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      • 農·漁村 簡易 上水道 System의 調査 分析에 關한 硏究

        이기동 全北大學校 環境大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The facilities of simple piped water supply system have been constructed according to New Village Movement since 1970. The study was focused on the status of simple piped water supply system, its operation, management, and problems and solution to the system. The 11 sites of simple piped water system in Chonbuk province were selected for this study. Also, 5 of 11 sites were reselected to survey the water quality through the field study, sampling and laboratory work. The purpose of the study is to give the fundamental data, safeguard the sanitary life, and show the direction on the simple piped water supply system in future. The conclusions of the study as follows. (1) The average number of water stations was 1.8. The amount of water use was 97 1pcd The maximum water use recorded in August among the year in proportion to the consumption of electricity. (2) The amount of water use was not affected on the vocation and the educational level of householder. (3) As the most of village sampled had a few facilities to use water, the pattern of water consumption was an early stage of modern life. (4) Compared with water quality standard, MPN and the number of general bacteria of the fourth village were 1700/50cc and 610/cc, it as considered that it was no resulted in no disinfection and old pipes. (5) It was in need of specialist in the operation and management, education of residents to evaluate the water quality, and the investment of own's city and Gun to conserve a good water quality.

      • 땅콩의 根瘤形成과 窒素固定에 대한 根瘤菌 接種效果

        이기동 全北大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        땅콩에 根瘤菌을 接種하여 形成되는 根瘤와 窒素 固定 效果를 檢討하기 위하여 根圈에서의 生細胞數의 變化와 根瘤數, 무게, 窒素 固定量, 수확량등을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 根圈에서의 細菌의 密度는 출아후 7일 까지는 旣存 根瘤菌과의 競合 그리고 接種된 細菌의 變化된 環境의 影響으로 減少되었으나 그 이후 점차 증가하여 140일에는 接種水準에 이르렀다. 또한 外國菌 CB756Mi보다 P7이 環境에 적응하여 增殖하는 數가 많았고 品種間에는 대차가 없었다. 2. 根瘤數는 根圈의 細菌密度의 增加에 따라 繼續 增加 했으며 根瘤 形成에는 窒素質肥料의 影響으로 窒素處理區보다 接種區에서 그리고 窒素區보다 無處理區에서 더많은 根瘤를 形成하였다. 또한 外國菌 CB756Mi보다 國內에서 選拔한 P7이 根瘤形成에 많은 影響을 주었고 品種別 영호 땅콩에서 약간 減少하였다. 3. 窒素 含量은 對照區, 窒素區, 接種區 순으로 높게 나타났으며 품종간에는 비슷한 水準이었다. 4. 땅콩 收量은 植物體당 挾數가 많은 올땅콩에서 가장 많았고 窒素處理보다 根瘤菌 接種區에서 항상 높았다. An antibiotic-resistant variant of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna) two strain (p7, CB756Mi) were inoculated to follow population changes on rhizosphere, nodule occupancy rate and nitrogen fixation. During the first 1week, the number of viable cells on the rhizosphere was rapdly decreased effect of competition with native rhizobia and changed environment. But from 1week to 18weeks keep on increased to the initial inoculation level. The population densities reflected nodule formation and nitrogen fertilizer was influence nodule number, nodule dry weight. Nodule number in the inoculum treatment was better than control and nitrogen treatment owing to hinder nodule formation of nitrogen ferilizer. Amount of nitrogen absorption was higher inoculum treatment. The results indicate that effect of nodule formation and amount of nitrogen fixation may be good at inoculation.

      • SNMP를 활용한 효율적인 전력량계 상태 모니터링 방안에 관한 연구

        이기동 연세대학교 공학대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문에서는 네트워크 관리 프로토콜인 SNMP를 활용하여 전력량계 상태를 보다 효율적으로 모니터링 하는 방안을 제시하였다. 구체적으로는 검침 시스템에서 전력량계 데이터를 네트워크 관리 프로토콜인 SNMP를 활용하여 연계하는 방법을 살펴보았다. 그리고 일반 전화망을 활용하는 기존 시스템과 제안한 시스템의 성능과 소프트웨어 복잡도를 비교하여, 데이터 전송 효율이 향상되고 소프트웨어 복잡도가 개선되는지 검증하였다.

      • 고정화된 백색부후균을 이용한 lignin peroxidase의 생산과 염료 및 염색폐수의 색도제거

        이기동 명지대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구에서는 백색부후균 Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1과 세포외 분비효소인 lignin peroxidase (LiP)를 이용하여 염색폐수의 색도 제거를 목표로 실험을 수행하였다. 첫째, 기초적인 자료로 활용하고자 lignin 분해의 key enzyme인 LiP의 효소반응적 특성과 안정성에 대하여 조사하였다. LiP는 pH 3.0, 35℃에서 최적의 활성을 나타내었고 pH가 증가할수록 LiP의 활성은 감소하였지만 LiP의 안정성은 증가하였다. LiP는 4℃에서도 활성을 나타내었으며, 70℃에서 활성이 급격히 소멸되었다. LiP는 보조기질인 H₂O₂에 의해서 불활성 되었고 veratryl alcohol (VA)은 catalytic recycling agent로 작용하여 과량으로 존재하는 H₂O₂에 의한 LiP의 불활성을 보호하였다. 둘째, 염료를 비롯한 난분해성 화합물들과 실제폐수를 처리하기 위해 서는 고농도의 LiP가 필요하기 때문에 LiP 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있는 최적의 배지조성과 배양방법 및 배양조건을 확립하였다. Sponge와 같은 부착력과 흡수력이 우수한 다공성 고체담체로 백색부후균을 고정화한 경우에만 LiP가 생산되었다. 고정화가 LiP의 생산을 위한 가장 중요한 요소였고 non-immersed 액체배양을 통하여 공기조건하에서도 LiP가 생산되었다. LiP 생산의 최적조건은 37℃, pH 4.5, 200 rpm, 접종량 1% (v/v)이었으며, 교반속도와 질소원의 농도가 세포고정화와 함께 LiP의 생산성 향상에 중요한 변수로 작용하였다. Mn^2+은 LiP의 생산을 저해하였고 반면에 manganese peroxidase (MnP)의 생산을 촉진하였다. VA를 첨가하였을 경우 생산성이 3-4배 향상되었으며, 이것은 VA가 이미 생산된 LiP를 H₂O₂에 의한 불활성으로부터 보호해주어서 LiP가 축적되기 때문인 것으로 사료되었다. 또한, 유가식 배양과 VA의 투입으로 높은 LiP의 생산성이 지속적으로 유지되었다. 질소원초과 조건에서 VA를 투입하였을 경우 최고 1,472 U/L의 LiP가 생산되었고 이러한 수치는 국내외에서 보고된 연구결과와 비교하여 상당히 높은 수율이었다. 셋째, 균주로부터 분리해낸 LiP와 백색부후균의 배양을 통하여 model compound로 선정한 염료의 색도제거율을 조사하였다. LiP는 염료혼합물을 포함한 대부분의 염료의 색도를 효과적으로 제거하였다. pH 2.5-5.0의 범위에서 염료의 최종 색도제거율은 유사하였다. 청색계열 염료의 색도제 거율이 적색과 황색계열 염료의 색도제거율보다 높았으며, 분산염료의 경우는 불용성으로 인하여 색도제거율이 저조하였고 LiP가 MnP보다 염료의 색도제거 효율이 우수하였다. VA는 LiP에 의한 염료의 색도제거율도 향상시켰고 VA는 염료의 색도제거 과정에서 부가적으로 redox mediator의 역할도 하는 것으로 사료되었다. 염료의 색도는 백색부후균의 배양을 통하여 보다 효율적으로 제거되었고 LiP가 생산되지 않는 free cell 배양 으로도 제거되었다. 백색부후균에 의한 경우 연속적인 염료의 색도처리가 가능하였고 고농도의 부하에도 효과적인 색도처리가 가능하였으며 또한, LiP 효소에 의해서는 색도제거가 어려웠던 염료들의 색도까지도 효과적으로 제거되었다. 생물반응기에서 LiP의 생산과염료의 색도제거를 시도하였으나, fouling 현상으로 인하여 반웅기의 운전이 원활하지 못하였다. 넷째, LiP와 백색부후균의 배양을 통하여 염색폐수의 색도제거 가능성을 조사하였다. LiP를 고농도로 투입하여도 염색폐수의 색도제거율은 저조하였고 염색폐수의 색도제거와 LiP 활성과의 상관관계가 낮음을 확인 하였다. 백색부후균의 배양에 의해서는 최고 83%까지 염색폐수의 색도가 제거되어서 LiP에 의한 경우보다 효율적이었다. 그러나, LiP가 생산되는 시점인 3일 이전에 이미 색도가 대부분 제거되었고 이러한 결과는 염색폐수의 초기 색도제거 과정에서 다른 효소들에 의한 다른 기작들이 수반된 것을 암시하였다. 백색부후균과 그들의 lignin 분해시스템을 염색폐수의 처리에 적용한 사례가 드물었기 때문에, 본 연구는 백색부후균을 이용하여 염색폐수의 색도제거 가능성을 조사하고 평가하였다는 측면에서 그 의의가 있다. White rot fungi can degrade efficiently lignin as well as a broad spectrum of recalcitrant aromatic pollutants by means of their extracellular lignin degrading system. In this study, decolorization of dyes and textile dye wastewater and production of lignin peroxidase LiP) using immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium PSBL-1 were investigated. To use as elementary information, enzymatic kinetics and stability of LiP were examined. LiP exhibited its optimum activity at 35℃ and pH 3.0. LiP was active at acidic condition. However, it became very unstable at such conditions. As the pH was raised, the activity of LiP was decreased, while the stability of Lip was increased. LiP activity was detected even at temperatures as low as 41℃. At 70℃, LiP rapidly lost all activity within 10 min. UP requires H₂O₂ for activity. However, LiP was inactivated in the presence of a poor substrate and excess H₂O₂. Veratryl alcohol (VA) protected inactivation of LiP by excess H₂O₂. This results indicate that veratryl alcohol acts as catalytic recycling agent of LiP. Optimum culture conditions and medium compositions for the production of LiP from immobilized white rot fungus were established for their applications. Immobilization of fungal cell on solid porous support to mimic their natural environment in wood tissue was effective method for the production of LiP. Non-immersed liquid culture system provided overproduction of UP as a result of increased oxygen availability in balanced media. Sponge was best carrier among the tested materials. Agitation speed and nitrogen concentration were very important factors for the production of LiP. LiP productivity was significantly improved as nitrogen concentration was increased up to 44 mM NH₄^+. VA stimulated the production of LiP protecting inactivation of LiP by H₂O₂ produced during the incubation and it also maintained the higher productivity of LiP. Maximum production of LiP was 1,472 U/L under nitrogen excess condition with addition of VA and it was very high level in comparison with other researcher's results. Decolorization of various dye compounds by both LiP and white rot fungus was examined. LiP could decolorize the most of dyes including dye mixture. However, disperse dyes were not easily decolorized due to a insolubility. Decolorization rates of individual dyes depended on their structures. As dye concentration was increased, much amounts of LiP and H₂O₂ were required to obtain the same decolorization rate. Decolorization rates of black and blue dyes were higher than those of red and yellow dyes. In the decolorization of dyes, catalytic efficiency of LiP was higher than MnP. VA also stimulated the decolorization rates of dyes and this results indicate that it acts as a redox mediator. Dyes were decolorized more efficiently by immobilized fungal culture. Dyes were also decolorized under non-ligninolytic condition. Acid Blue 29 was completely decolorized up to 1 mM and it was also completely decolorized despite of the repeated dye addition. Immobilized fungal culture proved to be effective at treatment of high dye loading. Reactor system with immobilized fungal cell was not operated well due to fouling of fermenter as a result of excess fungal growth Unexpectedly, decolorization rate of textile dye wastewater by LiP was very low. However, textile dye wastewater was decolorized up to 83% by immobilized fungal culture although the very low amount of LiP was produced. This results suggested that other enzymes than ligninases were involved in the decolorization of textile dye wastewater. Because there are few studies on the decolorization of real textile dye effluent, the possibility of the decolorization of real textile dye wastewater was estimated in this study. White rot fungus and their lignin degrading system still have potential applications for the biological treatment of textile dye wastewater. Further studies are necessary for their applications.

      • 지방 R&D 조직내 연구원들의 이중조직몰입에 관한 연구 : 지역특화센터를 중심으로

        이기동 영남대학교 경영대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study researched and analyzed the factor that influences on the professional commitment, organizational commitment and intentions of turnover and the management plan of human resources focusing the research worker in regional growth centers. For research workers in the regional growth center it has shown that the need for achievement and autonomy influence positively on both two variables, professional commitment and organizational commitment. It also has shown high dual commitment for the organization and profession. While the need for achievement decreases the intention of turnover, it has shown that the task identity increases the intention of turnover. Therefore it is believed that the research worker who is responsible for project and business has more tendency to move to better institute or university. We have found out that the more research worker perceives the job insecurity, the more research worker wants to change the job. In between the independent variables(personal characteristics, work characteristics and job insecurity) and the professional commitment of regional growth center workers, the moderating effect of perceived organizational support was no In between the independent variables(task significance and job insecurity) and organizational commitment among the job characteristics, the Perceived Organizational Support(POS) has shown a negative moderate effect. The POS has also shown a positive moderate effect in between the task significance and intention of turnover. What this means is that when the research worker perceived by organization support, it reduces the organizational commitment of research worker who has high task significance and increases the intentions of turnover. It shows us that as the person(the short longevity and/or Master researcher) in charge of this center increases POS, contrarily it might increases the intention of turnover rather than to commit to the organization.

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