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      • 한글 완성형 고딕 Open style 글자꼴에 관한 연구

        정희모 경성대학교 멀티미디어정보예술대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We see and use "letters" in newspapers and E-mail every day, but we only see them as something that makes up words and sentences. We hardly pay attention to the styles and sizes of the letters while we look at them. There is no doubt about the fact that Hangul is one of the most scientific and reasonable languages in the word. It is very regrettable that we have neglected to diversify the images of Hangul for the past half a century, beacase Hangil letters have been created in the mold of squares and most of the styles are still created that way. For the reason, it has been pointed out that the mold of squares brings about the irregularity of space and the monotony images. In this situation, this study completed Hangul completed forms of letters with the motive of kyunchul Gothic style and with the foundation oh five horizontal lines. It is part of the study on the creation of Hangul's [completed form of letters for horizontal writing]. Morever, the change in the thickness and space of the existing styles created a new family of Gothic letters and Open Style, which differentiates itself from basic letter types, was also studied. Abig change in the main charateristics of Gothic style was pursued by analyzing the Open style of Korean styles, English styles, and Logo styles. The general images have come to show diverse changes just by changing the thickness of letters, though the structure of basic styles stayed unchanged. The new style was set up and designed for the use of subtitles. It turned out that the change in the main frame of styles and the serif gives coutents unique images and strong impression. As the information communication becomes more important day by day with the advent of in formation age, diversifying the styles of Korean letters is urgent and crucial more than ever. The study on the development of styles has to be continued in the future and this study might be helpful for those who have started studying the styles of Korean letters.

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