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        『토지』에 나타난 대칭성과 비대칭성

        권유리야(Kwon, Juria) 국어국문학회 2015 국어국문학 Vol.- No.172

        본고는 『토지』가 구현하는 세계를 ‘전체세계’의 개념으로 요약한다. 전체세계는 특정할 수 있는 구체성의 세계가 아니라, 인격성과 비인격성 등 한 세계가 존재하기 위해 필요한 모든 요소의 총합이다. 즉 어느 특정한 힘에 의해 좌우되는 일(一)의 원리가 아니라, 내부의 다양한 힘들의 상호충돌을 통해서 스스로 운행을 이어가는 자족적이고 자발적이고 완전한 공간이다. 이때 전체세계는 내부의 에너지가 순환할 수 있도록, 모든 영역이 불안전한 상태에서 충돌하는 다(多)의 원리를 존재론적 속성으로 갖는다. 다(多)의 원리를 구현하는 기제가 바로 ‘대칭성’이다. 대칭성은 완벽하게 균형이 맞추어진 상태가 아니다. 균형을 맞추기 위하여 에너지들이 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 움직이는 과정 자체가 대칭성이다. 이 대칭성 속에는 포괄할 수 없는 양극단을 포괄하는 전체성, 그리고 이 극단을 끊임없이 오가면서 만들어내는 운동성의 개념이 내재해 있다. 본고는 이 대칭성의 개념으로 『토지』에서 벌어지는 역병과 아귀적인 탐욕, 그리고 불륜과 소문을 신의 부재가 아니라 오히려 신의 의지가 적극적으로 개입하는 대칭성의 성취로 평가한다. 그리하여 본고는 『토지』를 ‘대칭성에서 비대칭성으로 회귀하는 과정’의 대서사로 규정한다. 이를 위해 대칭성을 신화적 대칭성과 야생적 대칭성으로 나누어 고찰한다. ‘신화적 대칭성’은 ‘역병 탐욕’과 같은 ‘비인격적 요소가 세계 구성의 주체’로 기능한다는 점을 포착한다. 세계는 인간만이 구성하는 것이 아니며, 비인격적인 힘도 인간의 힘과 동일한 가치로 전체세계를 움직이는 동력이라는 사실을 신화적 대칭성의 개념으로 연구한다. 신화적 대칭성이 전체세계의 구성주체를 거시적 입장에서 논의한 것이라면, ‘야생적 대칭성’은 불륜남녀의 미시적 관계 속에서 야생적 사유가 내재함을 고찰한다. 세계는 존재의 불충분성에 의해서 에너지의 순환이 시작된다는 점을 ‘파격적인 불륜관계’와 그리고 이 불륜의 이야기를 다양하게 퍼트리는 ‘소문’의 다의성을 통해 확인한다. 불륜과 소문의 내부에는 정체를 확정할 수 없는 결핍과 잉여의 특징이 이율배반적으로 내재해 있는데, 이를 통해 세계가 새롭게 균형을 잡아나가는 야생적 대칭성이 구현된다는 점을 고찰한다. 그러나 아쉽게도 『토지』의 이러한 성취는 소설 후반부로 가면서 ‘합법성과 공적자아 만들기’에 몰두하면서 그간 쌓아올렸던 대칭성이 좌절되어 비대칭성의 상태로 회귀하는 한계를 밝혔다. 이런 한계에도 불구하고 『토지』가 세계가 신화적 야생적 대칭성의 관점을 보여준 의미는 적지 않다. 서사의 내적 지형을 인간적 개념에서 전체세계의 개념으로 확장하고, 세계에서 벌어지는 수많은 혼란을 비정상이 아니라, 지극히 정상적인 세계 운행의 원리로 보고 있는 것은 분명 『토지』가 보여준 심도 있는 발견이다. 전체의 시선으로 보면 세계는 언제나 완전하고 자족적인 대칭성의 세계라는 것을 보여준 『토지』의 가치는 크다. This paper did not viewed Land which has a revulsionary ages background as the age of snafu which the god is absent but rather as the age of symmetry which the god actively try to intervene and balance. Thus finding chance of symmetry in the chaos and Land going back to the asymmetry because of legality, symmetry is discussed with frustrated process. With reference to symmetry, disease like cholera is symbolized with Family of Choe Champan and it becomes a chance, which realigns whole world, of a mythical symmetry. Human society has a chance which turns a stable asymmetry into a unstable feral symmetry through rumor and affair. But in the latter half, characters are absorbed in making public ego and they seek no longer symmetry. This is losing the former wild view which looks at the world because Land has aim, reconciliation and forgivenness and because the world is narrow with human ethics, only national and love. Finally, Land doesn’t stick to a symmetrica will which gives body to the world which is alive squirmingly, to one’s regret, in the latter half, it ends by textbook symmetrica enlightenment which assure only human ethical value. Despite of this limitation, Land gives many meaning which presents the point of view of symmetry of myth and wildness which are conducted without any required by ethical value which the world and human society defines. The principle which operates the world is not a human code of ethics but mobile energy which flows from surplus to lack. Partially, while is description of surplus or lack, if you see it with entire view, discovery that the world is always flowing towardes symmetry is important. Without nation, when time of a sudden change comes, the view that a mythical and wild energe of symmetry is erupted willbe possible because of Land.

      • KCI등재

        Notes on the Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm

        Kwon, Kiyang(권기양) 새한영어영문학회 2018 새한영어영문학 Vol.60 No.4

        In this paper, we will show that the Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm can account for properties of copular sentences, the effect of *{t, t} constraint proposed by Narita (2015), and focus movement properties of Kirundi inversion structures. The Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm involves two assumptions. First, conceptual-intentional interface does not allow the symmetry structures created by Merge at narrow syntax. Second, movement is triggered by the necessity to preserve the conceptual-intentional interface with asymmetry structures. That is, movement is required to break the symmetry structures created by Merge at narrow syntax. To capture the empirical evidence of the Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm, we will suggest that the Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm can explain the phenomena of copular sentences in English and Italian, the effect of *{t, t} constraint in Narita (2015), and the motivation of focus movement in Kirundi inversion structures with the symmetry configuration.

      • KCI등재후보

        수치분석을 통한 한반도 주먹도끼 대칭성 연구

        이형우 ( Hyeong Woo Lee ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2011 지역과 세계 Vol.35 No.2

        주먹도끼의 형식과 형태의 규정과 관련된 주요 속성 중의 하나인 대칭성에 대한 수치적인 접근을 시도하였다. 대칭성의 정도를 유물간·유적간 파악하기 위해서는 시각적인 판단 이외에도 이를 수치화 시키는 작업이 요구된다. 이러한 일련의 고찰을 위해서 주먹도끼의 대칭성을 정확하고 효율적으로 바라볼 수 있는 다양한 연구방법을 검토하였다. 그리고 현실적으로 적용 가능한 연구방법을 선택하여 한반도 주요유적에서 출토된 주먹도끼에 적용하였다. 산출된 수치값을 토대로 주먹도끼 대칭성의 특징을 시간, 석재종류, 석재 형태의 측면에서 고찰하였다. 이러한 결과를 통해서 주먹도끼의 대칭성은 세부적으로는 시간, 석재나 블랭크 형태에 따라서 일부 달라질 수도 있으나, 근본적인 대칭성의 개념은 크게 변화되지 않고 유지되고 있음이 밝혀졌다. The importance of symmetry design has been debated on the basis of artefacts handaxes. The handaxes are indeed the long lasting Palaeolithic bifacially worked core tools which imposed bilateral symmetrical design. After 1.4 million years ago, the handaxes had been made in many places in the Old World. Not only the wide range of time and space, but also the hominids made such type of artefacts very diverse; from the Homo erectus and Homo ergaster to even possibly later species. The study of handaxes initiates from finding the typological and chronological frame works, and then proceeding to verify the functional and environmental aspects. Recently many authors have focused on the issue of the form of symmetry (R. Thornhill and S. Gansfield 1999; T. Wynn 2002; M. Kohn and S. Mithen 1999; S. Mithen 2006; A. Machin et al. 2007). Most debates consider that the fine symmetrical design is not always for the actual working efficiency. Because the importance of handaxe symmetry has arisen, various quantifying methods have been introduced. In the 1990`s, T. Wymer and F. Tierson(1990) pioneered a study, assessing handaxe symmetry by adopting a statistical test called the VARIMAX rotation test. After assessing 22 points on the outline of handaxes (these are coordinately made from the mid-point to the outline), this data is applied to test the hypothesis (whether each group of handaxes are different or not). Modified and advanced testing for the handaxe symmetry was introduced by I. Saragusti, I. Sharon, O. Katzenelson, D. Avnir(1998). Basically their idea is come from H. Zabrodsky, S. Peleg, D. Avnir (1995). Previously (T. Wynn and F. Tierson 1990) is only for letting know about a simple difference such as same or not. But later it was for actually measuring the tendency of symmetry. It is called the CSM (Continuous Symmetry Measure). However, it also has a drawback, since it evaluates dots (points) on the outline, less dots make less accuracy of symmetry. In addition, human error can possibly happen when measuring, except for digitalizing the data. However a newly introduced method called ``flip test`` which can make precise measurements with the help of digital formulation, and eliminate many drawbacks which the present author mentions. For testing the degree of symmetry, more than 130 handaxes including surface collections have been analyzed. Applied artifact groups (sites) do not have the same context; their chronology, the used raw materials and blank shapes are rather varied. The present author tries to argue that the degree of symmetry is not strongly correlated with any contexts described. In general, the tendency of ubiquitous is observed from the handaxes.

      • KCI등재

        과학적 대칭성에 대한 이론적 고찰 및 과학교육에의 함의

        배경석,손연아,오준영 대한지구과학교육학회 2023 대한지구과학교육학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        This study aims to provide a theoretical examination of symmetry and its implications for science education. For this purpose, first, we examined the way of thinking of Western science in general through ancient Greek scholars. Second, we divided the perception of symmetry into ancient and modern times. Third, we draw out the implications for science education. The results of this study show that, first, the way of thinking in Western science is 'abstraction', which began with Parmenides and was established by Plato. Second, the ancient perception of symmetry is symmetry as beautiful proportions and harmony based on abstraction, and the modern perception of symmetry is symmetry as an invariant perspective based on abstraction that seeks to find constancy in change. We examined Eratosthenes' experiment to measure the circumference of the earth as an example of ancient symmetry, and Galilean relativity or transformation as examples of modern symmetry. Third, the implications for science education are as follows. Awareness of symmetry can help educate students about the nature of science, as it is a central theme that runs through ancient and modern science. Second, the Eratosthenes’ experiment and Galilean relativity or transformations are not represented in the 2022 revised curriculum, but could support understanding of science and key competencies and concepts. Finally, an integrated approach to science education centered on symmetry can have a positive impact on scientific attitudes and interest. 본 연구는 대칭성에 대해 이론적으로 고찰하고 이 의 과학교육적 함의를 도출하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이 를 위해 첫째, 고대 그리스 학자들을 통해 일반적인 서 양 과학의 사유방식을 살펴보았다. 둘째, 대칭성에 대 한 인식을 고대와 근현대로 나누어 살펴보았다. 셋째, 이에 대한 과학교육적 함의를 도출하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 서양 과학의 사유방식은 파르메니데스에 서 시작되어 플라톤이 정립한 ‘추상화’이다. 둘째, 고 대의 대칭성 인식은 추상화를 기반으로 한 아름다운 비율과 조화로서의 대칭성, 근현대의 대칭성 인식은 변화에서 불변을 찾고자 했던 추상화를 기반으로 한 불변의 관점으로서의 대칭성이다. 그리고 고대의 대칭 성의 예시로서 에라토스테네스의 지구 둘레 측정 실험 에 대해 고찰하였으며, 근현대의 대칭성의 예시로서 갈릴레이 상대성 및 변환을 고찰하였다. 셋째, 이에 따 른 과학교육적 함의는 다음과 같다. 대칭성에 대한 인 식은 고대부터 근현대 과학을 관통하는 핵심주제라는 관점에서 과학의 본성 교육에 도움이 될 수 있다. 둘 째, 에라토스테네스 지구 둘레 측정 실험과 갈릴레이 상대성 및 변환의 경우 2022 개정 교육과정에는 제시 되어 있지 않지만 과학과 핵심역량 및 개념 이해에 도 움이 될 수 있다. 마지막으로, 대칭성을 중심으로한 통 합적 접근으로의 과학교육은 과학적 태도와 흥미에 긍 정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다.

      • Research on Online Reviews Diagnosis’ Effects on Perceptual Information Symmetry


        Background/Objectives: In this thesis, an empirical study was conducted on consumers’ diagnosis on online reviews in the process of purchasing. Methods/Statistical analysis: In order to verify the viewpoint of this research, this study chooses consumers who have the experience of searching online reviews as the research object, collects data based on a questionnaire from 64 men and 61 women and uses Smart PLS to verify the structural model. Findings: The results of this research are as follows: first, the review diagnosticity sufficiency has positive (+) effects on perceptual information symmetry. Second, the diagnosis on positive online reviews has positive (+) effects on perceptual information symmetry. Third, the diagnosis on negative online reviews has positive (+) effects on perceptual information symmetry. Improvements/Applications: The implications of this study are verifies the effects of the diagnosis of commodities’ online reviews, diagnosis of positive and negative online reviews on consumers’ perceptual information symmetry.

      • KCI등재

        에지의 위치와 방향의 복합적 사용을 통한 대칭축 검출기법

        구자영(Ja Young Koo) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2016 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.21 No.4

        Symmetry is everywhere in the world around us from galaxy to microbes. From ancient times symmetry is considered to be a reflection of the harmony of universe. Symmetry is not only a significant clue for human cognitive process, but also useful information for computer vision such as image understanding system. Application areas include face detection and recognition, indexing of image database, image segmentation and detection, analysis of medical images, and so on. The technique used in this paper extracts edges, and the perpendicular bisector of any two edge points is considered to be a candidate axis of symmetry. The coefficients of candidate axis are accumulated in the coefficient space. Then the axis of symmetry is determined to be the line for which the coefficient histogram has maximum value. In this paper, an improved method is proposed that utilizes the directional information of edges, which is a byproduct of the edge detection process. Experiment on 20 test images shows that the proposed method performs 22.7 times faster than the original method. In another test on 5 images with 4% salt-and-pepper noise, the proposed method detects the symmetry successfully, while the original method fails. This result reveals that the proposed method enhances the speed and accuracy of detection process at the same time.

      • KCI등재후보

        뇌졸중 환자의 체중지지 비대칭과 보행 대칭성의 관련성

        이용우 ( Yong Woo Lee ),신두철 ( Doo Chul Shin ),이경진 ( Kyoung Jin Lee ),이승원 ( Seung Won Lee ) 대한물리의학회 2012 대한물리의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between weight-supporting asymmetry and gait symmetry in patients with stroke. Methods Sixty two stroke patients with hemiplegia stood quietly with eye opens on a force platform to calculate weight-supporting asymmetry from vertical reaction force. The GAITRite was used to evaluate their gait parameters. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation. Results The results of this study was showed that the medio-lateral index (ML) was correlated with symmetry rate (SR), symmetry index (SI), and Gait asymmetry (GA) of step time and length but stronger correlation with spatial gait symmetry than temporal symmetry. In gait symmetry, step length has stronger correlation with weight-supporting asymmetry than step time. Conclusions The results of this study shows weight-supporting asymmetry was correlated with more spatial gait symmetry than temporal symmetry.

      • KCI등재

        뇌졸중 환자의 보행 대칭성과 기능적 균형 및 보행과의 상관관계 연구

        김중휘,Kim, Joong-Hwi 대한물리치료학회 2014 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of the present study was to understand the relationship between gait symmetry and functional balance, walking performance in stroke patients and to makes recommendation regarding the most suitable measure for standardization of expression of spatiotemporal gait symmetry. Methods: 45 subjects with stroke (31 men, 14 women, $57.3{\pm}10.3$ years old) participated in this study. Gait symmetry was calculated by equations of symmetry ratio (SR) and symmetry criterion (SC) for stance time, swing time, single leg support time (SLST), step length, and stride length. Spatiotemporal parameters were measured respectively by walkway system ($GAITRite^{TM}$ system). Limit of stability (LOS) by using forceplate (Balance Performance Monitor) during voluntary weight displacement and Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were measured as functional balance and Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and Functional Ambulation Category (FAC) were assessed as functional walking. Results: SR in stance time and swing time was correlation with BBS, TUG and FAC (p<0.05). SR in SLST only with BBS (p<0.01), SR in step length only with FAC (p<0.05). SC in stance time was correlation with BBS and TUG (p<0.05). SC in swing time and SLST with BBS, TUG and FAC (p<0.01), SC in step length with TUG and FAC (p<0.01), SC in stride length with BBS and FAC (p<0.01). Conclusion: Gait symmetry in spatiotemporal gait parameters provides meaningful information about functional balance and walking performance in stroke subjects. Our analysis may support the recommendations of the symmetry criterion as equation for standardization of gait symmetry.

      • KCI등재

        金東里 文學의 佛敎的 想像力 硏究 -對稱性 사고를 중심으로-

        이경재 한국어문교육연구회 2014 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.42 No.3

        Examination on relation of Buddhism and Kim Dong Ri up to now has focused on exploration of relation in terms of material and application of concept of Buddhism into works. Explanation on borrowing of Buddhistic theme such as eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth(samsara), previous life, punitive justice, belief and offering to Buddha is the concrete case. This study aims to explain the feature of view of the world that ap- peared in the novel of Kim Dong Ri based on the study performance up to now, with regard to Buddhism. For this purpose, we’ll examine Buddhistic imagination found in Kim Dong Ri literature focusing on the concept of symmetry suggested by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Nakajawa Shinichi. Core of Kim Dong Ri literature can be summarized into “Research on Form of essential Life and Overcoming”. “Research on Form of essential Life and Overcoming” is to recognize that there is organic relation between us and the world and to identify the fact that common destiny is granted with regard to this. “Common destiny found in organic relation” referred to by Kim Dong Ri is connected to the way that Buddihism thinks the entity and the whole as the symmetric thought. It was 「Seolgeo」 in 3 pieces(「Solgeo」(<Jokwang>, Aug. 1937), 「Ingyeoseol」(<Joseon Daily>, Dec. 8~24, 1938), 「Wan- miseol」(<Sentence>, Nov. 1939)) when Kim, Dong Ri showed Buddhistic thought in novel. This 3-piece novel describes big descriptive stream con- nected from non-symmetric thought to symmetric thought, and persistent trace of non-symmetric thought of the mundane world that could not be resolved. Narration of 「Seolgeo」 3 pieces shows ‘from non-symmetry to symmtry(「Bulhwa」)’-‘non-symmtry(Jeongwon)’-‘Symmetry(「Wanmiseol」)’ with regard to symmetric thought. 「Deongshinbul」(<Sasanggye>, Nov. 1961) directly shows basic position on Buddhism of author as clearly shown in the title or theme. The process that the hero, Manjeok in 「Deongshinbul」, became Deongshinbul is the process of attaining Buddhahood and attaining the world of complete symmetry beyond the non-symmetric thought. 「Kachi- sori」(『Modern Culture』, Oct. 1966) can be also understood with regard to symmetry. In this work, direct symmetric relation is established between nature and nature, human and nature, human and human. However, 「Kachi- sori」 is transcendental and mechanic different from previous work with regard to symmetry. The reason why behavior of Bongsu who murdered Youngsook, listening to the sound of magpie, despite several foreshadow and suggestion, seemed to be not persuasive, is the result that view of the world of the author is directly applied, which thinks that the world is based on symmetry, omitting the drama of the reality where symmetry and non- symmetry are connected. If that so, the Buddhistic thought may expose more complete form in the work, but the literary impression may reduce relatively. This problem of 「Kachisori」 can be also found in 「Snowy After- noon」(<Monthly Jungang>, Apr. 1969) and 「Jeseongsae」(<Korean Literature>, Dec. 1977) created after that. 지금까지 金東里와 佛敎의 關聯性을 밝히는 것은 素材的 차원에서의 반영 관계를 찾거나, 상식화 된 佛敎 개념이 작품 속에 적용되는 樣相을 탐구하는 모습을 보여주었다. 輪廻前生, 因果應報, 燒身供養 등의 佛敎的 소재 借用을 밝힌 것이 그 구체적 사례라 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 지금까지의 연구성과를 바탕으로 하여 金東里 소설에 나타난 세계관의 특징을 佛敎와 관련시켜 이해해보고자 한다. 이를 위해 레비 스트로스와 나까자와 신이치 등이 주장한 對稱性이라는 개념을 중심으로 하여 金東里 문학에 나타난 佛敎的 想像力을 살펴볼 것이다. 金東里 문학관의 핵심은 말할 것도 없이, ‘究竟的 생의 형식의 探究와 그 打開’로 요약된다. ‘究竟的 생의 형식의 탐구’는 ‘우리와 天地 사이에 有機的 관련이 있다는 것을 파악하고, 이와 관련하여 共通된 運命이 부여되어 있다는 사실을 발견’하는 것을 말한다. 金東里가 말하는 ‘有機的 관련 속에서 발견되는 공통된 운명’이야말로 對稱性 사고로서의 佛敎가 個體와 全體를 생각하는 방식과 연결되어 있다.

      • KCI등재

        문신의 조각과 프랙탈 시메트리 - ‘형(形)’에서 생명 모티프로

        이재걸 한국근현대미술사학회(구 한국근대미술사학회) 2019 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.37 No.-

        Moon Shin’s sculptures that their attitude originates from discovering the archetype and fundamentals of space from the minutest forms are widely known as the essence of a symmetrical structure. The symmetry of Moon Shin can be defined as a naturally repeated pattern where both symmetry and asymmetry coexist along with the acceptable differences that appear within the pattern, and instead of being biased to complete order or complete disorder, it is closer to the complex system that exists somewhere in between. Also, fractal geometry, which is based on the self-similarity of the motif and recursiveness, appears in such a complex system; in other words, the form where the repeated minute parts become similar to the whole. Within the organic and embryological shape of the fractal, although it seems that Moon Shin visualizes mathematical construction that presents clear results, it actually displays a nondeterministic attitude of the nonmathematical transformation and process. Fractal geometry that connotes complexity within simplicity and simplicity within complexity is something that can be easily found in nature, and it is the representative formative reasoning of the art of Moon Shin that attempts to realize the original reality of the world. Of course, his art may look like it pursues the joy generated from bilateral symmetry that conveys visual or psychological stabilization. It is also possible that people may consider his art merely to be of a decorative level to the extent of ‘the formalized beauty of symmetry’ or ‘crafted decalcomania’ without having any sort of philosophical awakening about the world and existence. However, since nature has a multi-fractal structure that includes both symmetry and asymmetry, there is no law that states that the ‘natural rhythm of nature’ should not resemble bilateral symmetry.In the same way that the lateral and upward symmetry can be found from almost all organisms including the human body, the symmetry of Moon Shin’s sculptures is not designed for symmetrical completeness. Such a result has accomplished its own ‘balance’ within the incompleteness of the life form, while at the same time it is the unique formative rhetoric regarding the phenomenon of life created from the ‘endless repetition of self-similarity and difference.’

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