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      • 지역민 다측면 분석을 통해 문화관광축제가 지역사회에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 2009년 인제빙어축제를 중심으로

        차정현 배재대학교 관광경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        인제빙어축제는 소양댐 건설과 군 종합훈련장의 건설에 많은 지역민들의 애환이 담긴 소양호에서 일부 주민들이 빙어낚시를 시작하면서 90년 중반이후 타 지역의 낚시 관광객들이 자연스럽게 빙어낚시를 즐기기 위해 소양호를 찾아오기 시작했다. 이에 인제군은 늘어나는 관광객들을 보면서 이들에게 유희적 요소를 가미한다면 빙어낚시가 상품가치로서 충분히 성공할 가능성이 있다고 판단해 1998년에 빙어축제가 탄생하게 되었다. 빙어축제는 2000년 제1회 지방자치단체 개혁박람회 전국 2대축제로 선정되었고, 2003년엔 행정자치부 선정 최우수축제, 2004년에는 70만 여명의 관광객이 찾을 정도로 큰 인기를 누리며 국내 대표적인 겨울축제로 자리 잡아 문화관광부 예비축제 대열에 합류하게 되었다. 또한 2005년에는 예비축제 중 발전가능성이 큰 축제를 선정하여 집중 관리하는 유망축제로 선정되어 4년 연속 문화관광부 유망축제로 명실 공히 우리나라 겨울을 대표하는 겨울축제로 거듭나고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 인제빙어축제가 지역발전은 물론 지역주민의 화합의 장으로 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위한 것으로, 문화관광축제의 개념과 전국 문화관광축제 현황 및 인제빙어축제의 생성과 발전과정을 살펴보고, 문헌조사 등의 선행연구를 통해 축제의 주도적 역할을 하고 있는 공무원, 인제군의 상인, 지역주민을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 축제가 지역발전에 미치는 영향과 향후 보완 발전방안에 대한 다측면 분석을 실시하였다. 다측면 분석의 연구결과를 요약해 보면 인제빙어축제는 내설악의 천혜의 자연과 물 맑은 내린천 계곡물이 빚어낸 청정수역 소양호 상류에 사는 빙어를 소재로 펼쳐지는 국내 유일의 축제로 인제의 지역문화의 특성과 이미지를 부합시킨 행사이다. 인제빙어축제는 인제의 이미지 상승, 지역발전과 같은 사회적 측면에서 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 지역의 고용증대와 특산물, 관광산업발전에 기여한다는 경제적 측면도 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 축제가 거듭 될수록 축제장 인근지역과 이외 지역 상권의 격차가 심화되고, 각종 환경오염, 지역민들 간의 갈등 등 부정적인 영향도 나타났다. 국내 대표 겨울축제인 인제빙어축제가 국제적인 겨울축제로 도약하기 위해서는 인제가 갖고 있는 관광자원을 적극 활용하여, 겨울레포츠의 다양한 콘텐츠개발로 비수기인 겨울철, 축제기간 이외에도 관광객이 찾을 수 있도록 해야 한다. 또한 인제군 지역 간의 특색 있는 연계프로그램을 개발 강화하여 지역주민의 화합과 지역소득을 창출할 수 있는 기반과 천혜의 자연환경을 바탕으로 한 관광이벤트 개발로 지역 활성화에 앞장서야 한다. 주제어 : 지역축제, 겨울축제, 문화관광축제, 다측면 분석, 관광이벤트개발

      • SCL-90-R을 이용한 측두하악장애 재발환자의 심리학적 분석

        차정현 부산대학교 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        연구배경 및 목적 측두하악장애 재발환자의 심리학적 양태를 초진으로 내원한 측두하악장애환자 및 일반치과환자들과 비교하여 살펴보고 재발된 환자에서 유의한 차이점이 관찰된다면 이들을 문제목록으로 인지하여 신체요인들과 함께 통합하여 다룸으로써 합리적인 치료계획의 수립에 도움이 되고자 본 연구를 시도하였다. 연구대상 및 방법 2005년 3월부터 2006년 2월까지 사이에 부산대학교병원 진료처 구강내과 구강안면통증클리닉에 내원한 측두하악장애 재발환자 27명을 실험군으로 하고, 같은 기간 중의 측두하악장애 초진환자 45명을 대조군I, 부산지역 소재 치과의원에 내원한 일반치과환자 50명을 대조군II로 하였다. 각 연구 대상자는 개별적으로 간이정신검사의 90문항을 읽고 응답하게 한 후, 기본 척도에 따른 원 점수를 채점하여 표준화된 규준표에 따라 T점수를 산출하였다. 실험군과 대조군I, II의 검사 내용인 9개 증상차원을 비교해보고, 남성과 여성 간의 차이 및 병력 기간에 따라 6개월을 기준으로 급성 환자군과 만성 환자군으로 분류하여 각 집단의 차이를 Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test를 이용하여 비교하였다. 결론 1. 측두하악장애 재발환자군(실험군)과 측두하악장애 초진신환군(대조군I) 및 일반치과환자군(대조군II)에서 9개 기본증상차원의 척도별 규준척 T점수 평균 값은 모두 정상범위 내에 있었다. 2 재발환자군에 비해 일반치과환자군의 대인예민성척도, 우울척도, 공포불안척도, 정신증척도에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 3. 측두하악장애 재발군과 초진신환군의 기본척도에서 성별에 따른 차이는 없었다. 4. 급성군과 만성군으로 구분하여 비교한 결과 재발환자에서는 특별한 차이점이 나타나지 않았으나 측두하악장애 초진신환군의 만성환자군에서 신체화도, 적대감척도, 공포불안 척도, 정신증척도의 평균 T점수가 유의하게 더 높았다.

      • 地域社會에 있어서 大學의 役割 : 부산대학교의 자원활용을 중심으로

        차정현 釜山大學校 行政大學院 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Community Development puts an emphasis on improving the values of human life as well as promoting the economic growth of the community per se. Since the community is a basis of human life for its residents it is desirable to achieve a balanced development and spiritual enhancement. Of a variety of community functions, the universities located in a community should be one of the key organizations in serving this development goal. As a mater of fact, universities these days are requested to have a share in social services and to pay a serious attention to the community affairs. The purpose of this research is to find a way for the efficient management of university resources be it human or physical, in order to strengthen its function of social services towards the community development. The findings are in the following. First, for the university to meet the community residents' needs and perform the service function, university facilities such as human and material resources should be open to public any time unless classes are interrupted and to do this, there should be administrative and systematic support from the university and collegians' understanding towards this goal should change as well. Second, the university should make solving the community problems as its research project, heighten the community's self-confidence by producing the knowledge the community wants and saving it and strengthen the tie between the community and university by making them believe they, too, are the hosts of the university. Third, the university should develop an adult education program which focuses on changing residents thinking positively and carry out the social education by adjusting to its peculiarity of the community. Fourth, the university should make its effort to give a chance for social education to everyone, not a few managers or directors only. Fifth, it is required of the university to make the contents of the program constituted beneficial for the residents' life, directly related to the community social development and substantially contributable to the development. Sixth, the university should hold a variety of experts and contribute to the social growth of the community by giving advice for the community growth planning and policy-making of the public organizations, business firms and various social organizations, basing upon the expertise and research results. Seventh, the university should take the leading role in bettering the current lifestyle of the community, provide a cultural space to the residents, satisfy the desire for knowledge, offer the up-to-date information and do a program for the people to lead a cultural life. The survey of this thesis was subjected to Pusan National University so it has its limit, however, I believe that the efficient utilization of the human and material resources of the university would help develop the community and furthermore the nation.

      • 축제콘텐츠 성공요인과 발전방향에 관한 연구

        차정현 건국대학교 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The 21st century which we are living in is considered the era of convergence. With the economy, the science and the culture being converged together, meanings of being and new values are created. Furthermore, when it comes to festivals, they should not be regarded merely as some simple entertainments or events but as a driving force and a core of the cultural industry of the 21st century that would enhance the brand, the quality and even the competitiveness of a country. Most of all, the festivals have this characteristic to accept all those different genres in the culture and arts field and for that reason, they are being considered to realize the creative industry as a leading figure of the new 21st century-cultural convergence. In fact, in the above-mentioned context, Korea is holding so many festivals which has even made the country called the republic of festivals. However, at the same time, there are several issues being talked about related to such festival culture in Korea. In the midst of the overflowing number of festivals in the country, the public understanding on the festivals has been greatly improved and yet, those standardized festivals are now rapidly failing to attract participations from people in neighborhoods and other areas. Such phenomenon is a proof for the present of the festivals in Korea which have been focusing only on all those similar concepts and contents for long. Not only that, the hard ware of those some eventful festivals might be fabulous and attractive and yet, the soft ware inside the festivals is getting criticized for how poorly it has been designed. In other words, since these festivals are not being researched, developed or held from a long-term point of view but only based on short-term, temporarily interests, they are now taking criticism from the local as some one-time, exhibition-typed festivals which would only waste a great deal of budgets. As described the above, the knowledge level of audience which would determine a success of a festival is being improved every day, and that makes the development of original, special local festivals even more urgent. In this quickly-changing digital era, there are two core factors found in the 21st cultural contents, IT (Information Technology) and CT (Culture Technology), and they should be actively and properly grafted into the festival contents so that new emotional festival contents that would invite the audience to experience a festival not only visually but also with other five senses could be designed. Only when a festival of a different originality is developed with CT and IT mutually combined, this 21st century cultural convergence era will be able to have an important turning point. In order to achieve such turning point, all those genres of the planning-related contents (soft ware) as the story-telling, theater arts performance, design (product development) and environmental facility contents and others concerning the systems (hard ware) as well, which are existed separately, should be developed through cooperative creations of each other. Such activity can be also understood as regular aspects of high-quality festivals in foreign countries. In order to develop local festivals as much different and original as those overseas festivals, local communities should first find their own themes and stories. A theme originates from one single concept. A particular concept-based theme creates, then, a new world of a new story. Once the theme succeeds in designing the festival contents based on the story-telling method by grafting various contents into each other, visitors who have decided to visit the festival for its original imagination and planning will definitely have a pleasant time in the festival as they are somewhat even inspired by the event. As long as the festivals stick to all those old, standardized programs, they will never win hearts of audiences. The study, in that regard, discussed, from a macroscopic angle, how efficiently Korea should blend the festival contents together in order to make the festivals in Korea recognized as one of the global festivals in the world. 21세기는 융합(convergence)의 시대이다. 경제, 과학, 문화는 모두 융합을 통해서 존재적 의미와 새로운 가치를 창조한다. 축제야말로 융합의 대표적인 문화예술 장르이다. 나아가 축제는 단순히 놀이나 이벤트가 아니라 21세기 문화산업의 핵심이자 국가 브랜드와 품격은 물론 국가 경쟁력 강화의 원동력이다. 무엇보다 축제는 문화예술의 각 장르를 다양하게 포용할 수 있는 특징을 지니고 있기 때문에 21세기 새로운 문화융합의 선도적 역할로서 창조산업을 구현하고 있다. 실제로 이러한 맥락에서 한국은 축제 공화국이라 불릴 만큼 많은 축제가 열리고 있으며, 이와 비례하여 많은 문제점도 낳고 있다. 범람하는 축제들 속에서 시민들의 축제에 대한 감식안은 매우 높아졌기 때문에 획일적인 축제는 시민과 주민의 참여를 급감시키고 있다. 이는 비슷한 컨셉(Concept)과 콘텐츠(Contents)가 만연하고 있는 한국의 축제 현실을 말해주고 있다. 무엇보다 이벤트성 축제로 축제의 하드웨어는 화려하지만, 그 안을 채우고 있는 소프트웨어는 매우 부실한 측면이 빈번하게 노출되고 있다. 즉 장기적인 관점에서 축제를 연구, 개발, 개최하는 것이 아니라 단기적이고 흥미 위주의 일회성, 전시성 행사가 관행처럼 굳어져 아직도 많은 예산 낭비로 지역주민들에게 비난을 받고 있다. 이처럼 축제 성과를 좌우하는 관람객들의 수준은 하루가 다르게 높아지고 있다. 좀 더 개성 있고 특별한 지역축제의 개발이 시급한 상황이다. 급변하는 디지털(Digital) 시대에 맞게 21세기 문화콘텐츠의 화두인 정보통신기술(IT:Information Technology)과 문화산업기술(CT:Culture Technology)을 축제콘텐츠에 본격적으로 접목하여 관람자로 하여금 시청각뿐만 아니라 오감을 체험할 수 있는 감성형 축제콘텐츠를 개발해야 한다. CT, IT가 결합되어 차별적인 정체성을 갖춘 축제 개발이야말로 21세기 문화융합시대에 중요한 터닝포인트(Turning Point)가 될 것이다. 이를 위해서는 분산 파편화되어 존재하고 있는 스토리텔링, 무대예술 공연, 디자인(상품개발), 환경시설 콘텐츠 등 기획관련(Soft Ware) 콘텐츠와 시스템 관련(Hard Ware) 콘텐츠의 각 장르를 협력적 창작을 통해 개발해야 한다. 이러한 활동은 해외 명품 축제들의 일반적인 모습이기도 하다. 이처럼 차별화되고 특색 있는 지역축제를 개발하기 위해서는 그 지역만의 테마(Theme)와 스토리(Story)를 발굴해야 한다. 테마는 하나의 컨셉(Concept)에서 탄생된다. 컨셉에서 특정의 테마가 생겨나서 새로운 하나의 스토리의 세계를 창조한다. 테마를 다양한 콘텐츠(Contents)로 융합(Convergence)하여 스토리텔링 방식으로 축제콘텐츠를 구성한다면 독창적인 상상력과 기획으로 축제행사장을 찾은 많은 방문객에게 잊지 못할 감동과 즐거움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이제는 구시대적이고 천편일률적인 축제 프로그램만으로 관람객의 마음을 얻을 수 없다. 이러한 시대적 흐름에 견주어 우리나라 축제가 세계적인 축제로 발돋움하기 위해서는 축제콘텐츠를 어떻게 효율적으로 융합해야 하는지를 거시적인 관점에서 제안하고자 한다.

      • 『권농윤음』을 통해본 정조 권농책의 의의

        차정현 연세대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        King Jeongjo’s Gwonnongyuneum, a royal message promoting agriculture, reveals his perception on agriculture. As the king, he implemented a practical agricultural policy for the people. He sought for the stable life of the people through the national project lead by the government. Among various agricultural policies, the two representative are Dunjeon, a farm cultivated by stationary troops, and Jeonsuchuk, a dam construction. Both Dunjeon and dam construction are labor intensive. The labor was consisted of the people who left the farmland because the farmers were split. They were given new jobs. Performance-related pay system was adopted and people were compensated paid based on their ability. This improved the efficiency of the construction. King Jeongjo had constructions on a large scale in order to relieve the people by enabling them to live independently. New farmland was provided through Dunjeon. The country owned the land of the farm and distributed it to the people. Water was supplied through the construction and maintenance of dams. It became a foundation for the improvement of agricultural productivity. Especially, the positive outcome of Dunjeon and dams in Suwon proved the effectiveness of King Jeongjo’s agricultural policy. King Jeongjo’s Gwonnongyuneum, a royal message promoting agriculture, was the message to the people. It was more than simply encouraging agriculture. In those days, the social structure entrapped farmers into poverty, and it was difficult for them to be freed from it independently. King Jeongjo’s farm encouragement policy has its significance that it was a policy lead by the government to empower the people to stand on their own feet. 정조의 권농윤음을 통해 정조의 농업인식을 들여다 볼 수 있었다. 국왕으로서 백성들을 위한 실현가능한 농정책을 실시하였다. 정조는 국가가 주도하는 국책사업을 통해 백성들의 생활 안정을 도모한 것이다. 정조의 윤음에 나타난 농정책은 다양하지만 대표적인 것이 둔전과 제언수축이다. 둔전과 제언수축은 많은 노동력을 필요로 한다. 이 때 노동력은 농민의 분화로 농촌을 떠난 백성들이 대부분을 이루었다. 이들에게 새로운 일자리가 생긴 것이다. 특히 성과급제의 품삯 지급방식을 통해 각자의 능력에 맞게 급여를 지급하였다. 이러한 방법은 공사의 효율성을 높이는 계기가 되었다. 정조는 구휼의 방편으로 큰 규모의 공사를 통해 백성들이 스스로 자립하여 살아갈 수 있는 여건을 마련해 주었던 것이다. 둔전을 통해 새로운 농지를 확보해 나갔다. 둔전은 국가가 지주가 되어 백성들에게 분급하는 방법으로 운영되었다. 그리고 제언의 수축, 보수를 통해 농사에 필요한 물을 안정적으로 공급하였다. 이를 통해 농업생산력을 증진시킬 수 있는 기반이 마련 될 수 있었다. 특히 수원에서의 둔전과 제언의 효과는 정조 농정책의 실효성을 입증하는 계기가 되었다. 정조의 권농윤음은 백성을 향한 윤음이다. 농사를 권장하고 독려하는 권농의 의미만 있는 것은 아니었다. 당시 농민들은 스스로 가난을 벗어나기에는 힘든 사회 구조 속에 살고 있었다. 이에 정조의 권농책은 국가가 주도하여 전국적인 농업생산력을 높이는 전국 차원의 농업 진흥책이었다. 국책사업을 통해 농업생산력을 증진시키는 동시에 농민의 생산을 안정시키려 했다. 정조의 권농윤음은 주자의 권농윤음과 차이가 있는데 그것은 지주제를 기반으로 한 것이지만 일반 자영농을 포함하는 모든 농민이 잘 살 수 있는 방안을 추진했다는 점이다. 국가차원의 생산력 증진 뿐 아니라 농민 전체의 농업생산 증진을 위한 농정책이었다.

      • 학교 급식에서 육류 및 이의 가공품 급식실태조사 연구

        차정현 群山大學校 敎育大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, I collected the menus from seven schools in the city and rural community respectively, and researched the followings in order to check the used status of meats and their processed food stuff based on the menu of school lunch meals of the elementary schools. The average offering days of meats and their processed food stuff were about 83.7 percents compared to offering days of school meals were served, in case of the school in the larger unit area than eup. In case of schools in the smaller area unit than eup, they were about 85. 4 percents. The average offered quantity for one person per day was 48.1g in case of schools in the larger area unit than eup, and in case of schools in the smaller area unit than eup, it was average 58.2g. The used frequency for each cooking method was listed in order of roasted foods> soups> pan-fried foods> one-dish foods, in case of schools in the larger area unit than eup. In case of schools in the smaller area unit than eup, it was listed in order of roasted foods> fried foods, chigaes> soups.

      • 企業의 組織開發理論에 關한 硏究

        차정현 명지대학교 대학원 1979 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In recent years, organization development(OD) has emerged as a total organizational approach and a set of behavioral techniques for managing organizational conflict and change. Richard Beckhard list a few of the kinds of conditions or felt needs that have supplied the impetus for organization development programs. 1. The need to change a managerial strategy. 2. The need to make the organization climate more consistent with both individual need and the changing needs of the environment. 3. The need to change "cultural" norms. 4. The need to change structure and roles. 5. The need to improve intergroup collaboration. 6. The need to open up the communications system. 7. The need for better planning. 8. The need for coping with problems of merger. 9. Need for change in motivation of the workforce. 10. Need for adaptation to a new environment. R. Beckhard also points out some of the changing social - human values that are having an impact on business organizations. Changes in social - human values, coupled with the various changes in the business environment, are the traditional bureaucratic form of organization increasingly obsolets. Some experts believe that Organization Development has the potential for elevating the behavioral demension of management to a more scientific status. The overall purpose of this study is to present the theory of organization development, and then emphasis is largely placed on how to manage it more effectively in business firms in Korea. The study was ristricted to business organization, even though the result of this study can be applicable to other organizations, such as government, school, church, hospital, army, and so on. Most of the theory of Organization Development has been developed by the behavioral scientists, and now it is heavily based on behavioral science concepts and methods. So the first part of the chapter will treat a brief overview of behavioral science as its background. The best overall definition of behavioral science is the "scientific study of human behavior". The two key elements of the definition are scientific study and human behavior. Both criteria must be met in order for a discipline to qualify as behavioral science. However, compared to the other sciences, the scientific study of human behavior is relatively new. The general purpose of behavioral science philosophy is to induce performance of individuals and groups so that they derive satisfaction from the resulting achievement of organizational productivity, motivating, and coordinating human behavior through the use of knowledge and concepts from the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so on. The behavioral science philosophy has been mainly concerned with the general implementation function of the management process, in which the organizational models and strategies actually employed focus upon the people, structure, and information elements of the organization. The trend in behavioral science is toward increasing emphasis on the individual as human being and his more effective utilization ( that is, performance ) in the organization. There has been an outcropping of behavioral courses in business curricula on such topics as motivation achievement, small-group theory, leadership, role theory, group dynamics, interpersonal competence, and organizational change. It is important to recognize, however, that conflicting view are still emerging, because man's personality is complex and his values are so heterogeneous that they almost defy generalization. Some academicians are calling for a more flexible, adaptive approach to the application of behavioral science research. And one of the essential elements underlying and Organization Development effort is that it involve efforts to improve the overall effectiveness and health of the total organization. To understand the goals of Organization Development, it is necessary to have some picture of what an "ideal" effective, healthy organization would like. Sometimes the phrase "dynamic organization" and "healthy organization" are used equal to Organization Development, but the meaning is somewhat different. They express the state of organizational conditions and Organization Development means the process and the approach to realize the situation. Organization development refers to a long-range effort to improve an organization's problem-solving capabilities and its ability to cope with changes in its external environment with the help of external or internal behavioral scientist consultants, or change agents, as they are sometimes called. All these points are misconceptions about OD, according to sperling. Much more research is needed before the full benefits and limitations of OD can be ascertained. However, one point seems clear ; as a viable behavioral approach, it does have an important place, along with other approaches such as the matrix organization strncture and the quantitative decision model, in ensuring organizational success. One final point needs to be emphasized. Successful Organization Development efforts require skillful behavioral scientist interventions, a systems view, and top management support and involvement. In addition, changes stemming from Organization Development must be linked to changes in the total personnel subsystem. The viability of Organization Development efforts lies in the degree to which they accurately reflect the aspirations and concerns of the participating members. In conclusion, successful Organization Development tends to be a total system effort ; a process of planned change-not a program with a temporary quality ; and aimed at developing the organization's internal resources for effective change in the future. In recent years, organization development(OD) has emerged as a total organizational approach and a set of behavioral techniques for managing organizational conflict and change. Richard Beckhard list a few of the kinds of conditions or felt needs that have supplied the impetus for organization development programs. 1. The need to change a managerial strategy. 2. The need to make the organization climate more consistent with both individual need and the changing needs of the environment. 3. The need to change "cultural' norms. 4. The need to change structure and roles. 5. The need to improve intergroup collaboration. 6. The need to open up the communications system 7. The need for better planning. 8. The need for coping with problems of merger. 9. Need for change in motivation of the workforce. 10. Need for adaptation to a new environment. R. Beckhard also points out some of the changing social-human values that are having an impact on business organizations. Changes in social-human values, coupled with the various changes in the business environment, are the traditional bureaucratic form of organiza tion increasingly obsolets. Some experts believe that Organization Development has the potential for elevating the behavioral demension of management to a more scientific status. The overall purpose of this study is to present the theory of organization development, and then emphasis is largely placed on how to manage it more effectively in business firms in Korea. The study was ristricted to business organization, even though the result of this study can be applicable to other organizations, such as government, school, church, hospital, army, and so on. Most of the theory of Organization Development has been developed by the behavioral scientists, and now it is heavily based on behavioral science concepts and methods. So the first part of the chapter will treat a brief overview of behavioral science as its background. The best overall definition of behavioral science is the "scientific study of human behavior". The two key elements of the definition are scientific study and human behavior. Both criteria must be met in order for a discipline to qualify as behaviorai science. However, compared to the other sciences, the scientific study of human behavior is relatively new. The gener al purpose of behavioral science philosophy is to induce performance of individuals and groups so that theyderive satisfaction from the resulting achievement of organizational productivity, motivating, and coordinating human behavior through the use of knowledge and concepts from the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so on. The behavioral science philosophy has been mainly concerned with the general implementation function of the management process, in which the organizational models and strategies actually employed focus upon the people, structure, and information elements of the organization. The trend in behavioral science is toward increasing emphasis on the individual as human being and his more ef fective utilization(that is, performance) in the organization. There has been an outcropping of behavioral courses in business curricula on such topics as motivation achievement, small-group theory, leadership, role theory, group dynamics, interpersonal competence, and organiza tional change. It is important to recognize, however, that conflicting view are still emerging, because man's personality is complex and his values are so heterogeneous that they almost defy generalization. Some academicians are calling for a more flexible, adaptive approach to the application of behavioral science research. And one of the essential elements underlying and Organization Development effort is that it involve efforts to improve the overall effectiveness and health of the total organization. To understand the goals of Organization Development, it is necessary to have some picture of what an "ideal" effective, healthy organization would like. Sometimes the phrase "dynamic organization" and "healthy organization" are used equal to Organiza tion Development, but the meaning is somewhat different. They express the state of organizational conditions and Organization Development means the process and the approach to realize the situation. Organization development refers to a long-range effort to improve an organization's problem-solving capabilities and its ability to cope with changes in its external environment with the help of external or internal behavioral scientist consultants, or change agents, as they are sometimes called. All these points are misconceptions about OD, according to sperling. Much more research is needed before the full benefits and limitations of OD can be ascertained. However, one point seems clear; as a viable behavioral approach, it does have an important place, along with other approaches such as the matrix organization strncture and the quantitative decision model, in ensuring organizational success. One final point needs to be emphasized. Successful Organization Development efforts require skillful behavioral scientist interventions, a systems view, and top management support and involvement. In addition, changes stemming from Organization Development must be linked to changes in the total personnel subsystem. The viability of Organization Development efforts lies in the degree to which they accurately reflect the aspirations and concerns of the participating members. In conclusion, successful Organization Development tends to be a total system effort ; a process of planned change - not a program with a temporary quality; and aimed at developing the organization's internal resources for effective change in the future.

      • 地域祝祭가 地域發展에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究

        차정현 漢陽大學校 地方自治大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Each country of the world regards the 21st century as 'A Century of Culture'. Culture leaped into as a very important business making much profit and it gives great influence on improving national, economical structure and quality of our life. Together with wild stream of 'a century of culture', culture and tourism business progress rapidly. Some scholars say that culture and tourism business and information business will be the head of world economy in the new millennium era. While information business changing every day gives influence on industrial structure because of its less dependence on labor, resulting in reduction of employment, on the contrary, development of culture and tourism business having high dependence on labor is highlighted as a new value creating business because of its 'making job effect'. Especially, as science and technology becomes common and international exchange increases, each country's culture is becoming homogenized, so value of peculiar and characteristic local culture is increasing more and more. Because of such reasons, each country of the world is making various festival events as sources of tourism, getting much profit from tourism and is contributing greatly to national economic development by increasing added value of products through development of cultural products. Facing localization and globalism, Korea is also making active effort to activate characteristics of each region. Especially, local festival for tourism is preferred as cultural events for which each local government put whole mental energy together. Problem is that although local cultural festivals are increasing rapidly, most of them except for a few festivals imitating the precedents and even though many budgets are spent, contents or operation of programs is insufficient, so they are ignored by local citizens or tourists, increasing local deficit all the more and wasting taxes paid by the sweat of citizens' brow. Influence resulting from the result of such festivals is very great. Various aftereffects such as local citizens' frustration, mistrust, local economic loss, damage of local image, etc. last very long and have an influence on the next events. However, nationwide and internationally successful local festivals can activate local culture by improving local image, giving vitality to stagnant local economy, excavating and preserving local culture, creating added value with characteristic local cultural products, inducing cohesive force and driving force through local citizens' voluntary participation, making local citizens feel confidence pride and achievement through attracting outside tourists. In such a way, difference of the result caused by success or failure of festivals is very distinct. However, regardless of success or failure, local festivals held by each local government competitively are so many that we can't even remember their name. So many people criticize such situation. Critics say that although there are too many festivals, they don't have identity and programs lacks variety and are very similar, wasting taxes paid by the sweat of citizens' brow. Such criticism is essentially necessary for development of local festivals' quality and it is right in general. However, Korea has only more or less 10 years' history of local government system by menas of citizens' strength. This means that more time is necessary in order to escape from administration on the basis of centralization of power and change to local administration by citizens. So criticizing overflowing local festivals is just like requesting college students' result to toddling level infants. We must not just see splendid shape of successful festivals but also have to consider trial and error and ordeal experienced in order to get such successful results. Despite people are criticizing that each local government is holding several local festivals, the reality is that such festivals would become manure to make korea powerful country in the field of tourism with abundant cultural festivals. That is principal of market economy where competitive events will survive and be developed more and more and uncompetitive events will be weeded out, is applied. We must not expect too much at your first attempt. We will be able to have good quality through ceaseless development of festivals, bringing up professionals for festivals, accumulation of experience, festival evaluation, etc. during many years. But continuing indiscreet festivals ostentatiously which are consuming and temporary with no possibility will only receive sharp criticism and result in excessive aftereffect as we have seen through failed examples. Because of 'five day work per week system' which will be introduced gradually from 2002, people enjoying leisure will increase and be interested in culture & tourism festivals combining culture and tourism will also increase. Therefore, considering past failure and improving problems, we will have to develop systematic experiencing program with regional characteristics and fulfil various desire and activate local economy through local culture & tourism festivals. Finally, in order to make successful festivals, local citizens themselves must have active participation in and affection for their own region and rear 'cultural infra', then local festivals will be developed as global festivals.

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