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      • Effect of Urban Environmental Pollution on the Eco-Physiological and Biochemical Responses of the Roadside Trees

        HANA YOU 서울시립대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232015

        This study was conducted to identify the responses of roadside tree species grown at different urban environment conditions and to assess the potentiality of physiological, biochemical and morphological leaf diagnostic characteristics for bio-monitoring at urban habitat in Seoul. Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis were selected for the experiment because they are the most widely planted roadside trees in Seoul city. This research was divided into three parts such as physiological, biochemical and morphological parameters. Photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency (WUE), plant nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE), photopigments contents and leaf temperature were examined to understand physiological responses of Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis. In case of photosynthetic rate, PNUE and photopigments of RH (Roadside trees located at High polluted region) on Ginkgo biloba were lowest compared with those of RL (Roadside trees located at Low polluted region) and RU (Roadside trees located at University). However WUE and leaf temperature of RH showed the highest level among the experiment groups. Physiological responses of Platanus occidentalis also represented similar tendencies to Ginkgo biloba, except for photosynthetic rate and photopigment contents of RU in August. Malondealdehyde content, relative ion leakage and ascorbate content were examined to find out biochemical responses related to oxidative stress. In case of malondealdehyde content, Ginkgo biloba did not show differences among the each experiment groups. However relative ion leakage of RH was the highest than that of RL and RU. As for Platanus occidentalis, RH showed the lowest malondealdehyde content than that of RL and RU. But relative ion leakage was not significantly different among the each experiment groups. Stomata and leaf surface characteristics of the roadside trees were observed to investigate the morphological responses. In case of Ginkgo biloba, there was no significant difference in stomatal closer among RH, RL and RU, on the other hand Platanus occidentalis distinctly showed stomatal closer at high polluted region comparing at low polluted region. In conclusion, it was revealed that environmental pollution had a negative effect to physiological activities both Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis. However there was a difference in the main cause of inhibited physiological activities between two roadside tree species. In case of Ginkgo biloba, oxidative stress caused the decrease of physiological activities. As for Platanus occidentalis stomatal responses was the main reason for the physiological activities decline. Therefore, different bio-parameters can be applied to bio-monitoring each roadside tree species. 본 연구는 도시 환경 오염의 수준을 추측할 수 있는 생물학적 모니터링 변수들을 평가하기 위해 도심지 내 생육환경의 차이에 따른 가로수의 생리적, 생화학적 그리고 형태적 반응에 대해 조사하였다. 공시 수종은 서울시내 대표적인 가로수종인 은행나무와 양버즘나무를 대상으로 비슷한 흉고직경급의 가로수 개체들을 선별하였으며, 조사 지역의 대기 및 토양 환경을 비교 분석하였다. 생리적 변수들을 조사한 결과, 광합성율, 질소이용효율, 광 색소함량은 오염수준이 높은 지역의 가로수인 RH에서 은행나무와 양버즘나무 공통적으로 낮게 나타났다. 반면 수분이용효율과 엽온의 경우 오염수준이 높은 지역의 가로수인 RH에서 높은 수치를 보였다. RU의 경우 은행나무는 오염지역과 비교했을 때 비교적 높은 생리활성을 보였으나, 양버즘나무의 경우 8월시기 광합성률이 RL과 RH에 비해 낮게 나타났다. 이는 버즘나무 방패벌레 의한 생리장해로 사료된다. 생화학적 변수들을 조사한 결과, 지질과산화물 함량은 은행나무의 경우 RH에서 더 높게 나타났으나, 양버즘나무의 경우 RH에서 더 낮게 관찰되었다. 상대이온유출량은 은행나무의 경우 RH에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났으나, 양버즘나무에서는 오염수준별 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 아스코르빈산 함량을 조사한 결과, 은행나무의 총 아스코르빈산 함량은 8월 시기 RH, RL그리고 RU 사이에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않은 반면 산화된 아스코르빈산의 비율은 RH에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 양버즘나무의 총 아스코르빈산 함량은 RH에서 유의적으로 낮게 나타났지만 산화된 아스코르빈산의 비율은 RH에서 유의적으로 높은 경향을 보였다. 수목의 형태적 변수들을 조사한 결과, RH에서 두 수종 모두 상대적으로 많은 양의 미세먼지들이 흡착된 것을 관찰할 수 있었고, 기공밀도 또한 두 수종 모두 오염도가 높은 지역에서 낮은 결과를 보였다. 그러나 기공의 개폐 정도는 두 수종간에 차이를 보였다. 은행나무의 경우 오염 수준별 기공의 개폐 정도의 차이가 나타나지 않았지만 반면에 양버즘나무의 경우 RH에서 폐쇄된 기공이 많이 관찰되었으며, 퇴화된 기공도 발견되었다. 본 연구를 통해 도심지 내 환경오염 수준의 차이가 은행나무와 양버즘나무 공통적으로 생리활성 정도의 차이를 유발한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 생리적 변수들은 두 수종 모두 오염수준이 높은 지역에 식재된 RH에서 낮게 나타났으며, 생화학적 변수와 형태적 변수들은 수종 간 반응의 차이를 보였다. 위 결과를 통해 환경 스트레스에 대한 수종별 특이적 생리 변수를 판단 할 수 있으며, 이를 수목을 활용한 환경 모니터링에 적용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • Packaging and labeling designs of oncology drugs in the US : a study on design elements to improve safety

        You, Hana Hongik University 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        Packaging is an indispensable factor in many industries, and when it comes to pharmaceutical and healthcare industries its primary objective is to protect and deliver its content safely to users. Since cancer medication is a prescription drug, the design of packaging and labeling has tended towards functionality that measures up to its end users who are primarily professionals or practitioners in healthcare. Precisely, the design of Rx drug packaging and labeling gave less consideration to the actual patients who are taking the medication. Investments in oncology and cancer treatments continue to grow globally and cancer medication options have evolved. Many new oncology drugs are becoming available in oral solid doses which allow patients to come across the medication packages and labels more directly. The end users have become more variable, and therefore, it is has become more essential for the design of prescription drug packages and labels to be precise, clear and easy to understand for everyone, from healthcare professionals to the general public. This study will examine the designs of oncology drug packages and labels from six major pharmaceutical companies in the US. It will assess the design elements in packages and labels of oncology drugs under three categories: content, form and style. In doing so, the study will compare the similarities and differences, and find patterns in the designs of the oncology drug packages and labels from each pharma company. This study aims to provide future guidelines and considerations on the design and layout of Rx medicine packages and labels for companies and organizations involved in healthcare, and perhaps serve as sources of inspiration and idea for package designers. The goal of the research is to promote good packaging and labeling design which can be a great initiative that further reduces preventable medication errors and supports safe medication use.

      • The Political Economy of Healthcare Reform and Interest Alignment: Healthcare Reforms in South Korea in July 2000

        Hana You 연세대학교 국제학대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 231983

        Two major healthcare reforms occurred in Korea during Kim Dae-Jung’s presidency. In July 2000, the Kim Dae-Jung government initiated two healthcare policy reforms in Korea. First, the National Health Insurance (NHI) which was fragmented among various insurers was unified into a single system as part of the “Integration Reform.” Second, the “Separation Reform” clarified the roles between doctors and pharmacists in which only doctors can prescribe medications while pharmacists are allowed to dispense them. The National Health Insurance Act was passed in June 2000 as a result of a long-fought dispute between advocates of a multiple-insurer system and single-insurer supporters. Conflicts emerged between various interest groups during the implementation of the two healthcare reforms. Despite these challenges and conflicts, what made healthcare reform possible during Kim Dae-Jung’s presidency? This research examines the ways in which the two healthcare reforms in Korea were made possible under Kim Dae-Jung. In doing so, the study looks at two key areas: (1) the actors and interests that influence the decision-making process, and (2) the role and capability of the Kim Dae-Jung government in implementing healthcare reforms in 2000. This research looks at the dynamics between the actors, how their interests are mobilized, and which interests prevail in the conflict. This research identifies four distinct state and non-state actors in the reform: (1) civic groups, (2) President Kim Dae-Jung, (3) foreign investors, and (4) doctors and pharmacists. The main thesis of this research is that, despite fierce opposition and conflict from other interest groups, the interest alignment between President Kim Dae-Jung and civic groups brought about healthcare reform in Korea. This research adds a pluralist perspective based on the political economy approach, which emphasizes the involvement of various actors and their dynamics in relation to the complementarity or combination of the state and market in achieving healthcare reform. The findings of this research show that the core value and principle behind Kim Dae-Jung’s idea of democracy which can only fully develop when realized by the people themselves, and his support for civic groups demonstrate how the interest alignment between the president and civic groups can balance out interests of opposing groups.

      • Poverty dynamics and vulnerability to income as expected poverty in South Korea

        유하나 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 231967

        본 연구는 2017 년부터 2019 년 가계금융복지조사 자료를 사용하여 국내 가구의 빈곤의 동태적 분석과 빈곤취약성의 영향을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 가구의 기대 소득 함수를 가정하고 50% 기준 중위 소득을 빈곤선으로 설정하여 빈곤 취약성을 추정하였다. 빈곤 취약성이 가구의 빈곤 이행에 미치는 영향을 동태적으로 살펴보기 위해 가구의 빈곤 이행을 4 가지로 범주화하여 다항로짓모델을 이용한 회귀분석을 하였다. 연구 결과 높은 취약성이 가구의 빈곤 진입과 만성 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 가구주가 여성, 노인, 무직 또는 비정규직, 저학력 가구주 일수록 빈곤과 빈곤 취약성이 모두 높게 나타났다. 특히, 비정규직 가구주 가구의 빈곤취약성은 무직 가구주 경우 만큼이나 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이를 통해 일률적인 빈곤대책보다는 취약성과 세부적인 가구 특성을 분석하여 구분한 차등지원 정책이 필요함을 시사한다 This paper studies the poverty dynamics and the vulnerability based on income using the Survey of Household Finances and Living Conditions (SFLC) 2017 to 2019 data. We use the expected income function in order to estimate the poverty vulnerability of each household and analyzes the impact of vulnerability on poverty transition by using the multinomial model. The results showed that high vulnerabilities affect the poverty entry of households. In particular, households where the head of family is female, elderly, unemployed, non-regularly employed and low-educated have higher poverty rate and vulnerabilities than others. Non-regular households are as vulnerable as unemployment households. The findings suggested that the effectiveness of the poverty policy requires a multi-dimensional study of poverty factors of highly vulnerable households.

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