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      • 면양(緬羊)에 의한 Formaldehyde 처리 Alfalfa 엽(葉) 분미의 단백질 가치평가에 관한 연구

        강희신,R. H. Weston,J. R. Ashes,P. Davis,R. W. Edols 한국낙농학회 1985 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.7 No.4

        低質 粗飼科 밀짚으로 飼育되는 交雜種 緬羊 6頭를 供試하며 alfalfa 葉 粉末, 當年葉, 貯藏葉, 2% HCHO處理 當年葉 및 4% HCHO處理貯藏葉을 供試 飼料로 하고 밀짚 基本飼料 700g 및 alfalfa 粉末 補充飼料 300g 計 1.0㎏를 日量 飼料로 連續 給餌器에서 3시간 間隔으로 1日 8回 給與하며 20日間씩의 代謝試驗을 4回 實施하였다. ^(51)Cr-EDTA 및 ^(103)Ru-phe의 二重 標識物質을 使用하여 腸內 內容物의 通過量 및 滯在時間反芻胃 溶量, 有機物 및 窒素의 利用性을 測定한 結果 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 反芻胃 溶液中의 NH₃態 窒素 濃度는 貯藏葉이 當年葉보다 17.5% 높으며(P<.01) 2% HCHO處理 當年葉은 그 無處理보다 7% 程度 減少되고 4% HCHO處理 貯藏葉은 無處理보다 34.0% 程度 減少(P<.01)되었다. 2. 反芻胃로부터 流入되는 NH₃態 窒素 量은 當年葉보다 貯藏葉이 18% 增加(P<.01)되고 2% HCHO處理 當年葉은 無處理보다 6% 減少 (P<.05)되며, 4% HCHO處理 貯藏葉은 無處理보다 32% 減少(P<.01)를 나타내었다. 3. 第4胃內 NAN含量은 當年葉이 貯藏葉보다 6% 增加되며 2% HCHO處理 當年葉은 無處理보다 5.6%의 增加(P<.05) 4% HCHO處理 貯藏葉은 그 無處理보다 17% 程度의 增加(P<.01)를 나타내었다. 4. 第4胃로부터 排出되어 小腸에 流入되는 NAN의 量은 當年葉보다 貯藏葉이 9.0% 더 流入되며(P<.05) 2% HCHO 處理 當年葉은 그 無處理보다 6% 程度 增加(P<.05) 流人되었다. 5. 飼料源 室素 100g 攝取量當 NAN의 小腸內 消化量은 當年葉보다 貯藏葉이 10% 程度 消化가 增進(P<.05)되며 2% HCHO 處理 當年葉은 無處理보다 6% 程度 消化가 增進(P<.05)되었다. 6. 飼料源 室素 100g 攝取量 當 糞中 窒素의 排泄量은 當年葉보다 貯藏葉이 8% 정도(P<.01), 2% HCHO處理 當年葉은 無處理보다 6% 程度(P<.05) 더 排泄되었으며 4% HCHO處理葉은 그 無處理에 比하여 2% 程度 더 排泄되었으나 有意差는 認定되지 않았다. 7. 反芻胃液(Y, ㎎ N%)과 第4胃 濾液(X, ㎎ N%)中의 NH₃態 室素 濃度와의 關係는 다음 回歸 方程式으로 表示되었다. Y = 3.981 + 1.2783(±0.3736)X (r = 0.59, n-2=22) 8. 飼料 窒素 攝取量에 對한 補充飼料 alfalfa 葉 粉末의 小腸內 流入 NAN의 百分比는 當年葉, 2% HCHO處理 當年葉 및 無處理 貯藏葉의 順으로 각각 57.0%, 68.0% 및 65%로 推定되었다. 따라서 小腸內 流入 NAN은 2% HCHO處理 當年葉이 無處理보다 19%, 貯藏葉은 當年葉 無處理보다 14% 程度 增加된 것으로 推定된다. 9. 貯藏葉 補充時 音機物 消化率은 當年葉을 補充할 때 보다 約 1% 減少되고 當年葉 및 貯藏葉에 HCHO處理는 葉中 有機物의 排泄量을 0∼3.4% 程度 增加시키는 傾向이었으나 有意差는 當年葉과 貯藏葉 間에만 認定되었다. 10. 反芻胃液 및 第4胃液의 各 腸器 通過率, 反芻胃 容量 및 그 內容物의 滯在時間은 處理間有意差가 認定되지 않았다. 1. The OM out-put in the faeces was about 3% unit higher with the Old than that with the New, while with the HCHO treated meals there was only a slightly and insignificantly increasing tendency in the OM out-put. 2. No significant differences in the liquor flow rate of the rumen and the abomasum fluid, and in the rumen volume and retention time were found between the treatments. 3. The ruminal NH₃-N concentration in the Old was about 17.5% unit higher (P<0.01) than that in the New, while the New + 2% HCHO was about 7.0% unit (P<0.10) and the Old + 4% HCHO was about 34% lower (P<0.01) than those in the untreated-New and Old. 4. The amount of NH₃-N excreted from the rumen in the Old was 18% unit higher (P<0.01) than that in the New, and that in the New + 2% HCHO about 6% unit was lower, though insignificant, than that in the New, while that in the Old + 4% HCHO was about 32% unit lower (P<0.01) than that in the Old. 5. The NAN content of the intestine in the New was about 6% unit higher (P<0.10) than that in the Old, while in the New + 2% HCHO and the Old + 4% HCHO about 6% unit (P<0.05) and 17% unit (P<0.01) were higher than those in the New and the Old, respectively. 6. The amount of NAN excreted from the abomasum in the Old was about 9% unit higher (P<0.05) than that in the New, while the New + 2% HCHO resulted about 6% unit higher (P<0.01) NAN excretion than the New. 7. The NAN digested in the intestine per 100g of dietary nitrogen intake in the Old was about 10% unit higher (P<0.10) than that in the New, while in the New + 2% HCHO about 6% unit was higher (P<0.05) than that in the New. 8. The fecal nitrogen output per 100g of dietary nitrogen intake in the Old was about 8% unit (P<0.01), in the New + 2% HCHO was about 6% unit and in the Old + 4% HCHO about 2.4% unit was higher (P<0.10) than in the New and the Old. 9. The significant correlation between the concentrations of NH₃-N in the abomasal filtrates and those in the ruminal fluids permitted to draw a predictive equation by regression analysis as follows: y = 3.981 + 1.2783(+0.3736) X, where, Y = Ruminal NH₃-N concentration (㎎ N%) X= NH₃-N concentration in abomasal filtrates (㎎ N%), (n-2=22) and (r=0.59) 10. The percent of NAN entered the intestines over supplemental leaf meal nitrogen intake in the New, the New + 2% HGHO and the Old were 57.0, 68.0 and 65%, respectively. The NAN entered the intestine in the New + 2% HCHO and the Old were 19% and 14% higher than those in the New, respectively.

      • 두과(荳科) 식물 엽 분미의 In vitro 질소 감성화도(減成化度) 비교 실험

        강희신,R. H. Weston 한국낙농학회 1985 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.7 No.2

        Tilley, Deriaz 및 Terry(1960)의 方法을 修正한 In vitro減成化度 測定法에 依하여 Alfalfa 葉 粉末 및 그 HCHO處理 粉末과 韓國産 Acacia 葉 粉末의 窒素 減成化度를 測定하여 다음의 結果를 얻었다. 1. Alfalfa 葉 粉末, HCHO處理(4.37%粗蛋白質 含量) Alfalfa 葉 粉末 및 韓國産 Alfalfa葉粉末의 In vitro 減成化度는 각각 21.4%, 4.5% 및 6.2%로서 測定되었다. 2. 反芻胃液의 接種比가 1:4에서 2:3으로 倍增되면 非處理 Alfalfa 葉 粉末의 減成化度는 11.4% 相當이 症加되나 HCHO處理 粉未은 21.4% 相當이 減少되며, Acacia 葉 粉末의 境遇에는 거의 增減이 없었다. A modified technique of Tilley, Deriaze and Terry (1960) method was employed to compare the In vitro nitrogen degradability of some legume leaf meals; the three years aged alfalfa leaf meal with and without treatment of formaldehyde at the level of 4.37% of crude protein content of meal and the Korean acacia (Falsche akazien) leaf meal. In vitro degradabilities of nitrogen of these legumes were measured to be of 21.4, 4.5 and 6.2% of nitrogen contents of the untreated alfalfa leaf meal, HCHO treated alfalfa leaf meal and Korean acacia leaf meal, respectively. Possible reasons for the degradabilities measured were discussed in some details.

      • 밀짚 기본사료 급여시 HCHO 처리 Alfalfa 엽(葉) 분미의 보충이 면양의 반추위액(反芻胃液) 성장에 미치는 영향

        강희신,R. H. Weston 한국낙농학회 1985 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.7 No.2

        밀짚 基本飼料로 飼育되는 緬羊에게 HCHO 4.37% 水準의 處理 Alfalfa 葉 粉末 및 無處理 粉末의 補充時 反芻胃液의 性狀을 調査하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 處理 Alfalfa 葉 粉末의 補充은 反芻胃內 NH₃態 窒素濃度를 約 17% 相當 減少시키며, 蛋白質의 減成化를 充分히 抑制하고 있음을 알게 되었다. 2. Alfalfa 葉 粉末의 HCHO處理效果는 飼料攝取后 1.5時問 以內 또는 그 直前后까지 持績되나 2.5時間까지는 維持되지 않는다. 3. 反芻胃液中 總酸 및 個別脂肪酸의 濃度는 n-Valerate의 경우 飼料 攝取后 0.5時間 Isovalerate의 경우 2.5時間 境遇를 除外하고 差異가 없다. 卽 n-Valerate는 HCHO處理로서 減少되나 Iso-Valerate는 오히려 增加된다. 4. 反芻胃液中 NH₃-N 및 VFA에 對한 時差別 變異(增減)에 對한 回歸分析의 結果로서 數個의 同歸方程式을 誘導하고 그 可能性에 對하여 討論되었다. To study the ruminal status of the sheep fed the basal diet of wheaten chaff mixture supplemented with and without HCHO treated alfalfa leaf meals at the level of 4.37% of the crude protein content of the meal, four Border Leicester x Merino male sheep fitted with ruminal cannulae were kept in the metabolism cages and fed by using continuously rotating feeder for three hours intervals according to the switch over design. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The ruminal ammonia N concentration (mg N) of sheep supplemented with the HCHO treated alfalfa leaf meal was significantly (p<0.05) reduced by about 17.0% compared to that of untreated group. 2. The reduction in ammonia N concentration was lasted for up to 1.5 hours after feeding with HCHO treated meal supplementation, but this effect was not found by 2.5 hours after feeding. 3. The effect of HCHO treated alfalfa leaf meal supplement on the ind. VFAs of ruminal fluid showed that there was a significant (p<0.05) reduction in the n-valerate concentration at 0.5 hours after feeding, whereas the iso-valerate was increased at 2.5 hours after feeding. 4. Several regression equations were derived from the concentration of ammonia N and volatile fatty acids by hour intervals after feeding. Possible reasons for these were discussed in some details.

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