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      • 산업단지 사후환경영향조사 대상사업의 대기환경 예측 분석

        함충헌 충북대학교 산업대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Analysis of Air Environmental Prediction in the Post-Environmental Impact Survey of Industrial complex Choung-hun Ham Major in Environmental Engineering, Department of Process Engineering Graduate School of Industry, Chungbuk National University Cheongju, Korea Supervised by Professor Hang-Bae Jun Abstract In Korea, a number of studies have been conducted on problems and cause analysis of environmental impact assessment follow-up management, system improvement measures, and future development strategies, and the need for verification measures for follow-up management has been raised, but research on specific verification measures is insufficient. In this study, the consistency between the environmental impact assessment and the post-environmental impact survey concentration data was statistically analyzed. Focusing on the industrial complex creation project, the predicted value of air quality during construction and the measured value during construction during the post-environmental impact survey are compared. Based on the research results that compared and analyzed the difference between the two data predicted during the environmental impact assessment and the measured value during the post-environmental impact survey, the improvement plan is suggested by identifying the linkage and problems, and the results are as follows. As a result of the study, the proportion of industrial complexes that meet the air environment standards during the construction of industrial complexes appears to be high, but some measurements are close to the air environment standards. Since there will be errors in the effect of air quality due to the impact of industrial complexes when writing the post-environmental impact survey report, it is necessary to manage industrial complexes with high frequency of civil complaints, such as setting environmental target standards at concentrations below the air environment standard during environmental impact assessment. As a result of seasonal analysis of the data to be studied, the spring and winter measurements of PM-10 items show higher concentrations than the summer and fall measurements. The post-environmental impact survey is planned as a quarterly or semi-annual survey, and measurements are conducted at intervals of 3 months for the quarter and 6 months for the half according to the number of surveys. However, if the measurement interval is adjusted to be close to the summer and autumn seasons during the quarterly and half-year survey, pollutants in the atmosphere may be underestimated.Since this can be measured by specifying when the measurement value can be underestimated so that air quality does not appear to be affected by the spatial characteristics of the industrial complex, it is necessary to include measurements of spring and winter seasons in quarterly and semi-survey, and to regulate measurements centered on summer and fall. According to the study's significance probability analysis, 17 (85.0%) projects (85.0%) for PM-10 and 17 (85.0%) for NO2 out of 20 industrial complexes were found to have significant differences, indicating that the difference between the predicted value and the post-environmental impact survey measurement value is large during the environmental impact assessment. The difference is judged to be greater because modeling predictions are made assuming the worst when predicting air pollution during construction in the environmental impact assessment stage, and the negative impact of air quality is minimized through reduction measures during construction. Therefore, in order to strengthen air quality management during construction, a reduction plan was proposed based on the concentration of the predicted value during environmental impact evaluation. If the measured value during the post-environmental impact survey is measured higher or close to the predicted value during the environmental impact assessment, additional reduction measures will be implemented and air management will be necessary during construction.

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