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      • CORBA 基盤 交通情報시스템의 fault tolerance 向上을 위한 硏究

        서운석 成均館大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The traffic information systems have the requirement to update the traffic status on the road every 5 minutes to provide drivers with traffic information in a timely manner. Because the traffic exists across the country wherever there are roads, the traffic information systems are implemented with heterogeneous H/Ws and S/Ws manufactured by various vendors. Accordingly, the CORBA which is the middleware standard established by the OMG, is very useful to build the traffic information systems efficiently. But, the fault tolerance of the CORBA based traffic information systems is a key issue to be addressed to provide traffic information in realtime. The Fault Tolerant(FT)-CORBA of the OMG has some limits, even if it provides the CORBA with improvement in terms of fault tolerance. This paper proposes a method to complement the FT-CORBA in the application level using S/W agents and the ORPC of the DCOM. The fault tolerance efficiency index(EI) is introduced to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The EI is calculated by comparing the costs before and after applying the proposed method of this paper using systems communication traffic and S/W complexity as the factors. The proposed method improves the 2 limitations of the FT-CORBA but doesn´t address the 6 limitations of it which are legacy ORBs, vendor dependencies, deterministic behavior, network partitioning faults, commission faults, design or programming faults, either. And also, the operating environment of the mobile agents has the defect that it is vulnerable to security. Therefore, it is thought that additional researches will be required on the methods to solve the security problem and improve the 6 limitations of the FT-CORBA hereafter.

      • (A) Fault tolerant architecture for transportation information services of e-government

        서운석 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Many governments have been spreading Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) nationwide based on their own National ITS Architectures. The real time information of transportation is one of the key services of an electronic government (e-government) and the ITS. The ITS consists of advanced communications, electronics, and information technologies to improve the efficiency, safety, and reliability of transportation systems. The core functions of the ITS are collection, management, and provision of real time transportation information, and it can be deployed based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) of the Object Management Group (OMG) efficiently because it consists of interconnected heterogeneous systems across national and local governments. Fault Tolerant CORBA (FT-CORBA) supports real time requirement of transportation information stably through redundancy by replication of server objects. However, object replication, management, and related protocols of FT-CORBA require extra system resources of CPU and memory, and can degrade the system performance both locally and as a whole. This paper proposes an improved architecture to optimize CPU and memory utilization and enhance fault tolerance, reliability, and ultimately predictability of FT-CORBA based ITS by generating and managing object replicas adaptively during system operation with an autonomous S/W agent. The proposed architecture, which is designed and evaluated for transportation information systems with real time property and complexity, is expected to be applicable to other FT-CORBA based systems for an e-government. 여러 국가들의 정부는 '국가 지능형교통체계 (Intelligent Transportation Systems: ITS) 아키텍쳐'에 기반하여 국가적으로 ITS를 구축해 오고 있다. 실시간 교통정보 제공은 전자정부와 ITS의 핵심적인 서비스 중의 하나이다. ITS는 교통 체계의 효율, 안전 및 신뢰성을 개선하는 첨단 통신, 전자공학 및 정보 기술로 구성된다. ITS의 핵심 기능은 교통정보시스템을 통한 실시간 교통 정보의 수집, 관리 및 제공이며, ITS가 중앙 및 지방 정부에 걸쳐 상호 연동된 이기종 시스템으로 구성되므로 표준화 기구인 Object Management Group (OMG)의 Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA)에 기반하여 효율적으로 구축 가능하다. 장애 감내형 CORBA (Fault Tolerant CORBA: FT-CORBA)는 서버 객체의 복제에 의한 중복(redundancy)을 통하여 교통정보의 실시간 요구를 안정적으로 지원한다. 그러나, FT-CORBA의 객체 복제, 관리 및 이와 관련된 프로토콜은 CPU와 메모리의 추가적인 사용을 요구하며, 개별 및 전체적인 시스템의 성능을 저하시킬 수 있다. 본 논문은 FT-CORBA 기반 교통정보시스템에 자율형 S/W 에이전트를 도입하여 시스템 운영 중에 객체 사본을 적응형으로 생성 및 관리함으로써 CPU 및 메모리 사용을 최적화하고, 시스템의 장애 감내, 신뢰성 및 궁극적으로 예측 가능성을 향상시키는 아키텍쳐를 제안한다. 실시간성과 복잡성을 가진 교통정보시스템을 대상으로 설계 및 평가된 이 아키텍쳐는 전자정부를 위한 FT-CORBA 기반의 다른 정보시스템에도 적용 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

      • 地籍行政서비스의 質的 向上을 위한 分析.評價

        서운석 淸州大學校 行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Public Administration has been gone a change in all parts, especially an Administration service, being begin 21st. According to a quality of life level and a operation of local autonomy, Public Administration has been demanded by peoples for a luxury and a variety of Public Administration service. Also Land Management and Administration has been demanded by peoples for a enhancement of quality about Land management & Administration service. To meet people’s demand about Land Management & Administration service, its service must change into an oriented-custom service. A purpose of this thesis as follows; First, it is to grasp a contents and a kind of Land Management & Administration service. Second, it is to suggest an alternative plan by analyzing of Land Management & Administration service’s the actual condition and by grasping a problems of its service. Third, it is to grasp influencing variables to enhance a quality level of Land Management & Administration service. On a basis of an analysis?valuation about mentioned statement, this thesis shall groping an alternative plan by proposing a factor which Land Management & Administration service’s can the greatest a degree of satisfaction. Therefore, this thesis point out a problems as follows; First, it is pointed out that a system of resident’s participation be shortened in Land Management & Administration. Second, it is pointed out that a operating method of Land Management & Administration service has a various problems and its publicity has a serious problems. Third, a civil appeal’s people of Land Management & Administration do not give high point about degree of a kindness, a speed, a accuracy, a fairness, a reflection of resident’s opinion and expense in the three stages(stage of survey, registration and operation?management). Because a civil appeal’s people of its is a low a satisfaction about degree of a kindness, a speed, a accuracy, a fairness, a reflection of resident’s opinion and expense in the three stages, a civil appeal’s people of it do not trust on Land Management & Administration service. Through an analysis of a the actual condition and of an empirical analysis on Land Management & Administration service, this thesis can be drawn out a detailed conclusion. ① It must participate peoples in Management & Administration. If peoples don’t cooperate in it, a quality enhancement of it can’t success. it consider that the local government ought to establish a method about peoples’s participation. ② Land Management & Administration must a benchmarking of other Public Administration’s a good service system. ③ It shall enforce investment on Land Management & Administration service and have a concern about its continuously. ④ It shall enforce on publicity of Land Management & Administration service. ⑤ In order to meet a degree a satisfaction of a civil appeal’s people, it must carry a reeducation train periodically applied to a manpower of Land Management & Administration. Finally, an information of Land Management & Administration must sustain a accuracy. If it were not for a accuracy, the contents Land Management & Administration do useless. Therefore Land Management & Administration service is the greatest important for quality improvement of it.

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