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      • 국내육성 호밀품종의 조사료 생산성에 영향을 미치는 기상요소 평가

        류정기 대구대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 기상 요인이 국내에서 육성하여 보급 중에 있는 곡우호밀의 생육 및 생산성에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 다음과 같이 세 가지 관점에서 연구를 수행하였다. 첫째, 재배지역별 장기간의 곡우호밀 생육 및 수량 자료를 활용하여 한해, 도복 및 생육에 대한 특성을 분석하고 생산성에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 둘째, 기후적지 판정 기준에 따라서 곡우호밀에 대한 대구지역과 수원지역의 기후 적합도 분석, 적지판정 관련 기상요인의 특성 평가 및 연차 간 변화 양상을 조사하였고, 생산성에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 기후 인자를 고려한 적지 선정 및 안정 생산을 위한 재배환경 관리방법을 제시하였다. 셋째, 곡우호밀의 재배기간 동안 주요 기상 요소의 지역별, 연도별 변화 평가, 기상요소가 건물수량에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 기상요소를 활용한 수량 예측 모델을 개발하는데 그 목적을 두고 실시하였다. Ⅰ. 국내 육성 호밀 품종 곡우의 생육특성 분석 경상북도농업기술원, 국립식량과학원 중부작물부 시험포장에서 수행된 곡우호밀의 지역적응시험 결과를 분석자료로 활용하였다. 한해 발생, 초장 및 건물비율은 지역 간, 연차 간 차이는 없었고, 도복은 대구지역이 평균 0.9, 수원지역은 4.8로 지역 간 차이가 있었으나(p<0.05), 연차 간 차이는 없었다(p<0.05). 출수소요일수는 대구지역이 평균 177일, 수원지역은 193일로 대구지역이 빨랐고(p<0.001), 이삭수는 대구지역보다 수원지역이 많았으며(p<0.05), 수확소요일수는 대구지역이 평균 184일, 수원지역은 199일로 대구지역이 짧았다(p<0.001). 또 생체수량은 대구지역이 평균 3,639 kg/10a, 수원지역이 5,066 kg/10a(p<0.001), 건물수량은 대구지역이 평균 709 kg/10a, 수원지역이 평균 992 kg/10a(p<0.001)으로 수원지역이 대구지역보다 많았으나, 연차 간 차이는 없었다(p<0.05). Ⅱ. 재배적지 분석과 곡우호밀의 생육 및 수량과의 관계 본 연구는 대구지역과 수원지역의 연차별 기상요소를 활용하여 곡우호밀의 기후 적합도 분석 실시, 기후 적합도 판정 요소별 지역 간, 연차 간 차이 분석, 기상요소와 생체수량, 건물수량, 출수소요일수, 수확소요일수 등 생육 및 수량과의 상관 및 주성분 분석을 통한 변수들 간 상호작용에 의한 요인들이 지역별, 연차 간 변화에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 재배기간 동안 대구와 수원지역 모두 저온에 의한 피해 가능성은 매우 낮았고, 3월에서 5월까지의 일평균기온은 19.8로 가중치를 환산한 최고 배점인 20점과 유사하여 봄 생육에 충분한 기온이 유지되었으며, 일평균기온인 5 ℃ 이상의 일수는 20.0을 나타내어 대구지역과 수원지역은 생육에 적합한 적지로 분류되었다. 10월부터 5월까지의 강우일수와 강수량은 수원지역이 대구지역보다 배점이 높았고, 종합점수는 대구지역 83.9, 수원지역은 87.6으로 기후 적합도는 가능(possible)으로 분류되었다. 강우일수(p=0.108), 종합배점(p=0.217), 3월에서 5월까지 일평균기온(p=0.319)의 순으로 기후 적합도에 영향을 주었다. 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 10월에서 5월까지 강우일수와 건물수량의 상관계수 0.444(p<0.05)로 유의한 선형관계를 나타내었고, 강수량은 건물수량과 상관계수는 0.490(p<0.05)으로 유의한 선형관계를 나타내어 강우 인자가 건물수량에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 분석되었다. 주성분분석 결과 첫 번째 주성분(PC1)은 기후 적합도 종합배점, 10월에서 5월까지의 강우일수와 강수량, 건물수량으로 수분 공급과 관련한 기후인자이었다. 총 분산에 대한 주성분의 설명력은 36.28%이었다. 제2주성분은 출수소요일수와 수확소요일수로 기상환경 특성에 따른 작물의 생육기간이며, 주성분의 설명력은 총 분산의 26.26%이었다. 제3주성분은 3월에서 5월까지의 일평균기온과 생체수량이었다. 제1주성분, 제2주성분 및 제3주성분은 총 분산에 대하여 76.64%를 차지하는 것으로 분석되었다. 주성분 점수의 2차원 평면 분포에서 대구지역의 제1주성분 점수는 –0.723 ± 1.736, 제2주성분 점수는 0.174 ± 0.542이며, 수원지역은 제1주성분 점수는 0.723 ± 1.389, 제2주성분 점수는 -0.174 ± 1.471으로 수원지역이 대구지역보다 강우일수, 강수량 등의 수분 공급력이 우수한 환경조건이었다. 주성분 점수의 연도별 분포 분석 결과, 제1주성분 점수가 높고 제2주성분 점수가 낮을 때 건물수량이 많았으며, 대구지역은 2010년, 2011년, 2012년, 수원지역은 2010년, 2011년, 2016년이 그에 해당되었다. Ⅲ. 곡우호밀 재배기간 동안 기상요소 변화 및 생산에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석과 생산량 예측식 개발 본 연구는 대구 및 수원지역에서 곡우호밀의 재배기간 동안 생산에 영향을 미치는 주요 기상인자의 변화를 조사하였다. 또한 다중회귀분석을 통한 건물수량에 미치는 영향 평가, 건물수량을 예측하는 모델식 개발과 경로분석을 통한 기상요소와 건물수량의 인과관계 분석 및 각 변수의 직접적, 간접적 영향에 대한 규모 추정을 실시하였다. 일평균기온은 대구지역이 수원지역보다 1.8 ℃ 정도 높았고, 적산온도 또한 대구지역이 121.8 ℃ 높았다. 대기의 건조 상태를 나타내는 수증기압 차이는 대구지역이 0.174 kPa 높았으나, 수증기압 차이의 적정범위인 0.4 ~ 1.2 kPa를 고려할 때 적정한 수준이었다. 일사량과 건물수량과의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 파종 후 10월의 일사량이 건물수량의 상관계수는 0.474(p<0.05)로 정의 상관을 나타내었고, 2월의 일사량은 –0.414(p<0.05)로 부의 상관이었다. 대구지역의 평균 일사량은 11.8 MJ/m2/day, 수원지역은 10.7 MJ/m2/day 이었고, 누적일사량은 대구지역이 2,161.8 MJ/m2/day, 수원지역이 2,122.2 MJ/m2/day로 대구지역이 많았다. 대구지역의 평균 강수량은 25.1 mm 이었고, 수원지역은 22.8 mm로 대구지역이 약간 많았고, 증발산량은 대구지역이 평균 399.9 mm, 수원지역은 319.6 mm로 대구지역의 증발산량이 수원보다 연간 80.3 mm 많은 편이었다. 수분부족도와 건물수량과의 상관분석 실시 결과, 10월 수분 부족도는 상관계수 0.474(p<0.05)로 선형관계이었고, 2월은 –0.654(p<0.001)로 고도로 유의한 부의 관계를 나타내었다. 건물수량을 예측하기 위한 다중회귀모델은 44.6%의 설명력(p<0.032)을 가지며, 누적일사량, 수확소요일수, 강수량의 회귀계수는 각각 0.101, 0.197, 0.853으로 건물수량과 양의 관계, 수분부족도는 –4.453으로 건물수량과 부의 관계를 가지는 것으로 분석되었다. 곡우호밀의 건물수량의 실측치와 예측치의 관계 (r2)는 0.446(p<0.0001)로 우수한 예측 결과를 나타내었다. 경로분석을 통한 기상요소와 건물수량의 인과관계 분석 결과, 곡우호밀의 건물수량에 대한 누적일사량의 직접효과는 0.1772, 간접효과는 –0.1205로 총 효과는 0.0567을 나타내었고, 강수량의 직접효과는 0.2225, 간접효과는 0.1293, 총 효과는 0.3518으로 곡우호밀의 건물수량에 미치는 영향을 고려하면 누적일사량에 비하여 강수량이 6.2배 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 정리하면, 첫 번째 연구에서는 연차 간 발생하는 기상의 영향은 크지 않고 재배지역의 기상조건이 곡우호밀의 생육과 수량에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것을 나타내어 지역별 기상요소에 따른 재배적지 구분이 필요하며, 두 번째 연구에서는 곡우호밀의 생산성 변동에 강우일수, 강수량과 같은 수분 공급과 관련한 기상인자가 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되어 곡우호밀의 생산성 증대를 위해서 강수 인자를 고려한 재배적지 선정과 토양수분 부족 시 관수 등 토양수분 관리가 반드시 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료되었다. 또한 세 번째 연구에서는 증발산량에 비해 강우가 부족하면 한해의 위험성이 증가하고 토양수분 관리가 곡우호밀의 생산성을 확보하는데 중요한 요인이며, 적절한 수분 공급력을 유지하는 것이 곡우호밀의 생산성 향상에 크게 기여를 하므로 안정적인 호밀의 수량성 확보를 위해서 관수 등의 토양수분 유지가 가장 중요한 관리방법인 것으로 사료되었다. 결론적으로 곡우호밀의 안정적인 건물 생산을 위해서 기상요소를 고려한 재배적지 선정, 기후변화에 따른 강우일수 및 강수량 부족으로 재배기간 동안 수분부족도 증가에 대비하기 위하여 관수 등 토양수분 관리가 병행되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다. In order to investigate the effect of meteorological factors on the growth and yield of forage rye(Secale cereale L.) “Gogu”, the present study was conducted in three perspectives as follows. First, by using long-term growth and yield data of forage rye for each growing region, characteristics of lodging, growth and quantity were analyzed and the effect on productivity was evaluated. Second, Daegu and Suwon for grain rye according to climatic criteria, analysis of regional climate suitability, evaluation of characteristics of meteorological factors related to the determination of suitable sites, annual changes were investigated, and cultivation environment management methods for stable production was suggested within analysis of impacts on productivity, selection of suitable sites considering climate factors. Third, this study aimed to evaluate regional and annual changes of major meteorological factors during the cultivation period of forage, and to analyze the effects of meteorological factors on dry matter quantity, and to develop a quantity prediction formula using meteorological factors. Ⅰ. Analysis of Growth Characteristics of Domestic Forage Rye Cultivar Regional yield trial results analyzed from Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services and the National Institute of Food Science and Technology, Central Crop Department. There were no differences in cold injury, plant height, and dry matter ratio between regions as well as between years. The average of lodging was 0.9 in Daegu and 4.8 in Suwon, respectively(effect of the region; p<0.05), but no differences(p<0.05) in lodging appeared between the years. The results appeared as follows; the average duration from seeding to heading, was faster(p<0.001) in Daegu(177 days) than in Suwon(193 days); Suwon has a greater number of spike compared to Daegu(p<0.05); In harvesting days, Daegu was shorter than Suwon(184 vs 199 days; p<0.001). Biomass was an average of 3,639 kg/10a in Daegu and 5,066 kg/10a in Suwon(p<0.001). Dry matter yield was statistically(p<0.001) decreased for Daegu(709 kg/10a) compared that to Suwon(992 kg/10a), but there were no differences(p<0.05) between the years. Ⅱ. Analysis of climate suitability, relationship between growth and yield of forage rye cultivar This study carried out climate fitness analysis of forage rye “Gogu” by utilizing the annual weather factors of Daegu and Suwon regions, analysis of regional and annual differences by climate fitness determination factors, meteorological factors and biomass, dry matter yield, number of days of harvest, and number of harvest days. The influence of factors due to the interaction between variables through correlation analysis with growth and quantity and principal component analysis was evaluated on regional and inter-annual changes. During the cultivation period, both Daegu and Suwon seemed not to be damaged by low temperatures, and the score of average daily temperature from March to May was 19.8, which is similar to the 20.0 as the highest score converted by weight, so that the temperature sufficient for spring growth was maintained. The number of days above 5 ℃, the average daily temperature, was 20.0, therefore, Daegu and Suwon were classified as suitable for growth. In terms of the number of days and amount of rainfall from October to May, the Suwon area had higher points than the Daegu area, and the overall score was 83.9 for Daegu area and 87.6 for Suwon area, so the climate suitability was classified as possible. The number of days of rainfall(p=0.108), the overall score(p=0.217), and the average daily temperature from March to May(p=0.319) effected on the climate fitness in that order. As a result of the correlation analysis, the number of days of rainfall from October to May had a significant linear relationship with the dry matter yield with a correlation coefficient of 0.444(p<0.05), and the amount of precipitation with the dry matter yield with a correlation coefficient of 0.490(p<0.05) showed a significant linear relationship. It was analyzed that the precipitation factor has the greatest influence on the dry matter yield. As a result of the component analysis, the first principal component(PC1) was a climate factor related to moisture supply such as the overall score of climate suitability, the number of days of rainfall from October to May, the amount of precipitation, and the amount of buildings. The explanatory power of the principal component for the total variance was 36.28%. The second main component was the number of days of seeding and harvesting and the growth period of crops according to the characteristics of the weather environment. The explanatory power of the main component was 26.26% of the total variance. The third main component was the daily average temperature and biomass from March to May. The first principal component, the second principal component, and the third principal component were analyzed to account for 76.64% of the total variance. In the two-dimensional scatter plot distribution of principal component scores, the first principal component value in the Daegu area was -0.723 and the second principal component value was 0.174. In the Suwon area, the first principal component value was 0.723 and the second principal component value was –0.174. The Suwon area had a better water supply in terms of the number of days of rainfall and the amount of precipitation than the Daegu area. When the first principal component score was high and the second principal component score was low, the dry matter yields were large. as a result of the analysis of the distribution of principal component scores by year. Ⅲ. Analysis of factors affecting forage production, changes in meteorological factors during the growing period of forage rye and development of prediction model of forage production In this study, changes in major meteorological factors that affect production during the cultivation period of grain rye in Daegu and Suwon regions were investigated. Also, the impact on dry matter quantity through multiple regression analysis develops a model formula to predict forage dry matter quantity, and the structural equation model by path analysis for evaluating the causal relationship between meteorological factors and the quantity of relationship between explanatory and response variables were evaluated. The daily average temperature was 1.8 ℃ higher in the Daegu area than in the Suwon area, and the accumulated temperature was also 121.8 ℃ higher in the Daegu area. The difference in water vapor pressure, which indicates the dry air condition, was 0.174 kPa higher in the Daegu area, but it was at an appropriate level considering the appropriate range of water vapor pressure difference of 0.4 ~ 1.2 kPa. As a result of analyzing the correlation between the amount of solar radiation and the amount of dry matter, the correlation coefficient between the amount of solar radiation in October after sowing was 0.474(p<0.05), indicating a positive correlation, and the amount of solar radiation in February was –0.414(p<0.05), which had a negative correlation, and the average solar radiation in the Daegu area was 11.8 MJ/m2/day, and the Suwon area was 10.7 MJ/m2/day, and the cumulative solar radiation was 2,161.8 MJ/m2/day in the Daegu area and the Suwon area. It was 2,122.2 MJ/m2/day, mostly in Daegu. The average precipitation in Daegu was 25.1 mm, and Suwon was 22.8 mm, which was slightly higher in Daegu. As for evapotranspiration, the average amount of evapotranspiration in Daegu was 399.9 mm and that of Suwon was 319.6 mm, which was 80.3 mm higher than Suwon. As a result of the correlation analysis between the water deficit and the dry matter quantity, the water deficit in October showed a linear relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.474(p<0.05), and in February, it was –0.654(p<0.001), a highly significant negative relationship was shown. The multiple regression model for predicting the amount of dry matter has an explanatory power of 44.6%(p<0.032), and the regression coefficients of accumulated solar radiation, harvest days, and precipitation are 0.101, 0.197, and 0.853, respectively. The degree of water deficit was –4.453, which was analyzed to have a negative relationship with the yield of dry matter. The relationship between the measured and estimated dry matter yield of forage rye(r2) was 0.446(p<0.0001), indicating an excellent predictive result. As a result of analyzing the causal relationship between meteorological factors and the yield of dry matter through path analysis, the direct effect of cumulative solar insolation on the yield of dry matter was 0.1772, the indirect effect was –0.1205, and the total effect was 0.0567. The direct effect of precipitation was 0.2225 and the indirect effect. was 0.1293 and the total effect was 0.3518, which showed that the precipitation was 6.2 times greater than the cumulative insolation when considering the effect on the dry matter of forage rye. From the above results, in the first study, the influence of annual weather is not significant and the weather conditions of the cultivation area have a greater effect on the growth and yield of forage rye “Gogu”. In the second study, it was analyzed that meteorological factors related to water supply, such as the number of days of rainfall and precipitation, had the greatest influence on the productivity fluctuations of forage rye. Soil moisture management such as irrigation is considered to be essential. In addition, in the third study, soil moisture management is an important factor in securing the productivity of forage rye when the water deficit is high due to insufficient rainfall compared to the amount of evapo- transpiration. It is considered that the most important aspect of cultivation management is to maintain soil water content such as irrigation to secure a stable yield of forage rye “Gogu”. Overall, it may be concluded that the selection of a suitable cultivation site considering meteorological factors and soil moisture management such as irrigation should be performed for stable dry matter production of “Gogu” rye, and preparation for soil water deficit during the cultivation period due to the lack of rainfall days and rainfall by climate change.

      • 벡터합 방법을 이용한 광대역 위상변위기의 설계

        류정기 忠南大學校 大學院 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        This thesis presents analysis and design of wideband phase shifters based on vector combining method. Wideband technologies have stimulated interesting in communication and radar applications. Vector combining method based wideband analog phase shifter is realized with four PIN diode Pl attenuators, 5 section asymmetric coupled line coupler, 5 section tapered symmetric coupled line coupler, and a 3 section Wilkinson power combiner. Proposed simple configuration has advantage in the number of passive circuits, cost and size. The phase shifter can be applied to muti-channel and muti-band communication system, Frequency translator, ECM Radar, and Phase Array antenna. Symmetric coupled line coupler and asymmetric coupled line coupler is designed and manufactured using muti-section technique to increase the operating bandwidth and offset coupled stripline coupler with tandem connection technique to increase the accuracy of coupling factor. Power combiner is designed and manufactured using multi-section technique, too. Using introduced broadband technologies in LTCC process, we can make the phase shifter less than proposed phase shifter. The key element in determining the useful frequency range of the Phase Shifters based on Vector Combining Method is Couplers. Amplitude and phase error of Coupler is directly affected the phase error of phase shifter. Therefore a more less phase variation and amplitude variation is required for high resolution phase shifter. In addition to using an inphase power combiner which, with proper design, exhibits excellent phase balance the transmission line length of I and Q Channel must also be carefully phase matched. Phase variation due to phase and amplitude error of PIN diode attenuator is derived and used to optimize the overall circuits. Errors in amplitude and phase will occur if the coupler deviates from the ideal or if the attenuator has an associated phase shift as attenuation is varied. Not only do these components in practice exhibit such deviations, but their interacting reflections may increase the resultant errors significantly. The Proposed phase shifter arrangement minimizes the errors. The Proposed phase shifter shows a total phase shift of 360°, a ±7° maximum phase error over the frequency range of 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz, and ±3° maximum phase error over the frequency range of 1.7 GHz ~ 2.3 GHz. insertion loss of Phase shifter is 16±2.5 dB over the wide frequency range of 1 GHz to 3 GHz, and 18±1 dB over frequency range of 1.7 GHz to 2.3 GHz. And input and output return loss of less than -10 dB is obtained.

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