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      • 電子商去來時代에 地方銀行의 마케팅戰略에 관한 硏究

        박정일 전주대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        The power of Internet is getting greater in the financial business. Most advanced countries do their best in the e-business, but we have many obstacles to focus on the e-business part because we are on the financial restructuring But e-business is getting the main stream which can not be denied, so financial institutions should recognize that e-business is the business that control the future life and design the vision and strategy of e-business. According to the expansion of e-business, region banks should set up long - term and development methods by devise marketing strategy which is specialized in a region In this research, I examined expecting changes of market environment coming with full-scale e-business, countermeasures of internal and external banks about this changes, the establishment object and marketing strategy of a region bank, cases of market subdivision of a region bank, delivery channel strategy for broadening the layer of customers, direct marketing in divided market for effective customer management, internet marketing, database marketing and management strategy for customers which can help a region bank make a profit with the harmony of on-line and off-line Considering all of this contents, even though e-biz of a region bank might be prosperous, the most important factor is the customer management in the off-line channel, and then a region bank should complement the channel or other suggestions to manage customers effectively For example, on-line financial institutions of US have a hard time and the number of big branch is getting fewer, but the number of small branch is increasing. a region bank has to make other contact channels considering customer's characters, special and intensive management to profitable customers, and then supply complex and various services which can manage the life style of customer and offer services which are revealed to risk such as credit work or insurance work by strengthening the ability of evaluating risk.

      • 토지수용에 따른 보상제도 개선방안에 관한 연구

        박정일 원광대학교 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        우리 헌법은 제 13조 제2항, 제23조, 제119조 제1항 등을 통하여 국민의 재산 권을 보장하고 있으며 헌법재판소도 판례를 통하여 재산권에 관한 정교한 이론 을 정립하여 오고 있다. 헌법에 의하여 보장되는 재산권에는 여러 유형이 있으 나 그중에서도 토지재산권은 재산권주체에게 다른 재산권보다 더 큰 의미를 갖 는다고 할 수 있다. 물론 오늘날 인간의 지적활동의 산물인 무형의 지적재산권 등이 중요시되고 있으나 인간의 삶의 터전이자 생산의 기본이 되고 자유 실현의 물질적 기초가 되는 토지재산이 가지는 의미는 변함없이 크고 오히려 인구증가 와 산업화 등으로 인해 그 의미는 더욱 커졌다고 할 수 있다 . 개인에게 사적소유권이 인정된 이후로 토지재산이 가지는 의미는 증대되어왔 지만 모든 인간의 삶의 터전이자 원천이 되는 토지를 개인의 전유물로만 생각할 수는 없게 되었다. 즉, 공공의 이익을 위해 개인의 토지재산에 대한 제한이 불가 피하게 된 것이다. 이것은 토지재산이 가지는 사회성 · 공공성의 발현이기도 하 다. 헌법도 제23조와 제37조 2항외에 제122조를 두어 일정한 형식과 범위 안에 서 다른 재산권과 달리 토지에 대한 강한 제한이 가능함을 규정하고 있다. 그러나 공공의 이익을 위하여 토지재산에 대한 규제를 강화할 수 있다고 하여 개인의 사적 토지재산에 대한 보호보다 공익이 앞선다고는 할 수 없는 것이다. 여기서 중요한 것은 개인의 토지재산권의 보장이 우선이고 예외적으로 공익을 위해 제한이 가능하다는 것이다. 우리 헌법의 경제조항과 이 경제조항과 관련한 헌법재판소의 판례 내용을 보더라도 이 점이 분명히 드러나 있다. 토지는 다른 재산보다 더 큰 사회성 · 공공성을 띄기 때문에 토지재산권에 대해 서는 더 강한 공용침해가 허용될 수 있다. 이 공용침해 중 국민에게 가장 큰 부 담은 토지재산권의 상실을 가져오는 토지수용이 된다. 공익적인 목적을 위해 공 익사업시행자가 토지를 필요로 할 경우 가장 바람직한 방법은 토지소유자와 협 의에 의해 토지들 취득하는 것이나 토지소유자의 토지에 대한 남다른 애착심, 토지보상금에 대한 불만 등으로 인해 협의가 이루어지지 않을 경우 원활한 공익 사업의 추진을 위해 강제적으로 토지수용이 행해진다. 공익목적으로 토지수용이 행해질 경우 개인의 토지재산권에 대한 존중과 사익 과의 조절차원에서 손실보상이 이루어진다. 우리 헌법은 제23조 제3항을 통하 여 정당한 보상을 규정하고 있다. 이 정당한 보상의 의미와 관련하여 다양한 학 설이 존재하나 헌법 제23조 제1항에 입각한 '존속보장'회복 차원의 '가치보 장'. '존속보장' 수준의 '가치보장'이 되어야 한다. 그러나 그동안 우리나 라 손실보상법제는 헌법 제23조 제1항의 근본정신을 도외시한 채 '존속보장' 에 소홀한 '가치보장'을 해왔다. 즉, 손실보상에 앞서 토지수용의 전제조건이 되는 '공익사업의 적법요건'보 다 손실보상의 요건인 '특별한 희생여부'에 더 큰 관심을 가져왔고, '가치보 장'차원에서 보상액을 산정할 때도 그 범위와 방법면에서 완전한 '가치보장 '이 실현되지 못하는 운영상의 한계가 있었으며 생활보상에 대한 체계적인 이 론정립과 법규정의 미비, 그리고 '존속보장'을 도외시한 현금보상 일변도의 보상방법으로 인한 허울뿐인 정당보상제도의 운영으로 국민의 재산권이 제대로 존중받지 못하는 경우가 많았다. 헌법이 보장하는 재산권 보장의 진정한 의미는 재산권의 '존속' 그 자체를 보장하는 '존속보장'에 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 공익적인 목적으로 재산권의 '존속보장'이 '가치보장'으로 전환된다 하더라도 이 이념은 지켜 져야 한다. 즉, '가치보장'에 차원에서 토지보상이 행해질 때 보상액 산정과 정과 보상 방법 등 모든 보상 환경이 재산권의 '존속보장'에 입각하여 행해져 야 하겠다. The Korean Constitution guarantees Koreans Property Rights through Article 13.2, Article 23, and Article 119.1. Also the Constitutional Court has made the delicate theories over the judicial precedents. There are many different types of Property Rights in the Korean Constitution. Among them, however, Land Property Right is considered more important than the others by people who own or hold property. In these days, of course, Intellectual property right is getting more and more important. However, Land has been a base for our lives and for productions, and the material basis for materializing freedom, so its value has been considered great so far. In addition, an increase in population and Industrialization have been making its value bigger. In conclusion, it can be said that Land Property Right is more important than the others. Since the permission of individual property rights, the meaning of land property has been growing bigger and bigger. As time goes by, however, it is being changed that the private land belongs to only someone. That is, the limitation on his or her property can be taken for the public benefit. That's because Land has the character for the public use. About it, the Korean Constitution stipulates the strong limitation on the land can be done within the limited range and by the arranged procedure in Article 23, Article 37.2 and Article 122. However, even if the limitation on his or her property can be taken for the public benefit, we can't say that the public benefit is more important than the protection of the private property right. So, the protection of the private property right should be the first thing, and the limitation on his or her property for the public benefit should be taken subsidiarily. The Constitution and the Constitutional Court also make sure about it. Land has the stronger social and public character than the other properties, so the stronger violation for public use can be allowed. Among these violations for public use, the expropriation of land that brings the loss of land property right seems to be the biggest burden to the owners. When the expropriation of land is needed for the public use, the most desirable way is to get the land through the consultation between the people for public utilities and the land owners. If this consultation, however, wouldn't be made, the expropriation of land could be forced for public use. As the expropriation of land is forced for public use, the loss is repaid. The Constitution stipulates the reasonable repayment about it. However, Korean Loss Repayment Act seems to follow a bit different way from the Constitution. That is, the reasonable repayment has not been achieved in many ways. The real meaning of Property Rights that the Korean Constitution guarantees is in the original property continuance guarantee. Therefore, even though the original property continuance guarantee is changed into the worth continuance guarantee for the public purpose, the idea should be kept. That is, all compensation conditions like the estimated process and way of compensation money should be taken in the situation of the original property continuance guarantee.

      • Prism-Coupling 방법을 이용한 이온교환 유리도파로에 관한 연구

        박정일 광운대학교 대학원 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 논문에서는 이온교환 도파로의 제작조건에 따른 도파로 특성의 변화에 대해서 연구하였다. 교환이온종류에 따른 변화를 연구하기 위하여 KNO_(3)용융염과 AgNO_(3)용융염을 사용하여 Ag^(+)-Na^(+), K^(+)-Na^(+) 이온교환 도파로를 제작하였다. 이온교환 시간에 따른 도파로특성의 변화를 관찰하기 위해 30, 60, 120min의 교환 시간을 갖는 도파로를 제작하고 이온교환 방법에 따른 변화를 관찰하기 위해 이중이온교환 도파로를 제작하였다. 이중이온교환 도파로는 potassium 이온교환후 silver 이온교환을 통하여 제작된다. Prism-Coupling 방법과 Gaussian 굴절율 분포를 갖는 WKB 분산 관계식을 이용하여 이온교환 평판 도파로를 해석하였다. Prism-Coupling에 따른 synchronous coupling 각을 측정하여 실효 굴절율을 결정하였으며 광원으로 He-Ne(λ= 632.8nm) 레이저를 사용하였다. 이온교환에 의해 제작된 도파로가 유리표면에서 큰 굴절율 변화를 일으켰으며 이온교환 시간이 증가함에 따라 표면에서의 굴절율 변화값은 감소하였다. Field shadow 방법을 통한 채널 도파로의 특성을 modeling한 결과 도파로의 굴절율이 낮을 경우 evanescent field가 증가하는 특성을 나타내었다. In this paper, it was investigated the waveguide characteristic with the fabrication condition of ion-exchange waveguide. The Ag^(+)-Na^(+), K^(+)-Na^(+) ion-exchange waveguides have been fabricated, where molten AgNO_(3), KNO_(3) served as the source ions. The waveguide of 30, 60, 120min. were fabricated to observe the variations of the waveguide characteristics with ion-exchange time and double ion-exchange waveguide was fabricated to observe ion-exchange method. Double ion-exchange waveguides are made first by a potassium ion-exchange followed by a silver ion-exchange. The waveguide analysis is based on a combination of the prism-coupling method and the WKB dispersion relation with a Gaussian function refractive index profile. Effective indexes were determined by measuring the synchronous coupling angles with a prism-coupling and a He-Ne laser(λ= 632.8nm). Large refractive index was caused on the fabricated waveguides by silver ion-exchange with the increasing of ion exchange time, while the index change on the glass surface decreased. The Field shadow method was employed to the modeling of the channel waveguides.

      • 사영된 Liouville 방정식 방법에 의한 전자-압전 포논계의 양자전이 과정에 관한 연구 : Quantum Transition Process in Electron-Piezoelectric Phonon Interacting System Based on Projected Liouville Equation Method

        박정일 경북대학교 대학원 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구에서는 사영된 류빌 방정식 방법을 이용하여 EAPS 방법의 급수전개의 표현 형 식으로 사이클로트론 공명 현상에서 산란인자 함수를 계산하였다. 산란인자 함수에 포함된 선모양함수를 온도와 자기장의 의존성으로 조사하였으며, CdS와 GaAs의 반도체 물질계에 서 전자-압전 포논계의 상호작용에 적용하였다. 행렬원소의 계산에서는 MWC를 사용한 결 과 산란인자 함수에 포함된 분포함수가 기존의 결과와 달라짐을 찾아내었다. CdS와 GaAs 는 외부온도가 증가함에 따라 흡수율과 반진폭도 동시에 증가하였다. 따라서 두 물질계의 양자전이 과정의 열적 성질이 매우 유사함을 찾아내었다. 외부 자기장의 변화에 GaAs는 상 대적 고온의 영역에서 CdS와는 다른 특성을 보이며, 자기장 3.8T에서 최대 반진폭의 영역 을 찾아내었다. 이는 란다우 준위와 아연-블렌드 반도체가 가지는 기학학적 구조와의 상호 작용에 기인한 것으로 보인다. 그리고 포논의 산란효과는 포논 흡수과정 보다 방출과정 에 서 더 영향을 주며, 란다우 준위 간 전이보다 란다우 준위 내의 전이 에서는 반진폭에 영향 을 주지 못함을 찾아내었다.

      • KOSPI 기업들의 환노출과 금리노출에 관한 연구

        박정일 부경대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Study on the exchange rate and interest rate exposure of KOSPI firms Jung Il Park Department of Economics, The Graduate School, Pukyong National University Abstract Since the Korean financial crisis, foreign exchange rates and interest rates largely have fluctuated. This study started on the prediction that the changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates give different effects to the value of each company. It is predicted that generally foreign exchange rates have positive relations with corporate value, and that interest rates have negative relations with corporate value. It is a theoretical background and a practically accepted fact. But, in reality, something opposite to general prediction frequently occur. That is judged to be attributable to financial system changes like movement of financial capital. But, in event where a model is elaborated and the market effect is controled by KOSPI return rates, the microscopic information of the market is efficiently reflected when exchange exposure has a positive relation with export share, and interest exposure has a negative relation with debt ratio. On the basis of the decision, this work is intended to identify the exchange exposure and interest exposure of each company and analyze the effect factors of exchange exposure and interest exposure. For an analysis, among companies listed on KOSPI, the companies that had continuity from 1990 to 2011 were chosen, and weekly data about stock prices, exchange rates and interest rates were used. And, as effect factors, export share, debt rate, corporate size, growth opportunity, liquidity, dependence on foreign debt, and foreign investors' shares were used. OLS, GARCH and EGARCH analysis methods were used to investigate exchange exposure and interest exposure. A total of five models were chosen in consideration of in delay effect and changes in data attributes. And, to investigate the differences according to volatility of foreign exchange rate and interest rate, this work divided a period into the period before the Korean financial crisis and the period after that. In the meantime, for an analysis of effect factors, 1-STEP based System SUR method as well as 2-STEP method was performed. As a result, in the case of exchange exposure, its influence changed from a positive direction to a negative direction as time went by from the period before the Korean financial crisis to the period after the Korean financial crisis. It is judged that, even in the circumstance where financial system factors are controlled through KOSPI return rate, the influence exceeds the positive influence through object-system. In the case of interest exposure, its influence was negative both in the period before the Korean financial crisis and in the period after the crisis. It was found that each significant value of exchange exposure and interest exposure greatly increased after the Korean financial crisis. This means that, as volatility of exchange rates and interest rates increased, the influence of them grew in determining the stock price of each company. The result of research by industry revealed that the expected positive and negative relations were frequently found according to export share and debt rate by industry. But, there were some other cases, and there were no results uniformly applicable to the entire market. In the analysis by industry, it was expected that because electric and electronic industry and iron and steel industry are highly dependent on export, they would be greatly influenced by foreign exchange rates after the Korean financial crisis, during which volatility of exchange rates has become strong, but not change was found in the electric and electronic industry, whereas the iron and steel industry showed a large increase in actual significance ratio. The reason is inferred that the electric and electronic industry has more become multi-nationalized than the iron and steel industry so that it has relatively better perform exchange risk hedge. The results of an 2-STEP method based analysis on effect factors showed that the main effect factors on exchange exposure were growth opportunity, liquidity and foreign investors' shares, and that the main effect factor on interest exposure was corporate size. In the case of the influence of export share of exchange exposure and of debt ratio of interest exposure, there were no significant results in the period before the Korea financial crisis, but most models showed significant results in the period after the Korean financial crisis. This means that the market reflects microscopic information more efficiently in the period after the crisis than in the period before the crisis. The results of an System SUR method based analysis showed that most results were similar to the results of 2-STEP method. The difference was that, in the case of 2-STEP method, foreign investors' shares became negative influence in the period before the crisis, but, in the case of System SUR, no significant results were found. In addition, in the case of System SUR, it was found that export share had a significantly positive relation with exchange exposure in the periods both before and after the crisis. But, it was found that a coefficient in the period after the crisis became relatively larger, and that significance level become higher. This means that the market after the financial crisis reflects the information on the market more efficiently. This work conducted a comparison analysis on the changes in exchange exposure and interest exposure for each company's stock price, and effect factors of relevant exchange exposure and interest exposure that appeared before and after the Korean financial crisis, and then investigated characteristics by period. But, the limitation of this work is that it didn't reflect each company's hedge behavior for exchange risk and interest risk in the process of analysing exchange exposure and interest exposure. Keyword : exchange exposure, interest exposure, OLS, GARCH, EGARCH System SUR, Korean financial crisis.

      • 겹침이음부 및 국부적 층댐퍼를 갖는 보의 횡진동 특성

        박정일 漢陽大學校 大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        단일겹침이음부를 갖는 보와 이에 국부적 층댐퍼를 부착한 보의 횡진동에 대하여 점탄성층의 전단변형과 두께방향 변형을 고려하여 연립 4차미분방정식을 유도하였다. 이론적 해석의 타당성을 검증하기 위해 계의 치수변화에 따른 과 의 이론적 값과 유한요소법에 의한 결과를 비교해 본 결과 매우 근사하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 국부적 층댐퍼를 각 모드의 최대변위 발생부위에 위치시킴으로서 공진주파수를 현저히 감소시킬 수 있었으며 진동 감쇠효과의 상승을 가져왔다. 이와 더불어 국부적 층댐퍼의 구속보강재인 탄성층의 두께변화가 계의 감쇠특성에 미치는 영향이 컸으며, 계의 단위질량당 손실계수도 파악하여 보았다.

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