk1/Mkk2, and Slt2, is known to respond to various cell wall stresses and heat stress in a up to down linear manner. Interestingly, Slt2, the MAP kinase of CWI pathway, is activated even in the absence of upstream components Pkc1 or Bck1 of this pathway in response to heat stress, suggesting the presence of a supplementary signal input for Slt2 activation. In this study, I tried to find the supplementary signal input for Slt2 activation and demonstrated that the upstream of high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) MAPK pathway provides the extra signal for Slt2 activation. Further, I proved that the interaction of HOG and CWI MAPK pathways is mediated by a novel protein Nst1. I first investigated the functional connections between the novel protein Nst1 and CWI signaling pathway. The negative effect on salt tolerance of NST1 mutant was confirmed by spotting assay on plates containing LiCl or NaCl. Then I found that knock-out mutation of NST1 increases heat sensitivity and delays heat-induced Slt2 activation, which is the MAP kinase of CWI pathway, suggesting that Nst1 may function in the CWI pathway. However, the Δnst1Δbck1 double mutant displayed more severe growth defects than the Δbck1 mutant in response to heat stress and completely blocked heat-induced Slt2 activation. I also observed that Δsho1, Δste20, Δste50 and Δste11 mutants, upstream of the HOG MAPK pathway, show increased heat sensitivity. Nst1 physically interacted with Ste11, Mkk1, and Slt2 by co-immunoprecipitation. Strikingly, I also detected the co-precipitation of Ste11 and Mkk1, which was not observed in Δnst1. This novel interaction of Ste11 and Mkk1, mediated by Nst1, connects the HOG and pheromone pathways directly to CWI pathway in response to heat and pheromone. In order to further verify the physiological mechanism of the crosstalk between HOG and CWI pathway, I found that Ser407 and Thr411 are novel functional residues of Mkk1 which can be directly phosphorylated by Ste11, the MAPKKK of HOG pathway. Further, to confirm the functional importance of the novel Ser407 and Thr411 residues of Mkk1 on CWI pathway activation, I examined the expression of CWI pathway reporter genes CRH1 and FKS2 by real-time qPCR and proved that Ser407 and Thr411 on Mkk1 are essential residues for the activation of CWI pathway. At last, because recent studies showed that the MAP kinase Slt2 may play a new role in the cellular response to genotoxic stresses, I investigated the involvement of the Ste11-Mkk1-Slt2 MAPK module in DNA damage stress response. This study suggested that the novel Ste11-Mkk1-Slt2 MAPK module is involved in cellular response to DNA damage stresses and the novel protein Nst1 also functions in cell cycle regulation. Taken together, I discovered the function of Nst1 in heat stress and pheromone response and demonstrated that Nst1 mediates a novel interaction of Ste11-Mkk1-Slt2 that connects the Sho1 branch of the HOG pathway to the CWI pathway. Nst1, as an adaptor-like protein, guaranteed the efficiency of cellular response to different stresses by the organization of a novel MAPKKK-MAPKK-MAPK module. This crosstalk between these two different MAPK pathways provides a more comprehensive stress response mechanism in budding yeast.

      • Analysis of Trade Facilitation Policy in Cambodia and Lessons from Korea Case

        LENG BUNTHEA 아주대학교 Graduate School of International Studies Ajo 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        When tariff is no longer big issues for countries participating in global trade system as well-known as the World Trade Organization, non-tariff barriers to trade raised another concerns for traders around the globe. Fragmented simplifying cross border trade procedures was proposed to be collectively one single agreement WTO negotiations agenda. The conclusion on Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) has come into force on 22 February 2017 promising to add up global trade volume by 2.7 percent and world economy growth by 0.5 percent in 15-year-period. To catch up with this opportunity, Cambodian government decided to be one among two-third of WTO membership which ratified this agreement. This made this paper focus about. This paper tends to find out the strength and weakness of Cambodia status in implementing TFA order to sort out prioritized policies. The implementation is costly at the beginning but the benefit is bigger. It is quite big burden to developing and LDC countries like Cambodia. Fortunately, technical assistance and supports are provided by development partners from international organizations such as the World Bank and other donor countries base on negotiation. Using Korean performance as development milestone, Cambodia need to strengthen human resource quality especially in public sector i.e. government officers. At the same time, Cambodia need to speed up upgrading online platform and integrated system within ministries and government agencies; for instance, customs clearance under General Department of Customs and Exercise and import or exporting license under Ministry of Commerce while the Korea and some other countries have already stepped into fourth industrial revolution. Physical infrastructure is still main issues for channeling Cambodian products into global market. Since recent data shows that inadequate spending resulting from lack of critical study on the projects and policies. On the other hand, at the preliminary stage of value chain, Cambodia need policies with strong commitment in diversifying export products especially in agriculture sector. More effective managing aid for trade is needed. Attracting foreign investors with better or even advance technology will help add value added to Cambodia economy.

      • Safety and performance improvement by post-treatment of electrospinning separator and estimation of internal temperature of lithium-ion battery

        Leng, Xiaolong 영남대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        First, a preparation method for a lithium-ion battery separator was developed based on the dual hybridizing of materials and processes. This method aimed to prepare a new composite separator by electrospinning various polymer materials with different properties. In addition to the characteristics of each material, multiple corresponding processes were used for post-treatment of the composite separator to enhance the comprehensive performance of the separator. The prepared composite separator PAN/PVDF-HFP/PVP allows the use of various raw materials. PAN with high thermal stability is suitable as a framework to support the separator structure. PVDF-HFP are binders that can crosslink the fibers after heat treatment (HT), thereby increasing the tensile strength of the separator threefold. PVP, easily soluble in water, was used as a pore-forming agent. After hydrolysis (HD), the fiber of the separator formed a porous structure with high porosity, high electrolyte absorption, and high ionic conductivity. After a heat treatment combined with hydrolysis (HT-HD) to improve the mechanical strength and porosity, the composite separator showed excellent thermal dimensional stability. Its profile integrity was maintained, even at 200 °C. The HT-HD separator produced outstanding electrochemical performance. Hence, the HT-HD separator with all-around performance has potential applications in lithium-ion batteries. Additionally, an online estimation method of the internal temperature of lithium-ion batteries is proposed based on the imaginary part of Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). EIS is a classical and advanced sensing technique. Herein, an online prediction method of the internal temperature of lithium-ion batteries is proposed based on the imaginary part of EIS. The effects of different battery states of charge (SOCs), states of health (SOHs), and temperature on the EIS are studied. The relationship between the real & imaginary part & amplitude & phase shift and frequency were explored under different SOC and SOH. The results showed that the SOC and SOH influence the real part& amplitude & phase shift over the entire excitation frequency. However, the imaginary part of EIS was not disturbed by different SOC and SOH in the specific frequency range of 0 – 5×104 Hz. The imaginary part corresponding to the excitation frequency unaffected by SOC and SOH was selected to estimate the internal temperature of a battery. The imaginary part value is sensitive to the temperature and has a good mapping relationship with the internal temperature of a battery. An internal temperature prediction mathematical model based on the imaginary part is established. The temperature evaluation model can control the temperature error within 0.8 ℃ through experimental verification. Meanwhile, a real-time battery internal temperature estimation strategy based on EIS is presented. The prediction method has excellent application prospects in the real-time predictions of the internal temperature of lithium-ion batteries.

      • Policy analysis of Employment Injury Insurance in Cambodia

        LENG SIDOU 이화여자대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        The demand of labor force has increased remarkably due to the development of industrial society and the innovation of technology. To get comparative advantage fairly, both employee and employer started to find ways for win-win policy. This means that employee wants to gain more profit and employer also want to earn social wealth fare benefit from their works. While Korea and Philippines started the EII since late 19 century, Cambodia just implemented its Employment Injury Insurance under National Social Security Fund in 2008. This policy can be working the enterprises that employ at least eight workers and its benefits only to regular workers who have accident at workplace. It has been implemented for several years and it has helped thousands of workers yet the effectiveness in still unremarkable and under expectation. Hence, The purposes of this research are (1) to analyze the existence policies of Employment Injury Insurance in Cambodia to figure out weaknesses, (2) to study about Philippines and South Korea Employment Injury Insurance to find out the best practices as example that could be apply in Cambodia and (3) to give or suggest policy to provide a better understanding of EII in other countries that would push for a better implementation. According to Gilbert & Terrell and Donald E. Chambers, the key factors that could improve EII in Cambodia are social allocation, benefit provision, admiration or structure and financing method. As a result, Cambodia should learn models from South Korea and the Philippines such as the increase in the coverage of EII, the clarification of the benefit provision and the way to introduce enterprises/establishments and workers about the result of working injury investigation in order to apply the benefits as soon as possible. This study expects to give more insight strategies for Cambodia's policy maker to develop EII in short term and long term. 현대 사회는 산업 사회의 발전과 기술 혁신으로 인하여 노동력 수요가 현저하게 증가하였다. 이로부터 직원과 고용주는 공정한 비교 우위를 얻기 위해 상생 정책을 위한 방법을 찾기 시작했다. 이것은 고용주는 더 많은 이익을 얻기를 원하며, 직원 또한 자신의 일로부터 부의 혜택을 받기 원한다는 것을 의미한다. 한국과 필리핀은 19세기 후반부터 EII를 시작하였지만 캄보디아의 경우 2008년. 국가 사회 보장 기금(National Social Security Fund)에서 산재보험이 시작되었다. 캄보디아의 산재보험은 8명 이상의 근로자를 고용한 기업과 사고를 당한 정규직 근로자만 보호받을 수 있다. 이는 캄보디아에서 산재보험이 수년간 시행되어 왔으며 수천 명의 근로자를 보호하고 있음에도 불구하고 여전히 가시적인 효과가 드러나기 어려운 이유로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 (1) 캄보디아 산재보험을 분석하여 취약성 및 개선점을 파악하고, (2) 산재보험제도의 모범사례로 필리핀 및 한국의 산재보험을 분석하여 캄보디아에 적용하고 (3) 산재보험 수행 초기단계인 다른 국가들의 EII에 대한 더 나은 이해를 제공할 수 있는 정책적 대안을 제안하는 것 이다. 본 연구는 Gilbert & Terrell 및 Donald E.의 분석틀에 따라 진행되었고, 캄보디아에서 EII를 향상시킬 수 있는 핵심 요소로 사회적 배분, 혜택 제공, 존경 또는 구조 및 자금 조달 방법을 기준으로 삼아 분석하였다. 결과적으로, 캄보디아는 EII의 적용 범위 확대, 급여 조항의 명확화 및 기업/시설 근로자들에게 근로자 상해 조사 결과에 대해 소개하는 방법과 같은 한국과 필리핀 산재보험 모델을 습득해야한다고 분석되었다. 이에 본 연구를 통해 캄보디아 정책 입안자가 EII를 단기간 및 장기간에 개발할 수 있는 통찰력 있는 전략을 제공 할 것으로 기대한다.

      • Prediction of in-situ asphalt mixture density using ground penetrating radar: Theoretical development and field verification

        Leng, Zhen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        In-situ asphalt mixture density is critically important to the performance of flexible pavements: density that is too high, or too low, may cause early pavement distresses. Traditionally, two methods have been commonly used for in-situ asphalt mixture density measurement: laboratory testing on field-extracted cores, and in-situ nuclear gauge testing. However, both these methods have limitations. The coring method damages pavement, causes traffic interruption, and only provides limited data at discrete locations. The nuclear gauge method also provides limited data measurement. Moreover, it requires a license for the operators because it uses radioactive material. To overcome the limitations of these traditional methods, this study proposes to develop a nondestructive method of using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to measure in-situ asphalt mixture density accurately, continuously, and rapidly. The prediction of asphalt mixture density using GPR is based on the fact that the dielectric constant of an asphalt mixture, which can be measured by GPR, is dependent on the dielectric and volumetric properties of its components. According to the electromagnetic (EM) mixing theory, two candidate specific gravity models, namely the modified complex refractive index model (CRIM) and the modified Bottcher model, were developed to predict the bulk specific gravity of asphalt mixture from its dielectric constant. To evaluate the performance of these two models, a full-scale six-lane test site with four sections in each lane was carefully designed and constructed. Forty cores were extracted from the test site, and their densities were measured in the laboratory and compared to the GPR-predicted values using the two models. Both models were found effective in predicting asphalt mixture density, although the modified Bottcher model performed better. To account for the effect of the non-spherical inclusions in asphalt mixture and further improve the density prediction accuracy, a shape factor was introduced into the modified Bottcher model. Nonlinear least square curve fitting of the field core data indicated that a shape factor of -0.3 provided the best-performance model, which is referred to as the Al-Qadi Lahouar Leng (ALL) model. The performance of the ALL model was validated using data collected from an active pavement construction site in Chicago area. It was found that when the ALL model was employed, the prediction accuracy of the GPR was comparable to, or better than, that of the traditional nuclear gauge. For the asphalt mixtures without slags, the average density prediction errors of GPR were between 0.5% and 1.1% with two calibration cores, while those of the nuclear gauge were between 1.2% and 3.1%. Due to the importance of the accurate input of the dielectric constant of asphalt mixture to the prediction accuracy of the specific gravity model, this study also looked into alternative methods for asphalt mixture dielectric constant estimation. The extended common mid-point (XCMP) method using two air-coupled antenna systems was developed, and its implementation feasibility was explored. The XCMP method was found to provide better performance than the traditional surface-reflection method for thick pavement structures with multi-lifts. However, for thin pavement layers (less than 63 mm thick), the accuracy of this method could be improved. Factors accounting for the accuracy reduction for a thin surface layer include the sampling rate limitation of the GPR systems, as well as the possible overlap of the GPR signal reflections at the surface and bottom of the thin asphalt layer.

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