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      • L.V.Beethoven Piano Sonata Op.110에 대한 作品分析 硏究

        손석헌 安東大學校 大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Ludwig van Beethoven (Germany.1770-1827), a representative composer of classical period is known as a great composer. He completed the classical period and opened the romantic period of music. He finished the traditional characteristics of classicism such as formality, objectivity and accuracy. He also successfully unified variation and fuga technique in the form of sonata through his desire to be free from formality. It had a great influence on the later composers to use these romantic elements to express the personal emotion and individuality he adopted. In his third period, his originality and an artistic temperature became more deep in piano sonata op.110. We can say that profundity and creativity were expressed well in this composition. The artistic characteristics of this work are as follows. He tried to reform many musical elements the first movement, for example composing of the free form of sonata separate from classical frame and the use of lyrical subject melody. In the third movement, the relation with fuga subject and shorter developed part than any other sonata. In addition, it resembles romantic music in the fact that he adopted an abundantly beautiful melody with Enharmonic - tone modulation and brilliant trill. In the second movement, he used the fast scherzo movement instead of the usual slow one. It was characterised by the popular folk-song melody, the romantic and chromatic modulation for harmony, and frequent syncopation for rhythm. In the third movement, he used free technique in the form of sonata out of his desire to be free from the formality. Impromptue recitative, Arioso and fuga departing from the strict counterpoint in baroque is full of the expression of Beethoven's originality and artistic temperature.

      • 中國建設産業 현황 분석 및 국내 建設 엔지니어링의 대응전략에 관한 연구

        손석헌 서울産業大學校 住宅大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        21세기에 들어 우리 경제의 구조조정이 어느 정도 마무리되는 시점에서 세계적인 경기침체와 맞물리며 우리나라의 외국인 투자 증가율은 급격히 하락하고 있다. 또한, 중국이 WTO 정식회원국이 되면서 우리나라에 진출하고 있는 외자의 유출 가능성이 날로 확대되고 있다. 따라서 어느 때 보다 외자유치 확대를 위한 노력과 새로운 투자원 발굴이 시급한 상황이라 볼 수 있다. 세계 건설시장 환경의 변화에 따라 해외건설 사업의 중장기적인 활성화 방안 마련과 최근 대규모 투자 사업과 대외 개방을 추진하고 있는 중국 건설시장에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있는 가운데 무한한 성장 잠재력을 지닌 중국 경제는 2000년부터 본격적인 경기 회복세를 보여 2001년에 7.3%의 경제성장률을 달성하였다. SOC 투자 확대를 위한 재정 지출 증가로 인해 고정자산투자는 13.0%가 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 중국의 이러한 높은 경제성장률과 고정자산 투자 증가율은 중장기적으로도 지속될 것으로 전망하고 있다. 하지만, 최근의 국내 건설엔지니어링업체의 해외수주실적은 매년 약 1/2이상씩 감소하고 있고, 우리나라 보다 기술력이 낮을 것이라 인식되는 중국마저 오래 전에 한국의 해외수주실적을 추월하여 이에 대한 발전 방향을 모색해야 할 필요가 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 중국의 건설산업의 현황과 해외투자 및 영향을 조사하여, 국내 건설업체의 대응방안을 수립할 수 있도록 하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 문헌연구와 투자규모의 현황 및 중국정책발표내용을 기반으로 중국경제 및 건설산업에 대한 성장과정을 분석하여 우리의 건설 산업이 당면해 있는 문제를 도출하였다. 또한, 각 국가 및 기업별로 중국진출의 전략방향을 통하여 국내 건설의 경쟁책 향상방안을 제시하였으며 이상의 과정을 통해 도출된 연구결과로 국내건설엔지니어링의 대응방향의 중요성을 살펴보았다. 주요연구 분석결과는 아래와 같다. 중국의 성장 기조는 투자 확대, 수출 증가, 물가 안정 등의 외적인 요소에 의한 것으로 평가받고 있어 생산성 향상에 의한 자체적인 경제 원동력은 의문으로 남아 있다. 그러나 최근 세계적인 불황 속에서도 지속적인 성장세를 보인 중국의 경제는 당분간 상승세를 지속할 것이 확실하다. 또한, 중국의 건설기업은 생산과 효율 측면에서 모두 빠르게 성장하고 있다. 2003년 상반기, 중국정부의 적극적인 재정정책을 통하여, 국민경제는 안정적인 증가추세를 보였고, 고정자산 투자는 지속적으로 고속 성장하였다. 이러한 중국의 건설 산업 경쟁력을 제한하는 요인으로는 노동생산성의 저하, 기술수준의 저하, 산업고도화에 따른 실업문제와 위험관리의 수준 문제 등이 있다. 중국의 건설시장은 제 8차 5개년계획(1991~1995) 기간에 덩샤오핑의 남순강화와 제 14대 전당대회 이후 전면적인 개혁·개방을 실시하면서 건설 및 부동산 개발 사업도 최고속도의 발전을 기록하였다. 한편, 맹목적인 난개발, 이미지 형성을 위한 낭비적 건설공정, 자원낭비 등의 문제제기가 갈수록 빈번하게 제기되고 있으나 중국정부의 고정자산투자 정책은 향후 수개월 또는 더욱 장기간 동안 건설업이 빠른 속도로 성장할 것으로 전망된다. 중국의 건설시장의 발전추세를 보면, 새로운 발전시기가 도래하고 있음을 할 수 있다. 예컨대, '십오계획', WTO 가입, 베이징 올림픽, 상하이 세계박람회 개최 등은 베이징과 상하이 등 국제대도시 및 적구의 도시건설에 박차를 가하게 될 것이며 시공기업에 좋은 기회를 제공하게 될 것이다. 국제경쟁력면에서 중국은 우수한 시공 능력과 저렴한 가격적 이점으로 그 범위를 확대해 나가고 있다. 특히, 토목엔지니어링부문과 건설산업에서 있어서 더욱 앞서는데 노동시장에서의 낮은 비용과 해외건설에서의 축적된 경험을 바탕으로 국제경쟁력을 갖춰가고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 중국의 세계건설시장 점유율은 과거 94년 3.1%에서 점차적으로 증가하여 2001년 5.6%의 점유율을 기록했다. 중국산업에 대한 국내전략은 단기적으로는 제휴 파트너로, 중장기적으로는 중국시장에 컨소시엄으로 진출하는 방안을 모색할 수도 있을 것이다. 또한, 정부는 미래에 시장성이 큰 상품 발굴, 지역별 시장의 규모 등에 따라 해외협력기금을 지원하는 정책을 펴야 할 것이다. 개별기업과 정부는 해외시장에 대한 정보를 공유해야 하며, 단위 사업이 아닌 지역별, 상품별 시장의 규모, 해당 국가의 발주제도 및 건설산업에 영향력을 가지고 있는 기관과 인사에 대한 정보공유가 이루어져야 한다. 한국기업의 진출전략은 국내의 경제여건변동을 통해 건설투자방향과 수요변동을 살펴보고, 그에 따른 건설정책변동을 예측하여 기업의 진출계획을 세워야한다. 이러한 계획은 단기, 중장기, 장기적으로 계획하되 각 부문기술을 평가하여 성과별로 측정한다. 이러한 계획에서 정부 및 기업의 대응방안으로는 기업의 현지화전략과 제휴화방안을 수립하고, 정부의 금융지원과 외교정책이 수반되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 중국건설산업의 다양한 분야에 대해 조사하여 국내건설엔지니어링의 경쟁력 향상을 위한 적용 가능성을 분석한 결과 다음의 결론을 얻었다. 중국 건설산업 성장요인은 최근 국민총생산액이 2000년 대비 9.5%성장과 외국인 투자가 1995년 대비 2배로 증가하면서 적합한 건설업 환경의 조성으로 주택건설 투자가 매년 20% 증가하였다. 중국의 비국유 사영경제 및 시장경제 도입에 따른 저렴한 가격과 노동력의 양적 성장에 대해 국내 건설시장의 선진화된 고품질과 기술력의 질적 개발이 필요하다. 또한, 중국의 철강, 시멘트 산업의 투자 및 생산력 확대에 따라 국내건설산업체의 SOC투자 확대 및 중국 현지 생산 시설 추진에 따른 생산 기술과 고부가가치의 제품에 대한 기술을 확대가 필요하다. 중국 건설기계산업내 생산력 대부분을 외자기업이 주도함에 따라 국내 건설기계산업의 신제품 개발 및 관리 시스템의 전문화 도입으로 중국의 외자기업시장점유율에 대해 경쟁력을 높인다. 또한, 국내 건설산업의 경쟁력 강화로 입찰 및 발주제도의 합리적 개선을 통해 건설환경을 개선한다. 국내 건설 시공기술 및 건설 산업 고부가가치 육성을 위해 전문 인력양성과 기술개발로 건설 산업의 해외 경쟁력을 강화한다. 그리고 중국 건설업체의 성장에 대해 한국정부는 금융지원책과 건설외교를 바탕으로 국내기업의 현지화 조사를 강화하고, 금융여건 급변에 따른 신경영 체제를 확립하는 전략적 대응책이 필요하다. 본 연구에서 제시한 중국건설산업에 대한 국내 건설엔지니어링의 대응방향은 중국건설기업의 투자 및 개발의 특징과 기술발전 전략을 분석함으로써 국내 건설업체의 해외경쟁력 강화를 위한 좀 더 체계적인 해결방안을 제안하였고, 중국진출방향과 건설투자에 필요한 실질적인 운영전략을 제공하는 기반으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study has developed on the purpose of establishing the sufficient devices for growth in Korean construction industry by investigating present conditions of domestic construction enterprises and the foreign investments and factors in China. Based on research documents, this study revealed several issues such as the participation of foreign investments in Korean construction industry and a new policy that deals with the economic environment and the construction business analysis. Furthermore, this study focused on the international competitive growth in Korean construction industry by analyzing strategic advance to China from several countries and even further from construction companies. Consequently, this research intended to emphasize on the importance of the next step of the internal construction engineering in Korea. Since reaching more than the 8 percent average in GNP in 2000, the growth rate in China has increased even more to 9.1 percent in 2003 and to 9.5 percent in 2004. The main factors of the growth are estimated as such, the spread of investments, the increase in export, the price stabilization, therefore, it raises a question about the driving force of the Chinese economy. Keeping up with the driving force of the Chinese economy is substantial despite the current world-wide depression. The construction industry in China is rapidly growing in terms of the production and its efficiency. The first half of 2003, GNP in China increased continuously because of a positive financial policy by the Chinese government and the fixed-assets investment. However, lower labor productivity and the technology standard, the unemployment rate by higher level industries, and the level of risk management worked as limitations of the construction competitiveness in China. The main characteristic of the construction and the real estate market in China is that its government maintains a landholding system concurrence with civilian. The government interferes in land development strictly. In other words, the government's strong influence is quite significant. The main enterprises that are established by the government face significant items in the construction market of China as well. They attract even public attention as the best enterprises in the world. During the eighth 5-year plan from 1991 to 1995, the Chinese construction market recorded a rapid growth due to the Deng Xiaoping's peace and open-up policies and the fourteenth national convention. In the meantime, a blind developing and wasteful construction progress has caused some problems frequently. However, the building industry remains robust after months or over due to the fixed-assets investment policy. Seen from the development trend in the construction market in China, it appears that it is performed at a full fledged scale development. For instance, owing to the plan of October 5th, in WTO, the Beijing-Olympics and the open Shanghai-international exhibition, China can establish a city of the international metropolis such as Beijing and Shanghai as well as take a good opportunity. After 1997 We building industry of China preceded over Korea except for the chemical and nuclear facilities that require the advanced technology. In the aspect of the international competitiveness, China expands its area abroad having a construction capability and low cost advantage. Low wages and having a long experience of overseas construction projects, in parts of the civil engineering and building industry, especially are worthy of notice. As shown in the table 4-35 below, China recorded substantial market share of construction part in the world, increased 5.6 percent in 2001 since 3.1 percent in 1994 gradually. In the part of transportation, water resource and plant facilities, Korean construction capability is estimated higher than that of China. In the dam-construction particularly, due to the high using rate of heavy equipment, the low Chinese labor cost is not applicable. Our counterplot toward Chinese industry have focused on the short-run working in alliance with our partners and then on the long-run, formulating a plan to organize a consortium to the Chinese market. Moreover, our government should practice policy of finding higher value-added businesses, and assist on the International Cooperation Fund at the regional scale of market. Both individual enterprises and the government should share information on the worldwide market, and the goods's scale and the accommodation that has a great influence on the bidding system of each country or the building industry. The Korean strategy for the foreign markets is to examine the direction of the construction investment and changing demand through the domestic condition of economic fluctuation. After estimating political changes according to the results, it should make an advanced plan of enterprise. In this plan, it is unnecessary to measure the result after estimating a department of technology, simultaneously with planning on the short-run and on the long-run. In that plan, mapping the actual place out, as a strategy, and formulating a cooperation policy, supporting finance from the government and using diplomacy technically should be set down. In conclusion, by finding some applicable possibilities in Chinese construction industry for the improvement of economic power from the domestic construction engineering. Firstly, the factors of Chinese construction industry are recently increased GNP rate of economic growth of 9.5 percent compared in 2000 and foreign investments that increased twice from 1995. Because of the suitable construction environment, housing build investments increased 20 percent per year. Secondly, due to individual economy and induction of economy market, it gains a low cost and growth of labor power quantitatively, and necessary to develop advanced high quality and qualitative improvement of technology. Thirdly, according to the Chinese investment of steel, cement industry and productive capacity, it is necessary to develop productive and higher value-add skills because of the spread of SOC investment of domestic construction company and the driving force of facilities for production. Fourthly, the most part of the Chinese construction equipment industry is led by foreign companies. It is necessary to strengthen the competitiveness of market share over foreign companies in China by new product development of a construction machine industry and specialized management system. Fifthly, in order to increase domestic construction industry competitiveness, it needs to improve a construction bidding system rationally based on reasonable change for the better tender and order system. Furthermore, it is necessary to educate specialist and study a technology development to foster construction engineering and international competitiveness. Finally, considering the growth of Chinese construction companies, Koren government need, to plan strategically, based on financial supporting policy and trade abroad of building, while reinforcing survey of localized internal enterprises and establishing a new economic structure according to the rapidly changing of financial condition. The suggestion of this study for the construction industry in China is to analyze the investment Chinese construction company and to explore, characteristic development and technical strategy. As the result, it provides systematic solution plans for the Korean over China, a giving practical management strategy. Future studies is necessary to analyze economical logicality efficiently, invest and consider a strategic plan for improvement of internal engineering about Chinese construction industry.

      • 循環 잔骨材와 鑛物質 混和材의 反應性을 活用한 無 시멘트 모르타르의 開發

        손석헌 청주대학교 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was performed to recycle the construction waste and the industrial by-product in line with the national development strategy of 「Low Carbon Green Growth」 and to reduce the cement consumption which emits large volume of CO2. In the other words, it is to review the strength development in the mortar of zero cement condition which did not use the cement at all with utilizing the reaction of the alkali which is eluted from non-hydrated cement, BS and FA which are another industrial by product and mineral mixture, futhermore, to provide the basic technical data in case of application to the practical work and the effective utilization idea in the future. 1) The W/B selection result depending on the target flow of the characteristics of the fresh mortar indicated similar trend regardless of the type of the mineral mixture. It showed the gradually increasing trend as the mix proportion and the flow increase. Also the W/B selection in case of RP contents showed the increasing trend due to the high absorption ratio and the power level of RP itself as the contents increased regardless the type of the mineral material mixture. On the other hand, the air contents showed the decreasing trend as the mix proportion and the flow increased regardless of the mineral material mixture type. The air volume in case of RP contents displayed the increasing trend as the RP contents increased regardless of the mineral material mixture type. 2) The compressive strength in case of adopting the BS as the characteristics of the hardening mortar indicated the inversely proportional reduction as the flow increased in the entire age and it was increased proportionally as the B/W increased. The difference in the strength was not appeared comparing to the usual cement mortar. The increased gap of the compressive strength was improve by far owing to the latent hydraulic property as the ageing proceeded. In addition, the flex strength was little increased as the B/W increased in entire ageing and the significance was appeared in the poor mix range which was designed with low B/W. 3) The compressive strength of the mortar which substituted the BS with RP up to 0 ~ 100 % of mass percentage indicated the gradually decreasing trend as the RP contents increased. It was shown that the difference depending on the curing temperature was not so high. However, the strength was reduced under 20% in the 7 days of ageing in case of RP 25% and it showed the similar strength data compared with the pure BS when it is reached to 180 days of ageing finally. In addition, the flexural strength showed the similar trend with the compressive strength in general. It is considered as the optimum mix if it is used with contents within 25% because the quality was not degraded distinctively and the waste treatment is available than the case of using BS 100% as the 25% of RP contents showed even higher strength data about by 10% than pure BS. 4) The compressive strength in case of using FA showed the similar trend generally with the case of using BS. But the compressive strength depending on the elapse of ageing did not display the strength before 14 days of ageing and showed the strength dat about 1 ~ 2 MPa at the 28 days of ageing. The case of the FA adopted mortar acquired the acceptable minimum strength as it is beyond the supportive force index standard (1 ∼ 3 MPa) of the ground filling material in spite that it is not suitable for the structure body as the similar strength data was obtained as the ageing proceeds later on. It is considered that the effectiveness will be bigger in the poor mix range than rich mix. 5) The compressive strength of mortar substituted the RP with FA up to 0 ~ 100 % in mass percentage showed gradually increasing trend even though it is low as the RP contents increased generally. The higher strength data was obtained in 35℃ of curing temperature than 20℃. It is considered that utilizing with contents of RP 25 % is acceptable in using for the quality improvement material in the ground filling purpose adopting FA because the case of RP contents 25% showed higher strength data by 10% than case of using pure FA. Accordingly, it is considered that the review on the practical poor mix range is necessary for the secondary product application of the RA adopting BS mortar as the next task and the derivation of the proper mix ratio and the mix strength for the actual production. In addition, the additional performance review is necessary for the ground filling material in case of using RA and FA and it is considered that the review on the harmfulness of the alkali element which is appeared as a problem recently is essential.

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