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      • 建國大學校 農業史博物館 設置에 關한 硏究

        金基駿,崔圭洪,金裕鉉,柳泰永 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1989 農資源開發論集 Vol.14 No.-

        To conserve the collected agricultural legacy as the historical materials, and for the study on the collections materials, method of collection, their display and conservation methods by defining the characteristices of agricultural history museum, and to establish the agricultural history museum at Kon-Kuk University, the present situation & characteristics of the national, public and private foundation museums including the university museums, and the forganigation & display of the major museums having agricultural relics were investigated. The results obtained are as follow: 1. By the establishment of agricultural museum,the agricultural legacies could be conserved, and the agricultural history of Korea could be systemized, and also the physicecracy could be illuminated. 2. It is suggested that the third proposal regulating the name of museum as agricultural history museum among the four suggested proposals for giving the aiming characteristices of planning museum at Kon-Kuk University. 3. It is predicted that the exhibition space should be wide since normally the agricultural relics have big size, and the space for the display and management should be strictly divided. Form the analysed results, it is considered that the total floor space and the space for of display should be above 710 Pyong, 364 Pyong, respectively, and the display space is about 55% of the total floor space. 4. The organization of exhibition space should be considered by the collected materials and the display space, however it is desirable to select or third proposal among the suggested. 5. It is suggested that the boundary of possessed and displaed legacics classified by nine parts on condition that it can be satistied the organization of exhibition space.

      • 農業敎育發展을 위한 大學實習農場 模型開發에 관한 硏究

        李麗夏,鄭大敎,金始源,金明運,李庚熙,金鍾天,金裕鉉,金光鎬 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1985 農資源開發論集 Vol.10 No.-

        A model development for experimental farm and forest of university was cinducted to enhance the agricultural education of Kon-Kuk University. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. It is suggested that the experimental farm of Kon-Kuk University should be located in south-east agricultural area, that is reached around one hour by car from the Seoul campus. However, two or three locations differing environmental conditions for the experimental forest are desirable for the education and research purposes. 2. The experimental farm size should be more than 17 hectares, and low land paddy field should be sized 60 to 70 percentage of the total farm area and the rest be upland field. The area of experimental forest should be larger than 500 hectares to fulfil the current educational situation of Kon Kuk University. 3. Mechanization for crop cultivation should be considerd for planning all kinds of facilities for the experimental farm. 4. Farm management committee has to be organized to review, evaluate and decide everything for the experimental farm management. 5. Experimental farm should be self-supported financially except the budget for regular technicians and assistants salaries. Financial self-support seems to be achieved in 5 to 6 years after new farm opening. 6. It is suggested that cultivation of rice in low land paddy field and growing of ornamental trees and/or forest trees should be major items for cash income of the experimental farm, because these two items are expected to reduce labor and cash input for cultivation. 7. Yearly plan for farm management should consider that around ten percent of total farm land area can be shared for practices and experiments for students and professors. 8. Curriculum and weekly time schedule for the student practices and observations should be rearranged to enhance the efficiency of agricultural education of Kon-Kuk University.

      • 農藥이 土壤微生物相에 미치는 影響 : Daconil, Dipterex 및 Lasso가 土壤微生物相의 藥動과 土壤呼吸量 및 大豆의 根瘤形成에 미치는 影響

        梁昌述,林秉湳 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1987 農資源開發論集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study has been conducted to investigate the effects of pesicides; Fungicide (Daconil), Insecticide (Dipterex) and Herbicide (Lasso), on soil microflora including N-fixers and soil CO₂ evolution and Legume-nodulation as well as the growth characters of Legume plant. Some results obtained from this study are as follows; 1. Total bacteria was increased while Gram(-) bacteria decreased in the plot treated with Dipterex. But in all the plot treated with each pesticide actinomycetes, fungi and spore-for-ming bacteria were respectively decreased, particularly more decreased in the plot treated with Daconil. 2. Free-living N₂-fixer Azotobacter was increased in all the plot treated with each pesticide whereas indigenous Rhizobium was decreased in all the plot treated with each pesticide, especially more decreased in the plot treated with Lasso. 3. Soil CO₂ evolution was respectively decreased in order of Dipterex plot>Control plot>Daconil plot> Lasso plot. In the plot treated with Dipterex it was slightly increased as expe-rimental time went on. 4. The number of Legume-nodulation was remarkably decreased in the plot treated with Lasso. There was no any influence in the plot treated with Daconil in comparison with Control plot, but in the plot treated with Dipterex the number of Legume-nodulation was remarkably increased. 5. The growth characters of Legume plant was respectively good in each plot treated with Daconil and Dipterex involved Control plot but not in the plot treated with Lasso.

      • 洪川ㆍ抱川및 曾平地方의 人蔘田 거미相 및 生態에 關한 比較 硏究

        任文淳 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1987 農資源開發論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The results investigated of the fauna and ecology of spiders at Jin-seng field in ?? , ?? and ?? areas are summarized as follow; 1. In the above three areas, spiders of 851 individuals were collected ( ?? ;270indi-viduals, ?? ; 423 individuals and ?? ; 158 individuals) and identified 16 fami-lies, 41 genus and 56 species. And in each area, 13 families, 24 genus and 30 species in ?? area, 10 families, 21 genus and 24 species in ?? area and 9 families, 19 genus and 23 species in ?? area were identified each other. 2. In family, Araneidae, Agelenidae, Lycosidae, Tetragnathidae and Thomisidae in Hong-ch'on area, Araneidae, Agelenidae, Lycosidae and Tetragnathidae in ?? area and Theridiidae and Lycosidae in ?? area were major families. 3. In genus, Araneus, Agelena, Pardosa, Tetragnatha and Leucauge in ?? area, Araneus and Agelena in ?? area and Theridion and Pardosa in ?? area were major genus. 4. In species, Araneus ventricosus, Agelena opulenta, pardosa laura and Tetragnatha praedonia in ?? area, Araneus ventricosus and Agelena opulenta in ?? area and Theridion subpallentus and Pardosa astrigera in ?? area were major species. 5. Seasonal fluctuation of major species was different according to each area.

      • 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol과 그 ester 合成 및 應用에 관한 硏究

        金明運 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1975 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        植物生長調性物質로 알려진 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol의 合成, 確認定量法 및 微生物生長에 미치는 影響을 실험한 이 연구에서 o-methoxyphenol에 대한 nitro 化는 濃窒酸이나 混酸을 사용한 合成보고가 있으나 醋酸을 사용한 방법으로는 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol뿐만 아니라 中間生成物인 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenylacetate를 合成할 수 있었고 benzoic acid와의 ester化도 可能하였다. 確認定量法으로서는 -NH₂基를 diazo化하는 방법으로 NO₂基를 還元하고 이것을 常法으로 diazo化 하므로써 相對誤差±0.97% 範圍에서 定量할 수 있었다. 동시에 methoxy基는 pregl의 微量分析法을 이용하여 相對誤差 ±0.59% 範圍에서 定量이 可能하였다. 吸光度光法에 있어서는 이 化合物의 酸解離定數를 구할 수 있었고 pH의 影響, 緩衝夜의 吸光度에 대한 影響및 吸收極大波長을 測定하여10∼50ppm 濃度에서 Beer의法則이 적용됨을 알 수 있었다. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol의 微生物生長에 미치는 影響은 Staphylococcus aureus에 대하여 低濃度에서 促進性을 보였고 0.6r 전후에서 가장 效果的이었다. 그리고 Hansenula anomala의 醱酵性도 促進하였고 4,000培부터 6,000培에서 가장 높았다. 本硏究는 産學財團의 支援으로 이루워진 것을 眞心으로 感謝하는 바이다. The synthesis of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was investigated and its identification was made by its chemical properties, macro analysis and its growth regulative ability on several microorganisms. The results were as follows: 1. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was prepared by the acetylation of o-methoxyphenol with acetic acid and the nitration of 2-methoxy-5-nitro-phenylacetate. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenyl was prepared by the esterification with benzonic acid. 2. The identification and determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was made by the diazo method and determination of the methoxy radical. 3. The ionization constant(Ka) of acid for this substance at 262mμ,344mμand 412mμwas 7.94×?? (Ka= 7.94×?? ) 4. The wave lengths for maximum absorption of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol in chloroform were 297μand 335mμ. 5. The wave lengths for maximum absorption of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol in an aqueous solution were 321mμ,412mμ, and 383mμ. The changes in the absorption curve for the pH values are shown in Fig. 4.The isos bestic points were discovered at 280mμ and 383mμ. 6. The mixture,in which 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was contained, was thoroughly soluble in chlroform below pH 6 but transferred completely into a water phase above pH 12.The transmittance percentage of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol increased with the third extractions. 7. The wavelengths of the buffer solutions were not affected above 250mμ.The determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was possible without the influence of time on absorption as shown in figure 11 and Figure 12 at level raging 10ppm to 50ppm. 8. The growth of Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited to some extent by 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol at concentrations of 6×10²r. It did not inhibit Staphylococcus aureus in more diluted concentrations. At a concentration of about 0.6r 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol showed growth promotive properties of Staphylococcus aureus. 9. The growth promotive ability of a solution containing, o-nitrophenol, p-nitrophenol, 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was greater than the 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol solution. 10. The fermentation ability of Hansenula anomala was promoted by 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol and increased at dilution levels ranging 1×4000 to 7×1000.

      • 땅콩種子에서 分離된 Fusarium spp.와 그 病原性

        白壽鳳,都銀洙 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1987 農資源開發論集 Vol.12 No.-

        Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium moniliform, Fusarium solani, and Fusarium equiseti were detected from seeds of 9 peanut cultivars, and detection ratio of Fusarium oxysporum of them was the highest as 2.2% and that of the others was 0.7~1.1%. Among 9 peanut cultivars, Fusarium spp. was detected in Sae-dl, Cheon-yup-ban-lip, Sin-pung and Dae-gwang but not detected in the others, and detected in a spanish type but not detected in a semi-ruunner type, and detected in a early maturing variety and medium-late maturing variety but not detected in a late maturing variety. Their pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani were recognized but those of Fusarium moniliform and Fusarium equiseti were weakly pathogenic by test tube agar method. The result of pathogenicity test investigated in soil of above all pathogens to 9 peanut cultivars as follows; Fusarium solani was the most pathogenic and Fusarium moniliform was the most weakly pathogenic, and pathogenicity difference of above all pathogens according to plant type of 9 peanut cultivars was not recognized, but pathogenicity of Fusarium solani showed strongly in late variety than in early variety and medium-late variety but that of the other pathogens was not different according to maturing time of 9 peanut cultivars. And there was no resistant variety among 9 peanut cultivars.

      • 生長抑制 處理가 쉬나무의 줄기 및 뿌리 生長에 미치는 效果

        洪性珏,金鍾天,金光鎬,李暻宰,辛承極 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1987 農資源開發論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The study aimed to investigate the effects of paclobutrazol (PP333), B-9, and girdling on the shoot and root growth of one to five year-old seedlings of Evodia daniellii, of which the seed oil has been developed as a potential fuel substitute for Diesel engine. PP333 was applied, 0.1 to 6ml per seedling depending on the age and the experiment, by soil applicat-ion with water or by xylem injection with methanol. 5000 ppm B-9 was sprayed to the leaves until fully wetted. The bark was girdled 2mm wide in 2 year old seedlings and 5mm wide in 5 year old seedlings, the results were discussed as follows: 1. The number and the longitudinal growth of internode were reduced by all the treat-ments among which the soil application of PP333 was most inhibitory. 2. The diameter growth of the internode was not affected greatly or inhibited, but less severely inhibited than the longitudinal growth by the treatments. The ratio of the diameter to length of the internode which is a good indication of degree of dwarfism was increased by all the treatments, especially high by the soil application of PP333. 3. The xylem growth of the internode was inhibited more greatly than the bark growth by all the treatments among which the soil application of PP333 was most inhibitory. 4. The leaf growth was not affected, or slighly reduced by the treatments. The reduction in the leaf growth, if any, was not proportional to the reduction in the longitudinal growth of the corresponding internode. 5. The prolonged effect of all the treatments was shown in the following year growth: the growth reduction in number and length of internode, xylem diameter, ratio of xylem to bark area in the cross section of internode, which was most apparent in the treatment of PP333 soil application among treatments. 6. The soil application of PP333 reduced the seedling height, the number and the length of internodes, the dry weight and the dry weight ratio of shoot to root of one year-old seedlings. It also reduced the number and the length of internodes in 1 year-old grafted seedlings onto the 3 year-old root stock. The inhibitory effects of PP333 on the growth of the grafted see-dling was presumed as related to the possible disturbance of the source-sink relationship bet-ween the scion shoot and the root stock, in which sufficient nutrients and growth hormones could be supplied to the new shoot growth, if not applied PP333. The presumption was not inconsistent with the results that PP333 decreased the shoot-root ratio, and the xylem to bark area ratio in the cross section of the internode,of which both morphological changes imply the relatively more downward movement of nutrients and growth hormones in the PP333 treated seedlings.

      • 田作用 Spiral Rotor Type 中耕除草機 製作試驗

        崔圭洪,李承奇 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1987 農資源開發論集 Vol.12 No.-

        To contrive the mechanization, labour economizing and productivity enhancing of the cultivation which needs a lot of labour power in the field operations, the upland cultivator attatched to the hitch of 5ps power tiller was manufactured and its working performance, worked state, power requirement, fuel consumption ratio, weeding ratio and the damage ratio of crops were measured. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The experimental machine was manufactured for attatching the hitch of 5ps power tiller, and the weeding blades were designed as the spiral rotor type. 2. The working performance was 54.3 min/10a by the first transmission stage, and 35.9 min/10a by the second transmission stage. 3. In the worked states, the cultivated depth and the hilling height at the first transmission stage showed 0.3cm and 6.0cm deeper or higher than the second transmission stage, respectively. However the cultivating width of the second transmission stage showed 3cm broader than the case of the first stage. 4. The power requirement at the first and second transmission was 5.2ps and 4.9ps, respectively, and the fuel consumption ratio at the first and second stage was 320gr/psㆍhr and 338gr/psㆍhr, respectively. 5. The weeding ratio which showed high percentage was 92.3% and 90.7% at the first and second transmission stage, respectively and the damage ratio of crops for the both cases was neglizable.

      • 道路鋪裝을 위한 Soil-Cement 安定處理工法 硏究

        都德鉉,高在晩 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1988 農資源開發論集 Vol.13 No.-

        The pending of problems, such as characteristics of tested soil samples, cement content, molding water content, durability to the freezing & thawing and the secondary additives, which effect on the quality in the execution of soil-cement base or subbase was investigated. The results are summarized as follows; 1. With the well graded soils(the passing percent of No.200 seive was below 15%) the compressive strength of 30kg/㎠ after 7 days curing which needs for the base, could be obtained, but with the fine grained soil, it needs high cement content which rises the problem of shrinkage, therefore the characteristics of soil-cement should be improved by the optimum application of the secondary additives, if necessary. 2. When the secondary additives applied optimally, dry density, the strength, and durabillty to the freezing & thawing were increased, and the various domestic licensed constrution methods were effective to improve the characteristics of soil-cement. 3. The weight loss obtained in the freezing & thawing experiment could be a parameter which shows the durability of soil-cement. 4. Since the tensile strength effects directly to the decrement of shrinkage and resisteance to the frost-heave and one of the important element in the design of pavement thickness, the further studies on this problem be fulfilled.

      • 自動레벨에서 設置誤差가 閉合誤差에 미치는 影響

        李成泰 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1988 農資源開發論集 Vol.13 No.-

        The operation range of the automatic compensator by the circular level at the sight distance of 10 to 60 meters, and the sighting error & elevation error of the currently used three types of automatic level and high accuracy invar rod were investigated. And from the above results, the error of enclosure per every kilometer were calculated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In the leveling, the air bubble of circular level, at least, should be inscribed in the center circle. 2. When the automatic compensator was sufficiently stable condition, the sighting error was similar to the resolving power of telescope, but if the automatic level was back and fore sighted in relatively short time, there arised about 8" of maximum angular error by the remaining of vibration. 3. The elevation error, that is the setting error per one time, was proportional to the sight distance, and in the sight distance of 60 meters, the leveling error of SOKKISHA B2C, TOPCON AT-F4, and SOKKISHA C3E was 1.1mm, 2.2mm, and 2.9mm, repectively. 4. When the sight distance of back and fore sight was the same as 60 meters, the error of enclosure per every kilometer of leveling distance of SOKKISHA B2C, TOPCON AT-F4 and SOKKISHA C3E was 3.1mm, 6.3mm, and 8.6mm, respectively, therefore if was generally proportional to the sight distance. 5. When the above results were related to the allowable error of leveling of our country, in the sight distance of 30 to 60 meters, all the instruments was in the range of allowance with the exception of the first grade of standard leveling and public leveling.

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