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      • 플라톤의 「유티데모스」편에 나타난 쟁론술과 권고술 비교

        박성형 忠南大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        This thesis aims at the close analysis of Plato's Euthydemus to reach a better understanding of the dialogue. Plato skillfully employs dramatic details and comparison to illustrate the different methods of discourse. The dramatic structure of the dialogue is inseparable from its philosophical message. This thesis reveals the nature of socratic discourse by portraying Socrates' method in contrast with a method called eristic. Thus, we can distinguish Euthydemus into eristic sections(chap. 3, 5, 7) and Socratic discourse sections(chap. 4, 6). This approach considers the problem of education, virtue and dialectic from several different points of view. In the prologue of Euthydemus(chap. 1, 2) Socrates narrates to Crito a remarkable scene in which he has himself taken part, and in which the two brothers, Dionysodorus and Euthydemus, are the major performers. They have accomplished a remarkable skill, that skill of "eristic"or argument with words. They declare that they can also teach virtue in a very short time and in the best manner. Socrates is desirous that the youth, Kleinias should have the benefit of their instruction. They decide to teach on the condition that the young man should be willing to answer their questions. Ⅱ. chap. 3. The instruction or the exhortation to virtue begins: "Are those who learn, the wise or the ignorant?" The reply is "the wise." But in the process of the dialogue, Kleinias comes to agree that before one learns, one does not know and is not wise(275d3-276b7). Next, Dionysodorus' attack begins: "Who are they who learn the dictation of the grammar-master; the learned boys or the unlearned boys?" The reply is "The learned," "Then your last answer to Euthydemus was wrong," says Dionysodorus. They simply seem to use ambiguity of the word 'learn'(276c). Ⅱ. chap. 4. Socrates, perceiving that the brothers are not serious, is desirous of showing the way in which the exhortation to virtue should be carried on. He argues that all men desire good; that knowledge and wisdom are the only good, and ignorance and folly the only evil and that wealth, health, beauty, etc, being in themselves neither good nor evil, become good only through knowledge and wisdom(278e3-281e5). The conclusion is that one must seek after 'wisdom', and become a philosopher, or a lover of wisdom(282c8-d3). "Certainly I will do my best," says Kleinias(282d4). Ⅱ. chap. 5. The brothers recommend their own exhortation, which is of quite another sort. They ask Socrates: "Do you want Kleinias to be wise?" "Yes." "Is he now wise?" "No." "Then you want him to be what he is not, that is, to perish!"(283c3-d10) Here, Ktesippus, the lover of Kleinias, interposes in great excitement(283e1). Quickly entangled in the methods of their sophistry, he finds that for them there are no contradictions, no errors, no ignorance, no falsehoods(286d1-287a4). Ktesippus breaks out. However, pacifying him, Socrates renews the conversation with K1einias. Ⅱ. chap. 6. Their conversation begins at the point they left off. The point is, as described above, that Kleinias must become a philosopher(288d7-9). Philosophy is to possess knowledge, which must do us good and makes us happy. What knowledge is there which has such a nature(288d9-e1)? Kleinias and Socrates are described as wandering about in a wilderness, vainly searching for the art of life and happiness. At last, they meet with the kingly art(290b). However, it only asks them the hardest question. So in despair Kleinias and Socrates request the two heroes' aid. Ⅱ. chap. 7. Euthydemus argues as follows: someone cannot know and not know; so, Socrates who knows something, cannot know some things and not know others, and so be at once knowing and unknowing; therefore, Socrates knows all since he knows anything(293c1-d10). A similar play on words follows. At last, ironically, Socrates and Kleinias confess that the two heroes are invincible. In the eristic sections(chap. 3, 5, 7), Socrates portrays a false conception of education. In their method a teacher and a student have a hostile and competitive relationship. The aim of their discourse is to refute any claim that their opponent puts forward, regardless of its truth or falsehood. The brothers put forward a series of claims which undermine the ordinary conception of education: learners are neither wise nor ignorant; false speech is impossible; and if a person knows anything, he knows everything. Socratic elenchus(chap. 4, 6) differs from eristic in its conception of education, its purpose, the relation between a teacher and a student, and in the modesty of the claims which Socrates puts forward in its favor. Socrates does not claim to hand over virtue, but to turn the student toward virtue, which seems to have an independent existence. Socrates aims at finding out "how things stand"(278b5), not at simply refuting his opponent. The relationship between a teacher and a student is like one between a lover and a beloved, based on a genuine desire on Socrates' part to effect his student's improvement. Socrates succeeds in turning Kleinias toward the practice of philosophy, but he does not call himself a teacher or accept responsibility for Kleinias' progress. In Euthydemus, knowledge is valuable for it enables a person to use other gifts and possessions properly. Such knowledge cannot be imposed from the outside or be transmitted from one person to another. The conclusion is negative, but two suggestions offer alternative solutions. Also, this study of Euthydemus presents that Plato's deprecation of the study of language in Euthydemus is merely a denial of an argument that the knowledge of words alone is a sufficient condition for the knowledge of things.

      • Analog device characteristics for mixed signal integration in deep submicron CMOSFET technology

        박성형 忠南大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In this paper, we propose a method which can evaluate the analog devices characteristics for mixed signal integration in deep submicron CMOSFET technology. As MOS devices are scaled down to the deep sub-micron region, the performances and area of digital parts became increased. But, although the portions of analog parts in logic system are decreased, the importance and the accuracy of analog parts have been increased. Of this scaled down issues, new physical phenomena considered to be related to small geometry effect. The performance of small geometry MOSFET is intensively affected by the stress of various sorts like trench isolation, CVD film so on. Especially, we are focusing on the mechanical stress of CVD film layer. To evaluate the analog device performance by controlling the mechanical stress of thin films, we considered the output resistance, Rout and DC gain, Ao, and on current vs. off current for digital performance. It is shown that the mechanical stress induced by the CVD process affects the digital and analog performance of CMOSFETs. The O3-USG with tensile stress shows improved Rout characteristics. These results show that the tensile stress improves not only digital performance but also analog performance of NMOSFETS. On the contrary, the SiON layer with compressive stress improved the PMOSFET analog and digital performance. However, the different dependence of NMOS and PMOS performance on the film stress is also characterized. It is said that tensile stress and compressive stress increase electron and hole mobility. Therefore, for mixed signal applications with small geometry, the films stress should be modified according to the bottleneck performance. For example, if NMOS and analog performance are of concern, the CVD layer with no stress is desirable. If PMOS performance is bottleneck, compressive stress with SiON should be chosen with a little sacrifice with PMOS performance. It is shown that the digital and analog characteristics show the same trend for film stress while the performances of NMOSFET and PMOSFET show trade-off. It is necessary to optimize the performance of NMOSFET and PMOSFET or analog and digital by controlling the mechanical film stress in nano-scale CMOS technology.

      • (A) Study of Characteristics of Transfer Gate in CMOS Image Sensor Application

        박성형 忠南大學校 大學院 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Nowadays, CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Silicon) imager technology was so improved by the request of higher circuit integration, lower power consumption, and potentially lower price. These advantages make this technology competent for the next-generation solid-state imaging applications. However, CMOS processes are originally developed for high-performance digital circuits. Fabricating high-quality embedded image sensors with CMOS technologies is not a straightforward task. Therefore, there are so many rooms to optimize pixel devices for CMOS imager application. Especially, transfer gate in 4T APS(Active Pixel Sensor) is a unique device to be used just for the charge transfer from photodiode to floating diffusion. This transfer gate transistor is made of asymmetry junction that is similar to JFET at PD side & normal junction at FD side. Therefore, the local increase of the threshold voltage of the transfer transistor is proposed to reduce the dark current in a CMOS image sensor. It is suggested that the local increase of the threshold voltage controls the partition noise which contributes to the dark current. The dark current is shown to be reduced considerably by the proposed structure. The proposed method induces little change in the hot carrier reliability as well as in the device performance. And I also found the reason to do above improved behavior. I clearly understood the reason of partition noise behavior under transfer gate channel. And this partition noise caused by potential well in channel. So this thesis can provides a solution to understand special pixel transistor.

      • 화력발전소 바텀애쉬를 이용한 인공습지의 수질정화 효과에 관한 연구

        박성형 부산대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        화력발전소 부산물인 바텀애쉬는 다공성의 경량소재로 일반적인 모래나 자갈 등의 수질정화용 여재에 비해 비표면적이 넓고, 다량의 양이온 성분들을 포함하고 있어 재이용할 수 있는 분야가 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 바텀애쉬를 인공습지에 적용하는 수질정화용 여재인 여과재를 대체하는 여재로 활용하기 위한 가능성을 평가하였다. 고안된 수평흐름 인공습지 모형실험장치를 통하여 기존에 적용되어 왔던 수질정화용 여과사와 동일한 운전조건에서 생활하수의 처리효율을 비교함으로서 바텀애쉬의 수질정화효과를 평가하였다. 비교 실험한 여과사에 비해 약 25배 이상의 넓은 비표면적을 가지고 있는 다공성 물질인 것으로 확인되었으며, 다양한 양이온을 포함하고 있어 인공습지용 여재의 수질정화 목적으로 사용가능성이 높은 것으로 판단되었다. 바텀애쉬와 여과사는 2~5mm 규격으로 체거름하여 사용하였고, 인공습지 반응조에서의 체류시간은 48시간으로 고정하여 연속적으로 운전하였다. 실험결과 바텀애쉬는 BOD, COD, SS, T-N 및 T-P 등 하수 수질방류기준 모든 항목에서 기존 여과사에 비해 높은 제거효율을 나타내는 것으로 확인되었다. 평균 제거효율면에서 BOD의 경우 3.1% 이상 향상된 결과를 나타내었고, 최근 관심의 대상이 되고 있는 T-N 및 T-P의 제거효율에서도 기존 여과사에 비해 각각 3.9% 및 5.1% 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 바텀애쉬가 여과사에 비해 흡착능 및 미생물 부착능이 우수하며, 운전 초기 및 장기간 운전 등 모든 면에서 유리한 것으로 평가되었다. 수처리 과정에서 바텀애쉬의 유해물질의 용출 가능성을 평가하기 위해 폐기물공정시험법에 따라 주요 유해오염물질을 평가한 결과 전 항목에서 불검출로 나타나 수처리용 여재로 활용되는 데 큰 문제가 없는 것으로 판단된다.

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