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      • Greenhouse Bulk건조기에 의한 태양열이용에 관한 연구 (제I보)

        진정의,이승철,이상하 한국연초학회 1980 한국연초학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        韓國煙草硏究所, 大邱試驗場(北緯35$^{\circ}$49')에서 1979年 透明한 fiber glass로 지은 円柱型 greenhouse(4.50$\times$3.83$\times$2.80m)內에 乾燥室의 外壁 및 天井을 Polyurethan에 함석을 입혀 黑色 paint로 coating한 板을 heat absorber겸 斷熱板으로, 乾燥室 양편에 各各 4.5㎥의 자갈을 넣은 gravel heat storage system 그리고 greenhouse內의 加熱된 空氣를 練燒室로 誘導할 수 있는 air duct를 설치한 8.25㎥의 太陽熱 直接利用 方式의 Bulk 乾燥材와 同一한 크기의 Bulk 乾燥材를 比較 試驗하였다. 乾燥期間中 外溫 30.5~35.5$^{\circ}C$, 總日射量 1004.2~1436.2 cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$의 條件下에서 3回 乾燥 試驗한 結果, 天井 heat absorber의 最高溫度는 89$^{\circ}C$이였으며, 練燒室로 吸入되는 空氣의 最高溫度는 64$^{\circ}C$이며 평균 46$^{\circ}C$로서 外溫에 비하여 18$^{\circ}C$가 높았고, 慣行Bulk乾燥材에 비하여 25%의 燃料가 節減되였다. The greenhouse hulk curing and drying system utilizing the direct solar energy was tested to see how much fuel could be saved for curing flue-cured tobacco at the Daegu Experiment Station, Korea Tobacco Research Institute (North latitute: 35$^{\circ}$49'), in 1979. The structure consists of transparent fiberglass exterior, polyurethan boards covered with galvanized iron as the heat absorbers and insulation boards, air duct in which the air is introduced to the furnace room of bulk curing barn, and gravel heat storage system. All exterior surface of heat absorbers, air duct, and gravels were coated with black paint. The air temperature and total radiation were 20.5 to 35.5$^{\circ}C$ and 1004.2 to 1436.2 cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$ during the 3 replicated curing tests, respectively. The greenhouse bulk curing and drying system was able to cut fuel consumption by 25 percent compared with the conventional bulk curing barn. The maximum temperatures for the top absorber and the inlet air of the system were 89$^{\circ}C$ and 64$^{\circ}C$, respectively, and the average temperature of inlet air was higher than that of conventional one by 18$^{\circ}C$.

      • Quinclorac제제 제초제가 연초생육에 미치는 영향

        진정의,이철환,이승철,Jin, Jeong-Eui,Lee, Chul-Hwan,Lee, Seong-Chul 한국연초학회 1994 한국연초학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        This study was aimed at finding out the effect of herbicide quinclorac (3, 7-dichloro-8- quinoline carbxylic acid) on tobacco culture in paddy soil. Herbicides quinclorac(Pozol, Pulta and Tomata) was randomly applied to subdivided paddy soil in Sep. 1992, and tobacco seedlings were transplanted to the field when seedling averaged 2cm in height in April 1993. Experiment plots were divided into non - treatment, standard(3kg/10a) and two times(6kg/10a) in amounts for each three herbicides. The symptoms of damage from herbicide were sighted when the plants had developed 8-9 leaves at 30 day after transplanting in standard amount plots, and when the plants had developed 4-5 leaves at 20 days after transplanting in two times treatments. The new leaves from damaged plants were bended out, and leaf color changed from green to dark - green, and then gradually advanced to abnormal narrow leaves. Standard treatments of herbicides showed a decrease of 18% in price per kg, 18% in yield and 33% in value per 10a than those of non - treatment, while two times treatments showed a decrease of 33%, 29%, 52% compared with non - treatment, respectively.

      • 황색종 연초의 세균성마름병 저항성품종 육성을 위한 육종방법 비교

        진정의,고미석 한국연초학회 1987 한국연초학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        Lines were developed from the two crosses, BY4 X NC 82 and BY 4 X BY 104, by bulk, backcross and anther-derived dihaploid methods of breeding , and their variations in major agronomic, chemical characters, heritability, and response to selection were compared. 1. The anther-derived dihaploid lines showed a greater genetic variability and heritability in characters investigated than the lines developed by the other two methods of breeding . However, those were Inferior In agronomic characters and yielded 15.4% less leaf tobacco than the lines developed by the bulk method. 2. The lines developed by bulk method were higher In the frequency of lines resistant to bacterial wilt and in the yield, but Its lines appeared later flowering. inferior leaf Quality, and higher total nitrogen contents than those developed by the backcross method of breeding. 3. In the population of the lines developed by the backcross method, bacterial wilt resistant lines were less frequent, but the lines with a good leaf quality were more frequent.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중국과 북한에서 시장-자본 메카니즘의 변용과 지속 -국가자본주의 시각을 중심으로-

        진정미 ( Chung Mee Chin ) 한중사회과학학회 2014 한중사회과학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 논문은 전체론적 구조주의(structural holism)와 복합계이론(complex system)을 적용하여 세계체제론(the World-System)적 시각에서 북한의 개혁개방 가능성을 변증적으로 연구한 것이다. 중국의 개혁개방은 자본주의 시장경제와의 연계과정에서 가능했다. 중국의 시장경제로의 진화과정은 점진적으로 진행되었고, 이 체제전환과정에서 국가권력이 강력하게 작용하여 국가자본주의로 성장했다. 물론 시장경제 기능은 때때로 경제성장을 강화하거나 약화시키는 두 가지 속성을 가지고 있다. 과거 공산주의권 국가들이 실패했던 것과 마찬가지로 북한의 중앙집권적 계획경제가 성공할 수는 없는 이유는 물질적 인센티브제도가 부재한 경제시스템은 생산력을 제고시키는데 한계가 있기 때문이다. 북한정권의 체제전환 가능성은 시장 메카니즘의 수용을 통해 국가주도의 시장 통제와 자원배분을 하는 중국식 국가자본주의모델로 진화될 가능성이 크다. 이러한 국가자본주의 시스템하에서는 강력한 당-정 시스템을 통해 국가의 이윤을 극대화하려는 정치적 목적의 시장 메카니즘을 수용 함으로서 다양한 시장경제요소들을 발전시키는 것이다. This paper is an attempt to understand the changes of the DPRK`s state-capitalist system and state-socialist system. Basic viewpoints in this study are structural holism perspectives in the World-System and complex system approaches. Since the Red Revolution in 1949 the development path of Chinese communism system followed 3 steps: the withdrawal of the capitalist world economy, the performance of the traditional socialist programs, and the reintegration with the capitalist world economy. By adopting market allocation mechanism to public ownership system in 1980s and by instituting 1-nation-2-systems in 1990s, China created a new political economy system, what are Chinese Socialism Market Economy. Strictly speaking, this new Chinese system can be regarded as a state-capitalist system rather than a state-socialist system in the World Economy system. In this system, communist governments use various kinds of state-owned companies to manage the exploitation of resources for the state`s crown jewels, and to create and maintain large numbers of jobs. They may utilize elaborately selected and fostered private-owned companies to improve efficiencies and to strengthen global competitive powers. The sovereign wealth funds can be invested to outside world to maximize the state`s profits. The State as a whole behaves like a private economic unit seeking for fortune in international trades and investments fields in the World System. Whether the ultimate goal of the State be economic or political, it can be categorized as a state-capitalist system. The writer suggests that the DPRK should follow the Chinese-style of self-revolution procedure, leading to a market-driven state-capitalism system. Through trials and errors in communism history, leaders of the DPRK might have learned that the Chinese-style state-capitalism to be essential to DPRK`s survival and development.


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