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      • BSC 성과관리제도의 수용성 제고 방안 연구 : 충청남도교육청을 중심으로

        유희성 한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 교육청에 도입된 지 3~4년 경과된 BSC(Balanced Score Card)를 기반으로 하는 성과관리제도에 대한 조직 구성원들의 수용성(acceptance) 수준과 이에 영향을 미치는 요인들과의 관련성을 실증적으로 분석하여 현재 BSC의 위치를 파악하고, 향후 제도가 연착륙할 방안을 도출하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 선행연구를 분석하여 조사도구를 구성하였으며, 연구대상은 충청남도교육청 소속 공무원으로 한정하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 BSC 성과관리제도의 수용성은 Duncan(1981)의 도구를 중심으로 하여, 황성원(2007), 안재호(2007), 강영철(2008), 남창우ㆍ이명숙(2008), 고석호(2009), 이석환ㆍ조주연(2010) 등의 연구에서 사용한 도구를 수정ㆍ보완하여 구성하였다. 조사도구의 독립변인으로는 조직ㆍ직무특성변인(조직몰입, 직무만족, 조직문화, 리더십)과 제도적 변인(성과관리제도 정당성, 성과관리지표, 성과관리 정보시스템, 성과관리교육 및 경영층의 관심, 보상체계, 평가결과의 연계성)으로 구성하였다. 조절변인으로는 직급과 근무처로 구성하였다. 설문조사는 충청남도교육청 소속 기관 공무원을 대상으로 하여 351부가 배포되어 341부가 회수되었으며, 이중 자료선별(data cleaning)과정을 거쳐 분석에 활용한 자료는 총 307부이다. 수집된 자료에 대한 분석은 SPSSWIN 통계프로그램을 사용하여, 빈도분석, 차이검증, 상관관계분석, 다중회귀분석기법을 적용하였으며 가설 검증을 위한 통계적 유의수준은 5% 이하로 하였다. 이 연구를 통하여 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조사대상자는 남성 168(54.7%), 여성 139(45.3%)명이었고, 연령은 35세 이하가 71명(23.1%), 36~40세, 41~45세가 각각 69명(22.5%)이었다. 직종은 일반직이 236명(76.9%)이었고, 학력은 대졸이 186명(60.6%), 근무년수는 16~20년 사이가 74명(24%)로 가장 많았다. 직급은 10~8급이 103명(33.6%), 7급이 79명(25.7%), 6급인 81명(26.4%)이었으며, 근무처는 학교가 107(34.9%)명, 지역교육청 93명(30.3%)으로 나타났다. 둘째, 성과관리제도에 대한 수용성 평균 수준은 3.31점, 조직ㆍ직무특성 변인군은 3.59~3.70점, 제도적 변인군은 2.95~3.69점으로 조사되었다. 하위변인 중에서는 교육의 필요성 인식이 4.04점, 직무의 환경이 4.02점으로 높았고, 성과평가 결과의 인식이 2.83점, 정보시스템의 활용성과 BSC의 자발적 학습이 각각 2.98점으로 낮은 수준이었다. 셋째, 직급에 따라 조직몰입은 p<0.001의 수준에서 유의미한 차이를 보였고, 리더십은 p<0.05의 수준에서 통계적으로 유의미한 결과를 보였다. 근무처에 따라서는 직무만족과 성과관리지표는 p<0.05 수준에서, 성과관리교육 및 경영층의 관심은 p<0.01의 수준에서 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 넷째, 성과관리제도의 수용성과의 상관관계는 조직ㆍ직무특성군의 4개 변인(조직몰입, 직무만족, 조직문화, 리더십), 제도적 변인군 6개 변인(성과관리제도 정당성, 성과관리지표, 성과관리 정보시스템, 성과관리교육 및 경영층의 관심, 인센티브, 평가결과의 연계성)들과 모두 p<0.001의 수준에서 상관관계를 보였다. 다섯째, 수용성에 대한 관련변인들의 설명력을 규명하기 위한 다중회귀분석결과 결정계수 R2 값이 0.543(F값: 89.737, p=.000)으로 나타났으며, 그 중에서 성과관리 정보시스템이 β 값 0.363으로 가장 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났고, 평가결과의 연계성(β=0.276), 성과관리제도 정당성(β=0.210), 인센티브(β=0.142)순이었다. 이러한 연구결과를 통하여 BSC 성과관리제도의 수용성을 제고하기 위해 다음과 같이 제언 하고자 한다. 첫째, 충청남도교육청 공무원들의 성과관리제도에 대한 수용성 수준, 성과관리제도에 대한 교육의 필요성 인식 및 직무 환경은 높게 나타났으나, 성과평가 결과의 인식, 정보시스템의 활용성과 BSC의 자발적 학습은 아주 낮은 수준이었다. 따라서 높은 수용성 수준에 부응하는 성과관리에 대한 교육과 자발적인 학습 분위기 조성, 정보시스템 개선 등이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 직급에 따라서는 조직몰입과 리더십이, 근무처에 따라서는 직무만족, 성과관리지표, 성과관리교육 및 경영층의 관심이 유의미한 차이가 있으므로, 수용성에 영향을 미치는 요인일지라도 직급별, 근무처별 처치를 달리해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 성과관리제도의 수용성을 높이기 위해 조직ㆍ직무(조직몰입, 직무만족, 조직문화, 리더십)변인과 제도적(성과관리제도 정당성, 성과관리지표, 성과관리 정보시스템, 성과관리교육 및 경영층의 관심, 인센티브, 평가결과의 연계성) 변인들을 긍정적으로 강화할 수 있는 방안이 고려되어야 할 것이다. 넷째, 조사대상자들의 높은 수용성을 바탕으로 성과관리 시스템의 주기적인 업그레이드를 통해 시행착오와 불일치를 시정하고, 성과평가결과를 사업예산, 조직관리, 승진과 전보 등 인사제도, 성과상여금, 보수와의 연계방안을 마련해야 하며, 우수한 결과에 대한 실질적이고 과감한 인센티브제를 법ㆍ제도로서 뒷받침해야 할 것이다.

      • 지렁이를 이용한 유기성슬러지 처리 자동화 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        유희성 水原大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지렁이가 자연생태계에서 유기성물질을 섭취한 후 생체증식 및 안정화된 배설물을 배출하는 지렁이의 생태학적인 능력을 이용하여 유기성슬러지를 환경 친화적으로 처리하고 재활용할 수 있는 mechanism을 규명하고 실용 가능성을 검토할 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 현장적용 실험을 실시하였다. 지렁이를 이용한 유기성슬러지 재활용 처리기술과 분변토의 탈황제 및 퇴비화 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 Vermistabilization의 기초 연구인 유기성슬러지의 성분실험, 지렁이 분변토의 성분실험, 지렁이 생육조건 실험을 수행하였다. 또한 Vermistabilization의 적용조건 실험인 지렁이 생육밀도에 따른 슬러지 처리효율, 사육상의 슬러지 깊이 변화에 따른 슬러지 처리효율, Screen Size에 따른 지렁이 및 분변토 분리 처리효율등의 실험자료를 분석하여 Vermistabilization의 슬러지 처리 최적조건과 슬러지 처리속도, 지렁이 생산속도, 분변토 생산속도등의 지렁이 동력학적 상수를 얻었으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 유기성 하수슬러지는 Vermistabilization 중요 지표값을 모두 만족하여 부숙등 전처리를 하지 않고 직접 Vermistabilization으로 처리할 수 있으며 지렁이가 유기성 하수슬러지를 섭취 후 배설한 분변토의 퇴비화 가능성을 검토한 결과NO_(3)-N , PO_(4)-P등 충분한 영양염류와 유기질이 다량 함유되어 있어 유기질 비료로 가치가 높은 것으로 판단된다. 또한 유기성 하수슬러지 처리 자동화 시스템을 개발하기 위하여 경기도 안성에 설치한 Pilot plant의 운전 결과를 살펴보면 운전을 시작한 16일차 부터 평균 분변토 발생량은 464kg/day로 평균 슬러지 투입량 1017 kg/day로 보았을 때 평균 처리효율이 54%에 달하였으며, 투입 슬러지의 평균 함수율은 80%였고 10일 처리기간을 지난 분변토의 평균 함수율은 60%의 값을 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 지렁이를 이용한 유기성 하수슬러지 처리 시스템 개발은 활용 가능성이 매우 높을 것으로 사료된다. In this study, the fundamental mechanisms of natural treatment of organic sludge using the eco-systematic capability of earthworm and its casting, that it absorbs organic substances, increases a living body and disposes the vermi-stabilized excrements, was experimentally performed and also, its applicable feasibilities were studied on the bench-scaled plant. At first, the properties of organic sewage sludges and earthworm casting were analyzed and the optimal living conditions of earthworm were found to carry out the followed experimental steps. Secondly, the treatment efficiency of sludge with changes of the cultural density of earthworm and the depth in the growth bed was investigated. Thirdly, the bio-kinetic studies to figure out the reaction constants for the sludge treatment rate, the earthworm growth rate and the earthworm casting production rate were performed. From these studies, the following results were observed: 1) With no pre-treatments of sludge, for instance, decomposition, it could be directly treated because of the satisfaction of criterion indices needed for vermi-stabilization. 2) For the feasibility of application of earthworm casting as the biological fertilizer, it has been found that it abundantly contains organic nutrients, such as NO_(3)-N and PO_(4)-P, and organic substances and highly appreciated as a good fertilizer. 3) For the studies on the bench-scaled plant, in order to develop the automation process system for the sludge treatment, the average production rate of earthworm casting was 464 kg/day and the average treatment efficiency was 54%, on the basis of the average sludge input, 1,017 kg/day and the period of operations, 16 days. And also, the average water content of treated sludge was below 60%, that is an excellent de-watering efficiency. From this study, the development system of treatment of organic sewage sludges by using the earthworm and its casting could be highly evaluated to be successful for the commercialized processes.

      • HEMINGWAY의 硏究 : 그의 Morality를 中心으로

        柳熙成 전북대학교 1974 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        One of the characteristics of 20th Century literature is thought to be a challenge to the tendency of the collectivization and the standardization of a human being's dignity or individuality. The last two Great Wars have disintegrated the existing value system of the former generation. As a result, it brought about an ethical vacuum state. Accordinggly, Hemingway's literature established a new ethical foundation by way of restoring a human being's dignity or individuality. In his works from his early collection of short stories, "In Our Time" to his last work. "The Old Man and the Sea". Hemingway made a consistent attempt to recognize, enlarge, and observe "the Self". In other words, he tried to describe psychological relationships - antagonism, intricacy, split, and harmony etc. - created between " the Self" and "the Anti-Self". That is the essence of Hemingway's literary moral which is the main argument of this thesis. Hemingway's young hero, Nick Adams, gradually initiates his self-recognition in the psychological relationships created in the conflict between "the Self" and "the Anti-Self". Hemingway exquisitely describes Nick's escaping process from a protective environmental shadow. One time Nick happened to have a first experience in human sufferings violence, death etc. With this experience he makes an attempt to reconstruct his father-image, which has been an absolute authority-figure to him. By way of experiencing irrational affairs in the grown-ups world, including his home. Nick Adams starts his mental escapism out of the protective world of grown-ups. Now at the age of puberty, he becomes aware of not only the real aspects of life immanent in "the great cycle of existence", but also the decline and death unavoidable in the order of nature in the universe. Now, escaping out of the protective world of his parents and plunging himself into the cruel and ruthless world of "the Anti-Self" on his own. Nick Adams starts a ceaseless fight against the world of "the Anti-Self" full of violence, murder, wars and so forth. In the course of such a crucial fight. Nick not only becomes faced with the fatal limitation of a human being, but also keenly experiences the nothingness of life, in which he sets about to grope for the basis of new life. Nick tries to establish a moral code of his own by repeating his sporadical actions in the ethical vacuum state. But the code itself is nothing more than ephemeral. Here again does "the Self" become so imminently confronted with the fatal limitation of life that it becomes shut up within the cold wall of reality without "way-out", order, light ; "the chaos of non-meaning." However, this nada becomes "the still moment" or "the moment of truth." "the existential moment" which requires self-decision of Hemingway's characters. Eventually even in the ultimate nothingness and the complete darkness of hopelessness can they establish a limited realm which is composed of light, order, and meaning. Protecting the individuality of man which has been regained in this way and acutely resisting becoming "an agential being" which disguises itself as "a non-being," Hemingway's characters try to keep on restoring their individuality. Hemingway suggests that each person should prevent his own inward personality from being disassembled by opposing any outward authority and maintaining "a separate peace" as a means of leading a conduct of his own. In short, Hemingway insists that every man should establish a new realm of ethics so that he may fundamentally exist as "an individual being" which is completely disconnected from the existing traditions, society, and even God. Since religion, at least to Hemingway, is a somewhat peripheral thing, not a center of our living, he strongly rejects any form of dependent actions, but demands man-centered living. In other words, he requires htat each man should create his own "Self" and fill it with meanings by using individual ethics and an aesthetical point of view. Among the modern masses who remain deeply alienated did Hemingway struggles for the undefeated human being-image through his whole life. This is, as above-mentioned, considered to be the essence of his literary moral. To the moderns who are now losing the meaning of their living do I want to repeat what Hemingway himself exclaimed : "But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."

      • 정신지체아동의 인물화에 나타난 심리적 표현 특성

        유희성 조선대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It is assumed that the mentachallenged have existed since human history began and education targeted for them has been developed greatly from education of a wild kid by Itard ? in the 15th century to the modern integrated education. However, in terms of its educational contents and methods, the need for further development needs to be addressed. Therefore, this study was designed to analyze psychological characteristics of the mentally-challenged through an examination of portraits as a mirror of complex self-image and to identify their developmental level to help find proper methods in terms of education and clinical research. Seven students of the Y Special School located in Jeonnam were interviewed for psychological diagnosis with an analysis standard of portraits presented by "おおとも". The results of the study were as follows: 1. Characteristics of portraits according to developmental stages and index of the mentally-challenged stay between Stage 2 or 4 for children between the ages of 4 and 9, which is two and three stages lower than the normal developmental stage of students in the same age group. It is worse than it is portrayed in the copying pictures (Myohwa, Yun Jeong-bang 1980) of the mentally-challenged. Next, their portraits focused on faces as a reaction to developmental index of portraits and points were between 13 and 20. Then, in a comparative review of results of preceding studies (Lee Ho-young, 1988), there was a significant consistency in expression of the children, omitted expression and expressional types. 2. Observations shown in portraits, survey of characters, and analysis standards of portraits were as follows : it was observed that they were impatient, distractive, stubborn, impulsive and passive. In symbolic meaning shown in representational characteristics of portraits, their potential characters such as aggressive, optimistic, passive, dependent, selfish and inferior were analyzed. When characteristics according to analytical standards of portraits were examined, there were four students with biased self-motive, two with bi-polar self-motive and one with passive behavior. As they were stubborn, selfish, masculine, and optimistic while being passive and feminine, they shrank with mental conflict, frustrated desires, feelings of inferiority and dependency. These characteristics were identified with general characters of the mentally-challenged children. Also there were problems related to neurotic factors, inferiority due to physical disorder and parents' attitude about the mentally-challenged children.

      • 비점오염저감을 위한 여과형응집 시설에 관한 연구

        유희성 수원대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, "the laboratory scaled operation facility", in purpose of reducing the non-point sources due to the increase of impermeable levels and industrial activities, consisted of filtration and coagulation as a basic unit process. The treatment efficiencies with changes of filtration medias and stirrer types in tank reactor were experimentally analysed. Filtration medias were selected and optimized to satisfy good treatment efficiencies and management conditions for the engineering scale-up and operation. Coagulation unit was positioned in the second process after filtration to complement the single filtration process unit and was performed to increase the removal efficiency of organic matters, total nitrogen(T-N), and total phosphorus(T-P) concentrations. In order to optimize the coagulation effects, various coagulants were tested and selected to show good performance. And also, stirring intensities with different types of impellers in tank reactor were studied. With given experimental conditions and different concentrations (150~300 ppm) of inlet flow, efficiencies of treatment and losses of head were measured and analysed to figure out the hydraulic overloads of unit processes. In addition, fluid flows with different types of stirring impellers were computationally modelled and simulated to study the intensities of flow turbulence and the efficiencies of coagulation. For this study, CFX program with CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes from ANSYS was applied. From this study, conclusions were summarized as following: 1) From the selection of filtration media, the optimal weight % ratio of perlite and bio-ceramic was shown to be 2 : 1. On this ratio, the treatment efficiency of BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P was 30.9%, 31.4%, 86.2%, 34.2%, 51.7%, respectively. In particular, the removal of SS was highly observed. 2) The losses of head with different concentrations of inlet flow were shown to increase as the concentrations were high. The loss of head in this study was analysed to be lower than 30㎝ that was given by the management and operation manual of non-point sources. In further study, the concentrations of inlet flow into the treatment process for the loss of head higher than 30㎝ should be more analysed. 3) At 150 ppm of the concentration of inlet flow, the overall treatment efficiency of BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P was 50.6%, 49.4%, 80.0%, 58.6%, 52.4%, respectively. At 200 ppm, the overall treatment efficiency of BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P was 53.8%, 31.4%, 84.5%, 54.8%, 61.9%, respectively. At 250 ppm, the overall treatment efficiency of BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P was 57.3%, 49.2%, 83.1%, 70.5%, 61.3%, respectively. At 300 ppm, the overall treatment efficiency of BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P was 69.3%, 59.9%, 90.2%, 82.3%, 74.3%, respectively. For all overloads of suspended solids, removal efficiency of SS was shown to be higher than 80%. 4) For the section of coagulant, PAC was analysed to have the highest performance of removal. Alum (Al2(SO4)3), however, in comparison of treatment efficiency and economical cost, was selected in this study. In further study, a variety of coagulants including polymeric or inorganic coagulants should be more evaluated. 5) Rectangular type (1.6 × 5.0) of impeller in tank reactor was shown to give the best performance of flow turbulence and stirring intensity by CFX computational analysis (calculations of convergence or divergence) and simulations. In this study, the computer graphic display was observed to be a good simulation tool for the different types of impellers. The laboratory scaled process facility, operated in this study, should be continuously analysed and studied further in order to have larger engineering scale-up and application. Moreover, the engineering design efforts on process facility, capable of reducing non-point sources with easily manageable operations should be desired in further study.

      • 敎育行政公務員의 組織沒入에 관한 硏究 : 忠淸南道 敎育行政公務員을 中心으로

        유희성 韓南大學校 行政政策大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We live in a new type of world today, intelligent information society that succeeded agricultural society which followed by industrial society. Development of information technology network which shall be symbolized with internet resulted in cruel competitions among countries by globalization and tendency for more open-door policies. For this reason each country, as a means for survival in limitless international competition, seeks intensively in improving competitive power of the country in every aspect of society. In situations like this, interest in productivity of public administrations are rising and administrative reformation such as adapting private sectors' administration strategy is being conducted. To survive as a administrative organization, development of strategy and reform of network which can strengthen the compatability of administrative network is most essential. Most of all attitudes and behaviors of members towards the organization is an important variable factor as members are the ground work force of organizations. Given the background as above, the study using the concept of organizational commitment is done by analyzing the initial cause of members' attitude and behavior towards the organization and the effects of them and studying the ways to raise organization's productivity. Organizational commitment is an individual attitude towards an organization, it is accepting organization's goal and being motivated to work his or her best with adoration for the organization. Organizational commitment arouses interests of researchers and organizational leaders for that one of the resulting factors of organizational commitment, work result, has a close interrelationship. Of numerous possible methods to raise compatibilities of local educational administrative field, recruiting exceptional human resource and inducing organizational commitment to reach organization's goal with existing human resource in the organization for effective development and propulsion of educational policies is most consequential. Individual characteristics such as gender, age, length of employment, and education background, satisfaction level of task, organizational system centralization or decentralization of power, role in the organization, fairness in personnel disposition, impartiality of salary, work environment are influential factors for organizational commitment though there were some variations in various surveys. The purpose of this study is realization of the low productivity level in the educational administrative organizations, investigation of practical goal and theology to find solutions for low productivity level, finding method of managing human resources to raise validation of administrative organizations, and developing programs to enhance organizational commitment by analysing the actual cases on factors for government employees' organizational commitment. To reach this goal, unique background of educational administration was grasped and with documents and previously done studies, theoretical background of organizational commitment was explained. Theoretical analysis model for this study was determined and operational identification on hypothesis and variable factors and questionnaires for measuring materials were arranged based on results of previous studies. Characteristics of samples for analysis was organized by studying the frequency of questionnaires, characteristics in accordance with the factors on background was studied by cross analysing, and established hypothesis was verified by analysing interrelationship. Here is more detailed summary of above. The concept, organizational commitment was defined as ‘accepting the goal of the organization and an attitude of trying one's best with love for the organization' with the view that is the attitude what government employees have towards the administrative system for identifying the cause and effect of variable factors that influence government employees' organization commitment. Using systemized surveys on variable factors of organizational commitment, which are accepting organizational goal, love for the organization and efforts for the organization in educational administrative public service employees in Choongchungnam province, each case was analyzed to find out the result of analytic model. The analytic model is consisted of four factors listed below. Characteristic of task(skill variety·task significance·task autonomy·task challenge·task identity·feedback on task), characteristic of organization(fair promotion·participation value·centralization of power·relationship with superior·impartiality of salary·cohesive power), individual psychological characteristic(belief in others·willingness·desire for achievement·ability), and individual variable factors(gender·age·educational background·position in the organization·length of employment·place of employment·monthly household income). Below is the summarized corroborative result done by frequency analysis, cross classification analysis, and correlation analysis. First, the average organizational commitment level of educational administrative public service employees is 3.04(with the standard deviation of 1.01) which is not significantly lower than other government employees. Secondly, of variable task factors which is believed to have impact on organizational commitment, task significance, task autonomy, task challenge, and task identity were analysed to be at above average while skill variety and feedback were not meeting the standards. Thirdly, among the organizational characteristics factors which represent the environment of organization, participation value, and power of centralization was high while fairness of promotion, impartiality of salary, relationship with superior, and cohesive power was low. Fairness of promotion and impartiality of salary were analysed as extremely low, therefore ideal promotions and salary system has to be established to enhance organizational commitment. Finally there is, though it somewhat lacks regularity, psychological characteristics of individuals which effects organizational commitment. This analysis shows, belief in others, desire for achievements, and ability are high and it shows avoidance of difficult task in the organization. Here are some suggestions on policies to raise public workers level of organizational commitment based on the result of this study. First, uniqueness and specialty of educational administrative activities has to be perceived by educational administrative public service workers and they have to be trained to have professional knowledge and ability and skill to take work related tasks. Secondly, work environment needs to be improved in order for the government workers to realize that their job has significant meaning and a postulate where desire for success can be accomplished through task and organizational activities should be provided. Thirdly, distribution of resource within the organization and decentralization power on decision making process of enforcing tasks. And finally there has to be systematic program to accomplish fair promotion and impartial salary. I wish that more studies like this one are done in the future on organizational commitment and that leads to generalization of results of organizational commitment studies and the results be used for local government's basic resource for managing organizational network and human resource effectively.

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