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        漢代 北方지역에 나타난 縣城의 置廢

        유영아(劉英雅) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2016 역사문화연구 Vol.57 No.-

        縣城은 秦漢의 郡縣化•集權化되는 과정에서 國家의 政治勸力이 침투하는 가장末端의 行政組織이다. 이는 商周시대 이후 點在되어 있던 都市國家가 秦漢시기領域支配의 단계로 점차 擴大되어 가는 과정 속에서 勸力이 집중되는 장소는 城郭集落인 縣城이 중심이 된다는 것을 의미한다. 그렇기 때문에 縣城이 어떻게 존재하느냐를 고찰하는 것은 國家勸力이 어떻게 관철되었는지를 보여주는 지표가된다. 縣城이 어떠한 발생과정을 거쳐서 성립하였는가에 관한 연구 중에서 木村正雄이 제시한 연구방법을 이용하여 前漢과 後漢의 현성의 위치를 비교하였다.단 기존 木村正雄은 縣이 位置하는 지역의 立地條件과 生産體制의 관계에 注目하여 廢縣의 상황을 설명하고 있었다면 여기서는 縣의 置廢가 지역에 나타난 공통되거나 혹은 다른 경향을 찾아보고자 하였다. 그 방법은 後漢 初에도 縣城으로서유지되고 있는 상황에 주의하면서 後漢初期 혼란으로 인하여 縣城이 省廢되는 상황이 있었지만 여전히 폐지되지 않고 유지되는 縣城 혹은 그것을 유지시키도록하는 상황이 있었다고 할 수 있다.그 결과 北方邊郡은 비록 많은 廢縣이 이루어졌지만 漢王朝는 그 지역을 경영하기 위한 노력을 포기하지는 않았다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 前•後漢의 郡治의 移動 상황을 보면 많은 郡들이 남쪽으로 후퇴하였지만 北地郡과 朔方郡은西北방향으로 옮겨서 여전히 오아시스 灌漑 경영을 유지하고자 하였으며 匈奴와의 전략에서 중요한 역할을 했던 전략적인 교통로가 단절되고 都尉에 의한 방어선이 무너지는 곳도 있었지만 內徙된 郡을 經營하기 위해서 都尉의 治所를 둔 縣城을 배치하는 노력도 계속되었다고 할 수 있다. 縣城是秦漢時期郡縣化•集權化形成過程中體現國家政治權利的最末端行政組織。這意味著自商周時代以後以點分佈的城市或國家在向秦漢時期的領域支配階段擴大的過程中作為城郭集落的縣城成為其擴大的中心。因此考察縣城的存在形態是可以體現國家權利貫徹方式的標誌。關於縣城經歷怎樣的發展過程而成立的各項研究中,木村正雄提出過一系列的研究方法,本文將利用該研究方法,對前後漢的縣城位置進行比較。木村正雄的研究中,重點在於說明設立縣城該區域的立地條件與生產體制的關係,而本文將試圖尋找縣城置廢區域所體現的共同點或不同的傾向。本文研究方法旨在於觀察後漢初期縣城維持的情況,以證明後漢初期由於政局動蕩,省廢的縣城以及維持如前的縣城或試圖維持的縣城的存在。研究結果表明,雖然北方邊郡地域的廢縣比較多,但是依然可以發現漢王朝對該地域並未放棄對經營該地域做出了努力的事實。對於前•後漢郡治移動情況的研究結果表明,許多郡雖然向南退移,但是北地郡與朔方郡向西北方向的遷移表明,漢王朝統治者試圖維持對綠洲灌溉的經營。並且在對匈奴的戰略中,雖然起到過重要作用的戰略性交通要道被阻斷以及依靠都尉府建立的防線部分淪陷,但是為了經營內徙郡城,漢王朝統治者依然做出過設立都尉治所(都尉府)縣城的努力。

      • KCI등재

        급성신우신염 환자의 항생제 사용 및 경제성에 관한 연구

        유영인,안혜원,김주휘,윤덕심,황광서 한국병원약사회 1997 병원약사회지 Vol.14 No.2

        In order to evaluate the cost of hospitalization for anti-infective therapy against acute pyelonephrites(APN), we performed a retrospective study on the therapeutic regimens for the patients(pt) diagnosed and admitted to a 600-bed teaching hospital in Korea. The regimen of each pt was compared to the published guidelines of ten areas on initiation, selection, and follow-up. All comparisons were performed with t-test and the level of significance was set at p<0.05. Among 170 APN pts treated between 1992 and 1994, 112pts(65.9%) were analyzed excluding pts with either complications, immunosuppression or age less than 18months old. 99pts(88.4%) were female with 53pts (female 47) between 21-40years old in agreement with the reports that pts with APN were predominantly female younger than 50y.o. Therapeutic regimen in 45pts(40.2%) was completely in agreement with all ten areas of the guidelines, 66pts (58.9%) in more than 9 areas and 96pts(85.7%) in more than 8 areas. Frequently ignored areas were usage of aminoglycosides(65.1%), antibiotic therapy duration(27.6%), and transition to an appropriate oral antibiotic agent(22.9%). Most interestingly, pt's hospital stay was extened significantly by 1.2days (20%, p<0.05), when any area of guidelines was not observed. Therefore, violation of guidelines raised the cost of all the drugs by 32.9%(11.9%/day), and that of antibiotic, by 38.6%(16.6%/day). Inclusion of the admixture service fee of \748 IM or \904 for IV blunted the differeneces. Our analysis clearly shows that the appropriate antibiotic use suitable to criteria reduced cost of treating APN including hospitalization period. Furthermore, since the total cost of the therapy is dependent on that of the labor others, rising rapidly in the developing countries, a further evaluation is required for the successful pharmaceutical care.

      • KCI등재

        병원약사의 의식구조에 관한 조사

        유영인,노정옥,조송자 한국병원약사회 1994 병원약사회지 Vol.11 No.4

        This study was designed to analyze the way of thinking of hospital pharmacists. The purpose of the study was to investigate professional sense and difficulties of hospital pharmacists, and suggest for an improvement. This study was carried out by making up a questionnaire to hospital pharmacists who worked on university hospitals and general hospitals with more than a hundred beds in Seoul, Pusan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, and Kwangju, The questionnaires were returned from 839 hospital pharmacists and analyzed. The results were as follows. Only 13.2% of hospital pharmacists were satisfied with their hospitals. The main cause of unsatisfaction was their small pay (60.3%). So 74.1% of them demanded a raise of salay and the improvement of labor conditions. Nevertheless, 66.5% of them preferred to resign the right rather than to push on their demand to the last. Moreover, only 25% of them joined a labor union. 73.8% of them ere not attached to their job at all and did not want to become a pharmacist if they have a chance to choose a job again. Only 26.3% of them thought their positions as a lifelong job. About a half of them wanted to go a postgraduate course in future and pointed out to accumulate a store of knowledgement and information via activation of Drug Information Center. However, many of them usually had not joined an seminar, SIG and other academic meetings. In conclusion, hospital pharmacists were depressed with a low pay and bad labor conditions such as overwork. We suggest the Korean Society of Hospital Pharmacists have to make an effort to improve the right of hospital pharmacists and make programs to assure and elevate the quality of them. Additionally, the hospital pharmacists themselves should make an effort to improve the their right and cultivate their ability.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사이버 공급망 보안 관점의 국가 정보보안 기본지침 개선방안 연구

        유영인,배선하,김소정,김동희,You, Young-in,Bae, Sunha,Kim, So Jeong,Kim, Dong Hee 한국정보보호학회 2022 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.32 No.2

        전(全) 산업 분야에서 ICT 융합화가 진행되고 공급망의 글로벌 생태조성이 가속화됨에 따라, 공급망 위험 또한 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 특히, ICT 제품의 공급망은 관리해야 할 기술적·환경적 요인들이 매우 복잡하여, 전체 생명주기에 걸친 투명한 관리가 어렵다. 이에 미국·영국·EU 등 세계 주요국과 국제연합은 ICT 제품 공급망 대상의 사이버 공급망 보안 관련 연구와 정책을 수행·수립 중이다. 우리나라도 2019년 발표한 국가사이버안보전략의 기본계획 내에 주요 ICT 장비의 공급망 보안을 위한 관리체계를 구축하는 등 현안으로써 추진하고 있으나, 국가·공공기관을 위한 조직·기관 수준의 정책은 아직 부재한 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 미국의 사이버 공급망 보안 관리체계를 검토하여, 사이버 공급망 보안 관점의 우리나라 국가 정보보안 기본지침 보완방안을 제시한다. 이는 국내 정보보안 분야에서 도입 가능한 사이버 공급망 조치사항의 참고 자료가 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        생태농업공동체의 청년 귀농정착 지원 경험: 전라남도 곡성군 항꾸네협동조합의 ‘청년 자자공’을 중심으로

        유영인,한창근 사단법인 사회적기업학회 2023 사회적기업연구 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 생태농업공동체의 청년 귀농정착 지원 경험을 심층적으로 분석하는 것을 목적으로, 전라남도 곡성군 겸면에 위치한 항꾸네협동조합에서 운영한 ‘청년 자자공(자연, 자립, 공유)’프로그램을 사례로 질적연구를 수행하였다. 주요 분석 대상은 해당 프로그램을 기획·운영한 기조합원과 이를 통해 지역에 정착한 청년 귀농인이다. 분석결과 생태농업공동체는 생태적 삶에 대한 가치와 사회적 농업의 원리로 청년들의 귀농정착 프로그램을준비하고 운영했다. 대안적 삶을 모색하던 청년들은 이곳에서 약 1년간 머무르며 농업기술과 자급자족의가치를 체득하며 정착을 결정했다. 정착 이후 청년들은 변화한 삶의 방식에 만족을 느끼고 있었으며, 공동체와 지역사회는 청년의 정착과 적극적인 사회참여로 인해 새로운 가능성을 마주하게 되었다. 청년 귀농정착의 지속적인 확산을 위한 함의점으로, 소득농 중심의 지원방식에서 벗어나 다양한 가치를 반영한 지원제도의 설계, 지역에서 청년 귀농정착을 도울 유·무형의 사회적 자본 구축, 안정적인 주거 환경보장을 위한 정부 및 지자체의 적극적인 개입 필요성 등을 제시하였다. This study aims to provide the in-depth understanding of the ecologicalfarming community’s experiences of supporting youth return to farming. Thisqualitative case study was conducted based on “the Youth Jajagong(nature, self-reliance and sharing) Program” operated by Hangkune Cooperativelocated in Gyeom-myeon, Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do. The main subjects arethe union members who planned and operated the program and the youngfarmers who settled in the region through this program. As a result, theeco-agricultural community operated the program with the value of ecologicallife and the principle of social agriculture. The youth who had been seeking alternative life styles stayed here for abouta year and decided to settle down. After settling down, the youth have beensatisfied with their changed way of life, and they found new possibilitiesthrough the youth’s settlement and their active participation in the society. The findings suggest the importance of designing the support programreflecting different values away from former way of supporting mainly focus onagri-business and establishing tangible and intangible social capital for helpingyounger generation returning to farming. Furthermore, this study suggestsmore active step-ins of the government to the guaranteed residentialenvironment for the series of expansion to the youth’s returning to farming.

      • 弘巖 羅喆의 弘益思想

        유영인 국학연구소 2005 국학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the idea of life of Hong Am Ra Cheol in terms of the idea of devotion to the welfare of mankind. Ra Cheol was the figure who led a hard life when his country was severely threatened by outer forces both spiritually and physically. Under this undesirable living conditions, he played a active role in activities for restoring his country's independence like ordinary patriots. However, through his dramatic encounter with Daejonggyo he came to realize that political activities by force were nothing but meaningless ones by secular principles. And then Ra Cheol, who had come to look different from what he used to be, devoted himself to the religious movement for Daejonggyo on the basis of the belief that only ethical orders can govern and change the world profoundly. His religious movement for Daejonggyo was meant to contribute to the universal interest of all human beings in accordance with universality beyond particular religious sects and particular nations. So far Ra Cheol has been accepted as the Father of Korea independence movement in terms of politics, and as the figure who revived the movement of Korean studies for the purpose of awaking the cultural independence of Korea in terms of Korean culture. However, from whichever viewpoint he is measured, what matters is his system of idea inherent in the movements. The essence of Ra Cheol' idea was the systematic idea of Daejonggyo, which had been shaped by the process of his encountering Daejonggyo. The idea of Daejonggyo is called「the idea of Sam-Il」, whose religious world view consists of God, human beings, and things. It is「the idea of Sam-Il」that lies in the core of the idea of Ra Cheol. This idea of Ra Cheol served as the dynamic which sublimated the Korean independence movement into the higher level not by military force but by the principle of love based on the laws of nature. Also Ra Cheol's idea formed the philosophical basis of Korean Studies, which is on the basis of Korean literature, Korean history, and Korean philosophy. The idea of Ra Cheol functioned as the motive power for the modern Korean independence movement and the self-independent cultural movement called Korean Studies. In addition, Ra Cheol was the figure who made the original meaning of「evotion to the welfare of mankind」take concrete shape most faithfully. Based on the realization of religious truth represented as the idea of Sam-Il, Hong Am Ra Cheol put into practice the practical theory of the idea of evotion to the welfare of mankind, which is made up of the worship of the Heaven, the practice of our own's natures, and doing virtues in obedience to the Heavenly God's order.

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