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      • KCI등재

        語文運動의 社會言語學的 硏究

        南基卓(Nam, Ki-tak) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.168

        This study aims to conceptualizing Korean language Movements as a Social Movements and to verify the nature of them based on this concept, Having explored the various Previous studies, Korean language Movements can be thought of as collectivities acting with some degree of organization and continuity outside of institutional or organizational channels for the purpose of challenging or defending extant authorities and government’s Korean-related issues in the group, organization, society. Literacy movement which the newspapers like he Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo sponsored in the Korean colonial period, have focused on ideas such as nationalism, in order to improve the nation’s pride. But it seems not to carry out properly the purposes of literacy movement. I examined the language standardization that was performed by ‘Joseo neohakhoe(The Korean Language Society)’, and I have the chance to reassess ‘Joseoneohakhoe’s activity’ as a kind of language policies because it was a kind of the academic researches carried out in the colonial period. The Korean language purification movement begun from June 1946 and mainly carried out by the government, can be seen as belonging to a language policy. Conflict between Korean mixed script and Hangul-only advocates have been continued for 70 years because of the confusion of government policy. This required the development of new evidence and the production of pluralistic textbooks for consumer choice in education.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 「韓國史」 교과서의 國語學的 檢討

        南基卓(Nam, Ki-tak) 중앙어문학회 2016 語文論集 Vol.67 No.-

        『韓國史』 교과서 8종을 대상으로 國語史 관련 부분의 敍述內容을 이제까지의 國語史 연구 결과와 連繫하여 分析하는 것이 이 연구의 첫 번째 목적이다. 또 다른 목적은 『韓國史』 교과서 8종의 표기나 표현을 검토하며 정확하게 내용을 표현하고 있는지를 살펴보려고 한다. 즉 『韓國史』 교과서에서의 國語史 서술에 誤謬가 없는지를 內容과 題材面에서 검토하는 것이다. 韓國史 교과서에 실린 國語史 관련 내용을 살펴보면, 첫째는 국어의 系統 관련 설명이고 둘째는 漢字 借字表記, 셋째는 訓民正音 創製, 넷째는 實學 時代의 한글 연구, 다섯째는 20세기 초의 국어 연구, 여섯째는 日帝 强占期의 受難 중에 설명된 朝鮮語學會 사건이다. 또 『韓國史』 교과서 8종은 그동안 여러 전문가들이 校正과 校閱을 하였음에도 불구하고 여전히 表記‧表現의 誤謬를 발견할 수 있었다. 文法이나 맞춤법의 문제뿐만 아니라 用語나 題目의 一貫性 결여도 확인할 수 있었다. This study examines the organization of educational contents pertaining to Korean language history in eight kinds of high school textbooks on Korean history in Korea. Korean language history refers to all the changes that have been made to the Korean language from ancient times to the present. Another goal of this study is to investigate whether there are grammatical and spelling errors in these textbooks. My examination of the contents of the textbooks revealed the following: (1) the origin of Korean accent systems, (2) the Sino-Korean loan writing system, (3) the establishment of Hun Min Jung Um (Hangul), (4) Hangul study through Silhakin thought in the Joseon Dynasty, (5) Korean language study of the early 20th century, and (6) the movements in Korean language institutes under Japanese colonial rule. I also found many errors as well as grammar and spelling issues and lack of consistency in terms or titles in the textbooks. These errors were present despite many experts having performed error corrections on the textbooks.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한자(漢字) 시험(試驗) 출제(出題) 한자어(漢字語) 일고(一考)(이(二)) - 한자어(漢字語)의 출제빈도(出題頻度) 고찰(考察) -

        남기탁 ( Nam Ki-tak ) 한국어문교육연구회 2006 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.34 No.3

        이 글은 <語文硏究> 130호(韓國語文敎育硏究會)의 後續 論文으로 類義語, 相對語, 成語, 略字, 部首 등 출제 항목별 분류를 통한 旣出 漢字(語)의 출제빈도와 傾向을 살펴본 것이다. 全國漢字能力檢定試驗 11개 級數 5개년의 出題物을 가지고 분석하여 본 결과 출제 가능 漢字語의 범위가 제한적이면서도 출제 비중이 높은 항목은 重複 出題率이 70%를 上廻하기도 하였다. 다만 출제 비중이 낮은 항목은 출제 가능 한자어의 범위에 무관하게 重複 出題率은 그다지 높지 않은 것으로 나타난다. 略字와 部首 출제빈도를 살펴본 바 漢字語의 그것과 마찬가지로 역시 빈도가 높은 漢字가 따로 있음을 확인하였다. 검토 결과 한자어나 한자의 重複 出題의 比率을 낮추기 위한 노력이 요구된다. 問題銀行의 도움을 받아 거듭 출제되는 漢字語나 漢字의 비율을 줄이되, 出題者의 手作業도 병행하여 時事性 있는 신선한 問題를 供給하기를 기대해 본다. This paper (Ⅱ) is a succeeding of “A consideration of Sino-Korean words which are realized and occurred in the HANJA Proficiency Test.” This paper is purposed to analyze frequency and tendency of the Sino-Korean words(that is, the Korean words stemmed from Classic Chinese Words) which are realized and occurred in the HANJA Proficiency Test. For our purpose, I analyzed questions according to items(synonym, antonym, four-syllables idiom, a simplified Chinese character etc.), Which has been set for the HANJA Proficiency Test from 2001 to 2005. According to my analysis, Frequency of the Sino-Korean words that is categorized(synonym etc.) also was more than 20%, or even more than 70%. The frequency of repetitions of the Sino-Korean Words, antonym etc. In the HANJA Proficiency means that the HANJA Proficiency Test has shown some problem to be improved. An item pool can become a way to solve a facing problem. But a handwork is necessary to making a fresh question of the Sino-Korean words which include current events.

      • KCI등재

        新語 形成 過程과 再分析

        南基卓(Nam, Ki-tak) 국어국문학회 2013 국어국문학 Vol.- No.163

        The human community is steadily growing and developing, just as the tool we use to communicate: Language. When new inventions and changes enter our lives, we are in the need of naming them and of course to communicate about them. Accounting for speakers’ word-formation needs reanalysis the complex words. In our approach to word-formation, a word formation pattern emphasizes the active role of language users. If a new word, however silly it may be, is used by many speakers of a language, it will probably survive and it can happen that one day, it is an everyday word and entered our dictionaries. Especially in these days, many word creations are spread amongst the language community. Now, abbreviations were and still are everywhere, thanks to the brevity and economical efficiency. In the past and the present, people used ?and still use - a variety of methods to create new words, such as compounding, derivation or shortening. A blending is a combination of two words to create a new one, but Korean sino character should be treated specially. Initialisms and Acronyms are shortenings, build from the initial letters in a phrase or name. Borrowing is the process of actually borrowing words from foreign languages. Other examples for other word formation processes include clippings, with which the word is shortened or folk etymology, where words from other languages are taken and then, over time, people try to make sense of them. So finally, if we take a look around, we will see a mass of new words surrounding us, brought to us both consciously by language trends or advertising and unconsciously through language change over time.

      • KCI등재

        후기중세국어시기의 ‘-에셔’의 形成 過程에 대한 考察

        南基卓(Nam, Ki-tak),趙宰亨(Cho, Chae-hyung) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.58 No.-

        이 글의 目的은 후기중세국어 시기의 문헌에서 발견할 수 있는 副詞格助詞 ‘-에셔’에 대한 기존 논의를 검증하고, 이를 바탕으로 ‘-에셔’의 형성과정을 고찰하는 데에 있다. ‘-에셔’의 形成 過程에 관한 論議들은 ‘-에 이셔’가 축약된 것으로 보는 견해와 ‘시- + -어’가 축약되어 문법화를 거친 ‘-셔’와 ‘-에’가 결합하여 ‘-에셔’가 형성된 것으로 보는 견해로 나누어진다. 본고는 두 논의를 음운론적인 방법과 형태론적인 방법으로 고찰하였고, 통시적인 변화상까지 고려하여 문법화를 거친 ‘-셔’와 ‘-에’가 결합하여 ‘-에셔’가 형성되었다는 것을 증명하였다. The aim of this paper is to inquire into existing theories for the process of formation of Adverbial case marker, ‘-에셔’ in the latter part of Middle Korean and to study on the process of formation of ‘-에셔’. According to existing theories for ‘-에셔’ so far, there are two theories for the process of formation of ‘-에셔’. One is ‘-에 이셔 > -에셔’ and the other is ‘-에+ -셔(<시- + -어)’. Above all, the first one, ‘-에 이셔 > -에셔’, has been considered as a influential one. Of course, the theory ‘-에 이셔 > -에셔’ was arrived at a conclusion through a close investigation about literature on the latter part of Middle Korean. However, we need to verify the theory ‘-에 이셔 > -에셔’ because we have been discovering new literature and the method of study have been recently introduced. So, we try to examine theories for the process of formation of ‘-에셔’ and inquire into the process of formation of ‘-에셔’. To do this, we try to verify the theories and find out the problem of the theory ‘-에 이셔 > -에셔’. Also, we determine that the theory ‘-에 + -셔(<시- + -어)’ is more plausible. Finally, we study the process of formation of ‘-에셔’ that ‘-에셔’ was formed after the grammaticalization of ‘시- + -어 > -셔’ with new materials and new method.

      • KCI등재

        한국어문교육연구회(韓國語文敎育硏究會) 선정(選定) 특급(特級) 배정한자(配定漢字) 대표훈음(代表訓音)에 관한 고찰(Ⅱ)

        남기탁 ( Nam Ki-tak ) 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.2

        本 論文은 <語文硏究> 제36권 제1호(韓國語文敎育硏究會, 2008. 3)에 수록되었던 「韓國語文敎育硏究會 選定 特級 配定漢字 代表訓音에 관한 고찰(Ⅰ)」에 이은 後續論文으로서, 特級 配定漢字 5,978字 가운데 特級Ⅱ 이하의 配定漢字 4,650字를 제외한 特級 專用漢字 1,328字의 代表訓音을 선정하기 위한 試案으로 작성한 글이다. 本攷에서는 1,328字 중, 代表訓音 選定이 어려운 1,051字 가운데, 지난 1次論文에서 발표한 235字를 제외한 나머지 816字 중에서 260字를 論考의 對象으로 삼는다. 기존 발표 論文처럼 國語의 측면에서 보편적·합리적인 訓音을 선정하는 것을 大原則으로 하고, 기존의 (社)韓國語文會·(社)傳統文化硏究會· 主管下에 制定된 敎育漢字 代表訓音 選定에 나타난 選定原則을 기초로 하여, 260字의 漢字들을 典據에 따른 代表訓音과 現代의 言語的 쓰임에 따른 代表訓音으로 나누어서 고찰하였다. This paper succeeds the paper that “A Study of the Key Means and Pronunciations of 1,149 Chinese Characters(Ⅰ), (Ⅱ), (Ⅲ)” in last year as the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 1,328 Hanja(Chinese Characters) which except characters of semi-special degree from 5,978 characters of assignment on highest(special) degree for Nation Wide Hanja Proficiency Test(NWHPT). Many kinds of the dictionary of classical Chinese explained in Korean present the means of Chinese characters differently with each other. It makes many people who studying and learning Chinese characters are thrown into confusion. So this paper is for making out the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 260 characters from 1,328 Chinese Characters of assignment on special degree. And also this intented to setting up the key means and pronuncia-tions according to the authority and use of modern language bases on the general and reasonable rules in Korean like last paper.

      • KCI등재

        한국어문교육연구회(韓國語文敎育硏究會) 선정(選定) 특급(特級) 배정한자(配定漢字) 대표훈음(代表訓音)에 관한 고찰(I)

        남기탁 ( Nam Ki-tak ) 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.1

        漢字敎育과 學習이 원활히 이루어지기 위해서는, 무엇보다도 각 漢字의 뜻과 소리가 분명하게 정해져 있어야 함이 우선되어야 한다. 하지만 國內의 漢字辭典이나 玉篇 등의 字典類에서 제시하고 있는 漢字의 訓音은 각양각색으로 저마다 차이를 드러내고 있는 것이 우리의 현실이다. 本 硏究는 韓國語文敎育硏究會의 特級 配定漢字 5,978字 가운데, 이미 그 代表訓音이 설정되어 있는 特級Ⅱ 이하의 配定漢字 4,650字를 제외한 特級 專用漢字 1,328字의 代表訓音을 선정하기 위한 試案으로서 작성된 것이다. 이를 위하여 本攷에서는 우선 1,328字 가운데 235字를 대상으로 하여, 國語의 측면에서 普遍的이고 合理的인 訓音을 선정하는 것을 大原則으로 하면서, 이들 漢字의 訓音을 典據에 따른 代表訓音과 現代의 言語的 쓰임에 따른 代表訓音으로 나누어서 고찰하였다. This paper succeeds the paper that “A Study of the Key Means and Pronunciations of 1,154 Chinese Characters(Ⅰ), (Ⅱ), (Ⅲ)” in last year as the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 1,328 Hanja(Chinese Characters) which except characters of semi-special degree from 5,978 characters of assignment on highest(special) degree for Nation Wide Hanja Proficiency Test(NWHPT). Many kinds of the dictionary of classical Chinese explained in Korean present the means of Chinese characters differently with each other. It makes many people who studing and learning Chinese characters are thrown into confusion. So this paper is for making out the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 235 characters from 1,328 Chinese Characters of assignment on special degree. And also this intented to setting up the key means and pronunciations according to the authority and use of modern language bases on the general and reasonable rules in Korean like last paper.

      • KCI등재

        한국어문교육연구회(韓國語文敎育硏究會) 선정(選定) 특급(特級) 배정한자(配定漢字) 대표훈음(代表訓音)에 관한 고찰(Ⅲ)

        남기탁 ( Nam Ki-tak ) 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.3

        本 論文은 <語文硏究> 제36권 제1호 및 제2호(韓國語文敎育硏究會, 2008. 3, 2008.6.)에 수록되었던 「韓國語文敎育硏究會 選定 特級 配定漢字 代表訓音에 관한 고찰(Ⅰ), (Ⅱ)」에 이은 後續論文으로서, 特級 配定漢字 5,978字 가운데 特級Ⅱ 이하의 配定漢字 4,650字를 제외한 特級 專用漢字 1,328字의 代表訓音을 선정하기 위한 試案으로 작성한 글이다. 本攷에서는 1,328字 중, 代表訓音 選定이 어려운 1,051字 가운데, 지난 1,2次論文에서 발표한 495字를 제외한 나머지 556字 중에서 180字를 論考의 對象으로 삼는다. 기존 발표 論文처럼 國語의 측면에서 보편적·합리적인 訓音을 선정하는 것을 大原則으로 하고, 기존의 (社)韓國語文會·(社)傳統文化硏究會 主管下에 制定된 敎育漢字 代表訓音 選定에 나타난 選定原則을 기초로 하여, 302字의 漢字들을 典據에 따른 代表訓音과 現代의 言語的 쓰임에 따른 代表訓音으로 나누어서 고찰하였다. This paper succeeds the paper that “A Study of the Key Means and Pronunciations of 1,051 Chinese Characters(Ⅰ), (Ⅱ)” in this year as the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 1,328 Hanja(Chinese Characters) which except characters of semi-special degree from 5,978 characters of assignment on highst(special) degree for Nation Wide Hanja Proficiency Test(NWHPT). Many kinds of the dictionary of classical Chinese explained in Korean present the means of Chinese characters differently with each other. It makes many people who studing and learning Chinese characters are thrown into confusion. So this paper is for making out the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 180 characters from 1,328 Chinese Characters of assignment on special degree. And also this intented to setting up the key means and pronunciations according to the authority and use of modern language bases on the general and reasonable rules in Korean like last paper.

      • KCI등재

        한국어문교육연구회(韓國語文敎育硏究會) 선정(選定) 특급(特級)Ⅱ 배정한자(配定漢字) 대표훈음(代表訓音)에 관한 고찰(Ⅰ)

        남기탁 ( Nam Ki-tak ) 한국어문교육연구회 2007 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.35 No.1

        원활한 漢字敎育을 위해서는, 무엇보다도 각 漢字의 뜻과 소리를 분명하게 정해야 한다. 하지만 國內의 漢字辭典이나 玉篇 등의 字典類에서 제시하고 있는 漢字의 訓音은 각양각색의 차이를 드러내고 있다. 이러한 까닭에 漢字를 가르치는 이나 익히는 이들 모두가 많은 혼란을 겪고 있으며, 이는 漢字를 통한 國語生活에도 적잖은 沮害要素로 작용하게 된다. 本 硏究는 韓國語文敎育硏究會의 特級Ⅱ 配定漢字 4,888字 가운데, 이미 그 代表訓音이 설정되어 있는 1級 이하의 配定漢字 3,500字와 重複字 234字를 제외한 特級Ⅱ 專用漢字 1,154字의 代表訓音을 선정하기 위한 試案으로서 작성된 것이다. 이를 위하여 本攷에서는 우선 1,154字 가운데 226字를 대상으로 하여, 國語의 측면에서 보편적이고 합리적인 訓音을 선정하는 것을 大原則으로 하면서, 이들 漢字의 訓音을 典據에 따른 代表訓音과 現代의 言語的 쓰임에 따른 代表訓音으로 나누어서 고찰하였다. This paper succeeds the paper that “A Study of the Key Means and Pronunciations of 1,145 Chinese Characters (Ⅰ), (Ⅱ)” in last June and September as the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 1,154 Hanja (Chinese Characters) which except char- acters of 1st degree from 4,888 characters of assignment on semi- highst degree for Nation Wide Hanja Proficiency Test (NWHPT). Many kinds of the dictionary of classical Chinese explained in Korean present the means of Chinese characters differently with each other. It makes many people who studing and learning Chinese characters are thrown into confusion. So this paper is for making out the tentative plan of the key means and pronunciations of 226 characters from 1,154 Chinese Characters of assignment on semi-special degree. And also this intented to setting up the key means and pronunciations according to the authority and use of modern language bases on the general and reasonable rules in Korean like last paper.

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