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      • 알루미늄 다겹 보온 커튼의 온실 난방 특성

        박범순 충북대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate energy saving effects and characteristics of plant growth of greenhouse with Aluminum(Al) multi-layer curtain by comparing to greenhouse with non-woven fabric. Both of greenhouses with Al multi-layer curtain and non-woven fabric were installed with size of 43 m × 3.6 m × 8 m (L×H×W). Both two types of green houses used hot air heater system and set up for keeping constant temperature 15℃. The heating characteristics such as intensity of solar, temperature of inside and ambient of greenhouse, and consumption of fuel. were measured and analyzed. Economical analysis was conducted in two ways. One was for the installation cost and the other was for the fuel cost during the experimental period of 36 days. The major findings were as follows. 1. The changes of temperature of greenhouses during the daytime for 1 day were found to be 15.1~27.0℃ with Al multi-layer curtain, and 13.3~26.8℃ with non-woven fabric. The changes of average temperature of greenhouse during the nighttime for 1 day were found to be 12.0~19.6℃ with Al multi-layer curtain and 11.3~20.4℃ with non-woven fabric. 2. The changes of average temperature of greenhouses during 15 days(2009.12.06-20) showed about 26℃ at around 2 PM when the ambient temperature was highest during the daytime, and kept average over 15℃ which set up for this research by heating from 4 PM to 8 AM of next day. 3. Energy loss(for 1 day) from the greenhouse with Al multi-layer curtain was found to be 228~300 kJ/㎡·hr during the daytime and 177.3~284.2 kJ/㎡·hr during the nighttime. Energy loss of greenhouse with non-woven fabric was found to be 211.8~356.4 kJ/㎡·hr during the daytime and 253.0~441.7 kJ/㎡·hr during the nighttime. 4. Average energy loss(for 15 days) from the greenhouse with Al multi-layer curtain was found to be 161.2~268.4 kJ/㎡·hr during the daytime and 152.3~198.1 kJ/㎡·hr during the nighttime. Average energy loss(15 days) from the greenhouse with non-woven fabric was found to be 155.7~258.9 kJ/㎡·hr during the daytime and 144.9~207.0 kJ/㎡·hr during the nighttime. 5. The temperature difference between outside and inside of greenhouse was found to be 13.2~22.3℃ during the daytime for both Al multi-layer curtain and non-woven fabric. However, during the nighttime, it was 15.9~25.4℃ for Al multi-layer curtain system, and 15.7~27.4℃ for non-woven fabric system. 6. For keeping at least 15℃ for greenhouse during the nighttime, the number of working of automatic hot air heater for Al multi-layer curtain system was found to be fewer than non-woven fabric system. 7. Total heat loss(for 1 day) from Al multi-layer curtain system was 5,920 kJ/㎡(2,416 kJ/㎡ during the daytime, 3,504 kJ/㎡ during the nighttime). Total heat loss(for 1 day) from non-woven fabric system was 7,960 kJ/㎡(2,876 kJ/㎡ during the daytime, 5,084 kJ/㎡ during the nighttime). 8. Heat supply for 36 days for non-woven fabric system was found to be higher than Al multi-layer curtain system by 616.3~65,079.4 kJ/㎡, which means greenhouse with Al multi-layer curtain could save the energy by 35% than greenhouse with non-woven fabric. 9. For installing, Al multi-layer curtain system could save the cost by 5,680,000 won comparing to non-woven fabric. And for heating fuel, Al multi-layer curtain system could save the cost by 10,813,798 won comparing to non-woven fabric. These results were based on the assumption of 7 year running periods.

      • 딥러닝을 활용한 산불 이미지 생성 모델 설계

        박범순 아주대학교 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        국내의 강원지역, 경상지역 등 대형 산불의 지속적인 발생으로 인명 및 재산 피해, 특히 산림의 피해가 꾸준히 발생하고 있다. 화산 분화 관련해서는 2000년대에 백두산의 호수인  천지(칼데라) 지역에 헬륨()과 수소() 등 가스의 방출이 큰 폭으로 증가하는 등 화산 분화 가능성이 증대되고 있다. 국내의 휴화산은 언제라도 분화할 수 있다는 가능성이 존재하고 있다. 이에 산불 및 화산 분화 시 화염원에서 발생하는 적외선 신호의 원리에 대해 연구하였다. 또한, 대형 산불 및 화산 분화시 이미지 분석을 위해 KOMPSAT(Korea Multi-Purpose SATellite)-3A, Sentinel-2A, Google EARTH, Chullian-2A 등 위성 이미지를 활용하였다. 산불이나 화산 분화 분석을 위한 광학이나 적외선 위성 영상 이미지는 데이터 세트의 양이 부족하다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 이는 산불 및 화산 분화 이미지 분석 등 각종 목적에 적합한 영상을 얻기 어렵다는 것이다. 이러한 제한사항은 딥러닝을 이용해 부족한 데이터 세트 문제점을 보완할 수 있다. 딥러닝은 대량의 데이터를 처리하여 원하는 연구를 수행할 수 있으며 다양한 분야에서 활용되고 있다. 딥러닝을 사용하여 산불 및 화산 분화 이미지 분석에 활용할 수 있는 CycleGAN(Cycle Generative Adversarial Network)을 활용한 산불 이미지 생성 모델을 구축한다. CycleGAN은 페어링되지 않은 데이터 세트를 이용하여 이미지를 생성하는 방법이다. 원본 광학이나 적외선 이미지와 유사한 이미지를 생성할 수 있어 산불 이미지 분석에 활용할 수 있다. 시뮬레이션 결과 CycleGAN을 활용한 원본 이미지와 유사한 강릉지역의 산불 이미지를 생성할 수 있었다. 산불 이미지 생성 모델의 정밀도를 비교하기 위해 평가지표를 이용하여 양적 분석을 수행하였으며 생성된 산불 이미지는 실제 산불 이미지와 유사하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 평가지표인 SSIM(Structural Similarity Index Measure)과 PSNR(Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio)를 이용한 정밀도를 측정한 결과 생성된 산불 이미지는 원본 적외선 이미지의 특징을 유지하며 원본 광학 이미지의 색상을 적용하여 생성되어 원본 이미지와 유사한 형태를 보이고 있었다. 또한, 강원 및 경상지역 산불 전·후 적외선 이미지를 활용하여 산림 소실률과 피해 면적을 산출하였다. 전체 이미지의 픽셀 개수와 산림 픽셀 개수를 이용하여 산불 이전과 이후의 산림 소실률, 피해 면적 비율을 계산하였다. 산림 소실률은 화재의 집중에 따라 상이한 모습을 보여주었고, 피해 면적 비율은 유사한 형태를 보여주었다.

      • ABTS 라디칼 소거능 활성 측정을 위한 on-line HPLC법과 non-HPLC법의 비교 및 이를 활용한 김치의 항산화능 비교

        박범순 강원대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근에는 식품은 단순히 생명유지뿐만 아니라 기능적인 측면이 주목받고 실정이다. 인체는 대사를 통해 불안정한 활성산소가 체내 스트레스를 일으킬 수 있으나, 항산화능을 갖는 식품섭취를 통해 이를 억제할 수 있다. 이에 따라 식품의 항산화능이 대중들의 관심을 받고 있으며, 이를 측정하기 위한 시도가 계속되어왔다. 하지만 일반적으로 실행되는 항산화 측정 방법들은 식품 전체의 항산화능을 측정하기 때문에 식품들의 개별적인 성분들의 항산화적 효능을 파악하기 힘들다는 제한점이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 물질을 개별적으로 분리하여 검출하는 on-line HPLC에 접목된 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 측정법을 이용하였다. ABTS 라디칼 소거능 측정은 충분한 반응시간이 주어져야 하는 실험법으로 on-line HPLC-ABTS assay의 경우에는 기계적 한계로 인해 충분한 반응 시간을 보장할 수 없다는 제한점이 있다. 따라서, 분광계를 이용한 실험법과 on-line HPLC에 연계된 방법을 비교 분석하여 상호 보완하고자 하였다. 9종 항산화물질의 반응성을 파악하기 위하여 항산화물질과 ABTS 라디칼 용액을 반응시킨 후, 60초간 지속적으로 734nm 파장에서 흡광도를 측정하였다. 또한, on-line HPLC-ABTS assay의 경우에는 2가지 반응시간(17.5초와 35초)에서의 9종 시료들의 ABTS 라디칼 소거능을 비교분석하였다. 이후 on-line HPLC-ABTS assay를 실제 식품시료에 적용하기 위하여 부원료의 가감이 간편하며, 발효식품인 김치를 선정하여 부원료의 함량과 발효 진행정도에 따른 김치시료들의 총 환원력, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH 라디칼 소거능, ABTS 라디칼 소거능을 분광계를 이용한 분석을 실시하였으며, on-line HPLC-ABTS assay 또한 실시하였다. 분광계를 활용한 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 측정법에서 9종 항산화물질들은 최대라디칼 소거능과 초기 라디칼 소거 속도가 시료별로 달라졌으며 반응시간이 경과함에 따라 항산화능의 정도가 다르게 나타났다. On-line HPLC-ABTS assay의 경우에는 17.5초 반응시간과 35초 반응시간의 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 결과들에 대한 상관관계가 0.985로 매우 높게 나타났다(p<0.01). 부원료의 함량을 다르게하여 제조한 김치로 진행한 항산화 실험결과는 발효적 측면보다 원료적 측면, 구체적으로는 고춧가루 사용량이 김치의 항산화능에 크게 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 분광계를 활용한 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 측정과 총 환원력, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH 라디칼 소거능, on-line HPLC-ABTS assay간의 상관관계는 각각 0.962, 0.937, 0.917, 0.588로 각각 나타나서 실험결과의 일관성을 보였으며(p<0.01), 분광계를 활용한 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 측정과 on-line HPLC-ABTS aasay가 상호보완적으로 사용될 수 있는 방법임을 보여주었다. Recently, among the effects of food, not only life support but also functional aspects are attracting attention. The human being can cause stress in the body by unstable active oxygen through metabolism, but it can be suppressed through food intake with antioxidant ability. Accordingly, the antioxidant ability of food is attracting public attention, and attempts have been made to measure it. However, since the antioxidant capacity measurement using a spectrophotometer generally evaluate total antioxidant abilities of the entire food, there is a limitation to evaluate indibvidual antioxidant ability of each compunds. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate on-line HPLC-ABTS radical scavenging activity of nine compounds. ABTS radical scavenging ability measurement is an experimental method in which sufficient reaction time should be given, and in the case of on-line HPLC-ABTS assay, there is a limitation that sufficient reaction time cannot be guaranted due to mechanical limitations. Therefore, we compared two different experimental methods including spectrophotometric assay and on-line HPLC-ABTS assay. After reacting the 9 antioxidant compounds with the ABTS radical solution, the absorbance was continuously measured at a wavelength of 734 nm for 60 seconds. In addition, in the case of on-line HPLC-ABTS assay, the ABTS radical scavenging activity of nine samples was compared at two reaction times (17.5 seconds and 35 seconds). using the optimized on-line HPLC-ABTS assay conditions, we measured ABTS radical scavenging activities of Kimchi samples. Total reduction capacity of kimchi samples, total flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging activity and ABTS radical scavenging activity were also measured by spectrophotometric assay. In the ABTS radical scavenging ability measurement using a spectrophotometer, the maximum radical scavenging ability and initial radical scavenging speed of nine antioxidants varied from sample to sample, and the degree of antioxidant ability was different as the reaction time proceed. In the case of on-line HPLC-ABTS assay, the correlation between the results of ABTS radical elimination of 17.5 seconds reaction time and 35 seconds reaction time was very high at 0.985 (p<0.01). The results of the antioxidant experiment conducted with Kimchi prepared with different ingredients showed that amount of red pepper powder contributed greatly to the antioxidant ability of kimchi. In addition, the correlation between ABTS radical scavenging activity measurement using a spectrophotometer and total reducting capacity, total flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and on-line HPLC-ABTS assay were 0.962, 0.937, 0.917, and 0.588 respectively, showing consistency in experimental results (p<0.01), and the method of ABTS radical scavenging activity measurement using spectrophotometer and on-line HPLC-ABTS assay can be used complementary mutually.

      • 시설원예용 화염확산 억제 알루미늄 스크린 개발

        박범순 충북대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to develop aluminum screen with flame-spread prevention function for greenhouse. The physical properties of developed aluminum screen was analyzed by domestic and foreign official testing agencies. And after fitting developed aluminum screen to the greenhouse, it’s heating properties were analyzed. Further, it was analyzed how developed aluminum screen was efficient economically in terms of micro and macro aspects. The main results were as following. First, facilitate weather proof and adhesion strength were analyzed according mixing ratios and evaporation coating methods of the film with flame-spread prevention function and PET film. And carbonization distance of aluminum film, PET film and weaving thread were examined, and the effect of materials with flame-spread prevention function was analyzed. As the results, the carbonization distance of PET film, used for aluminum screen with flame-spread prevention function, was found to be 105mm, and no flame-spread. In the case of aluminum film with mixing flame retardant, the carbonization distance of laminating method was found to be shorter than evaporation coating method. And with conditions of mixing ratios 30% and 40%, the carbonization distance was turned out under 180mm. Also the remaining time of flam was 0. These results satisfied with all criteria. Therefore, the method of aluminum laminating film type with 30 : 70 mixing ratio of Halogen series flame retardant and adhesive could be the best way for manufacturing of aluminum screen with flame-spread prevention function. The tolerating level of immersion(adhesive strength) of aluminum film was found that the aluminum film laminated with Halogen series flame retardant is excellent, because of no detach between PET film and aluminum film. The carbonization distance of weaving thread with flame retardant was found to be average 10.6 ㎝, which means that the effect of flame retardant is excellent. Second, weaving thread with flame retardant were measured the differences the properties of tensile strength according to 100, 120, 150 D. Also, the properties of tensile strength of aluminum films, which manufactured with mixing ratios of 20, 30, 40% of Halogen series flame retardant, were measured. Further, for finding the properties of tensile strength according to temperature, tensile strength of weaving thread with flame retardant and aluminum film were measured under conditions of 5, 25, 30℃ respectively. As the results, tensile strength of weaving thread with flame retardant was increased with the thickness of thread. It turned out that there were critical velocity in the tensile strength with velocity of weaving thread with flame retardant according to the thickness of thread. That is, the tensile strength changed right before and after critical velocity value. The higher mixing ratio of flame retardant, the higher tensile strength of Halogen series aluminum film with flame retardant. And th lower temperature of it, the higher tensile strength of weaving thread with flame retardant. However, after critical tensile velocity of 12 ㎝/min, the tensile strength of sample with 5℃ was decreased, and the tensile strength of sample with 25℃ showed highest value. Further the tensile strength of Halogen series aluminum film, with flame retardant according to temperature, did not show significant differences. Third, the aluminum screen with flame retardant was designed with three layers of aluminum film, laminated by PET film with flame retardant and aluminum hoil. Especially, by designing bonding layer of PET film and aluminum film with flame retardant, the function of resistance to flame made increased. The sample of aluminum screen with flame retardant was made of mixing ratio 30% of adhesive, and the YES 55 type and YES 75 type were used as the model of screen. For YES 75 type, the tensile strength showed 190N in the length and width direction, which showed higher tensile strength than YES 55 type. For YES 75 type, shading ratio showed best in the aluminum screen with conditions of Halogen series flame retardant mixing ratios of 30% and 40%. There were no differences in the moisture and air permeability according to mixing ratios of flame retardant. The results of performance evaluation for flame retardant by FITI showed that in the case of carbonization distance, YES 55 type and YES 75 type were satisfied with the criterion. The results of performance evaluation for flame retardant by effects in Netherlands showed that YES 55 type and YES 75 type were satisfied with the criterion. Fourth, the weaving system of aluminum screen with flame retardant was consisted of warping device, slitter device, krill device, processing device for aluminum screen fabric. And a beam was developed for weaving device with 42 pieces of thread in a 4 m width. It was developed that slitter device is consisted of film cradle and tension control roller, cutter, outlet, and krill device. The results of performance evaluation for slitter device showed that the level of evenness of experimental sample was higher than control sample, by 100% in the upper side, 99% in the bottom side. It was developed that the weaving device was consisted of pattern gear for determining weaving types, weaving bar, film guide, weaving thread guide, weaving pine. The results of performance evaluation for weaving device showed that average producing speed was 24.4 m/h and average defective production was 0.4 time per 10 minutes. These results means that developed weaving device in this study show a little higher efficiency than existing weaving device. Fifth, the differences of heating properties and temperature changes inside/outside of greenhouse were analyzed between aluminum screens with flame retardant, YES 75 type and without flame retardant. It was turned out that the temperature of inside of greenhouse for experimental greenhouse showed higher by average 1℃ than control greenhouse. For the temperature of space of one layer and two layers of greenhouse, experimental greenhouse showed lower by average 2.5℃ than control greenhouse. The accumulated losing energy through outer cover of greenhouse showed that experimental greenhouse showed lower by average 250 kJ/h than control greenhouse. The losing energy through greenhouse ventilation showed no difference between experimental greenhouse and control greenhouse. And the losing energy through soil of greenhouse showed that experimental greenhouse showed higher by about 12-23 kJ/h than control greenhouse. The accumulated energy through hot air heating showed that experimental greenhouse showed lower by average 18,000 kJ/h than control greenhouse. This result means that experimental greenhouse saved energy by 16% comparing to control greenhouse. Above results showed that aluminum screen developed in this study has higher level of thermo-keeping and higher level of energy saving than existing aluminum screen. Sixth, economic efficiency of aluminum screen developed in this study was analyzed in terms of micro and macro economic aspects. In the macro economic aspect, economic efficiency was analyzed under conditions that the total import amount of aluminum screen with flame retardant is about 50 m2 in 2015, and if it is possible that importing replacing rates are 100%, 80%, 60% respectively. The results showed that the economic values of 2.2 billion(100% replacing rate) and 50 million won, 1.8 billion won(80% replacing rate), and 1.3 billion and 50 million won(60% replacing rate) respectively. When if current farms, which has been using imported aluminum screen were replacing to aluminum screen developed by this study by 100%, 80%, 60% respectively, the farms could save the cost from aluminum screen installation by 750 million won, 600 million won, and 450 million won respectively. Further, the saving social cost from fire prevention could be 4 billion won. In the micro aspect, a typical sized farm may pay additional cost of 720,000 won for replacing aluminum screen from imported one to developed one by this study. Comparing with this, a typical sized farm should pay about 21,000,000 won for fire insurance. Above results showed that the economic efficiency of aluminum screen, with flame retardant developed by this study, was turned out very efficient comparing to the imported one.

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