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        학교 BTL사업 적격성(VFM) 분석을 위한 AHP 활용 및 수선주기ㆍ수선율 산정에 관한 연구

        하호성,이춘섭 대한국토·도시계획학회 2007 國土計劃 Vol.42 No.3

        The biggest problem in the school BTL project can summarized as the following two matters: The first problem has been disregarding the quantitative VFM analysis on the school BTL project. To judge whether either of the project carried out by the government or the project invested by the private sector is proper, the VFM(Value for Money) analysis is commonly performed. But the current guideline is that the results of the quantitative YFM should be allowed to be used as the material for reference, not the material for judgement, Second, in the school BTL project, there is not still the guideline for calculating the maintenance and repair expenses for the school facility, and the Housing Law applies to the cycle and rate of apartment repair. Accordingly, this study attempted to present the following two improvements. For one thing, seeing that the qualitative side as well as the quantitative side should be taken into consideration to get the social consensus of the school BTL project as the national-policy project, this study attempted to use the AHP. For another thing, seeing that the independent standard sufficiently reflecting the characteristics of the school facility as the basic material needed to calculate the maintenance and repair expenses. this study attempted to develop the standard for the repair cycle and rate and economic year of the school facility. As the analytic method to achieve this purpose of study, an attempt was first made to make a qualitative VFM analysis using AHP for Jinkwan Elementary School. In making a quantitative VFM analysis, this study attempted to investigate the 5-year repair expenses for component materials of 127 school facilities of 151 elementary, middle and high schools located in Seoul. The findings of this study were summarized as the following two: First, this study presented four results of the VFM analysis: ① As for the BTL project of the school facility, many people believed that it was promoted because of the effect of service first and settlement later, not the dimension of budget cut. ② The school BTL project had evaluated that it was worse than the financial project in terms of raising the efficiency of school operation. ③ The school BTL project stability is lower compared to the financial project. ④ 39% showed the preference for the current BTL project. 32% showed a support for the existing governmental financial method. 29% showed a preference for the partial BTL method. There was a great concern about the educational environment of the lower level. Second, An attempt was made to calculate the repair cycle, repair rate and economic life of 114 component materials of the school facility, and it was confirmed that the repair and maintenance expenses more is needed to be set by about 35% than the existing maintenance and repair expenses.

      • 검도와 연관된 근골격계 통증

        하호성,김기찬,정호중 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 2006 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        Background : The purpose of this study is to understand the distribution of Kumdo related pain and associated factors Materials and Methods : A clinical evaluation was done by a physiatrist with radiography. 119 men and 11 women were interviewed about Kumdo experience, daily and weekly practice time,pain complaint, anatomical disturbance of pain by total 15 question at January,2006. Result : Lower limb was the most common area of pain complaints, followed by upper lims,spine in orders. Tendinitis (5 cases) on wrist was most common in upper limb and plantar fascitis (7 cases) was most common at lower limb. Conclusion : Kumdo related pains were more disturbance in lower limb,followed by upper limb. And most common disease was plantar fascitis of foot.

      • 金海酸性黃酸鹽土壤에 관한 硏究 : 特히 排水 및 石灰處理가 土壤의 理化學的 性質 水稻生育에 미치는 影響을 中心으로 Effect of Drainage and Liming on Physico-Chemical Properties of Acid Sulfate Soil and Growth Status of Paddy Rice

        河浩成 慶尙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        金海 酸性黃酸監土壤은 海水와 有機物의 影響을 받아 黃酸監이 集積되고 이 集積된 黃酸監의 酸化로 土壤中 無機酸 생성되어 土壤酸度 4.0內外의 强酸性 反應을 나타낸다. 强酸性 條件下에서 水酸化第一鐵과 活性알루미늄의 生成量이 過多하고 湛水 條件下에서는 異狀還元 狀態가 維持되어 作物生育에 害作用을 주고 有效燐酸과 置換性石灰가 不足한 反面, 置換性 마그네슘 含量은 대단히 많다. 一般 畓土壤에 比하여 石灰苦土率이 反對 現象이다. 이러한 여러 가지 要因들에 依하여 土壤의 理化學的 性質이 作物生育에 不適當하므로 土壤改良이 要求된다. 本人은 이와 같은 土壤의 性質을 改善하기 위하여 室內 및 pot 試驗으로 溫度, 石灰 및 湛水處理를 하여 이에 따른 土壤의 理化學的 性質의 變化를 究明하고 또 圃場試驗으로 石灰의 施用量과 暗渠排水 施設을 하여 몇 가지 試驗을 한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 粘土의 化學的 組成은 表土中 CaO 0.08% MgO 1.45%로서 CaO가 적은 편이고 反對로 MgO는 많은 편이다. 따라서 Ca:Mg比가 一般 畓土壤과는 달리 反對現象이다. 또한 硫黃은 40cm 以下에서 含量이 높고 pH는 下層일수록 높다. 2. 粘土鑛物은 主鑛物이 Kaoline 鑛物이고 副鑛物은 Illite이다. 3.pH와 Eh는 石灰 可用量에 따라 各各 正相關과 負相關이 認定되고 湛水期間이 길어짐에 따라 pH는 若干 높아지고 反對로 Eh는 낮아졌으나 石灰處理量이 많을수록 湛水期間이 길어질수록 Eh는 顯著하게 낮아졌다. NH₄-N는 石灰量이 많을수록, 또한 20℃보다는 30℃ 恒溫條件下에서 湛水期間이 길어질수록 增加되었다. 4. 水溶性 第一鐵은 石灰施用區에서 20℃에 比하여 30℃가 生成量이 많았고 또한 30℃에서는 湛水 24日째가 가장 많았다. 置換性 第一鐵 亦是 30℃에서 生成量이 많고 石灰施用量 差異間에는 Ca 12me/100g에서 湛水 18日 以後에 1,000ppm 以上의 生成量을 보였다. 酸性黃酸監土壤에서 水溶性 第一鐵은 그 生成量이 pH에 支配됨이 크고 置換性 第一鐵은 還元에 支配됨이 크다. 5. 恒溫湛水한 試料를 乾燥시킨 乾土에서는 有效燐酸은 湛水初에 顯著히 增加되었다가 다시 減少되었는데 그 速度는 30℃보다 20℃에서 緩慢하였고 總生成量은 30℃에서 많았으며 石灰의 加用量이 많을수록 有效燐酸의 生成量이 많은 傾向이었다. 6. 濕土의 有效燐酸은 湛水初에 顯著히 減少되었다가 20℃, 30℃ 모두 湛水 14日에 增加르리 보인 後 다시 減少하는 傾向으로서 乾土와는 相反된 現象이었다. 7. 水溶性 硅酸은 湛水日數 經過될수록, 石灰施用量이 적을수록 그 含量이 많았고 N-NH₄OAC에 可溶되는 珪酸은 湛水期間이나 石灰施用量에 따르는 變化가 水溶性 珪酸과는 正反對의 傾向을 보였다. 8. 微生物은 石灰處理를 함으로서 總菌數와 絲狀菌, 窒酸菌 및 黃酸還元菌이 增加되었으며 湛水日數에 따라 增加速度는 差異가 많았다. 9. 石灰施用量과 透水에 따른 벼 收量은 無透水 Ca 12me/100g에서, 透水區에서는 8me/100g에서 各各 最高收量을 나타내었고 같은 石灰施用에서는 無透水보다 透水區의 收量이 顯著히 높았다. 또한 石灰施用量이 많을수록 胡麻葉枯病 病斑數가 減少되었다. 10. 벼 試驗時 處理한 石灰와 排水가 後作大麥에 미친 殘效는 石灰의 殘效가 크고 排水의 殘效는 적었다. 11. 圃場에서 石灰施用量에 따르는 收量의 變化는 施用量이 增加될수록 收量도 增加되었으나 Ca 9me/100g(石灰 498kg/10a) 以上에서는 增加幅이 緩慢하였다. 12. 暗渠排水處理는 無暗渠排水處理에 比하여 第一鐵의 生成量이 적었고 特히 0.5m 溝條間隔에서 顯著하였다. 溝條間隔이 좁을수록 硫黃의 含量이 적었고 土壤의 粒團化가 增進되었다. 幼穗形成期의 植物 內 無機成分은 暗渠排水處理區가 窒素 및 珪酸의 含量이 높았고 Na와 Fe 含量은 낮았다. 또한 各 處理間 玄米收量 差異는 뚜렷하지 않았으나 石灰無加用의 無排水處理에 比하여 石灰處理의 0.5m 構造間隔에서 6.9% 珪酸質 肥料 加用區가 7.1% 增收되었다. Acid sulfate soils in Gimhae contained high sulfur content by accumulation of sulfate originated from seawater and organic matters, and the accumulated sulfate in soil is converted to inorganic acid under oxidative conditions resulting in strong acidic soil pH values of around 4.0. Under such acidic conditions, avaliable phosphate is decreased by high quantity of Al+++ and Fe++, and the quantity of magnesium is higher than that of calcium. Such soil charactereistics are unfavorable for the growth of crops, therefore soil improvement is demanded. These studies were made to investigate physico-chemical properties of the acid sulfate soil in Gimhae and to find out better method of soil improvement for increase of productivity. Following items of experiments are contained in these studies. 1) Analysis of chemical composition of the acid sulfate soil. 2) Effect 9of percolation and liming on the change of pH, Eh, NH₄-N, water soluble iron, exchangeable iron, available phosphate and soluble silicate. 3) Change of available phosphate and soluble silicate. 4) Effect of liming and urea addition on the population of such soil microorganisms as fungi, ammonium oxidizing bacteria and sulfur reducing bacteria. 5) Effect of percolation and liming on the yield of paddy rice and barley in pot experiments. 6) Effect of liming and drainage by the balanced type osillating mole drainer on physico-chemical characteristics of the soil, and growth and yield of rice in field experiments. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The content of magnesium with 1.4$ as magnesium oxide was much higher than calcium with 0.008% clacium oxide in top soil. Such a Ca:Mg-ratio is reverse to that in general paddy soil. Sulfur content was increased and pH value was decreased with the depth of soil horizen. 2. The main components of clay in the acid sulfate soil was observed to be kaolines and followed by illite. 3. Positive correlation was observed between the liming quantity and increase of pH values but negative correlation between the liming quantities and Eh values. The change of pH value during the submerging period of 30 days was not outstanding. Formation of ammonium was increased by increasing liming quantity and temperature. 4. Water soluble ferrous iron was decreased but exchangeable ferrous iron was increased with increase of liming quantity, as compared with those at 20℃ in same submerging period. 5. In dry soil after submerging, available phosphate was increased in early stage of soil submerging and then decreased gradually. Total avaliable phosphate in the soil after submerging was increased by increasing liming quantity and those at 30℃ were higher than those at 20℃. 6. In wet soil after submerging, available phosphate was outstandingly decreased in early stage of soil submerging and start to increase around 14 days of submerging and then decreased gradually both at 0℃ and 30℃. 7. Water soluble silicate in the soil was increased by decreasing liming quantity and by prolonging the submerging time, but reverse tendency was observed in ammonium acetate soluble silicate. 8. Population of total microorganism ,fungi, ammonium oxidizing bacteria and sulfur reducing bacteria were increased by liming, and rather great differences of the increasing rate of microorganisms are revealed in accordance with prolonging the submerging time. 9. In pot experiment of percolated plots, the highest yield of rice was obtained with 8 me of calcium per 100g of soil but that was done with 12 me of calcium per 100 of soil in non-percolated plots. The yield in percolated plots were higher thant that in non-percolated plots comparing the yield at the same level of liming. Liming was observed to affect good influence on the protection of Helminthosporum leaf spots. 10. In pot experiment, percolation and liming during the cultivation of paddy rice showed significant favorable influence on the yield of barley which followed after the cultivation of rice. 11. In field experiment, remarkable yield increased of rice was obtained at the plot of liming with 498kg of ground lime per 10 a (9 me/100g of soil as calcium), as compared with the yield at non-liming plot. 12. Ferrous iron formation was reduced by mole draining and outstanding reduction was observed in short interval(0.5mm) mole drained plot. Sulfur content of cultivated layer was decreased and aggrigation of soil were improved by mole draining. The yield of rice was increased about 6.5% by mole draining(0.5mm) and liming, and 7.2% increase was obtained in the silicate fertilization as compared with the control. And the content of nitrogen and silicate in mole drained plots were higher but the content of iron and sodium were lower than those in control. In rice plant at young panicle formation stage, the content of nitrogen and silicate in mole drained plots were higher but the content of iron and sodium were lower than those in control.

      • 검도와 연관된 근골격계 통증

        하호성,김기찬,,정호중 KOSIN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 2006 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        Background : The purpose of this study is to understand the distribution of Kumdo related pain and associated factors Materials and Methods : A clinical evaluation was done by a physiatrist with radiography. 119 men and 11 women were interviewed about Kumdo experience, daily and weekly practice time, pain complaint, anatomical disturbance of pain by total 15 question at January, 2006. Result : Lower limb was the most common area of pain complaints, followed by upper lims, spine in orders. Tendinitis (5 cases) on wrist was most common in upper limb and plantar fascitis (7 cases) was most common at lower limb. Conclusion : Kumdo related pains were more disturbance in lower limb, followed by upper limb. And most common disease was plantar fascitis of foot.

      • 畓土壤中 土性에 따른 鐵含量이 水稻生育에 미치는 影響

        河浩成 慶尙大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        土性이 다른 두가지의 土壤으로 排水調節과 鐵加用에 따라 水稻生育關係를 試驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1)生育期間中 生育狀態가 砂質系가 良好하였다. 2)桿長, 穗當粒數, 登熱率, 藁重, 有效莖比率, 收量 等 植質系에서 湛水 및 鐵加用區에서 현저히 減少하였다. 3)珪酸의 吸收는 生育期間中 砂質溪가 높고 또한 鐵加用區가 鐵無加用區보다 높은 경향이다. 4) 鐵의 吸收는 生育初期에서 植質系가 높고 收穫期에서 湛水處理의 鐵加用區가 높다. These experiments were carried out to examine the effects of Fe under two class soil on the growth of rice plant during the paddy cultivation period. Ferrous oxide was used from Dae Dong Industry Company and also Milsung, one of the recommended cultivars in the Geongnam district, was used as rice plant. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The growth state of rice plant were better in sandy loam than in clay soil during the paddy cultivation period. 2. In the block of submergence with the Fe treatment, number of panicles per hill, number of grains per panicle, seed bearing ratio, ratio of effective tillers, and yields were decreased outstandingly in clay loam soil. 3. The conten of silicon dioxide during the paddy cultivation period were higher under the Fe treatment then under the nontreatment in sandy loam soil. 4. In the case of percolationadn submergence with the Fe treatment, the content of Fe were increased in sandy loam than in clay loam soil as the initial stage of rice growth but in the block of submergence with the Fe treatment, the content of Fe were increased at harvest.

      • KCI등재

        AHP를 이용한 학교시설 민간투자사업(BTL)의 타당성 종합평가

        하호성,Ha, Ho-Sung 한국교육녹색환경연구원 2006 교육·녹색환경연구 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is an overall valuation about propriety study of school facilities BTL(Build-Transfer-Lease) by means of AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). The search point includes these questions. Is BTL of school facilities a reasonable project for school, or is the former government financial project on the position of comparative superiority? And, is a partial BTL possible as an alternative plan? The result of this study shows that preference rate about BTL is 39%, that of former government financial project is 32%, and that of partial BTL is 29%.

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