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      • Yeast Two-Hybrid System을 이용한 O-GlcNAcase와 상호작용하는 단백질의 유전자 탐색 및 분석

        최정이 창원대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The enzyme N-Acetyl-β-D glucosaminidase (O-GlcNAcase) encoded by MGEA5 gene catalyzes the cleavage of N-acetylglucosamine from O-GlcNAcylated proteins. It is one of key enzymes in the post-translational modification of intracellular proteins by O - linked N - acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc). In order to identify the O-GlcNAcase-related proteins, we screened a human brain cDNA library. The MGEA5 gene was cloned into a bait plasmid, pGBKT7 and was transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae AH109. Then, the transformants were mated with S. cerevisiae Y187 pre-transformed with human brain cDNA library. 81 positive clones showing blue colonies were primarily selected on SD(-Trp-Leu-Ade-His)/X-α-Gal agar plates. Finally, we chose 10 clones with high β-galactosidase activity for further analysis. The plasmid DNAs were isolated and nucleotide sequences were analyzed. The partial nucleotide sequencing and blast search suggested screened cDNAs encode presumable S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase, growth arrest-specific 7 isoform c and glycine- glutamate- thienylcyclohexylpiperidine-binding protein. Yeast two-hybrid system revealed S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase interacted with N-terminal catalytic domain and the others with C-terminal N-acetyl-transferase domain of O-GlcNAcase. For more correct assignment of screened proteins, we performed full nucleotide sequencing by primer walking. Based on Blast search, clone 2 encode human SAHH with 99% identity.

      • 중등교사 임용시험 1차 전공음악 출제 문항 분석 : 2014-2017학년도를 중심으로

        최정이 조선대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The system of employment examination for secondary education teachers has been constantly improving to set higher-quality questions, in selecting qualified teachers for school education. Thus, the questions set for music majors in the first-session employment examination for secondary education teachers allow us to confirm the knowledge of the subject and practical skills of candidates, and it is estimated that there is a close relationship between the two areas. This study aims to inquire into question trends by analyzing he questions set for music majors in the first-session employment examination for secondary education teachers ranging from 2014 to 2017. For the purpose of this study, firstly, this study examined employment examinations or secondary education teachers of the period of 2009-2017, Secondly, based on the data, this study analyzed the questions set for music majors in the first-session employment examination for secondary education teachers during the past 4 years from 2014 to 2017. The results of the analysis of the questions set for music majors in the first-session employment examination for secondary education teachers during 2014-2017 can be summarized as follows: Firstly, it was possible to know that the number of questions about subject education and subject content education has reduced and the distribution of marks for each question has increased. Secondly, as for the question trends of major A and major B, one question in both music education philosophy and educational process from music education theory has been set each year. The subjects included in subject content education which set one question each year correspond to harmonics, the Western music history, piano accompaniment technique, music analysis, formalism, introduction to traditional Korean music and traditional Korean music history. The employment examination for secondary education teachers was revised in 2014; therefore, there are no systematic and clear analysis standards yet for analyzing the questions presented for music major. For this reason, diverse follow-up studies will be required in the future, and this study hopes to contribute to serving as a basic material for the students who prepare for the employment examination for secondary education teachers.

      • 미용기기의 활용과 건강권 보장에 관한 연구

        최정이 동국대학교 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        경제발전과 소득, 문화 수준의 향상으로 현대인은 기본적 욕구의 충족을 넘어서 건강, 환경, 미용 등 행복하게 살기 위한 삶의 질에 관련된 부가적인 부분에 많은 관심을 가지고 생활하고 있다. 특히 미용에 관해서는 남녀노소를 가리지 않고 관심을 보여주고 있다. 그런 상황에서 미용제품의 판매는 급속하게 신장 되고 있으며, 이와 함께 홈쇼핑과 인터넷 등에서 미용기기의 판매도 계속하여 늘어나고 있다. 현대는 모든 분야가 급속하게 변화가 있다. 이런 바른 변화는 미용에서도 마찬가지이다. 미용에서는 머리와 얼굴에서 피부로 관심이 집중되면서 깨끗한 피부가 미의 일차적인 기준이 되고 있다. 피부는 외모 및 이미지 등 아름다움을 표현하는 부분에서도 큰 영향을 미치고 있으며, 최근에는 이와 같은 외적으로 보이는 부분과 관련하여 피부가 심리적 상태에도 영향을 미치고 있음이 증명되고 있다. 더구나 피부관리는 피부상태를 통하여 건강을 확인할 수 있기 때문에 건강의 유지와 관리에도 도움이 되고 있다. 미용분야에서는 미용기기가 발전함에 따라 기기의 사용이 중요하다. 그런데 미용기기는 법적 근거가 없어서 제대로 사용하기가 어렵다. 이는 미용기기가 신체와 상관관계가 있기 때문에 위험성이 없어야 한다는 것 때문이다. 미용기기는 기기 자체의 안정성이 문제가 아니라 기기의 사용으로 인하여 신체에 미치는 영향이 잠재적 위험성을 가지고 있는지가 사용의 기준이 되고 있다. 미용과 관련하여 직접적으로 규율하는 법률이 「공중위생관리법」이다. 이는 미용업이 공중위생영업으로 분류되어 있기 때문이다. 그런데 이 법의 관련 조항을 보면 미용업에서는 의료기기나 의약품을 사용하지 못하도록 하고 있다. 이 법에서 위생관리에 관한 규정에서도 미용기구를 사용하지 못하도록 되어 있다. 그런데 미용기구에 관하여 규정하고 있는 조항이 있지만, 미용기구에 관한 정의는 없다. 「공중위생관리법」은 미용업뿐만 아니라 미용사의 자격과 면허제도에 관해서도 규정하고 있다. 이 법에 보면 미용사가 되기 위해서는 고등교육기관이나 전문교육기관에서 미용에 관한 과정을 이수하거나 졸업 또는 학위를 받아야 하고, 아니면 「국가기술자격법」에 따라 미용사 자격시험을 합격하여야 한다. 그 후 기초자치단체장에게 면허를 신청하여 받아야 한다. 국가시험인 미용사 자격시험을 보지 않아도 미용사가 될 수 있는 것은 다른 국가시험과 관련하여 볼 때 문제가 있다. 미용사의 경우에도 자격시험을 보고 국가기술자격을 취득한 후 면허를 받도록 하는 것이 합당하다. 미용은 더 이상 아름다움만 추구하는 것이 아니다. 미용에서 미의 추구는 점차 예술적으로 발전하고 있으며, 다른 한편에서는 건강관리를 통하여 국민의 건강권 보장에도 기여하고 있다. 이는 미용기기의 사용에서도 마찬가지이다. 오히려 미용기기 사용이 현 상황과 같다면, 이는 국민의 건강권 보장에 도움이 되지 않는다. 미용기기를 관리⋅감독하고 안정성 검사를 상시 받을 수 있도록 하는 것이 국가의 책무이다. 그런데 대부분의 미용기기가 잠재적 위험성의 평가 기준으로 「의료기기법」의 적용을 받음으로써 미용업에서는 제대로 활용을 못하고 있다. 미용사는 의료기기로 허가가 난 미용기기는 사용하지 못한다. 많은 미용종사자들이 미용행위를 하면서도 미용기기의 사용에 관한 법률적 근거가 없어서 효율적인 미용행위를 할 수 없는 안타까운 현실에 직면해 있다. 현재 미용종사자의 권익을 대변할 수 있는 통로가 부족한 상황에서 의료업 영역과 관련이 있거나 접경해 있는 미용종사자들이 의료업계와 협력의 대상이 될 수 있도록 입법 정책적으로 이들의 입장을 최대한 반영하려는 노력이 필요하다. 의료기기는 식품의약품안전처에 의해 의료기기의 사용목적과 사용 시 인체에 미치는 잠재적 위해성 등의 차이에 따라 등급을 분류하고 있는데, ‘잠재적 위험도’가 가장 중요한 기준이 된다. 우리나라도 외국과 같이 잠재적 위험도가 낮은 미용목적의 기기는 미용기기로 분류하여 의료기기와 분리하는 방안이 필요하다. 유럽이나 미국 등에서는 이미 20년 전부터 피부미용기기의 사용이 보편화되어 왔다. 피부미용기기에 관한 이론적 지식에 기반하여 실전 프로그램이 정립되고, 이것이 세계 각국으로 보급되면서 미용기기의 해외수출은 물론 관련 제품의 보급 또한 활발하게 이루어져 세계 미용기기 시장을 석권하고 있다. 우리나라는 의료기기법에서 미용기기 분리의 정당성을 확보하기 위해서는 그에 맞는 지식과 인성 그리고 실무능력이 뒷받침되는 자격제도가 뒤따라야 한다. 우리나라 미용자격 제도도 독일과 같이 독립적인 법률을 고안하여 제정․시행하는 방법, 영국과 같이 수준별 교육프로그램의 개발과 그에 대한 자질 검증을 통해 미용기기의 사용자격을 부여하는 방법 등을 고려할 필요가 있다.

      • 인쇄매체 광고에 표현된 꽃 이미지에 대한 연구 : 국내 잡지광고를 중심으로

        최정이 경희대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Nowadays, the purpose of advertisement is more than selling products. Advertisements has been socially and culturally developed and increased the influence. With this current, advertisements are showing its uniqueness and come out with various forms and ways. In the unlimited competition of advertisements, advertisement is becoming friendly and attractive to appeal the consumers’ attention. The products in modern advertisements should have the image. Both functions and sensible sides are important to appeal consumers. Companies sell the image more than the original attributes of the products. Consumers also buy the image of products rather than buy only the attribute. That is the tendency of the present. Therefore, advertisements should unite all sources like products, image, materials and the mood to be harmonious and fresh. Magazine advertisement is depending on visual image. This needs to appeal consumers’ attention for a short time that which subjects the advertisement used to express the image is very important. The attribute of recording, preservation and outstanding colors express the image well as an advantage. This study expects to figure out the image of flowers expressed on magazine advertisements. This treatise analyzes how the advertisements expressed and showed the image with using flowers as transmission according to categories. With examples, this study expects to help the comprehension of the meaning on advertisements. The advertisements using flower image may have more various and outstanding expressions. Flower technicians may expand their fields, improve the quality of their creation, and suggest the way to develop the field. In the first chapter, there are the purpose of this study and the methods of investigation. In the second chapter, there is the theoretical basic about advertisements and flowers. In the third chapter, to investigate and research focusing on advertisements expressed flower image, the study categorized the patterns. Based on patterns, the analysis of flower image classified period, fields and subjects. The analysis classified by period categorized into 1980, 1990 and 2000. According to the flow of advertisements expressed flower image, it studied the process of the change. The analysis classified by industries categorized nine kinds in total as qualitative analysis based on the advertisement standard code classified by fields. The analysis classified by subjects categorized the subjects collected on magazine advertisements into cut flower, foliage plant, pot planting and pictures as quantitatively systemic analysis. In the result of the analysis classified by period, the flower image is expanding in all fields with period. The reasons are as following. The numbers of advertisement are geometrically increasing with intense competition of advertisement market and the expansion of field. In addition, according to the development of economy, the level of human life is getting better. The interest of nature and environment is increasing as well. Those are the reasons. In the result of the analysis classified by fields, the regular image of flowers is girly, bright and soft. Cosmetics and female clothes focusing on women used the image the most. The fields used the flower image the least are raw materials, industrial tools, conveyance tools, chemical industry, food, beverage, favorite food, drugs and medical fields. The reasons are those fields are focusing on scientifically proving the power, benefits and effeteness. Their focus was far from the general image of flowers that there was little frequency. In the result of the analysis classified by subjects, the frequency of cut flower was the most. Cut flower is handy and easy to match the colors and the characteristics of flower appearance with products. This characteristic can appeal consumers well. This is why cut flower is popular. In the case of pictures, they mainly show on clothes or fashion accessory advertisement. The appearances of pictures are popular in all fields. They effectively convey detailed expression or sensual feeling to consumers. In the fourth chapter, there is the analysis about some advertisements that used flower image to give special image. The advertisements showed the major characteristics of certain products like the image of flowers. Some of them used the appearance of flowers and the others metaphorically connect the flower image with other objects. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. Flowers are ideal subjects that can represent internal and external symbolization. They are also effective to convey meanings with proper production. This study expects to be practical help to express flower image effectively on advertisements. It also expects constant study for the development of various flower art. 오늘날 광고는 단순히 상품을 팔기 위한 것 이상으로 사회, 문화적으로 변화와 발전을 거듭해가며 영향력을 크게 발휘하고 있다. 이러한 추세 속에 광고는 저마다의 개성을 뽐내며 다양한 형태와 방식으로 무수히 쏟아져 나오고 있으며 광고의 무한경쟁들 속에서 소비자의 관심을 끌기 위해 친숙하고 호감이 가는 이미지를 이용하여 소비자에게 다가가려 한다. 현대시대 광고에 나타난 제품은 이미지로서의 제품이 되지 않으면 안 된다. 기능적 속성과 더불어 감성적인 측면까지 강조해 소비자에게 어필하는 것 또한 신중히 고려해야 한다. 기업은 제품이 지니고 있는 본질적인 속성 이상으로 이미지를 팔고 소비자도 제품의 이미지를 사는 게 요즘의 추세라 볼 수 있기 때문에 이제 광고는 제품과 이미지, 소재, 분위기 등 모든 요소가 어우러져 조화롭고 신선하게 제작되어야 한다. 잡지광고는 시각적 이미지에만 의존하고 있는 매체로 짧은 시간 내에 소비자의 관심을 이끌어야 하기 때문에 어떠한 소재를 이용하여 이미지를 표현했는가는 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있으며 기록성과 보존성, 차별화된 색채로 인해 전달성이 뛰어나다는 장점을 지니고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 잡지광고에 표현된 꽃의 이미지를 알아보고자 하며 꽃을 하나의 매개체로 광고에 어떻게 표현하고 전달하였는지 분류에 따라 분석해보고 사례를 통해 그 의미에 대한 이해를 돕는데 의의가 있으며 앞으로 꽃의 이미지를 이용한 광고를 만드는데 좀 더 다양하고 차별화된 표현에 도움을 주어 꽃 예술가들의 다양한 영역확대와 창작활동의 질적 향상 및 발전 방향을 제시하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 제 1장에서는 본 연구의 목적과 연구 방법에 대해 알아보았으며 제 2장에서는 광고와 꽃에 대한 이론적 기반을 제공하고자 하였다. 제 3장에서는 꽃 이미지가 표현된 광고를 중심으로 조사 분석하고자, 유형별로 분류하였으며 이에 따른 꽃 이미지 표현의 유형분석은 시대별 분석, 업종별 분석, 소재별 분석으로 구분하였다. 시대별 분석은 1980년대, 1990년대, 2000년대로 나누어 꽃 이미지가 표현된 잡지광고들을 흐름에 따라 변화 추이를 살펴보았고, 업종별 분석에서는 광고 업종분류 표준코드에 의거하여 총 9가지의 범주로 나누어 정리함으로써 질적인 분석을 하였다. 소재별 분석에서는 수집된 잡지광고에서 등장한 소재를 절화류, 관엽식물, 분식물, 그림 등으로 분류하여 양적으로 체계적인 분석을 내고자 했다. 시대별 분석결과, 시대가 지날수록 꽃의 이미지는 전 분야에서 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 이는 광고시장의 치열한 경쟁과 영역의 확장으로 광고가 기하급수적으로 늘어나고 경제가 발전함에 따라 사람들의 생활수준이 높아졌으며 자연과 환경에 따른 관심이 높아지는 것에 대한 결과로 사료된다. 업종별 분석결과, 꽃이 가지고 있는 보편적인 이미지는 여성스러움과 밝고 부드러움이기 때문에 여성을 대상으로 한 화장품, 의류 광고 등에 특히 많이 사용되어진 것으로 보인다. 꽃의 이미지가 가장 적게 사용되어진 분야는 기초재, 산업기기, 수송기기, 화학공업, 식품, 음료 및 기호식품, 제약 및 의료분야로 나타났다. 이 분야들의 비중이 낮게 나타난 이유는 힘을 강조하거나 효능과 효과가 과학적으로 증명된 정보전달에 치중하여 사실적인 광고전달을 위해 표현의 제약을 받는 부분이 많았기 때문에 꽃이 가지고 있는 보편적인 이미지와는 거리가 있다고 생각되어 비중이 낮게 나타난 것으로 사료된다. 소재별 분석결과, 절화의 비중이 가장 높게 나왔는데 이는 손쉽게 사용할 수 있으면서도 색감과 꽃이 가진 모양의 특징을 제품과 매치시켜 어필시킬 수 있다는 효과 때문에 가장 많이 사용되어진 것으로 보인다. 그린소재의 경우 주로 의류나 패션소품의 광고에서 볼 수 있었으며 그림의 형태는 전 분야에서 두루두루 사용되어져 세분화된 표현이나 감성적인 느낌을 효과적으로 전달하고 있었다. 제 4장에서는 특별한 의미를 부여하기 위한 용도로 광고에 꽃의 이미지를 접목시켜 제품 및 상표의 핵심적인 특징을 꽃이 가진 이미지로 표현하거나 꽃의 형태를 빌어서 표현한 광고, 꽃의 이미지를 다른 사물과 비유적으로 연결시킨 광고에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 제 5장 결론에서는 꽃은 내면적, 외형적 상징성을 나타낼 수 있는 이상적인 소재라는 점과 적절한 연출을 통한 의미 전달의 효과성이 있다는 결론을 도출하였다. 또한 광고에서의 꽃 이미지를 효과적으로 표현하기 위해 실질적인 도움을 제공하는 계기가 되고자 하며 다양한 꽃 예술의 발전을 위해 끊임없는 연구가 계속되기를 기대한다.

      • 朝鮮時代 道家書 간행 및 版本 분석

        최정이 경북대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The ruling principle of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮) was based on the Confucianism but there was Buddhism(佛敎) and Taoism(道敎) also and it attempted to unite all of them. Nojanghak(老莊學)and Naedanhak of Taoism(內丹學) were prevalent among the intellectual class and new school was created. The prevalence of this school had an impact on publication and dissemination of books and books of Taoism were flowed into the Joseon Dynasty from China and they were re-published or newly published by people of the Joseon and spread notion and idea of Taoism throughout the Joseon. The Joseon Dynasty, which suffered instability because of frequent aggressions by foreign powers, strongly recommended religious belief, imported from China, and books of Taoism like 『Gwansungjegunoh(關聖帝君五倫經)』and『Gobuleungummyung(古佛應驗明聖經)』were translated in Korean and distributed to civilian under the king’s command, especially in the age of Chuljong(哲宗) and Gojong(高宗). Most of books, published at that time, were didactic and the Joseon Dynasty used them as measures of edification of the people. That is, it shows that Taoism had an impact on ordinary citizen under the initiative of royal family. This study investigates and analyzes characteristics of publications according to time and regions based on the woodblock-printed book(版本), possessed by each institutions, and records, shown in books, publications to approximately figure out publication aspect of Taoism’s books of the Joseon Dynasty and existing woodblock-printed books. The summary of the result of this study is as follows. First, the woodblock-printed books of Taoism included in chaekpanmokrok (冊板目錄) all appeared to be 12 kinds in reference of book names and the books are possessed at 13 places in the country. Second, There were 61 types of woodblock-printed books, published in the Joseon Dynasty and handed down now, according to signature, and I investigate them by dividing them into two: books in Chinese and in Korean and also dividing these two types in Noja(老子), Jangja(莊子), Yeolja(列子), God of Taoism, training(修練), augury(占卜), ethics(倫理) and biography(傳記). Noja, Jangja and Yeolja include idea and teaching of Samja(三子) and, dividing them according to signatures, they are composed of 13 types. Also, there are 3 types of books on ethics, 5 types of training books, 1 type of biography, also 1 type of book on augury and 3 types of other books. Among books of Taosim, translated into Korean, 10 types of books are about god are included in them and books on ethics have 3 types and augury have 2 types And there is one kind of other books. Third, there were 20 kinds of metal-type books and 9 kinds of wooden-type books and 61 kinds of block books. Geyongjaja(庚子字), Gabinja(甲寅字), Musinja(戊申字), Eulhaeja(乙亥字), Hyeonjongsillokja(顯宗實錄字), Jeonsaja(全史字) were used as metal types and Hunryeondogamja(訓鍊都監字) and other wooden types were used as wooden types. There were lots of block books, independently published, and reprint copies of printed books like Geyonjaja and Gabinja. Fourth, seeing them by dividing them according to time, 5 types were published as books of Taoism in 15th century and all of them were compendium, written by Chinese. 7 type books of Taoism were published in 16th century and at that time, the first book, translated into Korean, was published. Two-type books of Taoism were published in Korea in 17th century and books for training and biographical writings were published other than Nojangseo. The number of type of books, published in 18th century, was six and at this time, the first overall good book was published. The number of type of books, published in 19th century was 52 and it was the highest level of publication in the Joseon Dynasty. More than 80% of good books dealt with the good triumphing over the evil and these good books had been continuously published until the early 20th century. Fifth, seeing the characteristic of each publisher, the central area published 25 types of woodblock-printed books and they were published with metal type or wooden type at a typefoundry or Hunryeondogam. The province published 11 types of woodblock-printed books and most of them were published in Gyeonsang Provinces(慶尙道) and Jeolla-do(全羅道). Through the overall study on woodblock-printed books of Taoism, published in the Joseon Dynasty, I could understand the characteristic and publication aspect of them. The early books of Taoism had been partly published by royal family and their influence became increased to not only royal family but also private house because of prevalence of a popular belief, Gwanje religious belief. There were lots of manuscripts besides books of Taoism, published as a printed book and a block book, in the Joseon Dynasty. Among them, 『Yonghobigye(龍虎秘訣)』, which represents books for training Danhak and 『Haedonjudorok(海東傳道錄)』, which includes tradition of Korean Taoism are existing as only a manuscript. Also this study does not deal with a private collection, handed down. These things taken together, dealing with the whole publication aspect of books of Taoism of the Joseon Dynasty is difficult. So, the study and supplementation should be done based on this by supplementing data, not mentioned in this study.

      • 악하선 선포세포에서 알콜이 β-아드레날린계 활성화에 의한 세포내 Ca2+농도 증가에 미치는 영향

        최정이 중앙대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The density of Ca2+ within the cell was measured with the help of spectrofluorometer after rat submandibular glands from which acinar cell had been separated were loaded with fura-2/AM (fura-2). After isoproterenol and octanol were administered while letting submandibular gland acinar cell placed in a perifusion chamber flow through a standard solution, the densities of Ca2+ were measured. When they were administered separately, there showed little response. But when they were administered at the same time, the density was shown to increase. When forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activater, was administerd together with octanol the response looked similar to the response of isoproterenol. In case of the response to hydroxy chemicals whose carbon-number is different from octanol, an increase in the density of Ca2+ was confirmed as carbon-number increase. Since there was no increase in the density of Ca2+when Ca2+ in the Standard solution was removed and EGTA was treated, the increase of Ca2+ was caused from outside. Another experiment where godolinium was treated so as to see the possibility of the involvement of capacitative entry pathway indicate that though there is no complete control of the increase in the density of Ca2+. there is a relative decrease in terms of the speed and amount. In conclusion, this study showed that Ca2+ flows in from the outside of the cell partly through the capacitative entry pathway or other pathways.

      • CAS Calculator를 활용한 이공계 교차지원대학생들의 대학수학학습 과정 탐구

        최정이 순천대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        In the 7th revised version of curriculum, academic high school students who make a cross-application for Natural Science Colleges are required to study MathⅠ as an intensive elective course. MathⅠ, however, does not contain differential and integral which is essential for studying math of the science college. This may lead to cause difficulties of studying math for the college students who were supposed to be faced with differential and integral for the first time. Responding to this problem, I carried out two kinds of research; one was a diagnosis test to find that how the students who cross-applied for natural science college understand concepts in studying Calculus. The other was a worksheet to find that how the use of CAS calculator affects their learning. As the results, I found the following conclusions: First, the academic high school students who made a cross-application for Natural Science College could hardly grasp the concepts in learning differential and integral . Secondly, processing various graphs shown in learning the meaning and application of derived function and the meaning of definite integral, CAS calculator-aided learning facilitates intuitive understanding through visualization. Third, CAS calculator serves to help the students solve problems by oneself and to strengthen understanding of the mathematical concepts. Fourth, in understanding the definition of instantaneous rate of change and the meaning of Mensuration by parts, the arithmetic functions of CAS calculator assists the students to comprehend the meaning of them through solving difficult arithmetic problems, such as calculation of limit and the sum of a series. Fifth, in the progress of recognizing, through a CAS calculator activity, that the meaning of instantaneous rate of change, slope of tangent line, and a differential quotient equals to each other, also in the process of studying, through commands of CAS calculator, that there is an inverse relationship between differential and integral, CAS calculator assists students to understand the concepts from the point of connectedness for mathematic concepts. Sixth, when the students aware of the concepts and principles solve the standardized and simple problems, they tend to solve using their brains rather than using the CAS calculator.

      • Age-associated Repression of Type 1 Inositol 1, 4, 5 : Triphosphate Receptor Impairs Muscle Regeneration

        최정이 忠南大學校 大學院 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        Skeletal muscle mass and power decrease with age, leading to impairment of mobility and metabolism in the elderly. Ca2+ signaling is crucial for myoblast differentiation as well as muscle contraction through activation of transcription factors and Ca2+-dependent kinases and phosphatases. Ca2+ channels, such as dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR), two-pore channel (TPC) and inositol 1, 4, 5-triphosphate receptor (ITPR), function to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis in myoblasts. In addition, defects in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release has been reported in aging associated muscle weakness. Here, we observed a significant decrease in expression of type 1 IP3 receptor (ITPR1), but not types 2 and 3, in aged mice skeletal muscle and isolated myoblasts, compared with those of young mice. ITPR1-knockdown using shRNA-expressing viruses in C2C12 myoblasts and tibialis anterior muscle of mice inhibited myotube formation and muscle regeneration after injury, respectively, a typical phenotype of aged muscle. This aging phenotype was associated with repression of muscle- specific genes and activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-Ras-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. ERK inhibition by U0126 not only induced recovery of myotube formation in old myoblasts but also facilitated muscle regeneration after injury in aged muscle. The conserved decline in ITPR1 expression in aged human skeletal muscle suggests utility as a potential therapeutic target for sarcopenia, which can be treated using ERK inhibition strategies.

      • Hemingway 작품에 나타난 종교관

        최정이 聖心女子大學校 大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Ernest Miller Hemingway(1899-1961)는 미국의 "Lost Generation" 의 선구자적 작가로 알려져 있으며 1954년 노벨 문학상을 수상한 바 있다. 그는 초기 단편소설들 에서부터 종교적 구상을 내포한 작품을 쓰기 시작 하였으며 그와같은 태도는 최고의 걸작으로 간주되는 The Old Man And The Sea 에 이르기 까지 거의 변함없이 계속된다. 그의 주요 작품들의 제목에는 종교적 색채가 짙게 물들어 있다. 그러나 김병철교수는 그의 『헤밍웨이 문학의 연구』에서 Hemingway를 무신론자로 단정하고 있으며, "Soldier's Home" 의 Krebs가 "I am not in his kingdom."이라고 언급한 이래 Hemingway 에게 30년동안 신은 죽어있다고 논평한다. 본고에서는 그의 단편들 "Three Shots", "Indian Camp", "Soldier's Home", "Now I Lay Me", "A clean well-lighted Place", "Fathers and Sons" 등을 제 2장에서, A Farewell To Arms 는 3장에서, 그리고 The Old Man And the Sea를 4장에서 고찰하여 작중 인물들에게 하느님이 전능하신 존재로 생활하심을 밝혀보려고 노력할 것이다. 그리고 자신의 노벨상 메달을 Cobre 의 성모님께 봉헌한 Hemingway가 하느님이 우리에게 요구한 만큼 완전한 만큼 완전한 성덕을 갖춘 신앙인은 아니지만 신앙생활의 새로운 지평을 열고자 노력한 기독교 신자라는 사실을 규명해 보고자 한다. Many critics and readers have generally regarded Ernest Hemingway as an anti-religious writer or an atheist. This common supposition arises from the fact that many of his characters speak in what are close to blasphemous terms: "I am not religious," "I am not in His Kingdom.", or "I had no religion." Although it is true that, as stated above, his characters seem to lack a sense of religion and faith on the surface, but in actuality, their statements of atheism ring out cry of a deeper faith in God, one that agonizes in the disparity between secular reality and ideal belief. This faith seems to be resonant in the cry of "Grant us peace in our time, O Lord," a passage in the Book of Common Prayer, from which the title of In our Time is quoted. Many other titles of Hemingway's works are also direct quotations from religious books and prayers. Hemingway himself was brought up in a very religious family background and remained as a Catholic all through his life, and he is said to have learned to write by reading the Bible. The study also shows that the common denominator of his works lies in the description of men of prayer. Even though Hemingway was not the traditional follower of a traditional belief. his ultimate faith in God is clearly presented to his readers through that characters whom he created. Like himself, they show dualistic tendencies, being superficially skeptical and atheistic on the surface while deeply religious at heart believing in God. The real agony arises from the deep religious undercurrents which flow in each of his characters, for were his characters truly atheistical and free from religious ties, they would not suffer.

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