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      • 충남지방 횃불독립만세운동의 전개와 일제의 탄압

        김진호(Kim, Jin-ho) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2018 충청문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        대한제국이 일본 제국주의에 국권을 침탈당한지 8년 6개월, 3,107일인 1919년 3월 1일에 한민족은 독립을 선언하고 독립만세를 외치며 민족 독립을 성취하여 민주 공화 국가를 건설하려 했다. 3·1독립운동은 독립운동 방법으로 다양한 형태로 독립을 주창하며 독립만세를 외치는 독립만세운동과 야간에 횃불을 들고 독립만세를 외치는 횃불독립만세운동 등의 형태로 전개됐다. 즉 독립선언서를 배포하거나 독립 관련 유인물과 격문들을 제작하여 배부하며 동지들을 규합하거나 군중들에게 권유하여 시장, 마을, 학교, 교회, 일제기관(면사무소, 주재소 등)에서 함께 대한독립만세를 외치는 독립만세운동이 일반적인 독립운동의 형태였다. 반면에 야간에 산 위에서 불을 피우고 독립만세를 외치는 횃불독립만세운동은 3월 하순부터 4월 초순까지 중부지방, 특히 충남지방을 중심으로 활발하게 전개됐다. 이 독립운동은 독립만세운동이 전국적으로 확산되어 일반화됨에 따라 일제의 무력적 탄압도 잔혹성을 띠게 됐다. 따라서 누구나 주도 인사나 참여자로 독립 의지를 표출할 수 있는 방법과 일제의 탄압을 피할수 있는 방안 등이 요구되는 상황에서 야간에 접근과 활동이 용이한 마을 주변의 산위에 올라 독립만세를 외쳤다. 또한 불을 피워 인접 마을과 주민들에게 자신들의 독립만세 의지를 알렸다. 이 독립운동을 일제는 ‘篝火’, ‘焚火’ 등이나 ‘烽火’로 표기했고, 『매일신보』는 ‘불’, ‘화투불’, ‘봉화’, ‘거화’ 등으로 보도했다. 이를 독립만세운동과 대별하여 횃불독립만세운동이라 하고자 한다. 3월 23일 충북 청주의 강내면, 강외면, 옥산면 등지에서 주민들이 산위에 올라 불을 피우고 독립만세를 외치고 이어 충남 연기의 조치원 방면으로 이동했다. 이에 연기의 동면, 서면, 북면의 주민들이 호응해 독립만세를 외치면서 충남지방의 횃불독립만세운동이 시작됐다. 이후 연기에서는 3월 26일부터 4월 2일까지 26곳(회), 미상 일에 1곳에서 횃불독립만세운동을 전개했다. 이어 천안에서 4월 1일 병천 아우내 독립만세운동이 있기 수 일전부터 병천 주위의 산위에 봉화가 올랐고 3월 30일 풍세에서는 주민들이 20곳의 산위에서 불을 피우고 만세를 외쳤다. 아산에서는 3월 31일부터 4월 3일까지 80곳, 공주에서는 4월 1일부터 3일까지 13곳, 예산에서는 4월 3일부터 5일까지 27곳, 홍성에서는 4월 4일, 5일, 7일에 26곳, 당진에서는 4월 4일과 5일에 22곳, 청양에서는 4월 6일부터 8일까지 6곳, 서산에서는 3월 31일과 4월 5일, 8일, 10일에 7곳, 논산에서는 4월 1일, 3일, 7일에 5곳, 미상 일에 2곳, 대전에서는 3월 29일에 1곳, 보령에서는 4월 17일에 1곳에서 주민들이 마을 주위의 산 위에 올라 횃불을 피우고 독립만세를 외쳤다. 따라서 충남에서는 12개군 64개면에서 연216개 마을의 238곳(회)에서 가장 최소한으로약 13,000명이 참가하는 횃불독립만세운동을 전개했다. 일제는 일경, 헌병, 수비대 보병 등을 출동시키고 일본인 민간인, 소방조, 재향군인 등까지 동원해 무력적 탄압을 했다. 현장 출동이 22차례나 하여 11곳에서 총기를 발포해 진압했다. 무력 진압으로 10명이 사망하고 13~4명이 부상을 당했다. 현장에서 체포 구금된 111명 이상의 인사들은 독립운동 이후 대대적인 검거 작전으로 체포당한 인사들과 함께 주재소, 경찰서, 헌병분견소, 헌병분대에서 악형을 당하며 심문조사를 받았다. 검사국에 기소되어 재판에서 형을 선고받은 인사가 48명이었다. 주도 인사나 참여자 대부분은 경찰서나 헌병분견소에서 비인간적이고 비윤리적인 잔인한 태형을 당했다. 수형 관련 기록을 분석하면, 참가자에 대한 체포와 태형의 집행이 4월 초순부터 지속적으로 자행되었고, 면 단위의 체포와 태형이 마을 단위로 실시되었으며, 동일 태형의 처분(형량)은 대부분 동일 형량으로 처벌됐다. 횃불독립만세운동은 3·1독립운동이 확산되는 과정에서 발전적 형태로 등장하여 3월말부터 급속히 확산되어 마을 단위로 군(郡), 면(面)내 일대에서 대규모로 단시간에 집중적으로 전개됐다. 또한 마을들이 연합하여 아산, 홍성, 예산 등도(道)내의 내륙 산악 지역을 중심으로 동시 다발적으로 전개되었던 충남지방의 대표적인 3·1독립운동의 형태이었다. The Korean people declared The Independence from the colonial rule of Japanese imperialism on March 1, 1919. This toke eight years and six months, namely, in 3,107 days since the Korean Empire was robbed of the national sovereignty to the Japanese imperialism. The Korean people yelled for Korean independence and waved the Korean flag. Therefore they achieved independence from the colonial rule of Japanese imperialism and hoped to build the democratic republic nation. The Korean Independence Movement of 1919 developed many various forms all across the country. Accordingly the Japanese imperialism thoroughly oppressed by force of arms to the Korean people who cried the hurrah for the independence. So they found the method which directly evaded the crackdown of the Japanese imperialism and freely yelled for Korean independence. It was a signal torch(Hwaetbul, 횃불) of the hurrah for independence movement. It yelled on March 23th in Yeongi-gun, Chungcheongnamdo. Since then, It lasted to early in April. It put in practice 27 locations in Yeongi-gun, more than 21 locations in Cheonan-gun, 80 locations in Asan-gun, 13 locations in Gongju-gun, 27 locations in Yesan-gun, 26 locations in Hongseong-gun, 22 locations in Dangjin-gun, 6 locations in Cheonhyang-gun, 7 locations in Seosan, 7 locations in Nonsan, 1 locations in Daejeon-gun and Boryeong. The Hwaetbul hurrah for independence movement yelled 238 locations(or times) in 12-gun(郡), 64-myeon(面), 216-village of the Chungcheongnamdo. The total people who participated in the Hwaetbul Independent Harrish was the 13,000 person at the very least. They waved the Hwaetbul and yelled the Independent Harrish on the around mountain of the their village. But the Japanese imperialist and Japanese Government-General of Korea oppressed the participant in Hwaetbul Independent Harrish Movement. The Japanese imperialist mobilized the police, the the military police(MP), the Japanese Army in Korea(朝鮮駐箚軍) and even the civilian Japanese(gownsman), the fire fighting service(消防組), the veteran(在鄕軍人) and so on. They dispatched 22 times on the spot and fired a gun in the 11 locations. So the Korean was killed the 10 persons, injured the 13~4 persons and arrested the more than 111 persons. Ever since the Hwaetbul Independent Harrish, The Japanese imperialist executed a wholesale arrest operations. The arrest were severely interrogated in the substation of the police–military police(警察,憲兵駐在所), the squad of military police(憲兵分隊) and the outsation of military police(憲兵分遣所). After this, they were charged with the violation of safety-code (保安法) by Japanese prosecutor. As a result, the Japanese judge panel sentenced the prison and flogging(Taehyeong, 笞刑) on the 48 persons. Most participants were oppressed the flogging in the substation of the police–military police(警察,憲兵駐在所), the squad of military police(憲兵分隊) and the outsation of military police(憲兵分遣所). The flogging was the immoral, inhumane and cruel punishment. It was practiced the 30~90 lash. Conclusionally, the Hwaetbul hurrah for independence movement was the developmental form in the Korean Independence Movement of 1919. It was rapidly spread toward the end of March and practiced on the mountain of village in gun and myeon. It was carried out the independence movement of intensive, large scale, short-term. It appeared in Asan, Hongseong, Yesan, namely, the mountainous regions of the interior in Chungcheongnamdo. And it was the representative independence movement in Chungcheongnamdo.

      • 대전-충남 금강 문화권의 불교문화와 사상

        김방룡(Kim Bang-ryong) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2022 충청문화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        금강은 전라북도 장수군에서 발원하여 충북과 충남 그리고 전북을 관통하며, 장항과 군산을 거쳐 서해에 이르고, 다시 바닷길을 따라 중국과 일본으로 이어진다. 본고에서는 차령산맥을 경계로 하여 충남 서북부의 내포문화권과 나뉘는 대전-충남 지역의 문화권을 금강문화권이라 명명하고서, 이 지역의 불교문화와 사상을 시대별로 나누어 살펴보았다. 백제시대 웅진과 사비천도 이후 불교문화는 크게 발달하여, 사상적으로 미륵, 화엄, 열반, 법화, 선, 율 등 다양한 모습을 보이고 있다. 중국은 물론 인도에까지 들어가 구법활동을 하였으며, 일본에 불교를 전파하여 일본의 고대문화에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 통일신라와 고려시대에 이 지역에는 미륵사상과 화엄사상이 두각을 나타내었다. 미륵신앙은 왕조를 중심으로 국가불교적인 모습과 민간을 중심으로 한 저항적인 성격을 동시에 지니고 있다면, 화엄사상은 국가불교적인 성격을 지니고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 조선시대에는 충과 의리를 중시하는 모습을 볼 수 있는데, 갑사 영규를 중심으로 한 의승군의 활약이 대표적이라 할 수 있다. 또한 구한말 경허와 만공 등이 동학사를 중심으로 선풍을 새롭게 떨친 사실은 근대 한국불교에서 이 지역의 불교가 크게 공헌하고 있음을 알 수 있다. Geumgang River originates from Jangsu-gun, Jeollabuk-do, passes through Chungbuk, Chungnam, and Jeonbuk, reaches to the West Sea via Janghang and Gunsan, and leads to China and Japan along the sea route. In this paper, the cultural area of Daejeon-Chungnam region, which is divided from the Naepo Cultural Area in northwest Chungcheongnam-do, was named Geumgang Cultural Area, and Buddhist culture and ideas of this region by period were considered. After moving the capital to Woongjin and Sabi in Baekje period, Buddhist culture has developed greatly, ideologically showing various aspects such as Maitreya, Hwaeom, Nirvana, Beophwa, Seon, and Yul. Baekje people entered India as well as China, did activities of seeking truth, and spread Buddhism to Japan, which greatly influenced Japans ancient culture. During the Unified Silla and Goryeo Dynasty, Maitreya thought and Huayan thought were prominent in this area. If the Maitreya faith has both a state Buddhist character centered on the dynasty and resistance character centered on layperson, it can be seen that Huayan thought has a state Buddhist character. During the Joseon Dynasty, it can be seen that loyalty and righteousness are important, and the performance of the righteous monks army centered on Gapsa Yeonggyu, is a representative example. In addition, the fact that monk Gyeongheo and monk Mangong at the end of the Joseon Dynasty made a new sensation of Seon centered on Donghaksa Temple shows that Buddhism in this area contributes greatly to modern Korean Buddhism.

      • 한국어 교재 및 수업 방법 개발을 위한 출판 프로젝트 활용 방안 연구

        한유진(Han, Yu-jin) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2016 충청문화연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The textbook is closely related with a curriculum and an outline program of instruction and is medium of teaching-learning to connect with teachers and students. this function is more than simple learning material. So this study analyzed the satisfaction level and unsatisfaction contents of Korean textbook that the universities use in Chung-Cheong area. based on this results, this paper also checked the Problems that old books have and suggested "the Publication Project" as a new model for the development of Korean textbook. Also, this study introduced that there is a potential to sere many important functions as databases for the development of Korean textbooks, which is the result of the publication project that the teachers and students made collaboratively. The publication project is also meaningful as a teaching-learning methodology. This education methodology expects positive effects in the teaching-learning of integrative approach which has amalgamated the speaking, listening, reading, writing of the korean language, the improvement of whole language ability, and the formation of an effective domain. This paper has designed a semester curriculum based on the Korean teaching-learning project and created a specific teaching-learning guidance which utilizes the workshop model. In addition, it will explore the viable plans of real world applications in a live school environment. Korean teachers and students have to keep check real problems and research future-oriented studies. this paper expects the study of Korean textbook and Korean education are active more through this research.

      • 한말 충남지역의 항일의병전쟁

        김상기(Kim, Sang-ki) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2014 충청문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        In the case of former and middle period of Chungnam righteous army, it had some same points in characteristics of royalism and Wijong Ch’oksaron(Theory of defending orthodoxy and rejecting heterodoxy) based rejection to heterodoxy. Also there were other similar points in members and battle aspects. For example, this period of righteous army acted in the range of Hongju cultural area including Hongju and at the same time members were organized by Namdang School. However, the latter period of Chungnam righteous army showed the popular characteristic. First of all, most of leaders of the righteous army were commoners. The reason of it is that former Confucian scholar leaders who commanded large troops hid or were taken in custody because of suppression of Japanese Empire. Emerging of commoner commanders naturally made the characteristics of righteous army more popular. Moreover, latter period of Chungnam righteous army was different from former and middle part of it because they concentrated in gathering sinews of war and punishing pro-Japanese force. The size of the army was different too. The latter period of Chungnam righteous army was emerged intensively from july 1907 to summer of 1908, but declined after 1909 by suppression of Japanese army. Therefore, the latter period of Chungnam righteous army could be said as declining period or transitional period to the righteous army for national independence rather than plateau period different from other area. Chungnam righteous army constantly struggled through whole period. After the fall of Choson Dynasty, they actively participated in independence Movement group such as The Dongnipeuigunbu(獨立義軍府) and The Kwangbokhae (Korean Liberation Association, 光復會) domestically, and they also participated in military school or other armed corps in Manchuria internationally. In other words, national independence movement of Chungnam righteous army could be rated high.

      • 대전 문화ㆍ예술 정책의 체계적인 수립을 위한 소고

        임기대(Lim, Gi-dae) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2014 충청문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The cultural policy of Daejeon has changed significantly. With the newly elected mayor, many expect changes in cultural policies of Daejeon City for the better. However, with changes in policies, we are also afraid that cultural policies set before may disappear. One of the most serious problems of cultural policies of Daejeon City has been "the lack of a long-term road map as everything has been implemented in the context of economic revitalization. As a result, the cultural policy of Daejeon has not been able to maintain its continuity, but it has been nothing but a ephemeral ceremony. In this study, we have examined the development of cultural policies of Daejeon in general and have noticed increase in cultural and art programs as well as the various cultural programs in daily life. Especially in this case festivals held in Daejeon, it has always posed the problem of not having an idenity of Daejeon although Daejeon is a city of science. Finally, we"d like to make a few suggestions in an effort to improve the cultural policies of Daejeon.

      • 충청지역 구석기 유적의 다양성

        유용욱(Yoo, Yongwook) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2018 충청문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        충청지역에서는 지금까지 다수의 지점에서 구석기가 확인되었고 대부분 금강 하계망 지역에 분포하고 있다. 본고는 금강유역 제4기퇴적층의 형성 과정을 복원하고 이 지역 고인류의 점거 양상에 대한 초보적 고찰을 하고자 한다. 금강유역은 상류, 중류, 하류 각 세 지역이 지형적으로 독특하게 구별되는 특성이 있다. 금강유역이 관통하는 충청지역의 구석기 유적 입지 유형은 1) 금강 중·하류 지역과 2) 충남·전북 접경 지역의 충적대지로 크게 구분할 수 있다. 각 지역의 대표적 유적들은 금강 중·하류역의 본 하계망과 지류의 유역 형성 과정을 반영한다. 또한 퇴적층 내에서 발견되는 석기는 대부분 후기 홍적세에 해당한다. 충청지역 구석기시대 고인류는 현재 청원군, 대전 일대의 남한강과 미호천이 마주보는 지역을 기점으로 해서 금강유역을 상류역과 하류역의 두 갈래 방향으로 점거해 나가는 것으로 추측할 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 과정은 현재까지 축적된 절대 연대 자료와 석기군의 변천상을 볼 때 후기 홍적세의 후반부에 집중적으로 이루어진 것으로 보인다. Chungcheong area, especially around the Geum River Area(the GRA hereafter), has yielded many palaeolithic localities until now. In spite of numerous studies on individual sites and lithic assemblages, their general formation processes are yet to be understood in a larger scale concentrating on the terrain and landscape of the Geum River channels. This article attempts to observe the principal process of hominid occupation during the Pleistocene era on a macroscopic scale. The GRA is characterized by uniquely distinguished terrains from upstream, midstream to downstream area respectively and this can be one of major factors responsible for the different geomorphological formation processes of palaeolithic sites across this area. The sub-area of the GRA can be suggested two territories: 1) mid-and downstream territory of Chungcheong province; and 2) floodplain territory at the border between Chungcheong and Jeolla province. Each territory assumes unique depositional environment reflecting the influence of different terrains and river channel energies, of both main Geum River and tributary channels; lithic artifacts discovered in situ are generally dated Upper Pleistocene(mostly from MIS 3 to 2). Given the available chronometric dates and lithic assemblage characteristics, the hominid occupation might have initiated at least during the later phase of Upper Pleistocene and continued to the MIS 2.

      • 계룡지역 독립운동 사적지 활용과 호국보훈문화 센터 건립

        박경목(Park, Kyung-mok) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2013 충청문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        This study examines these of historic sites of independent movements in Gyeryong-si, Chungcheongnam-do and establishment of patriots and veterans culture center for efficient utilization of historic sites and tourism resources. Located under Gyeryong Mountain, Gyeryongsi was called as ‘Sindoan’ by being selected as a new capital of Joseon right after the foundation by King Taejo Lee, Seong-gye. In fact, there was about a year of royal palace construction work, but the plan of relocation of capital was cancelled. Since 1910, many national religious leaders gathered to escape the colonial rule of the Japanese Imperialism. Accordingly, many independent movement activities carried out independent movements with this region as its center. After the liberation, the head quarters of Army, Navy and Air Force were installed in 1989 playing as a military city and urban and rural complex city. In 2003, the city was formally promoted as ‘Gyeryong-si.’ Currently, it is the smallest city in the country with 60.7㎢ in size and population of 41,550. Because of such historic reasons, there are many historic sites of independent movements of the Japanese occupation period, and also many remains related on the capital relocation of Joseon, and shrines of Confucian scholars of Joseon. Representative sites include house site of Han, Hoon who organized Gwangbokdan, Gwangbokdan death-defying band monument, house site of Bae, Young-jik who carried out March 1st Independent Movement, Samsindang as the sphere of activity of Jeong, Won-kang, an national religious leader, and Sindoan foundation stone. Meanwhile, head quarters of Army, Navy and Air Force were installed in 1989 in Gyeryong-si, and ‘Gyeryongdae’ and ‘Gyeryongdae monument’ are used for national security tourism resources. Accordingly, it is necessary to use historic sites of independent movements, historic remains and identity of current military city in order to activate the city. In connection with the above resources, it is also required to take partial restoration of some historic sites of independent movements, storytelling of those sites, open of restricted remains in the military area and tourism merchandising on the patriotic experiences. And, ultimately, it is also recommended to have a certain facility that plays a role of land mark in the tourism of Gyeryong-si that integrated and managed resources of Gyeryong-si. It is tentatively called as patriots and veterans culture center to demonstrate regional identity and long-term urban activation.

      • 대전 충남지역 지방문화의 연구현황과 과제

        김상기(Kim Sangki) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2010 충청문화연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Research on the local culture in Daejeon, Chungcheongnam-do has been vitalized since 1980 and made a progressive development. Local History Research Association organized by a city and county publishes a bulletin and carries articles relating with the local culture, introduction of materials and essays on visit to the place. However, it is a common trend that the place where the research association is difficult to be continued owing to lack of the succeeding generation and financial support is on the rise. In comparison, a local culture center is rather active as national support is ensured by the enactment of the laws for cultivating local culture business. Chungcheongnam-do History Culture Centerand Daejeon Current Affairs Compilation Committee established by Chungcheongnam-do and Daejeon city respectively have embarked regarding themselves as the cradle for the local culture. Especially, Chungcheong History Culture Research Institute made rapid progress like establishing its history museum. Now, the writer of this study wishes that the organizations will continue to develop an independent research business that can intensify the historical consciousness of the people in Chungcheonam-do pasting the present level of simply issuing city and county bulletins. Chungnam University, Hannam University and Gongju Universityare taking initiative to conduct a local culture research by establishing Local Culture Research Institute. The Chungnam Universityestablished Chungcheong Cutlure Research Institute in 2003 and has sought for the revitalization of study on Chung cheong province including studies on villages in Chungcheong, its language literature, the racial movement of modern and contemporary age and so forth. As a method to vitalize studies on local culture, an institutional strategy is primarily required to cultivate local history investigators. In addition, publication of source books that form the foundation of local culture research must rake precedence. After that, joint researches between local history invesrigators and regional history researchers must be revitalized.

      • 〈춘향전〉 이본에 수용된 충청 관련 내용과 그 가치

        경일남(Kyung, Il-Nam) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2021 충청문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문은 〈춘향전〉 이본에 수용된 충청 관련 내용과 그것이 지닌 가치를 고찰한 것이다. 〈춘향전〉 이본에는 충청지역의 지리·명소, 토산물, 지명, 기녀 등과 관련된 내용이 적잖이 개입되어 있다. 이런 양상은 〈춘향전〉 이본 중 필사본에서 더욱 두드러진 양상을 보여준다. 〈춘향전〉에 수용된 충청 관련 내용은 작품 내에서 향토적 현실성을 강화시켜주는 문학적 효과를 만들어낸다. 이러한 충청 관련 내용의 확대·변이와 추가적 수용은 주로 〈춘향전〉의 필사본에서 나타난다. 이 이본들의 필사자는 충청지역에 대한 이해와 관심이 많은 자라고 보아지며, 이 이본들은 주로 충청지역을 중심으로 유통되었을 가능성이 크다. 〈춘향전〉에 수용된 충청 관련 내용은 이 작품이 전승되던 당시의 충청지역의 실상과 충청지역에 대한 당대인의 인식을 반영하고 있기 때문에, 이것은 충청학 연구를 위한 자료로서의 가치를 지닌다. This study examined the content and the value related Chungcheong appeared in a different version of 〈Chunhyangjeon〉. Some details involved geography, famous place, local produce, nomination and ginyeo are pretty implicated in this version of 〈Chunhyangjeon〉. This aspect is shown remarkably in the manuscript one among different versions. Substance on Chungcheong has made literary effect in the work, which stiffens indigenous reality. These additional acceptances and expansions, transitions about Chungcheong are usually appeared in the manuscript. The writer of the manuscript is seen as a person who has lots of interest in Chungcheong area. And it seemed quite probable that these different versions were distributed centering around Chungcheong. Because details on Chungcheong in 〈Chunhyangjeon〉 reflects the reality of area and the recognition, so these have value as a critical data of Chungcheong studies.

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