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      • Three dimensional structures of MetC, AroB, and PDF from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and virtual screening of putative antibacterial drug candidates based on the structures : MetC, AroB 와 PDF 의 삼차원 구조연구와 그 구조에 기반을 둔 벼흰 잎마름병에 대한 병 방제

        고호푸옹투이 건국대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        벼는 동남 아시아를 비롯한 많은 나라에서 주식으로 쓰이는 작물이며, 벼흰잎마름병은 벼흰잎마름병균에 의해 유도되어진다. 벼흰잎마름병균은 벼농사에 문제를 일으키는 가장 중요한 병원균이며, 2006년에는 한국에서만 1000억원의 손실을 입혔다. 그러나 현재까지 효과적인 병방제약제가 존재하지 않고 있는 실정이다. 최근 벼흰잎마름병균의 전체 게놈서열이 결정되었고, 그 4,538개 유전자로 부터 100여개의 drug target 유전자가 선정되었다. 그 중에 일부는 벼흰잎마름병균의 생존에 필수적인 유전자이며, 일부는 병원성을 일으키는데 중요한 작용을 한다. XooPDF와 XooAroB는 생존에 필수적이며, XooMetC는 병원성을 일으키는데 중요한 역할을 하는 유전자이다. Peptide deformylase (PDF)는 새로 생성되는 peptide chain에서 N-terminal amino-acid인 Met의 N-formyl group을 제거하는 역할을 하며, 이 과정은 미생물 생존에 필수적이다. PDF 결정은 sodium acetate trihydrate를 사용하여 287K에서 얻어졌으며, 2.7 Å resolution 으로 diffraction되었으며, P6122 의 space group에 a = b = 59.0 Å 및 c= 266.3 Å의 unit cell parameter를 가졌다. Asymmetric unit에 한분자가 존재하고, 64.9%의 solvent 함유량을 가졌다. XooPDF의 구조는 molecular replacement로 풀렸으며 R-factor 19%과 R-free 24%로 refine되었다. Cystathionine gamma lyase liked protein (MetC)는 중요한 병원성관련 단백질로 두 가지 다른 모양의 단백질 결정을 얻었다. Plate-shape은 primitive orthogonal space group P212121로 2.9 Å resolution 과 pyramide-shape은 tetragonal space group P41 (or P43)로 3.2 Å resolution으로 diffraction하였다. P212121 space group의 경우 3~4개의 monomer가 asymmetric unit안에 존재해서 solvent 함유량이 59.3내지 45.7%이고, P41 (or P43) space group의 경우 4~5개의 monmer가 asymmetric unit안에 존재해서 solvent 함유량이 52.5내지 40.6%이다. Pyramid-shape의 결정으로 molecular replacement에 의해 구조가 풀렸으며, 구조 model은 R-factor 21.6%과 R-free 29%로 refine되었다. 3-dehydroquinase synthase (AroB)는 shikimate pathway에서 aromatic compounds합성에 중요한 역할을 하며, 순수분리된 단백질은 hanging-drop vapour-diffusion방법에 의해 결정이 얻어졌고 얻어진 결정은 2.5 Å resolution 으로 diffraction되었다. 얻어진 결정은 a = b = 118.2, c=98.2 Å 의 unit cell을 가지는 tetragonal space group P43212를 가지고 asymmetric unit내에 두 개의 단백질 분자를 가지고 solvent 함유량이 40.4%이다. 완료된 MetC와 PDF단백질 구조들을 가지고 ICM virtual screening프로그램으로 병방제약제 선구물질을 찾고있으며 MetC구조로부터 61개, PDF구조로부터 207개의 화학물질을 찾았다. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important staple for human consumption especially in East, South and South East Asia. Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the most destructive bacterial disease of rice. In 2006, BB resulted in a loss worth 100 million dollars in South Korea. However, there have been no effective anti-bacterial drugs against Xoo. Recently, determination of the whole genome sequence of Xoo provided valuable information for developing antibacterial drugs against Xoo. Approximately, a hundred genes coding essential enzymes from the 4, 538 putative genes of Xoo were selected as drug target protein candidates. There are two strategies for selection of target: (1) protein that are essential for Xoo survival and (2) protein that are essential for Xoo virulence. In this work, two targets of strategy (1), XooPDF and XooaroB, and one target of strategy (2) XooMetC were purified, crystallized and structural study. Peptide deformylase (PDF) catalyzes the removal of N-formyl group from the N-terminal of newly synthesized polypeptides, and this process is crucial for cell survival. Crystals of PDF were obtained using sodium acetate trihydrate as precipitant at 287K. Crystals diffracted to 2.7 Å resolution and belonged to the crystallographic space group of P6122 with unit-cell parameters of a = b = 59.0 Å, and c= 266.3 Å. There are one monomer exists in the asymmetric unit, with a corresponding crystal volume per protein weight of 3.50 Å3 Da-1 and a solvent content of 64.9% . Structure of XooPDF was solved by molecular replacement and was refined to a final crystallography R-factor of 19% and R-free of 24%. Cystathionine gamma lyase liked protein (MetC), an important virulence factor of rice pathogenic bacteria Xoo. Crystals of MetC with two different shapes, plate- and pyramid-shape, diffracted to 2.9 Å and 3.2 Å resolution and belonged to a primitive orthogonal space group P212121 and tetragonal space group P41 (or P43) with unit-cell parameters of a = 73.0 Å, b = 144.9 Å, c = 152.3 Å, and a = b = 78.2 Å, c = 300.7 Å, respectively. For P212121 space group, three or four monomers exist in the asymmetric unit with a corresponding Vm of 3.02 or 2.26 Å3 Da-1 and a solvent content of 59.3 or 45.7%. For P41 (or P43) space group, four or five monomers exist in the asymmetric unit with a corresponding Vm of 2.59 or 2.09 Å3 Da-1 and a solvent content of 52.5 or 40.6%. Data of pyramid-shape crystal was used to solve the structure by molecular replacement. At 2.9 Å resolution, the model was refined to a final crystallography R- factor of 21.6 % and R-free of 29%. 3-dehydroquinase synthase (AroB) plays a role in the synthesis of aromatic compounds via the shikimate pathway. The purified protein was crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method and yielded crystals that diffracted to 2.5 Å resolution. The crystals belonged to the tetragonal space group P43212, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 118.2, c=98.2 Å . According to a Matthews coefficient calculation, the crystal contained two molecules in the asymmetric unit, with a corresponding VM of 2.06 Å3Da-1 and a solvent content of 40.4%. Virtual screening compounds in to the active sites of MetC and PDF structure using ICM program is proceeding to find potent inhibitors. 61 ligands of MetC and 207 ligands of PDF were selected as the lead compound for the first results.

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