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      • 북한 주민의 탈북과 고신 총회의 역할 연구

        정종기 亞細亞聯合神學大學校 宣敎大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        The defection from North Korea of North Korea inhabitant began to the difficulty of obtaining food from 1990. This is not the phenomenon to be the temporary. The survey estimates the number of the defectors to be approximately 100,000 in China today. The defectors are treated as illegal immigrants and, as such, forcibly repatriated to North Korea by the Chinese authorities. The number of the defectors arriving in China has substantially increased to a monthly average of 10,000 and the number of forced repatriations has also increased to a monthly average of 800 to 900 since the summer of 1998. The world is serious about this. This will be continued if the reform which North Korea is epochal or open does not exist. South Korea and North Korea advance toward the unification. We see in the unity course of Germany, The possibility that the massive escape from North Korea incident happens in the unification is very high. We look into a some branch occurrence possibility. The first thing is the difficulty of obtaining food of North Korea The second is North Korea inside crack and a setup overturn activity. The third is the recognition change of the North Koreans. The fourth is an international exchange respect change and a Juchesasang fixation. The fifth is the policy toward the north of America. The sixth is the collapse of North Korea setup. The seventh is the war. North Korean defectors which go to China belong usually to Refugee. Because According to the UN Handbook, an one individual can become Refuge when they leave the mark of their country. If somebody was not Refugee in the view to leave own country but somebody have the worry of a return to base persecution to the self country we are called 'Ex-post facto Refugee'. So, North Korean defectors belong to the international custom Refugee. The recently situation of refugees from North korea is a sign that God is opening the door of the Gospel for evangelism in North Korea. The key point of North Korea mission spreads the Gospel to Refugee. If Refugee takes chance the situation rotate and to go, they want to return at any time to the hometown. The Church and Mission Team must do that Refugee must go with the gospel when their return to the hometown. So, The KOSIN must do Refugee missionary work. When Massive escape from North Korea, The next is the role of the KOSIN for North Korea secession inhabitants. 1. We must take the role of spiritual bracing of South Korea society. 2. 1,600 churches of KOSIN must pray for South Korea. 3. We must build the Refuge's town.· 4. We must establish destitute countermeasure.. 5. We must prepare the thing for destitute 6. We must prepare a evangelical tool's for Refugee. 7. We must train the expert of North Korea Mission. 8. We must do the dispatch to Iraq the volunteer member to prepare Refugee situation. We reach yet because we imply the unification. God wants an one soul to come back to Lord. God come out therefore them from North Korea. God was them the low so that it came out the flood the famine and hungry be. God does not lose the time to harvest. Now is the time when we harvest. God will call these for harvest. God will make North Korea recover through these. KOSIN have the love and must go to massive escape from North Korea to harvest. North Korea to be recovered becomes the tool of the Gospel.

      • 인도네시아 대학생 선교의 효과적 방법 : 사띠야 와짜나 대학교를 중심으로

        김미경 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        Nowadays, Islam achieves rapid growth and influence throughout the world. It is not only a religion of the Middle East anymore but it has become a major religion of the entire world. Besides, they are sending the Muslim missionaries to propagate to many countries all over the world continually. Indonesia is the largest Islamic country because there are two hundred million Muslims among the whole world's Muslim population of twelve hundred million. For this reason, Indonesia is the main object of evangelism and prayer for us as Christians. We know that a missionary can't evangelize to all of the people in the country, so that we must help and cooperate with local people, particularly, university students because they are quite within the realms of possibility to lead their country. This study includes effective missions methods for Indonesian university students with a focus on Satya Wacana Christian University. Satya Wacana Christian University is located in Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. This university, since its founding in 1956, has participated in the Christian community through Christian education based on the motto of Proverbs 1:7. For effective Indonesia missions, on the assumption that university students are effective, this study explains the concept of their fellow countrymen missions and limits, then deals with the necessity of university student missions. It explains the historical background of world university missions movements and tries to find the cause of revival and decline. After that, studies have found out the historical background of the Korean university missions movement and tries to find the cause of revival and decline there too. It became one standard to reevaluate missions and its history in Indonesia. While studying the history of Indonesia university missions, the status of university students was explained through the Indonesian thesis. The Christian university movement in Indonesian universities and the problems of it were explained. After this, Christian circles on the campus of Satya Wacana Christian University, its general situation and part of the lack of activities were discovered. Based on experience of studying and associating with the Indonesian university at Satya Wacana Christian University, I suggested that effective missions methods for Indonesian university students are to evangelize through the Korean culture including teaching Korean, Korean cafe, Christian education and culture, and boarding houses("Kost"), etc. In conclusion, it is said that if we want to do missionary work successfully, there are four things to consider. First, all christians should have humbleness as Jesus. Second, Christians have to be evangelizing while living like Jesus Christ. Moreover, missionaries should understand and know local people's culture and situation. It helps to evangelize them and it is the first step to lead them to becoming desirable Christian leaders. Third, Missionaries cooperate with another missionaries because it is hard to do missionary work alone. Other missionaries aren't competitors but cooperators. Namely, for producing good results, cooperative work is most important of all. It is so important that we work together with local churches and missions parties to do missionary work in the university setting. Lastly, we have to pray and correctly understand how to do missionary work for university students, especially, Satya Wacana Christian University students', therefore, we expect that many faithful and well-trained Christian students will become leaders with the love of Jesus for all of Indonesia. 하나님은 선교하시는 하나님이다. 하나님은 친히 예수님을 이 땅에 메시아요 선교사로서 보내셨으며, 초대교회로부터 지금까지 하나님은 끊임없이 복음을 전할 자들을 선택하셔서 복음이 전하여지지 않은 곳으로 파송하셨다. 그리고 그 사역은 예수님께서 이 땅에 다시 오시는 순간까지 계속될 것이다. 예수님께서는 하나님의 아들이면서도 그 아들의 권위를 포기하고 구유에서 태어나시고 가난한 목수의 아들로 자라셨고, 공생애 기간 동안 가난하고 천대받는 사람들과 더불어 살면서 복음을 전하시고 직접 그들의 병을 치유하셨다. 그리고 모든 인류의 죄를 해결하기 위해 친히 십자가를 지시고 죽음에까지 이르신 것이다. 이러한 예수님의 삶은 하나님의 아들이지만 그 자리를 버리시고 인류 속으로 들어와서 완전한 인간의 모습으로 사셨다. 이 예수님은 우리가 믿는 메시아로 그 분을 통해 새 생명을 얻게 되었지만 우리는 또한 그가 걸어가신 길을 걸어가야 한다. 바로 그 길은 예수님처럼 우리가 복음을 들고 예수를 알지 못하는 사람들의 삶 속으로 들어가서 그들과 함께 살면서 그들에게 복음을 전해야 한다는 것이다. 예수님이 걸어가신 그 길을 따르는 최전방에 선 선교사는 현지인들의 삶 속에 들어가 그들과 더불어 생각하고 이해하면서 복음을 전해야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 본인은 대학생 선교를 하기 위해 인도네시아 대학에 입학하였고, 현지 학생들과 함께 공부하고 교제하면서 그들의 생각과 상황을 알게 되었으며 그에 따라 자연스럽게 복음을 전하고자 이 논문을 쓴 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저는 인도네시아 전체적인 상황과 중부 자와, 살라띠가를 설명하였고, 대학생선교의 중요성과 현재까지 이루어졌던 세계와 한국의 대학생 선교의 역사를 언급하면서 오늘날 세력이 약해진 내용을 살펴보았다. 과거의 역사는 오늘날 우리에게 많은 정보와 교훈을 제공해주기 때문이다. 인도네시아 대학생이 당면한 갈등의 모습과 그에 따른 인도네시아 대학생 선교의 현황과 학생 사역의 문제점을 설명하면서 현재 족자와 자카르타에서 대학생 사역을 하는 세 선교 단체를 소개하였다. 그리고 사띠야 와짜나 대학에 대해서 설명한 이후에 인도네시아의 중부 자와 지역인 살라띠가에 위치한 사띠야 와짜나 대학을 중심으로 대학생 선교 전략을 설명하였다. 앞에서 설명한 몇 가지 전략들은 본인이 직접 보고 경험한 가운데 깨달은 전략으로 모든 것을 다 할 수는 없겠지만 최대한 바로 실행할 수 있는 전략으로만 설명하였다. 학생들을 수용할 수 있는 집을 구입하여 학생들이 머무는 꼬스로 사용하여 그 곳이 단지 공부하고 잠만 자는 공간이 아닌 경건생활을 유지할 수 있도록 예배를 드리고 성경공부를 가르치고자 하며, 1층에는 한국 전통 찻집을 만들어서 젊은이들이 자연스럽게 모일 수 있는 공간을 제공하고자 한다. 그러면서 자연스럽게 한국문화를 이용하여 복음을 전하고, 기독교 서클들이 활동할 수 있는 공간으로서 제공하고자 한다. 이와 같은 선교접근을 통해 귀한 젊은이들을 훈련시키고 재 파송하는 사역을 감당 할 때 선교사와 현지인이 예수 안에서 하나가 되며 더욱 효과적으로 선교사역을 감당할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 선교활동에 있어서 스포츠의 역할과 그 중요성 : 축구를 중심으로

        이정숙 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        Sports is taking on increasing importance in people's lives, as we witness lack of physical exercise, emotional voidness and juvenile delinquency on the rise the world over. As part of an attempt to bring the Gospel to the whole world, it is worth considering sports as a means and strategic tool to enhance the scope of evangelism. Sports, as it is widely acknowledged, is a universally popular pastime which brings people of different races, languages and ideologies together and hence has served important physical, social and mental functions. From the evangelical perspective, it could also serve as a magnet to attract non-Christians' attention to the Gospel. Given that, it is time to change the church's conventional view on sports and examine ways to maximize unique features of sports, as readily accessible tools to bring people across different regions, races and cultures together, to help promote the growth of the Korean church and expedite the spread of Gospel throughout unconverted regions. Sports, as a medium of spreading the Gospel, would be most effectively exploited and even considered as indispensible evangelical tactics in the regions deemed difficult to disseminate evangelical messages, such as former socialist countries as well as the countries mainly dominated by Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. Sports has many events such as taekwondo, basketball, table tennis, golf, tennis. After 2002 Seoul Worldcup, soccer became very popular within the country and all around the world. Therefore we should apply mission strategy and make soccer act as missional mediator. "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."(Mark 16:15, NIV) "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19, NIV) Sports mission is very small part of following Jesus' last commandment, but sportsman could cross border regardless of culture, ideology and border. As war needs well-trained soldiers, technology and strategy, Spiritual battle that expands heavenly kingdom in the world, has individual region to defense desperately and to conquer. Through faithful accomplishment of mission in sports area in the supervision of our commander, Jesus Christ, we expect evangelization of this country in our decade. "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) Great Commission can be accomplished especially through sports mission in soccer. And God's all and every effort on global evangelization will make things done.

      • Mt. Pinatubo 지역의 아에타 종족을 위한 피나투보 제자 선교회의 선교

        이경수 亞細亞聯合神學大學校 宣敎大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        The purpose of this thesis is to understand the cultural and religious situation of the Aeta on Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines and to describe the ministry of Pinatubo Disciples Ministry Inc(PDMI). The Aeta belongs to the Negrito ethnic groups, the most widely distributed minority group in the Philippines. Under the PDMI the writer has been evangelizing for seven years the Aetas who live in Mt. Pinatubo and its outskirts. The reason why PDMI missionaries chose this specific group of people was that they are not able to propagate the gospel by themselves, and there are still many people who have not yet heard the gospel because of several barriers. The Aeta people have believed in Apo Namalyary and other gods for a long time. Therefore these religions have affected on their thinking, culture, and world view. But their situation and beliefs have changed. Because many people accepted the Gospel from the PDMI missionaries. This paper is comprised of five chapters. In the introduction, the writer tells why this topic was selected, and suggests an approach to the problem, and surveys the history of the research about the Aeta tribal people. In chapter II, the writer studies the general situation concerning the Aeta culture, socio-political situation, religious background, and types of livelihood. In chapter III, the writer studies the mission strategy from a Biblical perspective. In chapter IV, the writer delineates a mission strategy for the Aeta people and what methods are effective based on their own culture and life style. The tribal information obtained from this analysis and understanding should guide evangelistic activities based on critical contextualization. Therefore, to communicate and to teach the Word of God in their own dialect is one of the most effective ways. The Mt. Pinatubo eruption in 1991 was the turning point to open Pinatubo Aeta's hearts to the Gospel. After the eruption, the heroic sacrifices and activities of protestant missionaries have yielded wonderful fruits nowadays. Finally, from the mission's historical view, since the mountain's eruption, the Gospel is preached more widely and individually among the Aetas than in the previous era, and now it is accepted easily with powerful effects. So from the human viewpoint, the Pinatubo eruption was a tragic disaster, but in God's viewpoint, it was a moment of salvation and blessing for the Pinatubo Aetas who had previously been resistant to the Gospel.

      • 새터민 신앙 정착을 위한 한국교회의 방안 연구 : 알파코스 중심으로

        신은철 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Over twelve thousand Saeteomins(North Korean refuges) who have already came to South Korea are sharing their joys and sorrows with us. But statistical data shows that their strong religious belief, as well as their piety settlement rate, is slowly deceasing after two or tree years from the first day of entering South Korea. Saeteomins will have acted as mediators of North Korean missionary work so they are a very significant people. However, South Korean church’s material aid was a great contribution to North Korean missionary work, However, There are other important missions which need to raise fishers of men and it will be done through the deep piety not just their material aid. The success of Saeteomin’s piety settlement in South Korea will bring us incredible consequences for evangelization of North Korea. For that reason, this thesis is focusing on the growth in piety of the Saeteomins, and our church's plan in response to their successful spiritual growth through the Alpha Course. The Korean churches have quantitatively and repeatedly grown over the decades but in the last two years membership in the church has decreased continuously. In the meantime, The Alpha Course, which was introduced to South Korea about ten years ago, shows steady growth for church members. It also gives increased energy to the Korean churches by deepening Christian faith and introducing new believers to the depths of Christianity. Over eighty percent of the churches that accept Alpha Course, approve its excellent abilities to deepen faith for new Christians, non-churchgoers and inactive church members. Above all, we should examine the example of those churches that successfully applied Alpha course to its spiritual life as well as some of the other cases found in the Saeteomin churches. The synthetic result that appears here will be a good model for Saeteomin missionary work. The Alpha course is a very practical evangelism program, especially for a church in reclamation. It’s the new evangelism strategy for Korean church that is facing the postmodernism in the 21st century. It is a good Christian faith growthprogram which can rehabilitate religious worker’s lost innocence faith and encourage their confidence. From now on, The Korean church should prepare not only material aid but also an alternative strategy for planning Saeteomin’s settlement of piety program immediately. The Alpha Course will help bring revival to the Korean churches, as well as advance the Saeteomin missionary work. So many unchurched Saeteomins who don’t live a religious life, will meet our Lord and will have the joy of restored faith. One day the sound of the gospel will reverberate through the 2nd Jerusalem of Pyongyang. Therefore many dedicated religious workers need to be raisedup to meet this growth.

      • 린튼(Linton) 가(家)의 사역을 통해 본 북한 선교 고찰 : 유진벨 재단을 중심으로

        박윤애 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        God uses to open a gate of the unification and North Korea mission an American missionary family, the Linton which faithfully and continuously has been involving in mission work through four generations in Korea. This thesis was researched centering Eugene Bell Foundation, which was established as a nonprofit humanitarian organization by Stephen Linton, who is one of the fourth missionary generation of the Linton family, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Korea mission of Eugene Bell. While there are few materials of Eugene Bell and William Linton, and Hugh Linton slightly appears in a book of Operation Lighthouse, there is no previous full-scale research of the whole 4 generations of this family including Eugene Bell Foundation yet. This thesis aims to evaluate the meaning and strategical value of the E.B.F.'s ministry in missionary view point observing how the Foundation works in North Korea and to give suggestions to the Foundation and to challenge the readers towards North Korea Mission. Before taking up the main subject, I made it clear that North Korea was also a mission target on the biblical ground of the God's mission based on His love toward the world and of the identity of the Church established in order to serve the mission. North Korea has a different meaning for the Korean Church as compared with other cross-cultural mission fields. Because North Koreans are brethren but, at the same time they are those who are threatening our national security and they have undergone a lot of change in culture and thought over almost 60 years after the division of the Korean Peninsular, yet they are our partaker with whom we are to accomplish the task of the unification and the target of evangelization as well. In N.K. it is not allowed to freely evangelize and for this reason, North Korea is to be regarded as a Frontier Mission Field and we should approach to them with the various and creative mission methods. Next, this thesis roughly observed the background of the beginning of the South Presbyterian Church's mission and ministries and traced back the representative lives and ministries of three missionary generations as historical background of 'a missionary spirit' of the family, which has begun with Eugene Bell and been succeeded through 4 generations and now is being menifested toward North Korea. In Southern Presbyterian Church, several youths were very much challenged by Underwood who was a missionary of the Northern Presbyterian Church at the mission conference and dedicated themselves to Korea. In 1892, an advance party of seven arrived in Korea and opened up their mission work in Honam area which was assigned to them according to the Comity Arrangement. Having established mission stations, they concentrated their efforts on church planting according to Nevius Method with medical and educational ministries like in other areas. Then Eugene Bell arrived in 1895. He was a man of God who opened up the mission of Kwangju area to be called "the Pioneer of Kwangju Mission" and dedicated himself to pastoral and educational ministry. William Linton, the second generation of the family and a son-in-law of Eugene Bell, had an earnest concern for the future of Korea under the Japanese regime and focused on establishing an authorized educational institution to produce future leaders for the nation. Besides, he was a shepherd caring for believers through Bible studies and sermons in difficult times of the nation. Hugh Linton, a missionary of the third generation, was a real pioneer of the rural and island evangelism of southern area with passion and simple life style. The change of the mission policy of his denomination finally made him organize a mission society named by 'Operation Lighthouse' to activate his efforts. Through him, the O.L. extended its ministry abroad to be connected to the Partners International. The missionaries of three generations loved Korea very much and made efforts to adjust themselves to the Korean culture and were good at Korean language. They were real disciples of Jesus Christ, who did their best exercising leaderships in their ministries until their last point of lives. In dealing with main issue, I observed the works of E.B.F. in N.K., which was established by the fourth generation of the family, uprooting Tuberculosis among patients, one of the most marginal groups in the society, and evaluated them in a viewpoint of mission and lastly tried to suggest an assignment to the E.B.F. The works of the E.B.F. has a missionary meaning because the foundation representing the fourth generation succeeded the missionary spirit of its forefathers and now has its concern to N.K. and serves the N.K. with an incarnate love in cooperation with Koran supporters. Examining the works of the Foundation, I concluded that at the present situation in which it is forbidden to preach the Gospel openly, its works are to be appreciated as strategically essential ministries for N.K. mission for the time being. They are establishing a bridgehead for the future unification and evangelization of N.K., focusing on upgrading the quality of Health Care System of N.K. for its self-support and gaining a trust of North Koreans with its transparency and distinction of ministry. Nevertheless, the E.B.F. must take a bold and pushing attitude when remembering that the ultimate purpose of the early missions of senior missionaries was to evangelize people and win the souls, considering the present situation after its more than 10 year ministry and thinking of various changes surrounding N.K. like changes of international environments and political and economical policies of N.K. I suggested that the E.B.F. should mediate in connecting South Korean supporters to N.K. to have direct contact with patients and medical teams and to promote an active interchange between them. It should not simply be 'a donkey carrying packages' but take a role of 'a mediator' to unite the people of South

      • 몽골 한국 선교사 자녀들의 교육 현황과 연구

        이현성 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        최근에 선교계에서 일어나고 있는 이슈 중에 하나가 “Window 10/40 운동”이다.. “Window 10/40"의 슬로건은 앞으로 세계 선교가 나아가야 할 방향성을 나타내 주는 것으로 앞으로 우리에게 주어진 선교는 미전도 종족, 모슬렘과 공산권을 향한 선교이어야 한다는 방향성을 제시해주고 있다. 이러한 세계 선교의 흐름 속에 많은 선교 전문가들은 “Window 10/40운동"의 주역으로 한국 교회를 들고 있고, 이러한 도전은 앞으로 많은 한국 선교사들이 나가야 할 선교지는 교육 환경이 잘 갖춰있는 곳이기 보다는 열악한 교육 환경에 있는 지역이라는 것을 의미하기도 한다. 따라서 효과적인 세계 선교 활동을 위해서 선교사 자녀교육의 문제를 해결해야 할 필요성이 높아지고 있는 것이다. 몽골의 경우에는 비교적 교육 환경이 좋은 선교지라 할 수 있다. 선교사 자녀들을 위한 MK스쿨이 유치원부터 중학교까지 마련되어 있어 MK들이 어릴 때부터 한국 교육 과정으로 공부할 수 있고, 열정과 비전을 갖춘 교사 선교사들이 자녀들의 교육을 담당해주고 있었기 때문이다. 하지만 몽골의 MK스쿨은 유일하게 수도에 세워져 있어서 취학기에 접어든 자녀들을 두고 있는 선교사들은 각 지방으로 사역지를 넓히지 못하고 주로 수도인 울란바타르를 중심으로 교회와 사역을 집중할 수 밖에 없어 중복 투자와 경쟁력의 상실을 갖게 되는 것이다. 따라서 몽골 MK들의 교육을 위해서는 첫째 많은 MK들이 교육 받고 있는 울란바타르 MK스쿨을 위한 지원이 필요하고 둘째 한국 교회나 선교단체는 교육비를 현실화해서 선교비를 책정해야 하며, 셋째 한국 교회나 선교단체는 MK교육의 인식의 변화를 갖도록 도전하고 교사(敎師)선교사의 발굴과 교육을 위한 지속적인 노력을 해야 한다고 할 수 있다. The Korean churches have grown to the third largest mission commissioning country in the world, and the academic circle sees that Korean churches are to be the center of mission in times ahead. With this missionary calling, the Korean churches are allotted with the communistic, Islamic, and unreached regions that are inferior in social and cultural areas. Unless the Korean churches and the missionary organizations establish a proper education system for the missionary kids (MK), the problems of the education system in the mission field will continue to rise. Furthermore, the problems of the education system is not to be left alone with the parent missionaries, a mission organization, or an individual church, but it needs to be addressed by all the churches in Korea. However, the awareness of the Korean churches or the mission organizations regarding the missionary kids' (MK) education system is low, and the research of the education system is not vivacious in the academic circles. Therefore, this researcher would like to examine the beginning of the Mongolia missions and the actual education system of the Mongolia missionary kids (MK) for the purpose of an education research of Mongolia missionary kids (MK). The first goal of the research is to help the readers understand the MK. The second is to grasp the current situation of the education system of the Mongolia MK. The third is to grasp the pros and cons of the construction of the education system by observing the actual instances from the Mongolia MK's education system. The fourth is to present a solution of the problems of the Mongolia MK's education system. And the research methods of the following were used, documentary research, surveys, and interviews. In Mongolia's circumstance, there is a MK school for the missionary children from the kindergarten to the middle school level, and from the early years MK's can learn from the Korean education curriculum. Because of the passionate and visionary missionaries have taken charge of the children's education, the mission field is in a better state in comparison to other mission fields. Still, despite the current efforts, the Mongolian MK's need a lot of help, and the Korean churches and mission organizations need to support the MK's in practical ways. As a conclusion of the research, this researcher would suggest four possible solutions. First, the Korean churches and mission organizations need to transcend from the denominations and financially and personally sponsor the MK school in Ulaanbaatar where majority of the missionary kids (MK) receive their education. Second, the mission organizations and the churches need to sponsor the missionaries so that the missionaries will not have any financial burdens in their children's education costs. Third, in order to have effective missions, the Korean churches and the mission organizations need to help solve this important factor; they need to recognize the need to invest in the next generations of missionaries. Fourth, the most important factor in MK's education is that they ought to recognize the need of a long term teacher missionaries and continually find and educate potential missionaries.

      • 성경적 종말의 징조를 통해 본 북한사회와 북한선교 전망

        황영훈 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        이 논문은 현재 북한사회에 ‘종말의 징조’ 또는 그와 유사한 상황이 ‘종말의 예표’로 나타나고 있음을 확신하면서 그로 인한 북한사회의 변화와 북한선교를 전망해보았다. 그러면서도 북한선교에 관련된 대부분의 논문과는 달리 방법론이나 실제적인 대안에 중점을 두지 않은 특성을 보인다. 북한선교와 관련하여 ‘우리가 무엇을 해야 하는가’와 더불어 ‘성경적으로 어떻게 되어가고 있는가’에도 관심을 둔다. 그리고 앞으로 북한사회가 ‘종말의 징조’에 따라 어떻게 변화하여 갈 것이며, 앞으로 북한선교가 실질적 주도자인 하나님에 의해서 어떻게 마무리될 것인가를 성경적 근거로 전망하고 있다. 북한사회는 종교화된 사상으로서 절대적 권위가 있는 ‘주체사상’과 ‘선군사상’의 지배 아래 있다. 남한이 ‘종교의 자유’가 있는 자유민주국가라고 볼 때 남북한은 분단된 지 60년 만에 동족이라고 하기 민망할 정도로 정신적, 종교적 문화가 이질화되었다. 남한에는 기독교 인구가 20%라고 하는데 북한에는 그리 많을 리 없는 지하교회 교인만 존재하고 있다. 그러므로 기독교인이라면 기류가 고기압에서 저기압으로 이동하듯 복음의 ‘쓰나미’가 남에서 북으로 속히 밀고 올라갈 그날을 위해 기도해야 할 것이다. 또한 ‘북한선교’를 위해 관심과 후원을 아끼지 않아야 할 것이다. 그러나 현실적으로 남과 북은 거리가 너무 멀다. 선교는 접어두고 인도적 지원도 쉽지 않다. 북한은 기아와 질병 때문에 대다수 주민들에게 이미 죽음의 땅이 되었다. 그로 인한 탈북사태가 줄을 잇고 있다. 당장 북한선교가 허용된다 해도 영혼구원뿐 아니라 육적구원에도 치중해야 할 상황이다. 북한에는 기아와 질병, 경제적 혼란, 도덕적 타락, 그리고 핵개발로 인한 전쟁 위험 등 ‘종말의 징조’가 광범위하게 나타나고 있다. 역사 종말 전에 개인 종말이 더 쉽게 닥칠 이런 상황은 북한선교가 시급하다는 것을 의미하지만, 현재 북한에서의 직접선교는 거의 불가능하다. 그래도 남한의 교회와 기독교인들은 ‘종말’ 앞에 서 있는 북한 동포들을 위한 선교적 사명을 다하기 위해 힘써야 한다. 북한선교는 남한교회의 당연한 책무이며 북한에 진 복음의 빚을 상환하는 일이다. 또 한 가지, 우리에게 소망을 주는 것은 북한에 나타나고 있는 ‘종말의 징조’ 또는 유사한 상황들이 성경적 근거가 있으며, 종말을 향해 가는 북한에서 필연적으로 일어나고 있다는 사실이다. 역사적 종말과 육체적 사망에 이르게 하는 ‘종말의 징조’가 어떻게 일어나고 있는가를 잘 살펴서 선교에 활용하면 오히려 더 빠르고 쉽게 영적인 생명을 얻게 할 수 있는 것이다. 성경의 말씀대로 되어진다는 것은 다른 어떠한 것보다도 큰 확신을 준다. 북한에 이미 성경적 종말의 징조가 나타났고, 현재 나타나고 있고 더 심각해진다면 북한에 큰 변화가 생길 징조이다. 이와 같은 변화는 북한선교의 문이 열리는 기회로 볼 때는 그렇게 나쁘지 않은 과정이다. 북한선교에 대한 주님의 계획이 속히 성취되도록 남북한의 교회와 성도가 함께 기도해야 한다. 종말의 징조가 나타나는 북한선교의 전망은 밝다. The purpose of this thesis is to see the society of North Korea through the Biblical Sign of the End and to prospect the Mission for the North Korean according to that. As the Christians in South Korea, we must see the event and the situation occurring in North Korea through the Bible to get the right insight for North Korea Mission. North Korea has been ruled by one-man to be adored as a living god. But now we see where a living god is ruling, there are many problems now in North Korea as the food shortage, the diseases, the moral corruptions, and the nuclear development supposed to actually use. Those problems found in North Korea are the Biblical Signs of the End or related to the Biblical Signs of the End to large extent. Especially the severe circumstances as the Biblical Sign of the End are the starvation and the disease results from food shortage and eating poor in North Korea. This thesis understands the crisis of North Korea as the general aspects of the Biblical Sign of the End. When it occurs continuously in many part of the North Korean Society, a large number of the North Korean do perform the exodus from that place to China or anywhere to save their lives. But it is very difficult for them to get the permission to live in South Korea or the third Countries. Needless to say, it is impossible for them to live lawfully in China. Most of them is to be hidden some place in China under the worst conditions except to be found out. The peculiarity of the North Korean society is very strongly ruled by the religious background called 'Juche Idea' made by Kim, Il Sung & Kim, Jung Il, which is handed down from the father to the son. They have made closed the society under the false philosophy through dictatorship for a long time. Therefore, in North Korea, there is scarcely any rights to play as the Christian. In those way, the Biblical Sign of the End or the similar thing is now occurring in North Korea, thankfully Bible says the final End will be reserved to come until the gospel shall be preached to all the nations. God's will of the End is the salvation before the judgment, we believe. At this time the South Korean Church must concentrate on the mission of North Korea with the power and energy more earnestly. The more the exodus from North Korea increases, the more the chance of the mission also increases. Probably it is easy for them to understand the Trinity whom we put into the place of Kim, Il Sung or Kim, Jung Il. Like that we can get the chance to make the most of the change and the crisis in North Korea results from the Biblical Sign of the End . Now the Underground Church of North Korea is the persecuted model in the End of the age. So the Christian of South Korea needs to have the insight for the land of North Korea as the remotest part of the earth. As the brethren for North Koreans, we have to work hard in mission for whom we lead to salvation from death. God will fulfill the miracle concerning the mission of North Korea through the Christian's prayer of South Korea with that of North Korea. Until God finishes the Biblical Signs of the End in North Korea and concludes the terrible days of the yoke for North Korea, also we must do the mission work with Him. It is natural that Just as Jesus gives eternal life to South Koreans who believe in Him, in the same way He gives eternal life to North Koreans He wants to. Though we work, we know that God leads and controls all the missions.

      • 북한선교를 위한 교회지도자들의 리더십 연구

        양성근 아세아연합신학대학교 선교대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Domestic entry into a country valence 2004 September of the North Korea disconnection resident it passed over 6000 people with the base point. 2000 6.15 summit talk after that South Korea differed a recognition in about North Korea and it helped it started the North Korea residents. 1,139 people North Korea residents enter into South Korea specially at 2002 and South Korea makes the work enter which helps the North Korea resident which is real. But the minutes when it is to the present office which helps the defector from North Korea majority them cannot go over were caused by with the wall and the breakdown feeling and distrust with it and to become early, they were caused by compared to it cannot help above these people they came. The minutes when it employs the defector from North Korea in the object like this will have a various branch reason to becoming to think and that reason, the escaping from North Korea motive eats simply and in order to live stand and they do not understand a free competition familiar in the communist block not to be able, the woman who will become tame in distribution setup inside to come it does not know a thanks and also the people who helps a self receives and distribution it stands it helps, it is holding with the misunderstand which it thinks that. It was caused by with reason of like this various branch and, the discord of the defectors from North Korea and the employment people was going, continuously being deepened, the South Korea society the church with the defectors from North Korea it joined in North Korea with 3 etc. citizens on top of that and it thought and does not accept came to become the actuality with South Korea social inside. We must think the basic reason which becomes like this is what. It being born and with the culture where the north is different to live 62, it is in order to come. Also writer to keep the new family department to past floating bridge translator time and when employing, the defector from North Korea to register in the new family and to do a new family education and it fostered it is, the too different point to be many and it have a bewilderment quiet becomes opportunity and it feels it studies the necessity of knowledge earnestly in about North Korea and the North Korea missionary work crane in the missionary work graduate school, to start. The south and north to before 1945 same live with history and culture they come but it formed the view of the world of new value to 1945 after that. So the defectors from North Korea new view of the world come in contact from South Korea and it does not overcome the confusion. When so [on_ci] various year the last defectors from North Korea the photograph of Kim Il-Song or listens his story in South Korea and a tear the act is the thing. The perfume remains yet and compared to does not escape from the view of the world which flows in the whole of North Korea not to do and it is like that thing. We to decide in the missionary work destination country and when doing missionary work, it will cry like mind and the good news which it is impatient to get into debt and it grows to cry and in confession and feeling in overriding ranking to put North Korea to do missionary work. In order the [le] it stands must study North Korea well. It researches plentifully and must know. The subjective ideology which the place is catching specially with they view of the world and it grasps well in about the material omnipotent attention which is combined and must map out the missionary work strategy which hits to they. And continuously must support. As a result of [thay] before Kim Dae Jung the sunshine policy which zero asserts is necessary to our missionary work. The troublesome double time march tea enjoying etiquette church leaders must have like that mind. It will look back the leadership of oneself and the possibility of having the leadership which pastes in order to be, it will increase and must endeavor, must learn. And it teaches Chengtu and to build. One it puts down an authority and the leader person who builds the person and it seeks. Recently that Pastor charge does not respect oneself, it sent the sermon which scolds the believers it heard a sound from what kind of church. As the leadership will fall it falls and compared to as the above pastoral person the thought which is a person who is not opinion possibility holds. The authority does to put down recently. The authority is sufficient with God one parturition. The church leader the authority knows is the paper. It is a paper which is useless. It will do to do justly it is a paper work. When original as going back like this, also the leadership which is lost is recovered and the Korean church becomes newly and the North Korea missionary work to be new is the qualitative thing. And must endeavor in leader person cultivation of next generation. And must pass over the baton. The work which raises the leader person of next generation is too the work which is important and a work which also Jesus does it is. Jesus respected a missionary work and stands in 12 causal 70 people who are trained them, to give an authority and a responsibility, it sent also before he ascending, the task which good news employment is precious in the disciples it entrusted. Jesus in the disciples me in you the thing without sparing all things which it teaches even in the leader people of next generation initiates was. To initiate all know-how it is a thing. When also the organization according to feeling problem occurs big even in the invitation church, the apostles are not only the speech and attempt and it entrusts a responsibility with it solved that problem in the different people. The leader person must entrust knows responsibility and authority that it raises the leader person of next generation only. With the bible concept which is a charge the example 18 chapter Exodus until in 27 paragraphs is recorded from 10 paragraphs. “With you and also you together grudge the people around will bloom vigor iron [ha_li] [ni] rises to four the possibility the middle box doing you alone too will not be” (18 paragraphs) this speech “entrusts in the people who the capillary woman and employment is different a many part. Build the intermediate leaders who have a temperament and a qualification and entrust give a many responsibility in them and the authority. Namely entrust” was. That resultant people was orderliness and harmonize organization from peace the possibility of living a life there was a world. “You rises in case to do and as many as one to four under allowing hour cotton you rises to be competent and all people peacefully hide” (23 paragraphs) it is a key of existence of the organized body which is a charge with own place. It develops the amnesty of the characteristic field and it gives an authority and a responsibility with it is to be the possibility of accomplishing the missionary work employment of the God in goal [toy] in them. The church Pastor charge changes changes as the believers today. Pastor charge as has the mind and a leadership of missionary work and the believers in missionary work site to listen there is a water shortage. To accomplish the growth of leadership in about the North Korea missionary work where the leaders of the church will increase at the time of hour it will get an information in about the North Korea society which changes respectively and, it will research and when presenting the missionary work strategy which hits to that place North Korea will be enveloped certainly with the wave of good news and it will decrease with it believes.

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