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      • 지적재조사 사업에 따른 필지면적 증감 해결에 관한 연구

        남진호 경일대학교 산업대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The objective of this study is to provide a practical solution to the problem of an variations in parcel areas, which may unavoidably occur during a cadastral resurvey project. To that end, this study targets a cadastral resurvey project and a parcel area. The time scope ranges from the early 1980's (when the discussion on a cadastral resurvey project began to be held in earnest) to Dec. 2010, the spatial scope, Gemrak-ri Hayang-up Gyeongsan-si Gyeongsangbuk-do & Jungbang-dong Gyeongsan-si Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea, and the contents scope, the analysis of the difference (an increase/decrease) between the actual areas and those in the cadastral register as well as the solution. In order to carry out an effective analysis and investigation on the study target and scopes, legal and historical approaches were taken. As to the investigation method, a literature review and a case study were used. In addition, statistical and descriptive methods were used for analysis. As a result of the analysis/investigation on the actual variations in parcel areas, the following problems were revealed: First, during a cadastral resurvey project that newly analyzes/determines an area of each parcel, a slight change in the area was mostly unavoidable compared to the cadastral register. Second, in case there is a change in a parcel area, the change not only affects one or two particular parcels but also the surrounding parcels, which makes much difficult to solve the problem of the increase or decrease. Third, it was analyzed that such an variations involves various causes and complex processes as well as irregular patterns. Hence, it seems not possible to solve the problem with a single solution. Particularly, if we take a simple approach, from a standpoint of settlement of areas or compensation, it is expected that there could be a civil complaint or a dispute about the scope of land ownership, which may cause a tremendous obstacle to a project. Based on these results, this study suggests a resonable and practical solution to the problem of an variations in parcel areas during a cadastral resurvey project as below: First, we need to establish clear and basic principles for an variations in an each parcel area as well as strategies in phases. Above all, it should be well acknowledged that the purpose of a cadastral resurvey is to newly establish a proper scope of land ownership, not to match the area registered in the book with the actual area. In addition, as to solving the problem of an increase/decrease in a parcel area, the government should not lead a resolution but assist the interested parties and land owners with reaching a resonable agreement. Therefore, instead of pursuing unconditional compensation or settlement for a difference between the registered area and actual area, a proper area should be decided by coordination and adjustment. Second, complex and various cases of an variations in a parcel area should be categorized and a corresponding decision given. The problem of an variations in a parcel area needs to be solved by a bundle (a district or a region) of parcels, calling for combination of national/public parcels, unnecessarily registered, in advance. Then, when we solve the problem of an variations in a parcel area by districts, we should decide which standard to apply: parcel boundaries on the map, boundaries on the ground, or both boundaries based on whom the cause of the variations has been attributed to. In addition, during cadastral surveying, the variations should be adjusted after dividing districts into those within permissible errors and those exceeding the error. Third, in case basic and specific principles can not be applied to a case, a relief should be provided on the legal basis. In case property rights have been infringed, proper compensation should be offered. Regulations should be established so as to adjust boundaries of parcels while preserving a building legally established. Meanwhile, if adjustment is still difficult and a decision is deferred, alternative follow-up measures need to be provided before a cadastral resurvey project is promoted. Likewise, in order to solve the problem of an variations in a parcel area, long-term and practical plans should be established first, rather than hastily promoting the project. The government needs to carry out a cadastral resurvey project by taking a long-term point of view also.

      • XLPE/EPDM laminates 계면의 전기적 특성에 관한 연구

        남진호 고려대학교 대학원 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Interfacial properties such as spacial charge distribution and interfacial breakdown characteristics in ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM)/cross - linked polyethylene (XLPE) laminates were investigated. Homocharge is observed in EPDM containing aluminum trihydrate 70 phr and 1,4- hexadiene while heterocharge is observed in XLPE, but in case of XLPE using EPDM based semi-conductive electrode heterocharge is converted to homocharge as the increase of applied voltage. Interfacial charge develops when EPDM is laminated with XLPE, and quantity of interfacial charge varies with the interfacial condition. But positive interfacial charge is build up in the interface in case of (-)EPDM/XLPE(+) laminates because there are differences between (electrical conductivity * dielectric constant) of each samples. Lowest interfacial charge is build up when EPDM/XLPE pasted silicone oil containing 10 phr of vinyltrimethoxy silane was heated for 100hr in 80℃ vacuum oven. When EPDM/XLPE pasted silicone grease containing 5 phr vinyltrimethoxy silane was heated for 400hr in 80℃ vacuum oven, interfacial charge builds up more than silicone grease EPDM/XLPE pasted silicone oil containing 10 phr of vinyltrimethoxy silane. In case of EPDM/XLPE pasted silicone oil containing 10 phr of maleic anhydride very low but shows lowest int erfacial breakdown strength. Interfacial charge relaxation characteristic in EPDM/XLPE show that follows the relaxation characteristics of EPDM in the 1st state, but follows that of XLPE in the 2nd state. Interfacial breakdown characteristics also change with interfacial condition. EPDM/XLPE pasted silicone oil or silicone grease increases the breakdown strength as an increase of heat treatment time but goes to steady st ate. As the increase of heat treatment time, H_(2)O content in silicone oil and grease decreased. And as the increase of the pressure, interfacial breakdown strength increased up to saturation value. Additive effects of coupling agent are better than those of cable cure materials in case of breakdown charact eristics.

      • 초등 체육전담교사의 업무관련 심리적 갈등변화과정에 대한 체험분석

        남진호 청주교육대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In the elementary school, it is noticeable that teachers tend to avoid being in charge of one specific subject on account of lack of professionalism and awareness. Especially, physical teachers must have professional ability, insight, teaching skill and teach in playground where learning condition is poor. Physical education teachers experience relative deprivation on the advancement opportunity, working satisfaction compared to teachers who take other work. This relative deprivation leads to increase job stress. it’s aimed to provide the basic materials to devise a method to maximize the work ability of the physical education teachers. This study selected co-researchers as physical education teachers and guidance teachers. The questions for the research are set up as follows. First, What kinds of factors do elementary school teachers have in common while they are taking on physical education work? Second, How are elementary school teachers coping with the conflict while they are dealing with the physical education work? Third, What kinds of psychological process are there in experiencing conflict for elementary teachers? Forth, How has the conflict psychological process for elementary physical education teacher changed depending on the size of school? To solve the questions for research and find common factor of work conflict, four conflict circumstances were presented: before the division of duties, after the division of duties, before & after the boys sports competitions and before & after vacation. Experiential description was written on each session. Following conclusions have been obtained through this study. First, The common emotion that co-researchers are going through in the process of conflict has shown worrying, resigning, escaping and raging. In the case of worrying, they worried a lot before the division of duties. In the case of resigning, all the 8 physical education teachers have the emotion in common. They resigned and accepted the reality that they had no choice but to take on the physical education work. In the case of escaping, the co-researchers, physical education teachers are obsessed with winning a medal excessively. Accordingly, after failing to win the medal, they have experienced the escape from reality, administrator, physical education work. In the case of raging, they have experienced inner emotion of raging, showing strong complaining, annoying, angering about having to train players during vacation. Second, Most co-researchers are making use of the “resigning” method to cope with the conflict. Others want to deal with the problem through having conversations with co-workers and seniors. And Co-researchers are also using the methods like suppressing themselves unconditionally, re-deciding to pace up after seeing players training, and hoping to be excluded from the physical education work the next year to cope with the conflict. Co-researcher B used the “giving up” method to deal with the conflict. He described that he was lacking in confidence and losing his attachment to physical education work after he took on the physical education work. He said he wanted to resign himself this year and never get back to that work again. Third, there are 8-steps of psychological process in experiencing conflict in division of duties. Those 8-steps are causing conflict, recognizing conflict, interpreting situation & giving meaning, primary thinking, recognizing emotion, secondary thinking positively(negatively), causing positive(negative) emotion, and dealing with positive(negative) conflict. Forth, Depending on the size of school, the extent of the conflict psychological process has changed. In the situation of the causing conflict, co-researchers over 18 classes have shown emotional changes noticeably. From the conflict situation after division of duties to the conflict situation after vacation, they have shown negative emotion. and the extent of the conflict psychological was deep. The degree for positive emotional change and the negative emotional change for co-researchers in below 6 classes was much higher than that for co-researchers in below 17 classes and the positive emotion appeared in the conflict situations before and after division of duties. The degree for the psychological process of change noticeably appeared in co-researchers over 18 classes, below 6 classes, and below 17 classes in order. In conclusion, it needs that we make an effort to understand clearly the reason of the conflict of physical education work and to know their feelings, in order to manage positively the conflict of the physical education teacher. The main work of the physical education teacher in elementary school is to manage the athletics group. They have difficulty in managing the athletics group without professional knowledge about physical education for one year. We may, therefore, reasonably conclude that we can decrease their stress by generalizing about the elementary school sports instructor, by increasing the number of coaches in elementary school, by increasing the numbers of physical education teachers in elementary school, etc. 초등학교에서는 교과별 전공교사가 없는 까닭에 전문성과 인식부족 등으로 교과전담에 대한 기피현상이 두드러지고 있다. 특히 체육은 교사가 전문적인 기능과 식견 및 지도능력을 소유하고 있어야 한다. 그리고 학습여건이 열악한 운동장에서 수업을 하여야 하는 등의 이유로 타 업무를 담당하는 교사와의 승진기회, 업무만족에 대한 상대적 박탈감을 경험하게 되는 것이다. 이런 상대적 박탈감은 업무스트레스 가중으로 이어진다. 이 연구는 초등교육의 주도적 역할을 담당하고 있는 체육지도교사의 업무능력을 극대화할 수 있는 대처방안 강구를 위한 기초자료를 제공함에 있다. 체육전담교사 및 체육육성 종목지도교사를 공동연구자로 선정하였고 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 초등학교 교사들이 체육 업무를 맡으면서 겪는 갈등에는 어떤 공통요인이 존재하는가? 둘째, 초등학교 교사들이 체육업무를 맡으면서 겪는 갈등을 어떻게 대처하는가? 셋째, 초등 체육전담교사의 갈등 체험에는 어떤 심리적 과정이 존재하는가? 넷째, 학교규모에 따른 체육전담교사의 갈등심리변화과정은 어떠한가? 이러한 연구문제를 해결하기 위하여 업무갈등의 공통요인을 찾아보고자 갈등상황을 업무분장 전, 업무분장 후, 대회 전과 후, 방학 전과 후의 총 4가지의 갈등상황을 제시하고 각 회기별로 체험기술서를 작성토록 하였다. 이 연구를 통하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공동연구자들이 갈등 과정에서 체험하는 공통적인 감정은 걱정, 체념, 도피, 분노로 나타났다. 걱정의 경우 공동연구자인 체육전담교사들은 갈등 상황에서 업무분장 전에 걱정을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 체념의 경우 8명의 체육 교사 모두 공통 정서로 업무분장을 어쩔 수 없이 체육업무라는 현실을 받아들이고 각자 체육 업무를 수행하고 있으며 모든 것을 체념하는 체험을 하였다. 도피의 경우 대부분의 공동연구자인 체육 교사들은 소년체육대회 메달 획득에 과도한 집착을 했으며, 소년체육대회 후 메달 획득에 실패할 경우 현실 도피, 관리자로부터의 도피, 체육 업무로부터의 도피 감정을 체험하였다. 분노의 경우 교사가 방학에 나와 선수들을 훈련시키는 데 것에 강한 불만, 짜증, 화를 내어 교사 내재적으로 분노의 정서를 체험하였다. 둘째, 대부분 공동연구자들은 체념의 갈등 대처 방법을 이용하였다. 또한 공동연구자들이 갈등 과정에서 대처 방법으로 사용하는 것은 자신이 알고 있는 동료 교사나 선배 교사들과의 대화를 통하여 자신이 겪는 갈등을 해결하려고 하였다. 갈등을 겪는 교사가 선배, 동료 교사들과 자신이 겪은 체육업무 갈등 상황을 어떻게 대처하고 해결해 가야하는 지 상호 대화를 나누며 갈등 대처를 하였다. 그리고 무조건 참기, 선수들의 훈련모습을 보고 다시 마음잡기, 내년 체육업무분장에서의 제외되는 생각하기 등의 갈등 대처 방법을 사용하였다. 그리고 B 교사의 갈등대처방법에는 포기 대처방법을 사용하였다. 체육업무를 맡고 나서 자신감도, 욕심도 생기지 않고, 체육업무에 대한 애착이 덜해지며, 올해는 포기하고 앞으로는 절대 맡고 싶지 않다고 기술하였다. 셋째, 공동연구자들의 업무갈등상황에서의 갈등 체험에는 8단계의 심리적 과정이 존재하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 8단계는 갈등 유발 단계, 갈등 인식 단계, 상황 해석 및 의미부여 단계, 1차 사고 단계, 정서 인지 단계, 2차 사고 단계{긍정적(부정적) 사고} ,긍정적(부정적) 감정 유발 단계, 긍정적(부정적) 갈등 대처의 단계이다. 넷째, 학교규모에 따라 갈등심리변화과정의 정도가 달라졌다. 업무분장 전의 갈등유발상황에서 18학급이상 공동연구자의 긍정적 감정변화가 두드러지게 나타났으며, 업무분장 후의 갈등상황부터 방학 후의 갈등상황까지 부정적인 감정이 나타났고, 갈등심리변화정도가 심하였다. 6학급 이하 공동연구자의 긍정적 감정변화정도와 부정적 감정변화정도는 17학급 이하 공동연구자의 그것보다 심했으며, 업무분장 전의 갈등상황과 대회 전과 후의 갈등상황에서 긍정적인 감정이 나타났다. 심리변화과정의 정도는 18학급 이상, 6학급 이하, 17학급 이하의 공동연구자 순으로 두드러지게 나타났다. 끝으로 초등체육전담교사의 업무갈등 심리변화과정에 대해 긍정적으로 대처하기 위해서는 체육업무갈등의 원인에 대한 정확한 이해와 교사 스스로 자신의 정서를 알아차릴 수 있는 부단한 노력이 필요하다. 체육전담교사의 업무 중 주된 업무는 운동부 육성에 있다. 전문적인 지식이 없는 초등체육전담교사가 1년간 운동부를 맡는 것은 부담감으로 다가온다. 현재 실시되고 있는 스포츠강사제도의 보편화, 시도교육청에서 실시하고 있는 지정육성종목의 순회코치 확대, 체육전담교사의 배치증가 등으로 체육업무의 부담감에서 벗어나도록 해야 할 것이다.

      • 관측 거리와 광원의 색온도에 따른 표정 인식이 가능한 최소 연직면 조도에 대한 연구

        남진호 강원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 논문은 현재 보안등 설치에 적용하고 있는 조도기준인 KS A 3701:2014 기준에서 보행자에 대한 기준 밝기가 다른 보행자의 얼굴을 확인할 수 있는 밝기인지 확인하고 지침을 제시하기 위한 연구를 진행하였다. 현재 국내 도로조명들은 KS A 3701:2014 기준을 만족하도록 설치되고 있지만 대부분의 도로조명 기준들은 운전자가 중심이 되는 가로등에 관한 내용을 주로 다루고 있으며, 보안등에 관한 기준은 단순히 야간 보행자 교통량과 지역에 따라서 구분되어 있다. 따라서 기준에 제시되어있는 밝기가 정말로 안전에 적합한 밝기인지 확인할 수 있는 시인성 연구를 통해 안전에 적합한 밝기 수준을 도출하였다. 실험은 두 가지의 관측거리에서 수행되었다. 첫 번째는 인류학자 Hall이 정의한 proximity zones의 네 가지 영역 중 마지막 영역인 서로 모르는 사람과의 최소 안전거리인 4m에서 수행한 실험이다. 두 번째는 범죄예방 환경설계인 CPTED 지침에 있는 제 3장 제 10조 “도로에 설치된 조명은 10m 전방에서 사람을 식별할 수 있는 조도를 유지해야 한다”에 따라 10m에 대한 얼굴 구분 능력을 평가하였다. 실험은 얼굴 구분 능력을 평가하기위해 사람들의 표정 4가지(무표정, 행복, 놀람, 화남)를 밝기와 색온도 조건에 따라 확인하는 실험으로 진행하였다. 실험조건은 보행자를 위한 조명에 대해 실험한 연구논문을 바탕으로 분석하여 조건을 선정하였고, 외부의 빛 유입을 최소화하기 위해 암실을 제작하여 실내 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과 관측거리 4m의 경우 가장 낮은 밝기 조건인 0.3lx에서도 정답률 70%이상으로 대부분 확인할 수 있는 거리로 나타났지만 관측거리 10m의 경우 KS연직면 조도 기준인 0.5lx에서는 대부분의 조건에서 정답률이 50% 이하로 나타났으며 표정 별로 분석한 경우 우연히 맞출 수 있는 확률인 25%이하의 정답률을 가진 표정도 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 범죄 예방설계지침에 따른 10m의 관측거리에서는 현재 적용하고 있는 연직면조도 기준은 상당히 낮은 밝기이며, 모든 표정을 확실히 확인하기 위해서는 최소 2lx 이상의 연직면조도가 필요하다. This study aims to improve standards for pedestrians based on KS A 3701:2014 which is the illuminance standard currently applied to installation of safety lighting fixtures. Although street lights in Korea are required to satisfy KS A 3701:2014, most of the standards for street lights mainly deal with driver-centered street lighting while standards for safety lighting are simply divided by traffic of night pedestrians and regions. Thus, this study drew out the level of brightness appropriate for safety through visibility study which can check if the brightness required by the standards is really appropriate for safety. Experiments were conducted in two observation distances. First experiment was conducted in 4m which is minimum safe distance for two strangers as the last domain among 4 domains of proximity zones defined by anthropologist Hall. Second experiment evaluated face-distinguishing ability in 10m according to the Clause 10 of Article 3 in CPTED as environmental design for crime prevention, “Lights installed on the streets shall maintain the illuminance which enables one to distinguish a person in 10 m in front.” In order to evaluate face-distinguishing ability, experiment was conducted to distinguish 4 facial expressions (inexpressive face, happiness, surprise, anger) based on the condition of brightness and color temperature. Experiment conditions were selected based on the analysis on studies on lighting and, in order to minimize inflow of light from outside, a darkroom was made for indoor experiment. As a result of analysis, in the case of observation distance of 4m, rate of correct answers was over 70% in the minimum light condition of 0.3lx, showing most faces could be distinguished while, in the case of observation distance of 10m, the rate of correct answers was lower than 50% in 0.5lx, which is illuminance standard of KS vertical illuminance and, in the case of analysis by facial expression, there were even facial expressions with the rate of correct answers lower than 25%, which is simple probability of random selection. Therefore, the standard of vertical illuminance currently applied to 10-meter observation distance based on design guideline for crime prevention is considerably low and, in order to correctly distinguish all facial expressions, at least 21lx of vertical illuminance is required.

      • 개발행위허가의 합리적 기준설정에 관한 연구

        남진호 광주대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Since the 1990s, the continued increase in urban land use in non-urban areas and the continued expansion of urban areas have caused many problems. Land use is common in non-urban areas, a rice paddy, Field, and forest. The most important legal discipline for building buildings on each piece of land is whether they have the status or size to be built by paper or region. However, the Land Use Zoning System, the most central urban plan under the National Land Planning Act, does not contain information about the acceptability or building units. The zoning plan, which was introduced to supplement the plan, also undergoes continuous changes and implements legal regulations through supplementation, but does not include all building and development activities. In order to fill this gap, the Act on National Territory Planning enacted in 2002 will study the development permit system. The purpose of the project is to identify the function and legal status of the development permit system and to find reasonable ways of operation. It starts with the expansion of the development permit system for non-urban areas to prevent reckless development of the national territory and clearly define the development permit system, which operates as a planned system for post-development. In addition, the relationship between adjacent systems and related laws and guidelines is analyzed and considered regarding legal status in relation to the permit for development activities.

      • 한국과 중국의 장애인 복지정책 비교 연구

        진호 동국대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        본 논문은 한국의 사회복지 정책의 발전과정을 바탕으로 중국의 현재 사회보장체계가 어떻게 형성되고 있는지를 연구하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 한국과 중국의 장애인 사회복지를 비교함으로써 중국 사회복지에 정책을 보완하여 중국의 사회보장체계의 개선방안을 마련하고자 한다. 본문의 연구는 문제제기-문제분석-문제해결의 순서로 이루어진다. 사회복지를 배경으로 사회복지의 의미와 발전현황을 분석한다. 다음으로 한국과 중국의 사회복지제도를 비교하여 한국 사회복지체제가 중국의 사회복지발전에 주는 시사점을 통해 중국의 장애인 사회복지체제의 부족한 부분을 보완하고자 한다. 마지막으로 중국의 특색있는 사회장애인복지정책을 구축하고 실정에 맞는 조치를 실시함으로써 사회복지사업을 발전시키는 방향의 정책적 제언을 하고자 한다. 본문은 한국의 사회보장체제 개혁의 경험을 참고해서 중국의 사회보장체제에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 구체적으로 비교분석을 통해 한국 장애인의 사회복지체제를 검토하고 중국 장애인의 사회복지제도의 부족한 점을 제기하고자 한다. In recent years, the awareness of social welfare growing constantly. As the reform for a harmony society progresses, the socially disadvantaged groups, particularly the handicapped, have received increased attention. To a considerable extent, their social well-being reflects the evolution of social security and advancement. However, the newly established security system has failed miserably, both in principle and in fact, putting the disabled at a disadvantage. As a result, identifying difficulties in welfare and determining the best pattern for the handicapped is critical to the job and the harmonious socialist society of disabled. In addition, disabled people as a special group in modern society, and as an important part of the disadvantaged groups in society, disabled people have become a social concern at present. As an important content of social security under the market economy system, social welfare for the disabled is related to the overall situation of reform, development and stability. It is important to study and solve the problems of social welfare for the disabled to protect human rights, to establish and improve the socialist protection system, and to realize the maximum social equity and justice. Improving the management of social welfare for the disabled and enhancing the survival and development of the disabled is a necessary requirement of the people-oriented scientific development concept and a concrete manifestation of promoting social equity and improving the degree of social civilization. China's social security system has been gradually developed and improved through continuous exploration and development, but there are still many shortcomings, for example, the social security coverage is low, the social security fund raising channels are narrow, and there is a lack of effective supervision and management. At present, the reform of China's social security system has become a significant issue in constructing a harmonious society. As one of the developed countries in Asia, Korea's social security system is gradually adapting to economic and demographic changes in response to social, demographic, political and economic changes. However, the Korean government has developed and improved the social security system in the face of new problems. Instead of blindly imitating the models of Western countries, Korea has built its own social security system according to the actual situation in Korea, which is much worth learning from China. This paper takes the history of social development in Korea as an entry point and examines the structure and content of the current social welfare for people with disabilities in Korea using qualitative analysis, discusses in detail the structure and content of the current components of social welfare for people with disabilities in China, and makes a horizontal comparison. At the same time, we draw conclusions and recommendations by comparing and learning from the social welfare status of disabled people in Korea and China. This will enrich and improve the theories related to the social welfare of the disabled in China, and can be applied to the social welfare of the disabled in China, and promote the coordination and development of the social security system in China The purpose of this paper is to study how China's current social security system is formed based on the development process of social welfare policies in Korea. By comparing the social welfare of the disabled in Korea and China, we intend to supplement the policy to the social welfare of China to prepare a plan to improve the social security system in China. The research in the text is conducted in the order of problem raising, problem analysis, and problem solving. It analyzes the meaning and development status of social welfare against the background of social welfare. Next, by comparing the social welfare systems in Korea and China, we intend to compensate for the lack of the social welfare system for the disabled in China through the implications of the Korean social welfare system on the development of social welfare in China. Finally, I would like to make policy suggestions on the direction of developing social welfare projects by establishing China's distinctive welfare policy for the disabled and implementing measures appropriate to the situation. The text aims to analyze the social security system in China by referring to the experience of reforming the social security system in Korea. Specifically, through comparative analysis, the social welfare system of the disabled in Korea is reviewed, and the lack of the social welfare system of the disabled in China is raised.

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