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침전지의 유동 특성과 Lagrangian Method를 이용한 침전효율 예측에 관한 연구
최종웅(Jong-Woong Choi),홍성택(Sung-Taek Hong),김성수(Seong-Su Kim),김연권(Youn-Kwon Kim),박노석(No-Suk Park) 大韓環境工學會 2017 대한환경공학회지 Vol.39 No.5
국내에서 설치 운영 중인 D정수장의 장방형 침전지를 대상으로 설계유량(15,864 m<SUP>3</SUP>/day)과 운영유량(33,333 m<SUP>3</SUP>/day))에 대하여 CFD 해석 방법을 사용하여 침전지의 유동특성 및 tracer 모의를 수행하였으며, 침전지의 유입부로 유입되는 플럭을 입자로 가정하여 모사하는 Lagrangin 기법을 적용하여 침전지의 효율을 검토하였다. 그 결과 침전지내 흐름을 plug flow영역으로 만들기 위한 평균 속도값을 0.00193 m/s, 0.00417 m/s로 도출되었다. 또한 각 유량 조건에 대해 Tracer test를 모의한 결과 β(유효접촉인자) 값은 각각 0.51, 0.46, Morrill Index값은 각각 6.05와 3.21, 단락류 Index는 0.54와 0.34로 나타났다. Flow characteristics analysis and tracer test simulations for the rectangular typed sedimentation basins, which have been operated at D_water treatment plant in Korea, were carried out using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques for design (15,864 m<SUP>3</SUP>/day) and operation flowrate (33,333 m<SUP>3</SUP>/day). Also, each efficiency of the sedimentation basin was evaluated by application of the Lagrangin technique on the assumption of the particles flowing into the inlet of the sedimentation basin. From the results of simulation, the mean velocity values for making the flow in the settling basin as a plug flow region were derived as 0.00193 m/s and 0.00417 m/s, respectively. In addition, β (effective contact factor) values were calculated to be 0.51 and 0.46, and the Morrill Index values were 6.05 and 3.21, respectively for both flowrate conditions.
원스톱라이프 개념을 도입한 지식산업센터 건축계획에 관한 연구 - 유형별 공간분석 중심으로 -
최종웅(Choi, Jong-Woong),김동훈(Kim, Dong-Hoon) 대한건축학회 2019 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.39 No.2
According to “Metropolitan Area Maintenance Planning Act”, the apartment-type factory is a building that is designed to solve the problem of indiscriminately developed factory located in the Seoul and due to change of industrial structure of knowledge industry, it is named as Knowledge Industry Center. The structure has been changed from the closed form of the manufacturing center to the open form such as the use of curtain walls in appearance, and changed from the center of the vehicle center to the space composition for the convenience of users such as roof top rest area and commercial / residential facilities. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the spatial elements of the Knowledge Industry Center by generation / type to predict the necessary elements for users and to propose the future architectural plans.
최종웅(Jong-Woong Choi),최영도(Young-Do Choi),임우섭(Woo-Seop Lim),이영호(Young-Ho Lee) 한국유체기계학회 2009 한국유체기계학회 논문집 Vol.12 No.4
The head-capacity curves for pumps developed by the pump manufacturer are based on tests of a single pump operating in a semi-infinite basin with no close walls or floors and with no stray currents. Therefore, flow into the pump intake is with no vortices or swirling. However, pump station designers relying on these curves to define the operating conditions for the pump selected sometimes meet the reductions of capacity and efficiency, as well as the increase of vibration and additional noise, which were caused by air-entered flow in the pump station. From this background, the authors are carrying out a systematic study on the flow characteristics of intakes within a sump of pump station model. Multi-intake sump model with anti-submerged vortex device basin is designed and the characteristics of submerged vortex is investigated in the flow field by numerical simulation. In this study, a commercial CFD code is used to predict the vortex generation in the pump station accurately. The analysed results by CFD show that the vortex structure and effect of anti-submerged vortex device are different at each pump intake channel.
CFD에 의한 모델수차 성능시험 불확도 향상을 위한 Test-rig 유동 안정화에 관한 연구
최종웅(Jong-Woong Choi),조용(Yong Cho),조현식(Hyun-Sik Jo),현정재(Jung-Jae Hyun),박성순(Seong-Soon Park),김선우(Sun-Woo Kim) 한국유체기계학회 2020 한국유체기계학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.5
The uncertainty of the model turbine performance test for the hydraulic turbine plant suggests the reliability of the test. In general, the performance evaluation of the model turbine is carried out in accordance with the criteria set out in IEC 60193. In advanced institutes, the total uncertainty is suggested to be less than 0.25%. The uncertainty is expressed as the sum of system uncertainty, the natural error of the instrument, and random uncertainty occurring in the test. In the model turbine performance test facility, a high-precision instrument is used as method to improve the uncertainty, and the uncertainty that comes from repeated test is improved. In model turbine performance test, the uncertainty can be improved by stabilizing the flow of the test rig as much as possible and measuring the necessary values. In this study, CFD was used to stabilize the flow in the test rig to improve the uncertainty in the performance test of the model turbine. Each result was compared and analyzed as an index of swirling strength, head loss and flow uniformity in the flow rate range of 0.1 to 1.0 m³/s.
최종웅(Jong-Woong Choi),김창구(Chang-Goo Kim),임우섭(Woo-Seop Lim),최영도(Young-Do Choi),이영호(Young-Ho Lee) 한국유체기계학회 2008 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-
The head-capacity curves for pumps developed by the pump manufacturer are based on tests of a single pump operating in a semi -infinite basin with no close walls or floors and with no stray currents. Therefore. flow into the pump intake is with no vortices or swirling. However. pump station designers relying on these curves to define the operating conditions for the pump selected sometimes meet the reductions of capacity and efficiency. as well as the increase of vibration and additional noise, which were caused by air-entered flow in the pump station. From this background, the authors are carrying out a systematic study on the flow characteristics of intakes within a sump of pump station model. Multi -intake sump model with anti -submerged vortex device basin is designed and the characteristics of submerged vortex is investigated in the flow field by numerical simulation. In this study, a commercial CFD code is used to predict the vortex generation in the pump station accurately. The analysed results by CFD show that the vortex structure and effect of anti -submerged vortex device.