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      • 수중용 레벨 메터의 제작 및 특성에 관한 연구

        양윤석 동아대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문에서는 용융염합성법에 의해 제조된 PZT분말과 Eccogel-45를 조합하여 유연성이 있는 1-3형 복합압전체를 제조하였으며, 이를 진동자로 사용하여 수중용 레벨메터를 제작하였다. 또한 수중에서 레벨메터로의 응용가능성을 검토하기 위해 Electric Unit을 자체 제작하였으며, PZT분말과 제작된 레벨메터의 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. PZT분말은 용융염합성법에 의해 제조되었으며, 800℃이상의 하소 온도에서 약90%이상의 페로브스카이트상의 생성을 확인할 수 있었다. 2. 고상반응법에 비해 용융염합성법에 의해 제조된 시편은 비유전율(K-(33)), 압전정수(d_(33)), 전기계결합계수(K_(p))가 크게 나타났다. 3. 동일한 하소온도(800℃) 및 소결온도 1,100(℃)에서 처리한 시편을 코드법으로 구한 용융염합성법의 경우 입자의 크기는 약 5∼7(㎛)로 고상반응법 3∼5(㎛)보다 크게 성장하여 낮은 온도에서 소결이 가능함을 확인하였다. 4. 자체 제작한 1-3형 복합압전체 탐촉자를 사용하여 피측정 레벨의 높이를 측정한 결과 최대 32cm정도의 레벨 범위에서는 비교적 정확하게 측정이 되어 수중용 Level mete로서 응용이 가능함을 확인하였다. In this study, 1-3 type composite specimens were fabricated with PZT Powders prepared by the molten-salt synthesis method and Eccogel polymer matrix. A virtual level-meter was fabricated with a 1-3 type composite probe and electronic for underwater application. Some properties of PZT powder and self-made level-meter are as follows: 1. PZT powder, which had a perovskite phase formation of about 90%, could be obtained by the molten-salt synthesis at over 800(℃ ) calcination temperature. 2. Properties, such as relative permittivity, piezoelectric constant and electromechanical coefficient, of PZT synthesized by the molten-salt synthesis method were larger than those of conventional solid reaction method. 3. There was good agreement between the virtual and measured level by using the self-made level meter with 1-3 type composite transducer within 32cm level. The maximum detected level was 32cm with the self-made 1-3 type ultrasonic composite transducer. As above experimental results, the self-made level-meter could be applied for underwater application even though it was not sufficient level distance compared to the commercial level meter.

      • 도료에 노출된 ETFE 재질 선박용 전기케이블의 난연성 및 외피 재질에 관한 연구

        양윤석 목포해양대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In recent years, the vessels manufacturing has been dramatically increased as a new building, as well as the repair works for annual survey as an onboard. It has happened many marine electric cables in the engine room are exposed to put a painting it on non-intentionally during the work. This study is to demonstrate the ability of the flammability for the marine electrical cables in the ship, which are painted and paint-removed to limit flame spread under the condition of fire and to clarify the material characteristics for under the condition of cables which are original, pained and paint-removed cables. In this paper, it was examined for the marine electric cables which are painted and paint-removed on ETFE typed insulation, in accordance with IEC Publication, 60332-3 as a flammability characteristic. In this particular, the sheath materials were tested for the original, painted and paint-removed cables in accordance with IEC Publication, 60092-359. It has been evaluated for the reliability of ETFE insulated cables which are painted and paint-removed.

      • 노즐형상비에 따른 디젤분무의 특성

        양윤석 濟州大學校 大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, diesel spray characteristics has been conducted to investigate the effect on nozzle aspect ratio(L/D). A single hole nozzle which is 0.45mm in diameter and 2.78, 3.89, 5 in the nozzle aspect ratio is used. Injection pressure is 14MPa and ambient pressure are 0.1MPa and 3MPa. By nozzle aspect ratio; the disintegration process of a diesel spray was observed. The double flash method has been employed to visualize the developing process of the diesel spray. The result obtained in this study are as follows. 1) In the case of the nozzle aspect ratio under the same nozzle diameter, injection pressure and ambient pressure is smaller, disturbance is the direct cause of atomization of spray so the break - up length decreases and the initial spray angle increases. With the result that the breakup process of the spray becomes especially more active in that point as the transition point of nozzle tip appears earlier. 2) When the spray is fully developed, the spray bottom is shown as no n - disturbance liquid column within about 1∼2mm from the nozzle tip. As nozzle aspect ratio is larger, non - disturbance liquid column becomes longer. 3) Due to the surface wave, ligaments of the shape thread appear at the boundary of liquid column right after spray. The mom developed wave together the progress of spray transforms ligaments into droplets that have generally the uniformed size. 4) In the case of nozzle aspect ratio 2.78, 3.89. 5 the spray injected under the ambient pressure has no great influence on the spray tip penetration but the transitional point occurred early in the order of nozzle aspect ratio 2.78, 3.89, 5 with the lapse of injection time. 5) In the period of initial injection, the spray angle has the large measurements in case of the small nozzle aspect ratio, while the fully developed spray has the largest spray angle in case of the nozzle aspect ratio is 3.89. 6) As a result we know that the disintegration process of a diesel spray nozzle aspect ratio is an important variable for the initial atomization and fully development spray has suitable nozzle aspect ratio.

      • 한국 구세군의 사회구원활동 및 신학 : 일제 시대를 중심으로

        양윤석 계명대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 한국 구세군이 일제 강점기에 어떤 사회구원사업을 수행했고 어떤 사회구원론을 가지고 있었는지를 살펴보는데 그 목적이 있다. 암울한 시대에 한국 구세군이 실시했던 사회구원사역을 시대별로 정리해서 사회구원관을 정립했다. 먼저, 초기 한국 구세군의 사회구원배경이 되는 웨슬리와 윌리엄 부스의 사회구원론을 살펴보면서 찾아가서 사회적 약자들에게 행하는 사역을 실시했던 것을 볼 수 있다. ‘찾아가서 만나라’라는 이러한 정신을 한국 구세군의 개척자인 허가두도 실천했고 사회적 혜택을 받지 못하고 살고 있던 여성들이나 청소년들, 노숙자들인 사회적 약자들에게 사회구원활동을 실시한 결과 80여 개의 교회를 6년만에 개척할 수 있었다. 이러한 찾아가서 만나는 정신으로 달려갔던 초기 한국 구세군인들의 그 열정이 있었기에 그 활동들이 초기 한국 구세군의 사회구원활동 및 신학으로 전개되어 오면서 지금에 이르렀다. 두 번째로, 초기 한국 구세군의 사회구원사역들은 여성, 청소년 계몽활동을 시작으로 모금, 교육, 긴급구호, 금주금연 절제활동 등의 지속적인 사회구제활동을 실시해 오고 있다. 이러한 100여 년의 사역의 결과로 인해 초기 한국 구세군의 사회구원론의 특징을 5가지로 정리했다. 첫째가 구세군 창립자인 부스의 정신을 이어받아 개인구원과 사회구원을 통합하는 전인구원사역을 실시했던 특징이 있다. 둘째로 사회적 약자들을 중시하여 그들을 위한 긴급구호활동에 적극적으로 사역했다. 셋째로 실질적인 나눔을 강조하기위해서 극기 모금 및 자선냄비를 실시해 오고 있으며, 넷째로 처음 시작했던 각종 사회구원활동들을 100여년이 지난 지금까지 지속적으로 실시해 오고 있다. 다섯째로 이러한 사회구원활동들을 통해 예수의 정신을 구현하여 이 땅에 남아있는 마지막 한 영혼까지 구원하여 하나님 나라를 이루겠다는 정신이 초기 한국 구세군의 사회구원활동의 특징인 것이다. 한국 구세군은 예수정신으로 사회악에 노출된 영혼들이 구원받을때까지 사회구원활동을 지속하여 하나님 나라를 이루는데 최선을 다해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this thesis is to review the work for social salvation that has been done by the Salvation Army in Korea during the period of the Japanese occupation, and to determine what kind of social soteriology was developed as a consequence. By a periodical categorizing of the works for social salvation done by the Salvation Army in Korea during that dark period of Korean history, I try to establish the Army’s doctrine of social salvation. First of all, by studying the social salvation doctrines of Wesley and William Booth, which are the background of social salvation of the Salvation Army in Korea, it shows that the Salvation Army formed various ministries for socially disadvantaged people by meeting the needs of these people. The motto 'Go and meet the need' was also practiced by the pioneer Officer of the Salvation Army in Korea, Robert Hoggard. Through the implementation of activities for the social salvation of socially disadvantaged people such as women, children and homeless people, the Salvation Army in Korea was able to plant around eighty ‘corps’ (churches) in six years. Thanks to the early Korean Salvationists' passion for 'go and meet the need', their activities contributed to the development of the social salvation theology of the Salvation Army in Korea from the past up to the present. Secondly, the efforts for social salvation by the Salvation Army in Korea in the early stage included ministries for women, the education of people of all ages, fundraising, emergency relief services, and teaching the importance of avoiding drinking and smoking. This work continues today. I then summarize the five characteristics of the Salvation Army’s doctrine of social salvation in Korea, which is the product of 100 years of ministry. First, it is distinguished by its holistic view for salvation, which means it tries to integrate personal salvation and social salvation in the manner set forth by William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. Second, this doctrine is marked by a serious concern for socially disadvantaged people. Third, this social salvation doctrine emphasizes practical sharing, self-denial fundraising and kettle appeal fundraising. Fourth, various activities of the Army’s social salvation are still in effect today, a hundred years since they were first introduced. Fifth, the characteristics of the early Salvation Army in Korea is that through the works of social salvation they realize the spiritual intention of Jesus on this earth, which is to win every soul for God and to establish the Kingdom of God, - but until the day comes when all souls have heard the gospel and all social evils have been eliminated, the Salvation Army in Korea will continue to carry out its mission.

      • Comparative study of IL-1α and lipid peroxide in comedone between adult and adolescent acne

        양윤석 경희대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Background: Thus far, there is no clear answer to the clinical difference between adult and adolescent acne. It was recently reported that lipid peroxide (LPO) in comedones, which are produced as the result of sebum oxidation, might potentially induce interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and exacerbate comedogenesis and inflammatory changes in comedones. Purpose: To investigate whether the proinflammatory cytokines and LPO levels in the extracts of comedones were significantly related to the clinical difference between adult and adolescent acne, and to the severity and distribution of the acne lesions. Methods: We evaluated 22 adult acne and 21 adolescent acne patients by comedone extractions and by measuring multiple proinflammatory cytokines and LPO levels, as well as by using subjective questionnaires designed to determine the factors that aggravate acne. Additionally, the severity of the acne and the distribution of the lesions were analyzed. Results: Relative to the adolescent group, the aggravation of acne in adults was significantly more influenced by smoking or emotional stress. Additionally, higher levels of IL-1α and LPO in comedones were detected in adults relative to adolescents, and the levels of these two compounds were positively correlated. Conclusion: Smoking or emotional stress may be involved in the pathogenesis of adult acne, by increasing the oxidative stress that results in subsequent accumulations of LPO in comedone. 배경: 아직까지 성인기 여드름과 청소년기 여드름의 임상적인 차이에 대한 확실한 원인은 밝혀져 있지 않다. 한편, 면포 내에서 피지의 산화로 생성되는 과산화지질이 interleukin-1α (IL-1α)를 유도하여 면포형성과 면포의 염증성 변화에 관여할 것이라는 가설이 최근 보고되었다. 목적: 성인기와 청소년기 여드름의 임상적인 차이, 중증도, 분포와 면포 내의 전염증성 사이토카인, 과산화지질의 관계를 조사하고자 하였다. 방법: 22명의 성인기 여드름 환자와 21명의 청소년기 여드름 환자에서 면포를 추출하여 다양한 전염증성 사이토카인과 과산화지질 수치를 비교하였다. 또한 여드름을 악화시키는 인자들에 대한 설문조사를 시행하여 비교하였다. 여드름의 중증도와 병변 분포 역시 조사하여 이에 따른 수치도 비교 분석하였다. 결과: 청소년기에 비해 성인기 여드름 환자군은 흡연이나 감정적 스트레스에 의해 여드름이 더 많이 악화되는 것으로 조사되었다. 그리고 IL-1α와 과산화지질 수치도 청소년기에 비해 성인기 여드름 환자군에서 유의하게 높게 나타났으며, 이 두 수치는 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 결론: 흡연이나 감정적 스트레스는 체내 산화적 스트레스를 증가시키고, 이는 면포 내 과산화지질의 축적을 통해 성인기 여드름의 발병에 관여할 것이다.

      • 자본시장법상 헤지펀드의 규제방안

        양윤석 충북대학교 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The recent international financial crisis is differentiated from previous of its kind being not only it has a far reaching impact but also the origin of the crisis is United States. And an attention is focused to Hedge Fund as being a major cause of risk provider. Every nation regards exemption of registration and report obligations of hedge fund was the underlying cause of the failure preventing the system risk of hedge fund at recent financial crisis. In this connection it has been strengthened not only direct restriction for imposing registration of hedge fund and reporting but also indirect restriction for regulating counterpart of transaction such as prime broker. Hedge funds has successfully been developing in global financial market as a fund using long/short investment strategies through leverage or short selling to hedge investment risk by Alfred winslow Jones in 1949. It does significantly affect on global financial market though its small amount portion of global financial cash flow. Hedge Funds positively influences to overall of financial market by providing liquidity and efficiency, and disperses investment risk through its advanced investment strategies. In these reasons, the United States, EU members including United Kingdom, and Asian countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore permit hedge funds in their financial market. Neverthless, there is no universe definition of the term ‘hedge fund’ in law or regulation. The reason is because hedge fund has diversity by avoiding regulation of regulatory authority and performing unlimited investment strategies. Meanwhile, hedge fund has negative effects to financial merket by using excessive leverage or short selling, short-term speculation, vagueness of information about hedge funds, and system risk occurred by excessive leverage or short selling for absolute returns. Collapse of Long-Term Capital Management case in 1997 is a good illustration derived from excessive leverage. In Korea, in 2009 a new section in the “Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act(hereinafter referred to “the Act”)” related to hedge fund was promulgated with an aim to provide various investment opportunities and advancement of investment & risk management method. And various legislations for the introduction of Korean hedge funds has been completed in 2011, thus the full-fledged hedge fund era by domestic fund was activated in Korea. However, according to the related industry, it is being regarded to have difficulty in securing autonomy in fund operation under the current regulatory regime being the best merit of hedge fund. It being insisted that for activation of hedge fund, the restrictions in operation of fund need to be mitigated such as prohibition of short stock selling or limitation of leverage ratio to 400% etc. In view of the strengthened international regulatory trend, and from the aspect of its consistency, regulations should be strengthened but to cope with global fund that has considerable operational know-how and to acquire experience of competitive edge, now the idea of deregulation is getting considerable persuasion power. The claim in this article stands consistent position with existing research to secure maximum autonomy in operation for activation of hedge fund. However, in view of minimum regulation for the investor protection and concerned prevention of reverse function it being regarded necessary to maintain or strengthening the current level of restriction. So far the issue of investor protection has not been attracted major discussion point as they were deemed to have self-protection capability with respect to traditional hedge fund investor such as high net worth individuals or institutional investors. However policy consideration is necessary in this respect in view of retailization trend being permitted to public investors through Fund of Hedge Funds. This could be a grave problem under current stage that there were no experience in operation performance and investment experience by public investors. In order to attain conflicting goals to maximize economic usefulness and inhibit negative effect, a comprehensive consideration is necessary comprising system risk prevention, ensure integrity, investor protection etc. In view of such policy elements, related to current legal aspect of hedge fund the Act is needed to improve inadequacy parts in terms of registration, investor's class transition, re-consideration of qualified investors' scope, appropriate rate of leverage or short selling, tightening up obligation of report to prevent systemic risk providing information or protection system for investors. Thus the recent promulgations of various regulations regarding standard rules for fund manager and broker could contribute in decreasing negative effect of hedge fund. However, in terms of Fund of Hedge Funds operation, it is needed to be determined more detailed operational regulations by establishing new provision on the proportion of total assets against target funds etc. In a situation of increasing unfair security transaction of hedge fund based on the characteristics seeking absolute profit and performance based remuneration, it is needed to put emphasis on the improvement of regulation directly to such behavior as well as counterpart of hedge fund such as broker. Under the circumstance global financial market and economy yet returned to its normalcy, it is an appropriate time to make a in-depth consideration for the regulation system proper to our financial market at this point of time.

      • 시스템과 소프트웨어 공학에서 기술과 소프트웨어 개발 프로세스의 통합에 관한 사례 연구

        양윤석 금오공과대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how complex and large engineering projects should be designed and managed over the life cycle of the project. Several systems engineering standards and process guidelines have been developed since MIL-STD-499 is accepted in 1969. Systems engineering and software engineering have evolved as independent processes for the each application, but recent process guidelines and standards, such as ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207, emphasize the need for integrating both these processes. However, exploring the large project cases that have required the standard process of both systems and software engineering, it is not easy to find the cases using them currently in the domestic applications. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to compare the process cases of the domestic military-related projects with that of international standard such as ISO/IEC 15288 that recommends to be used when both engineering concepts are required in a same project. The result of this study showed that the project processes of 4 military-related cases were similar to that of ISO/IEC 15288, even though the selected cases were inherently conducted without a particular standard but with military-related standard. Especially, ISO/IEC 15288 can be recommended as international standard using in the domestic military-related project by adding the preliminary design review and critical design review to the Implementation step of Technical Process of ISO/IEC 15288.

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