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        `밀레니움 홀` : 여성적 유토피아?

        이진옥 ( Lee Jin-ok ) 한국여성사학회 2011 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.14

        이 글은 18세기 영국에서 `여성문제`를 제기했던 블루스타킹 서클이 제기한 여성공동체의 실상에 대한 일종의 보고서이다. 블루스타킹의 이념을 대변한다고 알려진 『밀레니움 홀』에 대한 정밀한 독해를 통해 저자인 사라 스콧과 여성 공동체를 꿈꾼 당대 여성들의 희망이 구체적으로 어떠한 것이었는가를 알아보고자 한다. 동시에 이러한 작업은 중세의 크리스틴 피장에서 17세기 메리 아스텔에 이르기까지 꾸준히 이어진 여성 유토피아 문학의 계보를 살펴보는 일이기도 하다. 그리고 18세기 스콧의 생각이 당대인들과 얼마나 공감한 것인지 그 이후 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지도 아울러 살펴보았다. 『밀레니움 홀』은 결혼이라는 `감옥`에서 나온 뛰쳐나온 여성들만의 공동체로 일종의 학교이며, 가족이라는 혈연 중심적이고 배타적인 집단을 넘어서는 또 하나의 대안적 기구였다. 그곳은 남성들이 그린 유토피아와 달리 `지금, 여기에` 존재하는 곳이었고, 남성들을 완전히 배제한 여성들만의 영토였다. 이는 천국에서나 존재하고 그래서 결국 사후 세계에나 가능한 여성들의 피난처인 피장의 `숙녀의 도시`를 18세기에는 지상의 어느 농촌에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 그리고 언제나 의지만 있다면 만들 수 있는 현실 가능태로 바꾼 것이라 할 수 있다. 또한, 그곳은 당대 여성들이 가장 원했던 여성들의 쉼터이자 사회에 내보낼 유용한 여성들을 길러 내는 소녀를 위한 학교였다. 또한, 『밀레니움 홀』은 재산을 가진 부유한 여성들이 기독교적 교리인 자선을 구체적으로 실천하는 곳으로 사회에서 소외된 가난한 이들과 장애인들을 위한 일종의 구호기관이기도 했다. The purpose of this essay is to scrutinize the book, Sarah Scott`s A Description of Millenium Hall and Country Adjacent(1762). This book is a novel which was the fullest literary expression of the first wave of `Bluestocking` feminism. This was a feminizing and feminist movement among upper -and middle-class women that emerged in the mideighteenth century and was developed by later generation of middle-class women in England. So I would examine the community(Millenium Hall) at that following points : Who was built, For what purpose and how the community was managed? Through the study, I would know what dreams the author or Bluestockings in that period. This work is also to understand the trend of women`s utopian literature from Christine de Pizan`s The Book of the City of Ladies(1405) to Mary Astell`s `a Protestant Convent`(1694) and the general characters of writings of women in Eighteenth-century England. Millenium Hall was an utopia that is a charitable, virtuous, and educated community of women without men. So it was a kind of boarding school only for girls in modern terms and a Charity for the poor which managed by not a state but the Bluestocking Circle simultaneously. Different among utopias by men, it was not far away or isolated from England, so-called it was `Here and Now`. Near the London, the Millenium Hall might have developed from the Pizan`s the City, which was a invisible and unrealizable, even after-world or heaven city. But Scott`s community was built by real women who hoped the paradise in earth. Because it was a fruit of the author`s experience. Even though Scott failed the project, her attempt and work was taken by the people who lived in same time and after the death of author with effect.

      • KCI등재후보

        18세기 영국의 `아마조네스`: 레즈비언

        이진옥 ( Lee Jin-ok ) 한국여성사학회 2016 여성과 역사 Vol.0 No.25

        영국에서 레즈비언이란 단어가 여성들끼리의 성욕이 포함된 현재의 의미로 사용하기 시작한 것은 19세기 말이었고, 이전 여성들간의 열정은 무해하고 순진한 것으로 여긴 듯하다. 따라서 레즈비언 행위로 처벌받았다는 형사재판 기록은 적어도 18세기 내내 단 한 건도 남아있지 않다. 이 글은 레즈비언 행위로 처벌받지 않았던 이유를 모색하는 바, 남성 중심 사회에 저항하는 여성 전사로서의 아마조네스를 이해하고 이들이 결국 레즈비언으로 어떻게 투사되었는지를 보고자 한다. 또한 당시 공식적으로 알려진 레즈비언 커플이었던 “랜골런의 숙녀들(The Ladies of Llangollen)”과 민중의 관습으로까지 확대되었던 `여자 남편(female husbands)`의 사례를 헨리 필딩의 동명 작품을 통해 분석하여 18세기 영국에 레즈비언이 존재하였음을 드러내고자 하였다. 같은 레즈비언이었지만 “랜골런의 숙녀들”은 귀족이라 사회적 관용과 심지어 존경의 대상이 되었던 반면, `여자 남편`은 야만의 풍습으로 관계자들이 처벌되었음을 밝혀냈다. 그러나 후자의 경우 레즈비언이 아니라 사기혐의로 처벌되었다. 당국이나 지식인들이 여성의 성욕을 인정하는 레즈비언이라는 단어를 사용하지는 않았지만, 18세기에 많은 레즈비언은 있었으며, 이들은 계몽주의 시대 영국에서 이단아로서, 또는 여성들만의 왕국을 만들었다는 전설적인 `아마조네스`처럼 당대의 성적 담론과 질서에 도전하고 있었다. It is often claimed that there was no language about erotic passion between women before the late nineteenth century. So before the late nineteenth century, women who engaged in sexual relations with other women were incapable of perceiving themselves as a distinct sexual and social group, and were not seen as such by others. In other words, there was no sense of harmfulness or danger in women`s sexuality or passions between women. For instance, there were no women accused of homosexuality in 18 century England, but men were executed for it. But love between women in the eighteenth century was neither so silent and invisible as some have assumed, nor as widely tolerated as others have claimed. For example, there was the very famous lesbian couple, the Ladies of Llangollen , two Anglo-Irish women who eloped together in 1778. There were also cases of the "Female Husband", women who passed as men in order to live in marriage with women. Although both relationships have the same quality of passions between women, the former was tolerated and worshipped, whereas the latter was condemned as immoral and barbarian. Why are such different treatments? I reason that it was difference of status, aristocratic versus plebian. `Amazones` was another name for these women who stood against the discourse and order of patriarchy in their time.

      • KCI등재

        염색시술이 탈모에 미치는 영향에 관한 인식도 조사

        이진옥 ( Jin-ok Lee ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2009 미용예술경영연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The researcher took survey which are performed for examining the primary factor of understanding of dyeing and loss of hair, and got the following results. The question is what are symptoms after dyeing and the answers are scalp is itchy, sensitive, prickly, or scalp has much dandruff. The results is that ‘yes’ is more frequent than ‘no’ and the differences are significant. More respondents think that hair loss is caused by chemical factor and the difference is significant (t=6.086 p=.000). However the differences between other factors are insignificant. The average of positive answer in the question where the method of operation affects hair loss is 3.90 ± 0.572 and the negative is 3.63 ± 0.617. The difference is significant(t=2.229 p=.026). The average of positive answer in the question where proficiency of the operator affects hair loss is 4.01 ± 0.572 and the negative is 3.63 ± 0.617. The difference is significant(t=2.229 p=.026). The average of positive answer in the question where the ingredients of the product affects hair loss is 3.71 ± 0.607 and the negative is 3.59 ± 0.623. The difference is significant(t=1.882 p=.061) The average of positive answer in the question where the quality of the product affects hair loss is 3.53 ± 0.637 and the negative is 3.68 ± 0.609. The difference is significant(t=1.882 p=.061). The survey results is that respondents thinks that dyeing might affects the change and the loss of hair, however the direct influence of dyeing toward the loss of hair has not been observed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        18세기 영국의 블루스타킹 서클

        이진옥(Lee Jin Ok) 부산경남사학회 2009 역사와 경계 Vol.72 No.-

        This paper aims at exploring the cultural society of the 18th century England through Bluestocking Circle that consisted of women intellectuals. The existing literature argues that there were only few women's societies at the time. However, my findings suggest that there were much more than that had been perceived before, and further more, women made their own circle by themselves and helped each other by a patronage system which they had themselves developed. The Bluestockings were respected "Living Muses of England" by the people at that time and their names were cited in many newspapers and magazines frequently. Really they were not only hostesses of salons-who just patronized a writer-, but also authors, poets, reviewers and players for themselves. So it is possible to say that they made a kind of ‘Literary Republic of women' in 18th century England. One of them, Elizabeth Montague, sponsored the Circle very much by the fund that she manages coal mine by herself. So she was called ‘the Queen of the Bules'. It was very interesting things that the Blues instituted the ‘workshop' which was a system of women, for women and by women. After all, they led the public opinion and constituted themselves as ‘main' cultural trend or power in the 18th century London.

      • KCI등재
      • 디자인 호텔 로비공간의 초현실주의적 표현특성에 관한 연구

        이진옥(Lee, Jin-Ok),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2009 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        Design hotel is focused on the satisfaction of the desire of consumers through differentiated images by introducing visual, spatial factors called design. A vast majority of clients visiting hotels desire to have new experiences and unordinary amusement freeing them from their ordinary lives, and such a demand of sensibility matches the fantastic, irrational expressive characteristics of surrealism. Therefore, this paper attempted to analyze a lobby, an interior space that highlights the image of a design hotel most, focusing on the expressive characteristics shown in surrealistic paintings. When summarizing the analyzed results, along with easier expression both visually and functionally accompanied by the advancement of technologies, “atypicality” and “descale” were expressed in their extended scope as various factors utilizing individual sensibility lately, evolving from straightforward expression as a factor constituting a space in the past. Also, this made it possible to freely express the image of “biomorphic”, and “post-contemporaneity” and “placelessness” were demonstrated through the disorganization and combination of factors transcending time and space. Then, this tendency of expression has been discovered to be gradually diminished up to the present. “contingent juxtaposition” is seen in many cases as a space full of imaginations with the utilization of mutually irrelevant factors. From the results of this study, it is supposed to be possible to project how the pattern of surrealistic expression would develop in which direction for differentiated design of a design hotel lobby space.

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