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      • 16세기 재세례파의 신학사상에 관한 연구

        강경림 대신대학 1990 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        In studying theological thoughts of the sixteenth century Anabaptists, one could find the systematic Anabaptist theologians little. I must, therefore, depend upon letters written by theologians to the Anabaptists, a few books of Anabaptism, and the Schleitheim Confession. For Anabaptists, as for other Christains, Jesus constitute the heart of Christain faith. Most statements about Jesus made by Anabaptists are orthodox in nature, that is, they accept the traditional creedal statements. Anabaptists were one and all agreed that the process of salvation begins with God's gracious act in Jesus Christ. Virtually all Anabaptists statements regarding the Holy Spirit are orthodox. They identify him as the third person of the Trinity. For Anabaptists, the church was now identified as the gathered congregation of believers who have voluntarily entered it by baptism upon confession of faith, only those can be members who are obedient to Christ. Love is the chief mark of the church. Anabaptists joined Protestants in rejecting the authorities of popes and councils and elevating the Scriptures into the vacancy. But there were considerable difference between Anabaptists and protestants and, indeed, among Anabaptists themselves, as to the nature and function of Scriptures. Baptism was the external act by which Anabaptists expressed their rejection of the sacramental church of Rome and the territorial churches of protestantism. Baptism was viewed as a sign that the old life of sin had been abandoned and a new life of following Christ begun. This was done voluntarily and after careful consideration. It was assumed by all that man had the capacity to the rite by which one entered the church. Anabaptists rejected the complex of doctrine and drama which characterized the Roman Mass as a sacrament. All strands of Anabaptism give evidence of a twofold interpretation of the Supper. It was, on the one hand, a remembrance of the love of Christ which expressed Itself in dying for his own. Jesus and his sacrifice were the foundation of Christian life and of the church. On the other hand, the Supper was seen as a celebration of the oneness and unity of the church brought about by Christ's death. The body of Christ, understood by Anabaptists in a very literal sense as the visible community of believers, was the presence of God in the world. The majority of Anabaptists believed that property could be held privately, but that it could never be absolutely private. Property was viewed as trust from God. Basic to the Anabaptists view of government was their version of the two kingdoms doctrine. Government was given because of man's sin; it belonged to law, while the church, which was given out of sheer grace, belonged to the gospel. The kingdom of Christ was characterized by peace, forgiveness, nonviolence, and patience. The kingdoms of the world, or Satan, was strife, vengeance, anger, and the sword which kills. Government belonged to this kingdom of the world. Anabaptists theology was shaped to a considerable degree by the experience of repression and persccution. This was especially true of their eschatology, that is their doctrine of the last things. The social and religious upheavals of the sixteenth century were regarded by most observers as of the end time.

      • 이익분배제의 본질과 실상

        송준호 대신대학 1992 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        Profit sharing may be regarded as one of the membership rewards on the basis of the fact that the profit of an enterprise is the results of both labor and management's efforts. Observing that recent employees's increasing demands on the profit sharing brought about much controversy in Korea, it seems to be desirable for the side of management to adopt the policy of profit sharing and distributing in order to secure the peaceful cooperation between labor and management. A survey of Korea Labor Institute shows that several companies whlch adopted the profit sharing policy have achieved the effect of raising productivity and improving labor - management's cooperation. This article, 1 believe, tries to propose and explicate the advantages of profitsharing plans and at the same time to suggest a way of minimizing its problematic side effects. Here are some requirements for profit distributing plans. (1) Individual performance should be considered in distributing profit to reduce shirking. (2) To avoid conflict in case of low profit, the ,elating provision and terms should agreed with both sides In advance. (3) The single profit index should be consented by several occupational group for partnership. (4) Period of profit distribution should be comparatively short (5) The distributing amount should be maximized while cutting down the present bonus.

      • Vygotsky의 언어적 사고 발달이론에 대한 소고 : 아동의 문자해독 및 글쓰기 지도를 위한 시사점

        구광현 대신대학 1993 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        Lev S. Vygotsky offers some of the most useful directing constructs for the examination of language and its relationship to cognition. His analysis links individual patterns of language development to the socio-historical contexts in which language is shaped and used. In this paper, several Vygotskian constructs on the development of verbal thinking wer presented and some of their implications were discussed in regard to literacy socialization and the development of writing. Other issues, including difficulties between basic and advanced literacy, different genres of writing, and instructional practices, were also briefly mentioned. In the context of rapidly growing Vygotsky scholarship, this brief introduction will provide a "scaffolding" to aid those readers confronted by such profusion of thought about literacy socialization.

      • 객체지향 프로그래밍 기법구현에 관한 연구

        김성원 대신대학 1993 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        최근 객체지향 이라는 개념이 프로그래밍언어 및 데이타베이스 등에 도입되어 광범위하게 활용되고 있는 추세이다. 이에 객체지향 프로그래밍에 있어서 기본개념인 객체(Object), 클래스(Class), 상속(Inheritance)을 바탕으로 하는 데이타의 추상화, 캡슐화, 속성상속 및 다형화등 구성요소에 대한 개념을 보다쉽게 재 조명하고 이에 대한 객체지향 프로그래밍 기법을 구현하였다.

      • 競爭的 故障要因模型에서의 壽命時間 推定연구

        이태섭 대신대학 1993 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        일반적으로 壽命檢査에 있어 시험비용의 절감과 시험의 편의를 위하여 區間檢査를 도입하게 되며, 또한 추정량의 정확성을 제고시키기 위하여 復元檢査를 적용한다. 그러나 이 때, 복원검사의 적용과정에서 시험대상물의 過不足現象이 초래될 수 있는 것이 문제이다. 따라서 이를 해결하기 위하여 비복원검사와 복원검사를 결합한, 즉 시험의 초기단계에서는 추정량의 정확도를 높이기 위하여 복원검사를 채택하고 고장품의 교환을 위하여 준비해 둔 시험대상물이 부족해지는 시점부터는 비복원검사를 적요하여 예정된 기간동안 시험을 수행하는 混合復元 區間檢査가 최근 제시된 바 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 혼합복원 구간검사모형의 확장으로 특정 제품의 고장요인이 여러 가지의 競爭的 故障要因模型을 다루었다. 이 결과 각 고장요인에 따른 수명 시간의 추정이 고장품의 事後分析에 의하여 항상 가능함을 알 수 있었다.

      • 아동중심교육사상의 의미에 대한 검토

        최양미 대신대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        The term 'Child-Centered' is one of the most obscure in the whole field of educational discussion. The term 'Child-Centered' is a term of protest: a protest against formal & verbal education and against to a notion of education that involves moulding or deliberately forming any aspects of the child personality. The notion of 'Child-Centered' has three criteria to constitute a minimum definition. These are as follows : (1)the child should be regarded as an end in himself. (2)the child should be treated as a child and not as a miniature adult. (3)individual differences between children should be taken account. There are four ideas which frequently occur in connection with the idea of child-centeredness. These are needs and the needs-curriculum, children's interests, education according to nature, learning by discovery. This study examines implications of these four ideas. In conclusion, needs, interests, readiness and learning by discovery seem capable of more than one interpretation. Therefore the term 'Child-Centered' itself too obscure to be of much practical benefit. But nevertheless, child-centered education has a value on the point that it drawn our attention to the importance of the child himself as an ed, especially considering the reality f school education as test-preparation in our society. So the close examination about the concept is required for the strict application s a useful concept not as a mere slogan.

      • 관광호텔 食飮料部門 經營의 效率的인 運營方案에 關한 연구

        이종순 대신대학 1991 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        現觀光호텔의 食飮料 部分의 經營方式에 後進性과 service에 關聯된 諸般事項의 問題點을 硏究, 分析하여 解決方案을 模索하는것이 주된 目的이어서 서울市內特級호텔 從事員을 對象으로하여 現時點의 問題點을 質問形式을 통해 발견한것을 기록 平價方法의 資料로 使用하였고 不足한 評價는 이를 基礎로 國內外 文獻 및 各 機關의 統計資料를 參考하여 備考하는 方法을 模索하였다. 本硏究論文은 호텔 息飮料部門의 理論的인 展開와 質問調査를 通하여 從事員과 顧客, 企業의 共通된 利益에 이바지하기 爲한 것이 主된 目的이므로 여러가지 質問調査에서 나타난 問題點들을 잘 파악하여 보다 발전된 호텔 企業運營을 하는 데 보탬이 되었으면 한다.

      • 재가노인을 위한 사회복지 정책에 관한 연구

        윤병섭 대신대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        The rapid industrialization and economic growth of Korea recently brought forth social changes in view of social and economic structure, family structure, and man's view of life. The aged problem of all social problems is recently brought into as a hot issue due to increasing aged people. As part of its policy to solve the problem, facilities-oriented policy for the aged has been so far emphasized. Looking back, aged people held in the facilities cover only 0.03% of the total aged people over the age of 65, while almost 75% of the total welfare budget for the aged people in the government is used for the aged in the facilities. With this in mind, this study is intended to survey social welfare policy for the aged at home, not for the aged in the facilities in our country, with focus on the effective use of welfare budget for the aged people, the welfare policy, and several service programs for the aged people such as health service program, social service program and housing service program on the basis of universality for the citizenship of the aged people.

      • 한국의 탁아현실에 대한 연구 경향 분석 : 89년, 90년 Seminar 연구를 중심으로

        이은상 대신대학 1990 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to analize the studies of Korean child's day care system which is still in social dispute and to point out the problems thereby occured on which I try to make some suggestions. The sources of this analysis device chiefly from the data of seminars held under the auspices of early childhood association, childhood education association, child's welfare association academy and various other social, governmental education systems during a period of two years from 1989 (one seminar) to 1990 (four seminars). The focus of this thesis is laid to the contents, problems and characteristics of afore mentioned studies. The results runs as follows; 1. The data from the seminars included to put more emphasis on the aspect of child's education than child's day care side. 2. Mostly the aspect of child's day care and education attracted more attention them that of child's welfare. 3. Due to the very specific situation of our nation, there are few of practicaly studied example. 4. Also various child association made use of foreign nations models, especially in child's day care program. 5. As the result of efforts from 1989 to 1990, the bill of infant and child care plan was brought to pass national assembly. Hereby I suggest a few propositions of my analysis. 1. The study of child's day care should be on the practical bases. 2. In korea, we's better develop our own ways handling child's day care program. 3. Child's day care program should be considered on equal terms as child's education.

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