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      • 컴퓨터교육을 통한 신바람학교 만들기 방안 연구

        박두성 강원대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Successful education depends on the followings; professional teachers having variable and high-quality teaching methodology, students having eagerness to study, and parents supporting cooperative education programs, and concerning children's learning. A vocational high school aims at educating students to be engineers in order to have skill and technology. To be a technological engineer, it is required that they should learn theory and practical ability. In addition, in order to get high quality repeated practice must be done. Nowadays most students and parents are, however, interested in entering university. After graduating from junior high school, they want to enter academic high school if possible. The other students, who could not go to academic school, enter vocational high schools. This is a recent situation. Most of the vocational high school students repeatedly experience the failed achievement of learning. Disharmony with their colleagues, the impediment in learning, little self-respect, occur during their elementary school or junior high school days. Recently opportunity of entrance in universities for the students is getting better. Students' level to learn skill and theory is getting worse by the year. For this reason, it is very difficult to educate students to be the vocational engineers who have high quality knowledge and practical skills, which is the primary goal of vocational high schools. This study focused on education of students who have little self-achievement, and refuse to go to school because of repeated failure of learning achievement. To be positive students who willingly go to school and learn by themselves, it is useful to apply practical education using computer. The development of IT made our society change an industrial society into an information-oriented society, and it has also much affected in education. Since the 1990s, in accordance with the spread of P.C and internet, students' entertainment trend has been changed. That is, today, their mainly hobby is playing computer game. But, they using a computer only as a tool of entertainment such as game or chatting, we can hardly expect their successful learning through it. This study has been processed to change a counter-function of computer into a right function of that through education, aiming at promoting the students' learning achievement and their self-respect. This study, first, has carried out the education which the students, the object of this study, could get a license through computer education. As the result, they have got a lot of interesting about their school lives and classes. First of all, being late and absence in class have been decreased, about 60%. Moreover, the submitting rate of homework assignment, the bringing rate of preparatory stock, class participation, and so on have been got better, about 1.8 times. Second, it has educated the volunteering students who had been chosen for a competitive exhibition through intensive learning. They were so enthusiastic for learning that they attended the class in voluntary even though it was after school as well as in holidays. There were neither being late nor absence in class among them during the educational period, and the grade for their class manner got higher, 1.5 times. The education using computer for the vocational high school students, having not been interested in learning usually because of little learning achievement in school education, made their low learning motivation and self-achievement improve that this made it possible to be a cheerful school. 성공적인 교육은 다양하고 질 높은 수업준비로 무장된 전문 교사와 열심히 배우려 하는 학생, 그리고 그런 교육과정에 관심을 가지고 협력하며 적극적으로 학교와 자녀들의 학습에 관심을 갖는 학부모가 있을 때 달성된다. 전문계 고등학교는 기능과 기술을 겸비한 전문 엔지니어 양성을 목적으로 한다. 전문 엔지니어가 되기 위해서 전문계 고등학교 학생들은 전공에 관한 이론 학습과 실기 능력을 습득하며 일정한 목표에 도달하기 위해서는 반복적인 연습이 반드시 필요하다. 그러나 현재 대부분의 학생과 학부모의 관심은 대학진학에 있기 때문에 중학교에서 성적이 좋은 졸업생은 인문계 고등학교로 진학한다. 그리고 인문계 고등학교에 진학하지 못하는 나머지 학생들이 전문계 고등학교에 진학하는 것이 일반적인 현상이라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 현재 초등·중학교 시절부터 반복되는 학업 성취의 실패, 또래관계의 부조화, 학습장애, 자신에 대한 극히 낮은 존중감등에 처해있는 것이 대부분의 전문계 고등학교 학생들이다. 최근 전문계 고등학교에도 대학입학의 문이 넓어졌으나 학부모들의 학력 우선주의적 사고는 쉽게 고쳐질 것 같지 않다. 하여 해가 갈수록 전문계 고등학교 학생들의 기능이나 이론 습득 수준은 점점 낮아지고 있다. 위와 같은 이유로 전문계 고등학교의 원래 목표인 전문 분야에 대한 이론적 지식과 실기 능력을 갖춘 기능인을 양성하기는 매우 어려운 실정이다. 하여 본 연구는 컴퓨터활용 교육을 통해 전문계 고등학교 학생들의 낮은 자기 효능감, 반복적인 학업성취의 실패등 에서 기인한 지겹고 가기 싫은 학교를 가고 싶어 하는 학교, 교사에 의해 강제되는 공부가 아니라 스스로 찾아서 하는 능동적인 학생으로 변화 시키는데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 정보통신 기술의 발달은 우리 사회를 산업화 사회에서 정보화 사회로 이끌었고 교육 분야 에도 많은 영향을 주었다. 90년대 이후 각 가정에 개인용 컴퓨터의 보유율이 높아지고 인터넷이 공급되면서 학생들의 놀이 문화도 많이 변하였다. 이는 대부분 학생들의 취미가 컴퓨터 게임 인 것을 보면 알 수 있다. 그러나 문제는 학생들이 컴퓨터와 친숙하기는 하지만 거의 사용 용도가 게임이나 채팅 등 오락 중심이어서 성공적 학습을 기대하기는 어려움이 있다. 이런 컴퓨터의 역기능을 교육을 통해 순기능으로 바꾸고자 본 연구는 진행 되었으며, 컴퓨터를 활용한 수업을 통해 학생들에게 학업 성취도와 자기 효능감을 높이는데 목표를 두었다. 이 연구는 첫 번째, 연구 대상 학급 학생들에게 컴퓨터교육을 통해 자격증을 취득할 수 있는 교육을 실시하였다. 이 결과 학생들은 학교생활 및 수업에 많은 흥미를 갖게 되었다. 우선 지각, 결석이 60%정도 줄어들었다. 그리고, 과제물 제출율, 준비물 지참율, 수업참여도 등도 1.8배나 좋아졌다. 두 번째, 애니메이션 심화 학습을 통해 경진대회에 참가할 희망학생을 선발하여 교육하였다. 교육에 참여한 학생들의 학습열의는 매우 높아 방과 후는 물론 휴일에도 자발적으로 등교하여 학습에 임하였다. 참가한 학생들의 지각, 결석은 교육기간 중 하루도 없었고, 수업태도에 관한 점수도 1.5배 상승함을 알 수 있었다. 평소 학교 교육에서 낮은 학업 성취도 때문에 재미 없어하는 전문계 고등학생에게 컴퓨터를 이용한 교육은 학습동기와 자기 효능감을 높여 주어 신바람학교의 실현을 가능하게 하였다.

      • 換率變動의 輸出價格 轉嫁度에 關한 硏究

        박두성 明知大學校 大學院 1993 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The appreciation of Won elevates price of exports and gets down price of imports relatively. Practically it gives an effect on the demand of imports and exports giving she fluctuation of import-export price caused by exchange rate of Won. Therefore, the effect of the appreciation of Won is closely correlated with the price of imports and exports, being directly influenced by the shift of exchange rate. The effect of the appreciation primarily depends on the flexibility of exchange rate. The scale of it can be measured as the degree of the pass-through effect, a degree reflecting the shift of exchange rate upon the decision of price of imports. If the degree is bigger, sequins effects on the export price by exchange rate shift will be considerable. In vice versa, if smaller, thin the effect not so much. At the decision of the exchange rate adjustment and the policy to manage it, first of all, the pass-through effect should be studied to decide what influences, by exchange rate, are given so the price of imports and exports. The measuring of the effect is important in shat it is essential for a effective control of exchange rate to manage the balance of payment and expenditure and the price of exports, with measured figures, is predictable even in case of intense fluctuation of exchange rate. As Korea depends on export, it is meaningful for its economy to analyze the degree of the pass-through effect on the export price at the change of exchange rate. The study of the degree on how much effects are given to us with what periodical difference is also elating to revise exchange rate policy and determine a future plan of the policy. The figure of the study on the degree of the pass-through effect in the sections of Industry and Manufacture had shown the highest degree with -0.95 in the section of wood and its applied goods, while the lowest one with -0.17 in the section of material goods, machines and parts and tool Industry. The average of the degree was somewhat lower with -0.28. Those figures imply that the Industry with high price flexibility is seldom influenced by exchange rate, as it imposes the parties effect, relative increase of price, of exchange rate on its exports price. On the other hand, the Industry with the lack of price flexibility should absorb the relatively increased burden caused by exchange rate, plummeting the break-even point. The Industry with good competitive price can transfer the burden - the fluctuation of price - to foreign consumers, sustaining the competitiveness, imposing the variation of exchange rate on the price of exports. As the manufactures Industry with low degree of the pass-through effect is unable to impose the increased price by the fluctuation of exchange rate on export price, it should absorb the price addition internally. In the long run, it suffers from continues loss of profits. The result can be inferred that exporting goods of the low degree industries are usually not. high-increased value of price and have no competitive quality with other goods. Therefore, the way to be free from the crisis is the high level of exports quality to the extent of scarcely being influenced by the exchange rate. It will be realized only through highly value-added goods; this can properly hold up the relatively increases price variation causes by the fluctuation of exchange rate. The management of Industrial sections and foreign exchange policy should be performed in a close relationship because the degree of the pass-through effect shows different phase between those Industrial sections. Oases on the model of PDL(polynomial distributed lags), the research on the agree of influence to exports price with the fluctuation of exchange rate reveals that the factors of exchange rate give much effect on the price of exporting goods. In case of Korea, except two sections of Industry, the price system, being relocate exchange rate on the export price in the short span of time, is hyper-sensitive. As we rely on foreign trade, we are inevitably involves in the matter of exchange rate structurally. For us, therefore, exchange rate is the most important factor and this should be taken into account in establishing a policy of exchange rate management. The degree of the pass-through effect has been periodical differences as follows; the depreciation of Won during the period of 1980 - 1985, the appreciation during 1986 - 1989, and the depreciation during 1989 - 1992. Those figures of the degree during the appreciation is high with -0.72, and, in vice versa, during the depreciation low with -0.27 and -0.2s. The high pressure from wage-hike has led those exporting companies to transfer the increases portion of price by exchange rate to the exports in order not to lose their profits. And the pressure of appreciation abroad and the wage-hike at home was other reasons for the big figures. In the market, Korean goods ranked the high in price because of a higher price flexibility being shifted by exchange rate and a higher degree of the pass-through effect. Such a condition of high price, with bas competitiveness in quality, causes frequent trade deficit, revealing "J-curve effect" what we called. In conclusion, more efforts of exporting companies for the technical advancement, based on government support policy, are needed to trade highly value-added exports with a low price flexibility, because we have faced the hardships o f relatively high wage level, and we also have no our own original labels and skills for the goods excelling others. Also in the dimension of non-price aspect such as high degree of service system and the promotion of brand image, research and development are urgently needed.

      • 옥탑광고 디자인의 광고효과에 관한 연구 : 청주시 옥탑광고의 실제 사례를 중심으로

        박두성 청주대학교 산업경영대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We hope to explore ways of improving by grasping the problem through situational analysis of the present billboard advertisements of building top centering around Chong-ju. We also wish to improve the quality of billboard advertisements of building top, which is an important factor when considering new construction, by recgnizing their importance. So, the purpose of this study is to contribute to a desirable city environment in new construction in Chong-ju. The procedure of this study is as follows; First, investigate documents after pre-study. Second, make an analysis of the present situation of billboard advertisements of building top in Chong-ju. These are devided by classification; industry, modeling, and location. Third, survey Chong-ju citizens regarding their understanding of billboard advertisements of building top and which designs they would find desirable. Forth, determine which buildings would and would not be suitable for billboard advertisements of building top. In addition, determine, by industry and location, which buildings can be improved. The results of the study are as follows; First, there are 28 billboard advertisements of building top at electronic machinery factory and 7 other sites in Chong-ju. There are in the center of the city, on the main arterial roads, or in the factory areas. By and large, they are samll scale, rectangular, and the lettering is either a corporate typography or gothic type. Their colors include white, red, blue, and green. More than half of them are handmade. Second, according to the questionaire, Chong-ju citizens are very interested in billboard advertisements of building top. They think billboard advertisements of building top account for many of the sign boards in Chong-ju and that they have made a great contribution to the beauty of this city. Most respondents think the number of billboard advertisements of building top should be increased in Chong-ju. They are in favor of billboard advertisements of building top at Samsong Electronics near the entrance to the factory area, PaekHark Soju at Naedok-dong and Sokyo-dong, DongSo Food at Somun-dong, and JinRo department store. Third, the problems of billboard advertisements of building top in Chong-ju are as follows( though in some cases there are differences in each advertisement); There are problems in the way of color. For example, the original colors, inadequacy of the product image and disharmony with the surroundings. There are problems include lettering that is not in harmony with each other, the size and arrangement of letters, the fact that some signs are too bright for their surroundings. Non-rectangular shapes should be used because there are too many rectangular signs. Other shapes should be used. It has been pointed out that most of the manufactured materials are handmade. Ways of improvement are as follows; The various colors which are suitable to the environment of the city and are appropriate to the aims of billboard advertisements of building top must be used. The quality of billboard advertisements of building top can be improved by developing colors specific to each company. Proper proportion between screen and letters, either by deleting or inserting letters, must be carried out. New billboard advertisements of building top should be tried out and the materials which have an highly effect of advertisements must be used if possible. All future billboard advertisements of building top should incorporiate all of the above suggetions. This will help with the visibility of new advertisements.

      • 培養液 濃度와 灌水方法 및 生長抑制劑 處理가 분식국화의 生長과 開花에 미치는 影響

        朴斗成 순천대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The effects of subirrigation versus conventional overhead irrigation on the growth and flowering of potted chrysanthemum were studied at different nutrient solution concentrations. Rooted cuttings of chrysanthemum were transplanted into 12cm, round pots on April 11, 2002. The pots were filled with a soilless growing medium, made of coir and perlite(1:1, v/v). Plants were placed on ebb & flow benches or regular greenhouse benches in a double-layer polyethylene-covered greenhouse. Plants on the regular benches were hand watered daily using a watering can, while the plants on the ebb-and-flow benches were watered daily by subirrigation. Water was pumped onto the benches using water pumps(1/3 HP ). About 10 min were required for the pumps to fill the trays with 3 cm of water, and 10 min for the water to drain back into the holding tanks. The nutrient solution was stored in 200-L plastic barrels and replenished as needed. In addition to the two irrigation methods, there were four nutrient solution concentration treatments. Plants were watered with four different concentrations of Japanese Horticultural Experiment Station solution[(0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0× full strength; electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.9, 1.7, 2.2, and 4.8 dS·m^-1, respectively)]. At 28 days after transplanting, all plants were pinched, the plants were monitored for pests, and pesticides were applied as needed. Irrespective of irrigation method, plant growth increased with increasing nutrient solution concentration. Maximum plant growth was obtained when plants were fertilized with 2.0× nutrient solution concentration with both irrigation methods. At the end of the growing period, subirrigated plants were larger in plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, shoot fresh and dry weight than those of overhead-irrigated plants at the same concentrations. Irrespective of irrigation method, the EC of the growing medium increased with increasing nutrient solution concentration. However at the same concentrations, the EC of the growing medium in subirrigated pots was higher than those of overhead-irrigated pots. When plants were watered with 2.0× concentration, the final EC of the growing medium was about 5.5 and 3.8 dS·m-1 in subirrigated and overhead-irrigated pots, respectively (as determined by the pour-through method). Throughout the experiment, when plants were watered with low nutrient solution concentrations(0.25 and 0.5×), the pH of the growing medium remained within 6.5 to 7.0, but the pH of the growing medium decreased at higher concentrations(1.0 and2.0×), regardless of irrigation method. Leaf chlorophyll content increased with increasing nutrient concentrations at two irrigation methods, but there was no significant difference in chlorophyll content between plants grown with subirrigation or overhead-irrigation methods. Plants flowered earlier at 0.5× concentration regardless of irrigation method, and number of flowers, flower diameter and weight were maximized when plants were watered with 2.0× concentration by subirrigation. Tissue concentrations of N, P, Ca and Mg in the leaves increased significantly when plants were fertilized with 2.0× concentration by subirrigation. Subirrigated plant leaves were higher in macro nutrients content than those of overhead-irrigated plant leaves, but the effects of nutrient concentration on shoot micro nutrients were not consistent between the two irrigation methods. The effects of growth retardant on growth and flowering of chrysanthemum were studied. Rooted cuttings of chrysanthemum were transplanted into 12 cm, round pots filled with soilless growing medium(coir+perlite, 1:1 v/v) on April 11, 2002. Plants were subirrigated with 1.0× concentration of Japanese Horticultural Experiment Station solution, and treated(drench and spray) with paclobutrazol (10, 20, 30 mg·L^-1) and B-9 (500, 1500, 3000 mg·L^-1) at 9 weeks after pinching. Regardless of growth retardant concentrations, 50 mL of paclobutrazol and B-9 solution was either applied to the foliage as a spray or to the top of the growing medium as a drench. In all treatments of paclobutrazol and B-9, plants growth was retarded significantly, and showed no difference between soil drench and leaf spray. Leaf chlorophyll content, days to flowering of potted chrysanthemum were not affected by paclobutrazol and B-9 treatments. Number of flower was increased spray than thoes drench by B-9 treatments.

      • 시니어 세대의 확대에 따른 여가마케팅의 현황과 발전방향

        박두성 단국대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구에서는 선행 연구를 바탕으로 노인 소비자 사장을 경제력 소비 능력이 있는 시장이라는 전제아래, 노인 소비자 시장을 공략하기 위한 노인의 특성과 노인 소비자의 행동특성을 알아보고, 시니어 산업에서 노인의 여가 상품과 서비스 마케팅에 대해 고찰해 보았다. 시니어 세대를 대상으로 한 여가 상품과 서비스 마케팅 전략을 위한 소자특성을 살펴보면 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 시니어 세대에 있어서 건강에 대한 관심이 높아 노인 여가 상품 및 서비스는 건강관리와 과거 노동에 대한 관광 상품을 지향한다. 둘째, 시니어 세대가 선호 하는 상품이나 서비스의 가장 고려하는 사항은 품질이고, 품질의 가치를 따지는 소비 경향을 보이고 있다. 셋째, 시니어 세대는 소비 정보에 대해 가능한 많은 양을 선호하고 있어, 여가 서비스에 대한 각종 정보 및 비젼을 꾸준히 제공해야 받을 것을 지향한다. 이에 시니어 세대의 여가 생활의 방향을 교육적 측면, 문화적 측면, 노인생활 체육 측면, 레저활동 측면, 오락 관련 측면 의 5가지의 방향으로 살펴보면 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 교육적 측면의 여가생활 방향은 계층간의 정보격차를 해소할 뿐만 아니라 고령화시대를 맞는 노인의 여가활용 등 정보복지 향상에 기여할 수 있어야 한다. 문화적 측면의 여가생활 방향은 노인의 여가활동 활성화를 위해 노인대상 TV 프로그램이 제작되어야 한고, 또한 신체적, 정신적 노인들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 게임 프로그램 개발되어야 할 것이다. 노인 생활 체육 측면에서는 노인 생활 체육 측면에서 여가 활동의 마련되어야 할 것이다. 레져 관련 측면의 여가생활 방향은 경제력 있는 노인 세대가계속적으로 증가하여 여가 활동 분야에 잠재수요가 커짐으로써 다양한 레져 관련 여가 활동이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 여가 오락 관련 측면의 여가생활 방향은 노인을 대상으로 하는 여가와 오락의 비즈니스는 가격 보다는 노인에 맞는 내용으로 여가 활동의 상품이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 이러한 시니어 세대의 소비 특성과, 마케팅 방향을 여가 방향을 바탕으로 시니어 세대의 여가 마케팅 전략을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시니어 세대의 여가 상품 마케팅 전략이다. 시니어들의 라이프사이클에 따른 여가생활 유형에 따라 미래 노인소비자의 ‘감각’과 ‘웰빙, 재미(fun)추구, 디지털전문가’등의 신 노인층 소비트렌드를 예측하여 여가 상품을 만들어야 한다. 급증하는 시니어 대상 여가상품과 서비스의 수요에 인프라뿐만 아니라 여가상품과 여가 서비스의 공급이 가능하도록 사업화하기 위해서는 우선 유효수요를 확대해야 한다. 둘째, 시니어 세대를 위한 레저 마케팅 전략이다. 우리나라 기업들의 시니어 세대를 위한 레저 마케팅 사례를 보면 레저와 연계된 금융 서비스, 통신서비스 등을 제공하는 복합형 비즈니스 사례가 눈에 띈다. 그리고 이러한 복합형비즈니스는 어느 정도 성공을 거두고 있다고 할 수 있으며, 앞으로도 지속적으로 추구될 것이다. 본 연구는 시니어 산업의 여가 상품 마케팅 전략의 선행 연구의 문헌 고찰만 한 것에 대한 한계점을 가진다. 이에 향후 시니어 산업의 여가 상품에 대한 마케팅 전략 요소들에 대해 경험적 검증 자료를 토대로 보다 현실적인 시니어 산업의 여가 상품 마케팅 전략을 구성함으로써, 시니어 산업의 여가 상품 마케팅에 있어서 활성화 방안을 제언해야 하는 바이다.

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