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        네트워크 동등접근에 관한 一考

        이희정(Lee Hee Jung) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2011 경제규제와 법 Vol.4 No.1

        광대역망이 시민들의 모든 분야의 생활에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 사회기반시설이라는 점을 고려할 때, 망중립성 개념은 망에 대한 동등접근보장이라는 당위적 행동규범을 도출하는 규범적 대전제로서 의미가 있다. 현대 국가에서 일반 도로는 공물법 하에서 누구나 무상으로 접근 할 수 있고(접속점에서 자신의 차량을 얹는 형태), 원칙적으로 접근한 순서대로 이동하며, 예외적인 유료도로에도 차량유형별로 동등한 요금으로 접근할 수 있다. 즉, 도로라는‘망’의 이용에 대해서는 중립성의 원칙이 적용되어 왔다. 동시에 그 중립성에도 불구하고, 도로의 기능 유지를 위해 필요한 범위에서 그 이용에 대한 다양한 규제를 도입하여 왔으며, 그 결과 이용자 간에 도로에 대한 동등접근은 도로법, 도시교통정비촉진법에 의한 수요관리, 도로교 통법에 의한 도로이용자 상호간의 질서유지를 위한 규제 등에 의해 다양한 모양으로 수정되어 왔다. 한편, 오늘날 인터넷은 기존의 음성통화나 데이터통화를 대체 또는 확장하는 새로운 그러나 보편화되고 있는 통신수단으로서, 국민의 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ사회ㆍ문화생활에서의 중요성이 커지고 있고, 최근의 기술발전에 따라 그 비중은 더욱 커지고 있다. ‘공물’이나‘사회기반시설’의 개념은 모두 그 소유권에 상관없이 그 이용의 목적 또는 기능을 기준으로 성립되는 개념이라는 점을 생각하면, 통신서비스의 공급이 민영화, 자유화를 거쳐 시장에서 경쟁하는 기업들에게 맡겨진다 해서, 그 망의‘공공용 목적’내지‘사회기반시설’로서의 의미가 감소되지는 않는다. 다만 사회기 반서비스로서의 공공성을 확보하는 방식 즉, 사회기반서비스에 대한 관한 거버넌스(governance) 구조와 방식이 달라지는 것이다. 따라서 도로에 대한 시민의 접근가능성이 원칙적으로 중립적으로 보장되듯이 광대역망에 대한 접근도 중립적으로 보장되어야 한다. 그러나 도로의 원활한 소통을 위해 필요한 최소한의 제한을 하듯이, 새로운 어플리케이션(application)이나 콘텐츠(contents)의 증가로 광대역망이 포화상태에 이르러 원활한 기능 수행이 어려워지면, 이에 대해 광대역망 사업자는 필요한 이용규제를 할 수 있어야 할 것이다. 이 경우 민간기업인 통신사업자에게 그러한 권한을 어떤 방식으로 수권하고, 그 권한 행사를 어떻게 통제할 것인지를 정하여야 한다. One of the methods to understand a new phenomenon is to apply it into a familiar framework through which existing phenomena are understood. Discussions around ‘Equal access to communications network’ and ‘network neutrality’ in the US remind us the issues raised about ‘road.’ Communications network and roads share a number of similarities. Both are used to transfer something and that anyone can put their own vehicles or contents. Roads and communications network put a capacity cap. Underground or ground space is needed to construct new roads and communications network. Wireless network also exclusively occupies invisible bandwidth. At the same time, both should be offered to the general public as important SOCs. Two important differences between roads and communications network: first, communications network are laid and operated in areas that are not well visible and it is connected with invisible radio waves unlike visibly connected and laid roads. Then, transparency is a prerequisite for setting standard of reasonable discrimination. Second, from legal and regulatory perspectives, since privatization and competitive market the quality and pricing of network services rely on business decision makings by individual companies. Expectation held by the general public, however, would be similar both for communications network and physical roads. Another important factor that has contributed to the public expectation is the characteristics of the Internet that have been witnessed over the years. The Internet has proved its openness and neutrality based on its open architecture, and they are similar to those of roads. There are various regulations on the use of road based on the statutes. Vehicle passages are restricted when necessary in order to preserve road structures and to prevent risks associated with passage. The authorities can also exercise their legal right to measure cargo loads at certain points on road to limit the passage of overload vehicles. Also, vehicle-only lane or exclusive zones can be designated to prohibit vehicle passages for ‘roads of which traffic has significantly exploded hampering effective traffic flow or for part of roads to ensure smooth traffic flow. On the broadband such reasonable discrimination can be imposed on the uses when it can be justified by the needs to protect the function of network. Necessary legal standards can be benchmarked from the regulation of road use.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation Criteria for Road Networks in Residential Areas

        하오근,박동주,이강대,원재무 대한토목학회 2011 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.15 No.7

        The objective of this study is to identify evaluation criteria for evaluating residential area road networks. To this end, existing studies regarding urban plan paradigms, neighborhood road network designs and road network evaluation criteria are reviewed,leading to the selection through first and second expert questionnaire surveys of 42 road network evaluation criteria. The road network evaluation criteria were divided into interregional road networks and regional road networks. To derive the evaluation criteria, the former were divided into motorways (main roads and auxiliary main roads) and public transportation, while the latter were divided into motorways (distributed roads, local roads), pedestrian ways and bicycle ways. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)analysis of the weighted values of the evaluation criteria revealed the regional road networks to be more important than the interregional road networks, and the eco-friendly transportation networks such as pedestrian ways and bicycle ways to be more important than others. The road network evaluation criteria were divided into quantitative and qualitative indicators, and the methods for their scoring were presented by considering the characteristics of each evaluation criterion. Finally, the practicality of these evaluation criteria was investigated with a case study that examined a residential area redevelopment project of the “Jeonnong ·dapshim-ri rearrangement promotion”. In the evaluation of the road networks before and after implementation of the development project, the evaluation scores of the interregional road networks did not show any significant differences, while the evaluation scores of regional road networks did. This result indicated that the conditions of the regional road networks, including motorways (distributed roads, local roads), were considerably improved by the case region development project.

      • Network Centrality and Road Freight Efficiency: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of South Korea’s Transport Regions

        Zhen Wu,오진호 한국무역학회 2024 Journal of Korea trade Vol.28 No.2

        Purpose - The purpose of this research is to investigate the road freight efficiency in 15 regions of South Korea using a super-efficiency SBM model and to understand the role of network centrality in influencing this efficiency. It aims to analyze how in-degree and out-degree centrality within the road freight network impacts the efficiency of road freight and how these effects manifest spatially across different regions. Design/Methodology – The study applied a super-efficiency Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) model to evaluate the efficiency of road freight across various regions. It incorporated two indices, in-degree and out-degree centrality, to measure the network centrality of regions within the road freight network. Furthermore, it utilized the Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) to decompose and analyze the direct and indirect effects of network centrality on road freight efficiency, considering different spatial weight matrix. Findings – The study found that road freight efficiency in a region positively correlates with its centrality within the road transport network, indicating regions that are central to the network tend to utilize their inputs more effectively and improve transport efficiency. It also discovered positive spillover effects of network centrality, suggesting that a region’s central role in the network benefits not only itself but also adjacent regions. Originality/value - The research is valuable for its application of the super-efficiency SBM and SDM models to the context of road transport networks in South Korea, a relatively underexplored area in transportation studies. It contributes original insights into the spatial dynamics of road freight efficiency, emphasizing the role of network centrality and its variable effects across different regions.

      • KCI등재

        Network Theory and China`s “The Belt & Road” Strategy with the Fusion of “Community of Human Destiny”

        김현정 ( Hyun Jung Kim ),두보 ( Bo Tu ) 한국세계지역학회 2017 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.35 No.1

        본 논문에서는 네트워크권력이론을 통해 중국정부가 발표한 인류운명공동체 개념하의 일대일로 전략을 분석하였다. 본고에서는 최근 중국은 네트워크 권력정치를 통해 새로운 패권경쟁 전략을 구사하고 있음을 시진핑이 양회에서 설명한 인류운명공동체론과 신창타이 시대 일대일론 전략을 통해 어떻게 결합하여 구사되고 있는지 설명하였다. 더불어 중파경제회랑과 중몽러경제회랑에 대한 분석을 통해 중국정부의 경제회랑건설 목적 및 회랑건설과정에서 자신의 세가지 네트워크 권력을 실현하고 있음을 분석하였다. 본 논문의 결론은 첫 번 째, 인류운명공동체이념을 융합한 일대일로전략을 통해 중국은 지역네트워크의 강한 노드로 부상하였으며, 두 번 째, 일대일로전략을 통해 중국은 주변국가과의 협력, 즉 상호 상승공생(win-win)할 수 있는 관계를 형성함으로써 수탈적패권방식을 피하고 있다. 마지막으로 일대일로는 네트워크 내 노드(즉 국가)간의 관계를 견고히 하며, 새 노드의 가입을 흡인하고, 네트워크의 속성을 변화시킴과 동시에 지역 네트워크 간 연계를 추진함으로써 자국의 네트워크 권력을 강화시키고 있다. China chairman Xi Jinping advocated “Community of human destiny” and applied it to China government`s international cooperation. China government put forward “The Belt and Road” strategy in the year 2013 in order to promote outer regional cooperation as well. This strategy mainly consists of 6 economic corridors. China-Pakistan corridor and China-Mongolia-Russia corridor are two of them, while the first one is in full operation, and the second one is about to launch. AIIB and “The Silk Road Fund” will be supportive to these corridors. China`s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, has led to global society`s enthusiastic discussion. David Sing Grewal`s “Network Power Theory” used network power to explain globalization, this theory divides global network into elements such as networks, nodes, relationship between nodes etc. This paper sought to use network power related theories to explain China`s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, and the results are as follows: ① China is the designer and main node of The Belt and Road. And this strategy makes China one of the strongest “Middle Power”, meanwhile helps China play a better role in global society. ② China has applied “Community of human destiny” to The Belt and Road network. This idea indicates China`s goal is to encourage other countries to stand together, to work together, and to gain together. The way of China to obtain “position power” is not by hegemony, but win-win strategy. ③ The Belt and Road network strategy is a dynamic complex network, it does not only strengthen connections between nodes, but also attracts new members to join in, what`s more The Belt and Road network can promote more advanced networks` formation and development.

      • 最適林道配置 및 集材機能을 考廬한 林道配置網 評價

        朴相俊,裵相泰 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2001 慶北大農學誌 Vol.19 No.-

        향후 林道事業과 林道配置網 計劃에 基礎資料를 제공코자 현재 開設되어 있는 林道를 중심으로 林道開設費에 대한 投資效果를 최대로 하는 最適林道配置 및 集材機能을 고려한 林道配置網을 評價하였다. 1. 適定 林道密度 및 林道延長距離를 計算 比較한 結果, 各 調査地의 流域別 旣設 林適密度가 이론적으로 計算한 林道密度보다 작았으며 앞으로 좀더 많은 林道開設이 필요하였다. 2. 投資效果를 最大로 하는 林道路線配置法에 의해 計算한 林道配置網과 旣設의 林道配置網을 比較分析한 結果, 各 調査地에서 旣設의 林道網은 公道的 機能을 높이기 위한 林道網으로서 迂回率이 큰 林道路線網인 반면, 投資效果를 最大로 하는 林道配置網은 公道的 機能이 考慮되면서 林業的 機能이 고려된 集材機能이 높은 樹枝形狀의 林道網으로 配置되어 計劃區域에 골고루 配置되어 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 旣設의 林道配置網이 다소 集材機能的인 面과 林業的인 機能이 缺如된 林道配置網이라고 하겠으며 앞으로 좀더 投資效果와 集材機能을 考慮한 林道配置網計劃이 必要하겠다. 3. 各 調査地에 대한 平均 最大集材距離와 平均 集材可能面積이 旣設 林道網과 計算에 의한 林道配置網에 대한 水平距離와 斜距離別 平均 最大集材距離와 平均 集材可能面積이 다르다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 最大集材水平距離를 동일하게 適用했을 경우, 旣設 林道網과 計算結果 林道網의 平均 最大集材距離와 平均 集材可能面積이 다르다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 旣設 林道網을 기준으로 最大集材距離를 동일하게 適用했을 경우도 最大集材距離를 水平距離와 斜距離로 구별했을 때에 平均 最大集材距離와 平均 集材可能 面積이 다르다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 林道配置를 가능하면 山陵線이나 山腹을 중심으로 配置하는 것이 效果的이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 旣設의 林道와 計算하여 配置한 林道의 集材距離別 平均 集材可能面積, 集材面積率의 水平距離와 斜距離의 총 평균값도 차이가 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 이를 볼 때, 旣設의 林道보다는 投資效果를 最大로 하는 林道配置網이 林業的 機能과 集材機能的인 面에서 더욱 效率的이고 最大集材距離를 水平距離보다 斜距離로 計算했을 경우가 集材可能面積이 작으므로 林道配置網을 가능하면 山腹과 山陵線을 중심으로 配置하는 것이 集材機能을 더욱 높일 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 앞으로 林道路線配置計 劃時에 가능하면 集材機能을 考慮하여 集材可能 面積을 크게 할 수 있도록 林道路線網을 構築할 필요가 있겠다. 4. 現在 開設되어 있는 林道路線이 山稜線部, 山腹部, 溪谷部中 어느 구역을 중심으로 開設되어 있는지를 評價하기 위해 林道路線의 位置를 調査한 結果, 旣設의 林道路線이 대부분 山腹部와 溪谷部 중심으로 配置되어 있었으며, 旣設의 林道網이 集材機能이 다소 결여된 林道配置網이므로 향후 좀더 集材作業시스템을 考慮한 林道路線配置가 要望된다. This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for prospective forest-road project and forest-road network arrangement through appraising existing forest-road network with density, extension distance, maximum yarding distance and yarding aiea, position of forest-road line considered above foundation of two theories, one is "theory of optimal forest-road density" which has expense for yarding cost and constructing forest-road minimized, the other is "theory of optimal forest-road arrangement" which has investment effect maximized. The results are as follows. 1. In density and extension distance of the forest-road by site, it was showed up that density of existing forest-road is lower than that of calculated forest-road. So, it is thought that some additional forest-roads have to be constructed. 2. In the arrangement of the forest-road network by site, it was showed up that the arrangement of calculated forest-road is higher than that of existing forest-road arrangement for the forestry and yarding function. So, it is thought that the arrangement of forest-road network have to be considered to-maximize the investment effect. 3. In "mean maximum distance for yarding" and "mean area which yarding can be done" by horizontal and inclined distance, the existing forest-road networks were different from those of calculated forest-road network. So, calculated forest-road network making investment effect maximize is more effective than existing forest-road network. Hence, in prospective forest-road project, it is needed that forest-road network having "area which yarding can be done" maximized through considering function for yarding have to be constructed.

      • 最適林道配置 및 集林機能을 考慮한 林道配置網 評價

        朴相俊,裵相泰 慶北大學校農業科學技術硏究所 2001 慶北大農學誌 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for prospective forest-road project and forest-road network arrangement through appraising existing forest-road network with density, extension distance, maximum yarding distance and yarding area, position of forest-road line considered above foundation of two theories, one is "theory of optimal forest-road density" which has expense for yarding cost and construction forest-road minimized, the other is "theory of optimal forest-road arrangement" which has investment effect maximized. The results are as follows. 1. In density and extension distance of the forest-road by site, it was showed up that density of existing forest-road is lower than that of calculated forest-road by site, it was showed up that density of existing forest-road is lower than that of calculated forest-road. So, it is thought that some additional forest-roads have to be constructed. 2. In the arrangement of the forest-road network by site, it was showed up that the arrangement of calculated forest-road is higher than that of existing forest-road arrangement for the forestry and yarding function. So, it is though that the arrangement of forest-road network have to be considered to maximize the investment effect. 3. In "mean maximum distance for yarding" and "mean area which yarding can be done" by horizontal and inclined distance, the existing forest-road networks were different from those of calculated forest-road network. So, calculated forest-road network making investment effect maximize is more effective than existing forest-road network. Hence, in prospective forest-road project, it is needed that forest-road network having "area which yarding can be done" maximized through considering function for yarding have to be constructed.

      • KCI등재


        김현정,두보 한국세계지역학회 2017 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.35 No.1

        本论文运用网络权力理论对中国政府在人类命运共同体理念下的一带一路战略构想进行了分析。首先在回顾网络权力理论和中国的网络权力的发展变化后,阐述了人类命运共同体的内涵和与网络权力理论的结合点,再以中巴经济走廊和中蒙俄经济走廊为例,说明了中国促进各个走廊建设的目的和中国在这些建设过程中实现网络权力的方法。本论文通过以上分析得出了中国将通过一带一路成为网络里的强有力中坚国家并将在国际社会发挥更大作用;融入了人类命运共同体理念的一带一路体现了中国同其它国家是一起发展双赢的友好合作关系而不是依靠霸权去损害它国利益;一带一路战略不仅能促进网络里的各国间关系更加牢固,还会吸引新的国家的加入,更能推动其它网络的构成和发展的结论。 China chairman Xi Jinping advocated "Communityofhumandestiny" and applied it to China government’s international cooperation. China government put forward "The Belt and Road" strategy in the year 2013 in order to promote outer regional cooperation as well. This strategy mainly consists of 6 economic corridors. China-Pakistan corridor and China-Mongolia-Russia corridor are two of them, while the first one is in full operation, and the second one is about to launch. AIIB and "The Silk Road Fund" will be supportive to these corridors. China’s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, has led to global society’s enthusiastic discussion. David Sing Grewal’s "Network Power Theory" used network power to explain globalization, this theory divides global network into elements such as networks, nodes, relationship between nodes etc. This paper sought to use network power related theories to explain China’s The Belt and Road strategy, with the fusion of Community of human destiny idea, and the results are as follows: ① China is the designer and main node of The Belt and Road. And this strategy makes China one of the strongest "Middle Power", meanwhile helps China play a better role in global society. ② China has applied "Communityofhumandestiny" to The Belt and Road network. This idea indicates China’s goal is to encourage other countries to stand together, to work together, and to gain together. The way of China to obtain "position power" is not by hegemony, but win-win strategy. ③ The Belt and Road network strategy is a dynamic complex network, it does not only strengthen connections between nodes, but also attracts new members to join in, what’s more The Belt and Road network can promote more advanced networks’ formation and development.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 중심성 지표를 활용한 서울시 상습침수지역에 위치한 도로 네트워크 중심성 특성 분석

        김경태,송재민 한국지역개발학회 2016 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        도로 기반시설은 시민들의 생활과 안전의 중추 역할을 수행한다. 하지만 최근 기후환경의 변화 등으로 인해 도로 기반시설의 안정성이 크게 위협받고 있다. 특히, 우리나라의 경우 1999년과 2008년 사이에 도로기반 시설과 관련된 물적 피해가 전체 피해액의 90%를 차지하고 있다. 따라서 지자체 및 국가 차원에서 도로 기반시설의 기능 유지 및 회복탄력성 증진이 주요한 정책 사안으로 등장하고 있다. 도로 네트워크는 노드와 링크, 즉 교차점과 도로로 이루어져 네트워크적 특성을 가지고 있다. 이에 있어 본 연구에서는 네트워크 이론의 주요 세 가지 중심성 지표, 즉 연결정도 중심성, 근접 중심성, 매개 중심성를 활용하여 서울시 상습침수지역 도로의 네트워크 특성을 비교 분석하고, 이를 바탕으로 서울시 도로 네트워크의 풍수해 취약성에 대한 함의를 이끌어내고자 한다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 우선 국내외 도시기반시설에 관련된 네트워크 이론을 검토하고, 다음으로 선행연구에 기반하여 도시의 안전과 기능유지에 중요한 역할을 하는 도로 네트워크의 중심성 분석을 위한 지표를 도출하며 마지막으로 서울시 생활권 별 및 침수 지역의 도로 네트워크를 대상으로 중심성을 도출하여 비교함으로서 상습침수지역의 도로 중심성 네트워크 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과 상습침수지역에 위치한 도로 네트워크의 경우 근접중심성이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 매개 중심성의 경우에도 0에 가까운 노드의 비율이 상대적으로 낮아 전체 도로에서 최단거리로 이동하는데 있어서 꼭 통과해야하는 중요한 도로인 경우가 많음을 알 수 있다. 상습침수지역중 매개 중심성 값이 높게 나타나는 도로 교차점들의 경우 해당 지역이 침수되었을 때 도로 네트워크 기능이 크게 저하될 수 있음을 시사하고 있어, 향후 해당 노드 및 도로에 대한 집중적인 관리와 대책이 필요하다. Road network is the backbone of the safety and livability of the human beings. However, the frequent extreme weather events are currently threatening its stability and resiliency. Between 1999 and 2008, the property loss in infrastructure related to roads account for 90% of the total loss in Korea. Thus, maintaining the function of the road network and increasing its resilience with the occurrence of any extreme weather events has become an important agenda at the national and local level. The road network consists of nodes and links, which are cross sections and streets respectively. In this research, we assess the vulnerability of the road network in Seoul towards flooding, using centrality indices in network theory. The centralities of the nodes in flood prone areas have been compared with those of general nodes in Seoul. The results demonstrate that the nodes in the flood prone areas tend to have higher centrality indices, implying their important and influential roles in the function of the overall road network. The results call for the immediate attention on the vulnerable roads in the management and operation of the road network in Seoul.


        A Clustering Scheme for Discovering Congested Routes on Road Networks

        Li, He,Bok, Kyoung Soo,Lim, Jong Tae,Lee, Byoung Yup,Yoo, Jae Soo The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2015 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.10 No.4

        On road networks, the clustering of moving objects is important for traffic monitoring and routes recommendation. The existing schemes find out density route by considering the number of vehicles in a road segment. Since they don’t consider the features of each road segment such as width, length, and directions in a road network, the results are not correct in some real road networks. To overcome such problems, we propose a clustering method for congested routes discovering from the trajectories of moving objects on road networks. The proposed scheme can be divided into three steps. First, it divides each road network into segments with different width, length, and directions. Second, the congested road segments are detected through analyzing the trajectories of moving objects on the road network. The saturation degree of each road segment and the average moving speed of vehicles in a road segment are computed to detect the congested road segments. Finally, we compute the final congested routes by using a clustering scheme. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme can efficiently discover the congested routes in different directions of the roads.

      • KCI등재

        A Clustering Scheme for Discovering Congested Routes on Road Networks

        He Li,Kyoung Soo Bok,Jong Tae Lim,Byoung Yup Lee,Jae Soo Yoo 대한전기학회 2015 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.10 No.4

        On road networks, the clustering of moving objects is important for traffic monitoring and routes recommendation. The existing schemes find out density route by considering the number of vehicles in a road segment. Since they don’t consider the features of each road segment such as width, length, and directions in a road network, the results are not correct in some real road networks. To overcome such problems, we propose a clustering method for congested routes discovering from the trajectories of moving objects on road networks. The proposed scheme can be divided into three steps. First, it divides each road network into segments with different width, length, and directions. Second, the congested road segments are detected through analyzing the trajectories of moving objects on the road network. The saturation degree of each road segment and the average moving speed of vehicles in a road segment are computed to detect the congested road segments. Finally, we compute the final congested routes by using a clustering scheme. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme can efficiently discover the congested routes in different directions of the roads.

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