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      • ERP 導入이 經營成果와 企業支配構造에 미친 影響 : 平和그룹을 中心으로

        서규태 경북대학교 경영대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to look into the effect of ERP on the business performance and the corporate governance structure for the automobile parts industry and to provide critical success factors for ERP implementation for companies which are interested in ERP. Today Firms have been confronting with very rapidly changing business environment. Under these circumstances, the importance of using IT in gaining competitive advantage is increasing. ERP is a very popular tool for putting through management innovation and implementing on integrated information system. First of all, this study reviewed literatures on the emergence background of ERP, its developing stages, and its characteristics. The data for this study were collected from four automobile parts companies which have implemented ERP. Method is to compare a business performance and a corporate governance structure change before and after the introduction of the ERP. Analysis of business performance is consisted of five indicator : (1)sales per capita, (2)inventory turnover, (3)the rate of labor cost & manufacturing cost, (4)gross value added per capita, (5)closing accounts at the end of every month. Analysis of corporate governance structure is consisted of three indicators : (1)the ownership share of the primary owner, (2)the board of administration and CEO, (3)asymmetric information and compensation. The results of this study are as follows : First, a performance of a business unit after using ERP is higher than that before the implementation of ERP. Second, a corporate governance structure show a significant difference. The analytical results of this study show that automobile parts companies could improve a business performance and a corporate governance structure by adopting ERP.

      • 중소기업 정보화경영체제 구축에 관한 사례연구

        장수영 경북대학교 경영대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        As the information society develops, the innovative management of small and medium enterprises becomes the essential national agenda to obtain industrial competitiveness in a limitless, internationally competitive society. However, most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are deficient in the ability to promote informatization and the application of information. Therefore, for the successful informatization of SMEs, the Small and Medium Business Administration, and the Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for Small & Medium Enterprises have supported SMEs by having developed an Information Management System (IMS) in 2002; a standardized model of information innovation for small and medium businesses. SMEs which introduce and operate the IMS utilize information more efficiently through the efficient operation of the information system, and it also gives them the ability to manipulate the information system strategically, thus facilitating innovation. SMEs have confronted various difficulties when introducing the IMS because of a lack of understanding of the IMS and other restrictions. In order to overcome these difficulties, this study suggests a methodology for understanding and introducing the IMS, and presents cases of SMEs which have established the IMS successfully, so that it can help other SMEs establish their IMSs successfully as well. This study's conclusions were derived from the case of SME which had introduced the IMS successfully. First, the establishment of an informatization strategy which supports managerial efficiency can help introduce and operate the information system systematically. Second, the preparation of an introduction procedure for the information system supported the successful introduction of the information system. Third, a stabilized operation was achieved by offering a management methodology for the operation of the introduced information system. To successfully introduce the IMS, the following strategies should be considered. First, CEOs should have unfailing faith in the necessity of introducing the IMS. Second, a feasible promotion plan for the IMS should be established. Third, the performance of the IMS should be measured continuously, and an inspection of the implementation, and regular internal audits and corrective action should be applied. The establishment of the IMS helps SMEs promote the introduction and operation of efficient information systems, and also enhances the application and the strategic operation of the information system in order to improve their competitiveness and create new value in their businesses.

      • 프로세스관점에서의 전사전략 연계과제 도출

        금석영 경북대학교 경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Many companies have adopted lean six sigma as a tool of business innovation. but the global optimization is not achieved if you concentrates on only the performance of individual task. After all, it is often shown that lean six sigma innovation activities have not made a direct contribution to management performance and gradually been losing the momentum. This study indicated the operational program to make an efficient of lean six sigma. Our goals with this program are sharing the strategy, recognizing the customers clearly and offering the definite direction in order to attain management goal in the Strategy Alignment Process for getting the customer’s requirements and realizing the company's strategy. It is very important for lean six sigma to include all processes on value chain in order to be as the business innovation tool changing the working method and company’s culture. Although this research is a little complicated and can be considered annoying. However, the consistency is secured through the set a task process for the achievement of business aims and where resources should be concentrated on are defined. Therefore it will be an effective way that these processes and resultant goals are connected with communication of throughout the organization. This research is on purpose to provide the detailed guideline to set up the foundation that makes a contribution to the continuing lean six sigma’s development and maximize business performance. 6시그마 경영혁신활동이 국내에 소개된 지 벌써 10년을 훌쩍 넘어섰다. 6시그마 경영혁신활동의 성공을 위해서는 국내기업문화를 놓고 볼 때 대부분이 최고경영자의 의지와 운영전략에 전 조직원이 집중하고 있는 것이 현실이기 때문에 더욱 최고경영자의 혁신수행 의지가 가장 큰 성공요소일수 밖에 없다. 그 다음 중요한 요소는 얼마나 적절한 프로젝트를 선정하는가에 있다. 선정된 프로젝트가 기업의 이익과 가장 연관성이 높은 전략을 달성하는 과제라고하면 프로젝트에 대한 관심이 높을 수밖에 없고, 따라서 충분한 자원지원에 힘입어 수행도가 높아짐은 물론 그 성과 또한 더욱 높아질 수밖에 없기 때문에 좋은 성공의 열매를 맺을수 있게 된다. 적절한 과제(right project)에는 반드시 적절한 인재(right people)에 의한 수행이라는 것이 보장되어야 한다. 아무리 좋은 과제를 선정했더라도 제대로 과제가 수행되지 않는다면 무의미해질 수 있어 right project와 right people은 따로 떼어서 생각할 수 없는 한 뭉치로 다뤄져야한다. 본 논문의 연구 대상인 S사는 2007년 전사적인 붐 조성및 TOP의 강력한 추진의지를 바탕으로 린6시그마 경영혁신활동을 시작하였으며 전체최적화를 목표로 2년 동안 경영혁신체계 확립에 몰두하였다. 그러나 2년간 수행되었던 과제들을 분석해본 결과 대부분이 단기적인 현안문제해결에 주력하여 전사적으로 추진했던 혁신활동이 경영목표 달성에 큰 영향을 주지 못해 효율적인 경영혁신활동이 되지 못한다는 것이 주요 이슈사항이었다. 효과적이지 못한 과제선정 방법과 선정된 과제에 대해서도 적절성 검토가 미흡한 상태에서 과제 kick off가 이루어지고, 부서별로 과제수행 건수가 할당되는 분위기로 흘러가 전사전략을 반영하는데 소홀해 지는 우를 범하게 된 것이다. 린6시그마를 통해 품질이 개선되고 비용은 절감되었지만 기업의 전략적 목표달성에는 제한적일 수밖에 없게 된 것이다. 단기적인 성과를 거둘 수 있는 문제해결에만 주력하게 되면 결국 기업문화, 조직구조 등 전사적인 경영시스템구축에 필요한 자사만의 방법론으로 발전하지 못하게 된다. 이후 S사는 린6시그마 추진과제를 선정하는 방법에 있어서 전통적인 기존의 Big Y 전개방법이 가지고 있던 한계점을 보완하기위해 프로세스적 접근방법이 보다 강조되고, 기업전략과의 연계 고리를 견고히 하는 실행과제도출방법에 대한 고민을 하게 되어, 기업의 경영혁신활동을 실제적인 성과창출 활동으로 연결시키고자 S사에 적절한 과제도출 방법에 대한 연구에 주력하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 보다 효율적인 린6시그마 전략과제를 도출하는 방법에 대해 고찰하고, 자동차부품제조회사인 S사의 적용사례를 통해 보다 효율적인 전략과제를 도출하기 위한 과정을 소개하고자 한다.

      • 金融自律化와 銀行經營革新 : 先進國銀行과의 戰略比較

        곽병진 慶北大學校 經營大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Internationalization and liberalization in the finance industry brought much change in the environment of banking business in Korea. To accommodate new environment, Korean banks are preparing bank business innovation strategies for international competition. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate bank business innovation strategies in the changing environment. In this study, I compare the strategies between Korean and foreign banks and analyze a few cases in Korea. This paper is organized as follows: chapter I is an Introduction and chapter Ⅱ describes theoretical background of the bank business innovation strategies. The bank business innovation strategies in foreign countries are analized in chater Ⅲ. Chapter Ⅳ is concerned with problems and answers on the bank business innovation strategies in Korean banks. The last chapter contains conclusions. Some suggestions on the bank business innovation strategies are as follows: 1. To relax government regulations. 2. To enhance management and evaluation system 3. To reinforce receiving ablity of banks. 4. To ensure sound asset management. 5. To provide better service to customers. 6. To keep close relationship with customers. 7. To manage personnel efficiently. 8. To innovate employees' thinking. The case study on the S branch of the D bank indicates some implications. The important factors in goal-setting are the mental strength of staffs, efficient preparation in opening branch and the creative public relation with customers. This study has some limitations which is inherent in the case study, but it will contribute to elaborating bank business innovation strategies in Korea.

      • 金融自律化에 따른 銀行經營戰略

        강경헌 경북대학교 경영대학원 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems with which commercial banks are facing and to inquire into some conditions of banks development under the financial liberalization movement. Chapter two summarizes the circumstance and aspect of commercial banks in recent years. ① The commercial banks in Korea have exhibited remarkable growth for the last 20 years since the launch of first economic development plan. Compared with the growth of non-bank financial intermediaries, however, the commercial banks have experienced relative backwardness, thus the share of financial market has been decreased. For example commercial banks share of deposits has remarkably fallen from 53.9% in 1971 to 35.7% in 1983, as well as the share of loans shows a drop from 53.5% to 35.5% during the same period. The most important reasons for this weakness of role of commercial banks are comprehensive government control and regulation on managerial decision about capital mobilization and allocation of funds. Besides this is mainly because non-bank intermediaries showed rapid growth during 1970s since government allowed the establishment of various non-bank financial institutions, while specialized banks participate aggressively in deposit taking thus competing with commercial banks. With the external intervention of management, investment efficiency of commercial banks has been lowered, resulting the instability of profitability. ② Financial, environment is getting ;more, competitive and, the restraints on banks activity are eliminated gradually, Government measures include-the;-selling of the government-owned shares of commercial banks, reorganization of preferential loans, amendment, of financial-related statues, and diversification of banking business. ③ The pursuit of electronic banking. and office automation (OA) has. great influence upon the organization and managemet of banks. Before long the banks organization is expected, to be changed to a information-oriented organization. Chapter three reviews the policy and long-range objective which is required. in competitive system as a premises of banking development. ① To establish the autonomous -management system, above all, the operation of government economic policy should be based on free economy principle and market price mechanism. Therefore 'it is natural that the restriction on budget, personnel, pay, and organization should be got rid of, -while the dependent. attitude of banks must disappear.: ② Under the financial liberalization movement the bank management is to be directed toward integration of profitability principle and public confidence. ③ Nowadays we can find that specialized banking system is transformed into, universal banking system, and Korean financial system is thought to be toward the very same way. Consequently confronting universal banking system, it is. necessary for commercial banks to strive for development of financial instruments and market cultivation. Chapter four discusses the urgent problems and concrete devices for commercial banks growth. ① To improve unity of organization, w e can assert, current system of board of directors is to be reconstructed, the function of committee to be enhanced, and divisionalized organization to be introduced. In particular in a introduction of divisionalized organization, three preconditions-decentralization of power, establishment of customer-oriented organization, reenforcement of planning and co-ordination function are needed. ② The independent profit system, which has aimed at financial accounting for the purpose of branch control, should be applied with a view of managerial accounting. The effectiveness of independent profit system, -is-guaranteed only by decentralization of power, reasonable appraisal of branch achievement, set up of responsibility accounting, and the colse relationship with budget system. ③ It is demanded that the competition principle should be introduced in the personnel management, so that contemporary seniority system has to be coupled with merit system. Furthermore the fundamental direction of long-range management should be founded on man-power development and personnel segmentation policy. ④ The pursuit of electronic banking and office automation is major factor which determines the growth of commercial banks. For this reason, we might say, the, pursuit of electronic banking and office automation should be implemented steadily. Especially the total system which could connect all accounts, needs to be established. In addition efforts to prevent computer crime and technical difficulties are requisite. ⑤ Banking internationalization is important subject to accelerate the growth of commercial banks, because growth rate and marginal productivity of capital of international banking business is higher than that of domestic banking business. Important factors of internationalization are proper disposition. of. foreign branch network, improvement of banks confidence, training of experts in international banking and foreign exchange, and development of financial techniques, etc.

      • 效率的 企業經營을 위한 情報시스템의 機能에 關한 硏究 : 經營計劃 및 統制시스템을 中心으로

        박상일 경북대학교 경영대학원 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        An information system, especially computer-based, has much been introduced into the business management, of which the situation exerts an influence promptly and widly upon the business organization and consequently upon the organizational behavior. The aim of this thesis is to construct the framework of scientific management of the basis of total system concept and to explain the effect of computer-based information system, by systemizing planning and controlling activities which are the key functions of management process, for the efficient business management in this highly developed information society. Business management, in order to survive and grow in such a condition, should forecast the direction and intensity of the coming changes and coordinate its organizational behaviors along with them. Information system manager provide his ability with the management adaptable to changing circumstances. The objectives of this study are found in business organizational actions reflected on the information system. The information system plays very important roles on the many managerial functions and activities in the forms of decision-making, control, at the levels of strategical planning, management programming and controlling, operational activities, and transactional process. The performance of business management relies upon the man manager's ability of decision-making and decision-making depends on the amount of information in and around the business. Strategic planning is most significant of all for the survival and growth of business management. Between the planning and performance there might bring about some degrees of deviation to be controlled and corrected. Strategic planning and one of the management levels exert their control functions in the unprogrammed manner, though the low management and operational levels functions in the programmed system. This study shows that the information system has a deep relation with the strategic planning, the management programming and control, and the operational control. Furthermore, as for communication and computer hardware and software, the information system has decidedly the great significance The information system, for business behavior itself, will have a deep interrelation and the progressive importance perspectively. Success or failure depends not on the machine or system itself, but on the pattern of managers behavior as a r human being.

      • BSC를 활용한 합리적인 경영성과개선방안 : 중소벤처기업을 중심으로 : with Emphasis on Small-sized Venture Company

        석자희 경북대학교 경영대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        It becomes more and more difficult to manage small-sized company for the rapid and rigid changes in the high tech environment, especially small-sized venture business. The purpose of this study is to analyzes managerial difficulties of small-sized venture company due to the inherent limitations in the competitive domestic and global environment rather than an introduction of BSC system to small-sized companies using the "BSC's methodology". Primarily, strategies to solve the bottleneck elements of managerial performance are developed and the critical success factors(CSF) as well as key performance indicator(KPI) for performance improvements based on those strategies are proposed. Secondarily, a strategy map showing the organic relationship among the bottlenecks of small-sized ventures business interact each other is proposed using the BSC methodology. Finally, in the process of building the strategy map, small-sized venture managers become to understand the causes and effects of difficulties in the performance improvements and combined organic relationship of these difficulties very well.

      • 품질경영시스템이 성숙기 산업의 경영활동성과에 미치는 영향

        고석규 경북대학교 경영대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        (Abstract) In this thesis, a case study of quality management system in LG Philips Displays (LPD), who has created a new type of innovation model such as TDR(tear down and redesign), is performed in order to suggest a direction for facilitating the innovation activities in LPD. First of all, for the sake of understanding the stream of quality management, this thesis had researched literatures on the quality management practices and compared their characteristics. So the positions of every quality management practices was grasped in the context of evolution of management. 6 sigma, which had been created in Motorola and prospered in GE(General Electric), is evaluated and recognized as the highest level of quality management practices. also LPD has adopted 6 sigma as a powerful tool for breaking through the crisis of display industries caused by unlimited and boundless global competition. LPD Components Plant has adopted and implemented 6 sigma, but LPD Components Plant became to know the deficiency of 6 sigma practice, such as creative innovation. LPD Components Plant had confronted a new challenge, to which it has had no experiences, induced by the advances of display technology in recent days. So LPD Components Plant has created a new type of innovation to tear down and redesign all the processes and practices of display without any exception. TDR teams had been organized as cross functional team to reform all the process in order to solve the present problems at process. also, LPD Components Plant had generated and specified the details of TDR activity. After implementation of TDR from 2004, LPD Components Plant has achieved good performances in all the aspect of managerial activities including the improvement of production volumes and the dramatic reduction of costs, which had made the financial status better off. Concludingly, this thesis had found the synergy effects from integration of 6 sigma and TDR of LPD Components Plant. In other words, TDR is constructed on the foundation of the qualitative practices of 6 sigma, which had facilitated the settlement of TDR process.

      • 대구경북 그린에너지 산업 발전전략에 관한 연구

        송 경창 경북대학교 경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        As the world is trying to apply the global issue of Climate Change and Low Carbon Society as a new chance, currently the Korean government is adopting a new national vision called ‘Low Carbon Green Growth’ and upbringing the Green Energy Industry by assigning it as the leading industry for growth engine of economy. Satisfying the current movement, Daegu and Geongbuk regional governments need to present powerful vision on regional sustainability by assigning the leading industry of Wide-economic Area (Daegu-Geongbuk area) and holding World Energy Congress 2013. Therefore, this paper will concentrate on Daegu-Geongbuk to set the green energy industry as regional new growth engine for next generation, make green energy industry a motive power for regional economical development, and create ample amount of new jobs in this field. Moreover, this paper presented alternatives to preoccupy some important issues related to Climate Change by examining domestic and international green energy policy and movement of industry, and search the strategy for development of low carbon green growth by analyzing competitiveness of the region’s green energy industry. First of all, this paper put an effort on deriving successful green business model by analyzing green distinction and competitiveness of green energy industry of Daegu-Geongbuk region. As a result to the analysis of low carbon category and green industry category, the regional competitiveness is considered excellent in the view point of constructed infra of energy production facilities and public enterprise, potential of R&D ability about energy field, integrating the energy related companies by inducing investments, and basis of energy related industry including IT and materials. Although the potential of the region’s resources of new and sustainable energy was considered superior, the actual amount of production appeared to be low and local society’s effort to reduce green-house gas emission was insufficient. Especially, since existing structure of industry of Daegu and Geongbuk is inactive, there is a necessity to cultivate green energy industry as ‘Post It’ industry. Therefore, "leap up the core of Hydrogen Economy Age from IT" will be chosen as the vision of Daegu and Geongbuk region, and ‘realizing green life·low carbon society as details of developing strategy’, ‘cultivating green energy industry as a growth engine’, and ‘confronting international climate change as a leader’ are suggested as detail three developing strategies. These three developing strategiesshould be promoted simultaneously in order to achieve synergy effect. The most importantly, this paper emphasized the importance of confirming global brand, which can be distinguished from other cities or provinces in Korea by developing Daegu and Geongbuk region’s light-house project. This paper suggested to create environment friendly business vision which can preoccupy the green image, and to present strategic initiative brand. For this, this paper also suggested promotion of green infra called "Energy High Way" and practical movement of the provincial people called "Green Saemaeul Movement." In order to face climate change effectively, and to settle downgreen industry successfully, we have to induce active participation of consumers, which is one of the huge powers that lead green energy infra construction and green economy. This paper also suggested constructing east coast energy high way which connects national big science facilities, energy companies and production facilities of energy concentrated in east coast region. Moreover, it emphasized necessity of cultivating green energy industry by constructing green hardwarewhich can lead new green revolution age. It also suggested “Wide area RES assignment system” by regional government in order to national wide supply green energy in a short time. Lastly, it suggested that green territory should be accomplished shortly by the regional governments determining a goal independently and accomplishing the goal with giving incentives to members. In order to construct green business model successfully, this paper suggested the following development tasks detaily. They are drawing the Daegu and Geongbuk climate change road map to realize green life·low carbon society, promoting green infra(EEZ), starting global Green Saemaeul Movement, inducting Wide area RES assignment system, choosing 6 major green energy industries as the national growth engine and suggesting method of constructing the global green energy business belt. Additionally, founding an Institute of Climate Change and Energy under the influence of UN for leading the international against action of climate change, holding the international environment summit 2012, inducement of Korean Carbon Exchange Market, and method of constructing international energy network by successful holding the World Green Energy and World Energy Congress were also presented. In order to promote these subjects systematically, it is necessary to be high lighted the “East Coast Energy High Way” project as landmark project. The research examined green energy development strategy of Daegu, Geongbuk region by following the government’s vision. Since the green energy field is at its early stage, and therefore there are not enough academic data, so in this research I tried to find a solution of development strategy by field oriented case study. Establishment of government level of reducing CO₂ emissiongoal for accomplishing the green growth, constructing Carbon Exchange Market, tax supporting program for green energy industry, improvement of law, rearrangement of institutional infra for green growth are necessary issues. There is also a necessity strategy to establish green energy as a new growth engine which considers technology, industry and export competitiveness as three important axes. In the future, national and regional development by the green growth which can be accomplished by deeper research and discussion in the field is expected.

      • BSC를 활용한 전문대학 계열학과의 전략적 성과관리제도 구축

        조진석 경북대학교 경영대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        이 연구는 학령인구의 감소, 교육시장 개방 등 대학간 경쟁이 점점 심화되는 교육환경 속에서 전문대학이 경쟁력을 확보하기 위한 방법으로 BSC를 활용한 전문대학 계열학과의 전략적 성과관리 모형을 제시하였다. 먼저, BSC에 대한 이론적 배경과 BSC 도입의 필요성 및 도입절차 등을 문헌연구를 통해 체계적으로 정리한 다음, 비영리조직의 BSC 도입에 관해 영리조직과 비영리조직의 BSC의 차이, 비영리조직의 BSC 도입사례 그리고 4년제 대학과 전문대학의 평가제도 등에 대해 논술하였다. 또한, 전문대학의 성과평가에 BSC를 도입하는 데 대한 전문대학의 실태를 파악하기 위해 각 전문대학의 평가담당자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 분석하여 전문대학 계열학과의 BSC 성과평가 모형을 개발하였으며, 전문대학의 자체모형개발을 위한 절차도 함께 기술하였다.

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