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      • 新羅 善德女王代의 帝釋信仰

        진주옥 忠南大學校 大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Seondeok (AD 645). Queen Seondeok had Monk Yangji(良志) put the statue of the Four Devas in Yeongmyosa. This can be understood as Queen Seondeok's intention that she would reinforce her regal power by making the Four Devas Faith more specific and concrete. In addition, Queen Seondeok wanted to gather all the people in Silla(新羅) through the Four Devas Faith which had strong characteristic of national defense. By the time she was in the reign, there was a rebellion by Jingol(眞骨) noblemen, and she wanted to unify the seperated political power. The second period was in the 7th reign of Queen Seondeok (AD 648) when Jeseok Faith was popular and when it became closely related to Rules Order(戒律宗). In 648, Monk Jajang(慈藏) entered the Buddhism and heard from Munsudaeseong(文殊大聖) whom Jeseok(帝釋) appointed that rules were important and the royal family of Silla was Chaljerijong(刹帝利種, the same holy lineage as Buddha's), which means Jeseok admitted the holiness of rules. It was said that Jeseok led the four kings of heaven and their families and that he emphasized the circulation and protection of the correct doctrine. The rules that Monk Jajang received from Munsudaeseong and cherished was considered to be related to the doctrine of Jeseok Faith. Moreover, this doctrine was also for the protection of the nation. In the late years of Queen Seondeok, Monk Jajang became the national head monk and belonged to Hwangryongsa(皇龍寺). He spread the rules all over the nation, and the authority of Jeseok Faith, which emphasized the rules, became much higher. Monk Jajang also built many Buddhist temples throughout the country. Through Monk Jajang's work, Queen Seondeok could reinforce her regal power and unify the people in Silla. The third period was in the 13th reign of Queen Seondeok (AD 654) when the faith in Maitreya(彌勒信仰) was developed. In the late years of Queen Seondeok, Jeseok Faith was in harmony with the faith in Maitreya. The Three Stone Maitreya Statue of Saenguisa(生義寺) shows that the faith in Maitreya, which was Maitreya would come to the earth to save people, was popular among people, and this faith led people to make statue of Maitreya. Jeseok was said to be born as Buddha in the former life or as Brahman(婆羅門) who became Maitreya. This gave hope to Hwarangs(花郞), the flower youth in Silla, who believed in Maitreya, the hope that if they did good things while they were alive, they could be born as Jeseok or Buddha in the later lives. In order to establish a nation with rules, Hwarangs who believed in Maitreya demanded Jajang's rule-originated Buddhism. The reason that Jajang's Rules Order and the faith in Maitreya could coexist was because Queen Seondeok tried to unify people in Silla by developing Jeseok Faith to protect the nation. After the death of Queen Seondeok, in AD 670, during the reign of King Munmu(文武王), Sacheonwangsa(四天王寺) was built in the Sinyurim(神遊林) area of Mount Nangsan(狼山). This means that as Queen Seondeok predicted in her will, Jeseok Faith was finally settled down as a theoretical foundation for reinforcement of regal power. Jeseok Faith newly appeared in Heungryunsa(興輪寺) by the time King Gyeongmyeong(景明王) was in the reign. It was adopted by the first King Wanggeon(太祖 王建), who unified three nations after Silla, to strengthen his regal power and unify the people of Goryeo(高麗).

      • 반응표면법에 기반한 미생물 연료전지용 해조류 기질화 최적 연구

        진주 경북대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy by the catalytic reaction of microorganisms. Using the MFC, electricity can be directly produced from various organic compounds. Recently the utilization of marine biomass as a feedstock for bioenergy production is being investigated worldwide. Among them, a macro red seaweed, Gelidium sp., is known to have high content of carbohydrates. Thus agar power derived from the red seaweed was used to evaluate its potentiality as a feedstock for electricity production using MFC. Chemically, agar consists of a mixture of agarose and agaropectin, whose monomeric unit is mostly galactose. Namely, agar is a potent carbon source made up of sugars, mainly galactose. In addition, it looks easy to saccharify agar into monosaccharides since their glycosidic bond may be easily broken by chemical treatment with strong acids. To saccharify agar into monosaccharides, three major acids, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, were used in this study. The saccharification yields of agar by them were insignificant under room temperature, thus autoclaving treatment was incorporated with the acid saccharification. To begin with, the effects of acid type, acid concentration, autoclave temperature and time were examined individually. Then a response surface methodology was applied to find optimum conditions for agar saccharification. Among three acids, H2SO4 was the most efficient in saccharifying agar. Total sugars about 2.8g/L could be obtained from 5g/L of agar by 0.5M H2SO4. Each hydrolysate derived from agar by each acid was supplied into anaerobic chamber of MFC reactor. Monosaccharides including galactose and glucose were first degraded rapidly, and acetic acid was formed in proportion to their degradation but eventually degraded in the anaerobic chamber. In cases of using HCl, H2SO4, solution as saccharifying agent, electricity was successfully produced from the hydrolysates, but not in case of using HNO3 solution. It was due to the existence of nitrate by which denitrification occurred in the anaerobic chamber of MFC reactor. As a result, 214.16mW/m2 and 208.16mW/m2 of electricity production density were obtained when 0.5M HCl and 0.5M H2SO4 solutions were used. In conclusion, abundant and cheap seaweed is the potent natural biomass capable of being used as a carbon source for electricity production using MFC.

      • 花卉裝飾 敎育의 現況과 敎育科程 開發 硏究

        진주 서울市立大學校 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 248607

        화훼장식은 화훼산업에 있어서 소비단계이지만 자연물인 화훼의 아름다움을 더욱 이끌어내어 화훼의 부가가치를 높이는 점에서 화훼의 건전한 소비문화 정착 및 소비 활성화에 기여하여 화훼산업 자체의 확대를 이끌고 있다. 국내의 화훼산업은 약 1조원의 시장이 형성되어 있는 큰 규모이며, 화훼는 광범위한 분야에서 다양하게 이용되고 있다. 화훼산업의 성장은 관련 직종에 종사하는 전문인의 증가를 가져왔고 이에 따라 화훼장식 교육 규모도 커지고 있다. 고등교육기관에서의 화훼장식 교육과정의 개설은 화훼산업의 발전, 화훼의 건전한 소비확대, 화훼장식의 보급뿐만 아니라 이를 통한 일반인들의 삶의 질 향상 측면에서도 중요한 의의를 가진다. 따라서 본 연구는 첫째, 화훼산업의 성장에 따라 커지고 있는 고등교육기관의 화훼장식 교육 현황을 분석함으로써 효율적인 교육과정 설정에 필요한 자료를 확보하고, 둘째, 국내·외의 교육과정의 조사 비교에 의한 장단점 분석을 통한 국내 화훼장식 교육과정의 경쟁력 향상에 기여하며, 셋째, 피교육자들의 요구가 반영된 화훼장식 교육 과정 개발에 따른 맞춤식 교육의 유도에 기여하고, 넷째, 화훼장식 교육자와 피교육자간의 인식 비교를 통한 효율적인 교육과정 작성개발에 필요한 자료를 확보하고자 하며, 궁극적으로는 수요에 맞는 최적 교육 과정을 개발하고자 하였다. 외국과 우리나라 대학의 화훼장식 교육 과정을 원예학, 미학, 경영학으로 구분하여 비교한 결과 미국은 경영학 45.4%, 원예학 33.7%, 그리고 미학 20.9%의 분포를 보였다. 영국은 경영학 39.1%, 미학 38.1%, 그리고 원예학 22.8%의 순이었다. 독일은 미학 38%, 경영학과 원예학은 각 31%로 같았다. 우리나라는 미학 51.8%, 원예학 31.1%, 그리고 경영학 17.1%의 비율을 보여 대학, 대학교, 대학원 모두 경영 교과목은 외국의 경우와 비교하였을 때 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 국가 별 비교에서 우리나라의 경우 미학 교과목의 비중이 가장 높았는데 직업세계에서의 미학 교과목 요구도 역시 원예학과 경영학 보다 높게 나타났다. 이는 우리나라 화훼장식 교육에서의 미학 분야에 대한 편중을 보여주는 것이기도 하지만 이 업종의 특성상 미학 교과목과 관련한 실기교육이 강하게 이루어져야한다는 반증이기도 하다. 설문조사의 분석을 통한 교육자와 피교육자 간의 다양한 의견을 고찰하여 핵심 교과목으로 35개의 교과목을 선정하였는데 교과목의 비율은 미학 54.2%, 원예학 22.9%, 경영학 22.9%로 나타났다. 대학에서의 화훼장식 교육은 졸업 후 직업세계로 진입하였을 때 갖추어야 하는 필수적인 능력을 함양하는 것에 집중되어야 한다. 이에 대학은 핵심 교과목의 활용과 다양한 교육 방법을 적극 수용하여 이론과 실기 지도 외에 관람, 현장실습 등을 강화해야 한다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 대학 교육은 전공자들에게 기술과 이론 교육이 함께 이루어지는 교육 과정을 개발해야 할 것이다. Floral decoration contributes to the prosperity of floral industry and the revitalization of healthy consumption culture by raising an added value to the natural beauty of flowers. The current market size of floral industry is about 1000 billion won, and the growth of floral industry leads to the increase of education market as well as expert florists in related areas. This research focuses on the followings: first, the collection of data required for efficient curricula by analyzing the status of higher educational institution, second, the contribution to the competitiveness elevation of floral education by the comparison of domestic and foreign curricula, third, the contribution to the development of student-oriented programs based on educational demands, fourth, the development of the optimal curriculum to satisfy requests of educational supplier and demander. When the floricultural curricula of foreign and domestic universities are compared in terms of horticulture, aesthetics, and management, American curricula consist of 45.4% management, 33.7% horticulture, and 20.9% aesthetics. In Great Britain curricula, management, aesthetics, and horticulture occupy 39.1%, 38.1%, 22.8% respectively. German curricula shows 38% aesthetics, 31% management and horticulture each. With 51.8% aesthetics, 31.1% horticulture, and 17.1% management in Korea curricula, the portion of management is lower when it compares to the foreign curricula. According to the importance of aesthetics in Korea, demand on aesthetic education is also high. This analysis indicating the preponderance of aesthetics strongly supports the need of practical training related with aesthetics. The survey shows that 35 core subjects consist of 54.2% aesthetics, 22.9% horticulture, and 22.9% management in spite of various opinions of educational lecturer and demander groups. Based on the results of this thesis, the development of curricula, which accommodate demands from education and business and strengthen technical training, is required. University and college curricula should focus on developing student's essential ability for the entrance of business, by utilizing core courses and accommodating the various instruction methods.

      • Existence theorem of covering spaces

        Chin, Chu-Ok 全北大學校 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248604

        被覆空間은 基本群의 計算에 利用되기도 하지만 주어진 底空間의 基本群을 利用하여 被覆空間을 硏究할 수도 있다. 被覆空間과 底空間의 基本群 사이에는 密接한 關係가 있는 바, 本論文에서는, 2節에서 本定理 證明에 必要한 用語의 定義와 被覆空間의 몇가지 性質을 紹介하고 3節에서 主定理로서 다음을 說明하였다. "주어진 底空間 B가 連結, 局部脈狀連結, 그리고 半局所單純連結이면, 底空間의 基本郡 π₂(B,b)의 주어진 部分群의 任意의 공액류에 대하여 P*π₂(E.e)가 주어진 공액류에 屬하게 되는 被覆空間(E,P)가 唯一하게 存在한다" 아울러 主定理의 系로서 다음을 證明하였다. (1) 底空間 B가 普遍 被覆空間을 갖게 되면, 被覆空間은 同値類이다. (2) 底空間 B가 半局所單純連結이면, B는 唯一한 普遍 被覆空問을 갖는다. Covering spaces are used as a tool for computing fundamental groups, however are may use the fundamental group as a tool for studying covering spaces. There are close relations between covering spaces and the fundamental groups. In this short note, We are going to prove existence theorem of covering spaces. In § 2. We recall some difinitions for covering spaces and introduce some basic properties of covering spaces. In § 3, as main theorem of this paper, We prove the following : Theorem : Let B be a topological space which is connected, locally path connected and semilically simply connected. then given any conjugacy class of subgroups of π₁(B,b) there exists a covering space(E,F) of B such that P_0π(E,e) belongs to the given conjugacy class. With the some additional condition to B, We get the followings as an immediate con sequence of the above main theorem : Corollary. Let B be path connected and locally path connected. (a) If B has a universal covering space, then covering space is uniquely determined up to equivalence. (b) If B is semilocally simply connected, then B has a universal covering space.

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