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      • KCI등재후보

        保險契約者의 債權者에 의한 押留 및 推尋命令에 근거한 保險契約 解止 등에 대한 小考

        서재욱 한국금융법학회 2009 金融法硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        Recently, the Supreme court held that it is possible that creditor of policyholder could get the attachment and collection order to all claims relating to insurance contract and surrender the insurance policy thereby directly. However, it is problem that the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy without any consent of policyholder or legal restriction. First of all, in compulsory execution law perspective, the way of surrender value into cash is discussed as three types ; ① surrender the policy by surrogating the policyholder (Korea Civil Act chapter 404), ② special conversion order by court (Korea Civil Compulsory Execution law chapter 241), ③ direct surrender of creditor of policyholder by attachment and collection order. By the way, it is undesirable that the court admits of surrender the policy by surrogating the policyholder or direct surrender of creditor of policyholder by attachment and collection order in view of the nature of surrender value. In addition, at present the amendment bill of commercial act insurance chapter which contain the provision of prohibition on attachment of claim for life insurance is pending. Also in the light of this restriction of attachment, it is problem that the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy. And there are a lot of problems in the light of legal principles of insurance law. Above of all, if the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy without limit, insurance-related person is infringed on their rights unreasonably. Especially, beneficiary must be protected his legal rights in the lights of the nature of insurance contract, and many countries made the statutes that contain the contents of restriction to claim of creditor of policyholder for protecting the beneficiary. Also, it is desirable to admit the character of personal right about surrender insurance contract which is the basis of realization the surrender value. And it is questionable who has the right of claim for surrender value. In my opinion, it is determined one by one by the case who has the right. In conclusion, it is necessary to insert the provision of protection for beneficiary into law or insurance clause, and if necessary, it should be clearly prescribed that creditor of policyholder could not surrender the policy.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 기타 ; 보험계약자(保險契約者)의 채권자(債權者)에 의한 압류(押留)및 추심명령(推尋命令)에 근거한 보험계약(保險契約) 해지(解止) 등에 대한 소고(小考)

        서재욱 ( Jae Wook Seo ) 한국금융법학회 2009 金融法硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        Recently, the Supreme court held that it is possible that creditor of policyholder could get the attachment and collection order to all claims relating to insurance contract and surrender the insurance policy thereby directly. However, it is problem that the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy without any consent of policyholder or legal restriction. First of all, in compulsory execution law perspective, the way of surrender value into cash is discussed as three types; ① surrender the policy by surrogating the policyholder (Korea Civil Act chapter 404), ② special conversion order by court (Korea Civil Compulsory Execution law chapter 241), ③ direct surrender of creditor of policyholder by attachment and collection order. By the way, it is undesirable that the court admits of surrender the policy by surrogating the policyholder or direct surrender of creditor of policyholder by attachment and collection order in view of the nature of surrender value. In addition, at present the amendment bill of commercial act insurance chapter which contain the provision of prohibition on attachment of claim for life insurance is pending. Also in the light of this restriction of attachment, it is problem that the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy. And there are a lot of problems in the light of legal principles of insurance law. Above of all, if the court permits creditor of policyholder to surrender the policy without limit, insurance-related person is infringed on their rights unreasonably. Especially, beneficiary must be protected his legal rights in the lights of the nature of insurance contract, and many countries made the statutes that contain the contents of restriction to claim of creditor of policyholder for protecting the beneficiary. Also, it is desirable to admit the character of personal right about surrender insurance contract which is the basis of realization the surrender value. And it is questionable who has the right of claim for surrender value. In my opinion, it is determined one by one by the case who has the right. In conclusion, it is necessary to insert the provision of protection for beneficiary into law or insurance clause, and if necessary, it should be clearly prescribed that creditor of policyholder could not surrender the policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제형사재판소 관할 범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 법률에 대한 고찰

        김영석 서울국제법연구원 2008 서울국제법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This article is intended to review the South Korean Implementing law of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (hereinafter “ICC Act”). The ICC Act, entitled “Act on the Punishment of the Crimes within the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court” was enacted in December 21, 2007 as Act No. 8719. The ICC Act has mainly two purposes: 1) to criminalize crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) under the Korean domestic law and 2) to provide legal basis for the surrender of the persons and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between South Korea and the ICC. For these purposes, the ICC Act provides crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and offenses against the administration of justice as punishable crimes under this Act. The ICC Act allows the Korean Extradition Act and Korean Act on Mutual Legal Assistance in criminal matters (MLAT) to be applied with relevant modifications in the cases of the surrender of the persons between the ICC and South Korea and MLAT between the ICC and South Korea respectively. The author thinks that the ICC Act criminalizes all crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC under Korean domestic law and provides penalties for each crimes enough to fulfill the obligation of the State Party to the Rome Statute. With respect to cooperation with the ICC, the ICC Act may be the legal basis for the South Korea to surrender of the persons to the ICC and to give legal assistance in criminal matters to the ICC even though the South Korean government should take due diligence in the special character of the cooperation between the ICC and a State Party to the ICC Statute.

      • KCI등재

        요대 사환한 발해인들의 지향(指向) 검토

        박순우 고구려발해학회 2019 고구려발해연구 Vol.65 No.-

        Examined in this article are the lives of Balhae people (refugees or their descendants) who were initially forced to relocate to the inland of the Khitan Liao state, yet then either recruited by the Liao authorities or decided themselves to serve the Liao government. The number of Balhae people who served the Khitans as governmental officials was of course lower than that of the Balhae people who later served the Jurchens within the Chin government, but the former’s paths and careers were equally diverse with the latter. Admittedly their political status was unstable when they began to serve in the local Dong’ran-guk(東丹國) government and the Donggyeong-do(東京道) province in the early days of Liao rule. But as time passed, some of those Balhae people, acknowledged by the Khitan officials for their cooperation to the Liao government, eventually managed to escape the boundaries of their previous stations to either serve as local officials in other local capitals such as Namgyeong(南京) and Junggyeong(中京) provincial, or finally enter the central government, expanding their range of operations as well as areas of their service. Of course, there were other Balhae people who refused to cooperate with the Liao rule. Some of them instead surrendered to the Chinese Han authorities in regions above the Yellow river(such as Later Ju/後周 and Song/宋), and build a new life there for themselves. 이 논문은 발해국 멸망 후 요 내지로 천사(遷徙)된 발해인들 중 요에 포섭돼 요의 관인으로 살아간 발해인들의 행적을 검토한 논문이다. 요대에 사환(仕宦)한 발해인 출신 관인은 금대(金代)에 비하면 적은 수이지만, 다양한 행적과 지향은 금대와 별반 다르지 않았다. 다만 요 초기 동란국(東丹國)과 동경도(東京道)의 외관(外 官)으로 활동하던 시기의 발해인들의 정치적 입지는 불안하였다. 그러나 시간이 지나며 몇몇 발해인들은 요지배체제에 협력하면서 동경도의 외관을 벗어나 중앙의 정치무대에서 활동하거나, 남경(南京)과 중경(中京) 등지의 외관을 역임하는 것에서 요 전기에 비해 발해인들의 활동 분야와 지역이 확대되고 있음을 확인하였다. 한편 이들과 달리 요의 지배체제를 거부하고 화북의 한족 정권(後周-宋)에 내투(來投)하여 새로운 곳에서삶을 개척하려한 발해인도 적지 않았음이 확인되었다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        일본학 : 木戶孝允과 아이즈(曾津)전후처리

        심기재 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2013 일본연구 Vol.20 No.-

        本稿は、明治元年に起こった東北戰爭の最大激戰であった會津戰後處理、つまり降伏人の北海道移住開拓事業と關連して新政府指導者の一人である木戶孝允の認識と政治的努力を考察したものである。‘朝敵``會津再藩は東北戰爭發端の主犯と目され、同年12月の處分で滅藩し、藩主以下家臣及び一般藩士(降伏人)は斬首ないし諸藩での永御預けとなった。會津處分に深く關わった木戶は、處分は君臣の罪をおかした公的な罪を問うたもので、けっして私的な感情でなされたものではなつかたことを强調し、皇國の民になった降伏人の可哀想な事情を同情し、彼らに見舞金を渡したこともあった。しかし、そうした一時的な措置だけでは謹愼中の降伏人に對する根本策にならないと判斷した木戶は、北海道などの地域に彼らを移住開拓させ生活を救濟し、さらにロシアの南下からも北海道をも防備しようとする目的で、元年後半期から政治的同伴者である大村議次郞(軍務官副知事)をはじめとした要路に自らの構想を提案した結果、翌年2月軍務官とともに降伏人の北海道への移住開拓と、その他の地域選定を受け持って推進せよと命令された。これで降伏人處理は從來の委託諸藩中心から木戶·軍務官中心に移され、北海道と斗南藩へ家族含みの降伏人12000·5000余名をそれぞれ移住させ開拓に從事させるという木戶構想が、6月上旬頃までは軍務官との協調の下でうまく進まれるように見えた。しかし7月官制改革という政局變化の中で北海道開拓專管の開拓使が新設され、ともすれば兵部省擔當の降伏人移住開拓事業も開拓使に移管されるかもしれない狀況に追い迂まれた。これに木戶は開拓放棄を撤回するよう大村を說得する一方、友好的な三條·大외、そして伊藤·井上らの長州派に新政府政策の一貫性の不在を批判し、なお開拓事業維持と關連して協調を賴 んだ。それから管掌變更推進の當事者と目された大久保に强く抗議した末、北海道移住開拓事業を元の狀態に取り廬すことができた。しかしながら、管轄をめぐるつばぜりあいで事業延期はやむなくなり規模も當初より大幅に縮小され、代わりに斗南藩の新設とそこへの降伏人の大擧移住がなされた。要するに、會津戰後處理上の降伏人の北海道移住開拓事業は、明治元年春以來、北海道開拓に關心を持ち續けていた木戶により降伏人の生活救濟·北海道開拓·北方防備という目的で構想され、木戶自身と大村が實權をもっていた軍務官(兵部省)の政治的努力が管轄爭いにもかかわらず一部實を結んだ。

      • KCI등재

        귀화인 金忠善(沙也可)의 생애와 역사문화콘텐츠로의 재현 사례

        박경하(Kyoung-Ha Park) 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2015 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.19

        金忠善(沙也可)은 1592년(선조 25) 임진왜란 때 가토 기요마사(加藤淸正)의 선봉장으로 참전하였으나 곧 투항하여 일본군을 상대로 여러 차례 큰 공을 세워 선조로부터 김해 김씨 성과 충선이라는 이름을 하사받고 자헌대부에 올랐다. 가훈?향약 등을 마련하여 향리교화에 힘썼으며, 『모하당문집』을 남겼다. 조선에 투항한 金忠善(沙也可)은 조선의 입장에서는 충신이자 영웅이었지만 일본의 입장에서는 배신자, 매국노가 될 수밖에 없었다. 일제강점기 『慕夏堂文集』(1915)이 조선연구회에서 간행되었을 당시에도 일본학자들은 이와 같은 매국노가 동포 중에 있다는 사실만으로 유감의 극이라고 할 만큼 증오의 대상이 되기도 하였고, 김충선(사가야)의 일본에서의 기록이 불명확한 점을 들어 한국에서 조작해 낸 가공의 인물이라는 주장도 있었다. 그러나 1970년대 일본의 문호로 추앙받는 소설가 시바 료타로의 기행문이 출간되면서 분위기가 달라지기 시작했다. 그 후 김충선의 생애는 역사문화콘텐츠로 재현되어 일본과 한국에서 김충선을 주제로 한 역사소설들이 출간되기 시작했고, 일본과 한국의 방송에서도 김충선 관련 다큐멘터리를 방영하면서 재조명하는 계기가 되었다. 한일 양국의 교과서에도 김충선이 소개되었으며, 심지어 만화로 출간되기도 했다. 이 후 일본인 관광객들이 녹동서원과 한일우호관을 찾기 시작하면서 이곳은 새로운 한일관계를 정립하는 특별한 장소가 되었다. 사야가는 일본인으로 태어나 22년을 살았으며, 김충선이 되어 제2의 조국인 조선을 위하여 50년을 살다가 1642년 72세의 나이로 삶을 마감했다. 그리고 해마다 수만 명의 한국인과 일본인들이 대구광역시 달성군 가창면 우록동을 찾고 있으며, 한국과 일본에는 사야카 연구단체가 설립되었다. 그는 임진왜란 이후 400여 년 만에 평화주의자로 부활하고 있다. 결국 金忠善(沙也可)이 목숨을 걸고 싸운 것은 조선도 일본도 아니었다. 그것은 문명의 가치를 파괴하는 침략자들이었다. 그는 오늘날 시공을 초월해 한국과 일본이 과거의 갈등과 증오의 역사를 씻고 지향해야 할 바람직한 관계상을 보여주는 하나의 상징으로 자리매김하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        木戶孝允과 아이즈(會津) 전후처리

        심기재 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2013 일본연구 Vol.20 No.-

        本稿は、明治元年に起こった東北戦争の最大激戦であった会津戦後処理、つまり降伏人の北海道移住開拓事業と関連して新政府指導者の一人である木戸孝允の認識と政治的努力を考察したものである。'朝敵'会津藩は東北戦争発端の主犯と目され、同年12月の処分で滅藩し、藩主以下家臣及び一般藩士(降伏人)は斬首ないし諸藩での永御預けとなった。会津処分に深く関わった木戸は、処分は君臣の罪をおかした公的な罪を問うたもので、けっして私的な感情でなされたものではなっかたことを強調し、皇国の民になった降伏人の可哀想な事情を同情し、彼らに見舞金を渡したこともあった。しかし、そうした一時的な措置だけでは謹慎中の降伏人に対する根本策にならないと判断した木戸は、北海道などの地域に彼らを移住開拓させ生活を救済し、さらにロシアの南下からも北海道をも防備しようとする目的で、元年後半期から政治的同伴者である大村益次郎(軍務官副知事)をはじめとした要路に自らの構想を提案した結果、翌年2月軍務官とともに降伏人の北海道への移住開拓と、その他の地域選定を受け持って推進せよと命令された。これで降伏人処理は従来の委託諸藩中心から木戸ㆍ軍務官中心に移され、北海道と斗南藩へ家族含みの降伏人12000ㆍ5000余名をそれぞれ移住させ開拓に従事させるという木戸構想が、6月上旬頃までは軍務官との協調の下でうまく進まれるように見えた。 しかし7月官制改革という政局変化の中で北海道開拓専管の開拓使が新設され、ともすれば兵部省担当の降伏人移住開拓事業も開拓使に移管されるかもしれない状況に追い込まれた。これに木戸は開拓放棄を撤回するよう大村を説得する一方、友好的な三条ㆍ大隈、そして伊藤ㆍ井上らの長州派に新政府政策の一貫性の不在を批判し、なお開拓事業維持と関連して協調を頼んだ。それから管掌変更推進の当事者と目された大久保に強く抗議した末、北海道移住開拓事業を元の状態に取り戻すことができた。しかしながら、管轄をめぐるつばぜりあいで事業延期はやむなくなり規模も当初より大幅に縮小され、代わりに斗南藩の新設とそこへの降伏人の大挙移住がなされた。要するに、会津戦後処理上の降伏人の北海道移住開拓事業は、明治元年春以来、北海道開拓に関心を持ち続けていた木戸により降伏人の生活救済ㆍ北海道開拓ㆍ北方防備という目的で構想され、木戸自身と大村が実権をもっていた軍務官(兵部省)の政治的努力が管轄争いにもかかわらず一部実を結んだ。

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