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      • The Effect of Pressure on Nucleation in Undercooled Liquids : 윤우영

        윤우영 Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison 1987 해외박사

        RANK : 247647

        금속 응고의 초기 단계인 핵생성에 대한 이해는 많은 과냉연구를 통해 이루어졌다. 급속응고에 대한 이론적 고찰 또한 과냉을 이용한 핵생성 연구를 바탕으로 증진되어 왔다. 본 연구는 핵생성의 과냉이외의 또 다른 중요한 함수인 압력을 변수로 금속응 고에 대한 보다 깊은 이해를 목적으로 한다. 본 연구는 크게 세 분야로 나누어져 있는 데, 첫번째로는 핵생성이론을 압력변수로 고찰하고 몇(Bi 와 Sh)모델 실험과의 비교도 고. 액 계면 에너지 불균질 핵생성 촉매 능력, f(θ)등의 핵생성 Kinetics에 대한 연구 이고, 두번째는 압력의 조절 (가압 및 감압속도)을 통한 핵생성 현상을 연구하였고, 세번째는 압력을 이용한 유리한 생성조건 조절로 인한 준안정상의 핵생성 (Pb-Sn 계) 의 촉진에 관한 연구였다. 결론적으로 과냉과 함께 압력을 변수로 금속의 핵생성 및 상변태에 관한 이론과 실험을 겸비한 논문이다. The global nuclear nonproliferation regime (the NPT regime), based on the NPT, the IAEA, the UN, and the NSG, tends to rely on the supply-side strategic options such as export controls, diversion controls, and punitive sanctions. However, in spite of its remarkable achievements, the NPT regime reveals its limitations in halting nuclear proliferation. In this situation, the demand-side strategy, based on the strategic bargaining for reducing the aspirations of a proliferator for nuclear weapons, emerges as an alternative to nuclear nonproliferation, The North Korean case of nuclear proliferation (from mid 199 1 to December 1995) is an exemplary one which showed the potential of the demand-side strategy. As the NPT regime failed to fully dissuade North Korea from going nuclear, the U.S. and South Korea stroke several bargaining deals with North Korea in order to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. North Korea tried to protect or promote its national interests by using its nuclear proliferation option as bargaining leverage. Meanwhile, the U.S. and South Korea adopted diverse strategic options which could affect the incentives and disincentives of North Korea for nuclear weapons. North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S. as bargaining parties faced a variety of uncertainties which they had to cope with in order to enhance the procedural or substantive rationality of their strategic choices. In the strategic bargaining to resolve the North Korean nuclear dispute, the patterns of uncertainty management (uncertainty ignoring, uncertainty reduction, uncertainty accommodation, and uncertainty overlooking) influenced the strategic choices of North Korea, South Korea, and the U. S.(conceding strategy, demanding strategy, and compromising strategy). Moreover, the patterns of uncertainty management also affected the bargaining outputs (conflict, cooperation, and capitulation) by influencing the combination of strategic choices of bargaining parties. Uncertainty as a critical variable had a significant impact on the dynamicity of the strategic nuclear bargaining. This research has significance in three dimensions. In theoretical terms, this research contributes to developing the managerial approach to uncertainty which is newly emerging because of the limitations of the analytic approach to uncertainty. In practical terms, this research helps the understanding of the nuclear incentives, bargaining strategies, and bargaining tactics of North Korea as a nuclear proliferator. In policy terms, this research shows the weaknesses of the supply-side options of the NPT regime, especially the IAEA nuclear inspections and the UN sanctions. Meanwhile, this research reveals the limitations and potential of the demand-side strategic options which can be selected within or beyond the NPT regime. Index Words: Analytic approach, Conflict, Cooperation, Diversion controls, Export controls, IAEA, Managerial approach, NPT, NPT regime, North Korea, Nuclear Incentives, Nuclear nonproliferation, Nuclear proliferation, Punitive sanctions, Strategic choice, Supply-side strategy, UN, UN Sanctions, Uncertainty, Uncertainty management,

      • C×R 空間에서 二次方程式의 恨의 幾何學的 表示에 對하여

        윤우영 단국대학교 교육대학원 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The linear and quadratic equations must be studied after the linear and quadratic fuction are dealt in secondary schools. The reason might be to visualize the shape of the existence of the roots of equation by geometrical representation of two functions y=f(x) and y=0. Bur the case of quadratic equations have a little problem, whose roots were imaginary numbers. It is well known that the imaginary numbers can not be represented on real line by geometrical method, The most of students in secondary schools have a question why it can not be expressed in geometrical figure. It might be very interesting if the complex roots of quadratic equations could be visualized as the case of real distinct roots. But we have a idea that we can give a complex plane instead of real line. So a new space C×R which is 3-dimensional are needed to be introduced and new function which is real valued function of complex variables, f:C→R, f(ξ,η)=y. In chapter II, the geometrical representation of the roots of guadratic equation in C×R space are givem. In chapter III, the conclusion that the extension space, C×R is very useful for students to understand the existence of imaginary root and to generalize the roots of quadratic equations are descrived.

      • 사상체질과 대사증후군 유발에 관한 코호트 연구

        윤우영 尙志大學校 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Purpose : This study is to investigate the related factors to contribute the metabolic syndrome according to Sasang constitution. Methods : 926 persons out of 1774 persons, over 40 years old, participated in community-based cohort in Wonju City of South Korea from June 2006 to August 2009. The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was carried out by NCEP-ATP Ⅲ((National Cholesterol Education Program in Adult Treatment Panel Ⅲ) and Asian Pacific Criteria for abdominal obesity. The related factors were checked using questionnaire and blood samples. Sasang constitution was verified by a Sasang constitution specialist using the results of PSSC(Phonetic System for Sasang Constitution), facial pictures and simplified Sasang constitutional questionnaires. Metabolic syndrome incidence rate according to Sasang constitution and binary logistic regression analysis were performed with SPSS 19.0. Results : Metabolic syndrome incidence rate was 30.3% and the majority of newly categorized as metabolic syndrome was Taeeumin(40.7%). There were significant risk factors like systolic blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, triglyceride and female and a significant defense factor like HDL-cholesterol. In terms of constitutional view, there were significant risk factors like waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride in Soyangin, female, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, triglyceride in Taeeumin, female, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride in Soeumin. And there was a significant defense factor like HDL-cholesterol in only Taeeumin. Conclusions : Regimens on metabolic syndrome should be changed according to Sasang constitution. Taeeumin female and Soeumin female should be cautious of body weight and metabolic syndrome when elderly. There are more cautious risk factors in each constitution; systolic blood pressure and triglyceride in Soyangin and fasting blood sugar and serum lipids levels in Soeumin and Taeeumin.

      • 물성표현에 의한 생명성의 형상화에 관한 연구

        윤우영 弘益大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본인의 회화적 구성은 모든 부분들이 하나로 집약되지 않고 그것들이 상호관련을 가지므로써 가치를 지니게 된다는 사고로부터 나온다고 할 수 있다. 화면에서 보여지는 무수히 많은 점, 선, 면들은 상호연관성을 통하여 시각화되어지며 예술로써 승화되어 질 수 있는 것이다. 화면을 가득 메우는 올 오버(All over) 형식으로 진행되는 본인의 작업방식은 이러한 사고로부터 나오며 한가지가 아닌 중첩된 이미지를 보여줌으로써 폐쇄적인 생각에서 벗어나 다변적이고 새로움을 추구하려는 포스트 모더니즘적 특징을 강하게 보여주고 있다. 자연의 일부분을 그림으로 표현해 낸다는 것, 그것이 구상이든 비구상이든 아니면 오브제나 캔버스에서 떨어져 나온 입체물이든 자신의 생각이 반영된다는 점에서는 동일하다고 보았다. 중요한 것은 작가가 표현하려는 의도가 작업에 충분히 반영되었는지 아닌지에 있다는 점이다. 때론 의도하지 않은 우연의 효과를 얻을 수도 있으며, 작업하는 과정에서도 끊임없이 생각과 의도가 바뀌어 가는 경험을 하게 된다. 심지어 에스키스와 전혀 다른 결과를 얻게 되는 경우도 있다. 작품을 감상하는 관객들은 작가가 만들어낸 결과물을 감상하며 나름대로의 상상을 하게 될 것이다. 그러므로 작품이 시사하는 바에 있어서의 요지는 작가가 의도한 처음의 생각이 아니라 가장 마지막의 붓 터치에 있지 않을까 생각한다. 결국 그림이란 그려지는 과정에서의 느낌에 의해 결정되는 것이며, 작가와 관객과의 사이에 교통(Reaction)이 이루어지며 작품은 빛을 발하고 완성되어 질 수 있는 것이다. 본인에게 있어 자연이 특별한 무엇은 아니다. 일상생활 속에서 느껴지는 안과 밖, 그 주변의 아주 사소한 것들에서 시작하여 하늘과 바다의 심연으로까지 이어지게 되었는데, 생명체(生命體)라는 모체를 바탕으로 생성, 변화해 가는 자연의 무한함을 친환경적 감정이입을 통하여 무의식적인 내면의 발현으로 다채롭고 다변적으로 표현하려 하였다. 이러한 시각에서 본인은 생명체의 유기적 이미지에 대해 보다 구체적이고 적극적인 시각을 견지하면서 작품의 근본개념으로 삼아 생명체의 근원적인 속성인 성장과 지속성을 회화작품 속에 구현하고자 하였다. The very beginning step of my painting jobs is to understand that all parts of a whole entity do not converge but interconnect each other to create a value. It's through interconnections among numerous dots, lines, and sides on the canvass that there appear the visualization and the sublimation into art. This way of thinking of mine gives a starting boost to my work to fill the canvass in the all-over method. My works are strongly characterized by the postmodernistic features, which pursue escapes out of enclosed ideas and many-sided, new things with many overlapping images instead of one. When one depicts a part of nature, he or she can share a common characteristic of the job with others doing the same line of work in that he or she reflects his or her ideas in the work, no matter whether the work is figurative or non-figurative and the objet is abstract or something solid distant from the canvass. What is differentiating is whether the intentions of the artist are fully reflected in the work or not. In the process, one can benefit from unexpected effects or experience ongoing changes to his or her ideas and intentions. There are even the cases where the result is totally different from the esquisse. When looking at the work, the audience will find their own ways to appreciate it and go into their own world of imagination. That's why I believe it is not the artist's original intention but his or her final brush touches that can deliver more significant implications to the audience. After all, a painting is decided by the feelings felt during the working process and appreciated by the communication between the artist and the audience, which is the very way an artistic work can stand out among others and be completed artistically. To me, nature is nothing particular. It is represented by the most trivial things around me and in and outside of my everyday routine, as well as the sky and the deep sea. In my work, I tried to empathize the infiniteness of nature that is manifested in the diverse forms of growing and changing based on the matrix called life in an environment-friendly way. Furthermore, my efforts were also made to transform the unconscious expressions of my inner side into the colorful, multilateral representations. In this respect, my approach toward my work was more concrete and active in considering the organic images of life forms and served as the fundamental concept of the work, which thrives on the theme of growth and continuation that are the underlying attributes of life forms.

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