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      • 신문 저널리즘으로 본 한국고고학의 흐름과 대중화

        조혁연 충북대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지금까지 한국고고학은 일반대중을 만날 수 있는 통로로 ‘신문 저널리즘’을 상대적으로 선호해 왔다. 그러나 한국고고학계에는 이를 다룬 학위논문이나 학술서가 존재하지 않고 있다. 신문에 난 고고학 기사는 ‘타자가 기록한 한국고고학 일지’로 볼 수 있어, 객관성 확보 차원에서도 이를 살펴보는 것이 필요하다. 이번 논문은 여러 신문 중 ‘조선일보’를 중심으로 살펴봤다. 이는 역사가 가장 오래 됐고, 인터넷 키워드 검색 환경을 가장 잘 갖추고 있기 때문이다. 조선일보는 1920~2007년까지 ‘16만건’ 정도의 기사를 생산했다고 자체적으로 밝히고 있다. 이중 고고학과 관련된 기사를 전수적으로 추출하기 위해 검색창에 아래 키워드를 입력했다. X축에는 유물, 유적, 고분, 패총, 왕릉, 청자, 금관, 성곽 등 50여개 키워드를 입력했다. 반면 Y축에는 선사, 구석기, 신석기, 청동기, 고려, 조선 등 시대성을 지닌 키워드를 입력했다. 이런 방식을 취한 결과, 대부분의 기사들이 가상의 X, Y축에서 만나는 것으로 확인됐다. 이렇게 추출된 기사를 데이터 값을 얻기 위해 발굴, 파생, 기타 기사형 등 크게 3형식으로 분류했다. 그리고 발굴은 연대에 따라 다시 일제강점기-1950년대-1960년대-1970년대-1980년대-1990년대-2천년대(2000~2007) 순으로 배열했다. 이는 고고학 물질에는 시간성이 있음을 전제로 한 것이다. 또 지역성을 알아보기 위해 서울, 충북, 전북, 경북, 등 15개 광역단체로 분류했다. 이는 고고학 물질에는 장소성이 있음을 전제로 한 것이다. 그 결과, 조선일보 1920년대 신문 발행 이후 총 3001건의 고고학 내용을 기사화한 것으로 조사됐다. 이는 총 노출수 16만여건의 대략 1.8%에 해당하는 수준이다. 이중 발굴기사 1천38건, 파생 127건, 기타-기사형 1천836건 등으로. 기타-기사형이 발굴보다 798건 더 많았다. 이를 종합하면 곡절이 있었음에도 불구, 신라가 260건으로 1위, 그 다음은 고려(111건), 백제(104건), 조선시대(76건) 순으로 나타났다. 지역 역시 시대와 흐름을 같이 해 경북이 296건으로 1위를 차지했다. 기사유형은 단순전달, 기타, 화제형 순서로 많은 가운데 학술형은 4위를 차지했다. 신문 저널리즘에 노출된 고고학 관련 기사는 한국고고학 80여년사의 흐름을 상식선에서 반영하고 있으나 그 행간에는 의미 있는 사례가 많이 관찰됐다. 고고학 기사가 1면 톱기사로 가장 많이 올라간 때는 박정희 전 대통령 통치기간인 1970년대인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 신문에 보도된 내용으로만 보면 1970년대가 한국고고학의 최성기였던 것으로 조사됐다. 그러나 당시 발굴과 보도 태도는 외양성, 공예성, 명품성 위주의 발굴을 지나치게 추구하면서 문화해석·복원에 게으른 면을 노출시켰다. 특히 당시 조선일보는 정치권력을 자발적으로 의식하면서 고고학 현장에 과도하게 개입했고, 외양이 화려한 명품유물만 너무 부각시켰다. 한국고고학은 90년대를 기점으로 무덤유적에서 빠져 나와, 생활유적 발굴을 중시하기 시작했다. 신문 저널리즘도 이 시기를 전후로 이른바 비주얼 편집으로 전환하기 시작했다. 이는 고고학을 재미있는 학문, 세련된 학문, 생활적인 학문이라는 인식을 심어주면서 대중화에 기여했다. 그러나 한국고고학은 난해한 용어, 한문투 표현 등 상아탑 안에 그대로 안주하면서 그들만의 리그, 그들만의 토론회, 그들만의 조사위원회라는 소리를 듣고 있다. 궁극적으로 한국고고학이 국민들의 사랑을 받으려면 어린이부터 성인까지 그 저변이 더욱 확대돼야 한다. 그래야 한국 사회가 필요로 하는 학문, 현재의 학문으로 거듭날 수 있다. The archaeology in Korea has met the public through‘Newspaper Journalism’ relatively more than any other type of media journalism. However, the Korean archaeology has never had theses or academic books dealing with it. Therefore, it is the time to study archaeology journalism to achieve the popularization of archaeology. Especially, the articles on archaeology in newspapers can be regarded as a typed journal of Korean archaeology so that it is needed to strengthen relativity by studying archaeology journalism. The selection of Chosun-ilbo for this study is because it is the oldest newspaper in Korea and also has a well-organized internet keyword-searching tool. Chosun-ilbo self-confirmed that it had released 160,000 articles from 1920 to 2007. To implement a complete survey among them, I put the 50 key-words related to remains such as historic sites, cultural properties, crowns, castles, and celadon porcelain on the axle X(horizontal) of the searching window, and words related to era or times such as Koguryo, Packje, Shinla, and Chosun on the axle Y(vertical). Such empirical tests resulted that the most of the articles are met in the hypothetical space between X and Y. Some omitted articles were returned to the other axle to realize the unification of data in X and Y. Then, those data were categorized to three parts such as the type of excavation, the type of derivation, and the type of other articles to get scores of data. In addition, the type of excavation was re-ordered in turns of times such as Japanese Occupation period, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s(2000-2007). There is an assumption that Archaeological materials have characteristics of time in themselves. With respect to the regional aspects, data were categorized to 15 metropolitan areas such as Seoul, Chungbuk, and so on, which was assumed that archaeological materials have characteristics of place. These tests showed that Chosun-ilbo released total 3001 articles related to archaeology since 1920s, which represents 1.8 % of total articles of this newspaper. Among them, the type of excavation explained for 1038 articles, the type of derivation for 127, and the others for 1836. Therefore, the others represent 798 articles more than the type of excavation. Meanwhile, in terms of orders based on times, articles related to Shinla were 260, the most, Korea 111, Backjae 104, and Chosun 76. In terms of region, articles related to Kyungbuk were 296, the most, and it is consistent with those related to times. With respect to types of article, simple delivery of information, others, topics, and finally academic type in order. Articles related to archaeology exposed to Newspaper journalism reflect 80 years old history of Korean archaeology in the level of general knowledge, but at the same time, show some meaningful examples implicitly. The time in which the most archaeology articles were taken to headlines on newspapers was 1970s - Mr. Jeonghee Park󰡐s era. Therefore, if simply based on the frequencies of article release, the period was the best for Korean archaeology. However, in that time, unfortunately reports of newspapers focused more on material aspects than cultural interpretation and restoration. Most of all, Chosun deliberately tried to intervene activities of Korean archaeology for political issues and emphasized only masterpieces too much and external aspects. As a result, it is still blamed in the name of newspaper archaeology. Especially, it is necessary to consider more seriously whether the archaeology fields should be influenced by the politics. In addition, many statistical evidences are observed in terms of intervening of regional sentiments to articles on archaeology. The Korean archaeology began to lay stress on excavating living remains, with staying away from focusing on tomb-remains from the 90’s. Newspaper journalism took a visual editing method to reflect such change. These contributed to the popularization of archaeology by making the public accept archaeology as a attractive, accomplished, and life-friendly study. However, the Korean archaeology is blamed for its isolation from the public because it has enjoyed such as its obscure terms, Chinese style of expression, and too many foot-notes for itself. It has been told that it exists and studies for itself. In other words, it has lack of channels to communicate with the public. It is necessary that the base for Korean archaeology should be more enlarged from little kids to adults so as to be loved by the public. Only if so, the Korean archaeology can be developed to what Korean society need, and the contemporary study.

      • 19세기 충주지역 주막의 연구

        조혁연 충북대학교 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to investigate and reveal the true nature of Jumak(酒幕?Korean tavern) in the late Joseon period. Till now, Jumak has been mainly in the field of folklore. However, this study would attempt to reveal that Jumak had a lot of socio-economic functions. It would be very difficult to review all Jumak in the traditional era. Therefore, the subject of study was limited to the Chungju(忠州) area in the 19th century. The reason why the 19th century was chosen as its temporal range was that there are abundant related data such as personal diaries and old maps. The reason why the Chungju area was chosen as its spatial range was that there are more plentiful historical information on traffic routes during the Joseon period than that in any other areas. Jumak can only be built with a road. Jumak cannot exist alone, far away, deep in the mountains. During the Joseon period, two big roads passed through Chungju. Under this influence, a big trading area was formed in Chungju. This study examined Jumak and the traffic condition in Chungju and the correlation between them. In the late Joseon period, a lot of studies of the development of commodity economy have been accumulated. This study attempted to find a connection between the commodity economy and Jumak based on the existing research results. In particular, it paid attention to the market among the elements of the commodity economy. Jumak had existed in the traditional era, though in small numbers. Then, entering the late Joseon period, it became suddenly revitalized. Much related information is recorded in Chungju-gun Yangan(1902). This study attempted to reveal whether the society in the late Joseon period viewed from this stagnantly remained a premodern one or it entered an early capitalist stage through internal development. Confucian scholars from Yeongnam left a lot of personal diaries, visiting the Chungju area. This study attempted to figure out traffic routes in the Chungju area, the status of accommodation in Jumak and travel customs. Especially, it attempted to examine how the Yeongnam scholars used Dongrae-ro and Bonghwa-ro in the Chungju area, mainly. Metallic currency pushed out currency in kind, such as rice and po and became the final method of payment in Jumak. It is the major component of the commodity economy in the late Joseon period. This study observed how tourists at the time used this coin in Jumak. In addition, it converted the prices of daily necessaries at the time to the monetary values nowadays. Jumak is, apparently, a facility built by individuals. Nevertheless, it shows public-social functions in historical materials. This study reviewed such examples and backgrounds. As a result of the above review, the following information could be found. The pre-modern social order in Joseon rapidly dissolved as the commodity monetary economy became universalized. Accordingly, in the late Joseon period, the peasant class that was dropped by the land, too, began to participate in the management of Jumak. According to Chungju-gun Yangan, 70% of the operators of Jumak in Chungju in the era of the Korean Empire were poor peasants who had been left away from the land. This shows that most managers of Jumak operated Jumak as a means of living. The base of capitalist changes is the alteration of land ownership and the growth of the commodity monetary economy. In addition, industrialization takes the peak. However, the size and development level of rural industries were very insufficient. Therefore, the poor peasants who were left away from the land were not transferred to industrial population. So, the poor peasants ran into the operation of Jumak with which they could start with free capital or small capital. In expanding their commodity, some managers of Jumak actively introduced a capitalist management approach in addition to borrowing the land. This is in the same vein as the conversion of Korean society from a pre-modern one to early commercial capitalism. In addition, Jumak had public functions such as the circulation of metallic currency, special liquor tax payment, official documents of delivery and place for promotion of policy. Also, socially, Jumak was a space for violent incidents, righteous army activities, gathering information and propagating new cultures. The matters investigated and revealed newly in this study would be small but meaningful elements, such as the regularity of the usages of the character, ‘Jeom (店),’ interchange, called 'Soebyeora (쇠??)' in the Joseon Dynasty, the transport speed by land route and water route, the custom of sending parcel on a journey, Chogeorye ceremony, the phenomenon of avoiding travel in the cold and hot seasons, traveling expenses and Seonmun (prior notice) system, prices on the paths such as straw shoes, Macho and Namcho, and the formula that converts the prices at the end of the Joseon Dynasty to the current monetary values, ‘Monetary values of the times (Yang-Jeong-Bun) × 7 (exchange rate constant) ÷ 5 (Dangojeon (five cash coin) constant)’ to restore the history of Jumak in the late Joseon Dynasty in three dimensions. The late Joseon Jumak above is different from what we have known vaguely. It has a more complex framework and multi-layered structure than that in the general idea. Nevertheless, despite the late Joseon Jumak was used by a lot of ordinary people, this study has a few limitations as follows: It referred mostly to the diaries of scholars in the Yeongnam region due to the difficulty in securing data; It dealt with the prices of daily necessaries in Jumak on a journey based on Gyonamsurok, a historical material compiled by the government; and it did not deal with ways up the hills such as Jungnyeong Ridge Route and Gyerimnyeong Ridge Route (or Haneuljae Pass) in depth, which also affected the traffic environment of the Chungju area. The late Joseon period Jumak was frequented by ordinary people. However, due to the difficulty of securing data, this study mostly referred to the diaries of scholars in the Yeongnam region. This is one of the typical limits of this study.

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