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      • 上簇期 室外 濕度가 解舒率, 繭絲長 및 生絲量比率에 미치는 影響

        최진섭,李光吉 한국잠사학회 1986 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        The experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of humidity on the cocoon quality, and 4,000 lots of cocoon produced for five years in Chin yang, Ha dong, Keo chang, San chung of Kyeong nam, and Sun san, Sang ju, Young poong, An dong of Kyeong buk were analyzed. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The reelability ratio, the bave length and raw silk ratio were decreased with increasing the humidity in mounting time, and it was remarkably observed when the relative humidity was over 80%. 2. With increasing the reelability ratio, the have length, and raw silk ratio were increased, and the longer the bave lenger the bave length was the higher raw silk ratio obtained. 3. The average reelability ratio for five years in autumn-rearing period was higher than that in spring·rearing period, but the bave length and raw silk ratio was on the contrary from the above. 4. The reelability ratio of cocoon produced in the mountainous area was higher than that in the field area but the shorter the bave length, the raw silk ratio had no significant difference between those.

      • 지방목적세의 평가와 순기능 강화방안

        최진섭 한국지방재정학회 2018 한국지방재정학회 세미나자료집 Vol.2018 No.12

        본 연구는 응익원칙과 강 목적성을 기준으로 우리나라 지방목적세를 평가하고, 목적세의 순기능을 강화하기 위한 방안을 모색한다. 응익원칙의 목적세는 자원배분의 효율성을 증진하며, 강 목적세는 정부 책임성과 사업 예산의 안정성을 증진하는 순기능이 있다. 지방목적세인 지역자원시설세와 지방교육세 현황을 살펴본 결과, 이들 세목은 응익원칙과 강 목적성에 충분히 부합하지 않고 따라서 목적세의 순기능을 크게 기대하기 어려운 것으로 판단되었다. 지방목적세의 순기능을 강화하기 위한 개선방안으로 특별회계의 올바른 설치와 운용, 지역자원시설세의 세목 분리, 지방교육세 세원 재편 등의 방안을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • 다발성간세포암에 대한 간절제와 술중 고주파열치료 병합요법

        최진섭 한국간담췌외과학회 2005 한국간담췌외과학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Purpose: There have been many trials to find a cure for inoperable multiple hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), but no effective therapy has been found. As the combined therapy of tumor reductive surgery and intraoperative radio-frequency ablation (RFA) is by far the best known effective treatment modality, the effect of a combined resection and intraoperative RFA for multiple HCC was evaluated. Methods: Between July 1999 and 2004, a retrograde study was conducted on 8 patients who had undergone combined therapy for HCC, with respect to the number of tumors, location, size, postoperative complications and recurrence. Results: The average age of the patients was 51. A Rt. hepatectomy, Lt. Lateral sectionectomy, bi-segmentectomy, segmentectomy and wedge resection were performed. The total number of tumors and resected tumors were 21 and 8, respectively; with an average size of 6.6 cm. Thirteen tumors, with average size of 2 cm, were treated with RFA. Seven postoperative complications were encountered in 2 patients, with 2 operation related complications biloma and ascites. One patient suffered from pleural effusion and a wound complication. One patient went through a RFA-related complication biliary-cutaneous fistula. Four patients suffered a recurrence one at the RFA site, and the rest at the remnant liver. The treatments used for the recurrences were TACE/ TACI, percutaneous Holmium injection and surgical resection.All patients survived, with an average survival and a median disease free survival time of 15 and 11 months, respectively. Conclusion: Until now, surgery has been the least favored choice for the treatment of multiple HCC. However, thinking our opinion, the combined therapy of hepatectomy with intraoperative RFA is beneficial. Our group of patients was small, with a short follow up period, without any definite indication; therefore, it will be necessary to conduct continuous follow up, with the collection of appropriate data. Purpose: There have been many trials to find a cure for inoperable multiple hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), but no effective therapy has been found. As the combined therapy of tumor reductive surgery and intraoperative radio-frequency ablation (RFA) is by far the best known effective treatment modality, the effect of a combined resection and intraoperative RFA for multiple HCC was evaluated. Methods: Between July 1999 and 2004, a retrograde study was conducted on 8 patients who had undergone combined therapy for HCC, with respect to the number of tumors, location, size, postoperative complications and recurrence. Results: The average age of the patients was 51. A Rt. hepatectomy, Lt. Lateral sectionectomy, bi-segmentectomy, segmentectomy and wedge resection were performed. The total number of tumors and resected tumors were 21 and 8, respectively; with an average size of 6.6 cm. Thirteen tumors, with average size of 2 cm, were treated with RFA. Seven postoperative complications were encountered in 2 patients, with 2 operation related complications biloma and ascites. One patient suffered from pleural effusion and a wound complication. One patient went through a RFA-related complication biliary-cutaneous fistula. Four patients suffered a recurrence one at the RFA site, and the rest at the remnant liver. The treatments used for the recurrences were TACE/ TACI, percutaneous Holmium injection and surgical resection.All patients survived, with an average survival and a median disease free survival time of 15 and 11 months, respectively. Conclusion: Until now, surgery has been the least favored choice for the treatment of multiple HCC. However, thinking our opinion, the combined therapy of hepatectomy with intraoperative RFA is beneficial. Our group of patients was small, with a short follow up period, without any definite indication; therefore, it will be necessary to conduct continuous follow up, with the collection of appropriate data.

      • 국립공원 월악산-식생 및 경관을 중심으로

        최진섭,Choe, Jin-Seop 한국자연공원협회 1986 한국자연공원 Vol.32 No.-

        봄비가 촉촉 내린다. 가뭄에 메마른 곳을 적셔주고 먼 산허리에의 희끗희끗 얼어붙은 눈을 녹이고 한 겨울의 탁한 먼지를 말끔히 씻어준다. 온 대지에 푸른 생기가 가득차 움추린 가슴을 풀어 헤지게 하여 싱그러운 봄을 느끼게 한 지난3월22일 국립공원월악산을 찾았다. 월악산은 지난 1984년 12월 27일 국립공원으로 지정되어 산수의 조화등 입지조건으로 충북도민은 물론 인근도민과 전국의 자연공원 애호인 들의 관심사가 되고 있는데 그 면적은 $284.5km^2$에 이른다. 그중 충북 제원군이 $111.30km^2$, 단양 $63.32km^2$, 중원$32.08km^2$ 그리고 경북 문경군이 $77.8km^2$를 점하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

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