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      • Lord Jim과 The red badge of courage에 관한 연구 : 주인공들의 윤리적인 변신과정을 중심으로

        강호철 東亞大學校 大學院 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim and Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage deal with almost the same subject, which is shown in the ethical change in their two heroes, Lord Jim is composed of two main episodes, that is, the Patna incident and the story of Patusan area. Each plays an important role to Jim, the hero of Lord Jim: the former is used as an epiphany of Jim's misery, cowardice and the loss of his honor while the latter as recovery of his lost honor and masculinity. He at last is called as Tuan Jim-Lord Jim by the natives. But his proud name Tuan Jim disappears when the pirate Gentleman Brown and his bands happened to visit the island Gentleman Brown's appearance-another epiphany to Jim-drives him impasse. But he recovers his bravery and fame as a man at the cost of his life. Conrad, in this novel, is seeking man's subtle ethical problems through the analysis of Jim's contrastive inner duality-good and evil, courage and cowardice, and responsibility and irresponsibility. This Kind of ethical problem is concerned not only with Jim but with any human beings, Henry Fleming, the hero of The Red Badge of Courage, is full of courage, fame and self-pride when he joined in the civil war as a volunteer. But his conceited mind and masculine bravery are turned into timidity as the war develops. It was when he didn't think over himself that he showed undersirable behaviors like escape from the war, self-exaggeration and timidity. He had a chance to meditate on himself through the comrade Wilson who had become a modest veteran. It was through the introspection on him that he became a brave man. The above mentioned two works have a few similarities as well as differences. They have similarities in their subject and techniques with differences in their plot formation, point of view and literary style. In conclusion, We can see the ethical change in the two he roes caused by various inner conflicts. The greater part of Lord Jim is concerned with delving into human nature. Crane, as Nagel puts it, is a literary chameleon full of imagination and intuition.

      • 박테리오 파아지 스크린을 통한 PLCγ1-SH domain에 결합하는 peptide motif의 분석에 관한 연구

        강호철 건국대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The hydrolysis of a minor membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP₂), by a specific phospholipase C (PLC) is one of the earliest key events in the regulation of various cell functions by more than 100 extracellular signalling molecules. This reaction produces two intracellular messengers, diacylglycerol and 1,4,5-triphosphate, which mediate the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and intracellular Ca^+2 release, respectively. Among the 10 mammalian PLC isozymes identified to date, PLCγ isozymes have a long sequence of ∼400 amino acids that contains Src homology (SH) (two SH2 and SH3) domains. PLCγ isozymes contain an additional PH domain that is split by the SH domains. These SH domains are shared by many signaling proteins and known to be involved in the interactions with other proteins. To identify potential binding motif for the SH2 (C-SH2, N-SH2), recombinant SH2 proteins fused to Glutathione S-transferase (GST)was incubated with bacteriophage hepta-peptide library. Putative binding motif for the SH domains were identified by automatic sequencing and ELISA assay. The results was identified FSYLPSH along with HAIYPRH, EPLQLKM, and SYLPYPY, as a major SH2 domain binding motif. Homology searching of FSYLPSH peptide results in the idntification of protein phosphatase family (d1, 2e, pez and PTP36), G-protein coupled receptor (gpr19) and cell division cycle protein 27 homologue (cdc27). The homology search results of HAIYPRH peptide were identified GAP-junction β4 protein, etc., GAP-junction β4 protein play a key role in transcytosis. The EPLQLKM peptide was identified a common portion in serine/threonine-protein kinase family (sgk, kkialre), erythropoietin precussor, nitric-oxide synthase (n-NOS) and segretogranin Ⅱ precussor etc.,. The SILPYPY peptide was identified a common portion in kappa casein, super-oxide synthase and eosinophile dismutase etc.,. These proteins including the putative SH2 binding peptides have not reported about interaction with PLCγ1-SH2 domain. Really, in order to identify the binding specificity against PLCγ1-SH2 domain, we carried out the ELISA assay. The peptide motif of the highest binding specificity to PLCγ1-SH2C domain was identified the FSYLPSH peptide. The peptide motif of the highest binding specificity to PLCγ1-SH2N domain was identified the EPLQLKM peptide. In order to progress these experiments, as futher researchs, we also will performance the more experiments through synthesis peptide competition assay and directly in vitro interaction, demonstrate specific binding affinity between putative binding peptides and PLCγ1-SH2 domain. As identification of that, we will found new signaling pathway mediated PLCγ1-SH2 domain.

      • 한국 교회의 예산에 관한 연구

        강호철 청주대학교 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Korean christianity has been estimated to have about 100 religious bodies, 40,000 Churches and more than 8 million followers even in 1984, the year when it celebrates the centennial of its missionary work in korea. Korean churches, making such a rapid progress, will gain much confidence and continue to grow it their leaders introduce the financial management system and administer effectively their financial affairs. It is often said that the most obvious problem which korean churches now have is the finanesal problem resulting from rapid expansion of churches. Despite the loud reproach about such problem, korean churches, except a few cases, lack in rationality and basic principle in the field of financial managerment. Even the church staffs, taking charge of practical affairs, do not have sufficient knowledge of finance, which prevents them from carrying out an effective and systemic financial management. Besides, as they are not experts in finance, the church leaders are administering an ineffective and out-of-date financial management following the precedential method. These, therefore, often result in various problems such as the misuse of contributecl money. The chief aim of this paper lies in soloing the above problems. In the first and second chapter we have discussed the theory of church budget: ① the concept and principle of church budget, ② the classification of church budget and ③ the financial source of church budget. To grasp the actual conditions of budget planning we have investigated ① the process of compilation of the budget, ② the selection of items and the actual ratio of compilation of the budgent in the 3rd chapter. In the 4th chapter, we have observed various problems and presented solutions, which might be devided into two kinds: First, It was to establish the items of the budget. ① The church did not effectively assort the items of its own budget and lack in fufficient understanding. ② Some churches classified the items of expenditure so meticulously that they often misplaced the items in the wrong places. The means of settling these problems are as follows : ① As an effective means to compile a budget, each church should make an serious effort to assort the items of budget according to its own circumstances. ② Besides churches should assort the particulars of income and expense at least in two or more than three ways so that the donors clearly grasp the purpose, use and function of the contents of the budget. Secondly we have considered the actual conditions in making a budget, which resulted in the following problems: ① As the churches do not fully understand the process of compilation of the budget, each church has made its own budget randomly. To make matters worse, as it was undertaken only after in December, there was not enough time left. ② It is also pointed out that as the Korean churches are inwardly oriented, each has a deep interest in merely maintaining its own domain rather than in preaching the gospel outwardly. The solutions for such matters are as follows: ① Each church should take up scientific study on the budget planning. In compiling its budget the church should investigate seriously to introduce some new methods such as PPBS or ZBB which are being partly adopted in the government or enterprises into its own system. A serious consideration of holding a chair of financial administration at divinity schools should be taken also. ② A careful and consistent consideration should be given through the whole process of compiling a budget lest only a few members should carry it out: It is also necessary to throw the contents of the budget open to the general donors so that its efficasy and relative merits are frankly estimated by the donors themselves. This will go far toward drawing donor's attention and inceasing the rate of their participation in making a budget. I expect that here after much more people participate into the compilation of the church budget and also eagerly hope it will be a cornerstone to the development of korean church.

      • 節次的인 技法에 基盤한 無限한 地形 렌더링

        강호철 成均館大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        When we develope a 3d game, or virtual reality system, and it includes a terrain, we implement that with non procedural technique, which uses a finite height field map, and texture image. So it can´t represent a infinite terrain. In this paper, we implemented a infinite terrain modeling and texturing with procedural technique. We create a terrain, to get the position and the height data of it with noise function, which is famous in procedural technique. When we implement a modeling and texturing with procedural technique, we don´t need to store a data because it creates the data by source code, not file or database. Especially, in the case of terrain, we can create an infinite terrain because we don´t need a data about terrain. It can be used in rpg 3d online game which use a outdoor terrain, and in virtual reality because we don´t need to download a terrain data from server.

      • 삼천포초파리집단내의 염색체다형현상 및 빈도에 관한 연구

        강호철 전북대학교 교육대학원 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The chromosome studies on inversion polymorphisms from Samcheonpo natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster were performed. A total of 1635 flies, 945 males and 690 females, was collected twice a year in both 1983 and 1984, in September and October. To test the gametic gene compositions in male ; every wild male was mated with isolined virgin females homozygous for standard sequences in all chromosomes. From each of the matings, seven of the F1 larvae being third instar state were randomly selected and dessected for salivary chromosome preparations. And, to test inversion heterozygotes only in females ; every female inseminated in nature was isolated in each vial containing culture medium. As per vial, only one of the third instar larvae was tested. In the present study, nineteen different inversions were found, all of which were paracentric only : on X-chromosomal was only one, and the others on each of the two major autosomal arms, except for the fourth chromosome. The polymorphic inversions were identified as follows : four were common cosmopolitan, three were rare cosmopolitan, and the remainders, twelve were recurrent or unique endemic inversions in which nine were new ones firstly discovered in this study. The frequency of flies carrying one or more inversions, and the mean number of inversions per fly was 0.259 and 0.358 from the male test, and 0.397 and 0.520 from the female test, respectively. The frequency order of cosmopolitan inversions was In(2R)NS > In(2L)t > In(3L)P > In(3R)P > In(3R)Mo > In(3R)C. In the present population, In(2L)t showed a trend decreasing the frequency, conversely, In(3R)Mo increasing across seasonal and annual conditions. Although the linkage disequilibrium and nonrandom association were partially detected in the second and third chromosome in the '83 samples, the present results indicate a random distribution of inversions in this population. In homozygosity test, the observed number of homozygotes for standard and inverted gene sequences did not depart from the expected, so that, no differential mortality presented between the homozygotes, for standard and inversion chromatin, and heterozygotes.

      • 고등학교 특수학급 운영실태와 교사의 인식 수준

        강호철 대구대학교 특수교육대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this study was to examine and teacher's recognition level the actual conditions of operating of special classes in high school in Korea. And the questionnaire was carried out from the subjects of 48 special class teachers across the country. The subjects as a comparative group of 90 general class teachers to identify their recognition level toward the special classes education were analyzed the reaction attitudes and then distributed 40 questions divided by 4 areas to accomplish this object. The questions included 1) the actual conditions of teacher, student, class operation, 2) the conditions of educational curriculum, 3) the conditions of vocational and career education, 4) the examination on the teacher's recognition level toward special classes, and the materials from the operation of special classes were produced by frequency and percentage according to each questions, and also the materials about teacher's recognition level were examined by CR test. The results of the above research were as follows; First, in the actual conditions of teachers, students and classes, many of the teachers in charge of special class were female and young aged 20s~30s, and many of them had a certificate of special education qualification but there were a few teachers having the certificate of general education. Most special education teachers' career was 10 years below and the number of class per week were 16 to 20 hours. The certification of vocation teachers was 3 having the certification of special education and 3 of general education, and their major was 3 of industrial education and 3 of agriculture. Special class education was carried out 10 hours below per week by vocational education teachers. The precise examination was not made because there was no vocational education teachers in most schools. The students of special classes had more boy students than girl students and the number of students was generally 9~15, and they were mostly mentally retarded students and their disorder types were various. And, students showed a satisfaction with going into special class. Special classes were largely located in urban areas and established in full scale from 1996, and most of them were established in 2000. Most of them were operated by an hour-restricted style and learning supportive room system, and they were established at agricultural high school, academic and industrial high school in order. Second, in actual conditions of educational curriculum, special class per week had much more hours than vocational education, and the decision for going into special class was generally made by the Provincial Department of Education and the decision was varied according to its areas and schools. In the organization and operation of the curriculum, most reactions showed the mixture operation of the curriculum of general school and special school, and almost every schools lacked educational materials. In the making and operating of individualization program for special class, ' good working' and' average level' was general, class hours and sundry duties was a problem in operation, and there were so many problems in operating that program. Education for parents were carried at one time for three months, and few school performed that education and their interesting degree showed in common. Third, in actual conditions of vocational and career education, they were interested in the importance of special school student's vocational and career education, and the student's aptitude and interest were considered in their education. The items of vocational education were industry, gardening in order and various items were carried according to the conditions of school, and special school teachers decided the items in consideration of student' s ability and aptitudes. The cause of the ineffective operation of vocational education was thought to be the lack of vocational education teachers. The urgent requirements of improving the effective operation of special classes were thought to be first, the deficiency of vocational education program, and second the understanding and cooperation of general teachers and students, and finally the shortage of facilities and learning materials. Fourth, teacher's recognition level toward special class education in high school showed similar in both groups. The questions on 'general student's attitudes toward special class students was favorable' and 'it was thought to be desirable that special classes in general school were managed for the handicapped students' showed significant differences between general teachers and special class teachers. In other words, special class teachers showed more positive recognition level than general teachers. And, the question on 'the success of special class depended on understanding and cooperation of principal, teachers, students' showed the highest recognition level in both groups.

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