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      • 지역경제거버넌스에 있어 충북테크노파크(TP)의 현황과 과제 연구

        홍기백 忠北大學校 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Amid the development of information technology and the enhancement of industrial convergence, the activities of network collaboration among the related government authorities have consistently increased. Local provincial authorities are also making efforts to build up a creative industrial ecosystem as well as global competitiveness. Thus, it is important for local governments to enhance local economy by expediting its growth and industrial effectiveness. Chungbuk TechnoPark(TP) is a non-profit organization aiming to vitalize the local economy of Chungbuk Province. In this connection, the stake-holders for the local economic governance include such main actors as the central government, the provincial government, business companies, Chungbuk TP, local residents, and the influence actors like NGOs(Non-Governmental Organizations), universities and mass media. Both the main actors and the influence actors aim to grow the local economy through a properly functioning local economic governance based on mutual relationships. Especially, the business companies’ growth and functions as core actors are crucial for local economic performance and the ensuing job creation and play an important role in local economic governance. In this juncture, Chungbuk TP plays the crucial role of bridging between the central and the local governments for the growth of local company. This study explores the present condition and tasks of Chungbuk TP in relation to the properly functioning local economic governance in Chungbuk Province. It analyzes the current status of Chungbuk TP in terms of the core factors of local economic governance and four points of Balanced Score Card(BSC). It employs the BSC evaluation method as well as questionnaire and their statistical analysis as the main tools of the research. The core factors of local economic governance have been defined in terms of the degree of partnership, network and the relationship with NGOs. The four factors of the BSC analysis include customer, finance, process, and learning & growth. Chungbuk TP has been carrying out various functions such as policy planning, business support and evaluation, and proliferation of the output in local community as the key bridge between governmental authorities and business companies in relation to local economic governance. Therefore, the main target for the questionnaire in this study was set to the small- and medium-sized enterprises as the core actors in the local economy and they have been asked to evaluate Chungbuk TP in terms of local economic governance. As is shown in Chapter 3, the analysis and evaluation of the present condition of Chungbuk TP have been conducted on the basis of the survey, including the correlation and causality between local economic governance and Chungbuk TP. On the basis of this analysis and evaluation, the main tasks of Chungbuk TP have been drawn for better local economic governance in Chapter 4 as follows: strengthening a balanced and continuous trust partnership, activation of information network in the local community, establishment of a resource virtuous circulation system for the public service, strengthening the role of Chungbuk TP in the innovation process leading to the local area’s creative economy, and an effective management of NGO network program with common learning. Chungbuk TP needs to expand its relationship with various governmental authorities in order to establish the trust partnership in local economic governance and to support the governmental authorities with its projects for the common growth among the interested parties. Considering both the distributive role of governmental fiancing and various requests from the interested parties, Chungbuk TP should figure out the sources of potential discord in the process of local economic governance from the viewpoints of both the economic benefits and the resource virtuous circulation for the local community. In addition, Chungbuk TP should execute the innovation process based on the rationality, equitability, and convenience taking into consideration the existing partnership. It should also expand the network partnership with different governmental authorities to enhance the quality of the network when it comes to the local economic governance. Chungbuk TP should enlarge opportunities for the local residents to join the common learning process together with both NGOs and various governmental authorities so that it might be able to constitute an expanded network system among the interested parties. Most of all, Chungbuk TP and NGOs need to recognize the common goals and issues among themselves and communicate with each other for mutual benefits in the local community. These efforts are expected to lead to more job creation and enhanced life quality in the local community. It is fair to say that this study is unique in terms of methodology because it has applied an interdisciplinary approach including humanity, political economy and business management. However, further research should be conducted about the increased network relationship among the stake-holders in the local economic governance, including Chungbuk TP, partnership, BSC system and NGOs in the future.

      • 石川啄木詩歌と金素月詩の比較硏究 : The comparative research of poetry between Kim So Weol and Ishikawa Takuboku

        홍기백 建國大學校 敎育大學院 1982 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        古來로부터 우리의 先祖들은 詩歌를 즐겼다. 高麗王朝第四代先宗九年(958) 科擧制度가 있어서 官吏를 登用하기 위하여 詩를 考試의 問題로 삼고 坊坊曲曲에 人材를 찾았던 것이다. 朝鮮王朝에 와서도 詩의 重要性에 변함이 없었다. 이는 韓國國民의 古代부터 學問的이며 詩를 愛好하는 國民이라 않을수 없으며 이 傳統의 詩의 重大性에 詩歌의 硏究와 詩歌의 歷史的事實을 究明하는 것은 뜻이 있으며 詩歌의 比較硏究는 뜻이 깊다. 여기에 韓日兩國의 詩歌의 比較硏究는 더욱 意義가 있다. 創作活動의 大表的 詩人中에 類似한 傾向을 가진 作家나 作品을 比較硏究하여 韓國文化와 日本文化와의 關係와 傳統詩歌의 考察에도 미칠수 있다는 点에서 韓國의 近代詩를 成立시킨 金素月과 日本의 近代詩를 成立시킨 石川啄木의 詩를 硏究의 對象으로 兩國의 代表的 詩人으로 손꼽히는 作品比較와 同質的인 것을 糾明하고 淵源에 關하여 相互密接한 關係의 地政學的 影響狀態에서 歷史的인 因果關係를 考察은 意味있는 硏究이라 할 수 있다. 歷史的事實에 根據하여 芸術活動의 兩國에 끼친 影響은 維着關係를 맺고 있다는 判斷은 日本이 近代文化國家로 登場한 것은 韓國을 通하여 大陸文化를 받아들여 그 기틀을 마련하고 1868 明治維新을 出發로 西歐文物을 韓國보다 빨리 받아들임으로써 앞서게 된것이다. 近代文化에 있어서 日本보다 三十年 뒤진 韓國은 西歐文物을(1894. 甲午更張) 日本을 通하여 받아들이고 結果가 되였다. 日本의 近代化라면(1868 明治維新) 出發点으로 韓國의 近代化라면 (1894. 甲午更張) 近代化運動으로부터이다. 近代史를 通한 詩歌의 類似性과 獨創性, 同質性과 相異性을 石川啄木와 金素月의 生涯를 通하여 詩歌의 內容과 形式에서 詩歌의 創出의 思想的 背景과 作者의 成長과 環境의 변화에 따라 作品의 特性을 밝히는 일은 앞으로의 詩歌創作活動의 重要한 意味를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 詩歌의 內容과 形式을 比較함에 있어서 이미 밝혀진 固式的 形態를 벗어나 主題의 選과 內容表現에 있어서 音律的 比較뿐 아니라 表現上의 技巧를 分析的으로 比較하고 이들이 思想的成熟過程의 比較를 通하여 韓日兩國이 地城的인 特性가 個人的 人性에 依한 創作이라는 点에서 主題와 內容 表現上의 詩歐比較는 創作的 特殊性을 밝히는 過程에서 볼 수 있고 作者의 生活觀이나 世界觀은 優秀한 作品의 芸術性 生成過程을 究明하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 石川啄木와 金素月의 共通性이라 할 수 있는 것은 自然環境에서 얻어닥친 性格形成이 哀調的인 近似性을 이루었으며 淵源이 같은 東洋이라는 綠由된 思想에서의 影響에서 哀愁的인 詩情이 떠 오른 것으로 보인다. 詩情에는 自國의 傳統詩歐에서 繼承된 것이며 詩情의 根底에는 生活詩와 季節詩로서 恨歎과 哀愁로 흐르고 있다. 石川啄木와 金素月의 相異性이라고 보면은 啄木은 日本傳統詩歐의 五音七音의 基調韻律로서 近代詩로 發展시켰으며 素月은 韓國傳統詩歌의 三 音四音의 基本韻律로서 近代詩를 이루었다. 素月이 三, 四調 四, 三調 七, 五調의 定型詩的 形式과 抒情詩的 感動은 恨이 맺혀 있다. 詩情에 哀愁가 깃들어 아름답고 달콤한 現實을 떠나 꿈과 空想의 世界에서 感傷的 心情으로 作品化된 手法이 兩自共히 包含되어 있다. 啄木은 五, 七, 五, 七, 七調 五句三十一字 三行書 形式으로 憧憬, 野心, 友情, 哀愁, 自我, 愛情, 鄕愁, 人生 等이 背景 人生無常, 獨白, 創造的 精神과 獨創卽興的 手法으로 近代詩 形成에 새로운 方法을 보여주었다.

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