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      • IT 거버넌스 효율성 강화를 위한 EA(Enterprise Architecture) 연구

        이형상 건국대학교 정보통신대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        기업이 비즈니스 수행을 하면서 IT에 대한 의존도가 높아지면서, IT를 전략적으로 활용하고, 이를 위한 IT투자, 자원할당, 리스크관리를 위한 의사결정 체계 및 프로세스에 대한 통제 및 관리를 위한 IT 거버넌스의 중요성이 높이지고 있다. 이러한 환경에서 EA가 IT거버넌스의 IT자원 및 성과관리, IT프로젝트/서비스 관리 측면에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다는 연구 결과가 있지만 어떤 요소가 IT거버넌스에 정보를 제공해 주고 있다는 연구는 미흡하다. 이에 IT거버넌스를 위하여 관리하여야 할 영역과 핵심 정보들을 도출하고, 도출된 영역의 핵심정보들이 EA를 통하여 어떻게 제공되고 있는가에 대한 비교분석을 통하여 현재 EA프레임워크가 가지고 있는 한계를 연구하였다. 이를 통하여 현재 범정부 EA프레임워크는 자산관리 측면에서는 체계적이고 효율적인 정보를 제공하고 있지만 다른 영역에서는 단편적이고 한시적인 정보만을 제공하고 있다는 것을 도출하였다. 전략적 연계 및 IT 가치, 그리고 IT리스크와 관련된 정보를 EA에서 어떠한 방식으로 제공하면 IT거버넌스를 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 가에 대한 연구를 기반으로 IT거버넌스를 지향하는 EA프레임워크를 도출하였다. 이는 기존의 범정부 EA프레임워크에 IT프로그램 관리 영역과 리스크 관리 영역을 새로 추가하였고, 기존 아키텍처들과의 관계정보를 보완하여 IT 거버넌스의 효율적 사용을 지원할 수 있도록 하였다. 새로 도출된 EA프레임워크에 대한 검증을 위하여 기존의 프레임워크와 새로운 프레임워크에 대한 산출물 비교 및 내부 속성들간의 관계정보 비교를 통하여 개선점을 검증하였으며, 전문가들의 설문을 통한 프레임워크의 효율성을 검증하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 IT거버넌스를 효율적으로 지원할 수 있는 EA프레임워크를 제안함으로써 IT자원관리 수준에서 벗어나 IT 거버넌스를 통한 전략적 의사결정을 지원하는 중요한 정보제공의 역할이 가능하도록 제시하고자 한다. Investment in IT has been increasing to maximize of its use and strategy which has been caused by quick changes of inner and outer part of enterprise’s goal to succeed. Because of this, maximize usage of IT, investment of IT, distribution of its resources, ways to conclude structure of intentions, regulate and supervise and the process for managing risks which is concerned by IT governance has been increasing. Also IT governance states relation information in architectural presentation in its diversified compositional elements of enterprises or institutions. It has been introducing EA to set standards for technical policies and decision making in investment as well as sharing and utilize related information. Even though progress of researches on effects of EA and IT governance has been vivacious but actual effect of architectural information on IT governance has not been as active. Therefore a study has been done to classify derive the necessary information, service of IT governance in its distribution representative, EA framework cabinet and studied how effectively information has been distributed. Through this study, more effective ways to support EA framework has been suggested so that rather than limiting in an administering IT resource, utilize strategic deliberation of IT governance would be indicated as an important tool with possibilities.

      • 하악골 시상분할 절골술후 하순과 턱에 발생된 감각 이상에 관한 연구

        이형상 한림대학교 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The sagittal split ramus osteotmy has been widely used for the correction of mandibular deformity. Impairment of the inferior alveolar nerve, however, is one of the serious complication inherent in this procedure. This study compared three methods(Table 1) of assessing neurosensory disturbances in patients who underwent bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomies and genioplasties. Forty cases(22 males, 18 females) ranging in age from 16 to 37 years were analysed in this study. Thirty cases who had bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomies were stabilized with three tandem-screw fixation and ten cases who had Le Fort I osteotomies, segment osteotomies and genioplasties were stabilized with rigid miniplate osteosynthesis. Neurosensory tests included light touch(LT), two-point discrimination (2-P), and temperature(T) and were performed just prior to surgery, and on the 7th day, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year following surgery. The sensory changes were disappeared completely within six months postoperatively in most sites with mild disturbance,and within one year in severely affected sites. The conclusions were as follows: 1. The incidence of neurosensory disturbances was 48.8%(39/80:right, left inferior alveolar nerves of 40 cases ) in light touch, 26.3%(21/80) in two point discrimination, and 15.0%(12/80) in temperature sensation, but excluding genioplasties, the incidence was 27.3%(12/44), 11.4%(5/44). 4.5%(2/44) respectively. 2. At postoperative six months, a neurosensory disterbance in the LT was seen 17.5%(14/80). and excluding genioplasties the incidence was 6.8%(3/44). 3. All the patients without the evidence of structural damage of the inferior alveolar nerve regained normal neural function within 1 year. 4. Sensory disturbances were clearly related to the degree of intraoperative strain of the inferior alveolar nerve and surgical technique.

      • Engeström의 활동 이론에 근거한 지리지식의 협력적 창출에 대한 수업 연구

        이형상 고려대학교 대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the students' collaborative geographical knowledge creation from the viewpoint of activity theory and to examine the actual activities of geography class. In recent learner's development perspective, we emphasize not only vertical development which emphasizes the role of an adult such as a teacher, but also a horizontal development that emphasizes interaction with peers or the surrounding social world. In the previous research, methodological researches on how learners collaborate in group activity have actively been conducted, but structural and qualitative analysis of learning activities in groups such as how learners are actually collaborating in groups that it is relatively insufficient. Therefore, in this study, we tried to analyze the creation activity of the geographical knowledge in group as a qualitative approach from the structural perspective, and then to interpret it as the collaboration process at the macro level. To do this, This study first tried to understand the concept of collaborative creation of geographical knowledge and activity theory through literature review, and then carried out a action research based on problem-based learning to use ill-structured problems with ‘low birth rate’, ‘urban flood’, ‘regional development’. End of the action research, based on the interaction type of 'separate type', 'dependent type', 'exclusion type', 'partial interaction type', 'interaction type', role in the group, participation level of activity, gender, this study selected 20 students in-depth interviewees and conducted interviews using semi-structured interviews focused on the components of the activity system. The questionnaires were used to collect additional data. In the analysis stage, the paradigm model of the grounded theory and the activity theory was used to investigate the process of forming the common geographical knowledge while overcoming the inner contradiction which is structurally existing within the group based on the collected data. As a result, the type of collaborative geographical knowledge creation, the activity system of collaborative geographical knowledge creation, the structural flow of activity, and the inner contradiction pattern in the activity system were confirmed. We also confirmed the correlation between the activity system and types of collaborative geographical knowledge creation and interaction patterns of community. The results of this study are as follows.  First, collaborative geographical knowledge in geography class is created by the structural action of activity. According to this study, the group that creates collaborative geographical knowledge in geography class was creating geographic knowledge by interacting elements of subject, object, mediation, rule, community, and division of labor. Second, the creation of collaborative geographical knowledge in geography class is a result of the complex involvement of factors with situational-contextual characteristics. According to this study, the group's collaborative geographical knowledge creation includes unstructured problems, students, motivation, prior knowledge, use of learning materials, group rules, community emotion, participation, dialogue, sharing, negotiation, and teacher’s intervention. Third, In order to create a high level of collaborative geographical knowledge in geography classes, long-term collaboration is required. According to this study, when the group's emotions were formed positively into a long period of activities and collaboration in the group, the cognitive responsibility for the group was formed and the internal contradiction of the activity system was overcome. Fourth, in the group-based geography class, the level of activity of the learning community determines the level of knowledge construction of the individual. According to this study, the members of the group positively accepted the higher level of knowledge as the group's activity system that creates collaborative geographical knowledge shifted to the higher quality level.   Based on the results of this study, the implications for the following geography education could be derived. First, the creation of collaborative geographical knowledge can help to develop the geographical competence required in the knowledge-based society. The results of this study can be helpful in the process of designing a instruction that enhances geographical competence by providing an understanding of the process of collaboration in group learning. When conducting process-focused evaluation of groups in geography class, an evaluation approach considering the structure of activities is required. The results from this study can help prepare the process-focused evaluation by providing concrete examples of the structural factors that affect the process of group activity. Third, geography class that deals with ill-structured problems, including socio-cultural contexts of appropriate difficulty, stimulate group activities. According to the results of this study, the ill-structured problem stimulating the motivation of the group and the individual's behavioral goals stimulated the social action process to solve the problem caused by the object. Fourth, in the geography class, the degree of communication within the group may affect the difference in the qualitative level of the group activities and the formation of the individual's knowledge and concept and self-esteem. Therefore, teacher should use strategies to facilitate activity if necessary. According to the results obtained in this study, the level of individual's perspective taking affects the emotions of the groups shared by the individuals and affects a factor forming the interaction pattern of communication within the group. Thus, a group that has difficulty interacting with communication need appropriate intervention.   Students develop a mind and consciousness of individuals and grow into social beings by accepting knowledge, concepts, values, and beliefs that have been acquired from historicity by being formed socially and culturally through activities of groups. The purpose of this study is to understand the process of collaborative geographical knowledge as a practical phenomenon, Therefore, the results of this study are intended to suggest the significance of the study in that geography teachers can help prepare for group-based instruction. 본 논문은 학생들의 협력적 지리지식 창출을 활동 이론의 관점에서 분석하고 해석하여 지리수업에서 이루어지는 활동의 실재를 드러내고 그 의미를 찾아내는 것을 연구의 목적으로 한다. 최근 학습자의 발달에 대한 관점에서는 교사와 같은 성인의 역할을 강조하는 수직적 발달뿐만 아니라, 동료나 주변 사회 세계와 상호작용을 강조하는 수평적 발달을 함께 강조한다. 기존의 연구가 집단 활동 간 학습자가 어떻게 협력할 것인가의 방법론적 연구를 중심으로 활발히 진행되어온 반면, 학습자가 집단에서 어떻게 실제적으로 협력하고 있는가와 같은 집단에서의 학습 활동 과정에 대한 구조적이며 질적인 분석이 상대적으로 미흡했던 것도 사실이다. 따라서, 본 논문은 집단에서 이루어지는 지리지식의 창출 활동을 활동 이론으로 접근하여 질적인 측면으로 귀납적이게 들여다봄으로 인해 지리지식의 창출 활동 전체를 하나의 협력 과정으로 해석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 문헌 연구에 기초하여 활동 이론과 지리지식의 협력적 창출 개념을 이해하고자 하였으며, 이후 ‘저출산’, ‘도시홍수’, ‘지역 개발’을 주제로 비구조화된 문제를 활용하는 문제중심학습을 통해 실행 연구를 설계하고 진행하였다. 실행 연구 종료 후 ‘분리형’, ‘의존형’, ‘배제형’, ‘부분 상호작용형’, ‘상호작용형’의 모둠 상호작용 유형, 모둠에서의 역할, 활동의 참여 수준, 사회-경제적 배경, 성별을 고려하여 20명의 심층 면담 대상자를 선정한 후, 활동 체계의 구성 요소에 초점을 맞춰 작성된 반구조화된 면담지를 활용해 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 또한, 실행 연구에 참여한 전체 학생을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 추가적인 자료를 수집하였다. 이후 분석 단계에서 수집된 자료를 토대로 학습자가 집단의 내부에 구조적으로 존재하는 내적 모순을 극복하면서 공동의 지리지식을 형성하는 과정을 살피기 위해 근거이론의 패러다임 모형과 활동 이론을 적용하였다. 그 결과 협력적 지리지식 창출의 유형, 협력적 지리지식 창출의 활동 체계, 활동에서의 구조적 흐름, 활동 체계 내부의 모순 양상, 활동 체계와 협력적 지리지식 창출 유형 및 공동체 상호작용 패턴 간의 상관관계를 확인하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지리수업에서 협력적 지리지식은 활동의 구조적 작용으로 창출된다. 본 연구에 따르면, 지리수업의 협력적 지리지식을 창출하는 모둠에서는 활동 체계의 요소에 해당하는 주체, 객체, 매개물, 규칙, 공동체, 역할 분담이 상호작용하여 지리지식을 창출하였다. 둘째, 지리수업에서 협력적 지리지식 창출은 상황-맥락적 특성을 가진 요인이 복합적으로 관여한 결과이다. 본 연구에 따르면, 모둠의 협력적 지리지식 창출에는 비구조화된 문제, 학생, 동기, 사전 지식, 학습자료 활용, 모둠의 규칙, 공동체의 정서, 참여, 대화, 공유, 협상, 합의, 개인의 역할, 교사의 개입이 동시에 작용하였다. 셋째, 지리수업에서 높은 수준의 협력적 지리지식이 창출되려면 장기간에 걸친 협력의 지속이 요구된다. 본 연구에 따르면 모둠에서 활동과 협력이 오랫동안 지속되어 공동체의 정서가 긍정적으로 형성될 경우 집단의 인지적 책임감이 형성되고 활동 체계의 내적 모순은 극복되었다. 넷째, 집단 기반의 지리수업에서 학습 공동체의 활동 수준은 개인의 지식 구성 수준을 결정한다. 본 연구에 따르면, 모둠의 구성원들은 협력적 지리지식을 창출하는 모둠의 활동 체계가 높은 수준의 질적 단계로 이행할수록 더 높은 수준의 지식을 적극적으로 수용하였다. 이러한 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 지리교육에의 시사점을 도출할 수 있다. 첫째, 협력적 지리지식의 창출은 지식 사회에서 요구되는 지리적 역량을 키우는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과는 집단의 학습에서 협력의 과정에 대한 이해를 제공해 지리적 역량을 강화하는 수업 설계의 과정에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 지리수업에서 집단을 대상으로 과정 중심 평가를 실시할 경우 활동의 구조를 고려하는 평가의 접근이 요구된다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과는 집단의 활동이 수행되는 과정에서 작용하는 구조적 요인에 대한 구체적인 사례를 제공함으로써 과정 중심 평가를 준비하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 적정한 난이도의 사회-문화적 맥락을 포함하는 비구조화된 문제를 다루는 지리수업은 집단의 활동을 자극한다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과에 따르면, 모둠의 동기와 개인의 행동 목표를 자극하는 비구조화된 문제는 대상에서 기인한 문제를 해결하기 위한 사회적 실천 과정인 활동을 자극하고 있었다. 넷째, 지리수업에서 집단 내 의사소통의 정도는 모둠 간 활동의 질적 수준의 차이와 개인의 지식과 개념 및 자존감 형성에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 필요에 따라 적절한 교사의 활동 촉진 전략이 요구된다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과에 따르면, 개인의 조망수용 수준은 개인들이 공유하는 집단의 정서에 영향을 미쳐 집단 내 의사소통의 상호작용 패턴을 형성하는 요인으로 작용하고 있었다. 따라서, 교사에게는 의사소통의 상호작용에 어려움을 겪는 모둠의 경우 이를 파악해 적절한 개입의 필요성이 요구된다. 학생들은 집단에서 이루어지는 활동을 통해 사회-문화적으로 형성된 지식과 개념, 가치와 신념 등을 받아들여 개인의 정신과 의식을 구성하고 사회적 존재로 성장한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 협력적 지리지식의 창출 과정을 하나의 실제적인 현상으로 파악하고 분해하여 해석함으로써 협력의 활동에 대한 이해의 단초를 제공하고자 하였으며, 본 연구의 결과는 지리교사들이 집단의 협력에 기반 한 수업을 준비하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이라는 점에서 연구의 의의를 가진다.

      • 아산시의 도시내부구조 연구

        이형상 공주대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Asan City is an area that continues its rapid growth through the relocation of businesses following the government policy to tighten regulations on the metropolitan area. From 2009 to 2007, the production volume of manufacture businesses(based on the amount of shipment) increased as much as four(4) times and has already risen to first place in GRDP per person in Chungcheongnamdo. As a result of this growth, the population tends to increase steadily, showing the average increase rate of 6.13% in each year since 2005. The growth of population has necessarily resulted in new demand for land. A large scale development of apartment complex was carried out both in the neighboring area of northern road of Asan City and in the area south of Eouijeongro, which means the flat expansion of the city streets. The purpose of this paper is to find out the internal city structure of Asan City, a medium-sized local city with such characteristics as described above. As a preceding work to find out the internal city structure, the entire industry was subdivided into 27 types, and then the total number of gesellschaften that have been examined based on the telephone directory of Asan City were reclassified into types of industry that had been classified into medium groups for each. The gesellschaften that had been classified into 27 types were shown as choropeleth map on the 3,660 pieces of 50m×50m mesh(61×60) shown on the land registration map drawn on a scale of 1:5,000. After this, the locational characteristics of distribution and the patterning were found out. Finally, simultaneously taking into consideration both the centrality indicator and index, the city boundary of Asan City was established and its internal structure was found out. The study results achieved are as shown below; Firstly, as it was found out that the downtown area of Asan City existed only in some areas including Ongung street and partial area in front of Onyang-Oncheon station and that the existence of sub-centers of the city was not found out in other areas, it was confirmed that the Asan City showed the characteristics of a typical single-core city. As for land price, this area includes peak land price point, and the places were distributed here, including those from peak land price point to the point of which land price was fixed consecutively as not less than 2,800,000won. In case of the density of the gesellschaften as well, it was found out that there existed a point where there were located not less than 10 units of gesellschaft for each mesh. The centrality indicator is calculated centering on the land price and the centrality index is calculated centering on the density of gesellschaft for each cell. For this reason, in this study, in consideration of the characteristics of Asan City of which city internal division is not as distinct as a large city because it is a local medium-sized city, both the centrality indicator and centrality index were referenced at the same time and the places consecutively distributed were established as downtown area. As a result, it was found out that the whole area of Ongung street and partial area in front of Onyang-Oncheon station were the downtown area. Secondly, as for the conditions of location of the gesellschaft by industry in Asan City, the accumulative and dispersive locational characteristics were evenly shown. While the gesellschaft in Asan City shows the highest density in the whole area of Ongung streets, it shows the characteristics that the density gets lower as it gets farther to the outer area from this area. Besides, while some units of gesellschaft show the tendency to be located accumulatively mainly centering on a specific point, other units of gesellschaft show the tendency to be located dispersedly all over the entire city streets. The area adjacent to the Siminro, Chungmuro, Beonyeongro and Oncheondaero shows more intensified degree of accumulation than the inner side of the main street. Thirdly, together with the expansion of the city streets, since the mid-1990s, the accumulation of gesellschaft has got to be more distinct in the existing city streets centering on the Onyang-Oncheon station. In addition to this, as new residential complex was developed in the areas close to Bukburo and Eouijeongro, the extensive expansion of locational distribution of the gesellschaft was realized. In case of Yonghwadong area, differently from other areas, the accumulation of gesellschaft clearly shows the zonal distribution at the roadside in the direction of the south along the Siminro. Especially, the number of apartment complexes that had been newly constructed in the areas close to Bukburo and Eouijeongro since the 2000s reached 17 in total, which is equivalent to 62% of the total households that moved into apartment in Asan City. For this reason, although the distribution situation of this area is insignificant at present in the locational distribution of the gesellschaft, it is expected that the conditions of location of the gesellschaft will be expanded along with the expansion of the city streets in the days to come.

      • Experiment and modeling of soot oxidation by oxygen using a flow reactor simulating diesel particulate filter condition

        이형상 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        Diesel engine exhaust is one of the major sources of atmospheric pollution. Increasingly stringent emission regulations demand development of new low emission diesel technologies. Diesel particulate filter (DPF) system offers a reliable solution for reducing particulate matter from diesel exhaust, with efficiencies over 95% for dry soot in trapping in most systems. However, regeneration in a DPF is complicated by the wide variation of exhaust temperature and quantity of soot emission occurring over various driving conditions of the vehicle. Furthermore, reliable performance of the DPF is hard to predict due to our limited knowledge on oxidation characteristics of diesel soot. Studies of kinetic values such as activation energy and reaction orders in the literature vary over a wide range. For these reasons, the measurement of kinetic rates in soot oxidation is a subject of ongoing extensive research.$$a$$aThis work was performed to establish a methodology in the evaluation of soot oxidation by oxygen and to understand the soot oxidation phenomena. A laboratory scale reactor simulating the diesel particulate filter conditions was used to investigate reaction rate evolution with respect to conversion, oxygen partial pressure and temperature as well as to find reaction coefficients. All the uncertainties of the experimental system were minimized in the conditions similar to diesel particulate filter regeneration. Temperature programmed oxidation as well as constant temperature oxidation techniques were used with carbon black (Printex-U) and diesel soot as samples.$$a$$aThe reaction order with respect to oxygen partial pressure in soot oxidation was found to be unity in the whole conversion range. The high reactivity in the early stage of conversion was observed to be restored by thermal desorption process, which implies the active sites not occupied by oxygen is responsible for that reactivity. The reaction order with respect to carbon particle was measured to be 0.8±0.02 for Printex-U and 0.66±0.02 for the diesel soot sample. The apparent activation energy for Printex-U in temperature programmed oxidation was 199±1 kJ/mol with the order of 1 in carbon and 177±1 kJ/mol with the order of 0.8 in the conversion range of 25~90 %. The apparent activation energy in carbon oxidation was lowered with water addition. Through the analysis of the experimental data, a simplified kinetic model of soot-oxygen reaction is proposed, which simulated the experimental result in good accordance.$$a$$a

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